1st April 2009 - The Scindia School

1st April 2009 - The Scindia School

1st April 2009 - The Scindia School

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<strong>April</strong> 1, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 909THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’09 pg 02FORT NEWSA Collage Competition was conducted forclasses VI and VII :Results :Class VII :I Raman Okram and Harshit BansalII Umang Jain and Pradeep SolankiIII Devyansh Garg and Sonu SinghConsolation :Vikrant Mukherjee, Rohin Kar,Anuj Agarwal, Kshitij Jindal andRishabh GuptaClass VI :I Satyam PawarII Sugandha ShuklaIII Manas PantConsolation :Sankalp AgarwalRohan MehrotraSansrisht Bhatia7th H.H. Maharaja Madhavrao<strong>Scindia</strong> Memorial CricketTournament<strong>The</strong> 7th H.H. Maharaja Madhavrao <strong>Scindia</strong>Memorial Cricket Tournament commencedon Monday, 23rd March. <strong>The</strong> five day cricketextravaganza which is awaited each year withgreat excitement lived up to all expectations.Five teams (Modern school-Delhi, M.N.S.S-Rajkot, Mayo College-Ajmer, Raj KumarCollege-Rajkot and Y.P.S-Patiala) keenlycontested for the coveted trophy.<strong>The</strong> visiting teams reached the Fort onSunday, 22nd March. <strong>The</strong>y were billeted indifferent houses and all efforts were madeto ensure a comfortable and memorablestay. Special care was taken to ensure thecomfort of staff members escorting theteams. <strong>The</strong> mess staff under Mr DeepakTandon took care of all the culinaryrequirements of the visiting teams in keepingwith the great tradition of hospitality of the<strong>Scindia</strong>ns. <strong>The</strong> Principal also hosted adinner for the visiting team members at hisresidence.For five days the Fort was in the grip ofcricket fever. <strong>The</strong> performance of the <strong>Scindia</strong><strong>School</strong> team was a marked improvementover previous years. <strong>The</strong> final match wasplayed between Modern <strong>School</strong> and <strong>The</strong><strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>. <strong>The</strong> former with animpressive batting line up set up a formidablescore of 303 runs and went on to win thematch. <strong>The</strong> audience which comprisedmainly of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong> boys wasdisappointed but nonetheless everyoneappreciated the great display of cricketingexcellence.<strong>The</strong> prize distribution ceremony took placeat the Madhav Field at 1:30 p.m. Mrs MadhuTewari distributed prizes to the winners.Results :Winner-Modern school, Barakhamba Roadß`ma H$s epŠVß`ma H$s epŠV AZmoIr h¡Š`m|{H$ ß`ma IwX hr BVZm AZmoIm h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma _| bmoJ A§Yo hmo OmVo h¢,ß`ma Zem, Xdm Am¡a amoJ ^r h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma H$aZo dmbo, ß`ma Ho$ Zeo _|nmJb hmo OmVo h¢ Ÿ&ß`ma go ~‹S>m ZerbmH$moB© nXmW© Zht h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma O¡gr H$moB© Xdm Zht h¡,ß`ma B§gmZ H$mo ~Xb XoVr h¡ Ÿ&dh ~Xbmd AÀN>m hmoVm h¡Š`m|{H$ g¥pîQ> H$m {Z`_ `hr h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma EH$ Eogm amoJ h¡,Omo bJ OmE Vmo Ny>Q>Vm Zht Ÿ&Eogo ß`ma Vmo hµOma ~ma hmo OmVo h¢na gÀMm ß`ma EH$ ~ma Ÿ&ß`ma H$moB© _wpíH$b H$m_ Zht,na Cgo nhMmZZm _wpíH$b h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma H$aZm _wpíH$b Zht,na ß`ma {Z^mZm _wpíH$b h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma _| EH$ na_mUw go ^rÁ`mXm epŠV h¡ Ÿ&ß`ma H$s epŠV AZmoIr h¡Š`m|{H$ ß`ma IwX hr AZmoIm h¡ Ÿ&BemZ nMm¡ar, 11 S>rI was walking in the rain, when suddenly Iheard someone scream out my name. I turnedaround and was shocked to see him after tenyears. He stood there soaked wet from the rainand shivering with cold.Farhan and I had been good friends since classVIII. We always had a healthy competitionregarding our studies and basketball. Both ofus had been good at studies and were alsogood basketball players. Farhan was shorttemperedand had a jealous nature. <strong>The</strong>rewere times when I purposely lost a game justso that he doesn’t get angry. Till class X, I triedto ignore his bad-temper but his behavior wasgradually becoming worse. I advised him anumber of times that he needed to control histemper and improve his behaviour but I couldsense that he didn’t like my friendly advice.