e-learning readiness - Asia Pacific Region - Open University Malaysia

e-learning readiness - Asia Pacific Region - Open University Malaysia e-learning readiness - Asia Pacific Region - Open University Malaysia


E-learning Readiness in Malaysia 2004ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis national study to serve E-learning Readiness in Malaysia was carried outfor the joint interest by the Ministry of Energy, Water and CommunicationMalaysia and the Open University Malaysia. Funded by both organisations,this study was successfully completed following contributions byacademicians, researchers and practitioners of E-learning at the OpenUniversity Malaysia as well as those from public and private highereducation institutions, research and training organisations. The editorsacknowledge the contributions made by the following individuals:-Professor Dr Abd. Razak Habib, Open University MalaysiaProfessor Dr Abu Talib Othman, UniKLProfessor Dr Kasiran Buang, Open University MalaysiaProfessor Dr Khairuddin Hashim, University Tun Abdul Abdul RazakProfessor Dr Mohammed Yusoff, Open University MalaysiaProfessor Dr Nuraihan Mat Daud, International Islamic UniversityProfessor Dr Szarina Abdullah, Universiti Institut Technology MARAAssociate Professor Dr Abtar Kaur, Open University MalaysiaAssociate Professor Dr Ahmad Hashem, Open University MalaysiaAssociate Professor Dr Halimah Awang, University of MalayaAssociate Professor Dr Latifah Abdol Latif, Open University MalaysiaAssociate Professor Dr Mardziah Hayati Abdullah, Universiti Putra MalaysiaAssociate Professor Dr Rahmah Hashim, Open University MalaysiaAssociate Professor Dr Raja Maznah Raja Hussain, University of MalayaAssociate Professor Dr Syed Abdullah Syed Othman, Open UniversityMalaysiaDr Aini Ibrahim, Bank Negara MalaysiaDr Norizan Abdul Razak, National University MalaysiaDr Norrizan Razali, Malaysian Development CorporationDr Tina Lim Swee Kim, Ipoh Teachers’ Training CollegeAzizah Hamzah, Ministry of Science, Technology and InnovationChng Loi Peng, Open University MalaysiaFitri Suraya Mohamad, UNIMASNik Azlina Nik Yaakob, Open University MalaysiaNorhaizan Mat Talha, MIMOS (Malaysian Institute of MicroelectronicsSystems)Rohani Ismail, MIMOS (Malaysian Institute of Microelectronics Systems)Rokiah Idris, Ministry of Energy, Water and CommunicationsRubaiah Hashim, Ministry of Energy, Water and CommunicationsSanthi Raghavan, Open University MalaysiaSukor ‘Ain, UniKLJoint Study by MEWC and OUMi

E-learning Readiness in Malaysia 2004Sulaiman Sarkawi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan IdrisTengku Putri Norishah Tengku Shariman, Multimedia UniversityTuridi Mat, Ministry of Energy, Water and CommunicationsWe are also indebted and thankful to those who supported and helpedadminister the survey forms in their respective organisations. Without theirkind help and coorporation, the study would not have been completed. Wethank all respondents of the study for having taken the time to answer thesurvey questions and for giving the valuable feedback.Last but not least, we thank our meticulous editorial assistants HazlizaHazlan and Iryanty Mohd Omar as weel as our valuable research assistantsIna Masniza Isa, Lily Suriyani Zahari, Siti Haslinah Abdul Rahman and Novela/l Lydon.Joint Study by MEWC and OUMii

E-<strong>learning</strong> Readiness in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2004Sulaiman Sarkawi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan IdrisTengku Putri Norishah Tengku Shariman, Multimedia <strong>University</strong>Turidi Mat, Ministry of Energy, Water and CommunicationsWe are also indebted and thankful to those who supported and helpedadminister the survey forms in their respective organisations. Without theirkind help and coorporation, the study would not have been completed. Wethank all respondents of the study for having taken the time to answer thesurvey questions and for giving the valuable feedback.Last but not least, we thank our meticulous editorial assistants HazlizaHazlan and Iryanty Mohd Omar as weel as our valuable research assistantsIna Masniza Isa, Lily Suriyani Zahari, Siti Haslinah Abdul Rahman and Novela/l Lydon.Joint Study by MEWC and OUMii

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