R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

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SLAMMING BRAKESDOESN’T SAVE THEMAND HURTS THE CARDear Tom and Ray:My wife’s grandfather drives like an idiot.Specifically, he never touches the brake pedal untilthe very last second, at which point he slams on thebrake, throwing everyone forward and sending variousobjects hurtling about the car. Someone finallyasked him what he is thinking, and he replied thathe is prolonging the life of the brakes. His theory isthat if he slams on the brakes, lurching the car to afast, screeching halt in a second, it means less timefor the brake pads to be rubbing and thus wearingdown. If he gradually eases the car to a nice, sanestop, it means all the more time for the brakes tobe wearing down. Of course, he’s crazy, right? Orcould he be on to something?– IanRAY: Maybe he doesn’t like you guys, Ian.Perhaps his real goal is to get you all to stopriding with him. In which case, it’s not workingyet. Tell him he needs to wait a few secondslonger before slamming on the brakes.TOM: He’s nuts, Ian.RAY: The amount of wear on the brakepads can be calculated by multiplying forceby distance.TOM: So, using more force over less distance(like he’s doing) is really the same as using lessforce over more distance (like the rest of thesane population does).RAY: In other words, he’s making you bangyour foreheads on the dashboard for nothing.TOM: In fact, he even may be shorteningthe life of his brakes. By repeatedly causing arapid rise in temperature from all that friction,he could cause warping or cracking of the brakelining material.RAY: He’s also damaging other parts of his carby jamming on the brakes. By making what essentiallyare “panic stops,” he’s stretching things likesuspension parts and motor mounts to their limitsand shortening their lives.TOM: Not to mention all the extra money he’sgoing to have to spend on carpet cleaner after hemakes you guys carsick.RAY: Tell him that if he really wants his car tolast a long time, the best way to drive it is gently.Start gently, anticipate turns and stops, and slowdown gently.TOM: And tell him this also increases thelikelihood that his progeny will come to visit himoccasionally when he’s in the home.* * *Wait! Don’t buy another car without the mechanic’schecklist that’s included in Tom and Ray’s pamphlet “Howto Buy a Great Used Car: Secrets Only Your MechanicKnows.” It will help you get a good used car and avoid theclunkers. Send $4.75 (check or money order) to Used Car,PO Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.* * *Get more Click and Clack in their new book, AskClick and Clack: Answers from Car Talk. Got a questionabout cars? Write to Click and Clack in care of thisnewspaper, or e-mail them by visiting the Car Talkwebsite, www.cartalk.com.Tune in to Car Talk each Saturday at 9am on©2010 by Tom & Ray Magliozzi and Doug BermanDistributed by King Features SyndicatecontinuedlegalnoticesTexas, to: Elizabeth JoeAdair.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: ELIZABETH S. HILBUNAttorney for Elizabeth Joe AdairState Bar No.: 0337940012218 Jones Road, Suite D-203Houston, Texas 77070Telephone: (281) 955-9292Facsimile: (281) 955-9922Attorney at Law12218 Jones Road, Suite D-203Houston, Texas 77070DATED the 1st day of April,2010./s/ ELIZABETH S. HILBUNNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Anthony VanDyke Chapin, Deceased,were issued on March 23,2010, in Cause No. C-1-PB-10-000288 pending in ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to NathanielChapin of 309 Park Lane,Austin, Texas 78704.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.All claims should be addressedin care of the IndependentExecutor’s attorney,Derry W. Swanger, at GiordaniSwanger Ripp & PhillipsLLP, 100 Congress Ave.,Suite 1440, Austin, Texas78701.DATED this the 31st day ofMarch, 2010.GIORDANI, SWANGER, RIPP& PHILLIPS L.L.P.By: /s/ Derry W. SwangerATTORNEYS FOR NATHAN-IEL CHAPIN, INDEPENDENTEXECUTOR OF THE ESTATEOF ANTHONY VAN DYKECHAPIN, DECEASEDNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Otto S. Steiner,Deceased, were issuedon April 1, 2010, under DocketNo. C-1-PB-10-000412,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to Margree McDonaldSteiner.Claims may be presented incare of the attorney for theestate, addressed as follows:Margree McDonald SteinerEstate of Otto S. Steiner, Deceasedc/o Wayne A. Langham9501 N. Capital of TexasHighway, Ste. 102Austin, Texas 78759-6606All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated April 1, 2010.Wayne A. Langham,Attorney for ApplicantNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of PHYLLISLOU LATOUF a/k/a PHYLLISLOU FLOWERS, Deceased,were issued on March 25,2010, in Cause No. C-1-PB-10-000427, pending in theProbate Court of TravisCounty, Texas, to: BELINDALOU MOORE.The residence of the Executoris in Travis County, Texas;the post office address is:c/o Kirt H. Kiester116 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E APRIL 9, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mKiester, Lockwood &Ciccone, L.L.P.611 West 14th St., Suite 100Austin, Texas 78701All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED the 31st day ofMarch, 2010.KIESTER, LOCKWOOD &CICCONE, L.L.P.By /s/ Kirt H. KiesterState Bar No. 11393000ATTORNEYS FOR THE ES-TATENOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Jill C. Farmer,Deceased, were issuedon April 6, 2010, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-10-000467, pendingin the Probate Court No.1 of Travis County, Texas, to:David Lail Farmer.The address of the IndependentExecutor is in Austin,Travis County, Texas, themailing address is: c/o Scofield& Scofield, P.C., 1411West Avenue, Suite 200, Austin,Texas 78701-1537.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED the 6th day of April,2010.Scofield & Scofield, P.C.Attorneys for the EstateBy: /s/ Joe L. FulwilerNOTICE TO CREDITORS OnFebruary 26, 2010, JamesHoward Abshier was issuedletters of dependent administrationwith will annexed forthe Estate of Billie Dee Abshier,Deceased, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-08-089367 pendingin Probate Court NumberOne of Travis County, Texas.The address of the dependentadministrator is c/o CraigHopper, Hopper & Associates,P.C., 400 W. 15th St.,Suite 408, Austin, Texas,78701, and all persons havingclaims against this estateare required to present themto such address in the mannerand time required by law.James Howard Abshier, DependentAdministrator of theEstate of Billie Dee Abshier,DeceasedBy: /s/ Craig Hopper, Attorneyfor the Dependent AdministratorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Mark WilfridSeng, Deceased, were issuedon April 1, 2010 inDocket No. C-1-PB-10-000348 pending in ProbateCourt No. 1, Travis County,Texas, to Mary Ann CroweSeng, Independent Executor.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,may address them in care ofthe attorney for the Estatewithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law,as follows: Representative,Estate of Mark Wilfrid Seng,Deceased, c/o Sal Levatino,attorney for the estate, 1524South IH-35, Suite 234, Austin,Texas 78704. Dated the6th day of April, 2010.NOTICE TO CREDITORSOriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Shirley T.Correll, Deceased, were issuedon March 16, 2010,under Cause No. C-1-PB-10-000263, pending in the ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to Craig KendallCorrell and CharlesBradford Correll. All personshaving claims against thisestate, which is currently beingadministered, are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law. Claimsmay be presented in care ofthe attorney for the estate,addressed as follows: CraigKendall Correll, Representative,Estate of Shirley T. Correll,Deceased, c/o Law Officesof Charles Smaistrla,7200 N Mo Pac Expy Ste160, Austin, TX 78731-2560.NOTICE TO CREDITORSNOTICE is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Juliet Mathis,Deceased, were issued onApril 1, 2010, in Cause No.C-1-PB-10-000456, pendingin Probate Court No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to: FrostBank.The notice to the IndependentExecutor may be deliveredat the following address:c/o Barnes Lipscomb &Stewart, PLLCAttorneys at Law2901 Bee Caves Road,Box DAustin, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated the 6th day of April,2010./s/ Patricia T. BarnesAttorney for Independent ExecutorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters of Administrationfor the Estate ofJAMES SANFORD BOG-GESS, JR. Deceased, wereissued on March 17, 2010, inCause No. C-1-PB-10-000089, pending in the ProbateCourt No. One, TravisCounty, Texas, to: Debra AnnBoggess.