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Qingdao<strong>KUALA</strong> <strong>LUMPUR</strong> -<strong>rFlight</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> KongtArriye <strong>Hong</strong> Kong, tale connecting flight lo Pearl ofthe Yellow Sea - Qingdao.rCheck in hotel.I After brealfast, visil the Beer Museum,i Zhan Bridge - also knorn as Qianhai Zhan Bridge,t{anhaiZhan Bridge and Grand Pier, is lhe icon olQingdao city. Il was built in 1892, starting from thesoulhern cnd ofZhongshan Road and stletchingin<strong>to</strong> the broad sea in the end and it can beregarded as a construclion as old as oingdao city.* Badaguan - name after the eighl famous militaryforts, renowned as a building group ol distinclivearchitecturalin China. The Badaguan Scenic Areahaying a fantaslic mi ure of garden and courlyardbeauty. Avide range and various differenl styles olvillas rhich [as built by the loreigners during thecolony period can be found here. Thus theBadaguan also called as "Exposition Zone oflheWorld Architectures".* The llay Fourlh Square - il was built lo commemo.rate the signilicance of Siangdao City in the llayFourth iloyement. A majestic sculptures "ilay'sIYind'also located on lhe squale,i 0ingdao lnlernalionalMarina & 0 ymp c sailingCenter (0SC) . The 29th olympic Games in 2008 aswell as the 13th Paralympics Games vere heldhere.lVisil <strong>to</strong> Xiaoyushan Park, a hill park which you canhaye a bird eye yief, of oingdao beautiful scenery.The red rootiops, green trees, blue sea and azuresky,r Visit <strong>to</strong> River 8ay [luzhan Slreel and 0 ngdao TVTovlertll!useum olSino.Japanese lvar -lakes lhe BeiyangNavy and lhe SinoJapanese War as its theme, theculturalaircrafls oflhe war, the headquarler oftheBliyang llavy was erhibit in thr museum.i Proceed<strong>to</strong>lhe Korean Fashion City forshopping.ll is thr largest Korean fashion f,holesale city inChina,*Visil one ol the main symbolslructure in Weihai-The Happiness Gale,*Proceed<strong>to</strong>Yanlai, visit lll Yantai Park.*Atter breaftfast, visit Pengla Payilion - Localed on<strong>to</strong>p of Danya l{ountain, it is one ofthe four famousancient lowers in China. There is a legend thateight immorlals crossed lhe sea using lheir specialpof,ers after they gol drunk in the PenglaiPavilion.Thereatter, the Penglai Pavilion also beingregarded as "Fairy Land".rPenglai Water City - the mosl complete ancienlmilitary water base in China.rProceed <strong>to</strong> Z bo, visit the L nzi lluseum ol Anc enlChar ots. lt is the only museum in China [hicherhibits lhe chariols and olher land yehicles fromancient limes tillthe present.lreasures are still yiell preservedthere until <strong>to</strong>day.iThe Confucius Foresl - lhe <strong>to</strong>mb ofConlucius