R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

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CALENDAR ( COMMUNITY SPORTS ARTS FILM MUSIC) LIS TINGSWEDNESDAY 14THURSDAY 15MONDAY 12d NORTH VILLAGE COMIC CLUB joinsthe Justice League of America. For ages9-17. 4:30pm. North Village Library, 2505 Steck,974-9960.STROKE SUPPORT GROUP RSVP for an open discussionwith other stroke survivors and their friendsand families. 4:30pm. St. David’s RehabilitationHospital, first floor, 1005 E. 32nd, 544-8677. Free.SAKURA FESTIVAL celebrates Japanese culture andthe arrival of spring with food, music, and variousarts performances. 5-8pm. Texas State University,Performing Arts and Conference Center, San Marcos,512/963-9441. wt1026@txstate.edu.UNEMPLOYMENT GROUP Unemployed and underemployedindividuals are invited for job-search training,networking, and résumé development. Secondand fourth Mondays, 6:30pm. Shepherd of the HillsLutheran Church, 3525 Bee Caves Rd., 327-3370.Free. www.austinunemploymentgroup.org.` EQUALITY ACROSS AMERICA ORGANIZINGMEETINGS You want a mission statement? Dig this:“Our One Single Demand: Equal protection in all mattersgoverned by civil law in all 50 states.” Oh hellyes. The next step in the call to arms (warm onesthat give hugs) that was delivered at the NationalEquality March happens here. Weekly meetings toplan for the upcoming Equality Across America –Texas Regional Conference (May 21-23) are formingnow. Join this impact! Mondays through May 17, 7pm.UT campus, Mezes Hall, Rm. 1.204. dcloud@mail.utexas.edu, www.equalityacrossamerica.org.ORGANIC GARDENERS MEETING Learn aboutthe latest innovations in organic gardening. 7pm.Zilker Botanical Garden, 2220 Barton Springs Rd.,443-7187. Free. www.austinorganicgardeners.org.` PRISM: UT LGBT CATHOLICS LGBT Catholicsand straight allies do exist! Explore 100% openheartedfellowship in this nonjudgmental, safe, andaccepting environment. 7pm. University CatholicCenter, 2010 University Ave., 476-7351.prism@longhorncatholic.org, www.utcatholic.org.w YURI’S NIGHT Celebrate the anniversary ofYuri Gagarin’s 1961 space launch with a screeningof Man on a Mission, a documentary about RichardGarriott’s trip to the international space station. Livemusic and no shortage of staring at the stars in awewill also be included. 7pm. Zilker Park Clubhouse,200 Zilker Clubhouse Rd., 791-2020. $10 suggesteddonation. www.austinyurisnight.com.w BILINGUAL CENSUS HELP (See Friday.)SPECIAL SCREENINGS (See Film Listings.)Austin Yuri’s Night Celebration @ Zilker ParkClubhouse, 7pmZellneroids: Zellner Bros. Short Film Cavalcade@ Alamo Ritz, 7pmMUSIC (See Music Listings.)David Garza Cactus Cafe| KEEP TEXAS BEAUTIFUL CLEANSWEEP (SEE SATURDAY)TUESDAY 13| HERITAGE FESTIVAL(SEE SATURDAY)CHARTER SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Tourthis unconventional school and meet theteachers who could be instructing your children far fromthe education mills. 9-11am & 5-6:30pm. NYOS CharterSchool, 1605 Kramer (pre-K to third grade) & 12301 N.Lamar (fourth through 12th), 583-6967. www.nyos.org.RÉSUMÉ-WRITING WORKSHOP On Tuesdaysthrough April, the library offers computer basicsfor job-seekers. 10am. Faulk Central Library, 800Guadalupe, 974-7400. Free. www.cityofaustin.org/library.d POETRY & PUPPETRY Ms. Asia Ward breaksout the hand puppets to celebrate National PoetryMonth. 1pm. Terra Toys, 2438 W. Anderson Ste. C-1,445-4489. Free. www.terratoys.com.PARKS ASSISTANT DIRECTORS FINALISTS will beon hand to answer your questions. See who you thinkcan handle the job. It’s like American Idol but slightlyless entertaining. 4:30pm. George Washington CarverMuseum and Cultural Center, 1165 Angelina, 472-4809.w BOONE PLANTA WATER PROJECT BENEFIT SaraHickman and others play for your enjoyment while youcheck out the silent auction. You might not realize it,but you will be bringing fresh water to the village ofEl Zapata, Honduras. 6-11pm. Stubb’s, 801 Red River,480-8341. $12. www.booneplantawaterproject.com.INTRODUCTION TO ALZHEIMER’S Get info onwarning signs, stages, the importance of diagnosis,treatment options, and more. Second Tuesdays, 6pm.Alzheimer’s Association, 3429 Executive Center Dr.#100, 241-0420. Free. www.alz.org/texascapital.