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SM6 24 kV - vnpdc.com.vn

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Modular units<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Catalogue2004

<strong>SM6</strong> range3 to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>0ContentsPresentationThe experience of a world leader 2The range’s advantages 3The references of a leader 4Quality assurance 5Presentation<strong>SM6</strong> rangeField of application 6Units for all functions 8Operating conditions 14Main characteristics 15Factory-built cubicles description 16Compartments description 18Safety of people 20Telecontrol of power distribution networks <strong>24</strong>A range of FPIs for underground networks 25Description of the control/monitoring and protection functions 26<strong>SM6</strong> rangeCharacteristics of the functional unitsFunctional units selection 29Automatic switching controls 43Operating mechanisms 44Auxiliaries 47Motor option and releases for Evolis circuit breakers 48Current transformers 49Voltage transformers 51Protection transformers 53Motors protection with CRM units 54Interlocks 55Characteristics ofthe functional unitsConnectionsConnections selection table 58Cable-connection from below 59Cable-connection height 59Trenches depth 60Trench diagrams example 61ConnectionsInstallationDimensions and weights 63Units dimensions 64Layout examples 66Protecting the environment 67A full range of services 68InstallationAppendicesTrip curves for VIP 300 LL or LH relays 69Trip curves for VIP 200 and VIP 201 relays 70Trip curves for VIP 35 relays 71Fusarc CF fuses - Fuse and limitation curves 72Solefuse fuses - Fuse and limitation curves 73Order form 74Appendices1

Presentation The experience of a world leader 0MT20140The Schneider Electric group’s experience extends over forty yearsin factory-built cubicles and over twenty five years in SF6 technologyfor Medium Voltage switchgear.This experience means that today Schneider Electric can proposea <strong>com</strong>plementary range: DMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-S vacuum type circuitbreaker cubicles and internal arc cubicles 16 kA.1 s to reinforced the safetyof people.This gives you the advantage of unique experience, that of a world leader,with over half a million SF6 Medium Voltage units installed throughoutthe world.Putting this experience at your service and remaining attentive to yourrequirements is the spirit of active partnership that we want to developin offering you the <strong>SM6</strong> range.MT20141The modular <strong>SM6</strong> range is a range of harmonised cubicles equippedwith SF6 or vacuum air breaking technology switchgear.These cubicles allow you to produce all your Medium Voltage substationrequirements up to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> by superposing their various functions.The result of in-depth analysis of your requirements, both now and in thefuture, <strong>SM6</strong> cubicles mean that you can take advantage of all the featuresof both a modern and proven technology.1975: innovationSulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is first used in an MV switch for an MV/LVtransformer substation, with the VM6.1989: experienceOver 300,000 VM6 cubicles equipped networks throughout the world.1991: innovation and experienceCumulated with the second generation of <strong>SM6</strong> modular SF6 cubicles.2003: a leading positionb with over 600,000 <strong>SM6</strong> cubicles installed around the world,Schneider Electric consolidates its position as uncontested leaderin the Medium Voltage field.b development of the offer with the arrival of a range of vacuum typecircuit breaker cubicles.2

Presentation The range’s advantages 0MT20142Upgradability<strong>SM6</strong>, a <strong>com</strong>prehensive rangeb a <strong>com</strong>prehensive offer covering your current and future requirements;b a design adapted to the extension of your installations;b a catalogue of functions for all your applications;b a product designed to be in <strong>com</strong>pliance with standards constraints;b options to anticipate the telecontrol of your installations.PresentationMT20143Compactness<strong>SM6</strong>, an optimised rangeb <strong>com</strong>pact units, with low increment cubicles;b rationalised space requirement for switchboard installation;b reduction of civil works costs;b easy integration in factory-built outdoor substations for which the <strong>SM6</strong>is particularly well designed.MT20144Maintenance<strong>SM6</strong>, a range with reduced maintenanceb the active parts (breaking and earthing) are integrated in an SF6-filled,“sealed for life” unit;b the control mechanisms, are intented to function with reducedmaintenance under normal operating conditions;b enhanced electrical endurance when breaking.MT20145Ease of installation<strong>SM6</strong>, a simple range to incorporateb reduced dimensions and weights;b only one civil works layout;b a solution adapted to cable connection;b simplified switchboard busbar design.MT20146Ease and safe to operate<strong>SM6</strong>, a proven rangeb a three position switch to block incorrect switching;b the earthing disconnector has full closing capacity;b positive breaking of position indicators;b internal arcing withstand in the cable and switchgear <strong>com</strong>partments;b clear and animated display diagrams;b switching lever with an “anti-reflex” function;b <strong>com</strong>partmented cubicles.MT20147<strong>SM6</strong>: a range designed with telecontrol in mind<strong>SM6</strong> switchgear is perfectly adapted to telecontrol applications.Motorised, either when installed or at a later date on-site withoutany interruption in service, <strong>SM6</strong> <strong>com</strong>bines with the Easergy T200remote control interface. You therefore benefit from a ready-to connectunit that is easy to incorporate providing guaranteed switchgear operation.MT20148<strong>SM6</strong>: a range with adapted protection devicesWith the <strong>SM6</strong>, Schneider Electric proposes solutions for protectionand energy management; the Sepam and VIP or relay ranges protectinstallations, providing continuity of electrical supply and reducing downtime.3

I.5 Fecha de Iniciode CoberturaEs la fecha a partir de la cual cada uno de los Asegurados cuenta con la protección ofrecida eneste Contrato de Seguro.I.6 Fecha de Iniciode VigenciaI.7 Fecha deTérmino deVigenciaI.8 La CompañíaEs la fecha a partir de la cual el Contrato de Seguro entra en vigor.Fecha en la cual concluye la protección de este Contrato de Seguro, de conformidad con loestipulado en la carátula.Nombre con el cual se designará a la aseguradora Grupo Nacional Provincial, S.A.B. en estedocumento, la cual está constituida de acuerdo a las leyes mexicanas aplicables a la materia, yque asume el riesgo amparado por la póliza.I.9 Recibo de PagoEs el documento expedido por La Compañía, en el que se establece la Prima que deberá pagar elContratante por el periodo de cobertura que en él se señala.I.10 SolicitudDocumento que <strong>com</strong>prende la voluntad del Contratante y Asegurado para adquirir un seguro yexpresa la protección solicitada e información para la evaluación del riesgo. Este documento esindispensable para la emisión de la Póliza y deberá ser llenado y firmado por el Contratante y porel Asegurado Titular cuando sea distinto del Contratante.II. Relativa a la CoberturaII.1 ApendicectomíaEs la cirugía abierta o laparoscópica para extirpar el apéndice.II.2 CáncerEnfermedad que se manifiesta por la presencia de un tumor maligno caracterizado por sucrecimiento descontrolado, y la proliferación de células malignas, la invasión de tejidos,incluyendo la extensión directa o las metástasis o grandes números de células malignas en lossistemas linfáticos o circulatorios y leucemia.II.3 Cirugías deCorazónOperación quirúrgica con tórax abierto, para la colocación de conductos sanguíneos (by-pass) yasean de venas o arterias para la revascularización del miocardio. Incluyendo el procedimiento deangioplastía con colocación de stent.II.4 ColecistectomíaEs la cirugía abierta o laparoscópica para extirpar la vesícula biliar.II.5 Fracturas deHuesosRuptura de un hueso. Esta puede a<strong>com</strong>pañarse de lesión en mayor o menor grado dearticulaciones, músculos, vasos y/o nervios.II.6 HospitalizaciónEs el internamiento del Asegurado por más de <strong>24</strong> horas en una institución hospitalaria legalmenteautorizada para la atención de una enfermedad o accidente. Inicia con el ingreso y concluye conel alta que otorga el médico tratante.II.7 Infarto CardiacoAgudoEs el resultado de una rápida disminución o la interrupción de la sangre que llega al músculocardiaco secundaria a la obstrucción del vaso sanguíneo denominado arteria coronaria, causandola muerte de células del músculo cardiaco.

Presentation Quality assurance 0Quality certified to ISO 9001A major advantageSchneider Electric has integrated a functional organisation into eachof its units. The main mission of this organisation is to check the qualityand the <strong>com</strong>pliance with standards.This procedure is:b uniform throughout all departments;b recognised by many customers and approved organisations.But it is above all its strict application that has enabled recognitionto be obtained by an independent organisation:The French Quality Assurance Association (FQAA).The quality system for the design and manufacture of <strong>SM6</strong> unitshas been certified in conformity with the requirementsof the ISO 9001: 2000 quality assurance model.MT55054PresentationMT55055ISO 900 1ISO 900261002NMeticulous and systematic controlsDuring manufacture, each <strong>SM6</strong> is subject to systematic routine testingwhich aims to check the quality and conformity:b sealing testing;b filling pressure testing;b opening and closing rate testing;b switching torque measurement;b dielectric testing;b conformity with drawings and plans.The results obtained are written and reported on the test certificate for eachdevice by the quality control department.61003NThe environmental management system adopted by Schneider Electricproduction sites that produce the <strong>SM6</strong> have been assessed and judgedto be in conformity with requirements in the ISO 14001 standard.MT55145ISO 140015

<strong>SM6</strong> range Field of application 0The <strong>SM6</strong> range is made up of modular units containing fixed or withdrawablemetal-enclosed SF6 switchgear, using sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) or vacuum:b switch-disconnector;b SF1, SFset or Evolis circuit breaker;b Rollarc 400 or 400 D contactor;b disconnector.<strong>SM6</strong> units are used for the MV section in MV/LV transformer substations in publicdistribution systems and MV consumer or distribution substations up to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>.MV/LV transformer substations61004NDE55801ENUTE standardMV consumer substation(MV metering)IM IM CM DM2 QM PM IMin<strong>com</strong>ingline ofthe maindistribution switchboardUnit definitionsBelow is the list of <strong>SM6</strong> range units used in MV/LVtransformer substations and industrial distributionsubstations:b IM, IMC, IMB switch;b PM fused switch;b QM, QMC, QMB fuse-switch <strong>com</strong>bination;b CRM contactor and contactor with fuses;b DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-S single-isolationSF6 type circuit breaker;b DMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-S single-isolationvacuum type circuit breaker;b DM1-W, DM1-Z withdrawable single-isolationSF6 type circuit breaker;b DM2 double-isolation SF6 type circuit breaker;b CM, CM2 voltage transformers;b GBC-A, GBC-B current and/or voltagemeasurements;b NSM-cables for main in<strong>com</strong>ing and standby;b NSM-busbars for main in<strong>com</strong>ing and cablesfor standby;b GIM intermediate bus unit;b GEM extension unit;b GBM connection unit;b GAM2, GAM in<strong>com</strong>ing cable connection unit;b SM disconnector;b TM MV/LV transformer unit for auxiliaries;b other units, consult us;b special function EMB busbar earthing.Combined public distribution/Consumer substationPM IM IM GIM QMoutgoing line towardother ring substationsOther standardsMV consumer substations(MV metering)IM IM DM1-D GBC-A QM DM1-Soutgoing line toward other ring substationsin<strong>com</strong>ing line of the main distribution switchboardMV consumer substation(LV metering)SubstationIM IM QMGAM QM6

<strong>SM6</strong> range Field of application 0DE55802ENIndustrial distribution substationsDistribution switchboardDM1-A CM QMC IM IM DM1-D GBM DM1-A QMC CM<strong>SM6</strong> rangein<strong>com</strong>ing lineof private MV substationin<strong>com</strong>ing lineof private MV substationMV/LV transformer substationsPM NSM-busbars GBM SM TMNSM-cables QM CRM CRM DM1-Wstandbygenerator sourcestandbyutility sourceDistribution switchboardCM QM QM IMC IMB GBM IMC QM CMin<strong>com</strong>ing lineof private MV substationin<strong>com</strong>ing lineof private MV substation7

