Remembering the Saints - Academy of Mary Immaculate

Remembering the Saints - Academy of Mary Immaculate

Remembering the Saints - Academy of Mary Immaculate


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Frayne House Captain:Goold House Captain:McAuley House Captain:Sherlock House Captain:Holly HarversonMonica PosseeAshley Pr<strong>of</strong>ennaSarah LommiSimone ReginatoCollege CaptainSanja VukomanCollege Vice CaptainMonica DoCollege JusticeCaptainClara ToperosaCollege SportsCaptainI congratulate <strong>the</strong>se students on this significant achievement and assure each one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m <strong>of</strong> our support as<strong>the</strong>y lead <strong>the</strong> College into our 156 th Year. We have every confidence that <strong>the</strong>y will responsibly carry out <strong>the</strong>duties associated with <strong>the</strong>ir roles and that <strong>the</strong>y will be excellent role models for <strong>the</strong> younger students.The fact that 2013 is very close was also highlighted by <strong>the</strong> training <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 2013 Peer Support Leaders over<strong>the</strong> last couple <strong>of</strong> days and I thank Ms Natalina Ambrosini for her continued efforts in this area.Yesterday we celebrated <strong>the</strong> Feast <strong>of</strong> All <strong>Saints</strong>. It is important to remember that <strong>the</strong> people whom <strong>the</strong>Church calls <strong>Saints</strong> were very human but overcame <strong>the</strong>ir weaknesses and allowed God to work within <strong>the</strong>mand transform <strong>the</strong>m.Today is <strong>the</strong> feast <strong>of</strong> All Souls. We pray for those who have died and commend <strong>the</strong>m to God’s loving care.Remembrance Day – 11 th NovemberThey shall grow not old as we that are left grow old,Age shall not weary <strong>the</strong>m nor <strong>the</strong> years condemnAt <strong>the</strong> going down <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sun and in <strong>the</strong> morningWe will remember <strong>the</strong>mLest we forget.Every blessingSr <strong>Mary</strong> Moloney rsmPrincipal<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

Reflection by Karen Nguyen, Justice CaptainYear 12 Assembly“Good morning you lovely men and women <strong>of</strong> mercy!Our time toge<strong>the</strong>r draws to an end and so we must bid each o<strong>the</strong>r farewell. When I was writing thisspeech, I decided to take <strong>the</strong> happy approach so we can all laugh toge<strong>the</strong>r one last time instead <strong>of</strong>sitting here in tears – in which case I wouldn’t be able to read my speech at all.So without fur<strong>the</strong>r ado, let’s take a minute to reminisce on <strong>the</strong> wonderful things we’ve done this year$13,000 worth <strong>of</strong> wonderful things. That’s right… $4000 for Project Compassion back in Term 1,$1000 to become Australia’s very first Mercy Beyond Borders ambassador and an incredible$8290.95 for our Mercy Fundraising – including Harry Potter day.$8290.95!!!I don’t know about you but I may not ever get over that… You know how I was telling you about <strong>the</strong>whole competitive Asian thing? Well, I could not be happier. We smashed our record and it is allthanks to you!That cake you bought is going to make a difference in <strong>the</strong> world, going to watch Napoleon Dynamiteor that One Direction video at lunch is going to help people, sleeping (or not sleeping) on <strong>the</strong> P-building floors is going to help send people just like us to school.We talk about this ambiguous Spirit <strong>of</strong> Mercy thing that fills <strong>the</strong> corridors and makes us all smiley,justicy people <strong>of</strong> Mercy a lot – but what is it? Well, I have figured it out! I have finally figured outwhat <strong>the</strong> Spirit <strong>of</strong> Mercy is. It is not something inside us or something that surrounds us. It’s you. Itis every single one <strong>of</strong> us sitting in this room right now. You are all making a difference in <strong>the</strong> world –so let’s act in <strong>the</strong> Spirit <strong>of</strong> Mercy and make Ca<strong>the</strong>rine McAuley proud.So, people have been using <strong>the</strong> term ‘YOLO’ (you only live once). Lately I have come up withsomething a little more suitable for <strong>the</strong> occasion, YOLIM – You Only Live In Mercy) So live in mercyfor <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> your time at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>. And Year 12s, let’s share our Mercy Spirit with <strong>the</strong> world aswe leave this place we’ve come to call home.Thank you so much for <strong>the</strong> memories, and thank you in particular to <strong>the</strong> girls who have been involvedin <strong>the</strong> justice group this year. Could you girls please stand up… You and Ms Luscombe have been myrock this year and you are such an inspiration. I know we’ll always be supporting each o<strong>the</strong>r nomatter where we find ourselves in <strong>the</strong> world – and <strong>the</strong> same goes for everyone else here.You are all amazing.Thank you so much!”“Women <strong>of</strong> Note Concert” – Saturday, 27 th October: This concert was held in <strong>the</strong> Ursula FrayneChapel. The “Women <strong>of</strong> Note” are a group <strong>of</strong> singers from Bendigo with Mercy links. They asked to use<strong>the</strong> Chapel and informed us that <strong>the</strong> donations <strong>the</strong>y received on <strong>the</strong> day would go towards <strong>Academy</strong>’sMercy fundraising. They raised $1690. Thus our Mercy Day Fundraising is now $10,000 – to support<strong>the</strong> Mercy work in Kenya and Sudan. A wonderful effort and many thanks to all involved in <strong>the</strong> Women<strong>of</strong> Note Concert.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