` LISTEN TO OUTCAST! KOOP = queer! Tweakyour knobs (or theirs) to 91.7FM. It’s OutCast, forand about the Central Texas LGBT population andbeyond. Join Heath, Stephen, Miss Kitty, and the GayPlace’s Kate X for some seriously sassy madness.Tuesdays, 6-7pm. KOOP Radio 91.7FM. www.koop.org,www.outcastaustin.com.WINE FOR THE PEOPLE Every other week, the WhipIn offers a class in being classy for a less-than-classybudget. Sample four wines while Rae Wilson teachesyou about the region where the grapes are grown.Go online to reserve your seat. Second and fourthTuesdays, 7pm. Whip In, 1950 S. I-35, 442-5337. $10.wineforthepeople@gmail.com, www.whipin.com.w ELECTION DAY We’re not expecting a largeturnout for the primary run-off elections, but thatjust means your vote will count that much more.austinchronicle.com/elections.` LSM REP! Now that could mean “Little StolenMoments Repertoire” or “Little Stolen MomentsRepresent!” Either way, it’s a dance class, and youwill learn it, then your ass will thank you. LindseyTaylor and sometimes Stanley Roy teach. Tuesdays,8:15pm. Galaxy Dance Studios, 1700 S. Lamar #338,442-5299. $10. www.galaxydances.com,www.myspace.com/littlestolenmoments.SPECIAL SCREENINGS (See Film Listings.)Voyage to the Beginning of the World @ AlamoDrafthouse South, 7pmMUSIC (See Music Listings.)The Temper Trap Emo’sd SCULPTURE TALES Kids between theages of 3 and 5 are encouraged to bringtheir parents for folk tales, followed by crafty activities.10:30am. Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum,605 Robert E. Lee, 445-5582 x101. $5. sheila.fox@umlaufsculpture.org, www.umlaufsculpture.org.d SUNSHINE DANCE Kids between the ages of4 and 17 are invited to learn about balance andnature through the bodily expression of Africandance. Wednesdays through May, 4pm. Orun Centerof Cultural Arts, 1401-B Cedar, 731-4584. Free(donations appreciated). www.projectabundantlife.org.TEXAS OBSERVER HAPPY HOUR Meet with fans,friends, and employees of the Texas Observer overdrinks. No squealing if you see the hard-hitting anddreamy Dave Mann. 5:30pm. The Clive Bar, 609Davis, 477-0746. www.texasobserver.org.ORIGAMI CLUB MEETING I have to say, theOrigami Austin people send me the coolest paperdesigns every month with their press release. Askthem how to make the improbably awesome easyfoldmap. 6pm. Yarborough Branch Library,2200 Hancock, 567-4493. Free. www.origamiaustin.org.QUÉ ME CUENTAS Brush up on your Spanishthrough discussion and reading. Forty percent proficiencyis preferred, but the group will help you getthere if need be. Wednesdays, 6pm. Faulk CentralLibrary, 800 Guadalupe, 974-7400. Free.www.cityofaustin.org/library.LONE STAR MENSA MEETING Everyone’s invited,and everyone can feel like a smarty pants. Thismonth, Austan Librach, director of emerging transportationtechnologies at Austin Energy, discussesthe city’s plan to save the local environment. 7pm.North Village Library, 2505 Steck, 491-9881. Free.www.lsm.us.mensa.org.THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO U2 Dr. Greg Garrettdiscusses religion through Bono’s lyrical mind.7pm. University Christian Church, 2007 UniversityAve., 477-6104. Free. www.ucc-austin.org.w EARTH DAY BENEFIT CONCERT Ben Kwellerand the Old 97s kick off your Earth Day party aweek early with the money appropriately going tovarious enviro organizations. 7:30pm. Stubb’s,801 Red River, 480-8341. $18. www.austinearthday.com.SCIENCE UNDER THE STARS Taylor SultanQuedensley of UT’s Integrative Biology Departmentdiscusses the importance of the underappreciatedlichen family to our local ecosystem. 7:30pm.Brackenridge Field Lab, 2907 Lake Austin Blvd. Free.sites.google.com/site/scienceunderthestarsaustin.` THE MEN OF MENRG Future mosh for the people.Accused of sounding like “a goddamn rave.”10pm. Chain Drive, 504 Willow, 480-9017. Free.www.menrg.org, www.myspace.com/mvsclz,t3ars.tumblr.com.SPECIAL SCREENINGS (See Film Listings.)Group Marriage @ Alamo Ritz, 12midMine @ Alamo Ritz, 7pmRush @ Texas Spirit Theater, 7:30pmThe Fall of Berlin @ Geography Bldg., Rm. 102(UT campus on 24th), 7pmThe Student Nurses @ Alamo Ritz, 9:40pmMUSIC (See Music Listings.)Old 97’s, Ben Kweller Stubb’sWhite Rabbits, Here We Go Magic TheIndependent @ 501 StudiosPat Metheny Paramount TheatreNo Idea 2010 Seeds + Systems Austin Art andMusic PartnershipSUBMISSION INFORMATION:The Austin Chronicle is published every Thursday. Infois due the Monday of the week prior to the issue date.The deadline for the April 23 issue is Monday, April12. Include name of event, date, time, location, price,phone number(s), a description, and any available photosor artwork. Include SASE for return of materials.Send submissions to the attention of the appropriatewriter (see roster below). Mail to the Chronicle, PO Box49066, Austin, TX 78765; fax, 458-6910; or e-mail:A GEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE A petroleumgeologist shares his knowledge of globalwarming, U.S. energy futures, and more. Registeronline by April 13. 