R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

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P0STMARKSCONTINUED FROM P.6I also really enjoyed the April Fools’ article thisweek [“UT to End Football Program,” News, April 2].Sincerely,Miriam McKinneyWonderland Studios‘CHRONICLE’ COJONESDear Editor,I know you’ll get some push-back on it, so Iappreciate you having the courage to publishthis week’s UT cover story [“UT to End FootballProgram,” News, April 2]. I loved it – great humor.And everyone I talked with loved it – a numberof people commented “long time coming,” “I didn’tthink the AC had it in them to hold UT accountableto that level,” “impressive,” “hilarious,” and “gladthe <strong>Chronicle</strong> still has their cojones.”Nice work,David KobierowskiQUARTERBACK GILBERT TRANSFERSDear Editor,I am so disappointed in the <strong>Chronicle</strong>. Ithought this was a serious newspaper. <strong>The</strong>date of the paper was April 2 – not April 1. Ididn’t pay attention to the headline about UTending football [“UT to End Football Program,”Oops!Due to editorial confusion, we mistakenlyreported last week that the Universityof Texas was ending its football program(and all athletics programs), that the cityof <strong>Austin</strong> would henceforth subsidize UTfootball, that several UT football playerswere transferring to other universities,and that Darrell K. Royal-Texas MemorialStadium would be repurposed for academicfunctions and additional parking.We have since learned that we were mistaken.We apologize for any inconvenienceand promise to never, ever, ever,make similar mistakes again – at leastuntil April 1, 2011.News, April 2]. I knew that wasn’t true, but Iread the first part of the article about GarrettGilbert and was astonished [“QuarterbackGilbert Transfers – Guess Where?,” News,April 2]. Later, I read to the end and realized itwas all garbage. None of this was funny. I feelangry and insulted.Gloria ManosNEANDERTHAL STATE?Dear Editor,Re: “Why Not Just Throw a Tomato?” [News,April 2]: This type of ignorant suppression willhave consequences of its own. At some pointthe feds will restrict funding to entities thatviolate the First Amendment. At some pointpeople will start taking the state to court overthis kind of imposition of religious viewpointon secular culture. <strong>The</strong>re is little difference inkind between this intervention and what theIslamic mullahs seek: a religious state. If thisbehavior is allowed to continue, at some pointthere will be little difference in degree, either.A play being canceled because a Neanderthalthinks it’s “blasphemous”? I got your blasphemousright here, pal.Hank AlrichLOUIS BLACK RUINED MUSIC SCENELouis Black,Re: “Page Two: Praying for an Early Death”[March 26]: Yeah, we get it. You are a shiningbeacon of altruism in the cynical sea of<strong>Austin</strong> music. You single-handedly saved the<strong>Austin</strong> music scene in 1987, and every timeI go to Liberty Lunch or the Steamboat or theCave Club, I say a little word of thanks. Yousteadfastly refuse to divulge financial particularsyet are so thin-skinned that you devotesix-plus pages to defending all attacks – realor imagined – each year in increasingly hystericalmanner. Personally, I don’t really careif you are getting rich off South by Southwestor not. That’s not the point. <strong>The</strong> point, Louis,is that the people of <strong>Austin</strong> made you, yourpaper, and the SXSW Music Festival. We donot owe you anything. You owe us. Quit actingCONTINUED ON P.10Dear readers,On April 1 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Austin</strong> <strong>Chronicle</strong> reported that the University of Texas wasshutting down all of its athletics programs due to financial concerns. Hereis a sampling of comments posted online about last week’s cover feature,“UT to End Football Program,” News.1) “Is this guy stupid or something?Texas football has probably been aroundlonger than he has been alive! To take awaya winning program like that would havethe city of <strong>Austin</strong> and the state of Texasin an uproar! I would understand if theteam wasn’t that good, but they got to thenational championship game last year andhave been in many bowl games before that.If this guy has any sense he will not takeaway TEXAS FOOTBALL!!!!” – mmata692) “OK I get that this is a joke, but to me,NOT FUNNY.”– stephhh613) “Pleaaaassseeeeeee tell me thisis not true! Pleaseeee … oh my god!How sad … I was born here(!) and thesea-holes want to take away what makesthis city great!!!! Not only are there goingto be some pee-ooodeeeddd UT fans but<strong>Austin</strong>ities as well!!! HOOK ’EM HORNSFOR LIFE!!!!”– JESSIE894) “If there is any truth to this garbage Gov.Good Hair wont have to worry about being reelected,he’ll be run out of town on a rail. Noticein part of his statement he says, “Gig ’em,Aggies.” It appears he wants his alma mater towin a football game so he’s trying to do awaywith the Horns. Well Kinky should have beathim, and Texas ex Kay Bailey Hutchison also.Well maybe Bill White will show him the wayhome, preferably to College Station.” – geezer5) “No UT football? That is crazy!! Not aLonghorn fan, but that is absurd for sure.Well, money does talk, and UT football doessoak up LOTS of money, often even takingaway from the university itself, and that’s aknown fact. Wow. What will rabid Longhornfans do? LOL.”– <strong>The</strong>News6) “Hey! It’s not April Fool’s Day anymore.Take it and the other articles down. <strong>The</strong>y arestill floating around Yahoo and the like. Itreally wasn’t that funny to begin with. AprilFool’s Day is for kids and not for veiled politicalcommentary.”– hookturnerRIVA QUEENPLATFORM BED$479** Frame only,mattress not included8 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E APRIL 9, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mURBAN LIVING7727 Burnet | 451-2144 | urbanlivingaustin.comhours: monday - saturday 10-6pm | sunday 1-5pmOut of This World Pricing!S U P P O R T A U S T I N | S H O P L O C A L | K E E P T A X D O L L A R S H E R E

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