HSC-300 HSCU-300 - Sony Professional Solutions Asia Pacific

HSC-300 HSCU-300 - Sony Professional Solutions Asia Pacific HSC-300 HSCU-300 - Sony Professional Solutions Asia Pacific

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HSC-300HD/SD System CameraHSCU-300Camera Control Unit

<strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>HD/SD System Camera<strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>Camera Control Unit

Opening a New World ofHD ProductionOver the years, <strong>Sony</strong>’s standard-definition (SD) and high-definition (HD) productioncameras have been widely accepted by a great number of video professionalsaround the world, due to their excellent picture performance and system versatility.<strong>Sony</strong> is now proud to introduce the new <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> HD/SD System Camera equippedwith newly developed digital triax technology, which allows systems to be configuredwith conventional triax.The <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera supports versatile applications for HD with a high-quality SDoutput. It uses the latest 14-bit A/D conversion circuit as well as the superb 2/3-inchPower HAD FX CCDs to bring out high picture quality.Together with the highly compact 1.5 RU-size <strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong> Camera Control Unit, the<strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera offers a broad choice of system configurations including theMSU-950/900 Master Setup Unit. Thus, the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> can be used in a large-scalebroadcasting system consisting of multiple cameras or as a simple studio system.The <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> also offers large-lens operation in combination with <strong>Sony</strong>’s HDLA-1500Series Large Lens Adaptors, which are accepted worldwide for the operation with HDCSeries cameras. These Lens adaptors, featuring a unique “Quick Mount” design, helpto maximize the operability of the camera.With a variety of beneficial functions packed into the camera, such as its Focus Assistfunction, the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> provides genuine user-friendliness.2

Excellent Picture QualitySophisticated Power HAD FX CCDThe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera is equipped with field-proven2/3-inch type full-resolution 1920 x 1080 HD PowerHAD FX CCDs.Due to <strong>Sony</strong>’s advanced sensor technologies,the CCD imager offers a high sensitivity of F10 for59.94 Hz and F11 for 50 Hz with high signal-to-noiseratios (S/N) of -55 dB (HD) and -65 dB (NTSC)/-63 dB (PAL). All of these excellent featurescapture high-quality pictures in all kinds ofdemanding shooting environments.In addition to the camera’s high performance,a wide range of capturing modes areavailable including 1080/50i, 1080/59.94i,720/50P, 720/59.94P, 576/50i, and 480/59.94i.High-quality 14-bit A/D Conversion andDSP LSIThe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera incorporates a highperformance14-bit A/D converter that enablesimages captured by the high-performance CCDsto be processed with maximum precision.Also, the newly incorporated Auto Lens AberrationCompensation function can optimize lensperformance to provide stunning picture quality.System VersatilityDigital Triax OperationThe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera utilizes a very high-qualitydigital triax system that expands its operability infield applications, as well as for studio production.The <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>’s digital triax system can beintegrated into conventional triax-basedinfrastructures, enabling an easy upgrade fromexisting systems.The newly developed digital triax transmissionsystem offers long cable runs of up to 1800 m(5906 feet)* via a ø14.5 mm cable between thecamera and the CCU.* The maximum cable length depends on the camera systemconfiguration, lens type, and the number of cable connections.Versatile Camera InterfacesThe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera provides a wide range ofinputs and outputs via the connector panel suchas HD-SDI output, SD-SDI output, VF signal, returnsignal, and SDI Prompter signal.What’s more, an intercom channel (ENG/PROD) isalso provided.System CompatibilityThe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera is fully compatible with<strong>Sony</strong>’s current master setup units (MSU) andremote control panels (RCP). This flexibility allowsfor comprehensive camera systems or simplepoint-to-point systems.Large Lens OperationIn addition to the compatible devices mentionedabove, the highly flexible HDLA-1500, HDLA-1505,and HDLA-1507 Large Lens Adaptors are alsoavailable.These adaptors allow the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> to be usedfor many different applications and for usersto choose the optimum viewfinder forthe production. Thiscapability makes the<strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> the mostflexible portablecamera in its class.Installing the HDLA-1500/1505/1507Large Lens Adaptor is verysimple and eliminates timeconsumingadjustments suchas lens centering or additional wiring.Versatile System Configuration - <strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>The <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera offers flexible configurationwith the highly compact 1.5 RU-size <strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>Camera Control Unit, creating a standardized19-inch rack system that is ideal for space-limitedproduction areas.The <strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong> can connect the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> with theMSU-950/900 Master Setup Unit, which enablesthe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> to be used as a simple studio systemor as part of a large-scale broadcasting systemconsisting of multiple cameras.Equipped with the latest <strong>Sony</strong>-developed digitaltransmission technology, the <strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong> cantransmit high-resolution pictures between thecamera and CCU, regardless of the cable length.The <strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong> features flexible interfaces ofselectable inputs/outputs between HD-SDI andSD-SDI.<strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>3