andhis descendanls.iConfucius Cuisine lo be seryed for lunch,* Conlin uc journey <strong>to</strong> J inan - the province city ofShandong Province, also named as the City o'Founlains and llalional Distinguished His<strong>to</strong>ricaland Cultural Cily, ll is located al the riyer ba[k ofYellow RiYer.tVisit Daming Lake, Baotu Spring and Baot! Square.rShardong Ru" cuisire lo be seryed lor dinner.Jll{AI,l - WEIFAl{G(Bre akf a s t, Lun ch, D i nne r)rDepai by coach <strong>to</strong> weifang. Visil zhou village.tvisit lhe fanous Yang Cultural Garden, uhich hashad 500 years of his<strong>to</strong>ryrDumpling Banquet uill be served for lunch.tcontinue lo War Horse Pil - a <strong>to</strong>mb ofQiDynastywhich buried 500 of horses for more lhan 2000years ago.*Weifang cuisifle <strong>to</strong> be served for dinner.tProceed lo Qingdao, visil the Taoism llounlain -Laoshan ll<strong>to</strong>untain. Visit the oldesl Taoism Temple- TaiQing Palace.tContinue visit <strong>to</strong> German Governols Residence andKang You lvei Residence.tJiao Dong Cuisine lo be seryed fordinner.,tAfter dinner, yisit Tai Dong l,light lrarkel.rDepart by coach <strong>to</strong> Tai An.iVisitthe mosl welllnorn mountain - Mt,Taishan.Tale a cable car ride up and yisil <strong>to</strong> Jade EmpelorPeak, Sky Slreet and Southern Sky Gale.tTaishan Cuisine will be seryed for dinner,QINGDAO - HOI{G KOilG*Afler breaKasl, transfer<strong>to</strong> airportror a flight backlo l(uala Lumpur (transit in <strong>Hong</strong> (orgltrith happymemorics and tillue mecl again,Departure*Atter brealfast, proceed <strong>to</strong> Weihai and visit theLiugong s and - also known as "a lairy isle on thesea" and "a Garden ol en" due (o the it's naturalbeauty and pleasanl climate.lt is an importantlsland in China, f,hen the Beiyang Fleet was firstfounded here and the tilst Sino*Japanese Waroccurred on lhis island as well,rDepan by coach lo lhe Soared City of the East -0ufu lt is the birthplace ol Confucius, a smallantique city with more lhan 5000 years ol his<strong>to</strong>ry30% ofthe population at oulu arc lrom lhegeneration of Confucius.rThe Temple of Confuclus - a place where sacrificesmade <strong>to</strong> the sage. The Confucius temple is a groupof grand building built in orientalslyle.rThe Residence of Confucius - place yhete thedescendants of the Confucius lived. llumerousTour FareAdult*; a/Yfr GTT ----,= 4 rrr- \!72 ACt llrnr(olhdhi t.eJGolden Tourworld TravelChild* Booking Terms & conditions Apply