DEPUTY PRINCIPALStudent Free Day – Monday, November 5 thThis is to remind parents that <strong>the</strong>re will be no classes on Monday, November 5 th as this is <strong>the</strong> mid - termbreak. However, <strong>the</strong> College (P Building and <strong>the</strong> IRC) will be open from 10.00am for students who will besitting <strong>the</strong>ir VCE Exams on this day - Fur<strong>the</strong>r Ma<strong>the</strong>matics Exam 2 (11.45am) and Psychology (3.00pm).End <strong>of</strong> Year Examinations for Year 11Year 11 students will be having examinations commencing on Friday, November 16 th . All Year 11 exams willbe held in <strong>the</strong> Palmer Street (P) Building, notices will be posted outside <strong>the</strong> Main Office and on <strong>the</strong> door to <strong>the</strong>examination rooms. Students are expected to wear full College Uniform, not PE Uniform, for all Year 11examinations. Year 11 students finish classes on Wednesday, November 14 th ; Thursday is a Study Day forstudents to prepare for tehir examiniations.Summer UniformI would like to congratulate <strong>the</strong> student body on <strong>the</strong> smooth changeover from Winter to Summer Uniform. TheCollege Uniform requirements are listed in full on page (xiii) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Student Planner. If you have questionsabout <strong>the</strong> wearing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> College uniform, please feel free to contact your daughter’s Year Level Co-ordinatoror I on ph.: 9419 3044.Resource Lists for 2013Each student will receive a copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 2013 Resource List in mid to late November and a list <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Booksthat may be sold at <strong>the</strong> 2 nd Hand Book Sale. These will be distributed through Homerooms.Landmark School Supplies will again conduct a 2 nd Hand Book Sale for Years 7 to 12 Textbooks on Tuesday,December 11 th from 8.00am until 10.00am. Students in Years 7 to 10 wishing to sell books will be asked, inHomeroom Groups, to take <strong>the</strong>ir books to <strong>the</strong> IRC on Tuesday, December 4 th , commencing at 1pm andconcluding at 3.00pm. VCE students may leave books for <strong>the</strong> Second Hand Book sale at <strong>the</strong> IRC at any timebetween 1.00pm and 3.00pm.When completed <strong>the</strong> Resource List must be returned to <strong>the</strong> Student Office or Landmark School SuppliesStore, 364 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield (ph: 9486-8233) by Tuesday, December 11 th . Alternatively, parentsmay order <strong>the</strong>ir books online by logging into <strong>the</strong> Landmark website, via <strong>the</strong> Landmark icon, which will beplaced on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> website later term.After December 11 th Resource Lists will need to be forwarded directly to Landmark School Supplies. Thecollection date for <strong>the</strong> Books will be Friday, January 18 th at <strong>the</strong> College.Mr Adrian FullerDeputy PrincipalDIRECTOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNINGYear 11 Examination Dates. The Year 11 Examinations will be held from November 16 to Nov 22. Following<strong>the</strong> examinations, <strong>the</strong> Year 11 students will be engaged in <strong>the</strong> VCE Unit 3&4 (Year 12, 2013) orientationclasses from Monday November 26 to Friday November 30. These are important and compulsory classes for<strong>the</strong> girls. The last day for <strong>the</strong> Year 11 students will be Friday November 30.Year 10 Examination Dates. The Year 10 Examinations will be held in <strong>the</strong> week from November 16 toNovember 22. Following <strong>the</strong> examinations, <strong>the</strong> Year 10 students will be engaged in <strong>the</strong> VCE Unit 1&2 (Year11, 2013) orientation classes from Monday November 26 to Tuesday December 4. These are important andcompulsory classes for <strong>the</strong> girls. The last day for <strong>the</strong> Year 10 students will be Wednesday December 5.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

