PARENTS' HANDBOOK - Repton School Dubai

PARENTS' HANDBOOK - Repton School Dubai

PARENTS' HANDBOOK - Repton School Dubai

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1.1: Our MissionIt is the responsibility of <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> to prepare all its pupils for adulthood through the pursuitof the highest standards in academic studies and all the other varied activities that comprisepupil life in boarding environment. In achieving this mission, the realization of every pupil’sacademic potential is always central, while acknowledging that the building of responsibility,consideration for others and self‐esteem, so vital in adulthood, comes equally from participationin sport, music, drama, art and extra‐curricular activities.1.2: <strong>Repton</strong>’s Ten Values<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> sets out to educate all pupils with a firm set of values, which it also seeks to upholdin all its many and varied activities. These values are:1. To instil in our pupils the determination and self‐confidence to meet the challenges of anever‐changing technological world.2. To develop a sense of dignity and respect for others.3. To enable our pupils to display real dexterity of thought and action when faced withchanging circumstances.4. To encourage the development of a sense of inquiry, independence of thought and awillingness to take risks in a rational fashion.5. To demonstrate initiative when faced by the challenge of leadership and responsibility.6. To promote internationalism by developing an understanding of the inter‐dependence ofindividuals, groups and nations.7. To instil in our pupils a sense of pride and commitment to the values and achievements ofthe school, both during and after their time there.8. To present opportunities for our pupils to express their creativity, develop a joy oflearning and gain self‐confidence.9. To involve our pupils in the promotion of a caring and compassionate society, both withinthe school and in the outside world.10. To promote these values and objectives through the educational and extra‐curricularactivities pursued by the school, and all its staff, pupils and parents.1.3: Code of Conduct<strong>Repton</strong> UK has a deserved reputation for maintaining high levels of discipline amongst its pupils,thereby facilitating the best environment and atmosphere for effective work and learning. Suchan approach to education has often been termed ‘traditional’ and we at <strong>Repton</strong> Senior <strong>School</strong><strong>Dubai</strong> want to emulate our partner school’s traditional approach to modern‐day schooling. TheTen Values contained in the <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> Mission Statement fully reflect our desire to encourageand maintain the highest standards of self‐discipline amongst our pupils.While particular responsibility for pastoral care and discipline rests with classroom teachers, allour teaching staff will play a full and active role in maintaining good behaviour within the school.Moreover, as role models themselves, the teachers will also set the highest possible standards intheir professional duties and personal behaviour.4

At <strong>Repton</strong> we aim to foster compassion, tolerance, honesty and integrity in our pupils. Thechildren are expected to respect the rights, feelings and property of classmates, teachers andothers and to be cooperative, courteous, considerate and well‐mannered. Our school behaviourcode, which is drawn up in consultation with our pupils, serves to ensure that all of our pupilsadhere to these principles at all times and are aware of their responsibilities and rights as part ofour school community.Our <strong>School</strong> Rules cover all aspects of life within the Senior <strong>School</strong>, they should be easilyunderstood by pupils and parents alike, and will be consistently and fairly applied wheneverthere is any fall in accepted standards. For this reason, there will be a system of sanctionsoperating at all levels of the school.1.4: Incentives and RewardsWe believe strongly in rewarding achievement in every area of school activity at all age groups.Teachers may choose from a number of awards and rewards including merits for achievementand effort in class and class commendations presented by the Head.Many of the awards will be for sporting and cultural achievements, but one of the leading housecompetitions, and possibly the most keenly fought, will be for the Academic Cup which goes tothe house securing the most academic merits in the school year. The regular newsletter will keepparents informed of the standings.1.5: SanctionsAt <strong>Repton</strong> we believe wholeheartedly that a positive reinforcement and the rewarding of goodbehaviour wherever and whenever possible is extremely effective. However, there may beoccasions when a child’s behaviour or attitude warrants the registration of disapproval to protectthe safety and security of themselves and the school community. At <strong>Repton</strong>, where respect iscentral to our code of conduct, disapproval is a powerful deterrent.Sanctions vary according to the nature of the incident. Most instances of inappropriate behaviourare relatively minor and can be adequately dealt with by the class teacher.Process for Imposing SanctionsStage 1 – Warning Verbal ReprimandStage 2 – Departmental DetentionThis is carried out by subject departments and will usually involve a break time or half of a lunchtime. These are used for a variety of offences both pastoral and curricula.Stage 3 – Home Detention SystemThis is used to deal with pupils who fail to hand in Prep and involves parents signing a prepreparedletter once the pupil has completed the overdue work at home.Stage 4 – Thursday Detention5