Operating VersatilityRobust DesignIn order to survive the stresses of professional use,the main chassis of the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> is made of amagnesium-alloy casting. This rigid body makesthe camera highly durable and helps to protectits lightweight precision components such as theintegrated optical and electronics.In addition, the outside cover panel is designedas a dual structure consisting of a main structureand a cover part. Due to this revolutionarystructure, the cover can be replaced easily ifdamaged, thereby protecting the value of yourasset.Focus Assist FunctionsFor easier focusing through the viewfinder,two types of focus assist functions are newlyincorporated to the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> Series: ViewfinderDetail and Focus Assist Indicator. To intuitivelyrecognize a focusing point, users of the cameracan add dedicated image-enhancing edgesignals directly to the viewfinder as “ViewfinderDetail”. The “Focus Assist Indicator” is a helpful toolfor manual focus adjustments as a “focus meter”.An indicator is displayed at the bottom or otherpositions of the viewfinder frame, enabling users tomake more accurate and fine focus adjustments.Optimized Handle Shape forStable ShootingThe newly designed carrying handle enhancesthe camera’s operability.A protrusion positioned on the front of the handleenables users to hold the camera with addedstability while shooting.In addition, the non-slip structure of its lowersurface helps users to grasp the handle firmly.ND/CC Dual Optical Servo Filters MountedMagnesium-alloy casting bodyPosition-adjustable Shoulder PadThe position of the shoulder pad can be adjusted– either forwards or backwards – to provideusers with the optimum weight balance. This isparticularly useful when the camera is dockedwith any type of lens or camera adaptor. Inaddition, no tool is required for this adjustment.The <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera is equipped with NeutralDensity (ND) and Color Correction (CC) opticalservo filter units, which can be remotely controlledfrom a remote control panel (RCP) or a mastersetup unit (MSU).Function-assignable SwitchesThe <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> camera has dedicated ‘assignableswitches’ available for frequently used functions.Located on both the side and rear panels, theseswitches allow functions such as electroniccolor-temperature conversion to be assigned asrequired.Buttons on the handle are also available asfunction-assignable switches.All of these switches greatly enhance thecamera’s operational convenience.Other Convenient Features• “Memory Stick” operation for storage or recall ofparameters• Built-in high-quality down converter for superiorSD images4

Creative VersatilitySelection of Multiple Gamma TablesIn addition to artistic and skillful lighting, in-cameragamma setting plays an important role in dealingwith contrast range and giving a specific “look” toan image.In order to meet a broad array of customerdemands, seven types of standard-gamma andfour types of hyper-gamma tables are provided.HyperGammaHyperGamma is a set of new transfer functionsdesigned to provide powerful contrast handlingby making maximum use of the capacity andwide dynamic range of the Power HAD FX CCDsensor.These functions are quickly accessed via the setupmenu, and camera operators can select onecurve from a choice of four that best suits theirneeds and conditions.For example, they can select to enhance naturalreproduction in low-key areas to achieve greaterflexibility in wide dynamic scenes.Low Light ConditionHigh Contrast SceneMulti-matrixThe Multi-matrix function of the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong> cameraallows color adjustments to be applied over thecolor range specified by the operator. The colorspectrum is divided into 16 areas of adjustment,where the hue and/or saturation of each areacan be modified. This function is especially usefulwhen only the hue of certain colors needs to beadjusted for special-effects work.Multi-matrix is extremely effective for capturingimages with similar color tone in a system configuredwith existing SD cameras or other models of camera.This function enables the picture from anothermodel of camera to be easily matched.Multi-matrix OFFMulti-matrix ONSimulated imagesLow-key SaturationWith conventional cameras, low light areas canbe subject to a reduction in saturation. This canresult in colors in those areas being “washed-out”.The Low-key Saturation function on the <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>camera eliminates this problem by optimizing theamplification of color saturation at low light levels,providing more natural color reproduction.Output [%]12010080Low-key Saturation OFFLow-key Saturation ON6040StandardHyperGamma 120HyperGamma 2HyperGamma 3HyperGamma 400 100 200 <strong>300</strong> 400 500 600HyperGamma curveIutput [%]Knee SaturationTraditionally, shooting very bright portions of anobject (such as key light conditions from a person’sforehead) can reduce color saturation andchange the hue in highlight areas. The <strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>camera adopts a Knee Saturation function, whichreduces this “washed-out” effect on saturation andhue change to a minimum, and achieves far morenatural color reproduction in highlight areas.Knee Saturation OFFKnee Saturation ONSimulated images5

