The Honourable Executive Mayor of Gert Sibande District, Cllr ...

The Honourable Executive Mayor of Gert Sibande District, Cllr ... The Honourable Executive Mayor of Gert Sibande District, Cllr ...
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KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010The Honourable Executive Mayor of Gert Sibande District,Cllr Andries GamedeThe Honourable Executive Mayor of Govan Mbeki LocalMunicipality, Cllr Sipho NkosiHonourable Executive Mayors PresentHonourable CouncillorsHon Traditional Leaders Present,Heads of Departments, Municipal Managers and Senior officialsfrom the three spheres of GovernmentOrganized business and our development partnersOrganized Labour and Civic organizationsDistinguished GuestsLadies and GentlemenWhat an honour it is for me to be here with you again at this veryimportant District Summit a few days after the Provincial Summit.This Summit comes at an opportune time as the countrycelebrates the 20 th Anniversary of Madiba’s release from Prison.Page 1 of 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honourable</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Mayor</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Gert</strong> <strong>Sibande</strong> <strong>District</strong>,<strong>Cllr</strong> Andries Gamede<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honourable</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Mayor</strong> <strong>of</strong> Govan Mbeki LocalMunicipality, <strong>Cllr</strong> Sipho Nkosi<strong>Honourable</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Mayor</strong>s Present<strong>Honourable</strong> CouncillorsHon Traditional Leaders Present,Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments, Municipal Managers and Senior <strong>of</strong>ficialsfrom the three spheres <strong>of</strong> GovernmentOrganized business and our development partnersOrganized Labour and Civic organizationsDistinguished GuestsLadies and GentlemenWhat an honour it is for me to be here with you again at this veryimportant <strong>District</strong> Summit a few days after the Provincial Summit.This Summit comes at an opportune time as the countrycelebrates the 20 th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> Madiba’s release from Prison.Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010One <strong>of</strong> the frontiers <strong>of</strong> struggle was the fight against thediscriminatory local government system defined by so calledBantu councils, black administration boards, tricameral systemwherein puppets from our own ranks were appointed by theapartheid regime as councillors to govern us on behalf <strong>of</strong> theapartheid state.Our memories are still fresh how we vehemently rejected anyundemocratic processes meant to oppress us forever by makingthe local space ungovernable.We did what we did in the context <strong>of</strong> time and space <strong>of</strong> ourrevolutionary discourse. But since Madiba was released 20 yearsago truth be told that a lot has changed. I would argue that usingpolitical tactics from 1985 in 2010 is somehow problematic andrisking being counter revolutionary.<strong>The</strong> tactics used in most <strong>of</strong> the service delivery protest actionshave compromised and continues to undermine the government<strong>of</strong> the people, by the people and for the people.Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010Government has therefore taken a conscious decision to focus onlocal government and recognize the important role that it plays inour system <strong>of</strong> governance. I am sure that you all remember thatduring his State <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Province Address on the 19 th February2010, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Honourable</strong> Premier DD Mabuza said: “Part <strong>of</strong> whatshould define the character <strong>of</strong> a developmental state that weenvision as a nation, is the creation <strong>of</strong> a local government systemthat is responsive, efficient, effective and accountable.”He further said: “In the long term, the Province will develop acomprehensive turnaround strategy for local government, whichwill place local government into a sustainable developmentalpath. In this regard, we will convene a Local Government Summitbefore the end <strong>of</strong> February to craft practical programmes that willassist municipalities to be more people centred and servicedelivery-driven.”Page 6 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010<strong>The</strong> Provincial Local Government Summit was convened on 25-26February 2010 thereby fulfilling the Premier’s commitment.Today, a few days after the Provincial Local Government Summitthe <strong>District</strong> has convened its own <strong>District</strong> Local GovernmentSummit. I am encouraged that the province is responding well tothe Premiers Call when he said: “We are calling for less s’chamthobut more Action, Action and Action”.<strong>The</strong> Minister for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs,Minister Shiceka made the following comments at the Minimecheld on 4 March 2010, and I quote “<strong>The</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> theLocal Government turnaround strategy provides a long-term andsustainable citizen-centred intervention, which is aimed at turningthe tide on service delivery protests by dealing with the backlogsand complaints from citizens, which government agrees are validin the main.Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010Parallel to the implementation <strong>of</strong> the local governmentturnaround strategy, the department is at the same time boostingthe capacity for rapid response to communities that haveembarked or are about to embark on protest action, using theexisting staff we have.” End quote.We are in addition gathering business intelligence through a riskassessment process on all the pressure points in the Provinces, sothat Sector Departments and Municipalities can start processingissues that have been raised, in a way that seeks to find solutionswith the affected communities.<strong>The</strong> recent Provincial Local Government indaba also enabled us totake stock <strong>of</strong> the path that we have travelled and as the first year<strong>of</strong> the current Administration draws to a close we are quitepleased with progress made on a number <strong>of</strong> fronts however weare alive to the reality which says:• A universal access to basic services by all households is notyet achievedPage 8 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAANDMarch 11, 2010• Financial management and systems in many Municipalitiesare still a challenge• Many Municipal Councils are unstable characterised by lack<strong>of</strong> Participatory democracy• <strong>The</strong>re is low institutional capacity and poor leadershipcapabilitiesIn our commitment to turn the situation around we have setourselves unambiguous programmes to invest more resources onthe following:• Improving the quantity and quality <strong>of</strong> municipal basicservices• Increasing capabilities <strong>of</strong> municipal contributions to jobcreation and sustainable livelihoods through Local EconomicDevelopment (LED)• Strengthening the administrative institutional and financialmuscle <strong>of</strong> municipalities.