Thursday Detention is used for disciplinary issues such as breaches of <strong>School</strong> rules, e.g. vulgar oroffensive language. This is used for a variety of both pastoral and curricula. Teachers shouldinform the Housemaster / Housemistress prior to the notification being sent to parents on theWednesday morning of each week.The detention will take place between 2.45pm and 3.45pm on Thursday.Detention takes priority over other activities or commitments e.g. sports fixtures etc. In the eventof a case being made for a boy / girl to postpone his / her detention, this should be brought to theattention of the Head of Senior <strong>School</strong>.Stage 5 – Headmaster’s DetentionTeachers should consult with the Housemaster / Housemistress and with the Deputy Head ofSenior <strong>School</strong>. Parents will be informed by Wednesday to ensure they make arrangements tobring their child in at 10.00am – 11.30am on a Saturday in the Headmaster’s Office.6

2.1: Organisation of the <strong>School</strong> DaySenior <strong>School</strong> pupils should arrive at school no earlier than 7.20am and no later than 7.45am.Registration takes place between 7.45 and 8.00am.Punctuality is vital – both on the parent’s behalf and the pupils.Senior <strong>School</strong> TimetableThere are no after school activities or supervised prep on Thursdays.Registration Lessons Break Lessons Lunch Prep Activities Finish7.45am 8am 10am 10.20am 12.20pm 2.30pm 3.45pm 4.45pmActivities and prep are compulsory for Senior <strong>School</strong> pupils, unless prior arrangement hasbeen made with your son/daughter’s housemaster / housemistress for a suitable activityoutside school. There are no after school activities or supervised prep on Thursdays,although there may be sports’ fixtures or inter­house events.2.2: Daily RoutinesMorningPlease note that pupils on the school site are not supervised before 7.30 am.All Senior <strong>School</strong> pupils are to be dropped off as directed by car parking attendants and theyshould go through the main school arch, to make their way to the main Senior <strong>School</strong> block, theyshould go into the administrative block.To ease congestion in the corridors and to assist in the safety and security of allchildren, we respectfully ask that parents say goodbye to their children at<strong>Repton</strong> Arch before the start of the school day and do not accompany them totheir classrooms.AfternoonAll pupils not travelling by bus are to be collected from the <strong>Repton</strong> Arch, promptly.2.3: Late ArrivalsLate arrivals must report to the <strong>School</strong> OfficeThe children will be given a Late Note to be handed to their class teacher.7

We appreciate that there are times when the traffic in <strong>Dubai</strong> causes delays. However, ifpupils are persistently late, the class teacher will inform the Deputy Head who will send awritten note home.2.4: BreaksDuring the day the children can purchase a healthy mid‐morning snack and regular drinks. Ahealthy, well‐balanced lunch is also provided at a cost (included for boarders). Children’s foodintake is monitored by the staff and they will be able to deal with any questions or concerns youmay have in this area. Please make sure that the housemaster / housemistress is aware of anyfood allergies or special dietary requirements your child may have. All food served at <strong>Repton</strong> isHalal.2.5: TransportThe <strong>School</strong> offers assistance to parents by providing a bus service. This bus service is limited bydemand. Parents are reminded that <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> is not bound by any obligation to providetransportation for children to and from school. The responsibility for ensuring attendance atschool through the provision of appropriate, punctual transportation of the pupils lies with theparents.2.6: ParkingParking for parents is provided before and alongside the access road that runs in front of the<strong>Repton</strong> Arch. No cars are admitted to the car park in front of the main Junior <strong>School</strong> entrance.Parents are respectfully asked to drive with consideration for the safety of all.Please refrain from using hand held mobile telephones in the vicinity of the school. Please beaware that there will be over 2,000 school pupils throughout the school making their way fromcars and buses into the school. Children, no matter how well supervised, can act in unpredictableways and due consideration for this should always be made.8