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: Karl A. ShackelfordAttorney at Law1608 West 34th StreetAustin, TX 78703DATED the 30th day ofMarch, 2010./s/ Karl A. Shackelford,Attorney for Debra Ann BoggessState Bar No.: 007958381608 West 34th StreetAustin, Texas 78703Telephone: (512) 472-1678Facsimile: (512) 236-9227NOTICE TO CREDITORSNOTICE is hereby given thatoriginal Letters of IndependentAdministration for the Estateof Richard M. Howell,Deceased, were issued onMarch 30, 2010, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-09-000689, pendingin Probate Court No. 1 ofTravis County, Texas, to: PatrickDevaney.The notice to the IndependentAdministrator may be deliveredat the following address:c/o Barnes Lipscomb &Stewart, PLLCAttorneys at Law2901 Bee Caves Road,Box DAustin, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated the 31st day of March,2010./s/ Ellen P. StewartAttorney for Independent AdministratorNOTICE TO CREDITORS OnMarch 30, 2010, WilliamCharles Boswell qualified asIndependent Executor withoutbond of the Estate of MarieHelen Boswell, Deceased, inCause No. C-1-PB-10-000371, pending in the ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas. The addressof the Independent Executoris: c/o Donald F. Carnes, 400W. 15th, Suite 808, Austin,Texas, 78701, and all personshaving claims againstthis estate are required topresent them to such addressin the manner and timerequired by law.William Charles BoswellIndependent Executor of theEstate of Marie Helen BoswellOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids for the PRE-CINCT ONE NEW OFFICEBUILDING (IFB NO.B100034-DG), a project consistingprimarily of the constructionof a new 15,832square foot office building forTravis County Precinct One,in East Austin which will havean administration functionand an independently accessedCommunity Room.Bids will be received electronicallythroughwww.bidsync.com. Bids willbe accepted until 2:00 P. M.CST, APRIL 22, 2010, thenpublicly opened and readaloud. Travis County will alsoaccept paper bids receivedby Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent,marked “Sealed Bid(PRECINCT ONE NEW OF-FICE BUILDING, IFB NO.B100034-DG)” at the TravisCounty Purchasing Office,314 West 11th Street, 4thFloor, Suite 400, Austin, TX78701. Note: The Time-DateStamp Clock located at thefront counter of the TravisCounty Purchasing Office willserve as the OFFICIALCLOCK for the purpose ofverifying the date and time ofreceipt of paper bids.You may print the Plans andSpecifications fromwww.bidsync.com or theycan be obtained in the TravisCounty Purchasing Office.Hard copies (printed) ofPlans and Specifications maybe obtained from the TravisCounty Purchasing Office fora refundable deposit of$100.00 in the form of acashier’s check, money order,or company check payableto “Travis County.” Thedeposit will be refunded if thedrawings and specificationsare returned in good conditionwithin 21 calendar daysof the bid opening. In addition,Plans and Specificationswill be made available forviewing free of charge at variousAustin-area Plan Roomslisted below.A bid security in the amountof five percent (5%) of the totalbid amount will be required.IF A COPY OF THEBID SECURITY IS SUBMIT-TED ELECTRONICALLYTHROUGHWWW.BIDSYNC.COM, ANORIGINAL AND ONE COPYWILL BE DUE (BY CLOSEOF BUSINESS) ONE BUSI-NESS DAY AFTER THE BIDOPENING DATE. Paymentswill be made for completedwork in progressive paymentswith the County retainingfive percent (5%) ofeach payment until final acceptanceof the project. Paymentswill be made bycheck. A Payment Bond isrequired in the amount of onehundred percent (100%) ofthe contract amount, if thecontract amount exceeds$25,000. A PerformanceBond is required in theamount of one hundred percent(100%) of the contractamount, if the contractamount exceeds $100,000.Bidders should use lumpsum pricing. Project performanceperiod is 240 CalendarDays.IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILSTO COMPLETE THE PRO-JECT IN THE TIME SPECI-FIED, LIQUIDATED DAMAG-ES OF $850.00 PER DAY OFDELAY WILL BE ASSESSED.Historically UnderutilizedBusinesses including Contractors,Subcontractors, andSuppliers are encouraged toparticipate in this projectconsistent with the goals ofthe Travis County CommissionersCourt. Contractorswill be required to complywith all applicable Equal EmploymentOpportunity lawsand regulations, all Federal,State, and local regulationsfor construction safety andhealth standards.The successful bidder mustcommence work upon issuanceby County of a writtenNotice to Proceed. TheCounty reserves the right toreject any and all bids and towaive any informality in thebids received. Bids may notbe withdrawn for ninety (90)calendar days after the dateon which they are opened.OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO BIDDERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be acceptedby Travis County for the followingitems:1.Aviation Fuel (Jet A),B100180-LDOpens: April 19, 2010 @ 2:00p.m.Bids should be submitted to:Cyd Grimes, Travis CountyPurchasing Agent, NedGranger Building, 314 West11th, Room 400, P.O. Box1748, Austin, Texas 78767.Specifications can be obtainedfrom or viewed at theTravis County Purchasing Officeat no charge or by downloadinga copy from our website:www.