Optional AccessoriesHDLA1500Large Lens Adaptor(for attachment of the HDVF-700A/EL100)HDLA1505Large Lens Adaptor(for attachment of the HDVF-C950W/C730W/550)HDLA1507Large Viewfinder Adaptor(for attachment of the HDVF-700A/EL100)RCP-920/921Remote Control Panel(Photo shows RCP-920)RCP-700/701Remote Control Panel(Photo shows RCP-700)RCP-750/751Remote Control Panel(Photo shows RCP-750)HDVF-2002.0-inch* CRT B/W ViewfinderHDVF-5505.0-inch* CRT B/W ViewfinderHDVF-C35W3.5-inch* LCD Color ViewfinderHDVF-C730W6.3-inch* LCD Color ViewfinderHDVF-C950W9.0-inch* LCD Color ViewfinderCAC-12Microphone HolderCAC-6Return Video SelectorVCT-14Tripod Adaptor* Viewable area measured diagonallyControl/Intercom Panels and ConnectorsFront PanelOperation PanelConnector PanelRET1RET234RET CTRLREMOTEPGM1LEVEL MICREAR ONPGM2ASSIGNABLEDISPLAYOFFDC OUTTRACKERPROMPTER/GENLOCK/RETFRONT OFFPROD INCOMMENUMIC1LINE MIC +48V FRONT REAR LINE MIC +48VTESTOUTRear PanelENGINTERCOM EARPHONE(for 60 Hz countries)DC IN 10.5-17VAUDIO INCH1CH2SDIRET1RET234PGM1 PGM2ASSIGNABLEDISPLAYMICLINE PRODOFFOFFMENULEVELENGREAR ENG PROD TRACKERFRONTINTERCOM EARPHONE(for 50 Hz countries)6

System Configuration ExampleMicrophoneHDVF-200/C35WViewfinderHDVF-550/C730W/C950WViewfinderPicture MonitorWaveformMonitorCAC-12MicrophoneHolderIntercom HeadsetReturnVideo InputVideo RouterZOOM Lens(for ENG/EFP)“Memory Stick”<strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>Triax CableSync Input<strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>CameraControl UnitPromoterVideo InputLAN CableVideo OutputHD-SDI/SD-SDI/VBSto router/switcherVCT-14Tripod AdaptorCAC-6Return VideoSelectorCCA-5 CableLAN CableHubTripod forPortable CameraHDVF-550/C730W/C950WViewfinderMSU-900/950Master Setup UnitRCP-700/900 SeriesRemote Control PanelLAN CableTriax Cable<strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>Camera Control Unit<strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>CCA-5 CableZOOM Lens(for studio use)HDLA 1500 SeriesLarge Lens AdaptorBKP-791Script HolderRCP-700/900 SeriesRemote Control Panel7