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeUnits for all functions0pageConnection to the networksDE55803DE55804DE5580529 Switch unitIM (375 or 500 mm)Switch unitIMC (500 mm)Switch unitwith or withoutearthing disconnectorright or left outgoing lineIMB (375 mm)Fuse-switch protectionDE55806DE55807DE5580830 Fuse-switch<strong>com</strong>bination unitQM (375 mm)Fuse-switch<strong>com</strong>bination unitQMC (625 mm)Fuse-switch<strong>com</strong>bination unitright or left outgoing lineQMB (375 mm)DE5580931 Fused-switch unitPM (375 mm)8

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeUnits for all functions0pageSF6 circuit-breaker protectionDE55816DE5581735 Withdrawable single-isolationcircuit breaker unitDM1-W (750 mm)Withdrawable single-isolationcircuit breaker unitright outgoing lineDM1-Z (750 mm)Vacuum circuit-breaker protectionDE55818DE5581936 Single-isolationcircuit breaker unitDMV-A (625 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breaker unitright outgoing lineDMV-D (625 mm)DE5582036 Single-isolationcircuit breaker unit withautonomous protectionDMV-S (625 mm)10

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeUnits for all functions0pageMV meteringDE55821DE5582237 Voltage transformers for mainswith earthed neutral systemCM (375 mm)Voltage transformers for mainswith insulated neutral systemCM2 (500 mm)<strong>SM6</strong> rangeDE55823DE558<strong>24</strong>38 Current and/or voltagemeasurement unitright or left outgoing lineGBC-A (750 mm)Current and/or voltagemeasurement unitGBC-B (750 mm)11

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeUnits for all functions0pageCasingsDE55825DE55825DE5582639 Intermediate bus unitGIM (125 mm)Extension unitVM6/<strong>SM6</strong>GEM (125 mm)Connection unitright or left outgoing lineGBM (375 mm)DE55827DE5582840 In<strong>com</strong>ingcable-connection unitGAM2 (375 mm)In<strong>com</strong>ingcable-connection unitGAM (500 mm)12

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeUnits for all functions0pageOther functionsDE55829DE55830DE5583141 Disconnector unitSM (375 or 500 mm)MV/LV transformer unitfor auxiliariesTM (375 mm)Busbar earthing<strong>com</strong>partmentEMB (375 mm)DE55832DE55833<strong>SM6</strong> range42 Cables power supplyfor main in<strong>com</strong>ing lineand standby lineNSM-cables (750 mm)Busbars power supplyfor main in<strong>com</strong>ing lineon right or left and cablesfor standby lineNSM-busbars (750 mm)13

<strong>SM6</strong> range Operating conditions 061000NIn addition to its technical characteristics,<strong>SM6</strong> meets requirements concerningprotection of life and property as well asease of installation, operation and protectingthe environment.<strong>SM6</strong> units are designed for indoor installations (IP2XC).Their <strong>com</strong>pact dimensions are:b 375 mm to 750 mm wide;b 1600 mm high;b 840 mm deep…… this makes for easy installation in small rooms or prefabricated substations.Cables are connected via the front.All control functions are centralised on a front plate, thus simplifying operation.The units may be equipped with a number of accessories (relays, toroids,instrument transformers, surge arrestor, telecontrol, etc.).Standards<strong>SM6</strong> units meet all the following re<strong>com</strong>mendations, standards and specifications:b re<strong>com</strong>mendations IEC:60694: Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgearstandards.60271-200: A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltageabove 1<strong>kV</strong> and up to including 52 <strong>kV</strong>.60265: High voltage switches for rated voltages of 52 <strong>kV</strong> and above.60420: High voltage alternating current switch-fuse <strong>com</strong>binations.60255: Electrical relays.62271-100: High-voltage alternating current circuit breakers.62271-102: High-voltage alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches.b UTE standards:NFC 13.100: Consumer substation installed inside a building and fed by a secondcategory voltage public distribution system.NFC 13.200: High voltage electrical installations requirements.NFC 64.130: High voltage switches for rated voltage above 1<strong>kV</strong> and less than 52 <strong>kV</strong>.NFC 64.160: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches.b EDF specifications:HN 64-S-41: A.C. metal-enclosed swichgear and controlgear for rated voltagesabove 1<strong>kV</strong> and up to and including <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>.HN 64-S-43: Electrical independent-operating mechanism for switch <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> - 400 A.Designation<strong>SM6</strong> units are identified by a code including:b an indication of the function, i.e. the electrical diagram code: IM, QM, DM1, CM,DM2, etc.b the rated current: 400 - 630 - 1250 A;b the rated voltage: 7.2 - 12 - 17.5 - <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>;b the maximum short-time withstand current values:12.5 - 16 - 20 - 25 kA.1 s;b the colour is of RAL 9002 type (frosted satin white).Example for a unit designated: IM 400 - <strong>24</strong> - 12.5b IM indicates an “in<strong>com</strong>ing” or “outgoing” unit;b 400 indicates the rated current is 400 A;b <strong>24</strong> indicates the rated voltage is <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>;b 12.5 indicates the short-time withstand current is 12.5 kA.1 s.14

<strong>SM6</strong> range Main characteristics 061005NThe hereunder values are for workingtemperatures from -5°C up to +40°C andfor a setting up at an altitude below 1000 m.Internal arc withstand:b standard:12.5 kA. 0.7 s;b enhanced:16 kA. 1 s.Protection index:b units: IP2XC (IP3X consult us);b between <strong>com</strong>partments: IP2x.Electro-magnetic <strong>com</strong>patibility:b relays: 4 <strong>kV</strong> withstand capacity,as per re<strong>com</strong>mendation IEC 60801.4;b <strong>com</strong>partments:v electrical field:- 40 dB attenuation at 100 MHz,- 20 dB attenuation at 200 MHz;v magnetic field: 20 dB attenuation below 30 MHz.Temperatures:The cubicles must be stored in a dry area freefrom dust and with limited temperature variations.b for stocking: from –40°C to +70°C,b for working: from –5°C to +40°C,b other temperatures, consult us.Rated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong>Insulation level50 Hz, 1 mn insulation 20 28 38 50(<strong>kV</strong> rms) isolation 23 32 45 601.2/50 µs insulation 60 75* 95 125(<strong>kV</strong> peak) isolation 70 85 110 145Breaking capacitytransformer off load (A) 16cables off load (A) 31.5short-time withstandcurrent (kA.1 s)The making capacity is equal to 2.5 times the short-time withstand current.* 60 <strong>kV</strong> peak for the CRM unit.General characteristicsMaximum breaking capacityRated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong>UnitsIM, IMC, IMB,630 A - 800 A*NSM-cables, NSM-busbarsPM, QM, QMC, QMB 25 kA 20 kACRM 10 kA 8 kACRM with fuses25 kASF6 circuit breaker range:DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W,25 kA 20 kADM1-Z, DM1-S, DM2vacuum circuit breaker range:DMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-S 25 kA 20 kA* in 800 A consult us.EnduranceUnitsIM, IMC, IMB,PM,QM*, QMC*, QMB*,NSM-cables, NSM-busbars25 630 - 1250 A20 630 - 1250 A16 630 - 1250 A12.5 400 - 630 - 1250 AmechanicalenduranceIEC 602651000 operationsclass M1* as per re<strong>com</strong>mendation IEC 60420, three breakings at p.f. = 0.2b 1730 A under 12 <strong>kV</strong>,b 1400 A under <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>,b 2600 A under 5.5 <strong>kV</strong>.electricalenduranceIEC 60265100 breaksat In, p.f. = 0.7class E3CRM Disconnector IEC 62271-1021000 operationsRollarc 400 IEC 6<strong>24</strong>70300 000 operationsIEC 6<strong>24</strong>70100 000 breaks at 320 A300 000 breaks at 250 ARollarc 400D 100 000 operations 100 000 breaks at 200 ASF6 circuit breaker range:DM1-A,DM1-D,DM1-W,DM1-Z,DM1-S,DM2Disconnector IEC 62271-1021000 operationsCircuit breaker SF IEC 62271-10010 000 operationsvacuum circuit breaker range:DMV-A, Disconnector IEC 62271-102DMV-D,DMV-SCircuit breakerEvolisIEC 62271-10010 000 operationsIEC 62271-10040 breaks at 12.5 kA10 000 breaks at In,p.f. = 0.7IEC 62271-10010 000 breaks at In,p.f. = 0.7<strong>SM6</strong> range15

<strong>SM6</strong> range Factory-built cubicles description 061057N21 54Switch and fuse protection cubiclesCubicles are made up of five <strong>com</strong>partments separated by metalor insulating partitions.1 switchgear: switch-disconnector and earthing switch in an enclosure filledwith SF6 and satisfying “sealed pressure system” requirements.2 busbars: all in the same horizontal plane, thus enabling later switchboardextensions and connection to existing equipment.3 connection: accessible through front, connection to the lower switch-disconnectorand earthing switch terminals (IM cubicles) or the lower fuse-holders (PM andQM cubicles). This <strong>com</strong>partment is also equipped with an earthing switch downstreamfrom the MV fuses for the protection units.34 operating mechanism: contains the elements used to operate the switchdisconnectorand earthing switch and actuate the corresponding indications(positive break).5 low voltage: installation of a terminal block (if motor option installed), LV fusesand <strong>com</strong>pact relay devices.If more space is required, an additional enclosure may be added on top of the cubicle.Optional, switch cubicles (IM) can also be fitted with:b control motorisation;b surge arrestors.61054N2154SF6 circuit breaker cubicles1 switchgear: disconnector(s) and earthing switch(es), in enclosures filled with SF6and satisfying “sealed pressure system” requirements.2 busbars: all in the same horizontal plane, thus enabling later switchboardextensions and connection to existing equipment.3 connection and switchgear: accessible through front, connection to the downstreamterminals of the circuit breaker.Two circuit breaker offers are possible:b SF1: <strong>com</strong>bined with an electronic relay and standard sensors (with or withoutan auxiliary power supply;b SFset: autonomous set equipped with an electronic protection system and specialsensors (requiring no auxiliary power supply).34 operating mechanism: contains the elements used to operate the disconnector(s),the circuit breaker and the earthing switch and actuate the corresponding indications.5 low voltage: installation of <strong>com</strong>pact relay devices (Statimax) and test terminal boxes.If more space is required, an additional enclosure may be added on top of the cubicle.4Optional, cubicles may be fitted with:b current and voltage transformers;b circuit breaker control motorisation;b surge arrestors.16

<strong>SM6</strong> range Factory-built cubicles description 0PE55649Vacuum type circuit breaker cubicles1 switchgear: disconnector(s) and earthing switch(es), in enclosure filled with SF6and satisfying and one vacuum circuit breaker, “sealed pressure system”requirements.21 5432 busbars: all in the same horizontal plane, thus enabling later switchboardextensions and connection to existing equipment.3 connection and switchgear: accessible through front, connection to the downstreamterminals of the circuit breaker.b Evolis: device associated with an electronic relay and standard sensors(with or without auxiliary source);4 operating mechanism: contains the elements used to operate the disconnector(s),the circuit breaker and the earthing switch and actuate the corresponding indications.5 low voltage: installation of <strong>com</strong>pact relay devices (VIP) and test terminal boxes.If more space is required, an additional enclosure may be added on top of the cubicle.Optional, cubicles may be fitted with:b current and voltage transformers;b circuit breaker control motorisation;b surge arrestors.<strong>SM6</strong> range61056N2154Contactor cubicles1 switchgear: disconnector and earthing switch and contactor in enclosures filledwith SF6 and satisfying “sealed pressure system” requirements.2 busbars: all in the same horizontal plane, thus enabling later switchboardextensions and connection to existing equipment.3 connection and switchgear: accessible through front.This <strong>com</strong>partment is also equipped with an earthing switch downstream.The Rollarc contactor may be equipped with fuses.Two types may be used:b R400 with magnetic holding;b R400D with mechanical latching.34 operating mechanism: contains the elements used to operate the disconnector(s),the contactor 400 or 400D and the earthing switch and actuate the correspondingindications.5 low voltage: installation of <strong>com</strong>pact relay devices and test terminal boxes.With basic equipment, an additional enclosure is added on top of the cubicle.Optional, cubicles may be fitted with current and voltage transformers.417