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.Biddersshould use unit pricingor lump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payments may bemade by check. The successfulbidder shall be requiredto furnish a PerformanceBond in the amount ofOne Hundred percent (100%)of the contract amountawarded, if applicable.OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO ENGINEERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatqualification statements willbe accepted by TravisCounty for the followingitems:1.Professional Landscape Architectural,Architectural, andEngineering Services for thedesign of the Onion CreekGreenway, Phase I,Q100146-LPOpens: April 21, 2010 @ 2:00p.m.2.Needs Analysis and FinancialFeasibility Study for theTravis County Medical Examiner’sOffice, Q100101-JTOpens: April 28, 2010 @ 3:00p.m.AN OPTIONAL PRE-PRO-POSAL CONFERENCE WILLBE HELD ON APRIL 14,2010 @ 10:00 A.M.Qualifications statementsshould be submitted to: CydGrimes, Travis County PurchasingAgent, Ned GrangerBuilding, 314 West 11th,Room 400, P.O. Box 1748,Austin, Texas 78767. Specificationscan be obtainedfrom or viewed at the TravisCounty Purchasing Office atno charge or by downloadinga copy from our website:www.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.POUND SALE Pursuant ofTexas Abandoned VehicleAct, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off by theCity of Austin Police Dept.unless charges are satisfied.Garagekeeper:Chote’s Wrecker Service10717 Research Blvd.Austin, TX 78759(512) 832-16921. 2000 Mazda J40BZVJM3LW28G8Y01151512. 1986 Nissan X021DPJN8HM05Y3GX0086063. 1997 VW 427FMK3VWRA81H9VM0408284. 2003 Honda 273P4J3H1HF03063D8017055. 1998 Dodge 73HYG63B7HC12Y2WG189077SUPERIOR COURT OFARIZONA PINAL COUNTYName of Petitioner/PlaintffCarma L HanshewName of Respondent/DefendantMerick J HanshewDO 2 009 00707Replacement SUMMONSDIV: 8JUDGE: BRENDA E.OLDHAMWARNING: This is an officialdocument from the court thataffects your rights. Read thiscarefully. If you do not understandit, contact a lawyer forhelp.FROM THE STATE OF ARI-ZONA TO Merick J. Hanshew1. A lawsuit has been filedagainst you. A copy of thelawsuit and other court papersare served on you withthis “Summons”.2. If you do not want a judg-mentor order taken againstyou without your input, youmust file an “Answer” or a“Response” in writing with thecourt, and pay the filing fee.If you do not file an “Answer”or “Response” the other partymay be given the relief requestedin his/her Petition orComplaint. To file your“Answer” or “Response” take,or send, the “Answer” or“Response” to the Office ofthe Clerk of the SuperiorCourt, 971 Jason Lopez CircleBldg A, Florence, Arizona85232 or PO Box 2730, Florence,Arizona 85232-2730; orany satellite office. Mail acopy of your “Response” or“Answer” to the other party atthe address listed on the topof this Summons.3. If this “Summons” and theother court papers wereserved on you by a registeredprocess server or theSheriff, within the State of Arizona,your “Response” or“Answer” must be filed withinTWENTY (20) CALENDARDAYS from the date you wereserved, not counting the dayyou were served. If this“Summons” and the other paperswere served on you bya registered process serveror the Sheriff outside theState of Arizona, your Responsemust be filed withinTHIRTY (30) CALENDARDAYS from the date you wereserved, not counting the dayyou were served. Service bya registered process serveror the Sheriff is completewhen made. Service by Publicationis complete thirty (30)days after the date of the firstpublication.4. You can get a copy of thecourt papers filed in thiscase from the Petitioner atthe address at the top of thispaper, or from the Clerk ofthe Superior Court at the addresslisted in Paragraph 2above.5. Requests for reasonableaccommodation for personswith disabilities must bemade to the office of thejudge or commissioner assignedto the case, at leastfive (5) days before yourscheduled court date.SIGNED AND SEALED thisdate: AUG 25, 2009KRISTI YOUTSEY RUIZClerk of the Superior CourtBy /s/ Anna IglesiasDeputy Clerk