3.1 Curriculum<strong>Repton</strong> Senior <strong>School</strong> offers a dynamic academic curriculum founded on the best of what, webelieve, British and international curricula offers. At Key Stage 3 (Years 7 ‐ 9) the curriculum isbased on the UK National Curriculum with appropriate amendments which take account of ourinternational status and location. Finally, in the Sixth Form the pupils study the InternationalBaccalaureate Diploma. This is a rigorous two year course involving with a strong academic andco‐curricular standing in preparation for university placement.3.2: The StaffTo enable us to achieve our goals, the highest quality staff has been recruited from Britain andbeyond. All of our Senior <strong>School</strong> teachers, with the exception of the Arabic and Mandarin teachersare native speakers with internationally accredited teaching qualifications and several have hadexperience of other good educational practices which will enhance the delivery of their teaching.Mr JonathanHughes‐D’AethREPTON SCHOOL STAFFSENIOR STAFFName Post Name PostHeadmasterMr NicholasClementsHead of Senior<strong>School</strong>(Mathematics)Miss Helen AllenMs Anne DadswellMr AndrewLevengerDeputy Head ofSenior <strong>School</strong>(Design &Technology)Senior Tutor,HousemistressBrook (English)Boys BoardingHousemaster(Mathematics)Mr David FlintMr JonathanMedcraftMiss Jennie MorrisDirector of Studies(Geography)Director of SixthForm and IBGirls BoardingHousemistress(Music)HOUSEMASTERS AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENTName Post Name PostMr Carl Lyon Housemaster, Dahl Mrs Kimberley Gore Housemistress,JumeirahMiss Sally‐AnnHousemistress, Ms Angela Loten Housemistress,HitchcockMr Gary ParmleyForemarkeHousemaster,Latham9Mr James BrodieOrchardHousemaster, <strong>School</strong>

Parent Consultation MeetingsFull Written ReportsYear 7 October / March December and JuneYear 8 December / June December and JuneYear 9 February / June December and JuneYear 10 November / May December and JuneYear 11 December / January / April December and AprilYear 12 October / June December and JuneYear 13 November / March December and April13

5.1: PrepPrep, is a critical part of a pupil’s academic progress, helping to enhance basic skills, acquirefurther knowledge, and, to develop independent learning skills.Prep is most effective in supporting learning when:Tasks are carefully planned and structured.There is a regular programme so that pupils, teachers and parents, are clear about what toexpect each week.Parents encourage their children to develop independent work habits without directlyassisting their son or daughter.There are high expectations of pupils in completing their prep.Pupils receive prompt feedback on their work.We believe that Prep should be enjoyable and should stimulate imagination and creativity, aswell as reinforcing what is taught in the classroom. All senior pupils will sit a compulsory prephour in <strong>School</strong> every day apart from Thursday. This will be a quiet time when pupils will beexpected to work independently. This should be adequate for completion of Prep in Year 7, butenthusiastic pupils may want to take some work home. In Year 8 and 9, we would expect pupilsto conduct an hour and a half and in Year 10 and 11 at least two hours per day. Sixth Form pupilscan expect at least three hours of independent study beyond the classroom daily. Some of this canbe completed within the timetabled private study periods included in the Sixth Form timetable.The <strong>School</strong> Prep policy covers Prep in greater depth and contains the following schedule,outlining the amount of prep due to be set in the Senior <strong>School</strong>:Sunday ­ Wednesday WeekendYear 7 1 hour 15 minutes 2 hoursYear 8 1 hour 35 minutes 2 hoursYear 9 2 hours 3 hoursYear 10 2 hours 30 minutes 4 hoursYear 11 2 hours 30 minutes 4 hoursYear 12 3 hours 4 hoursYear 13 3 hours 4 hoursPupils from Y7 to Y13 will be provided with a Prep Diary which invites parents to makecomments and sign as having had sight of the pupil’s planner notes on a daily basis. This isa vital resource in the Prep policy, providing parents with a way to support oureducational aims in the policy, give praise and encouragement to their children as theycarry out various assignments as well as provide a means for parents to communicatewith teachers and vice versa.In the Sixth Form pupils will be expected to take control of their own studies.14