<strong>SM6</strong> range Compartments description 0DE5583461006NSwitchgear <strong>com</strong>partmentThis <strong>com</strong>partment is separated from the busbar <strong>com</strong>partment and the connection<strong>com</strong>partment by the enclosure surrounding the switch, the disconnector andthe earthing switch.DE5583561007NBusbar <strong>com</strong>partmentThe three insulated busbars are parallel-mounted. Connection is made to the upperpads of the enclosure using a field distributor with integrated captive screws.Ratings 400 - 630 - 1250 A.DE55836SF6 type circuit breakerConnection and switchgear <strong>com</strong>partmentThe network cables are connected:b to the terminals of the switch;b to the lower fuse holders;b or to the connection pads of the circuit breaker.Cables may have either:b cold fitted sheathing for dry-type or paper-insulated cables;With basic equipment, the maximum allowable cross-section for cable is:b 630 mm 2 or 2 x 400 mm 2 for 1250 A in<strong>com</strong>ing or outgoing units;b 300 mm 2 or 2 x <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 for in<strong>com</strong>ing or outgoing units 400 - 630 A;b 95 mm 2 for transformer protection cubicles incoporating fuses.The earthing switch must be closed before the cubicle may be accessed.The reduced depth of the cubicle makes for easy connection of all phases.A stud incorporated in the field distributor makes it possible to position and securethe cable-end lug with a single hand.DE55837Vacuum type circuit breaker18

<strong>SM6</strong> range Compartments description 0DE5583861008NOperating-mechanism <strong>com</strong>partmentsThese <strong>com</strong>partments contain the various operating functions for the:b switch and earthing switch;b disconnector(s);b circuit breaker;b contactor;and the voltage indicators.The operating-mechanism <strong>com</strong>partment may be accessed with the cables andbusbars energised and without isolating the substation.It also enables easy installation of padlocks, locks and standard LV accessories(auxiliary contacts, trip units, motors, etc.).DE55839CBALow-voltage control cabinetThis control cabinet enables the cubicle to be equipped with low voltage switchgearproviding protection, control, status indication and data transmission.This control cabinet is available in 3 versions: cover, <strong>com</strong>partment and housing.<strong>SM6</strong> rangeA - cover: enables a very simple low voltage section to be installedsuch as indication buttons, push buttons or Statimax relays.The total height of the cubicle is then 1600 mm.B - LV control cabinet: enables a large majority of low voltage configurationsto be installed. It also takes the Sepam 2000 or series 20 or series 40.The total cubicle height is then 1690 mm.C - housing: this is only used for larger low voltage accessories or those witha depth greater than 100 mm or <strong>com</strong>plex equipment, such as Sepam 2000, r200s,Sepam series 80, converters, changeover and telecontrol units, regulatingtransformers or dual secondary transformers.The total height of the cubicle then be<strong>com</strong>es 2050 mm.A - Cover B - Compartmenth = 1600 mm h = 1690 mmC - Housingh = 2050 mmIn all cases, these volumes are accessible, with cables and busbars energised,without de-energising the substation.61009N19

<strong>SM6</strong> range Safety of people 0By switchgear61010NSwitch or disconnector and earthing switchb Gas tightnessThe three rotating contacts are placed in an enclosure filled with gas to a relativepressure of 0.4 bar (400 hPa). It satisfies “sealed pressure system” requirementsand seal tightness is always checked in the factory.Switch-disconnectorb Operating safetyv the switch may be in one of three positions: “closed”, “open”, or “earthed”,representing a natural interlocking system that prevents incorrect operation.Moving-contact rotation is driven by a fast-acting mechanism that is independentof the action of the operator.v the device <strong>com</strong>bines the breaking and disconnection functions.v the earthing switch placed in the SF6 has a short-circuit making capacity,in <strong>com</strong>pliance with standards.v any accidental over-pressures are eliminated by the opening of the safety membrane,in which case the gas is directed toward the back of the unit, thus avoiding projectionor other related phenomena in front.MT20184Contacts closed Contacts open Contacts earthed61011NRollarc 400 and 400D contactorb Gas tightnessThe three phases are placed in an enclosure filled with SF6 gas to a relative pressureof 2.5 bars (2500 hPa). It satisfies “sealed pressure system” requirements and sealtightness is always checked in the factory.b Operating safetyAccidental over-pressures are eliminated by the opening of the safety membrane.MT20185Rollarc contactorContacts closedMain contactsseparatedArcing periodContacts open20

<strong>SM6</strong> range Safety of people 0By switchgear61012NSF6 circuit breaker: SF1 or SFsetb Gas tightnessThe SF1 or SFset circuit breaker is made up of three separate poles mountedon a structure supporting the operating mechanism. Each pole-unit housesall the active elements in an insulating enclosure filled with gas to a relative pressureof 0.5 bar (500 hPa). It satisfies “sealed pressure system” requirements and sealtightness is always checked in the factory.b Operating safetyAs for switch-units, accidental over-pressures are eliminated by the openingof the safety membrane.SF1 circuit breakerMT20186<strong>SM6</strong> rangeContacts closed Pre<strong>com</strong>pression Arcing period Contacts open61058NVacuum type circuit breaker: Evolisb Gas tightnessThe Evolis circuit breaker <strong>com</strong>prises three separate pole units fixed on a structuresupporting the control mechanism. Each pole encloses all of the active parts in aninsulating enclosure, under vacuum, and its gas tightness is systematically checkedin the factory.b Operating safetyv the magnetic field is applied along the contact axis of the vacuum typecircuit breaker.This process diffuses the arc in a regular manner with high currents.It ensures optimum distribution of the energy along the <strong>com</strong>pact surfaceso as to avoid local hot spots.The advantages of this technique:v a simplified vacuum type circuit breaker which is consequently very reliable,v low dissipation of arcing energy in the circuit breaker,v highly efficient contacts which do not distort during repeated breaking,v significant reduction in control energy.Evolis circuit breaker21

<strong>SM6</strong> range Safety of people 0By operating mechanism safety61013NReliable operating mechanismb Switchgear status indicator:Fitted directly to the mobile equipment’s shaft, these give a definite indicationof the switchgear’s position. (appendix A of standard IEC 62271-102.).b Operating lever:This is designed with an anti-reflex device that stops any attempt to re-openthe device immediately after closing the switch or the earthing disconnector.b Locking device:Between one and three padlocks enable the following to be locked:v access to the switching shaft of the switch or the circuit breaker,v access to the switching shaft of the earthing disconnector,v operating of the opening release push-button.Simple and effortless switchingMechanical and electrical controls are side by side on the front fascia, on a panelincluding the schematic diagram indicating the device’s status (closed, open, earthed):b Closed: the mobile equipment is operated via a quick acting mechanism,independent of the operator. No energy is stored in the switch, apart fromwhen switching operations are taking place.For <strong>com</strong>bined switch fuses, the opening mechanism is armed at the same timeas the contacts are closed.b Opening: the switch is opened using the same quick acting mechanism,operated in the opposite direction.For circuit breakers and the <strong>com</strong>bined switch fuses, opening is controlled by:v a push-button,v a fault.b Earthing: a specific control shaft enables the opening or closing of the earthingcontacts. Access to this shaft is blocked by a cover that can be slid back if the switchis open but which remains locked in place if it is closed.Voltage presence indicatorThis device has integrated VPIS (Voltage Presence Indicating System) type lights,in conformity with IEC standard 61958, enabling the presence (or absence) of voltageto be checked on the cables.61014NInsensitivity to the environmentb An internal sealed enclosure, contains the active parts of the switchgear(switch, earthing disconnector). It is filled with SF6 in accordance withthe definitions in IEC re<strong>com</strong>mendation 60271-200 for “sealed pressure systems”.Sealing is systematically checked in the factory.b Parts are designed in order to obtain optimum electrical field distribution.b The metallic structure of cubicles is designed to withstand and aggressiveenvironment and to make it impossible to access any energised part whenin operation.22

<strong>SM6</strong> range Safety of people 0By internal arc protectionDE55553Standard IEC 60271-200 appendix AAindicates a method for testing switchgearin metal enclosures under internal arcingconditions. The aim of this test is to showthat an operator present in front ofa switchboard would be protectedagainst the effects of an internal fault.To enhance the safety of people, it is desirable to provide as high a degreeof protection as possible by evacuating the effects of internal arcing using:b evacuation systems which direct gases towards the top or the bottomof the switchboard enabling over pressure to be limited in the caseof an internal fault in the <strong>com</strong>partments;b channelling and evacuating hot gases towards an external area, which is nothazardous for the operator;b materials which are non-inflammable for the cubicle;b reinforced panels.Consequently:The <strong>SM6</strong> is designed to offer a good level of safetyb Control of the architecture:v <strong>com</strong>partment type enclosure.b Technological control:v electrotechnical: modelling of electrical fields,v mechanical: parts produced using CAD systems.b Use of reliable <strong>com</strong>ponents:v choice of materials,v earthing switch with closing capacity.b Devices for total operating safety:v voltage presence indicator on the front face,v natural reliable interlocking,v locking using keys or padlocks.<strong>SM6</strong> rangeDE55554Case of an <strong>SM6</strong> switchboard installed against the wallupwards exhaust: 3-sides internal arc protectionInternal arc withstand of the cubiclesb 2 versions are available:v basic version: 12.5 kA. 0.7 s,v enhanced internal arcing withstand: 16 kA. 1 s.<strong>SM6</strong> internal arc (in conformity with IEC 60271-200appendix AA)In its internal arc version, the <strong>SM6</strong> range has successfully passed all of the typetesting relative to standard IEC 60271-200 (6 acceptance criteria).The materials used meet the constraints for which the <strong>SM6</strong> is designed.The thermal and mechanical forces that an internal arc can produce are perfectlyabsorbed by the enclosure.An operator present in the front of the <strong>SM6</strong> switchboard during an internal faultwill not be exposed to the effects of arcing.Case of an <strong>SM6</strong> switchboard installed in the middle of a roomdownwards exhaust: 4-sides internal arc protection<strong>SM6</strong> proposes several options to install an internalarc enhanced switchboardb 3-sides internal arc protection:Case of an <strong>SM6</strong> switchboard positioned against the wall, access to the rearof the cubicles is impossible, internal arc protection on three sides is sufficient.b 4-sides internal arc protection (upwards exhaust only):For <strong>SM6</strong> switchboards installed in the middle of a room, 4-sides internal arc protectionis necessary in order to protect an operator moving around the switchboard.Choice of exhaustThe choice depends on the civil engineering:b Upwards exhaust:A ceiling height greater than 2200 mm is necessary.b Downwards exhaust:Civil engineering with an adequate volume is necessary.23

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeTelecontrolof power distribution networks 0<strong>SM6</strong>: an integrated rangefor telecontrol of MV networks.<strong>SM6</strong> switchgear is perfectly suited to a telecontrol environment due to options such as:b Easergy T200 S telecontrol interface;b independent power supply of electrical controls;b auxiliary contacts for position and fault signalling;b current sensors for fault detection.61015N61015NT200 SEasergy T200 S: an interface designedfor the telecontrol of MV networksEasergy T200 S is an interface that is both “plug and play” and multifunctional.It integrates all the functional features required for the remote monitoring andcontrolling of <strong>SM6</strong>:b acquisition of various types of data: switch position, fault detectors,current values, etc.b transmission of switch opening and closing orders.b exchange with the control centre.Particularly called on during network incidents, Easergy T200 S has proven reliabilityand dependability in order to operate the switchgear whenever required.It is simple to install and to operate.A functional unit dedicated to medium voltage networksb Easergy T200 S is installed inside the low voltage control cabinet of an IMand NSM <strong>SM6</strong> for the telecontrol of one or two switches.b For switchboards up to 16 switches, the wall mounted version Easergy T200 Icould be installed in the substation, and it is directly connected to the switcheswithout any interface and converters.b It has a simple facia layout for local operation, allowing local control (local/remote)and enables visualisation of switchgear status.b It integrates a fault current detector (overcurrent and zero sequence) with detectionthresholds that are configurable per channel (threshold and fault duration).T200 IReady to connect and secureb Integrated into <strong>SM6</strong> low voltage control cabinet, it is provided ready to connectto the transmission system.b The version in cabinet for installation in the substation Easergy T200 I is providedwith kits for switch interface and CTs. The connectors are foolproof to avoid any errorduring installation and maintenance.b Easergy T200 S has been subjected to severe testing in terms of MV electricalconstraints.b A backup power supply guarantees continuity of service for several hoursfor the electronic devices, the motorisation and the transmission system.b Current transformers are of split core type for easier installation.Compatible with all telecontrol system (SCADA)Easergy T200 S provides as standard the protocols: Modbus, DNP3.0 level 2and IEC 870-5-101.Numerous other protocols are also available (WISP+, HNZ, PUR, TG800, …).b The standard transmission system are: RS232, RS485, PSTN, FSK.Other transmissions are available on special request. Radio emitter/receiveris not supplied.61017N61018N61020NPE150078PE150079Control <strong>com</strong>mand Local information Power unit Split core CTs Backup power supply<strong>24</strong>

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeA range of FPIs for undergroundnetworks 0A range of earth fault currentdetectors for the undergroundnetwork.The Easergy earth fault current indicator range, the largest in the market, covers allMV network types. Merlin Gerin offers ammetric fault detectors for neutral impedantsystem and direct earthing distribution networks and for insulated and <strong>com</strong>pensatedneutral distribution networks.61022NEasergy F279electronic detector unitBright outdoorSplit-core current transformerUsageAll of the indicators offer multiphased (overload) fault and earth fault detection.For MV/LV substations 230 Vac powers the indicators. In MV/MV substationsa lithium battery powers the indicators.AdvantagesEquipped with microprocessors, they offer a broad range of corresponding controlsfor the majority of the protection plans and operating modes.A dry contact allows connection to a telecontrol system.Characteristicsb Microswitch adjustment,b Overload current threshold,b Earth fault threshold,b Time to take the fault into account,b Reset delay,b Inrush,b Integrated and external warning light,b SCADA contact,b Phased current measurement by opening core,b Unbalanced current measurement by mean of 3 phase CTs or 1 zero-sequencesplit core CT.<strong>SM6</strong> rangeFaulty cable location principleUsing the external warning light or dry contact for SCADA options allows the locationof a fault either by patrol (sweeping) or from the telecontrol centre.MV/LV substationMV/LV substationMV/LV substationMT20183ENFlashingMV feeder substationFlashingNot flashingThe fault is located here25

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeDescription of the control/monitoringand protection functions 0PE20081The Sepam range of protection andmetering is designed for the operationof machines and electrical distributionnetworks of industrial installations and utilitysubstations for all levels of voltage.It consists of <strong>com</strong>plete, simple and reliablesolutions, suited to following 3 families:b Sepam series 20,b Sepam series 40,b Sepam series 80.Sepam protection relayA range adapted at your applicationb Protection of substation (in<strong>com</strong>ing, outgoing line and busbars).b Protection of transformers.b Protection of motors, and generators.Accurate measurement and detailed diagnosisb Measuring all necessary electrical values.b Monitoring switchgear status: sensors and trip circuit, mechanical switchgearstatus.b Disturbance recording.b Sepam self-diagnosis and watchdog.SimplicityEasy to installb Light, <strong>com</strong>pact base unit.b Optional modules fitted on a DIN rail, connected using prefabricated cords.b User friendly and powerful PC parameter and protection setting software to utilizeall of Sepam’s possibilities.User-friendlyb Intuitive User Machine Interface, with direct data access.b Local operating data in the user’s language.Flexibility and evolutivityb Enhanced by optional modules to evolve in step with your installation.b Possible to add optional modules at any time.b Simple to connect and <strong>com</strong>mission via a parameter setting procedure.Sepam Characteristics Protections ApplicationsBasicSpecificSubstationTransformerRotationgeneratorBusbarsSepam series 20For <strong>com</strong>mon applicationsb 10 logic inputs and 8 relayoutputsb 1 Modbus <strong>com</strong>municationportCurrent protection S20 T20 M20Voltage and frequency protectionB21Loss of mains (ROCOF)B22Sepam series 40For demanding applicationsSepam series 80For <strong>com</strong>plete applicationsb 10 logic inputsb 8 relay outputsb 1 Modbus <strong>com</strong>municationportb Logic equations editorb 42 logic inputs and 23 relayoutputsb 2 Modbus <strong>com</strong>municationportb Logic equations editorb Removal memory cartridgeb Battery to save eventlogging dataCurrent voltage and frequencyprotectionS40 T40 G40Directional earth fault S41 M41Directional earth fault andphase overcurrentS42 T42Current voltage and frequency S80protectionDirectional earth fault S81 T81 M81Directional earth fault andphase overcurrentS82 T82 G8226

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeDescription of the control/monitoringand protection functions 061026N61027NVIP 35VIP 300 LLVIP 35 protection relayIntegrated in the DM1-S and DMV-S cubiclesThe VIP 35 is an independent relay without an auxiliary power supply, poweredby the current sensors, and actuating a Mitop release unit.VIP 35 provides protection against phase-to-phase faults and against earthing faults.Phase protectionb phase protection is achieved by a definite time threshold which functionsfrom 1.2 times the operating current (Is).Earthing protectionb earthing fault protection functions with the residual current measurement takenfrom the sum of the secondary currents in the sensors. This is taken via a CRc,8 A to 80 A gauge.b earthing protection is inverse definite time: its threshold and time delay can be set.VIP 300 LL protection relayIntegrated in the DM1-S and DMV-S cubiclesVIP 300 provides protection against phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults.A choice of trip curves and the large number of possible settings mean that it can beused in a large variety of selectivity layouts.VIP 300 is an independent relay powered by the current sensors; it does not requirean auxiliary power supply. It actuates a release unit.Phase protectionb phase protection is via two independently adjustable thresholds:v the lower threshold can be chosen to be inverse definite time or definite time.The definite time curves are in conformity with IEC standard 60255-3.They are either of inverse, very inverse or extremely inverse type.v the upper threshold is inverse definite time.Earthing protectionb protection against phase-to-earth faults uses the residual current measurement,taken from the sum of the secondary currents in the sensors. This is taken via a CRaX1 gauge: 10 to 50 A and X4: 40 to 200 Aor via a CRb X1 gauge: 63 to 312 A and X4: 250 A to 1250 A.b as for phase protection, phase-to-earth protection had two thresholdsthat can be independently set.Signallingb two indicators show the origin of the trip operation (phase or earth).They remain in position after the relay power supply has been cut.b two led indicators (phase and earth) show that the lower thresholdhas been exceeded and that its time delay is currently in progress.<strong>SM6</strong> rangePE55650VIP 200 protection relayIndependent definite time protection device integrated with the SFsetcircuit breakerProtection relay without an auxiliary power supply. Dedicated to the protectionof transformers, this relay also enables very accurate selectivity to be obtained.VIP 200 protection units in the Fluarc SFset circuit breaker, without an auxiliarypower supply, protect against phase-to-phase and earth faults.All these protection devices have wide settings ranges for their trip currents.VIP 20027

<strong>SM6</strong> rangeDescription of the control/monitoringand protection functions 0610<strong>24</strong>NDefinite time-delay autonomousStatimaxGeneral protection of MV consumer substations (MV metering). Statimax ensures,without an auxiliary source, against phase and zero-sequence faults.Statimax is made up of an electronic setting device, three toroid voltage-matchingtransformers, a zero-sequence transformer and a regulation device that suppliesthe power for the electronics and the low-energy Mitop release.StatimaxSelection tableProtection type Code Protection unitsSepamStatimax VIP2000 series 20 series 40 series 80 35 200 300Three-phase overcurrent 50 - 51 b b b b b b (2) b (1) b (1)Zero-sequence overcurrent 50N - 51N b b b b b b (3) b (1) b (1)Directional zero-sequence current 67N b b bUndervoltage 27 b b bOvervoltage 59 b b bThermal image 49 b b b bZero-sequence overvoltage 59N b b bNegative sequence overcurrent 46 b b b bLong start-up and rotor blocking 51LR b b b bMaximum number of start-ups 66 b b b bSingle-phase undercurrent 37 b b b b(1) DT, EI, SI, VI and RI trip curves.(2) Inverse curve suited to transformer protection.(3) DT trip curve.28

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Network connectionIM (375 or 500 mm)SwitchIMC (500 mm)SwitchIMB (375 mm)Switchwith earthing switchRight or left outgoingwithout earthing switchRight or left outgoingDE55841DE55842DE55843DE55844Electrical characteristicskADE5589125201612.5630 A400 - 630 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b switch and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb CIT operating mechanismb voltage indicatorsb connection pads for dry-type cablesb three-phase bottom busbarsfor outgoing lines (right or left)b one to three CTsVersions:b CI2 operating mechanismb CI1 operating mechanismb 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsb in 800 A version consult usOptional accessories:b motor for operating mechanismb auxiliary contactsb additional enclosure or connection enclosure for cabling from aboveb key-type interlocksb 50 W heating elementb stands footingb release unitsb phase <strong>com</strong>paratorb fault indicatorsb surge arrestors (for 500 mm cubicle)29

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Fuse-switch protectionQM (375 mm)Fuse-switch<strong>com</strong>bination unitQMC (625 mm)Fuse-switch<strong>com</strong>bination unitQMB (750 mm)Fuse-switch<strong>com</strong>bination unitOutgoing line right or leftDE55846DE55847DE55848Electrical characteristicskADE55892252016200 A12.57.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b switch and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb CI1 operating mechanismb voltage indicatorsb equipment for three UTE or DIN striker fusesb mechanical indication system for blown fusesb connection pads for dry-type cablesb downstream earthing switchb three-phase bottombusbars for outgoinglines (right or left)b one to three CTsVersions:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsb CI2 operating mechanismOptional accessories:b motor for operating mechanismb auxiliary contactsb additional enclosure or connection enclosure for cabling from aboveb key-type interlocksb 50 W heating elementb stands footingb indication contact for blown fusesb UTE or DIN striker fusesb release units30

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Fuse-switch protectionPM (375 mm)Fused-switch unitDE55850Electrical characteristicskADE5589225201612.5200 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b switch and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb CIT operating mechanismb voltage indicatorsb connection pads for dry-type cablesb downstream earthing switchb equipment for three UTE or DIN fusesVersions:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b motor for operating mechanismb auxiliary contactsb enlarged low-voltage control cabinetb additional enclosure or connection enclosure for cabling from aboveb key-type interlocksb 50 W heating elementb stands footingb mechanical indication system for blown fusesb UTE or DIN fuses31

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Contactor protectionCRM (750 mm)ContactorCRM (750 mm)Contactor with fusesDE55851DE55852Electrical characteristicskAkADE55893DE558942510208400 A16250 A12.57.2 12 <strong>kV</strong>7.2 12 <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b Rollarc 400 or 400D contactorb disconnector and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb contactor operating mechanism R400 with magnetic holding or contactor R400D with mechanical latchingb disconnector operating mechanism CSb one to three current transformersb auxiliary contacts on contactorb connection pads for dry-type cablesb voltage indicatorsb downstream earthing switchb additional enclosureb operation counterVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b cubicle:v auxiliary contacts on the disconnectorv protection using Sepam programmable electronic unitv one to three voltage transformersv key-type interlocksv 50 W heating elementv stands footingb contactor:v mechanical interlockingb equipment for three DIN fusesb DIN fuses32

