2011 Buyers' Guide 2011 Buyers' Guide - International Fiber Journal

2011 Buyers' Guide 2011 Buyers' Guide - International Fiber Journal

2011 Buyers' Guide 2011 Buyers' Guide - International Fiber Journal

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Trends | FiltrationScouting Out Trends, Developmentsand Unmet Needs in FiltrationBy Edward C. GregorFrom a list of priorities, marketintelligence is the most importantneed for American Filtration& Separations Society (AFS)Corporate Sponsors. This was learnedat the 2010 AFS Spring Conference inSan Antonio in late March. This articlefeatures a high-level overview and a fewspecific insights into the subject ofwhere the filtration and separationsmarket is today and where it is headed.The overview certainly is not all encompassing,but provides a brief summaryfor readers having an interest inthe subject.FILTRATION TRENDSThere are several fundamental characteristicsor macro-trends in the filtrationmarket. They include:• Finer Filtration is in demand prettymuch across the board asmanufacturers from automotive tosemiconductor manufacturing seekto increase product performance.• More filtration media is indevelopment for niche applicationsin the form of specializedmembranes, nano fibers, ceramicfibers or high-temperaturespunbond and meltblownnonwoven fabrics from specialtypolymers than were in the past.• Environmental consciousness isevolving as filter buyers are seekinglong-filter life and/or the eliminationof disposable filters using a systemsapproach.• One world manufacturing,distribution and sales. Ascommunications, markets andFiltration media for niche applications will be in demand in the coming years,including media such as filters made from ceramic fibers pictured above.currencies are more unified,multi-national filter customersexpect filtration products to beavailable locally from suppliers asthey install production overseas.• Legislation by local, regional andinternational bodies increasinglyenacting laws to prevent, reduce andclean-up contamination.Trends are long-term changes in the6 • August 2010 • www.filtnews.commarket, which often span many yearsacross the industry as a whole. Thereare other ongoing micro trends in nichemarkets that relate to the fundamentallonger-term trends listed above.LATEST DEVELOPMENTSIt’s important to understand the differencebetween the “tweaking” andenhancing a product design or function,and true new product development.There is no black and white

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