11:45am. St. David’s EpiscopalChurch, 304 E. Seventh, 472-1196. $10.www.stdave.org.w FOTOS DE MI ALMA PHOTO AUCTION Bid onprofessional, amateur, and student photography depictingLatino life. E!’s first Latina news anchor, KristinaGuerrero, gives the event some star power. All proceedsgo to Latinitas’ outreach programs. 5:30pm.Mexican American Cultural Center, 600 River, 478-6222.$10. www.latinitasmagazine.org.LIBERTEA PARTY Texans for Accountable Governmentis hosting this “trans-partisan” tea party, so work upsome ire against big government (shouldn’t be hard ontax day), and let the man know that you can make yourown decisions. 5:45pm. Texas Capitol, 1100 Congress,773-6102. Free. www.tagtexas.org.CONCORDIA FACULTY COLLOQUIUM Geology andenvironmental science professor Bonnie Browndiscusses satellite technology and its utility in determiningland use. 6pm. Concordia University, 11400Concordia University Dr., Bldg. A, 313-5402. Free.MAMMO MIXERS Manicures, refreshments, and, ohyeah, mammograms. Call to RSVP. 6pm. The BreastCenter at St. David’s Medical Center, 919 E. 32nd #111,544-8803. www.stdavids.com.HERITAGE/WINDSOR HILLS ZONING MEETING Thisworkshop focuses on how to make these neighborhoodsgreen and sustainable. Fight for your local tree canopy.6:30pm. Dobie Middle School, 1200 E. Rundberg, secondfloor. www.cityofaustin.org/zoning/heritage_hills.htm.PHILOSOPHY LECTURE SERIES Austin CommunityCollege isn’t all job training and trade skills; it has avigorous humanities department as well. The philosophydepartment offers a lecture on Karl Marx to proveit. 7pm. Austin Community College Eastview Campus,Rm. 8500, 3401 Webberville Rd., 223/485-1814. Free.www.austincc.edu/philosophy.GOODWILL’S WEIGH GOOD DONATION DRIVE Bringyour gently used clothes, computers, furniture, or evenbigger items such as cars, boats, and trucks (towingavailable) to your local Goodwill, and help it reach itsgoal of 725,000 pounds of donated goods. That putsroughly 42 individuals in competitive employment.Thu.-Sun., April 15-18. Goodwill locations all over town,637-7100. www.austingoodwill.org.INDEPENDENCE AND DECOLONIZATIONCONFERENCE Three days of scholars, panels, and discussionsall centered around the history of the decolonizationprocess. Thu.-Sat., April 15-17. AT&T ExecutiveEducation and Conference Center, 1900 University Ave.,471-3261. Free. historyinstitute@austin.utexas.edu,www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/historicalstudies.OLD SETTLER’S MUSIC FESTIVAL This annual fourdaycelebration of Americana roots music featuresworkshops, arts & crafts, youth talent competitions,and more, in addition to the dozens of bands that perform(see Club Listings, p.84, for a complete lineup).You can camp out the whole time or just join in for aday. Thu.-Sun., April 15-18. Salt Lick Pavilion & CampBen McCulloch. $25-450. www.oldsettlersmusicfest.org.TAX DEADLINE Taxes are due today. In case yourforgot, here’s the link for the deadline extension form.Although that’s due today as well.www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4868.pdf.MUSIC (See Music Listings.)Teenanger BeerlandEasy Star All-Stars Flamingo CantinaKate X Messer (Gay Place): gayplace@austinchronicle.com.Mark Fagan (Sports): gameplans@austinchronicle.com.James Renovitch (everything else):calendar@austinchronicle.com.For FAQs and an online submission form, go toaustinchronicle.com/commform.Questions? Contact Wayne Alan Brenner, Listings editor,454-5766 or brenner@austinchronicle.com.66 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E APRIL 9, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