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0SF6 type circuit breaker protectionDM1-A (750 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerDM1-D (750 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerOutgoing line on rightDM1-D (750 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerOutgoing line on leftDE55856DE55857DE55858Electrical characteristicskADE5589525201612.5630 - 1250 A400 - 630 - 1250 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b SF1or SFset circuit breaker (only for the 400-630 A performances)b disconnector and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb circuit breaker operating mechanism RIb disconnector operating mechanism CSb voltage indicatorsb three CTs for SF1 circuit breakerb auxiliary contacts on circuit breakerb connection pads for dry-type cablesb downstream earthing switchb three-phase bottom busbarsVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b cubicle:v auxiliary contacts on the disconnectorv additional enclosure or connection enclosure for cabling from abovev protection using Statimax relays, or Sepam programable electronic unit for SF1 circuit breakerv three voltage transformers for SF1 circuit breakerv key-type interlocksv 50 W heating elementv stands footingv surge arrestorsb circuit breaker:v motor for operating mechanismv release unitsv operation counter on manual operating mechanism33

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0SF6 type circuit breaker protectionDM1-S (750 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerwith independent protectionDM2 (750 mm)Double-isolationcircuit breakerOutgoing line on rightDM2 (750 mm)Double-isolationcircuit breakerOutgoing line on leftDE55859DE55860DE55861Electrical characteristicskADE55891252016630 A12.5400 - 630 A7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b SF1 circuit breakerb disconnector and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb circuit breaker operating mechanism RIb disconnector operating mechanism CSb auxiliary contacts on circuit breakerb VIP relay protectionb three CR sensors for VIP relay protectionb voltage indicatorsb connection pads for dry-type cablesb downstream earthing switchb three CTsVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b cubicle:v auxiliary contacts on disconnectorsv additional enclosure or connectionenclosure for cabling from abovev three voltage transformersv key-type interlocksv 50 W heating elementv stands footingb circuit breaker:v motor for operating mechanismv release unitsv operation counter on manual operating mechanismv protection using Statimax relays or Sepam programmable electronic unit34

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0SF6 type circuit breaker protectionDM1-W (750 mm)Withdrawable single-isolationcircuit breakerDM1-Z (750 mm)Withdrawable single-isolationcircuit breakerOutgoing line on rightDE55862DE55863Electrical characteristicskAkADE5589525201612.5630 - 1250 A400 - 630 - 1250 ADE5589625201612.51250 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b SF1 circuit breakerb disconnector and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb circuit breaker operating mechanism RIb disconnector operating mechanism CSb voltage indicatorsb three CTsb auxiliary contacts on circuit breakerb earthing switch operating mechanism CCb connection pads for dry-type cablesb downstream earthing switchb three-phase busbarsVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b cubicle:v auxiliary contacts on the disconnectorv additional enclosure or connectionenclosure for cabling from abovev protection using Statimax relaysor Sepam programable electronic unitv three voltage transformersv key-type interlocksv 50 W heating elementv stands footingv withdrawable circuit breaker cradleb circuit breaker:v motor for operating mechanismv release unitsv operation counter on manual operating mechanismv surge arrestors35

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Vacuum type circuit breaker protectionDMV-A (625 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerDMV-D (625 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerOutgoing line on rightDMV-S (625 mm)Single-isolationcircuit breakerwith independent protectionDE55865DE55866DE55867Electrical characteristicskAkADE5589825DE5589925202016630 -1250 A16630 A12.5400 - 630 -1250 A12.5400 - 630 A12 17.5 <strong>kV</strong>12 17.5 <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b Evolis circuit breakerb disconnector and earthing switch for 400 - 630 Ab disconnector and earthing switch for 1250 Ab three-phase busbarsb circuit breaker operating mechanism Proximab disconnector operating mechanism CITb voltage indicatorsb auxiliary contacts on circuit breakerb three CTsb Sepam programmable electronic unitb 3 Cr sensors for VIP relay protectionb protection by VIP relaysb connection pads for dry-type cablesb downstream earthing switchVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsb 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b cubicle:v auxiliary contacts on the disconnectorv additional enclosure or connection enclosurefor cabling from abovev three voltage transformersv key-type interlocksv stands footingb circuit breaker:v motor for operating mechanismv release unitsv operation counter on manualoperating mechanism36

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0MV meteringCM (375 mm)Voltage transformersfor mains with earthedneutral systemCM2 (500 mm)Voltage transformersfor mains with insulatedneutral systemDE55870DE55871Electrical characteristicskADE5589025201612.550 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b disconnector and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb operating mechanism CSb LV circuit isolation switchb LV fusesb three 6.3 A UTE or DIN type fusesb three-voltage transformers(phase-to-earth)b two voltage transformers(phase-to-phase)Version:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b auxiliary contactsb additional enclosure or connection enclosure for cabling from aboveb 50 W heating elementb stands footingb indication contact for blown fuses37

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0MV meteringGBC-A (750 mm)Current and/or voltagemeasurementsOutgoing line on rightGBC-A (750 mm)Current and/or voltagemeasurementsOutgoing line on leftGBC-B (750 mm)Current and/or voltagemeasurementsDE55873DE55874DE55875Electrical characteristicskADE55895252016630 - 1250 A12.5400 - 630 - 1250 A7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b one to three CTsb connection barsb three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b additional enclosureb three voltage transformers (phase-to-earth), or two voltage transformers (phase-to-phase)b stands footing38

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0CasingsGEM (125 mm)Extension unit VM6/<strong>SM6</strong>GIM (125 mm)Intermediate busunitGBM (375 mm)Connection unitOutgoing line right or leftDE55876DE55876DE55877Electrical characteristicskAkADE5589125201612.5630 A400 - 630 ADE5589525201612.5630 - 1250 A400 - 630 - 1250 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b three-phase busbars b three-phase busbars b connection barsb three-phase busbars for outgoing linesright or leftOptional accessories:b stands footingb additional enclosure39

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0CasingsGAM2 (375 mm)In<strong>com</strong>ing-cable-connection unitGAM (500 mm)In<strong>com</strong>ing-cable-connection unitDE55878DE55879Electrical characteristicskAkADE5589125DE5589525202016630 A16630 - 1250 A12.5400 - 630 A12.5400 - 630 - 1250 A7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b three-phase busbarsb voltage indicatorsb connection pads for dry-type cablesb connection barsb operating mechanism CCb earthing switchOptional accessories:b enlarged low-voltage control cabinetb stands footingb 50 W heating elementb auxiliary contactsb surge arrestorsb key-type interlocks40

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Other functionsSM (375 ou 500 (1) mm)Disconnector unitTM (375 mm)MV/LV transformer unitfor auxiliariesEMB (375 mm)Busbars earthing<strong>com</strong>partmentDE55880DE55881DE55882Electrical characteristicskAkAkADE5589525201612.5630 - 1250 A400 - 630 - 1250 ADE5589025201612.550 ADE5589125201612.5630 A400 - 630 ACharacteristics ofthe functional units7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b disconnector and earthing switchb three-phase busbarsb operating mechanism CSb connection pads for dry-type cablesb voltage indicatorsVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b auxiliary contactsb additional enclosureb key-type interlocksb stands footingb 50 W heating elementb connection enclosure for cabling from aboveb two 6.3 A fuses, UTE or DIN typeb LV circuit isolating switchb one voltage transformer(phase-to-phase)b mechanical indication systemfor blown fusesb connection enclosure for cablingfrom aboveb disconnector and earthing switchb connection barsb operating mechanism CITb installation on 630 A IM 375 mm orDM1-A units (except additionalenclosure or connection enclosurefor cabling from above)b require an key-type interlocksadapted to the switchboard networkb auxiliary contacts(1) only for 1250 A units.41

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsFunctional units selection 0Change overNSM-cables (750 mm)Cables power supply formain in<strong>com</strong>ing line (N)and standby line (S)NSM-busbars (750 mm)Busbars power supply formain in<strong>com</strong>ing line on rightand cables (N)for standby line (S)NSM-busbars (750 mm)Busbars power supply formain in<strong>com</strong>ing line on leftand cables (N)for standby line (S)DE55883DE55884DE55885Electrical characteristicskADE55891252016630 A12.5400 - 630 A7.2 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Basic equipment:b switches and earthing switchesb three-phase busbarsb connection pads for dry-type cablesb voltage indicatorsb mechanical interlockingb motorised operating mechanism CI2 with shunt tripsb additional enclosureb automatic-control equipmentVersion:b 630 A or 1250 A three-phase busbarsOptional accessories:b auxiliary contactsb key-type interlocksb 50 W heating elementb stands footingb telecontrol42

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsAutomatic switching controls 0NSM-type <strong>SM6</strong> cubicles include an automatic switching control installed in the lowvoltage control cabinet. There is both an automatic control for network switchingand an automatic control for the back-up generator switching.Both of these automatic controls are based on the Easergy T200 S interface rangeand can consequently be optionally equipped with remote control functions.The system includes voltage presence detectors, fault current detectors,a back-up power supply and a local operation interface.Shared characteristics for the automatic controlsb 220 Vac electronics power supplyb Interlocking in the case of fault current detectionb Possibility of parallel connectionb Service temperature: –15°C < T < 55°Cb PC configurationb Local control interfaceb Voltage presence indicator: three-phase detection + unbalanceb Fault current: earthing fault and current overload detector.MT20250UatUatNetwork switchb Setting of time delay before switching: 0.1s to 2 s (T1)b Setting the time delay for return to the initial state: 5 s to 120 s (T2).UsUT1trtUsUT2trtCharacteristics ofthe functional unitsFig. 2 tFig. 3tr: transfer switch response time (70 to 80 ms)tMT20251UaUstUaUstBack-up generator switchb Setting the time delay before switching to the generator: 1s to 15 s (T1)b Start up of the generator (T2)b Switching when the generator voltage is presentb Setting the time delay for return to the initial state: 60 s to 120 s (T3)b Stopping the generator 6 s after switching.UT1tttrUT2 trT3 T4Fig. 4 tFig. 5tr: transfer switch response time (70 to 80 ms)t43

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsOperating mechanisms 0The control devices required for the unitoperating mechanisms are centralisedon the front panel. The different typesof operating mechanism are presentedin the table opposite.Operating speeds do not dependon the operator, except for the CS.For the interlocks, consult the table pages53/54 according to concerned cubicles.UnitsType of operating mechanismswitch/disconnector circuit breakerCIT CI1 CI2 CS CC RI ProximaIM, IMB, IMC b v vPMbQM, QMC, QMB b vCM, CM2, CRMbDM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-S, DM1-Z, DM2 b bDM1-A(*), DM1-W b b bDMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-S b bNSM-cables, NSM-busbarsbGAMbSM, TMbEMBbb provided as standardv other possibility(*) 1250 A version61029NDouble-function operating mechanism CITb Switch functionIndependent-operation opening or closing by lever or motor.b Earthing-switch functionIndependent-operation opening or closing by lever.Operating energy is provided by a <strong>com</strong>pressed spring which, when released,provokes closing or opening of the contacts.b Auxiliary contactsv switch (2 O + 2 C)*,v switch (2 O + 3 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C),v switch (1 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C) if motor option.b Mechanical indicationsFuses blown in unit PM.b Motor option61030NDouble-function operating mechanism CI1b Switch functionv independent-operation closing by lever or motor.Operating energy is provided by a <strong>com</strong>pressed spring which, when released,provokes closing of the contacts.v independent-operation opening by push-button (O) or trip units.b Earthing-switch functionIndependent-operation closing and opening by lever.Operating energy is provided by a <strong>com</strong>pressed spring which, when released,provokes closing or opening of the contacts.b Auxiliary contactsv switch (2 O + 2 C)*,v switch (2 O + 3 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C),v switch (1 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C) if motor option,v fuses blown (1 C).b Mechanical indicationsFuses blown in units QM.b Opening releasesv shunt trip,v undervoltage for unit QM.b Motor option(*) Included with the motor option.44