VCAA Unit 3&4 Examinations The VCAA examinations have commenced this week. I encourage all VCEUnit 3 & 4 students to stay positive and focused as <strong>the</strong>y work <strong>the</strong>ir way through <strong>the</strong>se next weeks. A reminderthat past papers and examiners’ reports can be found on <strong>the</strong> college intranet and at <strong>the</strong> VCAA website(www.vcaa.vic.edu.au).Horse riding camp- VCAL 2012 (Kathryn Padoin Yr 12)Our VCAL class and Emma Lightfoot and Alessia Castello are participating in <strong>the</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Edinburghcertificate, where we have numerous tasks and activities to complete. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> big activities our group didwas to organize a trip to Bendigo where we camped out at ironbark horse riding school.We arrived on Monday 15th October at around 12pm wegot settled into <strong>the</strong> camp site and got familiar with <strong>the</strong>place, and <strong>the</strong>n we headed <strong>of</strong>f to town and had a lookaround Bendigo. Not long after that we went food shoppingas a group, for all <strong>the</strong> food we were going to need for aBBQ that night and for lunch <strong>the</strong> next day. It was a fun wayto work as a team and bond well with <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> peersin <strong>the</strong> group.At about 2:00 pm we went horse riding. Before we wenthorse riding we had to groom <strong>the</strong> horses and saddle <strong>the</strong>horses. It was fun getting to know each horse and <strong>the</strong>irdifferent personalities. We finally got to ride <strong>the</strong> horses.We went for an hour ride around <strong>the</strong> park near Ironbarkhorse riding school. It was a lot <strong>of</strong> fun and I’m sure <strong>the</strong> girlsall enjoyed <strong>the</strong>mselves.Towards <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> night and after horse riding wewere very tired so we had a rest. Then we started toprepare for dinner where <strong>the</strong> class all took part in makingsome kind <strong>of</strong> dish for dinner. Whilst we were having dinner we had a great chat about our day.On Tuesday 16th October we woke up early to have some breakfast <strong>the</strong>n get ready to go horse riding againfor <strong>the</strong> second time. This time we did <strong>the</strong> same thing but instead we went a bit faster and we went trotting on<strong>the</strong> horses. That was great fun going fast on <strong>the</strong> horse although it was quite painful. Afterwards I’m pretty sureeveryone was complaining about having a sore body! But <strong>the</strong> girls had a laugh and enjoyed <strong>the</strong>mseves.Not long after that we all made ourselves something to eat for lunch, <strong>the</strong>n raced <strong>of</strong>f and packed our bags sowe could check out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> camp site and head home. On <strong>the</strong> way home we stopped <strong>of</strong>f into town again, did alittle bit <strong>of</strong> shopping, <strong>the</strong>n we went home back to Melbourne.Everyone got home safe and had a memorable time and lots <strong>of</strong> fun! This is something that I would definitelydo again.Mr Mark Hyland, Director <strong>of</strong> Teaching and LearningDIRECTOR OF FAITH AND MISSIONWomen <strong>of</strong> Note ConcertAs advertised in <strong>the</strong> previous newsletter, <strong>the</strong> Women <strong>of</strong> Note, a women’s choir from Bendigo performed at <strong>the</strong><strong>Academy</strong> on Saturday 27 th October. Those in attendance were treated to a wonderful concert as voicessoared in <strong>the</strong> chapel. We were also fortunate to hear <strong>the</strong> beautiful voice <strong>of</strong> renowned singer/songwriter MariaForde who sang solo and with <strong>the</strong> choir, aspiring young pianist Augustine Leung and <strong>the</strong> ‘Iron Women’ bellchimes players. As a thank you for using our chapel for <strong>the</strong> performance <strong>the</strong> choir donated funds raisedthrough ticket sales to our fundraising efforts for Sr Marilyn Lacey in South Sudan and <strong>the</strong> work done by <strong>the</strong>Sisters <strong>of</strong> Mercy in Mukuru, Kenya. The success <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> concert resulted in $1690 being raised and donated.We are most appreciative <strong>of</strong> such a generous donation.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