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SLAMMING BRAKESDOESN’T SAVE THEMAND HURTS THE CARDear Tom and Ray:My wife’s grandfather drives like an idiot.Specifically, he never touches the brake pedal untilthe very last second, at which point he slams on thebrake, throwing everyone forward and sending variousobjects hurtling about the car. Someone finallyasked him what he is thinking, and he replied thathe is prolonging the life of the brakes. His theory isthat if he slams on the brakes, lurching the car to afast, screeching halt in a second, it means less timefor the brake pads to be rubbing and thus wearingdown. If he gradually eases the car to a nice, sanestop, it means all the more time for the brakes tobe wearing down. Of course, he’s crazy, right? Orcould he be on to something?– IanRAY: Maybe he doesn’t like you guys, Ian.Perhaps his real goal is to get you all to stopriding with him. In which case, it’s not workingyet. Tell him he needs to wait a few secondslonger before slamming on the brakes.TOM: He’s nuts, Ian.RAY: <strong>The</strong> amount of wear on the brakepads can be calculated by multiplying forceby distance.TOM: So, using more force over less distance(like he’s doing) is really the same as using lessforce over more distance (like the rest of thesane population does).RAY: In other words, he’s making you bangyour foreheads on the dashboard for nothing.TOM: In fact, he even may be shorteningthe life of his brakes. By repeatedly causing arapid rise in temperature from all that friction,he could cause warping or cracking of the brakelining material.RAY: He’s also damaging other parts of his carby jamming on the brakes. By making what essentiallyare “panic stops,” he’s stretching things likesuspension parts and motor mounts to their limitsand shortening their lives.TOM: Not to mention all the extra money he’sgoing to have to spend on carpet cleaner after hemakes you guys carsick.RAY: Tell him that if he really wants his car tolast a long time, the best way to drive it is gently.Start gently, anticipate turns and stops, and slowdown gently.TOM: And tell him this also increases thelikelihood that his progeny will come to visit himoccasionally when he’s in the home.* * *Wait! Don’t buy another car without the mechanic’schecklist that’s included in Tom and Ray’s pamphlet “Howto Buy a Great Used Car: Secrets Only Your MechanicKnows.” It will help you get a good used car and avoid theclunkers. Send $4.75 (check or money order) to Used Car,PO Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.* * *Get more Click and Clack in their new book, AskClick and Clack: Answers from Car Talk. Got a questionabout cars? Write to Click and Clack in care of thisnewspaper, or e-mail them by visiting the Car Talkwebsite, www.cartalk.com.Tune in to Car Talk each Saturday at 9am on©2010 by Tom & Ray Magliozzi and Doug BermanDistributed by King Features SyndicatecontinuedlegalnoticesTexas, to: Elizabeth JoeAdair.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: ELIZABETH S. HILBUNAttorney for Elizabeth Joe AdairState Bar No.: 0337940012218 Jones Road, Suite D-203Houston, Texas 77070Telephone: (281) 955-9292Facsimile: (281) 955-9922Attorney at Law12218 Jones Road, Suite D-203Houston, Texas 77070DATED the 1st day of April,2010./s/ ELIZABETH S. HILBUNNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Anthony VanDyke Chapin, Deceased,were issued on March 23,2010, in Cause No. C-1-PB-10-000288 pending in ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to NathanielChapin of 309 Park Lane,<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78704.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.All claims should be addressedin care of the IndependentExecutor’s attorney,Derry W. Swanger, at GiordaniSwanger Ripp & PhillipsLLP, 100 Congress Ave.,Suite 1440, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas78701.DATED this the 31st day ofMarch, 2010.GIORDANI, SWANGER, RIPP& PHILLIPS L.L.P.By: /s/ Derry W. SwangerATTORNEYS FOR NATHAN-IEL CHAPIN, INDEPENDENTEXECUTOR OF THE ESTATEOF ANTHONY VAN DYKECHAPIN, DECEASEDNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Otto S. Steiner,Deceased, were issuedon April 1, 2010, under DocketNo. C-1-PB-10-000412,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to Margree McDonaldSteiner.Claims may be presented incare of the attorney for theestate, addressed as follows:Margree McDonald SteinerEstate of Otto S. Steiner, Deceasedc/o Wayne A. Langham9501 N. Capital of TexasHighway, Ste. 102<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78759-6606All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated April 1, 2010.Wayne A. Langham,Attorney for ApplicantNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of PHYLLISLOU LATOUF a/k/a PHYLLISLOU FLOWERS, Deceased,were issued on March 25,2010, in Cause No. C-1-PB-10-000427, pending in theProbate Court of TravisCounty, Texas, to: BELINDALOU MOORE.