-2013*#*Efr-tEE**frttt, H*fi ftfi 4-!E*Hf; &ffi 4frEfr!E,s fi.*frTHE, ATEIE,*+EE, *4BEB&€"rfitl - fiTEEE+, 5fififiEE+fi(J+drfid-*H*, r&E6r1SIE, *A'frflEil', Z-E" A*T*S+A+ (a,rl8e2S ) , EFSEFfrlE*" flfi8,k, AK44oXffi*$F, EEEf'r*fr"*/rii( - t€ 'r'EefiEfrE' 2#, H*+E34rtH*i+t,h "+EE+EAiilr" "/(*inEERBBS+ElEtEtrtf , trUIE+*frg7*&fiTEEffifti;'IE"rEEr-fi - EI[sEdrm€*" FEfili*EtrE,TEftiE' TBNETET66"rEfi +JT - 4EEE*8f; f,ffi +,i'dEEEh*fA+4i, E,7i0EEEAtffi **fttTE'fl82il" meHi" 2008+H2sEEE*il138*4**'fitr*fiE&Bs+fiSr"r#Ei\6LIAE, fi846 rlt, rtE$iiE-*fi,IENfr, fiXEEffifiEEf-HE+"r *E#HEE;it& i6 €4";t"" , r"lB45*, 842*, EfiEfl12es+*, EriEtiE*z-"rlififrffifi. #Hffi6draE.EE-E*-'EE{+, +. mE lrE€8, 8ifr64**B - EE+E#tE*i&2-, tEfittftif+Sr^fi [EZS, EttEf, 'lrEl{ilH" , E*ftilrSfi, trHlll'drE*#'*#Tt, d.rf, ,(ElEf, -4, E+EEtrsAff EE"i*fi, fiil+ffiE$#md, EfrSr3AE, 8f,25n+r*, fi drSE, EtftfifirrlE4"r ES4fr E f I E tfrlE* rB *,8 E,*nu*t#H, 644ErE-tr'r-+ U+S+ft tliEr8nffifl6*frt€{EH&E - i+SfE" 6+GlEffi ,lTEt*4ttr+, trE+fr 6tr*+, fiiEtit+, tltEfri&#aE+, &![Hfrtr, ,l#,Hfri, tfl€H+fir4&8Efi.**+trt#h, S*G'IT4-fi' Z#STEHAn,B+ifrH"r *4EE iE+*t fl ++EtH!6t€Rfr t4 E "r+fff*&+8"rE4ftJSh I E*ilstHf Etfi H:+E{tEE+EAZE" E+F+4ffiSB, fiftSmE*€, fEIL=84fl fi 9[^'EE, frig.z*., *eZ*,+r+["rftfff*#EE**"*iiftEB, #EEA*rI - Hdr" EEEE*IEE#[fitr$d], t*EE, E+ft€, drEHE" llrtfi Et,Eg, nSrIE{EEiefl HF*siEE, Sdrtfit*x, tfiFH, Trt*fi"*E#HLOq€ --{Ff fifiEEAiEEEEEq, Mf,.EEfi'" E*flHEhfrE"*mff,*ffi.+Em*, E#Eaf;efi"*iiE,*E, 64*t "fiEB*' . ',61$fi',fi'Tnft!ftil' HffiFliias" fi+dEEE, fijtdrheHEfi t!fi IxltBH, &Effi lE&EEEfitt&" fl AHE+Et{tH-lEE "it#?i[r'HIE+il, 1 8e4+f'r+ E 4+E&tttEUHHif il6u" fi +, ?!t*Eg fliitS,!ittfi €Etx.tHHtxt"r*4F+[1i+4ArE - E4,AE!ttE&€, Ult#fi Efl F+&+r+8" 1ee4+, ii+EEf; ttf;ilEEtSrti S+ft +fr S€EBHfi .iEIE*E++EEifrt#EnE*ft &fi 6 - sEEi*fift6"rfl dfiEEa\EnE+E2ir" r##,t'dEzil_:li r; /r-ll-7l\\X GTT.4 \rz,Golden Tourworld Travelr*+iit+!, *rlffitrtfi"r#*,t+trt$HE#EEZStt+ LI" #HiEF.f;EffiH^ r, xEi, *=+, *EErlnEClr+r mE&**il*"ii+iiftf f,i*Efi - frF, fiEfl.+tiftr, E-Et€tEsr,l'S" fi Ffi fi 8^4,ilfr t E++E*.. lfr L* E7 EttZ=+" TEFHH+IE. 7tF4flfi"r1,E* - E*frt?fi,tf , Efi#fieHmf,"r?LF - fi+fiE+,i, r.4UEAts, El.+H41,iS,Ee, tE+EltEil*+44fi Effi e-firEu..* L# - EltnEtfiffi+EEt" it3000E,EtntEHEinEHE*HtlEEfi " SrAtt+*, 86ff#, Efid#"r+8ff*{F*8"i #+*+HftffB, ndrfg€*, IaFS" Edlfgfif, 5#e1t+4:., XEet;ilE"rsHfr=**En , tE*Efl" *!n#E*fE, FEEl, Efi "EEfit=Efl, -fiLlE+fiil'2-8"rE#EFfiTJ'"r EEf;*Ufe*E*8"lEEE, ET-IfltfiH*E{tiEEEEfi ( EE+ft) . *l*Hrr,fi EUeTiiftiffi iE"SAEH,E#fiA ,1,*fllbftEi# rmr're* I

LocalAgentI ,eE/fi*/EAfl€sff;fiea,*=xs& 3518{1.i' FH!E&&tEts.. rI 1000(sl)/ E+/Ir{/Atr=/+*/lFilt&ill,*h .. .. rI 2000(6.r,)/ H*rll.. ri .ooo(€.r,)I RESERVAIIOTI/DEPOSII/TUIL PAYiIEI{T9Deposlt musl b. pald upoi r€.