Year 12 Graduation MassI would like to thank <strong>the</strong> family and friends who joined <strong>Academy</strong> staff and Year 12 students to celebrate Masslast Wednesday evening. It was a sacred, spirit filled occasion and a fitting farewell to students who havespent <strong>the</strong> past six years at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>. The wonderful participation <strong>of</strong> those present at <strong>the</strong> Mass addedimmensely to <strong>the</strong> occasion. I also wish to acknowledge <strong>the</strong> beautiful music lead by Ms Marsali Slocombe and<strong>the</strong> Year 12 musicians and singers: Bianca Arena, Helena Brace, Georgette Psarreas, Josephine Gunning,Claudia Lombard, Isabella Cavedon, Thea Smith, Samantha Panettieri, Olivia Bowden-Gatt, Chloe Sutton,Clare Barley and Bridget Oag. We were also delighted that Ms Laura Appleby was able to join us to sing hermoving version <strong>of</strong> a Mercy Prayer as a final blessing to <strong>the</strong> students.College Band and Choirs at <strong>the</strong> Mission MassOur College musicians and singers are most pr<strong>of</strong>essional and reliable. I was immensely proud <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m as <strong>the</strong>yled <strong>the</strong> Music for <strong>the</strong> annual Mission Mass held at St Patrick’s Ca<strong>the</strong>dral on 19 th October. Under <strong>the</strong> direction<strong>of</strong> Ms Slocombe <strong>the</strong>y worked pr<strong>of</strong>essionally with <strong>the</strong> Organist and organiser <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mass, Kevin Meese, tolead <strong>the</strong> sacred music for <strong>the</strong> Mass. Thank you to <strong>the</strong> College Concert Band, chamber choir and cantors forrepresenting <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> so well at such a large ga<strong>the</strong>ring.Ms Karen Fogarty, Director <strong>of</strong> Faith and MissionYEAR 11 AND 12 REPORTI would like to take <strong>the</strong> opportunity to farewell all our Year 12 students and wish <strong>the</strong>m every success in <strong>the</strong>irexaminations and <strong>the</strong>ir future academic pursuits. I was so proud to recognise <strong>the</strong>ir contribution to <strong>the</strong> Collegeat <strong>the</strong> recent assembly on Wednesday October 24, where a number <strong>of</strong> awards were awarded to thosestudents who have achieved excellent results in <strong>the</strong>ir subject areas. There were also a number <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rawards based on <strong>the</strong> contribution students have made to <strong>the</strong> College community.I was thrilled to see a number <strong>of</strong> parents at <strong>the</strong> Assembly and later that night at <strong>the</strong> Year 12 Eucharist. Thankyou for <strong>the</strong> support many <strong>of</strong> you have given me throughout <strong>the</strong> last two years as Year 11 and 12 Coordinatorand I look forward to seeing many <strong>of</strong> you at <strong>the</strong> Graduation evening on Tuesday, November 27. Thank youalso to Ms Fogarty for her organisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Eucharist. It was truly a wonderful night <strong>of</strong> celebration andappreciation.I know many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> students are now extremely busy studying at home and vigorously preparing for <strong>the</strong>ir end<strong>of</strong> year examinations. Good luck to all our students and also to our Year 11 students who are completing aUnit 3 and 4 subject. I know many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> students are most appreciative <strong>of</strong> our teachers and <strong>the</strong> hours <strong>of</strong>effort, encouragement and guidance <strong>the</strong>y have provided throughout <strong>the</strong> year.As we farewell our Year 12 students we welcome <strong>the</strong> Student Leadership Team for 2013 which wasintroduced to <strong>the</strong> College at <strong>the</strong> Assembly on Wednesday, October 24. I am excited by <strong>the</strong> prospect <strong>of</strong> thisteam leading <strong>the</strong> College in 2013. Congratulations to all <strong>the</strong> girls who nominated for positions <strong>of</strong> leadership.Unfortunately we were only able to select a group <strong>of</strong> 11 girls from a quality set <strong>of</strong> nominations.A letter has been distributed to all Year 11 students explaining <strong>the</strong> expectations and procedures for <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong>year examination period and <strong>the</strong> Orientation program. Please note that <strong>the</strong> exam period will commence onFriday November 16 and conclude on Thursday November 22. The Year 12 Orientation program will takeplace from Monday November 26 until Friday November 30. The Orientation program is an essentialcomponent <strong>of</strong> your daughter’s start to Year 12. It is expected that your daughter will need to complete sometasks over <strong>the</strong> holiday period in preparation for <strong>the</strong> first day <strong>of</strong> school, February 1, 2013. Each student hasreceived a copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir exam timetable and each student will receive a copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Orientation programtimetable.Please do not hesitate to call me should you have any questions or queries.Mr John Andritsos, Year 11 and 12 Coordinator<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