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsOperating mechanisms 061031NDouble-function operating mechanism CI2b Switch functionv independent-operation closing in two steps:1 - operating mechanism recharging by lever or motor,2 - stored energy released by push-button (I) or trip unit.v independent-operation opening by push-button (O) or trip unit.b Earthing-switch functionIndependent-operation closing and opening by lever.Operating energy is provided by a <strong>com</strong>pressed spring which, when released,provokes closing or opening of the contacts.b Auxiliary contactsv switch (2 O + 2 C)*,v switch (2 O + 3 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C),v switch (1 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C) if motor option.b Opening release shunt tripb Closing release shunt tripb Motor option(*) Included with the motor option.61032NDouble-function operating mechanism CSb Switch and earth switch functionsDependent-operation opening and closing by lever.b Auxiliary contactsv disconnector (2 O + 2 C) for units DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM2and CRM without VT,v disconnector (2 O + 3 C) and earthing switch (1 O + 1 C) for unitsDM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM2 and CRM without VT,v disconnector (1 O + 2 C) for units CM, CM2, TM, DM1-A, DM1-D, DM2and CRM with VT.b Mechanical indicationsFuses blown in units CM, CM2 and TM.Characteristics ofthe functional units61033NSingle-function operating mechanism CCb Earthing switch functionIndependent-operation opening and closing by lever.Operating energy is provided by a <strong>com</strong>pressed spring which, when released,provokes opening or closing of the contacts.b Auxiliary contactsEarthing switch (1 O + 1 C).45

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsOperating mechanisms 061034NSingle-function operating mechanism RIfor the SF circuit breakerb Circuit-breaker functionv independent-operation closing in two steps.First operating mechanism recharge by motor or lever, then release of the storedenergy by push-button (I) or trip unit.v independent-operation opening by push-button (O) or trip units.b Auxiliary contactsv circuit breaker (4 O + 4 C),v mechanism charged (1 C).b Mechanical indicationsOperation counter.b Opening releasesv Mitop (low energy),v shunt trip,v undervoltage.b Closing releasev shunt tripb Motor option (option and installation at a later date possible)Possible <strong>com</strong>binations between opening releasesSF1SFsetrelease type <strong>com</strong>binations <strong>com</strong>binations1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4Mitop (low energy) b b b b b bshunt trip b b b bundervoltage b b b b61035NProxima operating mechanismfor the Evolis circuit breakerb Circuit-breaker functionv independent-switching operating closing in two steps.First operating mechanism recharge by motor or lever, then release of the storedenergy by push-button (I) or trip unit.v independent-operation opening by push-button (O) or trip units.v spring energy release.b Auxiliary contactsv circuit breaker (4 O + 4 C),v mechanism charged (1 C).b Mechanical indicationsOperation counterb Opening releasesv Mitop (low energy),v shunt trip,v undervoltage.b Closing releasev shunt tripb Motor option (option and installation at a later date possible)46

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsAuxiliaries 061036N61037NMotor option and releases for switch-unitsThe operating mechanisms CIT, CI1 and CI2 may be motorised.Un DC AC (50 Hz)*power supply (V) <strong>24</strong> 48 110 125 220 120 230Motor option(W) 200(VA) 200arming time CIT 1 to 2 (s) 1 to 2 (s)or for working CI1, CI2 4 to 7 (s) 4 to 7 (s)Opening releasesshunt trip(W) 200 250 300 300 300(VA) 400 750response time (ms) 35 35undervoltagepick-up (W) 160(VA) 280 550hold (W) 4(VA) 50 40response time (ms) 45 45Closing releaseshunt trip(W) 200 250 300 300 300(VA) 400 750response time (ms) 55 55* please consult us for other frequencies.Motor option and releases for SF6 type circuit breakersOperating mechanism RI may be equipped with the motor optionfor the recharging function.Un DC AC (50 Hz)*power supply (V) <strong>24</strong> 48 110 125 220 120 230Motor option(W) 300(VA) 380arming time (s) 15 15Opening releasesMitop (low energy) (W) 3response time (ms) 30 30shunt trip(W) 85(VA) 180response time (ms) 45 45undervoltagepick-up (W) 160(VA) 280 550hold (W) 10(VA) 50 40response time (ms) 55 55Closing releaseshunt trip(W) 85(VA) 180response time (ms) 65 65* please consult us for other frequencies.Characteristics ofthe functional units47

UC1UC2UC3M2CSDE2Characteristics ofthe functional unitsMotor option and releasesfor Evolis circuit breakers 0MT55165Charging motor and associated mechanism (MCH)The MCH unit arms and rearms the energy storage springs as soon asthe circuit breaker is closed. This enables instant reclosing of the deviceafter opening. The arming lever is only used as back up control in the absenceof an auxiliary voltage.The MCH is equipped as standard with a CH limit switch.This contact indicates the “armed” position of the mechanism (spring armed).Characteristicspower supply Vac 50/60 Hz 48/60 100/130 200/<strong>24</strong>0Vdc <strong>24</strong>/30 48/60 100/125 200/250threshold0.85 to 1.1 Unconsumption (VA or W) 180motor overcurrent2 to 3 In during 0.1 sarming time4 s max.switching rate3 cycles per minute max.mechanical endurance 10000 remote controlled opening operations Evolis P1CH contact10 A at <strong>24</strong>0 VMT55166COM UC4 /RESSDE1Low energy release (MITOP)This specific coil actuates the opening mechanism of the poles to trip the circuitbreaker. It <strong>com</strong>prises a low energy consumption electromagnet.Characteristicspower supplythresholdresponse timeof the circuit breaker at Undirect current0.6 A < I < 3 A11 msAny tripping caused by the Mitop release is indicated momentarily by an SDE typechangeover contact. This release unit also includes a coil enabling the remoterearming of the SDE contact.Comment: to use the MITOP release requires the adjustment of a time delay to be setby the protection relay in order to ensure a circuit breaker operating time of 45-50 ms.MT55164Shunt trip release (MX)This causes instant opening of the circuit breaker when energised.Permanent energising of the MX locks the circuit breaker in the “open” position.Characteristicspower supply Vac 50/60 Hz <strong>24</strong>/30 48/60 100/130 200/250Vdc <strong>24</strong>/30 48/60 100/130 200/250threshold0.7 to 1.1 Unconsumption (VA or W) pick-up: 200hold: 4.5response timeof the circuit breaker at Un50 ms ± 1048

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsCurrent transformers 061040NFor unit QMCTransformer ARJP1/N2Fb single primary winding;b double secondary winding for measurement and protection.Short-time withstand current Ith (kA)I1n (A) 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 200Ith (kA) 1.2 2.4 3.6 6 10 10 10 10t (s) 1measurementand protection5 A 15 VA - class 0.55 A 2.5 VA - 5P2061040N61041NFor unit CRMTransformer ARJP1/N2Fb single primary winding;b double secondary winding for measurement and protection.Short-time withstand current Ith (kA)I1n (A) 50 100 150 200Ith (kA) 6 10t (s) 1measurement 5 A 15 VA - class 0.5and protection 5 A 2.5 VA - 5P20Note: please consult us for other characteristics.For 400 - 630 A unitsDM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM2, GBC-A, GBC-BTransformer ARM3/N2Fb double primary winding;b single secondary winding for measurement and protection.Short-time withstand current Ith (kA)I1n (A) 10/20 20/40 50/100 100/200 200/400 300/600Ith (kA) 5 12.5 12.5/21* 12.5/25* 12.5/25* 25t (s) 1 0.8 1measurementand protection* for 5 A protection5 A 7.5 VA - class 0.51 A 1 VA - 10P305 A 5 VA - 5P10 5 VA - 5P15b double primary winding;b double secondary winding for measurement and protection.Short-time withstand current Ith (kA)I1n (A) 50/100 100/200 200/400 300/600Ith (kA) 14.5 25 25 25t (s) 1measurementand protection5 A 30 VA - class 0.55 A 5 VA - 5P15 7.5 VA - 5P155 A 7.5 VA - 5P10 15 VA - 5P10Characteristics ofthe functional units49

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsCurrent transformers 061042NFor 630 A unitsDMV-A, DMV-D, IMCTransformer ARJP2/N2Fb single primary winding;b double secondary winding for measurement and protection.Short-time withstand current Ith (kA)I1n (A) 50 100 200 400 600Ith (kA) 25t (s) 1measurement 5 A 10 VA 15 VA 15 VA 15 VA 20 VAand protection class 0.5 class 0.5 class 0.5 class 0.5 class 0.55 A 2.5 VA5P202.5 VA5P205 VA5P205 VA5P207.5 VA5P2061044NFor 1250 A unitsDM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM1-Z, GBC-A, GBC-BDMV-A, DMV-DTransformer ARJP3/N2Fb single primary winding;b double secondary winding for measurement and protection.Short-time withstand current Ith (kA)I1n (A) 1000 1250Ith (kA) 25t (s) 1measurement 1 A 30 VA - class 0.5and protection 1 A 10 VA - 5P20measurementand protection5 A 30 VA - class 0.55 A 10 VA - 5P2050

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsVoltage transformers 061045NFor units CM, DM1-A, DM1-D, DM2, GBC-A, GBC-BTransformers VRQ2-n/S1 (phase-to-earth) 50 or 60 Hzrated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) <strong>24</strong>primary voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 10/3 15/3 15-20/3 20/3secondary voltage (V) 100/3thermal power (VA) 250accuracy class 0.5rated output for30 30 30single primary winding (VA)rated output fordouble primary winding (VA)30-5061046NFor units DMV-A, DMV-DTransformers VRFR-n/S1 (phase-to-earth) 50 or 60 Hzrated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 17.5primary voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 10/3 15/3secondary voltage (V) 100/3thermal power (VA) 250accuracy class 0.5rated output forsingle primary winding (VA)30For units CM2, GBC-A, GBC-BTransformers VRC2/S1 (phase-to-phase) 50 or 60 Hzrated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) <strong>24</strong>primary voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 10 15 20secondary voltage (V) 100thermal power (VA) 500accuracy class 0.5rated output forsingle primary winding (VA)50Characteristics ofthe functional unitsPE55648For units GBC-A, GBC-BTransformers VRM3-n/S2 (phase-to-earth and protected by fuses 0.3 A) 50 or 60 Hzrated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong>primary voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 10/3 15/3 20/3secondary voltage (V) 100/3 - 100/3thermal power (VA) 200First secondary accuracy class 0.5rated output for 30-50single primary (VA)thermal power (VA) 100Second secondary accuracy class 3Prated output 5051

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsVoltage transformers 061047NFor unit TMTransformers RV9 (phase-to-phase) 50 or 60 Hzrated voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) <strong>24</strong>primary voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 10 15 20secondary voltage (V) 220output (VA) 2500 2500 25004000 4000Note: the above mentioned voltage transformers are grounded neutral.For other characteristics, please consult us.Surge arrestorFor units IM500, DM1-A, DM1-W, GAM, DMV-A*, DMV-S*In (A) (unit) 400/630Un (<strong>kV</strong>) (unit) 7.2 10 12 17.5 <strong>24</strong>Note: the rated voltage of the surge arrestor is according to unit’s rated voltage.(*) limited up to 17.5 <strong>kV</strong> for DMV-A and DMV-S circuit breaker cubicles.52

