Temaline Solutions

Temaline Solutions

Temaline Solutions


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<strong>Temaline</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>Section 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>An Open Environment<strong>Temaline</strong> meets openness at threelevels:lllShared database functionality allowscustomers to use their own companydatabase to manage cardholderdatabase informationEthernet networks with TCP/IPcommunication protocols; there is nolonger a need for additional terminalservers. <strong>Temaline</strong>’s communicationstructure matches exactly customer ITphilosophies both now and in the futureLONWORKS ® – compatible fielddevices guarantee the ability to interactwith other devices including: buildingmanagement applications (HVAC,lighting etc.) and fire alarm systemsThe same TemaServer platform managesdifferent applications such as accesscontrol, time and attendance and intruderdetection. No other system provides this levelof security systems integration capability.<strong>Temaline</strong>’s communication protocol allowsreal-time event management and directpanel to panel communication.Shared Database ApplicationDatabase technology is a critical elementin the operations of a security systemtoday. <strong>Temaline</strong> is designed with a powerfuldatabase distribution engine (DBDE) whichmanages the database updating to theTemaServers.Save On CostsThe advent of Enterprise ResourceManagement providers, such as SAP ® ,Oracle, PeopleSoft and others, are alsoincreasing customer focus on systemsintegration and the openness as theyseek ways to tie their facilities into singularinteracting systems to save on operationalcosts.This shift in influence has been felt moststrongly in the inter-relationships betweenaccess control, time and attendance andpayroll applications.Honeywell has been actively installingSAP ® approved solutions for over 10 yearsand now a new capability is here – a SAP ®certified application meeting the validationof SAP ® for time and attendance and accesscontrol and all are on the same hardwareplatform.lllDistributed, uninterruptible and intelligentpower supply is totally independent fromthe data wiring, so many power supplymodules can be located on a system toprovide the necessary power specificfield device groupsService and maintenance diagnostictools perform remote monitoring on all<strong>Temaline</strong> devices. Diagnostic featurescan be implemented as embeddedfunctions of the terminals or as externaltoolsRemote maintenance provides forread/restore/edit functions to all systemconfiguration parametersThe Complete HoneywellSecurity SolutionAs one of the world’s leading securitycompanies, Honeywell understandsthe need to protect people, assetsand intellectual property. With aninternational network of skilled people,state of the art technology and globalexperience, Honeywell can meetindividual customers needs withcomplete security solutions.lllProviding help with all aspects of aproject from initial needs analysisthrough designing systems andmanaging installation, to providingongoing maintenance and systemsoperationA comprehensive understanding ofsecurity requirements, technologiesand innovationsBeing there to help customers,whenever there is a needSAP is registered trademark of SAP ® AGSECTION 5: page

10 Reasons to Specify <strong>Temaline</strong>Section 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>HEADQUARTERSBRANCHESREGIONSSystem Availability1Standalone capabilities of the controllers ensure complete autonomy ofthe access control system.Reliability2A product from a world leader in Advanced Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong> witha proven performance on thousands of projects.Expandability3Based on native TCP/IP Ethernet communications ensures that the systemis able to expand as requirements expand.Multi-Site4Management<strong>Temaline</strong> allows management of a single building, to a multi buildingcampus or a global solution covering any number of facilities with single ormultiple operator stations.Powerful5Integration6Durable7Multi8Multi9IT10Integration CapabilityAs a key solution from the award winning Enterprise Buildings Integratorfacility management central, <strong>Temaline</strong> is able to integrate with CCTV,Fire, HVAC, Asset Management and many other building automationtechnologies.of 3rd Party Technologies<strong>Temaline</strong> can integrate with existing card readers via industry standardWiegand interface. Multiple reader technologies on a single door can alsobe managed. Integration into 3rd party ERP’s systems such as PeopleSoft,SAP, Oracle and many others is available using standard tools.System LifeWith a proven record of very low Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) aswell as flash upgradeable operating firmware, <strong>Temaline</strong> provides a lifetimeof functionality and reliability.Functional System<strong>Temaline</strong> has been designed not only to support advanced access controlapplications, but also advanced Time and Attendance applications(including HR and Payroll integration), Electronic Visitor Management andmany more advanced applications.Application Devices<strong>Temaline</strong>’s unique range of multi function card readers and HMIs allowsnot only advanced access control applications but also Time andAttendance, Intruder Detection, Bulletin Board Service, Muster Stationfunctionality and much more.Infrastructure CompatibilityNative Ethernet, Microsoft Windows and SQL and other features ensuresthat <strong>Temaline</strong> is able to operate with existing IT services.SECTION 5: page

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>KEY FEATURESllllllProvides a simple, three-levelarchitecture. The supervisory level ismanaged by Honeywell’s EnterpriseBuildings Integrator (EBI) and providesthe Human Machine InterfaceAt the peripheral level the TemaServers(controllers) manage the peripheraldatabase containing all the informationessential to ensure the completeautonomy of the devices independent ofthe supervisory levelTemaServers communicate on apeer-to-peer basis with one anotherand exchange data in order to shareinformation in a distributed modecreating greater system autonomyThe field devices – or TemaKeys– represent the interface to the“environment” such as employees andvisitors, doors and turnstiles. TemaKeysrepresent readers, displays, keyboardsand Input/Output modulesControllers use industry-standard TCP/IP networking over Ethernet leveragingthe facility’s existing Ethernet network.Controller to field communicationis managed using an EchelonLONWORKS ® networkApplications include integrated AccessControl, Time & Attendance, IntrusionDetection, Reception ManagementLONWORKSTemaKeysETHERNETLONWORKSETHERNETTemaServersTemaKeysEnterpriseBuildingsIntegrator(EBI)TemaServersEnterpriseBuildingsIntegrator(EBI)Peer-to-PeerTemaKeysRDREquipmentBadgePersonalBadgeSECTION 5: page

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>The modular design of the system frees thecontrollers and field devices from relianceon the central supervisory system for allaccess control functionality and relieves thesupervisory system of the responsibility ofcard transaction processing.ACCESS MANAGEMENTAND CONTROLThe basic goal of the <strong>Temaline</strong> AccessControl system is to ensure the security andsafety of the resources – people, assets,documents, intellectual property – present ina specific area, while still allowing authorisedusers easy, but controlled access.The <strong>Temaline</strong> system philosophy is asfollows:lllPeople Management – extend theAccess Control solution to alsoinclude intrusion detection and Time &AttendanceRobust <strong>Solutions</strong> – high reliability andavailabilityConnectivity – direct Ethernetconnection to standard local or widearea networksTIME AND ATTENDANCEMANAGEMENTThe Time and Attendance Manager is a fullyintegrated software module within the EBI<strong>Temaline</strong> Access Management and Controlapplication. As a result, database entriesneed only be done once for each cardholderand application.In addition to the integral Time & AttendanceManager, EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> has the ability tointerface to SAP ® , Oracle and PeopleSoftsystems as well as other third-partyapplications.The same controllers and field devicesused for Access Control also manageTime & Attendance functionality simplifyingthe system architecture, design andengineering.INTRUSIONDETECTIONIntegrated security requires interactionbetween all security functions. EBI <strong>Temaline</strong>accomplishes this via the concept of“integration by design” using the samecore software, hardware platform,database and the same field bus wiring.All controllers, regardless of their specificfunction communicate on a peer-to-peerbasis. The TemaServer is able to managea low-level intrusion detection strictlyintegrated with access control. This task iscarried out using a TemaKey dedicated tothe management of digital input / outputsignals. Each TemaServer is able to manageup to 64 digital inputs and 64 digital outputsand each I/O can be enabled/disabled/armed/disarmed. The TemaServer devicecontinuously checks the status of the fieldpoints controlled in order to detect a statusvariation.RECEPTIONMANAGEMENTThe term “reception management” refers toall activities associated with checking in andmonitoring external persons who enter thebuilding. Typical activities includellllllChecking in visitors on arrivalChecking out visitors on departurePre-registering visitorsKeeping an address book of all companycontactsCollecting and performing historicalanalysis of visitor dataAssigning and administering the returnof temporary cardsLOSSPREVENTIONThe Asset Loss Prevention solution isdesigned to control the rights of a cardholderto exit/enter from a controlled location whilein the possession of specific, identifiableassets.SECTION 5: page

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>PRIMARY SYSTEM CONCEPTSThe concept of “Integration by Design” isthe core philosophy of the EBI <strong>Temaline</strong>architecture. Dedicated software allowsusers to determine the operationalparameters for the chosen subsystems– including Access Management &Control, Time & Attendance, IntrusionDetection, Reception Management andLoss prevention. These design disciplinescreate seamless inter-operability and a moresecure functioning system.Access Management and ControlThe access control platform of the EBI<strong>Temaline</strong> subsystem guarantees one of thehighest levels of availability of any systemon the market today with multiple layers ofredundancy, peer-to-peer communicationand the highest marks for applicationflexibility designed as standard in thesystem.The system controls and monitors theperipheral hardware, stores all data receivedvia the same hardware devices, and makesthe data available for analysis.The system operator can perform operationssuch as:lllllCheck the number of users present ineach areaExecute antipassback controlsExecute “length of stay” checks on theusersCheck the list of visitors that entered at agiven timeCheck the number of available parkingspaces in the parking lotTime & AttendanceThe Time & Attendance platform of EBI<strong>Temaline</strong> allows administrative users theability to communicate with the company’semployees via the field devices andterminals.The system manages the informationassociated with the various clock-in andclock-out operations and makes it availableto Time & Attendance applications suchas the EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> Time & AttendanceManager or SAP ® . The bi-directionalfunctionality also allows messaging fromadministration to employees providingbroadcast or individually tailored messages.A system user interacting directly with theterminal display can execute the followingoperations:lllllReason entry – specifies a transit reasonTransit enquiry – interrogates the systemdirectly regarding past transit operationsGeneric enquiry – displays varioususer-specific information requested by acardholderSpontaneous messages – displaypersonal information addressed either tothe cardholder or to a group, following acard read operationElectronic bulletin board – displaysinformation addressed to all cardholderswho use the terminalIntrusion Detection and SecurityThe EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> subsystem’s intrusiondetection platform ensures a high level ofsecurity by allowing operators to monitor allthe events and alarms generated in a facilityin a single user interface.line is interrupted, and alerts the operatorconcerned. The operator also receivesdetailed information describing the alarmor event as well as the required response/action. Subsequent analysis of the eventsand corrective actions taken by operatorsfacilitates the continued improvement ofsecurity and control procedures and alsoensures continuous improvements tocompany safety standards.Remote access via either dial-in or WideArea Network (or LAN) connection or EBI’sAlarm Pager option (providing notification viaSMS, e-mail, pager or SNMP) allows alarmsto be managed from remote workstations orsecurity centres, which is a great advantagefor installations that are not attended orguarded 24 hours per day.Asset Tracking & Loss PreventionAsset Loss Prevention provides additionalsecurity over a Real Time Location System(RTLS). This option provides the ability tonot only locate assets within a facility butalso control the movement of assets in andout of protected areas. Assets are equippedwith active, radio frequency tags that allowthem to be uniquely identified and they canbe linked to people, who are identified bymeans of their access cards.The system uses a combination of longrangereaders, transmitters and <strong>Temaline</strong>devices connected together to form aspecial Asset Portal (AP). In its simplestform, the Asset Portal is a double technologyTemaKey, in which one reader is the radiofrequency receiver and the other a <strong>Temaline</strong>reader.The system immediately detects whenan intrusion sensor is activated, when agate is forced or when a communicationSECTION 5: page