<strong>The</strong>n I started noticing a certain change in him.He often looked tense and his mind was alwayssomewhere else. His academic performancetoo was going down. Whenever I asked himfor a game of basketball, he would reject andwould spend very little time with me. He wasoften seen hanging around with bad boys. Oneday I learnt from somebody that Farhan hadstarted taking drugs. I was shocked andfurious. I went straight to him to ask whether itwas true. I said “Farhan is it true?” He lookedsurprised, “What?” “Is it true that you areinvolved in some drugs business?” “Yes”, hereplied. “How can you? You know its illegal” Isaid. “So what, and by the way it’s none of yourbusiness.” He said airily. I was hurt and decidednot to talk to him ever. Soon I got to know thathe had failed in class X. Another devastatingnews that I got was that his parents had beenmurdered. I decided to go for their funeral.OLD BOYS’ NEWSAbhilash Anand(Ex Jp, Batch of 2008) has been awarded a laptop from the University ofWestminster for his good performance. He has also been elected the Course Representative(course-rep) and has got an appointment as the Student Ambassador of the University’sDESCE (Department of Electronic Communications and Software Engineering). He would befeaturing in this year’s annual university prospectus as one of the best students of the university.Abhilash has also been invited to feature in the Annual British Council video of the 10 bestScholarship holders of the UK which will be shown globally.Contact: Abhilash AnandFirst Year Undergraduate StudentM.Eng (Honours) Electronic EngineeringUniversity of WestminsterLondonContact No. +44 (0) 78 8319 6074E-mail id: a.anand@my.westminster.ac.ukOn Friday, 27th February the much awaited Golf event organized by SOBA got a goodresponse. Around 55 golfers participated in it. <strong>The</strong>y were given SOBA T-shirts, participationmementos and callaway caps among other things. On the same evening the alumni dinnerwas arranged at the sprawling lawns of the Rajputana Rifles Officers Mess. An AV presentationof <strong>Scindia</strong> 111 was screened. <strong>The</strong> gathering was a happy mix of senior citizens and recentpassouts. Col. Ranjeet from the 1947 batch was the senior most old boy present there.True FriendshipAfter all we had been good friends once. In thefuneral Farhan was furious and while leavinghe told me,” I will kill the man who murderedmy parents.”Two years after this incident I had almostforgotten him, infact I didn’t have time toremember him. I had maintained my first rankin the batch and was studying laboriously formy class XII boards. One night while I wasstudying I received a phone call “Hello,Sugandha,” the voice on the other side said. Irecognized the voice, it was Farhan’s. “Farhan,where are you and what’s the matter?” I askedwith surprise “Sugandha, I’m sorry for what Ihave done. Had I listened to you; this day wouldnever have come. You were very nice to me;will you do me one last favour? I’m sure I cantrust you for this work. Please come to myplace, will you?” he said all this in one breath.