now . . .d AIR FAIR The Austin Children’sMuseum’s current exhibition is a whirlwind ofexcitement, with kids exploring and experimentingwith the properties of moving air. Austin Children’sMuseum, 201 Colorado, 472-2499. 4.50-6.50.www.austinkids.org.AMERICAN SABOR: LATINOS IN U.S. POPULARMUSIC focuses on five major American urban centersof Latino popular music production following WorldWar II. The exhibition comes to life through films,interactive kiosks, and more. Through May 9. BobBullock Texas State History Museum, 1800 Congress,936-4639. $4-7. www.thestoryoftexas.com.APPLIANCE REBATE PROGRAM If you’re in themarket for a new energy-saving appliance, now isthe time to start thinking about buying. StartingApril 7, Texans will be able to call or go onlineto sign up for rebates. If things go according toplan, you’ll be able to take that rebate to a localstore (not online) and purchase that appliance andreceive money back. Go online for more details andlimitations; they are numerous. 877/780-3039.www.texaspowerfulsmart.org.CAMP QUALITY VOLUNTEERS Camp Quality, asummer camp support program for children withcancer, is looking for volunteers (age 18 and older)to be one-on-one companions with the campers.Applications can be found online and are due beforeMay 16. Outside of Tyler. tx.campqualityusa.org.CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATOR You too canknow the extent to which you are killing the planet,courtesy of the Austin Climate Protection Program.Go online and let ACPP do the math for you. Afterthat, it’s up to you to change your ways or live withthe guilt. www.coolaustin.org.CHILEAN EARTHQUAKE RELIEF UT students haveset up a fund to aid the earthquake relief effortsin Chile. Support a grassroots charitable group andyour fellow humans abroad. Options for donating areavailable online. www.austinhelpschile.org.DONATIONS FOR HAITI DOC Iraq veteran CaseyJ. Porter will be traveling to Haiti to document thedestruction and rebuilding process, but he needs theright equipment. Additionally, he’d like to be able tohelp his hosts with supplies. E-mail to find out howyou can help. caseyjporter@hotmail.com.FINANCIAL COACHING Mondays through Saturdays,individuals earning less than $25,000 and familiesearning less than $50,000 can get free, one-on-onehelp reducing debt, fixing credit, and clarifying othermoney matters. Community Financial Center,2600 W. Stassney, 610-4026.financialcoach@foundcom.org, www.foundcom.org.HILL COUNTRY PHOTO CONTEST Start exploringthe 17 counties that make up the Hill Country,and find one of the myriad natural and picturesquespots. Snap it and submit it to the Hill CountryAlliance online, where you will also find a completelist of rules. Deadline for submissions is May 31.560-3135. www.hillcountryalliance.org.CALENDAR ( COMMUNITY SPORTS ARTS FILM MUSIC) LIS TINGS` HOMOSCOPE 2010 IS SCOPIN’ Do you wantyour big homo shown on the big Homoscope? Thisannual art and film fest is booking now for August.Deadlines: for performers, May 1; for film and visualart, June 1. programming@homoscope.org,www.homoscope.org.HUMAN POTENTIAL CENTER This South Austin nonprofithas oodles of classes and workshops – fromyoga and Reiki to art classes and dream interpretation– just waiting to maximize your potential. Checkout the website for more info. Human Potential Center,2007 Bert, 441-8988. www.humanpotentialcenter.org.LAND GRANTS OF THE TEXAS REVOLUTION The latestexhibit, “A Hero’s Reward,” displays artifacts andhistorical documents that illuminate how soldiers ofdifferent races and backgrounds were compensatedfor their participation in Texas’ struggle for independence.Capitol Visitors Center, 112 E. 11th, 305-8400.Free. www.texascapitolvisitorscenter.com.NATURAL HEALTH CENTER has workshops in locationsall over town, most of which are free of charge.Learn to balance hormones and alleviate allergies andmigraines the natural way. Call for upcoming courses.892-3366. www.naturalhealthaustin.com.` PROJECT 1138 WEBSITE How many benefitsare you (or your friends) denied as a member of asame-sex couple? Here’s a nice online way to tally oursecond-class citizenship in one fell swoop.chip@equalityforum.com, www.project1138.com,www.equalityforum.com.PROJECT GRADUATION CALL FOR DONATIONSFoster-care teens – especially those who must supportthemselves upon turning 18 – can often use alittle extra help with the transition to adulthood. Everyspring, Project Graduation provides them with life kits,which contain basic household items like clock radios,linens, and kitchen supplies. You, too, can help bydonating a life kit yourself ($150) or by volunteering tohelp the Center for Child Protection shop for kit items.Through April 30. Center for Child Protection, 8509 FM969, Bldg. 2, 472-1164. www.centerforchildprotection.org.