R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle R E S T A U R A N T P O L L B A L L O T P . 4 6 - The Austin Chronicle

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P0STMARKSCONTINUED FROM P.8like you made this town, because I was livinghere before the Chronicle became the forceof nature that it is now. As I recall, the musicscene was better then. Rent was cheaper,and gigs were easier to get before all these“entertainment services” booking-mafia assholesgot here. So see, Louis? I’m allowedto complain because I went to SXSW when itwas $10, $15, and then $25. A wristband wasworth the paper/plastic it was printed on andmeant you got to see the band you wanted tosee. See what a wristband will get you now for10 times the money. I know, because I justgot to listen to out-of-towners bitch about howworthless they were for getting into any shows.So do us all a favor and recuse yourself fromthe editorial pages for the duration of SXSWevents. You’ll do wonders for your blood pressure,and I won’t have to read about how yousaved Austin music and how we should all kissyour ass.Aaron Shannon[Louis Black responds: Please don’t worryabout my blood pressure – it’s fine – and everywhereand every time there is an opportunity, wepoint out how SXSW emulates and reflects Austinand not the other way around.]FUND KUT, END PLEDGE DRIVESDear Editor,KUT’s funding drive has commenced. It’sactually ongoing, but now in aggressive panhandlingmode. Is it a con? You be the judge.The Perry-wrinkled Republican regents of UTseem to sit on a pile of money (football anyone?),and they hold the nonprofit, educationalFederal Communications Commissionlicense for KUT, which specifically banscommercials. How much financial supportdoes UT, a “public” university, give to KUT?Seemingly not enough to make unnecessarythe station’s nonstop commercial solicitationsto ever-patient listeners. The “supporters”(both commercial and public entities)get a great advertising deal at what may bea fraction of what a true commercial stationwould charge, and isn’t it tax deductible? AsKUT is a very visible and audible part of UT,shouldn’t its operations be fully funded bythe public (taxpayer supported) university ofwhich it is a part?John CallaghanHEAR MY VOICE ON BIKE LANESDear Editor,Hear my voice. How often can a city save lives bysimply painting some lines on the streets? Therewere more than 100 bicycle accidents involving motorvehicles in 2009. Bike lanes throughout the city woulddecrease these accidents and deaths dramatically,just by adding a little paint. If joggers get sidewalksand cars have roads, why can’t bikes get lanes? Istrongly support the addition of many more bike lanesand wonder why it is taking so freaking long to getthem all completed. I hope that the Austin City Councilhas enough sense to make the right choice before adisregarded cyclist lands in the grill of another car.Sincerely,Frank BoltonA DIFFERENT WAY OF SAYINGTHE SAME THINGDear Editor,Today’s news mentions a new standardfor gas mileage: 35.5 miles per gallon.Additionally, there is a new tailpipe emissionstandard of 250 grams of CO 2 per mile. Theseare actually equivalent.There are 25 moles of gasoline in a gallon. Eachmole of gasoline produces eight moles of CO 2when burned for a total of 200 moles per gallon.Divide by 35.5 miles per gallon and get 5.6 molesper mile. At 44 grams per mole, 5.6 moles weighs250 grams. So the 250 grams per mile is justanother way of saying 35.5 miles per gallon.Victor EngelORGANIC GRASS.NOT JUST FOR HIPPIES ANYMORE.10 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E APRIL 9, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

For a healthy landscape this seasonthink safe, think organic, think...COMPOST 250 WL Walden Rd(512) 329-4900www.garden-ville.com(512) 219-5311A TDS COMPANYa u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m APRIL 9, 2010 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 11

For a healthy landscape this seasonthink safe, think organic, think...COMPOST 250 WL Walden Rd(512) 329-4900www.garden-ville.com(512) 219-5311A TDS COMPANYa u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m APRIL 9, 2010 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 11

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