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>LAN/WANEnterpriseBuildingsIntegrator(EBI)TemaServersVisitor Pre-registrationVisitor pre-registration helps speed up thevisitor check in process by allowing staff toenter details for their visitors prior to theirarrival.RTLS ReaderAsset Loss Prevention System ConceptThe diagram above illustrates a typical layoutfor the entrance/exit area of a building whencreating an Asset Portal.Reception ManagementA visitor’s first impression of a companyis often the reception area. Providing anefficient and professional reception serviceis the first step in creating a positiveimpression for visitors.<strong>Temaline</strong> Reception Manager provides anoptional solution for managing visitors to afacility and provides complete integrationProx ReaderDoes this Personhave authorisationto remove this Asset?with the EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> access controlsystem. The seamless integration is criticalas it provides levels of security and visitorcontrol that cannot be provide by standalonesolutions.In addition to capturing visitor data, thevisitor management package also permitsthe issuing of visitor access cards andtemporary staff cards while the powerfulreporting capabilities help identify thelocation of visitors present in the building atany given time.Temporary and Visitor CardsTemporary and Visitor cards are configuredin the system and then physically storedin an archive kept by reception staff. Thecards can then be issued and enabledon demand – either for a new visitor or anemployee whose card has temporarily beenmisplaced.The reception has access to an on-line listof pre-registered visitors and simply haveto complete any outstanding details, issuea card (or print a pass) if needed and startthe visit.Visitor Check-in/Check-outThe reception desk manages all visitorcheck-in/out operations including:lllllllRecord personal and identification dataUse the address book to identify acontact person for the visitRecord all data concerning the visitand, if appropriate, assign a card andassociated access rightsPrint a visitor’s pass on paper or cardSuspend and continue a check-inoperation to allow time to trace thedesired contact personTerminate the visit if it is not possible totrace the desired contact personModify data associated with the currentvisit without terminating the visit itself, forexample, extend the card expiry date orenter notes regarding the visitAsset Loss Prevention Gate ConfigurationSECTION 5: page

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>User Access to the Web Reception ManagerThe Visitor Check-in/Check-out FormWEB Reception ManagementThe WEB Reception Managementmodule improves the Reception Managerfunctionality by providing an InternetExplorer-based web browser connectionto the Reception Manager database. Thebrowser connection provides more stations,better performance and reduces engineeringby eliminating the need for manual softwareinstallation.The functionality includes:llllllCustomised Human Machine InterfaceCheck-in and check-out of visitorsVisitor pre-registrationTemporary card assignment and returnCardholder present in zone reportUser statusThis option requires:llThe Reception Management optionA Microsoft SQL Server ClientAccess Licence (CAL) for eachcomputer using the browser basedsolution.Photo IDEBI <strong>Temaline</strong> PhotoID is a fully integratedfunction that enables the user to createidentification cards for users of the system.The functionality includes;lllllImage capture (including cardholderphotographs and signatures)Image storage in a variety of formatssuch as bitmap, JPEG or GIF formatsIntegration of dynamic data from the EBI<strong>Temaline</strong> database to the card layout forprinting specific cardholder details oncards.Custom card graphic creation.Card printingThe integrated graphic design tool providesthe ability to create flexible and personalisedcard layouts. Cards can be printed withinformation specific to the cardholder suchas the cardholder’s first and last name,additional personal data, a photograph and/or a signature.Cards can be used for visual identificationonly, or as physical access cards thatare part of the electronic access controlsystem.Interface to external applicationsAccess management systems are normallyintegrated to third party or external systemsin order to exchange personnel data, eitherto update cardholder details or to providetransaction information to Human Resourceapplications such as Payroll programs orgeneral Time & Attendance managementsystems.<strong>Temaline</strong> provides a flexible Time &Attendance management solution allowingthe collection of entry and exit transactiondetails using the employee’s standardaccess card and, very often, the samereaders used for access control.EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> supports the followingoperations:llllCreation of data import/export andconversion specificationsInteraction with external applicationsData export, manually or on-lineInteraction with the HR-PDC Interface forSAP R/3 for data import and export.Personal data of the company’s employeesis imported from the Time & Attendanceapplication software. This application canbe a stand-alone application or part of acomplete Enterprise Resource Planningsolution such as SAP ® or PeopleSoft.SECTION 5: page

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>The TemaServer is battery backed and the<strong>Temaline</strong> power supply modules can powerany associated devices. These modulesprovide up to 4 hours of operation afterfailure of the mains power supply. In thebattery backup status, the system reducesthe power consumption (e.g. backlight) butdoes not suspend functionality for gatecontrol, communications, or other criticalmanagement actions.Enterprise Resource Management<strong>Temaline</strong> provides the ability to interface tocommon Enterprise Resource Planningsolutions such as SAP ® , Oracle orPeopleSoft.EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> uses an SAP ® CertifiedIntegration module for integration to themySAP Human Resource applicationmodule via the HR-PDC channel. Thebi-directional HR-PDC interface allowspersonnel data transfer from the SAP ®master database to EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> and thetransfer of transaction data – complete withspecific reasons and time codes for Time &Attendance – to SAP ® .Peripheral levelThe peripheral level is where most decisionsare made and it is made up of the controllers(TemaServers) responsible for the AccessControl, Time & Attendance and IntrusionDetection applications.TemaServers are usually connected to theLocal Area Network via a dedicated Ethernetport and use peer-to-peer communicationto exchange data and commands with oneanother. The TemaServers can thereforetake all decisions locally, once configured,removing dependence on the SupervisorLevel and improving system autonomy.TemaServers are used to manage singledevices such as individual card readers,displays or keypads as well as integratedunits that are built out of several singledevices (e.g. reader and display, display andkeyboard, reader and display and keyboard).The TemaServer is able to logically assemblesimple devices to form a virtual terminalresponsible for managing a door.Each TemaServer supports the managementof up to 12 doors, using either a single readerfor entry or a reader for entry AND a secondreader for exit. TemaServers support upto 24 readers per controller, depending onsystem configuration.SYSTEMARCHITECTUREThe EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> solution can be groupedinto three distinct levels:Supervisory LevelETHERNETThe Supervisory Level comprises theEnterprise Buildings Integrator and <strong>Temaline</strong>software and has the following primaryfunctions:lSystem configurationlData collectionlEvent analysisSITE ASITE BllReportingInterface to external applicationsSITE CSECTION 5: page 10

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>Field levelThis is the level where the system interactswith the external world (company employees,visitors, gates, etc.). It comprises readers,displays, keypads, locking devices, digitalsensors, and other devices.LONEnterpriseBuildingsIntegrator(EBI)<strong>Temaline</strong> uses the Echelon communicationbus as the field bus for TemaKeys, TemaPower and I/O devices. Each LONWORKS ®bus can support up to 64 nodes or devices(readers, I/O modules, etc.). As with anyLONWORKS ® communication bus, in a“daisy-chain” configuration, the total lengthof the LON bus cannot exceed 2700 metres.In a “free-topology configuration, the length ofthe total LON bus cannot exceed 500 metres.ETHERNETLANTemaServersEnterpriseBuildingsIntegrator(EBI)SHARED LOADThe purpose of the Shared Loadarchitecture configuration is to enhancesystem availability. The system has thecapability for it to protect itself in the event ofa TemaServer failure, as shown below.This added level of hardware redundancyis achieved using redundant pairs ofTemaServers. During normal systemoperation, each TemaServer manages itsdevices but, should one of the TemaServersfail, the remaining TemaServer takes overthe management of the orphaned deviceswithout any degradation or loss of systemfunctionality.Peer-to-PeerPEER-TO-PEER COMMUNICATIONIn order to maintain high availability andflexibility of the system, the TemaServerscommunicate with one another on a peerto-peerbasis.LONWORKSPeer-to-Peer CommunicationTemaKeysEach TemaServer is continually updatedwith system status regarding employeepresence, number of people present in eachzone, and details for anti-passback controlamongst others.ETHERNETEnterpriseBuildingsIntegrator(EBI)In order to avoid unnecessary informationexchange, TemaServers can belogically grouped and the peer-to-peercommunication limited to the group. Thiscreates consistent high-performanceresponse. Communication over Ethernet ismanaged via the TCP/IP protocol stack.Shared LoadLONWORKSTemaServersTemaKeysSECTION 5: page 11

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>MULTI-SITEThe multi-site functionality is a logicalconcept that can be used with only oneserver or over a Distributed SystemArchitecture (i.e. multi-servers) to managethe TemaServers and peripheral devicesinstalled over a Wide-area Network (Wan).TEMAPOWERThe TemaPower is an active power supply device that does not only supply power, but isalso able to exchange messages with the TemaServer controllers thus providing continuousinformation on the status of the main power supply and of the batteries.Multi-site allows the management of up to255 different sites per system. Each sitehas its specific terminals, behaviour models,calendar and zones. The employees,visitors, vehicles, available cards can beenabled to have multi-site capabilities. Usingthis function information can be distributedin the most suitable manner relating toemployees, visitors, vehicles and availablecards to the appropriate sites.TemaPower ATemaPower BIn emergency situations, the devices can be configured in a redundant mode. Each devicethen has the ability to manage additional TemaKeys normally managed by another TemaPower, which is temporarily in failure.The multi-site functionality is often used in acampus or business park type facility.HARDWARE COMPONENTSTemaServerThe TemaServer is the heartof the <strong>Temaline</strong> architecture.Each TemaServer has itsown database and is able to communicatewith other TemaServers via peer-topeercommunications. It represents thedistributed intelligence of the systemproviding an operating environment thatseamlessly supports inter-operability ofAccess Control, Time & Attendance andIntruder Detection.TemaServers connect to the EBI <strong>Temaline</strong>Supervisory System via Ethernet. Theconnection between the TemaServer andthe field devices is via Echelon bus protocol.Muster StationsThe Muster Station providesthe ability to electronicallymanage a muster point in the event of anemergency. Any TemaServer or TemaKeyequipped with a graphic display can beconfigured as a Muster Station. Cardholdersare linked to a Muster station via thebehaviour models as for the other types ofreaders in the system.Each Muster Station supervises specificzones of the plant displays a list ofcardholders still present in these zones(including detail on their last recorded zone).Proper site mustering is a critical requirementfor any facility that requires a structured,secure and on-line evacuation plan.TemaKeysThe TemaKey devices are theinterface to all cardholders(e.g. company employees, visitors and sub-contractors). The modularity of the devicesallows each customer to select the rightTemaKey to suit their requirements.In its smallest form, a TemaKey is a singlereader but larger TemaKeys can also includeadditional readers, displays, keypads and/orI/O modules.Standard reader technologies supportedinclude:llllllMagnetic stripeProximity – HID, Motorola, NexWatch,Sokymat, and othersLCD devices – 16 characters x 2 rowsand graphic display with 16 lines x 40columnsWiegand interface devicesDigital I/O devicesSpecialist smart card technologiesincluding: Mifare, Legic, ST Micro andothersSECTION 5: page 12