` QUEER THE CENSUS So the stated deadline forturning in your paper census was April 1, but the websitesays it will be accepted until mid-April. You stillhave time to gay it up. Want to know more? See thisweek’s “Gay Place,” p.62. And if you really want to becounted, check online at Queer the Census for a stickerto put on the back of your official census envelope.Mail it in by April 15. www.2010.census.gov,www.queerthecensus.org.d SHOTS FOR TOTS Bring your immunizationrecord and proof of Medicaid coverage (if applicable)and ensure that your kid’s shots are up to snuff.Appointments must be made Monday through Friday.Saturdays are first-come, first-served from 9am to1pm. No one will be turned away due to inabilityto pay. St. John Community Center, 7500 Blessing;Far South Health Clinic, 405 W. Stassney; Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center, 2800 Webberville,972-5520. $10. www.cityofaustin.org/health/shots.htm.TONER CARTRIDGE RECYCLING Bring your used inkjetor toner cartridges to your local public library, and youwill be saving the environment and helping the libraryraise money. 974-7400. www.cityofaustin.org/library.VOLUNTEER CALL FOR SPEAK WEEK Face it,only a handful of people ever attend city planningmeetings. Help get the word out about the ImagineAustin Comprehensive Plan, and see what people onthe street think about the future of Austin. Trainingis provided. April 20-29. 974-6004.larry.schooler@ci.austin.tx.us.& laterAAIM HOPE AWARDS honor local peopleand organizations that “put hope intoaction.” Dan Rather keeps hope alive as thekeynoter. Tue., May 4, 6:30pm. UT Alumni Center,2110 San Jacinto, 386-9145. $150.www.aaimaustin.org.CANCER CONNECTION VOLUNTEER TRAININGis for cancer survivors and their loved ones whoare interested in providing emotional support topatients currently battling the disease. Apply onlineat www.thecancerconnection.org. Fri., May 7, 5:45-9pm;Sat., May 8, 8:45am-4pm. 342-0233. $25 (scholarshipsavailable).` FOODIES: CIAO MEOW Purrrrrrrrfect night toget outta the litterbox and rub up against the leg ofsome lovely. Rrrrow! Live music, every last Saturdayof the month (Dang, last week’s was fun!): April 24,Lisa Marshall; May 27, Tara Craig; and June 26, MJTorrance. Last Caturday of every month, 9pm. HouseWine, 408 Josephine, 322-5210. Free.beatsagogo@aol.com.` HEY KIDS! STFU!!! Just like those ladies in thatShaft song say: “Shut yo’ mouf” for equality! It’s theNational Day of Silence to “tell” people that there isreally nothing to say until everybody’s free. Fri., April16. All over creation, especially in your freakin’ highschool. www.dayofsilence.org.d LEMONADE DAY Sign up now, and get your kidinto the entrepreneurial spirit early. Upon registration,kids receive all the informational tools theyneed to start a successful lemonade stand. Your kidcould be the next Donald Trump, but with better hair.Sun., May 2. www.lemonadeday.org.MARK STRAMA CAMPAIGN ACADEMY Applynow for this combination campaign boot camp andreal-life experience. College- and high school-agedparticipants get to hear elected officials, journalists,consultants, and other experts impart their wisdombefore taking part in the Strama campaign for thesummer. June 14-July 16, 10am-6pm.www.markstrama.com/campaignacademy.` SPLASH IS COMING Austin’s notorious “beachside”bash is polishing up the party barge. A hostof local bars are in on it. Check back for details asthey float in. Fri.-Sun., April 30-May 2. Hippie Hollow,7000 Comanche Tr., 397-1463.www.splashday.com.` STATE OF THE STATE RSVP and advance registerfor Equality Texas’ all-day public policy roundupat the Cxapitol. Sat., April 17, 8:30am-4pm. TexasCapitol, 1100 Congress, 305-8400. Free.www.equalitytexas.org.AUSTIN FAMILYMUSIC FESTIVALStarring award-winningSaraHickmanand her bandFamily TimeRocksTheBiscuitBrothers&InvincibleCzarsSATURDAY, APRIL 1010AM TO 4PMMusical hayrides, Instrument PettingZoo, food and a day of musicgalore: Steel drums, mariachis,Tuba Meisters, barbershop quartet,banjos, Austin Lyric Opera, KLRUcharacters, plus lots more! Premierchildren’s music festival in CentralTexas! Fun for kids of all ages!PIONEER FARMS10621 Pioneer Farms DriveAustin, TXExit I-35 at Braker Lane, go eastand follow the signsPioneerFarms.orgEarly-bird discount ticketsat Frontgatetickets.com.Event held rain or shine.PRESENTING SPONSOR: HEADLINE SPONSOR:SUPPORTING SPONSORS: Austin Family News MagazineSTEER HERE, QUEERSaustinchronicle.com/gayplacebloga u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m APRIL 9, 2010 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 67