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsProtection transformers 0Fuse ratings for <strong>SM6</strong>protection units such as PM,QM, QMB and QMC depend,among other things,on the following criteria:b service voltage;b transformer rating;b fuse technology(manufacturer);Different types of fuses withmedium loaded striker maybe installed:b Solefuse fuses as perstandard UTE NCF 64.210;b Fusarc CF fuses as perIEC re<strong>com</strong>mendation 60.282.1and DIN dimensions 43.625.Example: for the protectionof a 400 <strong>kV</strong>A transformer at10 <strong>kV</strong>, select either Solefusefuses rated 43 A or Fusarc CFfuses rated 50 A.DE55901By fused switch35ø 5545035ø 62333ø 45LØ3323ø 6Solefuse (UTE standards)rated rating L Ø weightvoltage (<strong>kV</strong>) (A) (mm) (mm) (kg)7.2 6.3 to 125 450 55 212 10017.5 80<strong>24</strong> 6.3 to 63Fusarc CF (DIN standards)ratedvoltage (<strong>kV</strong>)rating(A)L(mm)Ø(mm)weight(kg)7.2 125 292 86 3.312 6.3 to 20 292 50.5 1.225 to 40 292 57 1.550 to 100 292 78.5 2.8<strong>24</strong> 6.3 to 20 442 50.5 1.625 to 40 442 57 2.250 to 63 442 78.5 4.180 442 86 5.3Others (DIN standards)ratedvoltage (<strong>kV</strong>)rating(A)L(mm)Ø(mm)weight(kg)7.2 160 292 85 3.8200 292 85 3.812 125 292 67 2160 292 85 3.8200 292 85 3.817.5 125 442 85 5.4<strong>24</strong> 100 442 85 5.4125 442 85 5.4Characteristics ofthe functional unitsType offuseServicevoltage(<strong>kV</strong>)Selection tableThe color code is linked to the rated voltage of the fuse.Rating in A - no overload at -5°C < t < 40°C.Please consult us for overloads and operation over 40°C.Transformer rating (<strong>kV</strong>A)25 50 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500Solefuse (UTE NFC standards 13.100, 64.210)5.5 6.3 16 31.5 31.5 63 63 63 63 63 7.210 6.3 6.3 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 63 63 63 6315 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 16 16 43 43 43 43 43 6320 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 16 43 43 43 43 43 63 <strong>24</strong>Solefuse (general case, UTE NFC standard 13.200)3.3 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 63 63 100 100 7.25.5 6.3 16 16 31.5 31.5 63 63 63 80 80 100 1256.6 6.3 16 16 16 31.5 31.5 43 43 63 80 100 125 12510 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 43 43 63 80 80 100 1213.8 6.3 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 43 63 63 80 17.515 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 43 43 63 8020 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 43 43 63 <strong>24</strong>22 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 16 16 16 16 16 31.5 31.5 31.5 43 63 63Fusarc CF (DIN standards)3.3 16 25 40 50 50 80 80 100 125 125 160 200* 7.25.5 10 16 31.5 31.5 40 50 50 63 80 100 125 125 160 1606.6 10 16 25 31.5 40 50 50 63 80 80 100 125 125 16010 6.3 10 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 50 63 80 80 100 100 125 200* 1213.8 6.3 10 16 16 20 25 31.5 31.5 40 50 50 63 80 80 100 125* 125* 17.515 6.3 10 10 16 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 50 63 80 80 100 125* 125*20 6.3 6.3 10 10 16 16 25 25 31.5 40 40 50 50 63 80 100 125* <strong>24</strong>22 6.3 6.3 10 10 10 16 20 25 25 31.5 40 40 50 50 80 80 100* please consult usRatedvoltage(<strong>kV</strong>)53

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsMotors protection with CRM units 0The current rating of fuses installed in CRM unitsdepends on:b motor current rating In;b starting current Id;b frequency of starts.The fuses rating is calculated such that a current equalto twice the starting current does not blow the fusewithin period equal to the starting time.The adjacent table indicated the ratings which shouldbe used, based on the following assumptions:b direct on-line startup;b Id/In ≤ 6;b pf = 0.8 (P ≤ 500 kW) or 0.9 (P > 500 kW);b η = 0.9 (P ≤ 500 kW) or 0.94 (P > 500 kW).The indicated values are for Fusarc fuses(to DIN standard 43-625).Example:Consider a 950 kW motor at 5 <strong>kV</strong>.PIn = -------------------------------- = 130 A3 ⋅ U ⋅η ⋅pfId = 6 x In = 780 AThen select the next higher value, i.e. 790 A.For six 5-second starts per hour, select fusesrated 200 A.Note: the same motor could not be protected for 12 startsper hour since the maximum service voltage for the required250 A rated fuses is 3.3 <strong>kV</strong>.Selection of fusesThe color code is linked to the rated voltage of the fuse.Startingcurrent (A)Starting time (s)5 10 20Number of starts per hour6 12 6 12 6 121410 2501290 250 250 2501140 250 250 250 250 2501030 250 250 250 250 250 250 3.3890 250 250 250 250 250 250790 200 250 250 250 250 250710 200 200 200 250 250 250640 200 200 200 200 200 250610 200 200 200 200 200 200 6.6540 160 200 200 200 200 200480 160 160 160 200 200 200440 160 160 160 160 160 200310 160 160 160 160 160 160280 125 160 160 160 160 160250 125 125 125 160 160 160<strong>24</strong>0 125 125 125 125 125 160230 125 125 125 125 125 125210 100 125 125 125 125 125180 100 100 100 100 100 125170 100 100 100 100 100 100 11Maximum servicevoltage (<strong>kV</strong>)Maximum switchable power (kW)(direct on-line startup, six 5 sec. starts per hour)service voltage (<strong>kV</strong>) 3.3 4.16 5 5.5 6 6.6 10 11without fuses 1550 1960 2360 2590 2830 3110 4710 5180with fuses 100 A 140 180 215 <strong>24</strong>0 260 285 435 480200 A 625 800 960 1060 1155 1270250 A 1135Access to fusesAccess is via the front with the front panel removed.Fuses may be removed without tools by simply pulling them forward.The field deflector pivots and automatically returns to its position.Replacement of fusesWhen fault clearance results in one or two blown fuses, it is still <strong>com</strong>mon practiceto replace only the blown fuses.However, though the remaining fuse(s) may apparently be in good condition,their operating characteristics are generally reduced due to the short-circuit.If non-blown fuses remain in service, they may blow even at very lowover-current values.In systems where continuity of service is of importance, it is re<strong>com</strong>mendedto replace all three fuses, in <strong>com</strong>pliance with IEC re<strong>com</strong>mendation 60282.1.Please note: all three fuses must <strong>com</strong>e from the same range:Solefuse or Fusarc CF (they have different fusion curves).54

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsInterlocks 0Switch unitsb the switch can be closed only if the earthing switchis open and the access panel is in position.b the earthing switch can be closed only if the switchis open.b the access panel for connections can be openedonly if the earthing switch is closed.b the switch is locked in the open position whenthe access panel is removed. The earthing switchmay be operated for tests.Circuit-breaker unitsb the disconnector(s) can be closed only ifthe circuit breaker is open and the access panelis in position interlock type 50.b the earth switch(es) can be closed only ifthe disconnector(s) is/are open.b the access panel for connections can be openedonly if:v the circuit breaker is locked open,v the disconnector(s) is/are open,v the earth switch(es) is/are closed.Note: it is possible to lock the disconnector(s)in the open position for no-load operationswith the circuit breaker.Functional interlocksThese <strong>com</strong>ply with IEC re<strong>com</strong>mendation 60271-200 and EDF specificationHN 64-S-41.In addition to the functional interlocks, each disconnector and switch include:b built-in padlocking capacities (padlocks not supplied);b four knock-outs that may be used for keylocks (supplied on request)for mechanism locking functions.Unit interlockunitsinterlockA1 C1 C4 A3 A4 A5 50 P1 P2 P3 P5IM, IMB, IMC b b bPM, QM, QMB, QMC, b b b bDM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W,DM1-Z, DM1-S,DMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-SCRMbNSM b bGAM b b bSM b bDE55902A1 typeOOKey-type interlocksOutgoing unitsAim:b to prevent the closing of the earthing switch on a transformer protection unitunless the LV circuit breaker is locked in “open” or “disconnected” position.Characteristics ofthe functional unitsDe55903C1 typeb to prevent the access to the transformer if the earthing switch for transformerprotection has not first been closed.SSDE55904C4 typeOSOb to prevent the closing of the earthing switch on a transformer protection unit unlessthe LV circuit breaker is locked in “open” or “disconnected” position.b to prevent the access to the transformer if the earthing switch for transformerprotection has not first been closed.SMT20<strong>24</strong>0ENLegend for key-type interlocks:no key free key captive key panel or door55

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsInterlocks 0DE55905A3 typeORing unitsAim:b to prevent the closing of the earthing switch of a load-side cubicleunless the line-side switch is locked “open”.ODE55906A4 typeOOb to prevent the simultaneous closing of two switches.DE55907A5 typeOb to prevent the closing of the earthing switch of the casing unit unlessthe downstream and the upstream switches are locked in the “open” position.SOSDE5590850 type PreventsO Ob on-load switching of the disconnectors.OAllowsb off-load operation of the circuit breaker with the disconnectors open(double isolation).b off-load operation of the circuit breaker with the disconnector open(single isolation).MT20<strong>24</strong>0ENLegend for key-type interlocks:no key free key captive key panel or door56

Characteristics ofthe functional unitsInterlocks 0DE55909P1 typeOXb to prevent the closing of an earthing switch if the switch of the other unithas not been locked in the “open” position.XODE55910P2 typeXOOb to prevent on-load operation of the disconnector unless the switch is locked “open”;b to prevent the closing of the earthing switches unless the disconnector andthe switch are locked “open”.XDe55912DE55911P3 typeP5 typeOPAXXOb to prevent on-load operation of the disconnector unless the switch is locked “open”;b to prevent the closing of the earthing switches with the unit energised, unlessthe disconnector and the switch are locked “open”;b to allow off-load operation of the switch.b to prevent the closing of the earthing switch of the in<strong>com</strong>ing unit unlessthe disconnector and the switch is locked “open”.Characteristics ofthe functional unitsPMT20<strong>24</strong>0ENLegend for key-type interlocks:no key free key captive key panel or door57

ConnectionsConnections selection table061048NThe ageing resistance of the equipment in an MV/LV substationdepends on three key factors:b the need to make connections correctlyNew cold fitted connection technologies offer ease of installation that favoursresistance over time. Their design enables operation in polluted environmentsunder severe conditions.b the impact of the relative humidity factorThe inclusion of a heating element is essential in climates with high humidity levelsand with high temperature differentials.b ventilation controlThe dimension of the grills must be appropriate for the power dissipatedin the substation. They must only traverse the transformer area.Network cables are connected:b on the switch terminals;b on the lower fuse holders;b on the circuit breaker’s connectors.The bimetallic lugs are:b round connection and shank for cables ≤ 300 mm 2 ;b square connection round shank for cables > 300 mm 2 only.Crimping of lugs to cables must be carried out by stamping.The end connectors are of cold fitted typeSchneider Electric’s experience has led it to favour this technology whereverpossible for better resistance over time.The maximum admissible cable cross section:b 630 mm 2 for 1250 A in<strong>com</strong>er and feeder cables;b 300 mm 2 for 400 - 630 A in<strong>com</strong>er and feeder cables ;b 95 mm 2 for transformer protection cubicles with fuses.Access to the <strong>com</strong>partment is interlocked with the closing of the earthing disconnector.The reduced cubicle depth makes it easier to connect all phases.A 12 mm Ø pin integrated with the field distributor enables the cable end lugto be positioned and attached with one hand. Use a torque wrench set to 50 mN.Dry-type single-core cableShort inner end, cold fittedPerformance Lug type X-section mm 2 Supplier Number of cables Comments3 to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> round connector 50 to 300 mm 2 all cold fitted cable end 1 or 2 per phase for larger x-sections, more400 A - 630 Asuppliers: Silec, 3M, Pirelli,cables and other types ofRaychem, etc.lugs, please consult us3 to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>1250 Around connectorsquare connector> 300 mm 2admissible50 to 630 mm 2 all cold fitted cable endsuppliers: Silec, 3M, Pirelli,Raychem, etc.1 or 2 per phase≤ 400 mm <strong>24</strong>00 < 1 ≤ 630 mm 2per phasefor larger x-sections, morecables and other types oflugs, please consult usThree core, dry cableShort inner end, cold fittedPerformance Lug type X-section mm 2 Supplier Number of cables Comments3 to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> round connector 50 to 300 mm 2 all cold fitted cable end 1 per phase for larger x-sections, more400 A - 630 Asuppliers: Silec, 3M, Pirelli,cables and other types ofRaychem, etc.lugs, please consult us3 to <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>1250 Around connector 50 to 630 mm 2 all cold fitted cable endsuppliers: Silec, 3M, Pirelli,Raychem, etc.Note:b The lugs, covered by a field distributor, can be square;b PM/QM type cubicle, round end connections Ø 30 mm max.1 per phase for larger x-sections, morecables and other types oflugs, please consult us58