“Ok, I am coming.” I hung and quietly wentdown. My mother was sleeping, so I left a notefor her, took my scooty and left. I reached hishouse and was just in time to see Farhan shoota man. I was dead-frightened and simply frozeat the spot. Farhan saw me, “<strong>The</strong>re’s nothingto be frightened of, I won’t harm you.” “Whydid you do that?” I asked. “Oh, he was the manwho had killed my parents. I called you herebecause I want you to look after my sisterFarha. She is just seven but is wise andintelligent. I’ve told her I’ll be back, but shewill have to wait for a few years. She’s upstairs,please take her and go away before the policecomes. I don’t want the two of you to getinvolved in the police proceedings. We’ll meetagain, thanks a lot.So, his words came true. We met again but instrange and unexpected circumstances. “Hi,how are you?” he broke the silence.” I am finewhat about you?” I replied. “I am fine, spentthree years in jail. After my release I completedmy graduation and now work in a call centreat Delhi. I’ve been looking for you since twoyears. I came to know that you’re in the fashionindustry in Mumbai. Where is my sister?” “Oh,Farha, she is fine. That night I took Farha to myhome and discussed the matter with my mom.A friend of hers offered help. She securedadmission for Farha in a boarding school inIndore and took her responsibility. Yourdarling sister is in class XII now. You should beproud of her. She is excelling in studies and isone of the best students of her class” I toldhim.“How can I ever thank you? You’ve been atrue friend, Farhan said with a choked voice. Itook his hand in mine and told him that fortrue friends like us such words of gratitudewere not required.Sugandha Shukla, VI A

pg 03Experience in VDJS“Wow! One more outing” This was my firstresponse when I was told by Ma’am SangeetaJain that I was one of the students selected forthe Sub Junior Regional Round SquareConference which was to be held at Vidya DeviJindal <strong>School</strong> Hisar. At that time I had no ideawhat RSC was all about and I must confess thatthe only thing which excited me then was that Iwas going out with my friends.Finally the day came and five of us along withMa’am Anuradha left for Hisar. Our journeywas a quite interesting because in the train wemet students of Lawrence <strong>School</strong>, Sanawar whowere also going to Hisar for the sameconference. We missed the ice-breakingceremony due to the delay of trains. Onreaching the school we were allotted rooms ata teacher’s house. She was very hospitable andtook care that we had a comfortable stay. Nextday in the morning we had the flag march inwhich I marched with our school flag. It was aproud moment for me. We attended lecturesby keynote speakers. <strong>The</strong> first one spoke on_¢ gmV df© H$m hÿ± Am¡a A~ _oao g§Ý`mgboZo H$m dŠV Am J`m h¡ Ÿ& BZ gmV dfm] _|_wPo Mma ~ma _moMr Ho$ nmg Vah-Vah H$s~r_m[a`m| H$m BbmO H$amZo bo Om`m J`m &VrZ ~ma _oao Vñ_m| H$mo ~Xbm J`m AWm©V _oarng{b`m| Zo H$m_ H$aZm ~§X H$a {X`m &_¢ EH$ Jar~ n[adma Ho$ gmW ahVm hÿ±Am¡a _oam à`moJ Bg n[adma Ho$ _m{bH$ H$m ^mB©H$aVm h¡ Ÿ& AmO _¢ Am¡a _oao _m{bH$ O~ Am°{\$ggo Ka bm¡Q>o V~ _m{bH$ Zo _wPo ~mha ~am_Xo _|N>mo‹S> {X`m Am¡a dh AnZo ~MnZ Ho$ gwZhao»`mbm| _| Imo J`m Ÿ& _wPo A^r ^r `mX h¢ dogwZhao nb O~ _¢ N>… _hrZm| H$m Wm Am¡aAnZo nwamZo _m{bH$ Ho$ gmW {b~Q>u Ho$ emoê$__| ahVm Wm Ÿ& E.gr. H$s hdm _| ahZm {H$VZmgwhmdZm bJVm Wm Ÿ& _oar {H$ñ_V na H$mbo~mXb N>mE O~ _wPo XoIZo EH$ n[adma Am`mAm¡a _¢ {N>nZo _o§ Ag\$b hmo J`m Ÿ& _m{bH$ Zo_wPo CR>mH$a Cg n[adma Ho$ g_j àñVwV {H$`mleadership. He told that a good leader shouldbe strong enough to face the problems of hisgroup and should be a great motivator. <strong>The</strong>second keynote speaker spoke on democracy.We were told about the freedom andresponsibility which people enjoy in ademocratic setup. <strong>The</strong> third keynote speakerspoke about the environment. He told us howactivities like deforestation etc. by humans havespoilt the environment and caused globalwarming. He also told us what would happen ifthis was not