UNDER THIRTY - Society of Manufacturing Engineers

UNDER THIRTY - Society of Manufacturing Engineers UNDER THIRTY - Society of Manufacturing Engineers


Ryan BoehmAge: 25Omax Corp.Kent, WARyan Boehm has worked at waterjet cuttingdeveloper Omax Corp. since October 2006when he joined the company as a researchassistant and waterjet operator. Since 2011,Ryan has worked there as an R&D mechanical engineer,designing experiments to evaluate technologiesand helping to write code for Omax’s Intelli-Visor monitoringsoftware platform released at IMTS 2012.A standout athlete in high school, Ryan was captainof his Bishop Garcia Diego High School football team inVentura, CA, where he also competed in wrestling andweightlifting. Ryan started out in manufacturing as amachinist at his grandfather’s company, Tricoss Inc., amanufacturer of springs and metal stampings in Ventura.After his freshman year in college, he worked as awaterjet operator at Trupart Mfg. in Ventura.Ryan earned a multidisciplinary degree with abachelor of sciences in Applied and ComputationalMath Sciences and a BA in European Studies at theUniversity of Washington in Seattle. “It was a multidisciplinarydegree, so there werea lot of different subjects that Iwas learning,” he said. “It wasnice to be able to learn the appliedmath side, physics and even electrical engineering—areally diverse program, I definitely recommendit to others.”When he’s not working, Ryan says he’s become kindof a true resident of the Pacific Northwest, going outcharter boat fishing for halibut in the ocean and findingtime for fishing the abundant rivers nearby Seattle.At Omax, Ryan’s work is partially research intomechanical aspects of the business but also involvesa lot of electrical and software development. Ryan firstgot interested in programming when he learned VisualBasic (VB) when he was 12 years old. “I was interested"I was the one that actually wrotethe code to make that function."UNDER THIRTYin video games, and I was actually a real tinkerer,”recalled Ryan, whose skills include using Visual Basic,Java, SuperCollider, Delphi, Assembly, C/C++, HTML,Matlab and Fortran 90, as well as analysis softwaresuch as Maple, JMPStats, LabView and QVI Laser.His work at Omax makes great use of his programmingskills, where he has assisted Dr. Axel Henningon projects involving waterjet controls, sensors andpump technologies. He’s designed circuitry on sensorcells and other projects, and also in developing Omax’sIntelli-Visor monitoring software.“I was very, very involved on that project,” Ryannoted of the monitoring software. “There’s been a lotof testing in the past, dating back to close to a decade,on different sensor technologies and interfacing thosewith the controller. And what I did was working with Dr.Axel Henning, I worked off of his model, so the softwarearchitecture we developed together, mostly coming fromhim from previous studies, and I was the one that actuallywrote the code to make that function.”His research work includeswhat he called side projectson developments in micro andnanotechnologies, an areathat interests Ryan for future study. “It’s more of aside thing. I am considering going back to further myeducation and probably moving into those fields inthe future.“I’m very interested in nanotech manufacturing. Wedo some work in micromachining here with Omax. Justgiven the technology, it’s a little tricky to get into nano.That would definitely be a whole new field for me. UC-Santa Barbara, as I was leaving about eight years ago,they got money from the state of California grants for ananotech manufacturing and research institution there.It’s intriguing me.” METHIRTY UNDER THIRTY PROFILES28 ManufacturingEngineeringMedia.com | July 2013