6.1: The House System<strong>Repton</strong> operates a traditional British house system, based on that at <strong>Repton</strong> UK and centred onthe boarding houses. There are eight houses. The names of the houses, with their colours, arederived from <strong>Repton</strong> UK.In our third year intake pupils will be divided between eight houses. These houses are Brook,Latham, Dahl, <strong>School</strong>, Foremarke, Orchard, New House and Jumeirah.Every pupil from Y7 upwards and all teachers are assigned to a house and will remain a memberof that house for all their time at the school. We endeavour to keep siblings / family members inthe same house. There will be many Senior <strong>School</strong> house events over the course of the yearcovering academics, sports and the arts.7.1: Concerns<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> welcome suggestions and comments from parents and takes very seriously anyconcerns that may be raised. We encourage parents to bring issues to our attention as early aspossible in order that we might have the opportunity to rectify a problem or explain the school’sposition, before a matter of concern becomes more serious.Parents who have any concerns should raise these with tutors in person, by email ortelephone and arrange a mutually convenient meeting time to discuss the issue.If the matter is not resolved by the response of the tutor, a meeting with thehousemaster/housemistress will be arranged.Should further discussions be necessary, the parents will meet with the Deputy Head, MissHelen Allen.In the unlikely event that concerns are not resolved, the Head of Senior <strong>School</strong> will beintroduced into the procedure.Parental concerns are confidential and will be treated seriously and with respect.Knowledge of the concern will be limited to the Head of Senior <strong>School</strong> and those directlyinvolved. Please be assured that concerns raised by parents will not adversely affect theirchildren in any way.In settling concerns or disputes there may be a need to make relevant third partiesoutside the school aware of the issue and the identity of those involved. This would onlybe likely to happen where, for example, a child’s safety was at risk. Before this step istaken, the parent making the complaint would be fully informed.<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> will not pursue anonymous complaints.At <strong>Repton</strong> we value honesty, integrity and transparency and encourage open dialogue deliveredin a positive manner in order to ensure that the best interests of the children are met.15

8.1: Communication with the <strong>School</strong>In the first instance parents should contact tutors by email. All parents should havereceived a letter detailing their children’s tutor and housemaster’s email addresses are inthe Calendar.It is also possible to arrange an appointment with any Senior <strong>School</strong> teachers via theSenior <strong>School</strong> Secretary on 050 708 0997 or at seniorschoolsecretary@reptondubai.org9.1: Withdrawal from <strong>Repton</strong>When a pupil is to be withdrawn permanently from <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong>, parents should informthe Registrar in writing as soon as they know they will be withdrawing their child. Theschool requires a full term’s notice to be given.The office will inform the tutor, housemaster or housemistress, the nurse and Head andthen prepare leaving documents. Before these documents can be issued, a check on suchthings as text books and resource centre books, outstanding fees and forwardingaddresses will be completed.A leaving report and transfer certificate will be issued if appropriate.10.1: MedicalThe <strong>School</strong> has a purpose‐built medical centre, staffed by fully‐qualified nursing staff andsupported by a school doctor. <strong>School</strong> nurses provide professional nursing care throughout theday and are equipped to deal with both sickness and physical injuries, such as those sustained onthe sports field. A physiotherapist is available to help provide rapid recovery from the latter.Children, who are taken ill at school, will be cared for until they are fit enough to return to classor their parents can be contacted and arrangements made for them to be collected and takenhome. The staff will also deal with minor ailments, e.g. headaches, during the morning andlunchtime breaks, and, should the need arise, arrange transfer to hospital.It is essential for the school to have access to a child’s medical details in case he or she is taken illor injured at school. Parents are asked to complete the Medical Form and return it to the medicalcentre as a matter of urgency. If at any time parents wish to discuss the health needs of theirchild, they should contact the medical centre in the first instance.At no time should a child be given medication to take in class or during breaks. Please give allyour child’s medication to the school’s nurse together with full written instructions for itsadministration.Sun ProtectionSenior <strong>School</strong> pupils should wear their <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hat whenever possible whenoutside.16