<strong>The</strong> residence of the Executoris in Travis County, Texas;the post office address is:c/o Kirt H. Kiester116 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E APRIL 9, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mKiester, Lockwood &Ciccone, L.L.P.611 West 14th St., Suite 100<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED the 31st day ofMarch, 2010.KIESTER, LOCKWOOD &CICCONE, L.L.P.By /s/ Kirt H. KiesterState Bar No. 11393000ATTORNEYS FOR THE ES-TATENOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Jill C. Farmer,Deceased, were issuedon April 6, 2010, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-10-000467, pendingin the Probate Court No.1 of Travis County, Texas, to:David Lail Farmer.<strong>The</strong> address of the IndependentExecutor is in <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County, Texas, themailing address is: c/o Scofield& Scofield, P.C., 1411West Avenue, Suite 200, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78701-1537.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED the 6th day of April,2010.Scofield & Scofield, P.C.Attorneys for the EstateBy: /s/ Joe L. FulwilerNOTICE TO CREDITORS OnFebruary 26, 2010, JamesHoward Abshier was issuedletters of dependent administrationwith will annexed forthe Estate of Billie Dee Abshier,Deceased, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-08-089367 pendingin Probate Court NumberOne of Travis County, Texas.<strong>The</strong> address of the dependentadministrator is c/o CraigHopper, Hopper & Associates,P.C., 400 W. 15th St.,Suite 408, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas,78701, and all persons havingclaims against this estateare required to present themto such address in the mannerand time required by law.James Howard Abshier, DependentAdministrator of theEstate of Billie Dee Abshier,DeceasedBy: /s/ Craig Hopper, Attorneyfor the Dependent AdministratorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Mark WilfridSeng, Deceased, were issuedon April 1, 2010 inDocket No. C-1-PB-10-000348 pending in ProbateCourt No. 1, Travis County,Texas, to Mary Ann CroweSeng, Independent Executor.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,may address them in care ofthe attorney for the Estatewithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law,as follows: Representative,Estate of Mark Wilfrid Seng,Deceased, c/o Sal Levatino,attorney for the estate, 1524South IH-35, Suite 234, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78704. Dated the6th day of April, 2010.NOTICE TO CREDITORSOriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Shirley T.Correll, Deceased, were issuedon March 16, 2010,under Cause No. C-1-PB-10-000263, pending in the ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to Craig KendallCorrell and CharlesBradford Correll. All personshaving claims against thisestate, which is currently beingadministered, are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law. Claimsmay be presented in care ofthe attorney for the estate,addressed as follows: CraigKendall Correll, Representative,Estate of Shirley T. Correll,Deceased, c/o Law Officesof Charles Smaistrla,7200 N Mo Pac Expy Ste160, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78731-2560.NOTICE TO CREDITORSNOTICE is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Juliet Mathis,Deceased, were issued onApril 1, 2010, in Cause No.C-1-PB-10-000456, pendingin Probate Court No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to: FrostBank.<strong>The</strong> notice to the IndependentExecutor may be deliveredat the following address:c/o Barnes Lipscomb &Stewart, PLLCAttorneys at Law2901 Bee Caves Road,Box D<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated the 6th day of April,2010./s/ Patricia T. BarnesAttorney for Independent ExecutorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters of Administrationfor the Estate ofJAMES SANFORD BOG-GESS, JR. Deceased, wereissued on March 17, 2010, inCause No. C-1-PB-10-000089, pending in the ProbateCourt No. One, TravisCounty, Texas, to: Debra AnnBoggess.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: Karl A. ShackelfordAttorney at Law1608 West 34th Street<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78703DATED the 30th day ofMarch, 2010./s/ Karl A. Shackelford,Attorney for Debra Ann BoggessState Bar No.: 007958381608 West 34th Street<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78703Telephone: (512) 472-1678Facsimile: (512) 236-9227NOTICE TO CREDITORSNOTICE is hereby given thatoriginal Letters of IndependentAdministration for the Estateof Richard M. Howell,Deceased, were issued onMarch 30, 2010, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-09-000689, pendingin Probate Court No. 1 ofTravis County, Texas, to: PatrickDevaney.