Nokia Standard Document Template - Environmental Protection of ...

Nokia Standard Document Template - Environmental Protection of ... Nokia Standard Document Template - Environmental Protection of ...
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4th Mission Report _KE3_Jan –Feb 2013The laboratory training was focused exclusively in Baku at the National Environmental MonitoringDepartment (NEMD) of the Centre for Environmental Pollution Monitoring of the Ministry of Ecology andNatural Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic.During this mission the following senior staff directed the work:1) Arastun Hasanov, Director National Department Environmental Monitoring Azerbaijan2) Aliyev Vasif, Head of Laboratory3) Gulkar Mammadova, Deputy Head of Laboratory.Organo-Chlorine Pesticide (OCP) AnalysisTo date, the NEMD Central Laboratory still had not commissioned its new Agilent GLC, though it had beenremoved from its packaging and sited in the Chromatography Laboratory. According to the AnarMammadov, Manager of Sem-Az, the local supplier, the apparatus could not be commissioned owing tothe following issues:i. A UPS was required, as the electrical supplies in Baku were unreliable.ii. An earth connection needed to be installed in the electrical sockets.iii. For the method to operate, solvents and calibration standards were required.iv. A dedicated computer is required to operate the GLC.The Agilent GLC was funded by another EU project focusing on analyzing transformer oils for PCBs.Therefore the NEMD were waiting for the extra funding for these other requirements. However after anumber of discussions with the senior staff and with Anar Mammadov, the KE3 was assured that theseissues would be all resolved in order to commission the equipment, and appropriate training would alsobe submitted. Sem-Az not only commission the analytical equipment but they also assist their clients indeveloping the analytical methods including the extraction procedures. If this service is provided well andin time then the OCP method should be ready for the Project Joint Field Survey (JFS). The KE3 supplied theNEMD and Sem-Az with hard copies of standard methods for the analysis of OCPs in water. He alsopresented an introductory local training course on important aspects of GLC analysis.As a possible contingency, the KE3 was introduced to another private laboratory AZEKOLAB, headed byBehruz Suleymanov. This laboratory had the state of the art equipment for all types of environmentalanalyses and also had undertaken excellent research into OCP analysis. It might be possible to use theiranalytical services as a last resort, but AZEKOLAB would have to obtain permission from their mainsponsor BP. However, it is more likely they could assist NEMD by advising on the optimum analyticalmethods.Analytical Quality ControlsThe Water Analysis Department carries out internal quality control analysis for certain parameters such asnitrates ammonia and phosphates. However they do not have a statistical system to check these resultsor apply Shewhart Charts. In addition the results were quoted to four decimal places, when the LOD wasonly two; therefore it was recommended that in this situation to quote only to two decimal places.The staff were all intensively trained by a training workshop and hands on training on how to developtheir AQC results statistically and to construct Shewhart charts.Hydrobiological AnalysisPage 8 of 36

4th Mission Report _KE3_Jan –Feb 2013The KE3 reviewed the latest developments regarding the BMI analysis with Ms Vafa Nasibova, Head ofBiomonitoring.The staff had previously been trained by other projects on the sampling of Benthic Macro-invertebrates(BMI). They have previously taken hydrobiological samples and analysed the BMIs. They still require moretraining on the identification of the species, the calculation of biotic indices and EQRs.Training CoursesAs the Department already does analyse quality controls, it requires only a few extra simple steps toconstruct the Shewhart chart and calculate the acceptable precision. With this in mind, the KE3 submitteda local AQC workshop training on the theoretical principles of internal quality controls, and was followedup by undertaking an exercise with the analysts using their own previous data to calculate the charts andprecision statistics.The local training workshop was presented on 20th February, to 22 trainees (Appendix 7) and covered thefollowing topics:i. Production of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)ii. Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)iii. Introduction to Analytical Quality Control, Precision and Accuracyiv. The application of Excel Spreadsheets to calculate the AQC parameters.On 21st February the KE3 submitted further training, working with 7 analysts (Appendix 7) to apply simpleExcel Spreadsheets to calculate the statistical parameters using their own results for Ammonia tocalculate the precision of their method and to construct the Shewhart Chart. Following this hands onapproach, all the delegates were confident in undertaking these calculations on their own. The electroniccopy of the calculation was submitted to them as a reference example. Therefore there should be noproblem for the Department to produce their own correct internal quality controls for most of theirparameters in time for the JFS. Furthermore, the KE3 would be available to provide any further support tofacilitate this by distance training.On 21st February the KE3 also submitted further local training course on the GLC techniques used foranalysing OCP to 6 trainees (Appendix 7).Water Body Delineation 22nd – 23rd FebruaryAn initial meeting was held between KE3 and KE2, KE4, KE5, GIS Expert , Rafig Verdiyev CWM, FaridGarayev Translator.It was decided that to progress the delineation of the water bodies at risk Chapter 3 of the RBA wasrequired, which focuses on Pressures and Impacts but this had still to be produced. Therefore the KE3arranged a meeting with the author, Professor Fada Imarov, at Baku State University on 22nd February.Prof. Fada stated that the main pressures on the Project pilot rivers were:i. Manmade reservoirs on 3 of the 4 rivers which impacting on the normal flows of the rivers andcause dried rivers during the summer time. Uncontrolled water abstraction for irrigation.ii. Uncontrolled water abstraction for irrigation.iii. Illegal logging for fuel, causing deforestation, - this has diminished recently owing to gas beingsupplied to more communities.Page 9 of 36