CALENDAR ( COMMUNITY SPORTS ARTS FILM MUSIC) LIS TINGSWEDNESDAY 14THURSDAY 15MONDAY 12d NORTH VILLAGE COMIC CLUB joinsthe Justice League of America. For ages9-17. 4:30pm. North Village Library, 2505 Steck,974-9960.STROKE SUPPORT GROUP RSVP for an open discussionwith other stroke survivors and their friendsand families. 4:30pm. St. David’s RehabilitationHospital, first floor, 1005 E. 32nd, 544-8677. Free.SAKURA FESTIVAL celebrates Japanese culture andthe arrival of spring with food, music, and variousarts performances. 5-8pm. Texas State University,Performing Arts and Conference Center, San Marcos,512/963-9441. wt1026@txstate.edu.UNEMPLOYMENT GROUP Unemployed and underemployedindividuals are invited for job-search training,networking, and résumé development. Secondand fourth Mondays, 6:30pm. Shepherd of the HillsLutheran Church, 3525 Bee Caves Rd., 327-3370.Free. www.austinunemploymentgroup.org.` EQUALITY ACROSS AMERICA ORGANIZINGMEETINGS You want a mission statement? Dig this:“Our One Single Demand: Equal protection in all mattersgoverned by civil law in all 50 states.” Oh hellyes. <strong>The</strong> next step in the call to arms (warm onesthat give hugs) that was delivered at the NationalEquality March happens here. Weekly meetings toplan for the upcoming Equality Across America –Texas Regional Conference (May 21-23) are formingnow. Join this impact! Mondays through May 17, 7pm.UT campus, Mezes Hall, Rm. 1.204. dcloud@mail.utexas.edu, www.equalityacrossamerica.org.ORGANIC GARDENERS MEETING Learn aboutthe latest innovations in organic gardening. 7pm.Zilker Botanical Garden, 2220 Barton Springs Rd.,443-7187. Free. www.austinorganicgardeners.org.` PRISM: UT LGBT CATHOLICS LGBT Catholicsand straight allies do exist! Explore 100% openheartedfellowship in this nonjudgmental, safe, andaccepting environment. 7pm. University CatholicCenter, 2010 University Ave., 476-7351.prism@longhorncatholic.org, www.utcatholic.org.w YURI’S NIGHT Celebrate the anniversary ofYuri Gagarin’s 1961 space launch with a screeningof Man on a Mission, a documentary about RichardGarriott’s trip to the international space station. Livemusic and no shortage of staring at the stars in awewill also be included. 7pm. Zilker Park Clubhouse,200 Zilker Clubhouse Rd., 791-2020. $10 suggesteddonation. www.austinyurisnight.com.w BILINGUAL CENSUS HELP (See Friday.)SPECIAL SCREENINGS (See Film Listings.)<strong>Austin</strong> Yuri’s Night Celebration @ Zilker ParkClubhouse, 7pmZellneroids: Zellner Bros. Short Film Cavalcade@ Alamo Ritz, 7pmMUSIC (See Music Listings.)David Garza Cactus Cafe| KEEP TEXAS BEAUTIFUL CLEANSWEEP (SEE SATURDAY)TUESDAY 13| HERITAGE FESTIVAL(SEE SATURDAY)CHARTER SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Tourthis unconventional school and meet theteachers who could be instructing your children far fromthe education mills. 9-11am & 5-6:30pm. NYOS CharterSchool, 1605 Kramer (pre-K to third grade) & 12301 N.Lamar (fourth through 12th), 583-6967. www.nyos.org.RÉSUMÉ-WRITING WORKSHOP On Tuesdaysthrough April, the library offers computer basicsfor job-seekers. 10am. Faulk Central Library, 800Guadalupe, 974-7400. Free. www.cityofaustin.org/library.d POETRY & PUPPETRY Ms. Asia Ward breaksout the hand puppets to celebrate National PoetryMonth. 1pm. Terra Toys, 2438 W. Anderson Ste. C-1,445-4489. Free. www.terratoys.com.PARKS ASSISTANT DIRECTORS FINALISTS will beon hand to answer your questions. See who you thinkcan handle the job. It’s like American Idol but slightlyless entertaining. 4:30pm. George Washington CarverMuseum and Cultural Center, 1165 Angelina, 472-4809.w BOONE PLANTA WATER PROJECT BENEFIT SaraHickman and others play for your enjoyment while youcheck out the silent auction. You might not realize it,but you will be bringing fresh water to the village ofEl Zapata, Honduras. 6-11pm. Stubb’s, 801 Red River,480-8341. $12. www.booneplantawaterproject.com.INTRODUCTION TO ALZHEIMER’S Get info onwarning signs, stages, the importance of diagnosis,treatment options, and more. Second Tuesdays, 6pm.Alzheimer’s Association, 3429 Executive Center Dr.#100, 241-0420. Free. www.alz.org/texascapital.