Anabel Ugalde-HuebeAge: 25Dow Chemical Co.Seadrift, TXEngineering runs in the family of Anabel Ugalde-Huebe, with her sister being a manufacturingengineer and her father an architectural engineer.A native of Mexico City, Anabel moved with herparents to south Texas at age 10, and after acclimatingto a new school and an unfamiliar language, Anabel excelledin her studies, especially in math and the sciences.“Math and science kind of ran in the family. It wasalmost automatic,” Anabel said. “I love painting, and inall my high school years I spent at least an hour a dayin an art room.”Two weeks after graduating from Texas A&MUniversity-Kingsville with a bachelor of science degreein chemical engineering,Anabel was hired by the DowChemical Co. as a Six SigmaBlack Belt Engineer for Dow’sSeadrift, TX, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol manufacturingplant. Now Lead Production Engineer, Anabel’swork involves optimization and implementation ofmanufacturing process operations for the productionof ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol.Her skill and diligence in her work has impressedJoseph Smith, production leader and Anabel’s supervisor,who nominated her for 30 Under 30. In hisnomination, Smith wrote that “Anabel exemplifies theperfect production engineer that we all want for ourfacilities. The word that comes to mind is ‘balanced.’She is balanced more so than any production engineerI have worked with in that she displays great skill andaptitude in technology and engineering but is able tovery effectively collaborate across all levels of the companyand also very actively supports the community asan ambassador of Dow Chemical."Math and science kind of ran in thefamily. It was almost automatic."UNDER THIRTY“She enjoys plant technology and uses what shelearns along with core engineering skills to improvetraining and operating discipline in addition to makingdramatic improvement to plant efficiency,” Smithsaid. “She has her Six Sigma Black Belt Certificationand recently completed a project that delivered on itsgoal ... The result is a validation of her skills as leadinga cross-functional team of plant engineers, designengineers, plant operators, operations specialists, andmaintenance specialists.”Anabel is passionate about helping out in the communityand is an active volunteer in community activitiessuch as Habitat for Humanity, Smith noted, andalso at local events such as“You Be the Chemist Challenge”at local area schools,where she engages studentsin understanding of chemical discoveries and chemicalsafety awareness.“She is also active in Dow networks such as WIN(Women’s Innovation Network), NPN (New ProfessionalsNetwork), HLN (Hispanic Latin Network), andSPEN (Seadrift Production Engineer Network),” Smithadded. “She also currently leads the University relationteam and led the development of strategy thatfocuses on attracting talent to the Seadrift, Texas site.Her efforts with these teams and networks bring greatvalue to Dow in terms of diversity to the site and in attractingand even more importantly, retaining talentednew professionals. I feel that Anabel epitomizes the‘example’ engineer we all would like to have workingin our block. To also consider that she is under 30,attests to the talent present and the great potential forthe future.” METHIRTY UNDER THIRTY PROFILES29 ManufacturingEngineeringMedia.com | July 2013

Anabel Ugalde-HuebeAge: 25Dow Chemical Co.Seadrift, TXEngineering runs in the family <strong>of</strong> Anabel Ugalde-Huebe, with her sister being a manufacturingengineer and her father an architectural engineer.A native <strong>of</strong> Mexico City, Anabel moved with herparents to south Texas at age 10, and after acclimatingto a new school and an unfamiliar language, Anabel excelledin her studies, especially in math and the sciences.“Math and science kind <strong>of</strong> ran in the family. It wasalmost automatic,” Anabel said. “I love painting, and inall my high school years I spent at least an hour a dayin an art room.”Two weeks after graduating from Texas A&MUniversity-Kingsville with a bachelor <strong>of</strong> science degreein chemical engineering,Anabel was hired by the DowChemical Co. as a Six SigmaBlack Belt Engineer for Dow’sSeadrift, TX, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol manufacturingplant. Now Lead Production Engineer, Anabel’swork involves optimization and implementation <strong>of</strong>manufacturing process operations for the production<strong>of</strong> ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol.Her skill and diligence in her work has impressedJoseph Smith, production leader and Anabel’s supervisor,who nominated her for 30 Under 30. In hisnomination, Smith wrote that “Anabel exemplifies theperfect production engineer that we all want for ourfacilities. The word that comes to mind is ‘balanced.’She is balanced more so than any production engineerI have worked with in that she displays great skill andaptitude in technology and engineering but is able tovery effectively collaborate across all levels <strong>of</strong> the companyand also very actively supports the community asan ambassador <strong>of</strong> Dow Chemical."Math and science kind <strong>of</strong> ran in thefamily. It was almost automatic."<strong>UNDER</strong> <strong>THIRTY</strong>“She enjoys plant technology and uses what shelearns along with core engineering skills to improvetraining and operating discipline in addition to makingdramatic improvement to plant efficiency,” Smithsaid. “She has her Six Sigma Black Belt Certificationand recently completed a project that delivered on itsgoal ... The result is a validation <strong>of</strong> her skills as leadinga cross-functional team <strong>of</strong> plant engineers, designengineers, plant operators, operations specialists, andmaintenance specialists.”Anabel is passionate about helping out in the communityand is an active volunteer in community activitiessuch as Habitat for Humanity, Smith noted, andalso at local events such as“You Be the Chemist Challenge”at local area schools,where she engages studentsin understanding <strong>of</strong> chemical discoveries and chemicalsafety awareness.“She is also active in Dow networks such as WIN(Women’s Innovation Network), NPN (New Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsNetwork), HLN (Hispanic Latin Network), andSPEN (Seadrift Production Engineer Network),” Smithadded. “She also currently leads the University relationteam and led the development <strong>of</strong> strategy thatfocuses on attracting talent to the Seadrift, Texas site.Her efforts with these teams and networks bring greatvalue to Dow in terms <strong>of</strong> diversity to the site and in attractingand even more importantly, retaining talentednew pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. I feel that Anabel epitomizes the‘example’ engineer we all would like to have workingin our block. To also consider that she is under 30,attests to the talent present and the great potential forthe future.” ME<strong>THIRTY</strong> <strong>UNDER</strong> <strong>THIRTY</strong> PROFILES29 <strong>Manufacturing</strong>EngineeringMedia.com | July 2013

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