4th Mission Report _KE3_Jan –Feb 2013The laboratory training was focused exclusively in Baku at the National <strong>Environmental</strong> MonitoringDepartment (NEMD) <strong>of</strong> the Centre for <strong>Environmental</strong> Pollution Monitoring <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Ecology andNatural Resources <strong>of</strong> the Azerbaijan Republic.During this mission the following senior staff directed the work:1) Arastun Hasanov, Director National Department <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring Azerbaijan2) Aliyev Vasif, Head <strong>of</strong> Laboratory3) Gulkar Mammadova, Deputy Head <strong>of</strong> Laboratory.Organo-Chlorine Pesticide (OCP) AnalysisTo date, the NEMD Central Laboratory still had not commissioned its new Agilent GLC, though it had beenremoved from its packaging and sited in the Chromatography Laboratory. According to the AnarMammadov, Manager <strong>of</strong> Sem-Az, the local supplier, the apparatus could not be commissioned owing tothe following issues:i. A UPS was required, as the electrical supplies in Baku were unreliable.ii. An earth connection needed to be installed in the electrical sockets.iii. For the method to operate, solvents and calibration standards were required.iv. A dedicated computer is required to operate the GLC.The Agilent GLC was funded by another EU project focusing on analyzing transformer oils for PCBs.Therefore the NEMD were waiting for the extra funding for these other requirements. However after anumber <strong>of</strong> discussions with the senior staff and with Anar Mammadov, the KE3 was assured that theseissues would be all resolved in order to commission the equipment, and appropriate training would alsobe submitted. Sem-Az not only commission the analytical equipment but they also assist their clients indeveloping the analytical methods including the extraction procedures. If this service is provided well andin time then the OCP method should be ready for the Project Joint Field Survey (JFS). The KE3 supplied theNEMD and Sem-Az with hard copies <strong>of</strong> standard methods for the analysis <strong>of</strong> OCPs in water. He alsopresented an introductory local training course on important aspects <strong>of</strong> GLC analysis.As a possible contingency, the KE3 was introduced to another private laboratory AZEKOLAB, headed byBehruz Suleymanov. This laboratory had the state <strong>of</strong> the art equipment for all types <strong>of</strong> environmentalanalyses and also had undertaken excellent research into OCP analysis. It might be possible to use theiranalytical services as a last resort, but AZEKOLAB would have to obtain permission from their mainsponsor BP. However, it is more likely they could assist NEMD by advising on the optimum analyticalmethods.Analytical Quality ControlsThe Water Analysis Department carries out internal quality control analysis for certain parameters such asnitrates ammonia and phosphates. However they do not have a statistical system to check these resultsor apply Shewhart Charts. In addition the results were quoted to four decimal places, when the LOD wasonly two; therefore it was recommended that in this situation to quote only to two decimal places.The staff were all intensively trained by a training workshop and hands on training on how to developtheir AQC results statistically and to construct Shewhart charts.Hydrobiological AnalysisPage 8 <strong>of</strong> 36

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