Sunglasses may also be worn outside but are done so at the pupils own risk.Pupils are never allowed to play games without their shirts on.Sunscreen protection must be used by all children, where extended outside exposure tothe sun is expected. Please provide your child with high SPF lotion. (‘Banana Boat ‘makesan excellent lotion that doesn’t sting eyes.)17

11.1: Senior <strong>School</strong> Uniform CodeIntroductionThe aim of the <strong>Repton</strong> Senior <strong>School</strong> Uniform Code is for pupils to present a neat appearance,while feeling comfortable in what they wear. The basic design and colours of the uniform derivefrom <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> in England, reflecting the closeness of the relationship between the twoschools, though allowance has been made for the very different climate conditions in the UAE andBritain.Senior <strong>School</strong> UniformBoys Years 7 to 11:White cotton short‐sleeved shirt with school crestGrey full‐length trousers<strong>Repton</strong> school/house tie<strong>Repton</strong> school blazer (for formal occasions)Navy blue <strong>Repton</strong> sweatshirt with school crestPlain grey ankle socksRegulation black shoesGirls Year 7 to 11White cotton short‐sleeved shirt with school crest<strong>Repton</strong> patterned skirt<strong>Repton</strong> school/house tie<strong>Repton</strong> school blazer (for formal occasions)Navy blue <strong>Repton</strong> sweatshirt with school crestPlain white ankle or knee‐length socksRegulation black shoesPE/Sportswear (Year 7 to Year 11)Boys:White cotton sports shirt with school crestHouse shirt<strong>Repton</strong> 'reversible’ Rugby shirtSenior school sports capNavy/gold long sports socks<strong>Repton</strong> sports bagNavy blue sports shorts with school crest<strong>Repton</strong> navy swim shortsFootball boots (moulded studs)White sports shoes/trainersWhite cotton ankle socks18

<strong>Repton</strong> navy blue tracksuit** OptionalGirls: White cotton sports shirt with school crest House shirt Navy blue sports shorts with school crest Senior school sports cap Navy/gold long sports socks <strong>Repton</strong> sports bag Football boots (moulded studs) White sports shoes/trainers White cotton ankle socks Navy blue school swimming costume <strong>Repton</strong> swimming cap <strong>Repton</strong> navy blue tracksuit** OptionalAll Sixth Form pupils should wear a dark coloured (dark grey; black) work suit. All Lower Sixthshould wear white coloured shirts with their suits and Upper Sixth can wear a coloured shirt.Sixth Form Girls:Girls skirt suits should be below the knee with little or no split.Blouses / shirts should not be fitted nor tight fitting.Tights should be of neutral colour nearest skin tone.Hair should be tied back. It should not be dyed.Smart, polished black leather shoes.Sixth Form Boys:Trouser suits with minimal stripe / pattern.Shirts should be smart and able to have the top button done up for the school tie.Hair should be smart, short and not touch the collar. It should not be dyed.Smart, polished black leather shoes.All items of uniform, bags, towels etc. must be clearly marked with the owner’s name eitherin indelible pen or, preferably, by means of sewn­on name tapes. The <strong>School</strong> retains the rightto indelibly name items which may come to notice as not so labelled.FootwearWe want our pupils to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children towear shoes that have platform soles or high heels and we forbid them wearing such.The term ‘regulation footwear’ is defined as practical black shoes designed specifically withschool wear in mind. The shoe should be fastened by laces or can be slip on. Ballet pumps ortrainer type shoes should not be worn.19