FROM THE LOTE DEPARTMENTAlliance Française Ber<strong>the</strong> Mouchette Competition FINALISTEach year, VCE French students at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong> areencouraged to participate in <strong>the</strong> Alliance Française Ber<strong>the</strong> MouchetteCompetition for written and spoken French. The <strong>Academy</strong> is proud toannounce that Simone Reginato from Madame Pigo’s Year 11 VCE Frenchclass was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> finalists in <strong>the</strong> General Conversation division. Simoneattended <strong>the</strong> finals at <strong>the</strong> Alliance Française in St. Kilda on SaturdaySeptember 15 th and felt that it was a most rewarding experience. Félicitations!Bravo Simone!Simone will be leaving for France on 23 rd November 2012 to take part in alinguistic and cultural exchange. She will reside with her host family in <strong>the</strong> city<strong>of</strong> Artix, a small town located south west <strong>of</strong> France in <strong>the</strong> township <strong>of</strong> Ar<strong>the</strong>zde-Béarnpart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> district <strong>of</strong> Pau. Simone will attend senior high school (lelycée) with her host sister and will be immersed in <strong>the</strong> French way <strong>of</strong> life, speaking <strong>the</strong> French language andmeeting interesting young French people. We wish her all <strong>the</strong> very best and look forward to her return inJanuary 2013FRENCH HOLIDAY FUNOn Thursday 4 TH September, Madame Pigo’s Year 11 VCE Frenchclass met up for lunch at Bistro Guillaume, Southbank. The restaurantproprietor is famous French Chef, Gillaume Brahimi. It was a warmsunny day and everyone enjoyed a delicious French meal whichincluded: escargots (snails), canard (duck), poulet (chicken), poisson(fish) and some spectacular French desserts. What a lovely way tospend a few hours relaxing and chatting in French by <strong>the</strong> water.The LOTE Department recently received <strong>the</strong> results <strong>of</strong> girls who participated in <strong>the</strong> 2012 Alliance FrancaiseCompetition. Congratulations to <strong>the</strong> following girls who achieved very positive results in this year’s exam.Written expressionTrès bien Year 11 – Simone ReginatoYear 12 – Claire Barley, Giulietta Busso, Jolie Dang, Sophia NguyenBienYear 11 – Aisling Acton, Bella Sullivan-BarryYear 12 – Helena Brace, Amy Cattapan, Claudia Lombard, Daniela NassourOral Discussion and presentationExcellent Year 11 Simone ReginatoTrès bienBienYear 12 – Giulietta Busso, Amy Cattapan, Daniela NassourYear 11 – Aisling Acton, Lisa Kechagias, Bella Sullivan-Barry, Winky WongYear 12 – Claire Barley, Jolie Dang, Claudia Lombard, Sophia NguyenFROM THE SCIENCE DEPARTMENTYEAR 11 CHEMISTRY CHALLENGEDuring <strong>the</strong> Term 3 holidays, we participated in a two day "Pharmaceutical Sciences Chemistry Challenge"held at Monash University Parkville. It was an interesting experience that gave us insight about whatuniversity life might be like! We sat through various lectures and participated in some lab activities, whichincluded formulating our own hand-creams and testing anti-bacterial in soaps and o<strong>the</strong>r solutions. We alsolearnt about <strong>the</strong> dangers <strong>of</strong> laboratories and <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> proper safety guidelines and procedures. Notonly was <strong>the</strong> challenge very enjoyable, it also gave us a chance to meet new friends from o<strong>the</strong>r school andexperience for ourselves <strong>the</strong> courses on <strong>of</strong>fer at Monash University Parkville.Denise Chau & Monica Voong<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

FROM THE VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENTACU Pixel Prize CompetitionThe ACU Pixel Prize is an annual photographic exhibition run by Australian Catholic University (ACU). It is anexhibition open to secondary school students from Victoria, NSW and Queensland. The <strong>the</strong>me this year wasCommunity. Two <strong>Academy</strong> students, Bella Sullivan-Barry, Year 11, and Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Pasceri, Year 12, eachhad <strong>the</strong>ir photos selected for <strong>the</strong> exhibition. The standard <strong>of</strong> work displayed and <strong>the</strong> myriad interpretations <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me were outstanding. Bella Sullivan-Barry’s delightful photograph, “Beach Kids”, won first prizefor best composition. Bella’s photo, as you can see, depicts a circle <strong>of</strong> children marvelling at a soldier crabthat <strong>the</strong>y have found. She took <strong>the</strong> photo while holidaying in Tasmania with her family. The judges loved <strong>the</strong>circular arrangement <strong>of</strong> children that excluded <strong>the</strong> viewer from <strong>the</strong> mystery that so enthralled <strong>the</strong>m. It capturedan image <strong>of</strong> Summer Beach Culture, where children leave home after breakfast and return home for dinner,exhausted and filthy after a long day <strong>of</strong> exploring and playing. Free from ipads, computer games and TV, <strong>the</strong>yreconnect with each o<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>the</strong>ir natural environment.Our congratulations go to both girls and I lookforward to seeing many more <strong>Academy</strong> studentsrepresenting <strong>the</strong>mselves and our school withdistinction in future exhibitions. On this note, Iremind you all that our annual Art Exhibition isopening on Tuesday 13 th November. You are allwarmly invited to attend this beautiful celebration <strong>of</strong><strong>Academy</strong>’s Artistic Life. See details below.Mr Martin McInerney, Head <strong>of</strong> Visual ArtsPixel Prize exhibition details - Melbourne, Friday 19 October – Friday 2 NovemberAustralian Catholic University The Vault, Melbourne Campus, 115 Victoria Parade, FitzroyFROM THE PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENTIt has been a very busy Term 4 already for <strong>the</strong>Performing Arts at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>. On Friday 19 thOctober students from <strong>the</strong> Cantors, Chamber Choirand Concert Band provided <strong>the</strong> music for <strong>the</strong>annual Mission Australia Children’s Mass at StPatrick’s Ca<strong>the</strong>dral, something that has become anannual tradtion for music students at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>.The Mass was a joyous and prayerful celebrationand our singers and musicians represented <strong>the</strong><strong>Academy</strong> in an excellent fashion. The photo thataccompanies this article was taken after <strong>the</strong> Masswith <strong>the</strong> chief celebrant, Bishop Vincent Boi-NaiSVD <strong>of</strong> Ghana, who was delighted with <strong>the</strong> music,and who is reknowned for his important socialjustice work in Africa.We hope to see you soon at our last twoPerforming Arts events for <strong>the</strong> year. ThePerforming Arts Concert will be held in <strong>the</strong><strong>Academy</strong> Hall at 7pm on Thursday 22 nd November (note <strong>the</strong> change <strong>of</strong> date!); and, our final musical event for<strong>the</strong> year is our “Carols by Twilight” to be held on Monday 3 rd December in <strong>the</strong> Chapel Courtyard.Ms Marsali Slocombe, Head <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