€dation.nd ths balanc.musl be paid 35 days prior <strong>to</strong> dep.duror' full Dayn.it upon l!s! alion ior FIT boo*ingr' Less than 5days lour r500p/p/Asean, Regionalr'1000 p/p/Japen, Au.lralia, iddl. East,Soulh Alrica, N.w ZealandEurope, USA82000p/p/ SoulhAm€rica 4000p/p2 CAt{CEU,AIt0il/P0SIP0IEi!EIT Cl{AR0Eonce bookd,. b.ric .dninhtnlion f.. R 200 psr ps.son45 days b.lore dep.rlure. ...RX1000 per peBon30 days b.fore departure. . . .RX2000 per p*son21 days befoB d€p.dure...........50% of lour far.3TRAVEI DOCUMETIIIt i3 pdsenge/. re.ponsibility <strong>to</strong> ensure lh.t lhey h.v. .vald inlemation.l passpon, relev.nl vis.s & hellthcedilicates if r.quired and anple lim€ nusl be giy€n <strong>to</strong>GTT lor visa applicalion.4IOUR FARE INCLUDESR€tumecononyclassairticle<strong>to</strong>nnomalsrcupGVl0orspecial Prcnochss Gv4, GVz Tnnster betre€naiponand holer vie veBa-(Lodl) Hotel.ccomnodalion onFhose llavelling alone ev€ry €fron$llbe m.de lor ash.@r@m ba3i3, or olhe ise, a single supplemenich.lge.ppli.. or tnph€h.r.).:::.Tripr.sh.c i@r is bas€dontrin bed lhonerollIeals as indicated h the ilin.6ry. Sighlseeing and rel.tedAdmissioi lees as indicared in tne irineraryTour laru h subi.ct <strong>to</strong> ch.ng. without prior rolic. dus <strong>to</strong>curency flucluation or incc.s. in airhE due lo oil price5IOUR FARE EX<strong>CI</strong>UDESAipon tar luel sucharge, licrel ii.uance (YO), visale3, porttar.nd sedice l@,l.undry eres3 bagg.gocharye, beverage, room s. ice, r6olh itemsdamaseduring lhr ccupancy, pel6onaland b.ggage insunnce,grtuities 1o driver and loor Bcort, US Cus<strong>to</strong>mFee/lmmigrliion Td and .ll items of peEonal raturc. Allollhe alove chaqes shallbe bom.d enli.el, by li.lourmomberand is subiecl lo ch.nge EEct amoontfillb.based on the due dale of tcket issue. Any difleEnce hav.ro bs loPp€d uP by rhe rour menb€r6 <strong>CI</strong>IILO FAREChild l.re is bsed on shanng room rith two adullsAsurcharge will be lmpos.d lor a.hild who occupEs ar@n with only on€ adult7 GROUTID TOUR IIA}IDLIIIGOr Gompany .nde.vouE !o previde erclusivogroundhandlins llaisportation and sishG€eins seMces.Hor.v6r <strong>to</strong>ur hembers nay be placed on a seal-'n comDany *herenecessary due lo hsulllcient group si4,E EXTEIISIOII OF STAYI Enension of iick€t must be infomed.i ih. iim. ol, En€nsion ol tic*.t is onl, p€mitled al lhe l..l slop bulsubiect lo ainarc dittelance I seat contlmalion by the*Airporl lran.fer *ill nol be provlded,!nformation >BAGGAGEf B.ggage allowance of20 kilograms pel passeiser.(Att bagg.ges .t o*n.fs nsk unt6s ins!red).,The conpaiy assum€s no esponsibility for any loss ordamagelo baggageor belongings hheck€!.in othand{.ri.d) ehilst they are in the cus<strong>to</strong>dy ol th€ anlin€s,othern nsport iion comp.nies, accomnodation supplies.tloftver, lhe compa.y wrll assist you in filing lhe Bleyantcl.im (e-g in th. airpon) provlded il does nol inl€dsre *ithlhe conduct ol the <strong>to</strong>ur or olher membeB ot th. iour groupIO RESPONSIBILITYThe