JewelleryJewellery must not be worn to school. However, girls with pierced ears may wear small plainsilver or gold studs.Watches may be worn but they must be clearly named. They should not be expensive ‘designer’brands.The <strong>School</strong> accepts no responsibility for any items of jewellery that are worn to school, includingwatches or stud earrings, even if those items are removed for PE games and swimming and aretemporarily placed in the care of a member of staff.HairGirl’s long hair, that which exceeds collar length, must be tied back at all times with a plain blue,white or green ‘scrunchy’ or bobble. A plain blue or green Alice band may be worn. In PE lessonsthe hair should be tied back with a blue or green bobble.Bandanas are not to be worn.Boys are required to have neat and tidy hair with a maximum length on the collar and a minimumlength of a number 3 razor.Hair gel and hair colourings (including highlights) are not to be worn to school. If applied atweekends and holidays it must be washed out before the child returns to school.TattoosTemporary tattoos are not appropriate and must be removed before attending school.The Role of ParentsIt is incumbent upon all parents who send their children to <strong>Repton</strong> to support the school uniformpolicy. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child has the correct uniform andthat it is clean and in good repair.Parents are expected to ensure that the <strong>Repton</strong> uniform is worn with pride outside the schooland to be aware that any child wearing the school uniform represents the school and as such,both behaviour and appearance should uphold the high standards normally expected of that childwithin the <strong>School</strong>.Personal Stereos and Mobile PhonesThe use of MP3 players / I‐pods or mobile phones by <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> pupils is strictly prohibited.Use of these devices will result in immediate confiscation and will only be returned to the parentof the pupil concerned.Parents wishing to contact a child in school should do so via the school telephone system.Likewise, pupils with a genuine need to contact their parents may do so using the <strong>School</strong> phones.The use of mobile phones at school is strictly prohibited. A mobile phone can only be used in anemergency in the pupils’ house office. If brought to school for any reason, they must remain20

switched off until 4:45pm and stored in the child’s bag. Boarders should only use mobile phonesinside the boarding house and only during free time.12.1: AbsencesAbsence undermines and disrupts learning, and often it is not possible to ‘make up’ in full thelearning lost during a period of absence. However, we appreciate that some parents may wish towithdraw their children from school during certain religious holidays that are not observed at<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> and we ask that they inform the school in good time so that account can be takenof the child’s absence in lesson planning.Parents are required to explain a pupil’s absence by telephoning the <strong>School</strong> on themorning of the absence. If a parent does not notify the <strong>School</strong> on the first day of absencethe Receptionist will telephone home to ascertain the reason. This will be noted in theregister.A pupil returning to school after any absence must bring an explanatory note from theirparent/guardian which will be filed in the appropriate pupil file.No pupil should leave the school premises at lunch time unless permission has been given(in exceptional circumstances) by the Head of Senior <strong>School</strong>, Deputy Head, Senior Tutor orHousemaster / Housemistress.If pupils are absent for extended periods with or without notice, the parents will becontacted.13.1: Pupil Contact DetailsIn order for <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> to maintain accurate records, we ask that parents ensure theschool has up‐to‐date contact information, including email address and telephonenumbers in case of emergencies.14.1: Lost PropertyPlease ensure that all property and uniform is labelled clearly with the pupil’s name.Pupils should not bring any valuable items to school.Although we will do our best to assist in the recovery of lost items, <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> will notbe held responsible for unmarked property.HTA 10 / 201021

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