The2012Performing Arts Concertwill be held at7 pmonThursday November 22 nd ,In <strong>the</strong>College HallThe <strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Entry - “Gold Coin Donation”<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

FROM THE IRCFinal National Year <strong>of</strong> Reading Events:These are just some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> final events occurring around Melbourne as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> NYR celebrations:• Williamstown Library November 15 th , 6.30 – 8.00pm- An evening with Alice Pung, author <strong>of</strong> Growing upAsian in Australia and Her Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Daughter will be speaking about her latest book which is set inMelbourne, China and Cambodia and is a memoir <strong>of</strong> her fa<strong>the</strong>r’s experiences in <strong>the</strong> Killing Fields <strong>of</strong>Cambodia as well as story <strong>of</strong> resettlement and love.http://libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/whats-on/event-calendar?task=view_event&event_id=63• Crime and Justice Festival 15 th – 18 th November - A calendar <strong>of</strong> events where <strong>the</strong> public, writers, socialcommentators, judicial luminaries and <strong>the</strong> legal pr<strong>of</strong>ession come toge<strong>the</strong>r to both celebrate and promotecontemporary writings in <strong>the</strong> fields <strong>of</strong> justice and human rights, and to overlay <strong>the</strong>se discussions withguest writers in <strong>the</strong> genre <strong>of</strong> crime fiction.http://www.crimeandjusticefestival.com/crimeandjusticefestival/Home.html• Williamstown Library - All <strong>of</strong> It - A Personal Perspective on Anxiety, Author talk and art exhibition 22 ndNovember 7.00 – 8.30pm - Bev Aisbett’s autobiography All <strong>of</strong> it: a memoir <strong>of</strong> love, fear and artpresents a candid personal account <strong>of</strong> her life and subsequent journey into and out <strong>of</strong> severe anxiety anddepression.http://libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/whats-on/event-calendar?task=view_event&event_id=75Ms Hea<strong>the</strong>r McPhee, Head <strong>of</strong> IRCSPORTS ACHIEVEMENT NIGHTOverwhelming success!Hosted by Sports Captains, Amy Cattapan and Phoebe Jamieson, and assisted by House Leaders, AlexandraWigmore, Alexandra Piaia, Vanessa B<strong>of</strong> and Marina Zmijarevic, <strong>the</strong> 2012 Sports Achievement Night was, aspromised, a night <strong>of</strong> celebration. The Dillon Room echoed as <strong>the</strong> audience cheered and clapped <strong>the</strong> sportingparticipants who were honoured for participation, excellence and leadership.Special Guest, Olympic marathon runner, Lisa Weightman, spoke <strong>of</strong> her own personal journey as an eliteathlete. Lisa finished 18 th in <strong>the</strong> 2012 Olympic marathon, becoming only <strong>the</strong> 3 rd Australian woman to everfinish in <strong>the</strong> top 20 <strong>of</strong> this gruelling event. Lisa really connected with <strong>the</strong> audience.Her message was simple and very clear – it is <strong>the</strong> athlete who utilises, ra<strong>the</strong>r than relies on her talent andputs in <strong>the</strong> dedicated training that will reap <strong>the</strong> rewards.The special individual achievements <strong>of</strong> Year 8 student Micheala Selaidinakos (Athletics) and Alexandra Piaia(Pierre De Coubertin Award) were showcased. The audience was treated to video footage <strong>of</strong> Michealawinning <strong>the</strong> Victorian u/15 400mThe video review prior to <strong>the</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> evening, <strong>the</strong> rolling slide-shows <strong>of</strong> each year level’scontribution, <strong>the</strong> dance performance by College Vice-Captain, Ria Patel, and <strong>the</strong> excitement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> awardscombined to make <strong>the</strong> evening a tremendous success.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

The 2012 winners are:Year Level AchieversYEAR 7 Lily Dyson YEAR 8 Caitlin KuzmanYEAR 9 Yolanne Carvalho YEAR 10 Sonya O’MahonyYEAR 11 Monica Possee YEAR 12 Alexandra PiaiaJohn Landy Award for Sporting Behaviour Tess Davies (Year 10) and Monique O’Mahony (Year 12)Most Determined SportswomanSanja VukomanSportswoman <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> YearKatarina ZmijarevicMs Tyrell Harding, Director <strong>of</strong> SportsBAKING WITH KINDNESSUnder <strong>the</strong> careful guidance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Head <strong>of</strong> Technology – Food, Mrs Vicki Rowe, ourYear 9 students today baked delicious white chocolate and macadamia biscuits.This was no ordinary cooking class since <strong>the</strong> students very generously contributed<strong>the</strong>ir culinary skills for <strong>the</strong> folks at Briar Terrace in Fitzroy. ‘Briar Terrace’ is a Dropincentre for homeless, socially isolated people who have no family support. Thishas become a regular activity <strong>of</strong> our students this year and <strong>the</strong>y eagerly presented<strong>the</strong>ir wares to Bernadette when she visited today.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