ory.niz€r, GrI, act as an agent for th. transportationcompanies, hotels.nd olh€r principals lor ths lou,proglamnes. GTT accepts no Esponsibilit for any loss,injuryordamage lo you or your belonginss or Gsultingdirecllyfrom any @cuEnc.s b.yond it. conlrol includinEbreatdown in.quipment, si kes, thetl,dehys, medicalorcuB<strong>to</strong>ms r€gularions, cancellations, change in ilinelary ofschedules,elc Trav€ldocunenrr are lhe r€spo.ribility ofPersonstakingthe<strong>to</strong>urs Theorg.nis.6reseryeth€righlioalter itiner.ri.s tEvel arrang.ments, hotel accommodationeseryed etc, illhis i. nec.ssry or in the e.e ol <strong>to</strong>rcenaieurc.Ihe Company Esedes the rishi <strong>to</strong> cancel land<strong>to</strong>orprior<strong>to</strong> doparture ror any reasons, including insdncienlrumber of plrlicip.niB Shouldihi. happ.n ih...ft€ p.ymenlqillbeEfunded w houtludh* obligaiions on lhe parlotihecompany. GTT also rcseffes lhe ght <strong>to</strong> EquE any iidiyduallo wiihdrawlrom the lour if ii i. d.emed lhat hisaclorconducl is detnnental lo or incompatible wiih ih. intere.t,harmony andwellare of olher clienls and lhelour as a wholeand GTTshallbe und.r no lunher liebility themfler <strong>to</strong> anysuch person, flo gudes, iour leadeB orolher employ.es oragenlolGTTisaulhou sediocommitthecompanyroanyliabilitywh.lso.ver and lh. company $llnol be bounded byany st.tement or reprus.nl.tion unl€ss il i. in yriting andsigned by a ma.agementer€culive of the company- Thespocialantukel issued is based on group lravel andresinci.d lo respetive ai.line.ll is skiclly non+rdoEabl€, no.{€tundable andnon{erout ble Alrerarion on lhe rouling or dale ol kayel is alihe passenge/soun nsk- No refund*illb€ mad.loanyPecoi <strong>to</strong>r unus.d airiicket orwho do not uiilize any meal andsighls.ainE <strong>to</strong>ur or acconmodalion nol use in pan or full,* Fordis.bl.( hendicapped individuals pass€nseE, Il .houldbe accomp.nied by his/hor o*n lahily rclalives lorIhe organis€E strongly urye all the inlending p.s..nEeB io.quip th.mselves with all specEl c!re /or ne€ds ihey may1I IRAVET INSURAT{CEAlllourmenbers areencouraged io buy kav.l insur.nc€ <strong>to</strong>sategu.rd rh.mselves againsl 3ictness, loss ol mone,canc.llation, llight d.l.ys or lost baggageA.suded thos. patseneq joi^hg ott <strong>to</strong>tt h.@ .te.dy <strong>to</strong>.n_hd*st.nd dagrethe<strong>to</strong>tinlo .ljons,* Duration of<strong>to</strong>ur in tem! of DAYS includes dayoldepanurc and day ol reluri, Noithn ol lh.s. are lull dayrI Neirher GTT norits agenBshallb. o. be@mc liable or Bpomiblefor any losr or d.nag. ruff.red byth.