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5th Mission Report _KE3_March-April 2013remotely. This latter one may only be suitable for taking marine samples. It was recommended thatall these should be investigated further in the of the samplers smoked during the procedures, ideally this should not be allowed, as thesmoke particles could contaminate the samples, especially the organic ones. It is recommendedthat the samplers should be advised about this problem.Finally the KE3 commissioned a portable turbidity meter, which had never been used for 6 years.The sampling staff were trained on its operational method and afterwards obtained satisfactoryresults as NTU and FTU units.OCP AnalysisThe Chromatography Department analyse the 25 parameters recommended by the StockholmConvention in water and soil and these include the OCPs. The Department is currently using GOSTstandard methods, which give satisfactory results, however to assist with further method developmentthe KE3 submitted three other international methods as requested.The extraction phase is carried out by using a liquid/liquid extraction technique using hexane and for thesoil a similar technique but also using acetone in the hexane.The concentration phase uses a rotary evaporator. It was noted that with soil samples 1 ml of iso-octaneis added to the hexane to reduce losses from volatile components.The clean up phase uses Sulphuric Acid, as per the method, however this affected the recoveries of Aldrinand Endrin, therefore the Department now used silica gel or alumina columns.The Department previously used Isodrin as an internal standard, which was effective to calculate recoverylosses for each sample. Unfortunately, the Department has depleted this standard and it is recommendedthat this standard is obtained by the project to complete the training for the JFS.The chromatographic phase is carried out by using an Agilent GLC (7890A) and Mass Spectrometerdetector (5975C) with a DB5 –MS 30 m X 0.25 X 0.25µm capillary column.The results appear satisfactory indicated by the application of internal AQC charts.On-line Monitoring SystemsThe Department had been funded to install two online monitoring stations for Temperature, pH, EC, DO ,turbidity and level on the River Prut. Unfortunately one is no longer operational and the other cannot beused as it proved too expensive to maintain and operate. However, Hydromet believe that such systemsare important in protecting the quality of the River Prut especially in monitoring the transboundaryregions.Hydromet recently undertook a new hydrology project (funded by the Czech Republic) which included theinstallation of a number of hydrology stations to measure flows and levels along the River Prut. Thesestations consisted of bridges or platforms that suspend the sensors in the river. This system has extraspace for 18 more sensors for water quality measurements and could also include very useful sensorssuch as for petroleum products and ammonia, especially for water bodies at risk. It is recommended thatthe project investigates these monitoring points during JFS with a view to fund the renting of such sensorsat locations at WBs at risk as a trial, as a pollution control measure.Page 6 of 23

5th Mission Report _KE3_March-April 2013Early Warning and Emergency Response Systems (EWERS)The senior managers discussed with KE3 the EWERS that are used with the ICPDR (Danube Commission).Each country has dedicated contact sites and an emergency system of alerting countries of any seriouspollution upstream of the Danube, which includes some of the major tributaries. Moldova has beenalerted to a number of incidents from Ukraine and some of which may have been caused by leakage fromtheir tailing dams.In ICPDR there is a useful decision making software to categorise how serious any pollution incident is andtherefore how to deal with it. However, they do not have any simple software to track the pollutant as itflows downstream, therefore these pollution incidents are difficult to monitor. It is recommended thatthe Project considers trialling a simple software developed in the recent EU project for the Yellow River inChina that uses Google Earth as a platform, which the KE3 has experience in applying.Public Awareness (Activity 2.7)The CWME arranged a high profile meeting with the Environment Minister, George Şalaru, and ViceMinister, Valentina Tapic together with Gavril Gilca & Svetlana Stirbu, SHS Senior Managers, to discuss theProject with the CWME and KE3. This proved to be a fruitful meeting and the Minister was verysupportive of the Project and the important inputs by KE3. The details of this meeting and the Projectwere immediately downloaded on to their public website: details are included in Annex 1Training MaterialsThe training materials were discussed with the Senior Managers to ensure that sufficient equipment andchemicals will be available to complete the training by the Key Experts for the JFS. KE3 reflected theseurgent requirements in the draft Updated Surface Water Training Report submitted to the Senior ProjectManagers.WB DelineationThe KE3 and the CMWE met with Dr. Gennadii Syrdroev Institute of Geography at the Academy ofChemistry, responsible for the GIS WB Delineation. The following points were made:i. 60 WBs had been identified according to the catchment zones and includes 17 WBs at risk owing tolarge waste water treatment works from the from the major towns. These WBs need to beprioritized according to their risks from their populations.ii. The WBs need to be coded according to the international reference systems.iii. Two major fish farms are in the pilot area but currently there is no water quality information, whichneeds to be taken into account for planning the JFS to resolve this gap.iv. Moldova had a classification system using 7 categories and this is number is currently beingreduced to 5 as in Ukraine and WFD. Hopefully the conversion of this old to new system can beapplied to assist the initial classifications for the pilot area of the Prut.v. The GIS project will be completed shortly and submitted to the Project key experts.Page 7 of 23