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>SYSTEM FEATURES ANDFUNCTIONSGeneral System ConfigurationSystem configuration engineering can beaccomplished completely from the EBIsupervisory level – on-line – using an EBIstation, without affecting the operation ofthe system.Updating is automatically initiated and iscarried out involving only the modifieddetails to the TemaServer. Only the essentialupdated information is sent thus avoidingunnecessary operations and networktraffic and also minimising the downloadtime for database changes. TemaServersare also able to receive update versions ofthe firmware and other basic tables usingstandard tools like Telnet and TFTP.Using the same tools is also possible todownload all localisation data (strings,date formats, currency) or to download thefirmware to the TemaKeys – in this case thedownload is done via the TemaServer. TheTemaServer acts only as a gateway betweenthe supervisory level network (TCP/IP) andthe field level network (LonWorks).Data CollectionThe supervisory level collects data as clockinand clock-out transactions, events suchas I/O and other “objects” status changescoming from the peripheral level and devicefailure messages. All this information ischaracterised by a priority that determineswhen they are sent: events are sent firstfollowed by transactions, based uponpriority.“Reasoned” TransactionsReasoned transactions allow cardholders toassociate a specific reason with a cadtransaction. This is normally used in Time& Attendance to associated extraordinarytransactions with reasons such as leavingfor a doctor’s appointment.In the case of Time and Attendance, thenormal behaviour of the TemaKey when a‘reason’ is entered is:1. The reason is chosen by the cardholder,using a function key or selecting achoice in a menu of reasons associatedto a function key2. The card is presented to complete thetransaction.Information PointThe information point functionality is availableonly on a TemaKey with a reader and agraphic display. There are different ways topresent information to the cardholder:llBulletin Board – the bulletin board is amessage displayed by the LCD when itis in an idle condition (there is no otheractivity in progress). Configuration isdone at the supervisory station.A text message can also be set thatcould be a “Welcome” message,Company name or any other messageas defined. These messages aresupported by user-friendly configurationsoftware in order to allow easy tailoringof the functionality.Inquiry – The cardholder requestinformation in the following way:1. The type of information is chosen bythe cardholder using a function keyor selecting a choice in a menu ofinformation associated to a function key2. Presenting a card. The inquiries arerequests of information that can stayon the TemaServer or EBI. Inquiries arealways personal information.Transactions InquiryThe Transactions Inquiry functionality givescardholders the opportunity to view andcheck their transactions.The transactions are shown complete withthe relevant information such as the dateand time, the direction and the reasonassociated to the transaction.This functionality is managed by the EBI<strong>Temaline</strong> Interface and the <strong>Temaline</strong>peripherals and does not require anymaintenance activity, human intervention orinterface to other applications.SECTION 5: page 13

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>General InquiriesConfigurable information available to thecardholder that is contained within theapplication such as time and vacationbalances.Event AnalysisThe event analysis functionality allowsthe operators to display and analyse thehistorical data stored in the system. Theoperator can define:lllWhat data to displayWhich filters to apply to the data in orderto show only events that satisfy certaindefined criteriaWhat information applies according tothe content of the fieldsSpontaneous MessagesSpontaneous messages are alphanumericand displayed automatically on the terminalfollowing a clock-in or clock-out operation.The operator can also define spontaneousmessages;llAssociated to a specific employee– addressed exclusively to the person inquestionAssociated to a specific display i.e.to the TemaKeys that use the primaryobject in question. All authorised userswho transit at the TemaKey can thenview these messagesSpontaneous messages can be configuredfor all displays, with the following limitations:l Alphanumeric display: a single line of 16characterslGraphic display: 4 lines of 32 charactersThe Spontaneous Message functionalitygives the opportunity to show a messageto the cardholder using the terminal,simultaneously with the transactioninformation. The message can be specificSECTION 5: page 14for the terminal, for the cardholder, or fora group of cardholders. Examples includetime limits for an individual to complete aspecific personnel task such as specialtraining or a group of individuals who mightbe required for medical exams or a meetingroom is changed.Dial Up CommunicationsThe <strong>Temaline</strong> system architecture supportspoint-to-point communication between theTemaServer and the supervision centrevia Dial-up. This communication can beused as an alternative to the LAN Ethernetconnection (as primary connection), or canbe used as a back-up connection (primaryconnection in LAN Ethernet, secondary – orback-up connection – in point-to-point).The point-to-point connection can beestablished in dial-up (modems) or using adirect line connection (null modem, RS232connection). The point-to-point connectioncan be established both from the TemaServer and from the Supervision Centre inthe following ways:lllManual call from Supervisor centreScheduled connection (both from centreand peripheral level)Automatic (started by a Supervisorcentre commands or by a Peripheralevent/alarm)The supervisor centre has the capabilityto manage a group of modems; theTemaServer can automatically select thefirst non-busy line on up to 4 supervisorcentre telephone numbers.Transits are not sent in an on-line manner, butonly on specific scheduled time periods. Ifthere is no connection between TemaServerand supervision centre, the transits arestored into the ‘transit buffer’ and sent toEBI centre once the connection is establish.If the ‘transit buffer’ level exceeds the 80%,the TemaServer establishes automatically aconnection to decrease the occupancy ofthe buffer.From the point of view of events it is possibleto specify time periods (hours for day anddays of the week) in which the events aresent using the point-to-point connection.TRANSIT CONTROLSGate controlIn its simplest form, Gate Control is the sameas a standard functionality of electronic dooraccess control. The main job of the AccessControl TemaServers is to control one ormore gates (doors, revolving doors, turnstiles,etc.) in a single or bi-directional way.Gate ControlThe TemaServer monitors the gate statusand controls the door strike – both aremanaged by an I/O device.The TemaServer controls the gate bothwhen there is a request for transit and whenthe door is closed (idle condition). In thiscase the TemaServer treats the two readersas a single door, conserving door count perTemaServer.lWhen there is a request for transitand the cardholder is authorised, theTemaServer opens the gate, checkingfor the right transit sequence. A transitsequence is a collection of steps relatedto the gate characteristics (turnstile,revolving doors, etc).

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>The following are basic commands relatedto the gate management;llllllOpen the gate for a single transitchecking for the right transit sequence(for entrance)Open the gate for a single transitchecking for the right transit sequence(for exit)Open the gate – the gate remains openuntil a “normal condition” or a Close thegate command is issuedClose the gate (lock) – the gate remainsclosed until a “normal condition” or an“open the gate” command is issued,Normal condition – return to normalmodalityWhen a “return to normal” commandis issued, if alarms are still present, thealarm message is resentAnti-passbackAnti-passback is used to prevent a cardbeing passed back to a following individualto gain entry.Cross-controller anti-passback is achievedin the system through using the peer-topeercommunication capabilities of theTemaServers. In addition, the standard andglobally anti-passback have special “timeout” functionality that restricts re-entry bycardholder within specified times. In otherwords, even when a valid cardholder makesa valid exit, the “anti-passback time out”disallows re-entry before a specified time(e.g. 10 minutes).It is possible within the Tema system to have,not only, global anti-passback, but also antipassbackfor a given number of zones.To enable the anti-passback control, aTemaKey must be configured with twozones associated: the starting zone that isthe zone that the cardholder is leaving andthe destination zone that is the zone wherethe cardholder will enter. The anti-passbackcontrols establish the zone in which thecard is currently located, and checks thateach subsequent card scan operation isconsistent with this information.Escort ControlThe escort transit control ensures that atransit is granted only when two transactionsin sequence are performed with two differentcards.This functionality can also be used tomanage vehicles associated with individualpeople, or their access to specific areabased on the required “double permission”as well as for visitor escort.The feature is based on:llEnabling a TemaKey to manage dualtransitsEnabling an employee card, a vehiclecard, or a visit card to enable a coupledtransit“One Shot” transitsIn facilities visited often by supply vehicles,there is often a requirement to enable thevehicle for a single transit or for a singleentry and a single exit.Number of people present in anarea (minimum and maximum)This functionality is an important safetyfeature for the Tema system. The numberof individuals present in an area can bemanaged and controlled. This functionalityallows that in a defined area there cannotbe present less then a specified minimumnumber of people or more then a maximumnumber selected.The Anti-passback control can alsobe activated if needed in applying thisfunctionality. It is also possible to definewhether the gate has to be opened even ifthe check fails. In this case only a warningevent is sent to the supervisory level.Path controlPath control allows the system to grantor deny transit at a terminal on the basisof rules that verify the historical use of thecard requesting the transit, whether in termsof the TemaKey utilised for the precedingtransits or in terms of the time elapsed sincethose transits.In particular, with Path Control, the operatormay set the rules that must be respected foraccess through the terminal. The followingdescribes the three possible scenarios thatcan be utilised for this type of control:lllCorrelated transit among TemaKeysMandatory PathTiming BarrierCorrelated transit among TemaKeysIn order for a transit to be granted at theterminal, it is necessary for the user first tohave transited through one of a particulargroup of terminals. In this example, pathcontrol is enabled in such a manner that auser will not be able to access the canteenbefore having transited the required priorTemaKeys.SECTION 5: page 15