<strong>to</strong>ur memblrin co.n4tionwilh a ny .ccon mod.lio n tansport.tion or an, olher in.identrl.harge lheE <strong>to</strong> resullino diEctly or indirectlylrom impEperolinsufi cie.l passporl vie orolherdeumenls, hof,ev.r.rbinq orrei.clior ol.ntry pon by the Elevsnl.ulhodti.s and n.ilher 0TTnor Age[B]3hall be bocon€ li.bl. ,or .ny .ddition.l e4.n..s orliabifti.s incured bythe<strong>to</strong>ur ftmDer incl$iv. of.ny r.qo*t lor6luid ol th. <strong>to</strong>ur pnc. paid as. Esun of the forcgin! cl.use* No rclu^d value on unutilised s.clorol.n ck.l, crnc.lklion ol<strong>to</strong>ur due visa rujaclion willbe ch.rsedseo ice/d oc u me ntaion f.€si.,!t*Ee, tintrE. rlin Et*{ti.i Ef 1rEEff Eli5EE*dA. tE6E#++E-l,EF',ilAFnr,r-r2 EHT/JIIE*/ilHG:ere-atutE,itln+ri!T:flgE, E-H rI 200(s,,'.)4s iEEE,H nr 1000(i,()d&630i8{BE rr 2000(El,/ U&i4'21rEERB, +ErE* 50%3 f,fil*r€4f, EIiEE+4E6fl €dt2EFFR. 6*f94tr&r4EB+(!:+ri+ ).f Efl f fl a2auGfi i6ft FJ*fi 4E,4 TTEfi*EE*&$Sfl F(Gv10AGv1,Gv2),1t{lE4IEEiE&E. E6Uf, l+B-ril3F*Flr4.,.rrxr* EtEt'-4.r.*f; -En,(E EiE+.LEE-BitI{=.LEE)-,+3 lGEElln,l.E!t fiACrF"tr1. #Et*n^il=f fi Rt; Efr ti[EB,'reEdLE*ft df, mi*+*rslE*rrETBr(tjb)itr"5 Ef,,FEffiEAfEffrftlF. flEA fiflFhf, tl5fi+REA riir* E*e fi+8Et.tEiEiEEtsEffiS', EFJSU*F{*'E EI=TEF*{li, FEEEIE* *t'itfl,E4-s,HE6$,afl. BB/5tr$din-!rlt4Etl2&8"6 Jl!trtJr.E&f; Efl 85f, &El*f; -Et€EtE+F"f, *EtX 5-tril^rrE-8.8fi fi r+tE-? [E$EE*&ltrt10&flilFET #Ei EiI*+*F^"0&tEE-$6+ffti" usl-tEElE.S ETEEffFIEtEE*EE 4etfr 8tsdrEefi it*.fl*2EEAnFSSAA2f .fiAf,A6tf-*aa4EsaEEf,&tlEffi i r4&kB.sfi+rfi +,o.E20Af 6,FEtiEF" 6&E+,E1Ett+ttt*4h6,+Ad6fiEEflirjqi6.6Ert 6erdsErs&lir6+tErE4EE2E6EiEU*etrE*.r0itE{f }+t}Aa,EElic+€EE. Erlf, Aage*r,tE.EEHE. rfttrgixEd2Gn,(EfiE*rF6iatErr. *r. f,s. EB. Ef. fiE4it*fr++)Efr EE+9S6*fr{fr*,4E8.ia#E&liE2F*4BH++,era-Eif, fi *"EEEBlifiifrE&fiI#.t4aa*EAfl ,^4*EFIEdltEf E. iiEt*, fiEiqEE*+, H*li6,esEdEtFE tAdtsF&it&#EBftiE.E*EHF 1f,fi t4EE,AA$ti*ft Et-f, iE. *8f, EEf a4f ,EEE{ltEEn?tEB2fl t. ft EnFS,tAdEE+IEUT1'8fr 4EAE{8fi UFzFEE$. T$. iEEdRBAqTEft,.\AY5EIB64"B/d ;l E4 E I E2 +Etfr i,An TEEitr *{1 ft 2'9*.EItEEA&E+*4t<strong>to</strong>ElEEA.*En*f H{Elt*.9Tfr iE3, EIiIAft E+*EEZfIF,ITfr E*" fi E{ITE#'IEfi ftfi{IF. Eff AXgff Ifi ?L\A,F*iE*. *.it4F liE,,iEfi EF I'E4EEES,iIAEli ft *E1E*Ii. RE",+fl*E*ES1+, t=*tEFEi'frr.'ti *F' tHfit*",i ftfifrEflE4f,trt^fifieE, ureH4efl. s*. E9rE+r!48"} UEI'EIt z/\\ri ,-rrA IGTT)t \r7uGOIDEN TOURWORLD TravelT2Wisma GTT, Canqkat Bukit Bintanq (AdiacentJalan Alor ),s0200 Kuala Lumpur. Fax. o 3-2142 9882 / 2l l8 7365n.ketingTet: 03-2118 72OO rax: os-2118 7211(lll) Sdn. Bhd ""*",*"n,E-mail : enquiry@gtt.com.myWWW.gtt.COm,my t Handl€ company lncentive & ftivate TourE fST&Yig'tE'l5tNr1274, Jalan SSZ24 47300 Pela ing Jayare<strong>to</strong>r7875 5332. Fa,:03-7875 1005.e-mai| <strong>to</strong>u@letsin.com my

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