GIRLS IN ICT INDUSTRY BUS TOURMany doors were opened for our students last Friday as <strong>the</strong>y journeyed around <strong>the</strong> city visiting variousindustries focussed on cutting edge information technology. Tremendous insights were provided throughenergetic and enlightened speakers whilst in transit as well as at each workplace.At Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in East Melbourne we learnt about robotic surgery and site specificadministration <strong>of</strong> medical treatment to tumours.At Deloitte a team <strong>of</strong> female speakers wooed us all with <strong>the</strong> broad spectrum <strong>of</strong> talents <strong>the</strong>y bring to <strong>the</strong>company’s projects. Interestingly, many speakers completedbusiness or commerce degrees prior to securing IT relatedpositions at Deloitte.A 27 year old PhD student spoke <strong>of</strong> her creative involvementin <strong>the</strong> bionic eye project at NICTA (National Information &Communications Technology Australia) based at <strong>the</strong>University <strong>of</strong> Melbourne. Our students’ barrage <strong>of</strong> questionsreflected <strong>the</strong>ir total engagement and interest in this amazingproject.ACMI (Australian Centre for <strong>the</strong> Moving Image) was our finaland fun destination. Here <strong>the</strong> students, and teachers, fullyparticipated in total ‘hands on’ activities within <strong>the</strong> games lab.Whilst on tour between locations our fact finding mission wasfur<strong>the</strong>r enhanced with speakers from ‘Thoughtworks’ and VITTA (Victorian Information Technology TeachersAssociation). The overwhelming message promoted to our students throughout <strong>the</strong> day was <strong>the</strong> everexpanding opportunities, especially for women, through a rapidly changing industry.In addition to <strong>the</strong> great wealth <strong>of</strong> possibilities open to our girls in <strong>the</strong>ir futures, it was also a great opportunity toestablish industry related contacts for our future <strong>Academy</strong> work experience students.SR CARMEL’S MARVELLOUS MARATHONAround <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> AMI’s Sports’ Achievement Night it has come to ourattention that a ‘superstar’ is in our midst! Our very own Sr CarmelMcCormick, head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mercy Convent here at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong><strong>Immaculate</strong>, on many levels is a true inspiration and leading light! Sr Carmelhas recently competed in <strong>the</strong> Melbourne Marathon in 1 hour 14 minutes and14 seconds. Inspired by her stamina, incredible energy and vitality for life<strong>the</strong>re may be a new group emerging in preparation for <strong>the</strong> MelbourneMarathon next year. Under <strong>the</strong> guidance <strong>of</strong> our ‘leading light’ Sr Carmel,expect to see a large contingent <strong>of</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> students and staff at <strong>the</strong>starting block in 2013!“I must say I was a late starter to distance running. But it is never too late.While I was living in <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong> Victoria I learnt about ‘The Nail Can Hill’run from Albury to Wodonga from <strong>the</strong> school staff and it sounded as thoughthat's where all <strong>the</strong> action was happening on <strong>the</strong> first Sunday in May. So Ithought I would enter <strong>the</strong> 11.3km run over <strong>the</strong> hills on <strong>the</strong> fire track. This ledme to seeking a fur<strong>the</strong>r challenge for myself and so I entered for <strong>the</strong> 21k in<strong>the</strong> Melbourne Marathon 2008. It meant discipline, a plan and training time for weeks in <strong>the</strong> lead up toOctober.The morning arrived! I had come to Melbourne <strong>the</strong> day before and all was a new experience for me lining upin Batman Avenue with thousands <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r runners - and <strong>the</strong> thought <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> final lap inside <strong>the</strong> MCG. Would Imake it? There were people along <strong>the</strong> way cheering us on, but I will never forget a little child in a wheelchairwith Cerebral Palsy near <strong>the</strong> Albert Park Lake watching <strong>the</strong> race. I thought how fortunate I am to have <strong>the</strong> use<strong>of</strong> my two legs. I said to myself, ‘keep going’. That year <strong>the</strong> funds were going to <strong>the</strong> Cerebral PalsyFoundation.With each race I enter, I dedicate my run to someone I have known and who has died recently. This gives meinspiration to complete <strong>the</strong> race. My aim is to finish.Don't be afraid to join in <strong>the</strong> spirit and <strong>the</strong> fun <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se occasions, look after yourself and always takecare.” Sr Carmel<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