Specifications<strong>HSC</strong>-<strong>300</strong>GeneralPower requirements180 V DC, 1.0 A (max.), 12 V DC, 7 A (max.)Operating temperature-20 °C to +45 °C ( -4 °F to +113 °F)Storage temperature-20 °C to +60 °C ( -4 °F to +140 °F)Mass4.5 kg (9 lb 15 oz)CameraPickup device3-chip 2/3-inch type, Progressive Scan Power HAD FX CCDEffective picture elements (H x V) 1920 x 1080Signal format 1080/50i, 59.94i, 720/50P, 59.94P, 480/59.94i, 576/50iSpectrum systemF1.4 prism systemLens mount<strong>Sony</strong> bayonet mountBuilt-in filters CC A: CROSS, B: 3200 K, C: 4<strong>300</strong> K, D: 6<strong>300</strong> KND 1: CLEAR, 2: 1/4ND, 3: 1/16ND, 4: 1/64NDSensitivityF10 (59.94 Hz)/F11 (50 Hz) at 2000 lx (3200 K, 89.9% reflectance)(at 2000 lx, 3200 K, 89.9% reflectance)Signal-to-noise ratio (typical) HD : -55 dB (1080i)SD : -65 dB at 59.94 Hz, -63 dB at 50 HzHorizontal resolutionHD : 1000 TV linesSD : 900 TV linesShutter speed selection1/100, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000 (s) (59.94i mode)1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000 (s) (50i mode)Modulation depthHD : 45% at 27.5 MHz (1080i)SD : 90% at 5 MHzInput/output connectorsAudio input (CH1, CH2)XLR 3-pin, female (1 each)For MIC: -60 dBu (may be selected to -20 dBu by menu or<strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong> operations), balancedFor LINE: 0 dBu, balancedMic 1 input XLR 3-pin, female (1)Return control input 6-pin (1)Prompter output/Genlock input/ BNC type (1), 1 Vp-p, 75 ΩReturn inputDC inputXLR 4-pin (1), 10.5 to 17 V DCDC output4-pin (1), 10.5 to 17 V DC, 0.5 A (max.)Test output BNC type (1)SDI output BNC type (1)Earphone output Stereo minijack (1)CCU Triax connector (1)Tracker 10-pin (1)Intercom XLR 5-pin, female (1)Remote 8-pin (1)Lens 12-pin (1)Viewfinder 20-pin (1)Supplied accessoriesOperating instruction (1)Cable clamp belt (1)Switch label (1)<strong>HSC</strong>U-<strong>300</strong>GeneralPower supply100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 HzOperating temperature5 °C to 40 °C (41 °F to 104 °F)Storage temperature-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Mass8.3 kg (18 lb 5 oz)Input/output connectorsCamera Triax (1)Kings type (for UC model)Fischer type (for CE model)Intercom/Tally/PGM D-sub 25-pin, female (1)• INCOM (PROD/ENG), 4W/RTS/CC, 0 dBu• TALLY (R, G)• PGM 2 systems, -20/0/+4 dBuRemote 8pin multi-connector (1)TrunkD-sub 9-pin, female (1), RS-422A 1 systemEthernet 8-pin (1)Input connectorsAC input100 to 240 V ACSerial return input BNC type (2)HD-SDI: SMPTE 292M, 0.8 Vp-p, 75 Ω, 1.485/1.4835 Gbps bit rateSD-SDI: SMPTE 259M, 270 Mbps bit rateHD-SDI/SD-SDI selectableVBS return input BNC type (2)VBS: 1.0 Vp-p, 75 ΩReference inputBNC type (2), loop-throughHD: SMPTE 274M, tri-level sync, 0.6 Vp-p, 75 ΩSD: Black burst (NTSC: 0.286 Vp-p, 75 Ω; PAL: 0.3 Vp-p, 75 Ω)Prompter inputBNC type (2), VBS signal, 1.0 Vp-p, 75 Ω, 2 chMic remote D-sub 15-pin, female (1)Output connectorsMic outputXLR 3-pin, male (2), 0/-20 dBuWF remote D-sub 15-pin, female (1)HD-SDI/SD-SDI output BNC type (2)HD-SDI: SMTPE 292M, 0.8 Vp-p, 75 Ω, 1.485/1.4835 Gbps bit rateSD-SDI: SMPTE 259M, 0.8 Vp-p, 75 Ω, 270 Mbps bit rateHD-SDI/SD-SDI selectableHD-SDI/SD-SDI monitor output BNC type (2)HD-SDI: SMTPE 292M, 0.8 Vp-p, 75 Ω, 1.485/1.4835 Gbps bit rateSD-SDI: SMPTE 259M, 0.8 Vp-p, 75 Ω, 270 Mbps bit rateHD-SDI/SD-SDI selectablePr/R/R-Y, Y/G/Y, Pb/B/B-YHD Component video: Y (100% white): 0.7 Vp-p,Pr/Pb (75% color bar): 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ΩHD RGB video R/G/B (100% white): 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ΩSD Component video: Y (100% white): 0.714 Vp-p,Pr/Pb (75% color bar): 0.756 Vp-p, 75 ΩSD RGB video R/G/B (100% white): 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ΩVBS OUTBNC (2), VBS 1.0 Vp-p, 75 ΩPIX OUT BNC (1), VBS/R/G/B (VBS 1.0 Vp-p, 75 Ω)WF OUT BNC (1), VBS/SEQ/R/G/B (VBS 1.0 Vp-p, 75 Ω)Sync out BNC type (1)HD: BTA-S001A, tri-level sync, 0.6 Vp-p, 75 ΩSD: composite sync, 0.3 Vp-p, 75 ΩHD SYNC/SD SYNC selectableWF mode 4-pin (1)Supplied accessoriesNumber plates (1 set)Operation manual (1)Distributed by©2009 <strong>Sony</strong> Corporation. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.Features and specifications are subject to change without notice.All non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.<strong>Sony</strong>, Memory Stick, Power HAD, and HDVS aretrademarks of <strong>Sony</strong> Corporation.MK10565V1OHB09MAR

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