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>Therefore, in the example below:lllThe TemaKey # 4 is associated to thegroup of TemaKeys that manage anarea, for example the Canteen (Group 4)TemaKeys # 1 and 2 are associated tothe Group 1The control rule that is to be associatedto the terminal # 4 must verify thepreceding transit through the terminalsassociated to the Group 1123Mandatory PathIn the following example, a transit atTemaKey # 8 associated with Group 8 willonly be authorised following a transit atTemaKey # 4, associated with Group 4,and a transit at the latter, in turn, will begranted only after a transit at TemaKey # 1associated with Group 1.13SECTION 5: page 16448Timing BarrierIn this instance, the terminal verifies boththe terminal group through which the userhas transited as well as the time elapsedbetween transits before making the decisionto allow access.For example, a timing barrier can beestablished between a TemaKey associatedwith Group 8 and a TemaKey associated withanother Group – say 7. The rule associatedwith Group 8 will verify whether the user hastransited at any of the terminals associatedwith Group 7 within a configurable time (lessthen 24 hours or 1440 minutes).Note: This type of control is a multi-gatecontrol. It relies on information from severalgate control terminals and, if communicationwith one of the terminals involved isinterrupted, the control can no longerbe guaranteed. In this case, the systemautomatically degrades the functionalityand disables the control until the conditionsnecessary for reliable execution arerestored.TIME AND ATTENDANCETRANSITSThe EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> Interface provides theability to define a specific use for eachTemaKey based on the specific transactionfor which the terminal/reader will be used.These include:lllAccess ControlTime & AttendanceCanteenl SAP ®The Time and Attendance (T&A)transaction is generally used to supportT&A requirements of HR departments andpayroll. EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> provides the requiredtransactions via ASCII file, Excel file or via adatabase table.EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> allows the user to manageT&A transactions, not only covering thecompany’s employees, but also for externalpersonnel such as consultants, contractorsor employees of sister companies.Canteen TransitsEBI <strong>Temaline</strong> provides the ability to checkthe number of canteen transits allowedand executed for each cardholder per day.TemaKeys are configured specifically for thispurpose and the information is collected byEBI <strong>Temaline</strong> and then normally exportedto an external application for canteenmanagement.Reasoned TransactionsA reasoned transaction is a transaction thatincludes an associated code identifyinga specific reason in addition to the normalinformation such as the card number, thedate and time of the transit, the transitdirection and the terminal identification.Reasoned transactions are extensivelyused for T&A transactions in order to allowcardholders to identify an exceptional orunusual transit. A reasoned transaction canalso be used to send feedback to activate/deactivate the lights of an office or enable/disable the intrusion detection of an area.Length of Stay ControlsEBI <strong>Temaline</strong> has the ability to verify theamount of time that a user remains in asecurity-sensitive zone. This can be donebased on two thresholds:llHigh pre-alarm threshold: indicatesthat the user has remained in the zonebeyond the pre-alarm limitHigh alarm threshold: indicates thatthe user has remained in the zonebeyond the time limit set for the alarm.

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>Behaviour modelsThis function allows the user to assignschedules to cardholders (employees,external personnel, visitors, companiesand vehicles) that reflect their accessrequirements. Behaviour Models determineuser access rights to protected areasof a facility, and consist of a time-basedcomponent (time periods and day types) andrelated TemaKeys (or readers) for accessingdoors or gates. Users can configure up to512 behaviour models.LOCALISATIONEBI <strong>Temaline</strong> provides a simple, user-friendlyprocedure for localisation and requires nospecific tool. A database table is providedcontaining all necessary character stringsin English and localisation simply requiresthat the translated text be entered into the“Customised” column as shown below.Each behaviour model can consist of up to9 blocks (or groups) of terminals and timeperiods linked to specific day types, suchas the days of the week (from Monday toSunday), holidays, and special days.SECTION 5: page 17

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>APPENDIX ITEMALINE FIELD DEVICESReader technologiesThe <strong>Temaline</strong> family supports the followingstandard reader technologies:llllllMagnetic StripeHID ProximitySokemat ProximityASP Motorola (only on TS_TA1x terminal)NexWatch (only on TS_TA1x terminal)Smart card ISO7816-4, only on RTUdeviceIn addition the system manages the followingspecial devices:llllMifare (ISO14443A compliant) contactlessreaderWiegand/BR450 adaptor to allowintegration of the BR450 (PCSCmagnetic stripe reader) to the <strong>Temaline</strong>Wiegand device (TK_S014)Double reader technology terminalfor installations where 2 different cardreader technologies are required foraccess to the same door (for example:when migrating from one card type toanother)Legic Contactless Smart cardIntegrated readerThe Integrated reader (mini-combo) providesa reader (either magnetic stripe or proximitycard reader), keypad and liquid crystaldisplay (2 rows and 16 character columns)in a single unit.KeypadThe keypad is used to:lllEnter a PIN codeEnter information for Time & Attendancesuch as reasonsRequest information (inquiries)Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)All LCD’s are backlit and easily readablefrom a range of 80cm to 100cm. There aretwo LCD models:l Alphanumeric, with 2 rows of 16characterslThe Graphic Display module providesa Human/Machine Interface with a16-line/40- column display (240x128pixels). This can be used to welcomevisitors, show an employee’s name atclock in and out and display reports oftransactions (with associated reasons ifapplicable). The Inquiry Mode accessedby pressing function keys, allowing theuser to qualify a transit and/or to requestpersonal information to be displayed.Digital I/O management devicesThe TK C21 module provides 4 SupervisedInputs and 4 Open Collector Outputs. Thesame digital I/O management devices areused for both access control and intrusiondetection purposes.llAll devices are able to monitor thestatus of sensors via optically-coupledsupervised digital inputsAll devices are able to command upto 4 open collector outputs (100 mAminimum at 50V). The module housingis tamper protected for unauthorisedopening and removal.Free I/O managementIt is possible to share the I/O of an I/OModule between different modular readers(TemaKeys) or to use the I/O of an I/OModule for both gate management andintrusion detection purposes.Wiegand InterfaceThe Wiegand interface module provides 2Wiegand inputs, 2 monitored digital inputsand 2 outputs to manage a single door. Up to2 readers can be connected to the Wiegandmodule provided they are controlling thesame door, one for entry purposes and theother for exit.The Wiegand interface can be customised tomatch the encoding format of the proximitycard used.Please Note:llThe 2 monitored I/O provided can onlybe used to manage the inputs fromthe related door. They cannot be reassignedto monitor detectors unrelatedto the transit sequence of the door.The 2 Wiegand lines can only be usedto manage two readers on same door– 1 for entry and the other for exit. It isnot possible to manage 2 readers fromdifferent doors using 1 Wiegand module.SECTION 5: page 18

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>SYSTEM CAPACITYThe following tables highlight the EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> system limits for the System, the Site and for each TemaServer. Note that the maximumnumber of sites managed by the EBI <strong>Temaline</strong> Interface is 256 per EBI Server.Object System Limits Site Limits TemaServer LimitsTemaServers 512 512 N/ATemaKeysDepending on the number of readerslicensed in EBI Base Software.Depending on the number of readerslicensed in EBI Base Software.RTUs 512 * 32 512 * 32 32I/O 512 * 64 512 * 64 64Operators 1000 depending on EBI 1000 depending on EBI N/AOperators Visibility Rights No limit No limit N/AOperators Profiles No limit No limit N/AStationsDepending on the number of Clientlicensed in EBI Base Software.Depending on the number of Clientlicensed in EBI Base Software.Encoding card formats 32 32 32Up to 12 doorsCardholders No limit No limits See table below for TemaServerslimits based on the type of memoryand configurable options.Zones 128 * sites n° 128 128Time Periods 32 * sites n° 32 32Behaviour Models 512 * sites n° 512 512Feedback 150 * sites n° 150 150Scheduled Commands 64 64 64Reasons 245 245 245Enquiries 30 30 30Menu 23, each one with max 32 entries 23, each one with max 32 entries 23, each one with max 32 entriesGroups of TemaServer (for peerto-peercommunication)255 control zone groups N/ATemaServer per Control Zonegroup255 control zone groupsNo limit No limit No limitPrimary Object 8 8 8N/ASECTION 5: page 19

<strong>Temaline</strong> Specification DataSection 5.1: Access Control <strong>Solutions</strong>LONWORKS ® data cable characteristicsType of cable Length (m) in relation to the cable capacityAWG mm 2 Ohm/Km 50nF/Km 100nF/Km 200nF/Km 500nF/Km 1uF/Km12 3.3 5.7 2676 1892 1338 846 59814 2 8.8 2153 1523 1077 681 48216 1.3 14 1707 1207 854 540 38218 0.9 21 1394 986 697 441 31220 0.6 34 1096 775 548 346 24522 0.35 52 886 626 443 280 19824 0.2 85 693 490 346 219 155TemaServer Memory formattingThe following table shows the standard memory configuration of the TemaServer in the event that the controller is equipped with either thestandard memory card and with the extended memory card. This default configuration can be changed for individual TemaServers based onindividual site requirements.Standard Memory Card Cards Transaction buffer Event bufferAccess Control 10.000 2.500 400Enhance AC / Basic T&A (Enhanced Personal data table) 6.000 2.500 400Interactive T&A 2.500 10.000 135SAP 2.500 7.000 135Extended Memory Card Cards Transaction buffer Event bufferAccess Control 60.000 40.000 5.000Enhance AC / Basic T&A (Enhanced Personal data table) 50.000 40.000 5.000Interactive T&A 15.000 65.000 1.000SAP 32.000 65.000 1.000SECTION 5: page 20

Control UnitSection 5.2: Access Control – Control UnitsControl UnitFeatureslllllllSupports Up To 12 doorsSupports “Open ProtocolReaders”Direct LAN/WAN connectionSupports “Messaging”Standard Memory supports10,000 card holders (60,000with enhanced memory)Supports SAP HR s/wconnectivityOptional:lll“Redundant Configuration”“On-Line Muster Station”“ Time & Attendance”Technical SpecificationsBi-processor CPU68EN302, including a Motorola 68000 (32 bit architecture) and an Ethernet communicationprocessor.1 MByte FLASH EPROM to Download the application firmware.1 MByte FLASH EPROM on a removable cartridge for the download of the permanent database (tables ofthe access right of the users codes for the workdays, pre-holiday and holiday days) and for the ‘Transit andEvents’ Buffer. Optional memory board with 8 Mbytes FLASH EPROM available.1 MByte RAM for the current activity.Management of up to 8 doors with TemaKeys on both directions.Management of up to 64 I/O.Up to 10.000 cards and 2.500 transactions stored on a removable cartridge with Flash EPROM memory incase of connection failure with the EBI_Tema host (resulting in no losses in case of a power failure). Up to60.000 cards and 40.000 transactions with the extended memory board. See table below for details.Management of the peer-to-peer connection with the other TemaServer and as a consequence high decisionmakingcapability and full operative autonomy.Autonomous clock/calendar Chip with automatic management of regular/daylight saving time with anautonomy of 1000 hours in case of power failure.Lead battery backup, with full functionality for 4 hours in case of network failure, and signalling of the batterychargestatus.Low voltage power-supply (12 V dc/ac) for maintenance safety.Tamper protection of the unit to prevent opening.Watchdog protection for recovery in case of malfunctions.Tele-diagnostic in Ethernet connection.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc/ac -15% to +20%Energy ConsumptionInterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree3.6W (4.2W max. during recharging of a fully used battery)Ethernet (10BaseT, 10Base2, AUI) for TCP/IP-UDP connection withEBI_Tema, and peer-to-peer between the TS AC01unitsIP55Dimensions 221mm x 304mm x 47mm (W x H x D)WeightEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityElectromagnetic Compatibility3.0kg, battery included0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESECTION 5: page 21

Control UnitSection 5.2: Access Control – Control UnitsMemory Card OptionsStandard Memory CardBasic Configuration Cards Transactions buffer Event bufferAccess Control 10.000 2.500 400Enhance AC / Basic T&A(Enhanced Personal data table)6.000 2.500 400Interactive T&A 2.500 10.000 135SAP 2500 7.000 135Extended Memory CardBasic Configuration Cards Transactions buffer Event bufferAccess Control 60.000 40.000 5.000Enhance AC / Basic T&A(Enhanced Personal data table)50.000 40.000 5.000Interactive T&A 15.000 65.000 1.000SAP 32.000 65.000 1.000Order CodesControl UnitTS AC01SECTION 5: page 22