CHANGE OF PREFERENCE (COP) DATES AND CONTACTS 2012This information is only a guideline and it is important that you check dates and times yourselfINSTITUTION CONTACT DETAILS TIMES DATEAustralian CatholicUniversity1300 275 228Change <strong>of</strong> Preference Info Day (Melbourne)www.acu.edu.au10.00am – 3.00pmDec 19 (Wed)Australian NationalUniversity (ANU)1800 620 032Melbourne ANU Advisory Day*Please register for <strong>the</strong> event at <strong>the</strong> link below*Buckingham Rooms, Stamford Plaza, 111 Little CollinsStreet, Melbourne* www.anu.edu.au/advisorystudent.recruitment@anu.edu.au10.00am – 3.00pmDec 17 (Mon)Box Hill TAFE 1300 269 445Please visit <strong>the</strong> website or call <strong>the</strong> TAFE for fur<strong>the</strong>r detailswww.boxhill.edu.auCQU (Melbourne) (03) 8662 0555Information SessionsCampus toursIndividual course advice and application assistanceenquiries@mel.cqu.edu.auDeakin University 1300 334 733Online Live Chat SessionsInformation Expo ‐ Melbourne Campus at BurwoodWalk & Talk Tour ‐ Warrnambool CampusInformation Expo ‐ Geelong Waurn Ponds CampusInformation Expo ‐ Geelong Waterfront Campuswww.deakin.edu.au/cop1.00pm11.00am – 4.00pm9.00am – 5.00pm3.00pm – 7.00pm12noon – 1.30pm3.00pm – 7.00pm3.00pm – 7.00pmDec 18 (Tues)Dec 17 and 18Dec 17 and 18Dec 17 ‐ 21Dec 18 (Tues)Dec 18, 19, 20Dec 19 (Wed)Dec 20 (Thur)Holmesglen Institute (03) 9564 1555Change <strong>of</strong> preference information sessionsFor more details refer towww.holmesglen.vic.edu.au9.00am – 5.00pm4.00pm – 7.00pmDec 17 ‐ 21Dec 19 (Wed)La Trobe University 1300 135 045Change <strong>of</strong> Preference Advisory Day – Melbourne CampusChange <strong>of</strong> Preference Advisory Day – Bendigo Campuswww.latrobe.edu.au/all‐waysMIBT (03) 9244 5600www.mibt.vic.edu.auMonash University 1800 666 274Change <strong>of</strong> Preference ExpoBuilding H, Caulfield Campus, 900 Dandenong Roadwww.monash.edu.au/cop7.00am – 7.00pm9.00am – 5.00pm10.00am – 3.00pm9.00am – 12noon11.00am – 2.00pm11.00am – 2.00pm3.00pm – 7.00pmDec 17 ‐ 18Dec 19 – 21Dec 22 – 23Dec 24 (Mon)Dec 19 (Wed)Dec 19 (Wed)Dec 19 (Wed)NCPS 1800 783 661COP information session:123 Lonsdale Street Melbourne10.00am – 4.00pmDec 19 (Wed)<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

www.ncps.edu.auNMIT (03) 9269 8400Information Sessionswww.nmit.edu.au9.00am – 5.00pm9.00am ‐ 7.30pmDec 17 ‐ 24Dec 13 (Thur)RMIT University Hotline 1800 117 648Change <strong>of</strong> Preference ExpoRMIT Building 80 (Swanston Academic Building) 445Swanston St, Melbournehttp://www.rmit.edu.au/copSwinburne University 1300 275 794Online Live ChatsCOP Expo (Hawthorn)www.swinburne.edu.au/rightchoice8.30am – 5.30pm8.00..am – 12noon11.00am – 3.00pm9.00am – 5.00pm9.00am – 5.00pm10.00am – 12noon11.00am – 3.00pmDec 17 ‐ 21Dec 24Dec 19 (Wed)Dec 17 – 21Dec 17 – 21Dec 24 (Mon)Dec 19 (Wed)University <strong>of</strong> Ballarat 1800 811 711Information Daywww.ballarat.edu.au/cop11.00am – 3.00pmDec 19 (Wed)University <strong>of</strong> Melbourne 13 63 52Course Information Day Parkville Campuswww.cop.unimelb.edu.au9.00am – 5.00pm10.00am – 2.30pmDec 17–21 &24Dec 19 (Wed)Victoria University 1300 842 864Course Information Days at Footscray Park Campuswww.vu.edu.au/change9.00am – 5.00pm10.00am – 4.00pm4.00pm ‐7.00pm4.00pm – 7.00pmDec 17 ‐ 21Dec 22 (Sat)Dec 19 (Wed)Dec 20 (Thurs)William Angliss 1300 264 5477Change <strong>of</strong> Preference Information Sessionhttp://www.angliss.edu.au/8.30am – 5.00pm10.00am – 2.00pmDec 17 – 22Dec 20 (Thur)VTACVCE results and ATAR releasedwww.vtac.edu.au7.00amDec 17 (Mon)<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

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