<strong>The</strong> notice to the IndependentAdministrator may be deliveredat the following address:c/o Barnes Lipscomb &Stewart, PLLCAttorneys at Law2901 Bee Caves Road,Box D<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated the 31st day of March,2010./s/ Ellen P. StewartAttorney for Independent AdministratorNOTICE TO CREDITORS OnMarch 30, 2010, WilliamCharles Boswell qualified asIndependent Executor withoutbond of the Estate of MarieHelen Boswell, Deceased, inCause No. C-1-PB-10-000371, pending in the ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas. <strong>The</strong> addressof the Independent Executoris: c/o Donald F. Carnes, 400W. 15th, Suite 808, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas, 78701, and all personshaving claims againstthis estate are required topresent them to such addressin the manner and timerequired by law.William Charles BoswellIndependent Executor of theEstate of Marie Helen BoswellOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids for the PRE-CINCT ONE NEW OFFICEBUILDING (IFB NO.B100034-DG), a project consistingprimarily of the constructionof a new 15,832square foot office building forTravis County Precinct One,in East <strong>Austin</strong> which will havean administration functionand an independently accessedCommunity Room.Bids will be received electronicallythroughwww.bidsync.com. Bids willbe accepted until 2:00 P. M.CST, APRIL 22, 2010, thenpublicly opened and readaloud. Travis County will alsoaccept paper bids receivedby Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent,marked “Sealed Bid(PRECINCT ONE NEW OF-FICE BUILDING, IFB NO.B100034-DG)” at the TravisCounty Purchasing Office,314 West 11th Street, 4thFloor, Suite 400, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78701. Note: <strong>The</strong> Time-DateStamp Clock located at thefront counter of the TravisCounty Purchasing Office willserve as the OFFICIALCLOCK for the purpose ofverifying the date and time ofreceipt of paper bids.You may print the Plans andSpecifications fromwww.bidsync.com or theycan be obtained in the TravisCounty Purchasing Office.Hard copies (printed) ofPlans and Specifications maybe obtained from the TravisCounty Purchasing Office fora refundable deposit of$100.00 in the form of acashier’s check, money order,or company check payableto “Travis County.” <strong>The</strong>deposit will be refunded if thedrawings and specificationsare returned in good conditionwithin 21 calendar daysof the bid opening. In addition,Plans and Specificationswill be made available forviewing free of charge at various<strong>Austin</strong>-area Plan Roomslisted below.A bid security in the amountof five percent (5%) of the totalbid amount will be required.IF A COPY OF THEBID SECURITY IS SUBMIT-TED ELECTRONICALLYTHROUGHWWW.BIDSYNC.COM, ANORIGINAL AND ONE COPYWILL BE DUE (BY CLOSEOF BUSINESS) ONE BUSI-NESS DAY AFTER THE BIDOPENING DATE. Paymentswill be made for completedwork in progressive paymentswith the County retainingfive percent (5%) ofeach payment until final acceptanceof the project. Paymentswill be made bycheck. A Payment Bond isrequired in the amount of onehundred percent (100%) ofthe contract amount, if thecontract amount exceeds$25,000. A PerformanceBond is required in theamount of one hundred percent(100%) of the contractamount, if the contractamount exceeds $100,000.Bidders should use lumpsum pricing. Project performanceperiod is 240 CalendarDays.IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILSTO COMPLETE THE PRO-JECT IN THE TIME SPECI-FIED, LIQUIDATED DAMAG-ES OF $850.00 PER DAY OFDELAY WILL BE ASSESSED.Historically UnderutilizedBusinesses including Contractors,Subcontractors, andSuppliers are encouraged toparticipate in this projectconsistent with the goals ofthe Travis County CommissionersCourt. Contractorswill be required to complywith all applicable Equal EmploymentOpportunity lawsand regulations, all Federal,State, and local regulationsfor construction safety andhealth standards.<strong>The</strong> successful bidder mustcommence work upon issuanceby County of a writtenNotice to Proceed. <strong>The</strong>County reserves the right toreject any and all bids and towaive any informality in thebids received. Bids may notbe withdrawn for ninety (90)calendar days after the dateon which they are opened.OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO BIDDERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be acceptedby Travis County for the followingitems:1.Aviation Fuel (Jet A),B100180-LDOpens: April 19, 2010 @ 2:00p.m.Bids should be submitted to:Cyd Grimes, Travis CountyPurchasing Agent, NedGranger Building, 314 West11th, Room 400, P.O. Box1748, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767.Specifications can be obtainedfrom or viewed at theTravis County Purchasing Officeat no charge or by downloadinga copy from our website:www.