Compact Magnetic Card ReaderSection 5.3.4: Access Control – Magnetic ReadersFeaturesllllllWall or Turnstile MountingSupports LCD MessagingPIN SupportInternal I/O for door controlEchelon “LON” DeviceOptional:lTime & AttendanceCompact Magnetic Card ReaderTechnical SpecificationsIntegrated compact reading unit complete of display, keyboard, 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs.Bi-directional reader for Magnetic cards.Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), back lit, with two lines of 16 characters each, for the visualisationof time data, guide messages for the user, and service messages.Numeric-function Keyboard with 16 keys, to enter the pin code of the user or the reason for transit.1 double-coloured LED signal: green LED for the correct reading of each direction and red/yellow for invalidtransactions and or Messages.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy ConsumptionLonWorks cabling InterfaceDigital Input1.4W nominal (1.7W max.)Unshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)2 opto-coupled Digital InputsDigital Output 2 Relay Outputs (1A @ 30V)Physical SpecificationsProtection DegreeDimensions 72mm x 60mm x 75mm (W x H x D)WeightEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP310.5kg0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEEOrder CodesCompact Magnetic Card ReaderTK C01SECTION 5: page 23

Magnetic ReaderSection 5.3.1: Access Control – Magnetic ReadersFeatureslllWall MountingEchelon “LON” DeviceOptional:lTime & AttendanceMagnetic ReaderOrder CodesMagnetic ReaderTK S01Technical SpecificationsBi-directional reader with manual swiping, for magnetic card (track 2, ISO/ABA 7811 standard).3 LED signals: 2 green LED for the correct reading of each direction and a dual-colour LED: Red for invalidtransaction, and Yellow for Echelon Service.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy Consumption 0.4WLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 160mm x 72mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP310.4kgHorizontal or Vertical0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESECTION 5: page 24

Modular Magnetic ReaderSection 5.3.1: Access Control – Magnetic ReadersFeaturesllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DeviceOptional:lTime & AttendanceModular Magnetic ReaderTechnical SpecificationsBi-directional reader for magnetic cards (standard ISO/ABA II track).Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), back lit, with two lines of 16 characters each, for the visualisationof time data, guide messages for the user, and service messages.2 multicoloured LED: Green for the access granted, Red for invalid transaction, Yellow for Echelon Servicefunction.Keyboard composed by 10 numeric keys and 6 function keys.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy ConsumptionLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree2.7W (200 mA)Unshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)IP31 for the magnetic reader, IP55 for all the othercomponentsDimensions 160mm x 216mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic Compatibility1.1kgHorizontal only0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEEOrder CodesModular Magnetic ReaderTK T01SECTION 5: page 25

Modular Magnetic ReaderSection 5.3.1: Access Control – Magnetic ReadersFeaturesllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DeviceOptional:lTime & AttendanceModular Magnetic ReaderOrder CodesModular Magnetic ReaderTK D01Technical SpecificationsBi-directional reader for magnetic cards (standard ISO/ABA II track).Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), back lit, with two lines of 16 characters each, for the visualisationof time data, guide messages for the user, and service messages.3 LED signals: 2 green LED for the correct reading of each direction and a dual-colour LED: Red for invalidtransaction, and Yellow for Echelon Service function.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy Consumption 2.3WLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)IP31 for the magnetic reader, IP55 for all the othercomponentsDimensions 160mm x 144mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic Compatibility0.85kgHorizontal only0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESECTION 5: page 26

Modular Magnetic Readerwith Graphic DisplaySection 5.3.1: Access Control – Magnetic ReadersFeaturesllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DeviceOptional:llTime & Attendance“Mustering”Modular Magnetic Reader with Graphic DisplayTechnical SpecificationsBi-directional reader for magnetic cards (standard ISO/ABA II track).Graphic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with back lit 240 x 128 pixels format, 16 lines x 40 columns, for thevisualisation of time data, guide messages for the user, service messages, spontaneous messages,transaction enquiry, generic enquiry, automatic info.14 function keys, 4 reserved for service management, and 10 configurable to manage enquiry, reasons andmenu.3 LED signals: 2 green LED for the correct reading of each direction and a dual-colour LED: Red for invalidtransaction, and Yellow for Echelon Service function.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy Consumption 5.6WLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)IP31 for the magnetic reader, IP55 for all the othercomponentsDimensions 160mm x 216mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic Compatibility1.2kgHorizontal only0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEEOrder CodesModular Magnetic Readerwith Graphic DisplayTK D21SECTION 5: page 27

Mullion Style ReadersSmart Card & HID compatible optionsSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeaturesllllllDoor mullion or turnstilemountingMulticolour LCD messagingInternal l/O for door controlBuilt-in audible buzzerEchelon “LON” deviceOptional:llSmart cardProximity cardMullion Style ReaderOrder CodesMullion Style Reader forSmart CardMullion Style ReaderHID TechnologySECTION 5: page 28TK_L12TK_L19Technical SpecificationsTechnical TK_L12 For Smartcard TK_L19 HID TechnologyElectrical SpecificationsCompact, mono-directional reader forISO14443A MIFARE ® and ISO14443Bsmart card technology (13,56MHz)Compact, mono-directional reader forHID technology proximity cards (125kHz)Integrated cable fly-lead for I/O wiring, LON communications and power supply connections1 multicolour LED: Green for correct card read, Red for invalid transaction,Yellow for Echelon service functionBuilt-in audible buzzer with variable tones for valid/invalid transactionsReading distance: up to 4cm withMIFARE ® STD 1K cardSupply Voltage 12V dc +/- 10%Energy ConsumptionLonWorks cablingInterfaceDigital InputsOutputsPhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeDimensionsWeightEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertification2WReading distance: up to 4cm withHID ISOprox II cardsUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps2 supervised inputs: normal, alarm, cut, short2 open collector outputs:Lock Output: Open collector 100mA maxfor driving an external relayOther output (LED): Open collector100mA for driving an external relayDirective EMC 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EECLow Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC; EN60950/EN55022-B/ETSI EN300-339/EN55024IP55H 156 x W 40 x D 27mm300 gr-20ºC to +60ºCUp to 95% without condensation2 relay outputs: See the installationmanual for the detailsLock output: Normally closed/normally open, Current 6A holdingcurrent, peak max 10A inductive load,Voltage 30V ac/dcOther output (LED): Normally closed/normally open, Current 1A max, Voltage30V ac/dcDirective EMC 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EECLow Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC; EN60950/EN55022-B/ETSI EN300-339/EN55024

Proximity ReaderSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeatureslllWall MountingEchelon “LON” DeviceHID CompatibleProximity ReaderTechnical SpecificationsBi-directional reader for HID Proximity cards (standard ISO/ABA 125Khz, up to 5cm of distance).2 multicoloured LED: Green for the correct reading on each direction, Red for invalid transaction, Yellow forEchelon Service function.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy Consumption 0.8WLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 160mm x 72mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP550.45kgHorizontal or Vertical-20ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESafety CEI 111-3; CENELEC 50061Order CodesProximity ReaderTK S07SECTION 5: page 29

Compact Proximity ReaderSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeatureslllllllWall or Turnstile MountingSupports LCD MessagingPIN SupportInternal I/O for door controlEchelon “LON” DeviceHID CompatibleOptional:lTime & AttendanceCompact Proximity ReaderOrder CodesCompact Proximity ReaderTK C03Technical SpecificationsIntegrated compact reading unit with display, keyboard, 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs.Mono-directional reader for HID Proximity cards (standard ISO/ABA 125Khz, up to 5cm of distance).Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), back lit, with two lines of 16 characters each, for the visualisationof time data, guide messages for the user, and service messages.Numeric-function Keyboard with 16 keys, to enter the pin code of the user or the reason for transit.1 double-coloured LED signal: green LED for the correct reading of each direction and red/yellow for invalidtransactions and or Messages.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy ConsumptionLonWorks cabling InterfaceDigital Input1.8W nominal (2.1W max.)Unshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)2 opto-coupled Digital InputsDigital Output 2 Relay Outputs (1A @ 30V)Physical SpecificationsProtection DegreeDimensions 72mm x 160mm x 75mm (W x H x D)WeightEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP550.5kg-20ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESafety CEI 111-3; CENELEC 50061SECTION 5: page 30

Modular Proximity ReaderSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeatureslllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DeviceHID CompatibleOptional:lTime & AttendanceModular Proximity ReaderTechnical SpecificationsBi-directional reader for HID Proximity cards (standard ISO/ABA 125Khz, up to 5cm of distance).Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), back lit, with two lines of 16 characters each, for the visualisationof time data, guide messages for the user, and service messages.2 multicoloured LED: Green for the access granted, Red for invalid transaction, Yellow for Echelon Servicefunction.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy Consumption 2.7WLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 160mm x 144mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP550.9kgHorizontal only0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESafety CEI 111-3; CENELEC 50061Order CodesModular Proximity ReaderTK D07SECTION 5: page 31

Modular Proximity ReaderSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeaturesllllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DevicePersonal IdentificationNumberHID CompatibleOptional:lTime & AttendanceModular Proximity ReaderOrder CodesModular Proximity ReaderTK T07Technical SpecificationsOne direction reader for HID cards.Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), back lit, with two lines of 16 characters each, for the visualisationof time data, guide messages for the user, and service messages.2 multicoloured LED: Green for the access granted, Red for invalid transaction, Yellow for Echelon Servicefunction.Keyboard composed by 10 numeric keys and 6 function keys.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy ConsumptionLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree3.1W (230 mA)Unshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 160mm x 216mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP551.15kgHorizontal only0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESafety CEI 111-3; CENELEC 50061SECTION 5: page 32

Modular Proximity Readerwith Graphic DisplaySection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeatureslllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DeviceHID CompatibleOptional:llTime & Attendance“Mustering”Modular Proximity Reader with Graphic DisplayTechnical SpecificationsBi-directional reader for HID Proximity cards (standard ISO/ABA 125Khz, up to 5cm of distance).Graphic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with back lit 240 x 128 pixels format, 16 lines x 40 columns, for thevisualisation of time data, guide messages for the user, service messages, spontaneous messages,transaction enquiry, generic enquiry, automatic info.14 function keys, 4 reserved for service management, 10 configurable to manage enquiry, reasons and menu.2 multicoloured LED: Green for the access granted, Red for invalid transaction, Yellow for Echelon Servicefunction.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy ConsumptionLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree6WUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 160mm x 216mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP551.25kgHorizontal only0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESafety CEI 111-3; CENELEC 50061Order CodesModular Proximity Readerwith Graphic DisplayTK D27SECTION 5: page 33

OmniProxSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersFeatureslllllllllllllVariety of sizes to choose fromto fit any décor:lllMullion styleSingle-gang style (US)Single-gang style (UK)ADA compliant, built-in audiblebuzzerHost LED control and tamperoutputOptical tamper detectmechanism provides outputsignal to hostHidden mounting screwsdeter vandalismPotted for superior weatherresistanceWiegand outputGenuine HID compatibleIncludes vandal-resistantsecurity and installation toolwith every reader.Adhesive-backed mountingtemplate reduces installationtime and risk of mountingerrorsUnique bezel design allowsentire face of reader to becustomised for a unique lookor with custom colour tofulfil architectural and décorrequirementsThree bezels included witheach reader: black, charcoalgrey and ivoryWarranty: Limited lifetimewarrantyOmniProx Proximity Card ReadersHoneywell’s OmniProx range is a complete line of 125 kHz HID compatible proximityreaders that delivers consistent performance.All OmniProx readers (except the OP90) include three bezels: black, charcoal grey and ivoryand are constructed with rugged polycarbonate materials potted for both indoor and outdoorapplications.The OmniProx family of readers combines unique functionality, high-quality engineering anddesign for a variety of applications in the electronic access control market.OmniProx readers offer superb reliability and consistent read range. Installation is simple and fastwith a mounting template included in all models.Increased security functions, including optical tamper and security screw, prevent unauthorisedusers from removing the reader from the wall or attempting to compromise the system.For vandal-proof applications the OP90 vandal resistant reader is enclosed in a zinc die-cast metalhousing.SECTION 5: page 34

OmniProxSection 5.3.2: Access Control – Proximity ReadersDescriptionDimensionsMax. Read Range 11326 ProxCard IIClam Shell1386 ISOProx ® IIPVC Card1336 DuoProx ® IIPVC with Mag Stripe1345 ProxKey IIKeyfobEnvironmentOperating Current@ 5 V dc)Operating VoltagePower Supply TypeInterface to ControllerIndicatorsTamper OutputHumidityTemperatureOP10Mini-MullionSmallest proximityreader for door mullions80mm H x 40mm Wx 12.8mm DOP30MullionMini-size proximityreader for door mullions145mm H x 43mm Wx 20mm DOP40US Gang BoxSwitch plate size, singlegangelectrical box stylefor US110mm H x 75mm Wx 15mm DOP45UK Gang BoxSwitch plate size, singlegangelectrical box stylefor UK88.9mm H x 88.9mm Wx 15mm DOP90Vandal ResistantVandal-resistant zincdie-cast single-gangelectrical box114mm H x 80mm Wx 15mm D7.6cm 10.2cm 5.1cm5.7cm 5.7cm 3.2cm5.7cm 5.7cm 3.2cm3.2cm 3.2cm Not recommendedIndoor/Outdoor weather-resistant35mA typ. / 50mA max. 35mA typ. / 100mA max. 50mA typ. / 100mAmax.5.0 – 16V dc (works down to 4.25V dc)Linear type recommendedMax. cable distance to host: 150 m (Wiegand output)ADA compliant with buzzer audio indicator, single tricolour (green-yellow-red)Open collector, active low, max. sink current is 16mA0 – 95%, non-condensing-31ºC to +63ºCColour Black, Charcoal Grey and Ivory (all three included) SilverRegulatory ApprovalsWarranty 2USA and Canada: FCC Part15B, Industry Canada RSS-210, UL294; Europe: CE Mark ApprovalLifetime1Actual operating distance will vary depending upon installation environment and proximity to metal.2In accordance with Honeywell’s sales policy and warranty.OmniProx is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.HID is a registered trademark of HID Corporation.Order CodesOmniProx HID Compatible, Smallest Mullion ReaderOmniProx HID Compatible, Smallest Mullion Reader without Logo (Generic)OmniProx HID Compatible, Mullion ReaderOmniProx HID Compatible, Mullion Reader without Logo (Generic)OmniProx HID Compatible, Switch Plate, Single-Gang (US) ReaderOmniProx HID Compatible, Switch Plate, Single-Gang (US) Reader without Logo (Generic)OmniProx HID Compatible, Switch Plate, Single-Gang (UK) ReaderOmniProx HID Compatible, Switch Plate, Single-Gang (UK) Reader without Logo (Generic)OmniProx HID Compatible, Metal, Single-Gang (US) ReaderOP10HONOP10GENOP30HONOP30GENOP40HONOP40GENOP45HONOP45GENOP90HONSECTION 5: page 35

OmniClassSection 5.3.3: Access Control – Smart Card ReadersFeatureslllllllllSupports multiple ISOstandards: Allows OmniClassto read almost any ISOstandard smart cardHigh-Security: Encrypted dataexchange available betweencard and reader and betweenreader and host reduces therisk of compromised data andduplicated cardsAvailable in mullion and switchplate sizesADA compliant built-in audiblebeeperHost LED control(programmable)Control cards can be usedto manage security keysand change the operatingcharacteristics of the readerHidden mounting screwsdeter vandalismPotted for superior weatherresistanceWiegand outputOmniClass Contactless Smart Card ReadersHoneywell’s latest series of affordable contactless smart card readers continue to beoptimised for access control applications. OmniClass readers, which build upon theconvenience and reliability of prox technology, add many valuable features includingenhanced 64-bit security, encryption options, ability to read almost any ISO contactlesssmart card, multi-application support and more.OmniClass readers offer superb reliability, consistent read range and ease of installation. They areavailable in multiple sizes and read ranges. OmniClass readers are available in black with 18” pigtailwiring. OmniClass also provides the enhanced capabilities of smart card technology allowingsupport for biometric profiles and multiple applications on each card simultaneously. OmniClasssolutions can retro-fit any Wiegand output readers, including standard HID ® or Honeywell proximityreaders.Smart card technology is ideally suited for access control, logical (PC) access, storage of biometrictemplates, parking, secure ID’s with embedded tamper-proof digital photos, ePurse and manymore applications requiring secure and reliable read/write cards.Suitable for Basic Access Applications:• Support for site and card codes• Price competitiveMore Open:• Support for global standards• Inter-operability between vendors & applicationsMore Secure:• Stronger security via long keys, encrypted communication and mutualauthentication• Unique card serial numberMore Storage Space:• Memory on-board to store data for other applicationsPROX(125 kHz)lSMART(13.56 MHz)llllSECTION 5: page 36

OmniClassSection 5.3.3: Access Control – Smart Card ReadersOM30 OM40 OM45 OM55Dimensions 4.83 x 10.26 x 2.03cm 8.38 x 12.19 x 2.16cm 8.38 x 8.38 x 1.91cm 8.38 x 12.19 x 2.36cmMax. Read Range 1 7.6cm 11.4cm 7.6cm 10.1cmCable Distance to HostISO Standard Support 2Key LengthData EncryptionRegulatory ApprovalsOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityOperating Voltage Range152m max.15693: Reads Infineon MyD, TI Tag-it, Philips I-Code14443A: Reads Philips MIFARE, DESFire, Ultralight, Infineon MyD14443B: Reads PicoPass64 bit secret key; 32 bit challenge; 32 bit responseAvailable between card and reader and between reader and hostUL/cUL, FCC, CE, Canada Radio, Australia-35ºC to +66ºC5 to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)10 – 16V dcCurrent (@12 V dc) 61mA avg, 178mA peak 78mA avg, 234mA peak 78mA avg, 234mA peak 80mA avg, 253mA peakTamper Output No Tamper magnetOutput Interfaces (all built-in)IP RatingWarranty 3WiegandIP55Limited lifetime warranty1Actual operating distance will vary depending on installation environment and proximity to metal.2Certain ISO cards may only be able to read serial number. Please consult factory for exact compatibility.3In accordance with Honeywell’s sales policy and warranty.Mifare, DESFire and I-Code are registered trademarks of Philips Electronics N.V. MyD is a trademark ofInfineon Technologies AG. OmniClass is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.Tag-it is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. HID ® is a registered trademark of HID Corporation.Order CodesOmniClass Series ReadersOmniClass Mullion Mount Reader, Black Bezel, 18” PigtailOmniClass Switch Plate, Single-gang (US) Reader, Black Bezel, 18” PigtailOmniClass Switch Plate, Single-gang (UK/EU/Asian) Reader, Black Bezel, 18” PigtailOmniClass Reader with Keypad, Black Bezel, 18” PigtailOmniClass Series CredentialsOmniClass 2K PVC Card (26-bit)OmniClass 2K PVC Card (34-bit)OmniClass 16K PVC Card (26-bit)OmniClass 16K PVC Card (34-bit)OmniClass 16K PVC Card (26-bit) with Magnetic StripeOmniClass 16K PVC Card (34-bit) with Magnetic StripeOmniClass 16K PVC Card plus HID Prox (26-bit)OmniClass 16K PVC Card plus HID Prox (34-bit)OmniClass 16K PVC Card plus HID {rox (26-bit) with Magnetic StripeOmniClass 16K PVC Card plus HID prox (34-bit) with Magnetic StripeOmniClass 16K Sticker (26-bit)OmniClass 16K Sticker (34-bit)OmniClass 16K Keyfob (26-bit)OmniClass 16K Keyfob (34-bit)OM30BHONOM40BHONOM45BHONOM55BHONOKP0N26OKP0N34OKP2N26OKP2N34OKP2M26OKP2M34OKH2N26OKH2N34OKH2M26OKH2M34OKS2N26OKS2N34OKK2N26OKK2N34SECTION 5: page 37

OmniAssureSection 5.3.3: Access Control – Smart Card ReadersFeaturesllllllllFlash-on-card to updatereader firmware to evolvingsmart card standardsMullion and switch platemountingADA compliant built-in audiblebuzzerTwo LEDs (red and green)Configuration cards can beused to manage security keysand change the operatingcharacteristics of the readerHidden mounting screwsdeter vandalismPotted for superior weatherresistanceWiegand outputOmniAssure Contactless Smart Card ReadersSmart card technology is ideally suited for access control, logical (PC) access, storageof biometric templates, secure IDs with embedded tamper-proof digital photos, parking,ePurse and many other applications requiring secure and reliable read/write cards.Honeywell’s OmniAssure readers combine compliance with convenience. The patent-pending‘flash-on-card’ design makes OmniAssure readers the easiest to use. With flash-on-card, thereader’s firmware can be easily updated to support changing government standards withoutremoving the readers from the wall. With other smart card readers, the configuration cards onlychange parameter settings for the currently installed firmware.OmniAssure readers can retrofit most standard Honeywell or Wiegand-output proximity systems.The readers also feature built-in-hardware to support future RS485 protocols and both the reading/writing of smart card credentials. This protects the OmniAssure solution for changing needs in thefuture.Reader versions include smart card reader only, smart card reader plus keypad, fingerprint smartcard reader, and a multi-technology smart card/prox reader. All wall-mount readers are sold asmullion mounts with optional mounting kits available.Compatible cards include:llllHSPD-12/FIPS 201 PIV II cards (endpointand transition), low-medium assuranceTWIC (Transportation Worker IdentificationCredential) cardsFRAC (First Responder AuthenticationCards)DoD CAC (Department of DefenceCommon Access Credentials)llOpen standard ISO 14443 technologies(Mifare ® Classic, DESFire ® , and SmartMX ® )125 kHz proximity technologies (includingEM4102, Hitag, and HID ® Prox)SECTION 5: page 38

