Steel Frame Design - ladbs

Steel Frame Design - ladbs

Steel Frame Design - ladbs

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D. ORDINARY & SPECIAL CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAMES (OCBF/SCBF)9 1. K-Type brace frames are not permitted, except as per AISC I-14.5 & C14.4b ~9 2. Bolted stitches in the built-up braces of SCBF shall not be located in the middle onefourthof the clear brace length. AISC I-13.2e ~9 3. In a V-type and inverted V-type brace frame, a beam that is intersected by braces shall becontinuous between columns. AISC I-13.4a/I-14.4a ~E. ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (EBF)9 1. Web shall be single thickness without doubler-plate reinforcement & without penetration.9 2. Provide full-depth web stiffeners on both sides of the link web at the diagonal brace endsand at intermediate locations of the link, as per AISC-15.3a & 15.3b.~9 3. The intersection of the centerlines of the diagonal brace and the beam outside the Linkshall be at the ends of the Link or in the Link. AISC-15.6c.~9 4. Beam-to-column connections away from Links are permitted to be designed as pinnedin the plane of the web. AISC-15.7 ~CALCULATIONSA. GENERAL9 1. The total static design base shear in a given direction shall be determined per 91.1630.2.~9 2. In addition to the load combinations listed in 91.1612, the amplified horizontalearthquake load shall also be used if required by 91.1630.3.1. In addition to the loadcombination specifies in 91.1612, load combinations using the amplified horizontalearthquake load shall be evaluated per AISC I-4.1 as follows:~9 a) 1.2D + 0.5L + 0.2S + S o Q E , where the load factor on L in this load combination shallequal to 1.0 for garages, areas occupied as places of public assembly and all areaswhere the live load is greater than 100 psf.~9 b) 0.9D - S o Q E ~9 3. The drift or horizontal displacements of the structure shall be computed as required in91.1630.9.1 and shall be amplified as required in 1630.9.2. Story drift limits shall bedetermined as specified in 91.1630.10.~9 4. Orthogonal earthquake effects shall be included in the analysis as required in 91.1633.1.~9 5. Required strength of a connection or related member by using LRFD shall be determinedfrom the Expected Yield Strength F ye of the connected member. AISC I-6.2 The designstrength of structural steel members and connections by using ASD shall be determinedper AISC III-4.3.~LADBS-Corr.Lst.44 (5/2001)2 of 9www.<strong>ladbs</strong>.org

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