N00178-04-D-4023 FD01 Technical Instruction #: 059

N00178-04-D-4023 FD01 Technical Instruction #: 059

N00178-04-D-4023 FD01 Technical Instruction #: 059

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Code 21 SEAPORT, Contract # : <strong>N00178</strong>-<strong>04</strong>-D-<strong>4023</strong> <strong>FD01</strong><strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Instruction</strong> #: <strong>059</strong>TITLE: High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) ShipboardPURPOSE: An initial HIMARS shipboard compatibility study was conducted in 2002. Duringtheir development, the HIMARS vehicles have undergone several changes. The HIMARSlauncher is transitioning towards an armored cab, the re-supply vehicle is armored and uses anextra long wheel base Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR), and a High MobilityMultipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)-based ordnance support vehicle is new to theprogram. These changes need to be taken into account to find the most suitable classes ofamphibious ships.INSTRUCTIONS/GUIDELINES: In order to support Section 2, Task 1 and Task 2, of theStatement of Work, the contractor shall incorporate the following <strong>Instruction</strong>s/Guidelines:<strong>Instruction</strong> 1: Engineering Support – Provide engineering and analysis for a High MobilityArtillery Rocket System (HIMARS) shipboard handling follow-on study, including the use of theFMTV-based launcher with a Low Signature Armored Cab-HIMARS (LSAC-H) and ImprovedCrew Protection (ICP) cab, MTVR AMK 37 extended wheelbase re-supply vehicles, and anarmored HMMWV-based ordnance support vehicle (OSV) on an M-1152 extended capabilityvehicle. Provide engineering support for evaluation of onboard rocket pod handling equipmentto include the use of forklift and pallet trucks. Monitor, evaluate and make recommendationsconcerning the current Navy plans for forklift development, elevator capacity thresholds, andLanding Force Operational Reserve Material (LFORM) capacity. Provide HIMARS projectoffice insight with respect to the amphibious assault ship options. Provide engineering supportfor shipboard test and evaluation to determine suitable classes of amphibious assault ships,including:1. Determine shipboard compatibility for the M142 HIMARS rocket launcher on aFMTV chassis with the LSAC-H cab, ICP cab, armored MTVR AMK 37, MTVRMK 38 re-supply trailer and the ordnance support vehicle on the M-1152 extendedcapability vehicle (ECV).2. Determine shipboard compatibility for rocket pods using organic or available materialhandling equipment.3. Provide engineering support planning to evaluate HIMARS vehicles and rocket podson military shipping. Make recommendations on suitable amphibious ships andprovide a test plan to verify such recommendations.4. Define operational limitation and trade off of carrying HIMARS on the variousclasses of amphibious ships.5. Provide recommended plan of action for resolving discovered shipboard compatibilityissues or deficiencies, as required.GOVERNMENT FURNISHED INFORMATION (GFI): The contractor will be furnishedwith all pertinent documentation within ten (10) working days of funding provided. This GFIshall be returned to the Government within thirty (30) days after completion of this instruction orwith submission of the final report.• Updated HIMARS vehicle characteristics and drawings8 September 2008

• Updated Rocket Pod characteristics and drawingsGOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT/OFFICE SPACE (GFE): None.PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Period of performance is through 31 December 2008.TECHNICAL POINTS OF CONTACT (TPOCs):NSWCCD TPOC is Larry Murphy, Code 2120, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center,9500 MacArthur Boulevard, West Bethesda, Maryland 20817-5700, phone (301) 227-3664, fax(301) 227-1<strong>04</strong>1, email: Lawrence.p.murphy@navy.mil.USMC TPOC is John Powers; Team Lead, Firing Systems and Munitions; USMC EvolutionaryFiring Systems Program; phone (703) 432-4226; email: john.w.powers@usmc.milDELIVERABLES:Status Report: Monthly status reports of activities conducted under this <strong>Technical</strong><strong>Instruction</strong> including a summary of work completed, labor hours expended, fundingexpended, and balance.<strong>Technical</strong> Report(s):Draft Final Report – 60 days after task awardFinal Report (MS Word) – 120 days after task awardSECURITY REQUIREMENTS: There is no classified work anticipated under this <strong>Technical</strong><strong>Instruction</strong>.SERVICES INFORMATION: The contractor shall not exercise personal judgment on behalf of theGovernment. The Government will not assign tasks or prepare work schedules but will allow thecontractor to meet delivery schedules established in the contract/order. The Government will notexercise control or direct day to day contractor performance.TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Instruction</strong>s (TIs) means written guidance or specific taskdirections to the contractor within the scope of the task order statement of work. TIs include: (1)directions to the contractor that suggest pursuit of certain lines of inquiry, shift work emphasis, fill-indetails or otherwise serve to accomplish the statement of work; and (2) guidelines to the contractor thatassist in the interpretation of drawings, specifications, or technical portions of work description. TIsmay not be used to (1) assign additional work; (2) direct a change as defined in the “Changes” clause ofthe base contract; (3) increase or decrease the contract and/ or task order price or estimated contractand/or task order amount (including fee), as applicable, the level of effort, or the time required for taskorder performance; or (4) change any of the terms, conditions or specifications of the task order.8 September 2008

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