OmniAssureSection 5.3.3: Access Control – Smart Card ReadersDimensionsCompatible CardsMax. Read Range 1ISO 14443A Card (Mifare ® )ISO 14443B Card(DESFire ® , SmartMX ® )OM30, OT35Smart CardMifare ® , DESFire ® , SmartMX ® , PIV II,FRAC, DoD CAC, TWICMullion: 14.2 x 4.62 x 2.5cmU.S. gangbox: 14.2 x 7.32 x 2.8cmOT31, OT36Smart Card + 125 kHz ProxMifare ® , DESFire ® , SmartMX ® ,PIV II,FRAC DoD CAC, TWIC, EM4102, Hitag,HID ® ProxOT70, OT75Smart FingerprintMullion: 19.25 x 5.05 x 4.3cmU.S. gangbox: 21.8 x 7.6 x 0.8cmMifare ® , DESFire ® , SmartMX ® , PIV II,FRAC, DoD CAC, TWIC4Up to 3cm Up to 1.1cm Up to 3cmUp to 3cm Up to 1.1cm Up to 3cm1326 ProxCard II Clam Shell N/A Up to 4cm N/A1386 ISOProx ® II PVC Card N/A Up to 2.5cm N/AISO Standard SupportData EncryptionPINBiometricsNumber of FingerprintTemplates & Size14443A, 14443BAvailable between card and reader and between reader and hostN/A4-bit burst, 8-bit burstUp to 2 templates stored on smartcard depending upon card type andfingerprint technology; 752 bytes forminutia; 350 bytes for user templatesand records 4Enrolment Time N/A < 3 secondsEqual Error Rate (ERR) N/A 0.1%; AdjustableFalse Acceptance/Rejection RatesN/AAdjustableVerification Time N/A < 1 secondRegulatory Approvals 2 UL/cUL, FCC, CE, Canada Radio* UL/cUL*, FCC, CE, Canada Radio* UL/cUL, FCC, CE, Canada Radio*Operating Temperature -20ºC to +60ºC 0ºC to +60ºCOperating Humidity 5 – 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 30-80%, non-condensingIP Rating IP67 if connector is sealed IP42, Indoor use onlyOperating Voltage Range 4.5 – 16V dc 8 – 24V dcPower Consumption 1.5 Watts average; 2.0 Watts peak 2.5 Watts average, 5 Watts peakTamper OutputOutput Interfaces (all built-in)Optional Tamper Switch AccessoryWiegand, Clock & Data, RS485/RS232/RS422Warranty 3 Limited Lifetime Limited Lifetime 2 years1Actual operating distance will vary depending upon installation environment and proximity to metal.2* = submitted/pending.3In accordance with Honeywell’s sales policy and warranty.4Fingerprints supported on Mifare ® and DESFire ® .Order CodesMullion-mount reader, silver bezel, terminal connectionMullion-mount reader plus 125kHz proximity, silver bezel, terminal connectionMullion-mount reader plus keypad, silver bezel, terminal connectionMullion-mount reader plus keypad plus 125kHz proximity, silver bezel, terminal connectionU.S. gangbox mounting kit for OT30HON, OT31HON, OT35HON, OT36HONMullion-mount fingerprint reader, silver bezel, terminal connectionMullion-mount fingerprint reader plus keypad, silver bezel, terminal connectionU.S. gangbox mounting kit for OT70HON, OT75HONTamper switch accessory for all readersNote: Contact factory for reader configuration cards to set up the reader per site requirements.OT30HONOT31HONOT35HONOT36HONIEMOUNTOT70HONOT75HONIEMOUNT2IETAMPEROmniAssure is a trademark ofHoneywell International Inc.Mifare ® , DESFire ® , and SmartMX ® aretrademarks of Philips. HID ® and ISOProx ®are trademarks of HID Global.SECTION 5: page 39

BioAccessSection 5.3.4: Access Control – Fingerprint ReadersFeaturesllIncreased security — identifiespeople, not PIN codesCompatible with all majoraccess control systemsl Preserved privacy —fingerprint template stored oncardllllllllDecreased administration cost— no lost PIN codesScalable—no local database,no performance penaltyIndustry leading fingerprintmatching technology.Stores up to four fingerprinttemplates on a Mifarestandard 4K card, injuredfingers are not a problemEach finger can be assignedtheir own card number,enabling control of alarm andT&A systemsFlexible storage of templateon card, enables use of cardscontaining legacy dataUnique personal keys,protects against unauthorisedre-enrolment and cards fromunauthorised partiesSupport for MAD (MifareApplication Directory), ademand for multi-applicationcardsContactless Mifare Fingerprint ReadersPrecise BioAccess Mifare is a plug and play fingerprint reader that offers unparalleledsecurity for access control. Precise BioMatch technology provides reliable one-toonematching— personal proof that people are who they claim to be.Precise BioAccess is convenient, fast, accurate, easy to implement and extremely cost effective.By only storing the template on a contactless smart card instead of in a less secure database,privacy is preserved. Precise BioAccess Mifare is designed to instantly replace existing readersand requires no new wiring or software updates.Precise BioAccess Enrolment Station is a standalone package for enrolling fingerprints andwriting biometric templates onto Mifare contactless cards for use with Precise BioAccess Mifarereaders. The Precise BioAccess Enrolment Station gives control over the contents of the cardsso the Precise Biometric data can coexist with other applications and data on the Mifare card.SECTION 5: page 40

BioAccessSection 5.3.4: Access Control – Fingerprint ReadersDescriptionPRBIORDR — Mifare CompatibleThe reader matches the fingerprint of the person seeking entry to the identity of the cardholder as stored on theMifare card.Dimensions 12.5cm x 6.8cm x 6.1cm (H x W x D)Max. Read Range 1Cable Distance to Host (Wiegand)Compatible CardsNumber of TemplatesTemplate SizeEnrolment TimeEqual Error Rate (EER)False Acceptance RateFalse Rejection RateCustom FeaturesVerification TimeRegulatory ApprovalsOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityOperating Voltage RangeCurrent (@12V dc)CommunicationsOutput InterfacesWarranty 24.0cm152m maxMifare standard 1K and 4K, Mifare Pro and Mifare ProXUnlimited534 bytes< 10 secondsN/AConfigurableConfigurableMifare ROM card number, enables unique card number. Custom card number, enables use of old card number andcompatibility with other card formats. RAW data, enables sending of any data required following a successful match1Actual operating distance will vary depending upon installation environment and proximity to metal.2In accordance with Honeywell’s sales policy and warranty.All specifications are subject to change without notification.Precise BioAccess is a Registered Trademark of Precise Biometrics.< 1 secondFCC, CE+10ºC to +50ºCOffice Environment (typ. 45 to 65% relative humidity)12 – 24V dc100mA typ, 250mA peakNo updates required to reader, templates stored on cardWiegand, Clock & Data1 yearOrder CodesMifare BioAccess Reader Fingerprint and Smart Card ReaderMifare BioAccess Enrolment Kit, 115V ac, USB Fingerprint Reader, and SoftwareMifare BioAccess Enrolment Kit, 115V ac, Parallel Port Fingerprint Reader, and SoftwarePRBIORDRPRBIOENRUPRBIOENRPSECTION 5: page 41

HandKeySection 5.3.5: Access Control – Hand Geometry ReadersFeaturesllllllWhen multiple HandKey unitsare linked together via RS-485or Ethernet, the unit’s built-intemplate management systemcan be used to distributehand imprints to other handreaders in the network. Thisallows users to enrol at onereader and then use otherreaders in the system withoutre-enrolmentIntegrated wall-mount designFlexible storage of templateon OmniClass/iCLASS cardseliminates need to maintaindatabases in individualreadersCard readers support 26-bitWiegand with other dataformats availableIntegrates into existingsystemsTo ensure system integrity,a tamper switch is built intothe reader. Tamper alarmsand other conditions such asverification refused, lock outand duress can be monitoredby the panel directly orthrough one of the HandKey’stwo auxiliary outputsHandKey Hand Geometry ReadersThe HandKey reader by Recognition Systems, Inc. utilises field proven hand geometrytechnology that maps and verifies the size and shape of a person’s hand in less than onesecond.The HandKey captures a three dimensional image of the hand using a 32,000 pixel image array. 90measurements, including the lengths, widths, thickness and surface area of the fingers and handare taken. An advanced algorithm determines the unique aspects of the hand and then generates anine-byte hand template. This template is then stored and used for subsequent comparisons. Dirt,cuts and abrasions on the hand have no impact on accuracy.The HandKey CR is specifically designed to work in conjunction with card based access controlsystems. This makes adding biometric security to critical access points fast, simple and seamlessfor both new and existing systems. The HandKey CR without integrated card reader and theHandKey CR with HID proximity can store up to 512 cardholder templates in the unit. The HandKeyCR with an integrated OmniClass/iCLASS reader stores cardholder templates on their cards,protecting cardholder privacy and eliminating the need to store and update cardholder databasesin individual HandKey CR readers. The storage of the template on the card allows the reader tosupport an unlimited number of cardholders.The HandKey II provides the security and convenience at an affordable price, even when comparedto cardbased systems. Because a hand is the card, HandKey II allows access only to authorisedpeople without the hassles of a card or key. By eliminating cards, administrative costs are reducedwhile greatly increasing the level of security. Users appreciate the convenience of never worryingabout keeping track of a card or key.SECTION 5: page 42