` LISTEN TO OUTCAST! KOOP = queer! Tweakyour knobs (or theirs) to 91.7FM. It’s OutCast, forand about the Central Texas LGBT population andbeyond. Join Heath, Stephen, Miss Kitty, and the GayPlace’s Kate X for some seriously sassy madness.Tuesdays, 6-7pm. KOOP Radio 91.7FM. www.koop.org,www.outcastaustin.com.WINE FOR THE PEOPLE Every other week, the WhipIn offers a class in being classy for a less-than-classybudget. Sample four wines while Rae Wilson teachesyou about the region where the grapes are grown.Go online to reserve your seat. Second and fourthTuesdays, 7pm. Whip In, 1950 S. I-35, 442-5337. $10.wineforthepeople@gmail.com, www.whipin.com.w ELECTION DAY We’re not expecting a largeturnout for the primary run-off elections, but thatjust means your vote will count that much more.austinchronicle.com/elections.` LSM REP! Now that could mean “Little StolenMoments Repertoire” or “Little Stolen MomentsRepresent!” Either way, it’s a dance class, and youwill learn it, then your ass will thank you. LindseyTaylor and sometimes Stanley Roy teach. Tuesdays,8:15pm. Galaxy Dance Studios, 1700 S. Lamar #338,442-5299. $10. www.galaxydances.com,www.myspace.com/littlestolenmoments.SPECIAL SCREENINGS (See Film Listings.)Voyage to the Beginning of the World @ AlamoDrafthouse South, 7pmMUSIC (See Music Listings.)<strong>The</strong> Temper Trap Emo’sd SCULPTURE TALES Kids between theages of 3 and 5 are encouraged to bringtheir parents for folk tales, followed by crafty activities.10:30am. Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum,605 Robert E. Lee, 445-5582 x101. $5. sheila.fox@umlaufsculpture.org, www.umlaufsculpture.org.d SUNSHINE DANCE Kids between the ages of4 and 17 are invited to learn about balance andnature through the bodily expression of Africandance. Wednesdays through May, 4pm. Orun Centerof Cultural Arts, 1401-B Cedar, 731-4584. Free(donations appreciated). www.projectabundantlife.org.TEXAS OBSERVER HAPPY HOUR Meet with fans,friends, and employees of the Texas Observer overdrinks. No squealing if you see the hard-hitting anddreamy Dave Mann. 5:30pm. <strong>The</strong> Clive Bar, 609Davis, 477-0746. www.texasobserver.org.ORIGAMI CLUB MEETING I have to say, theOrigami <strong>Austin</strong> people send me the coolest paperdesigns every month with their press release. Askthem how to make the improbably awesome easyfoldmap. 6pm. Yarborough Branch Library,2200 Hancock, 567-4493. Free. www.origamiaustin.org.QUÉ ME CUENTAS Brush up on your Spanishthrough discussion and reading. Forty percent proficiencyis preferred, but the group will help you getthere if need be. Wednesdays, 6pm. Faulk CentralLibrary, 800 Guadalupe, 974-7400. Free.www.cityofaustin.org/library.LONE STAR MENSA MEETING Everyone’s invited,and everyone can feel like a smarty pants. Thismonth, Austan Librach, director of emerging transportationtechnologies at <strong>Austin</strong> Energy, discussesthe city’s plan to save the local environment. 7pm.North Village Library, 2505 Steck, 491-9881. Free.www.lsm.us.mensa.org.THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO U2 Dr. Greg Garrettdiscusses religion through Bono’s lyrical mind.7pm. University Christian Church, 2007 UniversityAve., 477-6104. Free. www.ucc-austin.org.w EARTH DAY BENEFIT CONCERT Ben Kwellerand the Old 97s kick off your Earth Day party aweek early with the money appropriately going tovarious enviro organizations. 7:30pm. Stubb’s,801 Red River, 480-8341. $18. www.austinearthday.com.SCIENCE UNDER THE STARS Taylor SultanQuedensley of UT’s Integrative Biology Departmentdiscusses the importance of the underappreciatedlichen family to our local ecosystem. 7:30pm.Brackenridge Field Lab, 2907 Lake <strong>Austin</strong> Blvd. Free.sites.google.com/site/scienceunderthestarsaustin.` THE MEN OF MENRG Future mosh for the people.Accused of sounding like “a goddamn rave.”10pm. Chain Drive, 504 Willow, 480-9017. Free.www.menrg.org, www.myspace.com/mvsclz,t3ars.tumblr.com.SPECIAL SCREENINGS (See Film Listings.)Group Marriage @ Alamo Ritz, 12midMine @ Alamo Ritz, 7pmRush @ Texas Spirit <strong>The</strong>ater, 7:30pm<strong>The</strong> Fall of Berlin @ Geography Bldg., Rm. 102(UT campus on 24th), 7pm<strong>The</strong> Student Nurses @ Alamo Ritz, 9:40pmMUSIC (See Music Listings.)Old 97’s, Ben Kweller Stubb’sWhite Rabbits, Here We Go Magic <strong>The</strong>Independent @ 501 StudiosPat Metheny Paramount <strong>The</strong>atreNo Idea 2010 Seeds + Systems <strong>Austin</strong> Art andMusic PartnershipSUBMISSION INFORMATION:<strong>The</strong> <strong>Austin</strong> <strong>Chronicle</strong> is published every Thursday. Infois due the Monday of the week prior to the issue date.