5th Mission Report _KE3_March-April 2013Early Warning and Emergency Response Systems (EWERS)The senior managers discussed with KE3 the EWERS that are used with the ICPDR (Danube Commission).Each country has dedicated contact sites and an emergency system <strong>of</strong> alerting countries <strong>of</strong> any seriouspollution upstream <strong>of</strong> the Danube, which includes some <strong>of</strong> the major tributaries. Moldova has beenalerted to a number <strong>of</strong> incidents from Ukraine and some <strong>of</strong> which may have been caused by leakage fromtheir tailing dams.In ICPDR there is a useful decision making s<strong>of</strong>tware to categorise how serious any pollution incident is andtherefore how to deal with it. However, they do not have any simple s<strong>of</strong>tware to track the pollutant as itflows downstream, therefore these pollution incidents are difficult to monitor. It is recommended thatthe Project considers trialling a simple s<strong>of</strong>tware developed in the recent EU project for the Yellow River inChina that uses Google Earth as a platform, which the KE3 has experience in applying.Public Awareness (Activity 2.7)The CWME arranged a high pr<strong>of</strong>ile meeting with the Environment Minister, George Şalaru, and ViceMinister, Valentina Tapic together with Gavril Gilca & Svetlana Stirbu, SHS Senior Managers, to discuss theProject with the CWME and KE3. This proved to be a fruitful meeting and the Minister was verysupportive <strong>of</strong> the Project and the important inputs by KE3. The details <strong>of</strong> this meeting and the Projectwere immediately downloaded on to their public website: details are included in Annex 1Training MaterialsThe training materials were discussed with the Senior Managers to ensure that sufficient equipment andchemicals will be available to complete the training by the Key Experts for the JFS. KE3 reflected theseurgent requirements in the draft Updated Surface Water Training Report submitted to the Senior ProjectManagers.WB DelineationThe KE3 and the CMWE met with Dr. Gennadii Syrdroev Institute <strong>of</strong> Geography at the Academy <strong>of</strong>Chemistry, responsible for the GIS WB Delineation. The following points were made:i. 60 WBs had been identified according to the catchment zones and includes 17 WBs at risk owing tolarge waste water treatment works from the from the major towns. These WBs need to beprioritized according to their risks from their populations.ii. The WBs need to be coded according to the international reference systems.iii. Two major fish farms are in the pilot area but currently there is no water quality information, whichneeds to be taken into account for planning the JFS to resolve this gap.iv. Moldova had a classification system using 7 categories and this is number is currently beingreduced to 5 as in Ukraine and WFD. Hopefully the conversion <strong>of</strong> this old to new system can beapplied to assist the initial classifications for the pilot area <strong>of</strong> the Prut.v. The GIS project will be completed shortly and submitted to the Project key experts.Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 23

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