controlled. <strong>The</strong> ‘baraza’ meetingson all days were based on the topics coveredby the keynote speakers. Other than thiseveryday we had something new. During the‘bada khana’ we served food to the servantsof the school. We also visited a mint and tookpart in adventure activities like rappelling andzip lining. Tank ride was a nice experience.Everyday at night we had dinner either in aclub or in the school garden. Mock electionswere also held one day to enable us tounderstand how votes are cast and also so thatwe understand the importance of our vote. Welearnt beats work from the Samba Band andcreated wonderful music with and without thehelp of musical instruments.We made many friends and learnt the way otherschools work. It was a very nice experience.While leaving we were very sad but also excitedto share the experience with our friends backin school.Manas Pant, VI BEH$ OyVo H$s AmË_H$WmAm¡a CÝhm|Zo _wPo EH$ hr PbH$ _| ng§X H$a{b`m Ÿ& _wPo 1200 énE _| IarX {b`m J`m{H$ÝVw _oar H$hmZr `ht IË_ Zht hþB© Ÿ& EH$gmb ~mX O~ _oao _m{bH$ Ho$ n¡a ~‹S>o hmo JEV~ _wPo Ka Ho$ gm_Zo dmbr g‹S>H$ Ho$ {H$Zmao\|$H$ {X`m J`m Ÿ& EH$ gmb V‹S>nZo Ho$ ~mX _¢ZogmoMm, _moj-àmpßV Ho$ {bE Vnñ`m ewé H$aXy±, V^r _wPo {H$gr Zo CR>m {b`m Am¡a V~ go_¢ `hm± hÿ± Ÿ&_¢ nrN>o go {Kg MwH$m hÿ± Am¡a `hm± na_wPo AÀN>o go YmoVo ^r Zht h¢ Ÿ& _¢ XwAm H$aVmhÿ± {H$ H$me ! _oao _m{bH$ Ho$ n¡a ~‹S>o hmo OmE±Am¡a em`X _oar {H$ñ_V ~Xbo, na BZHo$ n¡a h¢{H$ ~‹T>Vo hr Zht & O~ _m{bH$ _wPo nhZH$aIobVo h¢ V~ _oar hmbV EH$ Mßnb Ho$ g_mZ~oOmZ hmo OmVr h¡ {H$ÝVw _m{bH$ h¢ {H$ WH$Vohr Zht & Bg{bE A~ _¢ ^JdmZ H$mo ß`mam hmoOmZm MmhVm hÿ± Ÿ&`eamO Z¡Z, 9 S>rQuizSpotlight on India<strong>April</strong> 1, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 909THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’091. If Jaipur is called the ‘Pink City’ which Indiancity is called the ‘milk city’?2. His ‘Beauty from debris’ work in Chandigarhis similar to the Malampuzha project inPalakhad, Kerela. Who is being referredto?3. Who was the child of a Prime Minister, theparent of a Prime Minister and a PrimeMinister?4. Which famous two word slogan was coinedby Mohammed Iqbal?5. India and Pakistan have both renamed theGrand Trunk Road. What is its new name?6. What was so special about the train whichcarried the ashes of Gandhiji from Delhi toAllahabad?7. What is written on the logo of the newspaper‘<strong>The</strong> Times of India’?8. Who is the Constitutional head of every state?9. On which river are the dams Konar,Tillaiya,Panchet and Maithon situated?10. In which Indian state is ‘khasi’ commonlyspoken?<strong>The</strong> answers will come in the next issue.Aditya Sharma, VII BAnswers to Quiz of 15th March :1. Edmund Hailey 6. Elliptical galaxy2. Black hole 7. Oeneb3. Andromeda galaxy 8. Ceres4. Challenger shuttle 9. 5 billion years5. 1000 light years thick 10. JupiterEditor’s note :Please submit your answers to Nishant Ranaat the earliest. <strong>The</strong> first all-correct entry willwin a chocolate.OPINION POLLAre all reality shows on televisionstaged ?26%Can’tSay34%No40%YesNumber of students who voted : 180FORT NEWSRunner up -<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, GwaliorBest batsman -Dhruva Shaurya(Modern school, Barakhamba Road)Best bowler -Shahnawaaz Husain(<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Gwalior)Best all rounder -Milan Gautam(Modern school, Barakhamba Road)After the prize distribution ceremony the<strong>School</strong> Brass band came up with ascintillating performance which receivedstanding ovation from one and all. <strong>The</strong>tournament was marked by bonhomie andcamaraderie and at the end of it all itepitomized the victory of the spirit ofsportsmanship and fairplay.