2011 Buyers' Guide 2011 Buyers' Guide - International Fiber Journal

2011 Buyers' Guide 2011 Buyers' Guide - International Fiber Journal

2011 Buyers' Guide 2011 Buyers' Guide - International Fiber Journal

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The American Filtration andSeparations Society will holdits fall topical conference atthe Turf Valley Hotel in Ellicott City,MD on October 4-7, 2010. The topicsfor this conference are water filtrationand filter testing. The conference will beco-located along with the Water QualityAssociation’s (WQA) fall meeting.WATER FILTRATION AND SEPARATIONWater is the largest single applicationfor filtration and separation worldwide.This tract will continue the AFSS longhistory of addressing the most pressingissues in filtration and separation.The program covers the latest technologiesin home, municipal, and industrialwater treatment. It will includethe prefiltration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration,nanofiltration, reverse osmosis,ion exchange, adsorption, filteraids, etc., whether for use in the mostmodern industrialized countries or developingworld countries. The programwill focus on solutions to the demandingchallenges of providing clean waterto meet the requirements of modern societywith the diminishing quality andsupply of fresh water. Any engineer, scientist,quality control, marketing, salesor administrative person associatedwith or interested in water treatmentwill find this conference quite useful.Keynote speakers are planned to introducethe latest information in thedynamic world of water treatment tomeet the worldwide demand for qualitywater whether it be for drinking orindustrial use or reuse.Sessions will include:• Prefiltration• Membranes• Adsorption• Ion Exchange/SofteningThe sessions will cover media, device,and systems technology and developmentsfrom the leading providersof filtration and separation solutionsinto the water treatment market.FILTER TESTING & DEVELOPMENTThis fourth conference on “FilterTesting” will continue the long AFS traditionof dealing with all aspects of filtrationtesting both for liquid and air.The program will be well rounded,including test methods, procedures,evaluations and applications. Mosttypes of filters will be addressed, includingfilter aids, coalescers, and evenequipment. Of course, conventionalmedia, cartridge, bag and strainer testingwill also be covered. All plant orR&D engineers, QC personnel, testequipment suppliers, and test labs willfind this conference quite useful.Keynote speakers are planned to introducethe latest in filter testing methodsand how they can be applied toreal-life applications.Sessions will include:• Filter Media Testing &Development• Characterization of Filter Media• Cartridge, Strainer & BagFilter Testing• Filter Cleaning/Testing Procedures• Filter Aid & CoalescerDevelopments• Filter Test Methods• General Filtration ApplicationTestingThe conference’s technical sessionsbegin on Tuesday, October 5th.SHORT COURSESThe conference is kicked off onMonday, October 4th with seven shortcourses being offered. These courseswill include:• Fundamentals of Liquid Filtration• Fundamentals of Air/Gas Filtration• Microfiltration Membranes• Ultrafiltration Membranes• Dewatering in Wastewater TreatmentAssociation | NewsAmerican Filtration and Separations Society toHold Water Filtration and Filter Testing Conferencewww.filtnews.com • August 2010 • 25• Liquid Filtration Testing Basics• Reverse Osmosis System DesignSPONSORSHIPS, EXHIBITORSConference Sponsors will receivethe publicity of being a corporate leaderin the Filtration Industry, and this publicitywill extend beyond the AFS TechnicalConference to the AFSConference Website.A Conference sponsor will receive:• Company logo on the AFS websitehome page before and during theconference• Company logo on the AFSconference website before, duringand after the conference• Company name and logodisplayed on the conferencebrochure• Company name and logodisplayed throughout thetechnical conference areaConference Sponsorships are availablefor $1,000. AFS Corporate Sponsorsreceive a 50% discount onconference sponsorships.Companies can also display theirproducts and meet with industry expertswith a conference “Tabletop” display.This is a 6-foot table display that islocated right outside the technical presentationrooms.These displays are available for$1,000. AFS Corporate Sponsors receivea $250 discount thus for a fee of $750.There is a charge of $25 for electricity.The tabletop exhibit does not includeconference registration. AFS CorporateSponsors receive a 25% discounton tabletop exhibits.FNFor more information contact:Suzanne Sower, Executive ManagerAmerican Filtration and Separations SocietyTel: 1-612-861-1277Email: kssafs@mac.comWebsite: www.afssociety.org/fall2010/

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