2009 Annual Report - Imperial College Faculty of Medicine ...

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.3.3.3. Global Training Programme for Treating Tobacco Dependence(May 2009, WHO HQs Geneva/London)In May 2009, at the request of WHO HQs Geneva, theAssistant Director General Office for NCD Control and Mental Health we werecommissioned to prepare global training programmes and materials for treatingtobacco dependence. Following a full-day meeting in Geneva in July 2009, twopublications, the Treatment for Tobacco Dependence Trainee’s Workbook andTrainer’s Manual were agreed. This is currently under preparation by Dr Lisa McNally,Lisa Andrews, Elizabeth Dubois and Prof Salman Rawaf for 2010. It is anticipated thatthe Centre will carry, in part, training programmes, particularly in the six pilot countriesindentified by the WHO across the six Regional Offices.3.4. TOR #4: Strengthen the concept of health service utilization with regard tolimited resources through the use of economic analysis and evaluation, asdemonstrated by examples of efficient allocation of resources for healthservices in the UK and Europe.3.4.1. Best Practice in Primary Care (Oman)(4-9 June 2008, Sultanate of Oman)A consultation at the request of WHO EMRO, the WHO CC critically reviewed primaryhealth care in the Sultanate of Oman. In an effort to strengthen national capacity, H.E.the Minister of Health called upon the team to evaluate the efficiency of the primarycare system operating in Oman. The five-day assignment included visits to local healthcentres, face-to-face discussions with front line professionals, the public and patients.Accompanied by local and international experts, Prof Rawaf and Prof Tavabie,Postgraduate Dean of General Practice Kent Sussex and Surrey Deanery, provided acritical account and evaluation on the public health needs of the Omani population. Aformal report with full recommendations was submitted to the WHO Headquarters,Geneva and Omani government. A follow up visit is planned to be held in April 2010 inOman.3.4.2 Developing and Strengthening the Malaysian Health System(11-12 October, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)This is a major work which is commissioned by WHOGeneva, WPRO and the Ministry of Health Malaysia.The assignment concluded with a comprehensivereview of the health system with specificrecommendations on financing the health system,capacity development (in particular PHC), a new waysof managing hospitals, and, the main focus was onprocurement of primary care health services from theWHO CC ICL UK ANNUAL REPORT 2008 | 09 14

private sector, strengthening the governance and the role of the Ministry of Health. WHOReport 27 December 2008 with scheduled follow-up review in Spring 2010.3.4.3. International Primary Health Care Conference(2-4 November 2008, Doha, Qatar)Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the AlmaAta Declaration a major conference washosted by the Government of Qatar. This wasone of six conferences across the six WHOMember States. The Centre’s Director gave akeynote speech on the revitalisation ofprimary health care in the 144 developingcountries. It was here the Director introducedhis “10 Steps for the Revitalisation of PrimaryHealth Care”. The WHO Centre is hoping todevelop further this 10- step programme andsupport countries in re-shaping their healthsystems towards stronger, more effective primary health care led services. A proposalwas submitted to WHO HQ, Geneva.3.4.4. Health Systems Development and Capacity Building (Iraq)(2 June, 2009, London)Dr Yassin Al-Mamori, Dr Ohan Younan from the Ministry of Health Iraq visited our Centreto discuss the possibility of stronger collaboration with the UK Department of Healthinstitutions, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, WHO Centre Imperial College and otherInstitutions. Discussions with our Centre focused on 3 areas of health systemdevelopment:1. Strengthening PHC and explore measures for capacity development2. Supporting the MoH in developing the technical capacity needs (planning, healtheconomics etc)3 Leadership Programme.The WHO Centre supported the work of the Academy and it was agreed that Prof Rawafto visit Iraq in December 2009 or early 2010 for further discussion with the Ministry ofHealth and the Ministry of Higher Education.3.5. TOR #5: Support WHO efforts to upgrade and strengthen public healthnational capabilities in the Member States, adopting best practice approaches.3.5.1. Integration of Non-communicable Diseases into Primary Health Care(July 22-24, 2008, Cairo, Egypt)At the invitation of WHO Geneva and WHO EMRO, Prof Rawaf attended a three-daytechnical consultation for WHO Member States to review and consider country-specificand international experiences with integration of non-communicable diseaseprevention into primary health care practice. The Director chaired the third day of theevent. A WHO Final report on the consultation is pending and two study pilots are inpreparation.WHO CC ICL UK ANNUAL REPORT 2008 | 09 15

.3.3.3. Global Training Programme for Treating Tobacco Dependence(May <strong>2009</strong>, WHO HQs Geneva/London)In May <strong>2009</strong>, at the request <strong>of</strong> WHO HQs Geneva, theAssistant Director General Office for NCD Control and Mental Health we werecommissioned to prepare global training programmes and materials for treatingtobacco dependence. Following a full-day meeting in Geneva in July <strong>2009</strong>, twopublications, the Treatment for Tobacco Dependence Trainee’s Workbook andTrainer’s Manual were agreed. This is currently under preparation by Dr Lisa McNally,Lisa Andrews, Elizabeth Dubois and Pr<strong>of</strong> Salman Rawaf for 2010. It is anticipated thatthe Centre will carry, in part, training programmes, particularly in the six pilot countriesindentified by the WHO across the six Regional Offices.3.4. TOR #4: Strengthen the concept <strong>of</strong> health service utilization with regard tolimited resources through the use <strong>of</strong> economic analysis and evaluation, asdemonstrated by examples <strong>of</strong> efficient allocation <strong>of</strong> resources for healthservices in the UK and Europe.3.4.1. Best Practice in Primary Care (Oman)(4-9 June 2008, Sultanate <strong>of</strong> Oman)A consultation at the request <strong>of</strong> WHO EMRO, the WHO CC critically reviewed primaryhealth care in the Sultanate <strong>of</strong> Oman. In an effort to strengthen national capacity, H.E.the Minister <strong>of</strong> Health called upon the team to evaluate the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the primarycare system operating in Oman. The five-day assignment included visits to local healthcentres, face-to-face discussions with front line pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, the public and patients.Accompanied by local and international experts, Pr<strong>of</strong> Rawaf and Pr<strong>of</strong> Tavabie,Postgraduate Dean <strong>of</strong> General Practice Kent Sussex and Surrey Deanery, provided acritical account and evaluation on the public health needs <strong>of</strong> the Omani population. Aformal report with full recommendations was submitted to the WHO Headquarters,Geneva and Omani government. A follow up visit is planned to be held in April 2010 inOman.3.4.2 Developing and Strengthening the Malaysian Health System(11-12 October, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)This is a major work which is commissioned by WHOGeneva, WPRO and the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health Malaysia.The assignment concluded with a comprehensivereview <strong>of</strong> the health system with specificrecommendations on financing the health system,capacity development (in particular PHC), a new ways<strong>of</strong> managing hospitals, and, the main focus was onprocurement <strong>of</strong> primary care health services from theWHO CC ICL UK ANNUAL REPORT 2008 | 09 14

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