<strong>April</strong> Fool’s Day<strong>The</strong> first of <strong>April</strong> is marked by the commissionof hoaxes and other practical jokes on friends,family members, enemies, and neighbours, orsending them on fool’s errand, the aim of whichis to embarrass the gullible.Many theories have been put forward abouthow the tradition began. For instance, thetradition was attributed to Noah’s mistake ofsending a dove out from the ark before theflood waters had subsided (thereby sendingthe dove on a fool’s errand). Some feel that thecustom originated when King Charles IXreformed the calendar, moving the start of theyear from <strong>April</strong> 1 to January 1. People whocontinued to celebrate New Year on <strong>April</strong> 1were mocked and had pranks played on them.Practical jokes and pranks are the order ofthe day. Sober and upright media organizationssuch as BBC have also participated in foolingand tricking people in its own way. <strong>The</strong>respected BBC news show Panorama onceannounced that thanks to a very mild winterand the virtual elimination of the dreadedspaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoyinga bumper spaghetti crop. It accompanied thisannouncement with footage of Swiss peasantspulling strands of spaghetti down from trees.Huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Manycalled the BBC wanting to know how they couldgrow their own spaghetti tree. To this the BBCdiplomatically replied, “place a sprig ofspaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope forthe best.”On <strong>April</strong> 1, 1946 Aleutian Island earthquaketsunami killed 165 people in Hawaii andAlaska. It is known as the “<strong>April</strong> Fools’ DayTsunami” as a large number of peopledrowned because of the assumption that thewarnings were an <strong>April</strong> Fools’ prank.Let us all enjoy the day by playing tricks onothers but be cautious not to be tricked byanyone.Editorial Board

<strong>April</strong> 1, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 909THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’09 pg 04Tragic Happenings in Bangladesh1971Bangla Desh represents a unique situation inthe world history. <strong>The</strong> people who form themajority of the population are being crushedby the minority. <strong>The</strong> people of Bangladeshelected Mujibur Rehman and his colleagues.<strong>The</strong>y are being put down by the militarydictators who have ruled East Pakistan fortwenty three years.When Bengal was divided twenty three yearsago along with Punjab, nobody thoughtindependence thus secured by partition ofIndia would lead to suppression of some 72million people by Punjabi Muslims. <strong>The</strong> originof the struggle really goes back to 1948 whenstudents of Dacca stunned Pakistan and theworld by revolting against Jinnah’s decree thatthere could be only one state language andthat should be Urdu. East Bengal had at thistime 54 million people who spoke Bengali. Tosay ‘no’ to Jinnah was a crime and many werearrested and put into jails. A great riot brokeout and thus the language became the firstcause of struggle.In the election the Awami League won anabsolute majority in the national assembly. Ithad won on a pledge of six points whichdemanded complete regional freedom, exceptin matters of currency, defence and foreignpolicy.Talks were held in Dacca for more then tendays between Yahya Khan and Mujib. <strong>The</strong>ycould not come to any compromise and EastBengal declared itself an independent nationto be called as Bangla Desh. Thus the greatstruggle started.