<strong>The</strong> deadline for the April 23 issue is Monday, April12. Include name of event, date, time, location, price,phone number(s), a description, and any available photosor artwork. Include SASE for return of materials.Send submissions to the attention of the appropriatewriter (see roster below). Mail to the <strong>Chronicle</strong>, PO Box49066, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78765; fax, 458-6910; or e-mail:A GEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE A petroleumgeologist shares his knowledge of globalwarming, U.S. energy futures, and more. Registeronline by April 13. 11:45am. St. David’s EpiscopalChurch, 304 E. Seventh, 472-1196. $10.www.stdave.org.w FOTOS DE MI ALMA PHOTO AUCTION Bid onprofessional, amateur, and student photography depictingLatino life. E!’s first Latina news anchor, KristinaGuerrero, gives the event some star power. All proceedsgo to Latinitas’ outreach programs. 5:30pm.Mexican American Cultural Center, 600 River, 478-6222.$10. www.latinitasmagazine.org.LIBERTEA PARTY Texans for Accountable Governmentis hosting this “trans-partisan” tea party, so work upsome ire against big government (shouldn’t be hard ontax day), and let the man know that you can make yourown decisions. 5:45pm. Texas Capitol, 1100 Congress,773-6102. Free. www.tagtexas.org.CONCORDIA FACULTY COLLOQUIUM Geology andenvironmental science professor Bonnie Browndiscusses satellite technology and its utility in determiningland use. 6pm. Concordia University, 11400Concordia University Dr., Bldg. A, 313-5402. Free.MAMMO MIXERS Manicures, refreshments, and, ohyeah, mammograms. Call to RSVP. 6pm. <strong>The</strong> BreastCenter at St. David’s Medical Center, 919 E. 32nd #111,544-8803. www.stdavids.com.HERITAGE/WINDSOR HILLS ZONING MEETING Thisworkshop focuses on how to make these neighborhoodsgreen and sustainable. Fight for your local tree canopy.6:30pm. Dobie Middle School, 1200 E. Rundberg, secondfloor. www.cityofaustin.org/zoning/heritage_hills.htm.PHILOSOPHY LECTURE SERIES <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege isn’t all job training and trade skills; it has avigorous humanities department as well. <strong>The</strong> philosophydepartment offers a lecture on Karl Marx to proveit. 7pm. <strong>Austin</strong> Community College Eastview Campus,Rm. 8500, 3401 Webberville Rd., 223/485-1814. Free.www.austincc.edu/philosophy.GOODWILL’S WEIGH GOOD DONATION DRIVE Bringyour gently used clothes, computers, furniture, or evenbigger items such as cars, boats, and trucks (towingavailable) to your local Goodwill, and help it reach itsgoal of 725,000 pounds of donated goods. That putsroughly 42 individuals in competitive employment.Thu.-Sun., April 15-18. Goodwill locations all over town,637-7100. www.austingoodwill.org.INDEPENDENCE AND DECOLONIZATIONCONFERENCE Three days of scholars, panels, and discussionsall centered around the history of the decolonizationprocess. Thu.-Sat., April 15-17. AT&T ExecutiveEducation and Conference Center, 1900 University Ave.,471-3261. Free. historyinstitute@austin.utexas.edu,www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/historicalstudies.OLD SETTLER’S MUSIC FESTIVAL This annual fourdaycelebration of Americana roots music featuresworkshops, arts & crafts, youth talent competitions,and more, in addition to the dozens of bands that perform(see Club Listings, p.84, for a complete lineup).You can camp out the whole time or just join in for aday. Thu.-Sun., April 15-18. Salt Lick Pavilion & CampBen McCulloch. $25-450. www.oldsettlersmusicfest.org.TAX DEADLINE Taxes are due today. In case yourforgot, here’s the link for the deadline extension form.Although that’s due today as well.www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4868.pdf.MUSIC (See Music Listings.)Teenanger BeerlandEasy Star All-Stars Flamingo CantinaKate X Messer (Gay Place): gayplace@austinchronicle.com.Mark Fagan (Sports): gameplans@austinchronicle.com.James Renovitch (everything else):calendar@austinchronicle.com.For FAQs and an online submission form, go toaustinchronicle.com/commform.Questions? Contact Wayne Alan Brenner, Listings editor,454-5766 or brenner@austinchronicle.com.66 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E APRIL 9, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

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