HandKeySection 5: 5.3.5: Access Access Control Control – Hand Geometry ReadersDescriptionHandKey CRHG-4This reader stores templatesfor up to 512 users in the unit.HandKey CRHG4-PROXThis reader stores templatesfor up to 512 users in the unitand reads HID prox cards.False Rejection Rate ProductDescription0.1%HandKey CRHG4ICLASSThis reader stores templateson an OmniClass/iCLASSsmart card.Dimensions 29.6cm x 22.3cm x 21.7cm (H x W x D)HandKey IIHG4-IIThis is a standalone unit for upto 512 users with 2 auxiliaryand a door egress input, 3auxiliary outputs.Max. Read Range 1 N/A 2” Card sits in holder N/ACable Distance to Host(Wiegand)500’ (152m) maxCompatible Cards – HID proximity OmniClass / iCLASS –Number of Templates 512 512 Unlimited 512Template SizeEnrolment Time9 bytes< 15 secEqual Error Rate (EER) 0.1%False Acceptance Rate 0.1%Custom Features FTE of 1 in 10,000Verification Timeless than 1 secondRegulatory Approvals FCC, CE, UL 294Operating TemperatureOperating HumidityOperating Voltage Range0° to 45° C20% – 80% relative humidity12 to 24V dcCurrent (@12V dc) 170mA 200mA 200mA 170mATamperCommunicationsBuilt-in tamper switchRS-485, RS-422 or EthernetOutput Interfaces Wiegand BR-100 relayWarranty 21 year1Actual operating distance will vary depending upon installation environment and proximity to metal.2In accordance with Honeywell’s sales policy and warranty.Order CodesHandKey CR Hand Geometry Reader that stores 512 user templatesHandKey CR Hand Geometry Reader that stores 512 user templates and reads HID Prox cardsHandKey CR Hand Geometry Reader that stores user templates on OmniClass/iCLASS cardHandKey II Hand Geometry Reader that stores 512 user templates for standalone useEthernet ModuleRS-232 to RS-485 Interface with 120V Power SupplyHandnet for Windows, 5 Reader LicensesHandnet for Windows, 25 Reader LicensesHandnet for Windows, Unlimited Reader LicensesMemory Expansion for software key for HG-4 and HG4-II units built after 2003,supports up to 9,728 usersMemory Expansion EEPROM chip for HG-4 and HG4-II, supports up to 9,728 usersMemory Expansion EEPROM chip for HG-4 and HG4-II, supports up to 32,512 usersHurricane Outdoor Enclosure with temperature range of -20° to 120° F (-29° to 49° C)when using internal heater optionDimensions: 14” H x 12” W x 10.5” D (35.6cm H x 30.5cm W x 26.7cm D)HG-4HG4-PROXHG4ICLASSHG4-IIHGEN200HGDC104HGHNR5HGHNR25HGHNRUNLHG4-EM801HG4-EM-800HG4-EM-803HG4ENC1SECTION 5: page 43

KeyboardSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsFeatureslllWall MountingEchelon “LON” DeviceOptional:lCombined with Reader forhigher security access orout of hours access.KeyboardOrder CodesKeyboardTK S31Technical SpecificationsKeyboard composed by 10 numeric keys and 6 function keys. It can used as a reader allowing the cardholderto insert his card number or also as door unlocking by keying the keyboard code.2 multicoloured LED: Green for the correct reading on each direction, Red for invalid transaction, Yellow forEchelon Service function.Variable Tones for valid/invalid transactions.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy Consumption 0.8WLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 160mm x 72mm x 52mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityIP550.4kgHorizontal or Vertical0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESECTION 5: page 44

Integrated TerminalSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsFeaturesllllllWall MountingSupports LCD MessagingEchelon “LON” DeviceTime & AttendanceOptional reader technologylllHID ProxMagnetic StripeSmart CardOptionallMuster StationIntegrated TerminalTechnical SpecificationsBi-processor CPU68EN302, including a Motorola 68000 (32 bit architecture) and an Ethernet communicationprocessor.1 Mbyte FLASH EPROM to Download the application firmware.1 Mbyte FLASH EPROM on a removable cartridge for the download of the permanent database (tables ofthe access right of the users codes for the workdays, pre-holiday and holiday days) and for the ‘Transit andEvents’ Buffer. Optional memory board with 8 Mbytes FLASH EPROM available.1 Mbyte RAM for the current activity.2 Relay out (1A, 30V contacts), 2 opto-coupled digital inputs (1 / 12V range).Up to 10.000 cards and 2.500 transactions stored on a removable cartridge with Flash EPROM memory incase of connection failure with the EBI_Tema host (resulting in no losses in case of a power failure). Up to60.000 cards and 40.000 transactions with the extended memory board. See table below for details.Management of the peer-to-peer connection with the other TemaServer and as a consequence high decisionmakingcapability and full operative autonomy.Autonomous clock/calendar Chip with automatic management of regular/daylight saving time with anautonomy of 1000 hours in case of power failure.Lead battery backup, with full functionality for 4 hours in case of network failure, and signalling of the batterychargestatus.Low voltage power-supply (12V dc/ac) for maintenance safety.Tamper protection of the unit to prevent opening.Watchdog protection for recovery in case of malfunctions.Tele-diagnostic in Ethernet connection.Available with the following reader technologies: HID, Magnetic, Motorola, WSE, Legic, Mifare (ISO 14443A),Smart card contact (ISO 7817).Order CodesIntegrated TerminalTS TA1xSECTION 5: page 45

Integrated TerminalSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsTechnical SpecificationElectrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc/ac -15% to +20%Energy ConsumptionInterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree3.6W (4.2W max. during recharging of a fully used battery)Ethernet (10BaseT, 10Base2, AUI) for TCP/IP-UDP connection withEBI_Tema, and peer-to-peer between the other TemaServer unitsIP55. For the TS_TA11 model, the magnetic head reader has IP31protection degreeDimensions 221mm x 304mm x 47 mm (W x H x D)WeightEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityElectromagnetic Compatibility3.5kg, (+0.5kg transformer TRN01)0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEEProductDescriptionOrder CodesIntegrated TerminalTS TA1xMaximum number of cards and buffers sizeStandard Memory CardBasic Configuration Cards Transactions buffer Event bufferAccess Control 10.000 2.500 400Enhance AC / Basic T&A(Enhanced Personal data table)6.000 2.500 400Interactive T&A 2.500 10.000 135SAP 2500 7.000 135Extended Memory CardBasic Configuration Cards Transactions buffer Event bufferAccess Control 60.000 40.000 5.000Enhance AC / Basic T&A(Enhanced Personal data table)50.000 40.000 5.000Interactive T&A 15.000 65.000 1.000SAP 32.000 65.000 1.000SECTION 5: page 46

Dual Wiegand InterfaceSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsFeatureslWall Mountingl Supports Two “Wiegand 5Wire connected card readersand the I/O associated with asingle door.lEchelon “LON” DeviceDual Wiegand InterfaceTechnical Specifications<strong>Temaline</strong> Dual Wiegand Interface Module.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ± 20%Energy ConsumptionOutputsNumber: 2InputsLonWorks cabling InterfaceWiegand InputsPower supply output for the readersOutput to control LEDs and buzzerPhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree70mAPower Open Collector (Drain)Voltage: 10V to +14V max, (internal power supply)Voltage (absolute max) 10V to +30V (from external power supply)Current: 1.2A holding current (peak max 5A inductive load)5 states controlled: normal/close, open, short, cut, remote tamper.Number: 2Current: 0 to 3mAVoltage: +10V max.Unshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Type: Wiegand (normally high)Number: 2Voltage: +5V nominal (TTL), +14V max.Voltage: 12V +/-15% (line voltage)Current: 80mA max per channel.Type: Open collectorNumber: 3 each Wiegand channelFunction: Red LED, Green LED, BuzzerVoltage: +14V maxCurrent: 80mA maxIP31Dimensions 105mm x 90mm x 70mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic Compatibility0.2kgStandard DIN/omega rail0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEEOrder CodesDual Wiegand InterfaceTK S014SECTION 5: page 47

Digital I/O ModuleSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsFeatureslllWall MountingSupports 4 x Inputs & 4 xOutputsEchelon “LON” DeviceDigital I/O ModuleOrder CodesDigital I/O ModuleTK C21Technical Specifications<strong>Temaline</strong> I/O Module.Provides 4 Open collector Outputs and 4 Controlled Inputs.Must be mounted on a standard DIN rail.Electrical SpecificationsSupply Voltage 12V dc ±15%Energy ConsumptionOutputsInputsLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical Specifications0.7W (50mA)Open CollectorVoltage: +14V max, 0V min.Current: 0.1A max.5 states controlled: normal, open, short, cut, remote tamper.Current: 0 to 3mA for each input (internal reference)Voltage: +14V max.Unshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 105mm x 90mm x 70mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic Compatibility0.2kgStandard DIN/omega rail0ºC to +50ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEESECTION 5: page 48

Power Supply ModuleSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsFeaturesllIntelligent Power SupplyMonitors all features of thePower Supply associated withthe TemaServer.Power Supply ModuleTechnical Specifications<strong>Temaline</strong> intelligent power supply.Includes backup battery for 4 hours of autonomy in case of power failure.Electrical SpecificationsSupply VoltageEnergy Consumption230V ac ±15% 50Hz80 mAAC (nominal, on 10W load)200 mAAC max. (for fast battery recharge)Outputs Voltage 12.5V dc ±10%Current 0 to 0.8A (nominal) 1A (max.)Battery rechargeBattery autonomyLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree80% of capacity in 4 hours4 hours with an 800mA loadUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)IP55Dimensions 221mm x 305mm x 95mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityLow Voltage Safety5.9kgVertical only0ºC to +40ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEE72/23/CEE; 93/68/CEEOrder CodesPower Supply ModuleTP U01SECTION 5: page 49

Power Supply ModuleSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsPower Supply ModuleOrder CodesPower Supply ModuleTP U03Technical Specifications<strong>Temaline</strong> intelligent power supply.Includes backup battery for 4 hours of autonomy in case of power failure.Electrical SpecificationsSupply VoltageEnergy Consumption230V ac ±15% 50Hz350 mAAC (nominal, on 60W load)1 AAC max. (for fast battery recharge)Outputs Voltage 12.5V dc ±10%Current 0 to 4.5A (nominal) 5A (max.)Battery rechargeBattery autonomyLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection Degree80% of capacity in 4 hours4 hours with 4.5A loadUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.(Transceiver FTT10A, 78Kbps)Dimensions 221mm x 305mm x 233mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityLow Voltage SafetyIP458.5kg + 9kg batteryVertical only0ºC to +40ºCUp to 95% without condensation89/336/CEE; 92/31/CEE; 93/68/CEE72/23/CEE; 93/68/CEESECTION 5: page 50

Power Supply ControllerSection 5.4: Access Control – PeripheralsFeaturesllIntelligent Power SupplyMonitors all features of3rd Party Power Supplyassociated with theTemaServerPower Supply ControllerTechnical Specifications<strong>Temaline</strong> intelligent power supply controller.Allows user of external power supply and batteries, providing the same features that a <strong>Temaline</strong> power supplyprovides.Management of tamper on case opened. Additional input for external anti-removal tamper switch.Electrical SpecificationsPower Supply 14.1V dc ±2%10A max, depending on the configurationOutputs Voltage 12.5V dc ±10%Current 1A, 2.5A, 5A configurableBattery recharge time Voltage 13.8V dc ±1%Current 0.5 to 5A configurableBattery autonomyLonWorks cabling InterfacePhysical SpecificationsProtection DegreeConfigurableUnshielded twisted pair cable in free topology.Dimensions 160mm x 55mm x 110mm (W x H x D)WeightMountingEnvironmental SpecificationsWorking TemperatureRelative HumidityCertifications and ComplianceElectromagnetic CompatibilityLow Voltage SafetyIP310.4kgDIN rail0ºC to +45ºCUp to 85% without condensation89/336/EEC; 92/31/EEC72/23/EEC; 93/68/EECOrder CodesPower Supply ControllerTP U04SECTION 5: page 51

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