<strong>The</strong> situation of Bangla Desh is becomingworse day by day, and it is a very pathetic story.Pakistani aircrafts are bombarding the armlesspeople of Bangla Desh. <strong>The</strong>ir troops are killingall the public servants, students and teachersso that there remains no leader in Bangla Desh.And they are forcing people to run and takeshelter in India.Yahya and his military janta have set a recordof cruelty to human beings which can becompared only with the deeds of Nadir Shahand Chengiz Khan in the world history.Seema Agnihotri(Extract from the <strong>School</strong> Review, NO. 418,15th November ’71)<strong>2009</strong><strong>The</strong> 25th and 26th of February <strong>2009</strong> weresome of the darkest days in the history ofBangladesh which has seen a lot of turbulenceever since its inception. On these two days thesoldiers of Bangladesh rifles (BDR) revoltedagainst their seniors citing low wages and poorworking conditions as the cause of their mutiny.However it is also being speculated that thismassacre was planned to destabilize thegovernment of Shekh Hasina.<strong>The</strong> BDR which is second in size to theBangladesh army is headed by officers of therank of brigadier or above. It is responsiblemainly for guarding the country’s borders. <strong>The</strong>mutiny of the BDR started on 25th of February,<strong>2009</strong> when a group of mutineers attacked andkilled BDR director Major General ShakilAhmed at the Darbar hall. This was followedby the brutal killing of a large number of armyofficers which has sent shockwaves throughDhaka. <strong>The</strong> entire nation is heavy with shockand pain and wants speedy justice for thosewho were slain.Bangladesh government has sought assistancefrom the Federal Bureau of Investigation, USintelligence agency, for probe into the incidentwhich left more than 75 officers dead. <strong>The</strong>government has initiated Operation Rebel Huntto arrest the jawans involved in the killing andto recover arms. It has been decided toseverely punish the culprits which would serveas a warning for any future mutineers.When I saw the news on TV. I was numb withhorror. No matter what the grievance I couldnot fathom how people can kill their fellowbeings with such brutality. What is it that makesan educated, disciplined force turnmurderous? As I grapple with these questionsI pray that peace and normalcy return toBangladesh soon.Yashraj Nain, IX-DQUOTE :<strong>The</strong> first of <strong>April</strong>, some do sayIs set apart for All Fool’s Day;But why the people call it soNor I, nor they themselves, do know,But on this day are people sentOn purpose for pure merriment.-- AnonymousStudent Exchange -From Gwalior to OswestryMy desire to go for a student exchangeprogram originated when I was in class VIII.One of my seniors who had just returned fromone such exchange was tirelessly recountinghis wonderful experiences. On that day itselfas I listened to him absolutely mesmerized Idecided that I too would be a part of theexchange program one day.<strong>The</strong> day came very soon when I along with afew other hopefuls was sitting outside thePrincipal’s office for an interview which wouldeventually decide who was to go for theexchange. As I was ushered into the Principal’soffice I realized that through my answers I hadto convince the panel of five members that Iwas worthy enough to represent the schoolabroad. I was put through a host of questionssome of which unnerved me and some whichleft me absolutely confounded. However I didtry to answer all of them with a blend of perfectwit, poise and composure. Sample this -I wasasked how a cow gives white milk though itchews green grass. To this I replied that thiswas possible because the grass gets churnedto form white milk. A volley of such mindboggling questions was fired at me and by theend of the interview I did feel quite satisfiedwith the way I had handled them. In a few daysI was told that I had been selected to go toOswestry <strong>School</strong> in England. I was overjoyed. Ihad to stay there for the summer term andlearn, among other things their language andculture. I knew that this experience would helpto increase my understanding and toleranceof other cultures, as