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.Biddersshould use unit pricingor lump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payments may bemade by check. <strong>The</strong> successfulbidder shall be requiredto furnish a PerformanceBond in the amount ofOne Hundred percent (100%)of the contract amountawarded, if applicable.OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO ENGINEERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatqualification statements willbe accepted by TravisCounty for the followingitems:1.Professional Landscape Architectural,Architectural, andEngineering Services for thedesign of the Onion CreekGreenway, Phase I,Q100146-LPOpens: April 21, 2010 @ 2:00p.m.2.Needs Analysis and FinancialFeasibility Study for theTravis County Medical Examiner’sOffice, Q100101-JTOpens: April 28, 2010 @ 3:00p.m.AN OPTIONAL PRE-PRO-POSAL CONFERENCE WILLBE HELD ON APRIL 14,2010 @ 10:00 A.M.Qualifications statementsshould be submitted to: CydGrimes, Travis County PurchasingAgent, Ned GrangerBuilding, 314 West 11th,Room 400, P.O. Box 1748,<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767. Specificationscan be obtainedfrom or viewed at the TravisCounty Purchasing Office atno charge or by downloadinga copy from our website:www.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.POUND SALE Pursuant ofTexas Abandoned VehicleAct, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off by theCity of <strong>Austin</strong> Police Dept.unless charges are satisfied.Garagekeeper:Chote’s Wrecker Service10717 Research Blvd.<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78759(512) 832-16921. 2000 Mazda J40BZVJM3LW28G8Y01151512. 1986 Nissan X021DPJN8HM05Y3GX0086063. 1997 VW 427FMK3VWRA81H9VM0408284. 2003 Honda 273P4J3H1HF03063D8017055. 1998 Dodge 73HYG63B7HC12Y2WG189077SUPERIOR COURT OFARIZONA PINAL COUNTYName of Petitioner/PlaintffCarma L HanshewName of Respondent/DefendantMerick J HanshewDO 2 009 00707Replacement SUMMONSDIV: 8JUDGE: BRENDA E.OLDHAMWARNING: This is an officialdocument from the court thataffects your rights. Read thiscarefully. If you do not understandit, contact a lawyer forhelp.FROM THE STATE OF ARI-ZONA TO Merick J. Hanshew1. A lawsuit has been filedagainst you. A copy of thelawsuit and other court papersare served on you withthis “Summons”.2. If you do not want a judg-mentor order taken againstyou without your input, youmust file an “Answer” or a“Response” in writing with thecourt, and pay the filing fee.If you do not file an “Answer”or “Response” the other partymay be given the relief requestedin his/her Petition orComplaint. To file your“Answer” or “Response” take,or send, the “Answer” or“Response” to the Office ofthe Clerk of the SuperiorCourt, 971 Jason Lopez CircleBldg A, Florence, Arizona85232 or PO Box 2730, Florence,Arizona 85232-2730; orany satellite office. Mail acopy of your “Response” or“Answer” to the other party atthe address listed on the topof this Summons.3. If this “Summons” and theother court papers wereserved on you by a registeredprocess server or theSheriff, within the State of Arizona,your “Response” or“Answer” must be filed withinTWENTY (20) CALENDARDAYS from the date you wereserved, not counting the dayyou were served. If this“Summons” and the other paperswere served on you bya registered process serveror the Sheriff outside theState of Arizona, your Responsemust be filed withinTHIRTY (30) CALENDARDAYS from the date you wereserved, not counting the dayyou were served. Service bya registered process serveror the Sheriff is completewhen made. Service by Publicationis complete thirty (30)days after the date of the firstpublication.4. You can get a copy of thecourt papers filed in thiscase from the Petitioner atthe address at the top of thispaper, or from the Clerk ofthe Superior Court at the addresslisted in Paragraph 2above.5. Requests for reasonableaccommodation for personswith disabilities must bemade to the office of thejudge or commissioner assignedto the case, at leastfive (5) days before yourscheduled court date.SIGNED AND SEALED thisdate: AUG 25, 2009KRISTI YOUTSEY RUIZClerk of the Superior CourtBy /s/ Anna IglesiasDeputy Clerk

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