• Strengthening implementation <strong>of</strong> anti-fraud, anti-corruptionand anti-nepotism strategies and restoring the institutionalintegrity <strong>of</strong> MunicipalitiesPage 9 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010• Strengthening the Institution <strong>of</strong> Traditional Leadership topartner with Government to accelerate development <strong>of</strong>communities in rural areas.Programme Director and Summit Delegates let us agree that allthese commitments equal to zero and remains meaningless ifthey don’t translate into action.It be noted that e were amongst the first to hold a provincial localgovernment summit, and we have also been amongst the first tostart rolling out <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Turn Around Strategy(LGTAS). <strong>The</strong> roll out <strong>of</strong> the LGTAS will be done in four phases,starting from 20 January 2010 to March 2011.<strong>The</strong> first phase is the pilot project in which three identifiedmunicipalities will develop Municipal Turn around Strategies(MTAS). Drawing from lessons <strong>of</strong> the pilot project, we haveembarked on the second phase which will then include allmunicipalities in developing their MTAS and incorporating them inthe Integrated Development Plans (IDP’s).Page 10 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010<strong>The</strong> third phase will include the budgeting and approval <strong>of</strong> theseIDP’s, whilst the fourth phase will be the implementation phase.As from the 2 nd March 2010 the task team started with the secondphase. <strong>The</strong>y have already started visiting all the three districts.This week from 08-12 March 2010 they are in Nkangala <strong>District</strong>,next week from 15-19 March 2010 they will be in Ehlanzeni<strong>District</strong> and from 23-31 March 2010 they will be visiting <strong>Gert</strong><strong>Sibande</strong> <strong>District</strong>. I am sure that some <strong>of</strong> the deliberations that willtake place at this summit will go a long way in informing theMunicipal Turn Around strategies. I urge you to make use <strong>of</strong> thetime that they will be spending in your district.Remember that successful organisations engage the hearts andminds <strong>of</strong> their people in a conscious and deliberate alliance forsuccess, these people are looking upon you as a symbol <strong>of</strong> hope.You DARE NOT fail them.Page 11 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010<strong>The</strong> introduction to the book No easy walk to Freedom capturesthe Character description <strong>of</strong> Nelson Mandela by Oliver Tambo andI quote: Mandela’s inspiration lives on in the heart <strong>of</strong> everyAfrican Patriot. He is the symbol <strong>of</strong> self sacrificing leadership...He is an outstanding individual, but he knows that he derives hisstrength from the masses <strong>of</strong> our people, who make up thefreedom struggle in our country.”End Quote.When the communities take to the streets complaining aboutshortages <strong>of</strong> basic services such as water and electricity andindeed these are the challenges that they are faced with, wecannot ignore these and look for excuses.We must look at what our people are really saying and themessage is clear “we are not happy with what you are doing; weneed you to do much better because we have put you therebecause we trust you.” This therefore means that we must lookat the underlying issues and come up with new approaches todeal with issues. It cannot be business as usual. We must askourselves if indeed we are doing what is right and if not so itrequires some radical action and we must change course.Page 12 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010<strong>The</strong>se unrests have also reminded us that we must stay close toour people. We must never allow a situation where we forget thecommunities that we serve and allow for a social distance to existbetween us as elected leaders and the communities that weserve.As we embark on the turnaround strategy for local governmentwe must recommit ourselves to serving our people. We must atall times seek to achieve the following:• Let us strive to be responsive to the needs <strong>of</strong> the people.• We must strive to make sure that as local governmentleaders and our staff members we embrace a culture <strong>of</strong>public service and accountability.• We must be performance orientated and focused on theobjectives which the ruling party has set.• We must have credible IDP’s and ensure that our prioritiesand responsibilities are aligned to these.• We must strengthen communication with our communitiesand make sure that at all times they are well informed <strong>of</strong> ourplans, programmes, achievements and challenges.Page 13 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010Program Director, as l said during the Provincial Local GovernmentSummit, we are standing at a very crucial point <strong>of</strong> our currentterm <strong>of</strong> local government, having hit the home stretch. Howeverwe are fortunate in that as we hit the home stretch we have anopportunity to pause and take a break, in the form <strong>of</strong> this summit,which will give us an opportunity to restore some energy whichwe will need for the final push as we charge towards the finishingline. We are all aware that we will be going to the polls to electnew leaders for our Local Government by next year. Let us usethis summit to turn things around and lay the foundation onwhich the next term <strong>of</strong> local government <strong>of</strong>fice bearers can buildon.Programme Director and Summit Delegates, I started <strong>of</strong>f withInspirational thoughts from Madiba and the Historic walk t<strong>of</strong>reedom; it is therefore fitting to end on the same tone...Page 14 <strong>of</strong> 15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY MEC MOKOENA AT THE GERT SIBANDE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSUMMIT, LILLIAN NGOYI HALL, SECUNDAMarch 11, 2010I quote “I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried notto falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I havediscovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one onlyfinds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken amoment here to rest, to steal a view <strong>of</strong> the glorious vista thatsurrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I canonly rest for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities,and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended” end quote.Yes we have our freedom, so let us take responsibility for ouractions, we dare not linger, and we dare not fail our people, so letus join together and climb the many hills facing us one at a timeuntil ultimately we reach our goals!!From this summit our communities will be waiting for visible andpositive results. Let us get to work and “Let there be lesss’chamtho but more Action, Action and Action”.Working together, we can do more to make Local Governmenteverybody’s business”Please enjoy the rest <strong>of</strong> the summit.I thank you.Page 15 <strong>of</strong> 15

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