well as improve mylanguage skills and broaden my socialhorizons.Clearing the interview in school was howeverjust the beginning. A more arduous task likeacquiring the visa and other documents,awaited me. With my father’s and the travelPublished by : <strong>The</strong> Principal, <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Gwalior Plates by : Mr Dinesh SiriahStaff Editors : Ms Puja Pant, Dr B.S. Bhakuni, Ms Raksha Siriah Technical Support : Mr Jitendra JawaleEditor-in-Chief : Nishant Rana Printed by : Deepak Screen and Offset Printers (P) Ltd., GwaliorSenior Editors : Prithvi Khanna, Vaibhav Aggarwal, Tarang TripathiAsociate Editors : Rishabh Jain, Ujjaval Agarwal, Kartikeya Bhargava, Tuhin Pandey, URL : www.scindia.eduYashraj Nain, Shashank Singh, Swarn Sadana, Taha Khan OLD BOYS’ SITE : www.scindiaoldboys.comArt Editor : Ojasvi Singh <strong>April</strong> 1, <strong>2009</strong> | WPP : Regn.No.Gwl.Dn.11Correspondents : Ronit Borpujari, Nimish Pahuja, Prateek Bhalotia, Feedback : review@scindia.eduAditya Sharma, Manas Pant, Sansrisht Bhatia Price : Re. 1If undelivered, please return to : <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Fort, Gwalior - 474 008 (M.P.)agent’s efforts this too was done. Moreover Ihad to also make a mental note of all the do’sand don’ts which my mother gave me.I finally boarded the plane –‘Emirates’EK109.I had an eight hour halt at Dubai during whichI moved around the Dubai airport which ismore like a hotel. I reached Manchester at10:30 P.M. <strong>The</strong> school had sent a cab to fetchme.<strong>The</strong> Oswestry <strong>School</strong> is situated in a smallbeautiful town also called Oswestry. It has arich history of 401 years and had been a partof both World War I and World War II.On the first day itself Principal Mr Lampkincalled me to his office to know about thesubjects that I planned to study. I got anopportunity to choose from a wide variety ofsubjects. I opted for Chemistry, Biology,Psychology, Fine Arts and Critical Thinking.Such a unique combination of subjects isunthinkable in India. Critical Thinking was anew subject for me and was taught by thePrincipal himself. It dealt with situations andproblems which we encounter in our daily life.I felt that the G.S.C.E board which they followedthere was relatively easier as compared to theC.B.S.E board and was considered a fairly goodstudent there.Just like in <strong>Scindia</strong> the students there get up at7 o’ clock and leave for breakfast by 7:30.This is followed by attendance. <strong>The</strong> similaritiesend here. At Oswestry the school carries on till4:30.p.m. with a brief lunch break at 12 noon.If such a thing were to happen here thestudents would be up in revolt. After 4:30 p.m.they have tea time which is actually dinner. Afterthat was prep time or one could go for an outingif he so desired. Two outings were allowed in aweek.I didn’t quite take a liking to British food asmost of the time it was quite bland. I guess therich and lavish meals served in <strong>Scindia</strong> havespoilt me thoroughly. During those two monthswe got a mid-term vacation. So Sahnawaz (theother student from <strong>Scindia</strong>) and I went toLondon. London life is akin to the life in‘Aamchi Mumbai.’ One thing which I foundcommon in both the places is that people runafter trains. Wait! Did I say train? Actually it istrain in India and tubes in London. Living inLondon is wildly extravagant but also great fun.We went around sightseeing and also met the<strong>Scindia</strong>ns who are at Westminster onscholarship. <strong>The</strong> exchange soon came to anend. Those six weeks were the most wonderfuldays of my life. What I learnt can’t be expressedin words. I hope to incorporate all thatknowledge into my daily life.Nishant Rana, XI D

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