Connections Cable-connection from below 0Cable-connection heightCable-connection height Hmeasured from floor (mm)IM, NSM-cables, NSM-busbars, SMIMC, PM, QM, QMC630 A 1250 AIM,NSM-cables, NSM-busbars 950SM 950 950IMC 450PM, QM 400QMC 340CRM 430DM1-A SF1 370 650DM1-A SFset, DM1-S 430DMV-A, DMV-S 3<strong>24</strong> 3<strong>24</strong>DM1-W 360 650GAM2 760GAM 470 620DE55915200420200HDE55916200420200HCRM GAM2 GAMDE55917DE55918DE55919HHH200420200200420200200420200DMV-A, DMV-S 400 - 630 - 1250 A DM1-A, DM1-S, DM1-W 400 - 630 A DM1-A, DM1-W 1250 ADE55920DE55921DE55922ConnectionsHHH185312185 338 200420200789 33020042020059

Connections Cable-connection from below 0Trenches depthPE55651Cablingfrom aboveOn each unit of the range,except those includingan enlarged low-voltagecontrol cabinet,the connection is madewith dry-type and singlecorecables.Height: 450 mmDE55923Cables positionin front625500375187.5400 - 630 - 1250 A unitsSingle-core cables units until 630 A 1250 A unitscablex-section(mm 2 )bendingradius(mm)IM, SM,NSM-cables,NSM-busbarsIMC, CRM,DM1-A, DM1-W,GAM, DM1-SPM,QM,QMC (2)SM,GAMDM1-A (3)DM1-W (3)DMV-Adepth P (mm)all orientationsP1 P2 P3 P4 P550 370 140 400 35070 400 150 430 35095 440 160 470 350120 470 200 500150 500 220 550185 540 270 670<strong>24</strong>0 590 330 730300 692 430 830400 800 1000 1350630 940 1000 1350(2) must be installed with a 100 mm deep pan.(3) must be installed with a 350 mm deep pan, in a floor void.Note: the unit and the cables requiring the greatest depth must be taken into accountwhen determining the depth P for single-trench installations.In double-trench installations, depth P must be taken into account for each type of unitand cable orientations.Cabling from belowAll units:b through trenchesThe trench depth P is given in the table opposite for <strong>com</strong>monly used dry single-corecables type (for tri-core cables consult us).b with standsTo reduce P or eliminate trenches altogether by placing the units on 400 mm concretefootings.b with floor voidThe trench depth P is given in the table opposite for <strong>com</strong>monly used types of cables.Technical pit drawings1250 A units 630 A unitsSM, GAMfor single and tri-core cablesDMV-Afor single and tri-core cablesDM1-A, DM1-Wfor single-core cablesDMV-A, DMV-Sfor single and tri-core cablesDE55931100DE55932100DE55933140DE559341006050505050740740740740P4350P5P5250P448060060084060060

Connections Cable-connection from below 0Trench diagrams example630 A unitscable entry or exitthrough right or left side630 A unitsrear entry or exitwith conduits630 A unitsfront entry or exitwith conduitsDE5593514060DE5593614060DE55937100P2P1P2P3P1600202020IM70IMDM1ConnectionsRequired dimensions (mm)Note: for connection with conduits, the bevel C must correspond to the followingtrench dimensions: P1 = 75 mm or P2/P3 = 150 mm.61

Connections Cable-connection from below 0Trench diagrams and technical pitdrawings enhanced exampleInstallation withtechnical pitDownwards exhaustInstallation withtrench diagramUpwards exhaustDE55938DE55939220100Ø 200P1600220740220740106010602020IMØ 200IMØ 200IMIMDM1-ADM1-ANote: to evacuate gases through the bottom, the technical pit volume must be over or equal to 2 m 3 .62

Installation Dimensions and weights 0Add to height:(1) 450 mm for low-voltage enclosures for control/monitoring and protection functions. To ensure uniformpresentation, all units (except GIM and GEM) may beequipped with low-voltage enclosures.(2) depending on the busbar configuration in the VM6unit, two types of extension units may be used:b to extend a VM6 DM12 or DM23 unit,use an extension unit with a depth of 1060 mm;b for all other VM6 units, a depth of 920 mm is required.(3) for the 1250 A unit.Type of unitheight(mm)width(mm)depth(mm)weight(kg)IM,IMB 1600 (1) 375 940 120IMC 1600 (1) 500 940 200PM, QM, QMB 1600 (1) 375 940 130QMC 1600 (1) 625 940 230CRM 2050 750 940 390DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM1-Z, 1600 (1) 750 1220 400DM2DM1-S 1600 (1) 750 1220 260DMV-A, DMV-D 1600 (1) 625 940 320DMV-S 1600 (1) 625 940 260CM 1600 (1) 375 940 190CM2 1600 (1) 500 940 210GBC-A, GBC-B 1600 750 1020 290NSM-cables, NSM-busbars 2050 750 940 260GIM 1600 125 840 30GEM (2) 1600 125 920/1060 30/35GBM 1600 375 940 120GAM2 1600 375 940 120GAM 1600 500 1020 120SM 1600 (1) 375/500 (3) 940 120TM 1600 375 940 190Floor preparationUnits may be installed on ordinary concrete floors, with or without trenchesdepending on the type and cross-section of cables.Required civil works are identical for all 400 - 630 A units.To reduce the depth of trenches by 400 mm (for the 400 - 630 A units),which in many cases is sufficient to eliminate trenches altogether,units may be installed on a concrete footing prepared when pouring the floor.Installation of 400 - 630 A units on a footing:b enables installation in rooms where trenches are not possible;b in no way affects substation switching operation;b for the 1250 A units DM1-A and DM1-W, a floor void must be foreseen.DE55940a15 b 1550740 840Fixing of unitsWith each otherThe units are simply bolted together to form the MV switchboard (bolts supplied).Busbar connections are made using a torque wrench set to 28 mN.On the floorb for switchboards <strong>com</strong>prising up to three units, the four corners of the switchboardmust be secured to the floor using:v M8 bolts (not supplied) screwed into nuts set into the floor using a sealing pistol,v screw rods grouted into the floor.b for switchboards <strong>com</strong>prising more than three units, the number and positionof fixing points depends on local criteria (earthquake withstand capacities, etc.),each unit may be fixed as necessary.b position of fixing holes b depends on the width a of units:Installation12.3 x 12.3Note: in circuit-breaker or contactor units, fixing devicesare installed on the side opposite the switchgear.a (mm) 125 375 500 625 750b (mm) 95 345 470 595 72063

Installation Units dimensions 0IM, IMB, PM, QM, QMB, SM IMC, QMC, CM, CM2 CRMDE55941450DE5594<strong>24</strong>50DE55943450160016001600840 3070840 3070840 3070NSM-cables, NSM-busbars GBM, GAM2 GAMDE55944450DE55945DE55946160016001600840 3070840 307080840 3070GIM GEM GBC-A, GBC-BDE55947DE55948DE55949160016001600840140 92080 84010064

Installation Units dimensions 0DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM1-Z, DM1-S, DM2DM1-A, DM1-W 1250 ADE55950450DE559514501600160020080 84010033083220080 840100DMV-A DMV-D DMV-SDE55952DE55953DE55954168016801600100100150858515085840 100840 100840 100DE55955Internal arcing enhanced cubiclesupwards exhaust450600DE55956Internal arcing enhanced cubiclesdownwards exhaust45025Installation1600160022022065

Installation Layout examples 0Biosco prefabricated substationConventional masonry substation61050NDE55961AB940202001200 (*)(*) advised access dimensionRequired dimensions (mm)without circuit breaker with circuit breakerRange 630/1250 A 630/1250 AA 60B 100 140Switchboard extension exampleInternal arcing cubicles 16 kA.1 sinstalled against a wallInternal arcing cubicles 16 kA.1 swith rear corridorDE55962DE5596311602001200 (*)(*) advised access dimensionRequired dimensions (mm)66

Installation Protecting the environment 0Schneider Electric’s recycling serviceSchneider Electric’s recycling servicefor SF6 products is part of a rigorousmanagement process.61051NSchneider Electric is <strong>com</strong>mitted to a long termenvironmental approach.As part of this, the <strong>SM6</strong> range has been designedto be environmentally friendly, notably in terms ofthe product’s recycleability.The materials used, both conductors and insulators,are identified and easily separable.At the end of its life, <strong>SM6</strong> can be processed, recycledand its materials recovered in conformity with the draftEuropean regulations on the end-of-life of electronicand electrical products, and in particular withoutany gas being released to the atmosphere nor anypolluting fluids being discharged.61016NFerrous metal71%Non-ferrous metal10.5%ThermohardeningThermoplasticsFluid15%3.35%0.15%InstallationMT55145b The environmental management system adoptedby Schneider Electric production sites that producethe <strong>SM6</strong> have been assessed and judged to bein conformity with requirements in the ISO 14001standard.ISO 1400167

Installation A full range of services 0Schneider Electric is capable of offering a full range of serviceseither associated or not with the supply of the <strong>SM6</strong> unit.To improve the quality of your electrical power:b network study, harmonics study, etc.;b reactive energy <strong>com</strong>pensation;b consumption monitoring;b optimisation of your electrical power supply contracts.To ac<strong>com</strong>pany the purchase and installationof your <strong>SM6</strong> equipment:b adaptation of our equipment to provide a better responseto your requirements;b on site assembly, testing and <strong>com</strong>missioningof your equipment;b customised financing solutions;b warranty extension;b operator training.To ac<strong>com</strong>pany your installation throughout its lifeand upgrading your equipment:b upgrading your existing equipment: functional adaptation,control motorisation, renovation of protections units, etc.;b on site work;b supply of replacement parts;b maintenance contracts;b end of life processing.Fore more information on all the services proposed bySchneider Electric, please contact your Schneider ElectricSales Office.61053N61052N68

AppendicesTrip curves for VIP 300 LLor LH relays 0DE55970t >t >t >>t >>Is 1.2 Is 10 Is I >>With lower definite time thresholdIs 1.2 Is 10 Is I >>With lower inverse definite time thresholdDefinite time tripping curvesSI curveVI curveDE55971t (s)100100t (s)1010110. 1.210I/Is1000.011 1.210I/Is100EI curveRI curveDE55972t (s)1000t (s)1010011010.10.011 1.2100.

Appendices Trip curves for VIP 200and VIP 201 relays 0for phase and earth faultsDT definite time curveSI inverse definite time curveDE559731000500td (s)1000500td (s)20020010050201210050201010552210.51310.5130.2140. 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 60I/Is0.010.0050.5 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 60I/IsVI very inverse definite time curveEI extremely inverse definite time curveDE559741000500td (s)1000500td (s)2002001005010050202010105522110. 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 6014I/Is0.020.010.0050.5 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 6014I/IsRI definite time curveDE559751000500td (s)2001005020105210.5130. 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 6014I/Is70

Appendices Trip curves for VIP 35 relays 0DE55976100Phase protection curvesThe trip curve shows the timebefore the relay acts, to whichmust be added 70 ms to obtainthe breaking time.1010.1total breaking time0.010 1.2 5 10 15 20 25 30typeI/IsAppendices71

Appendices Fusarc CF fuses 0Fuse and limitation curvesFuse curve 3.6 - 7.2 - 12 - 17.5 - <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Time (s)DE559774 A6.3 A10 A16 A20 A25 A31.5 A40 A50 A63 A80 A100 A125 A160 A200 A250 A100086421008642108642186420.186420.012 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 810100100010000Current (A)Limitation curve 3.6 - 7.2 - 12 - 17.5 - <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Maximum value of the limited broken current (kA peak)The diagram shows the maximum limited broken current valueas a function of the rms current value which could have occuredin the absence of a fuse.DE559781008642108642Ia = 1.8 Ik 2Is = Ik 2250 A200 A160 A125 A100 A80 A63 A50 A40 A31.5 A25 A20 A16 A10 A6.3 A184 A6420.16 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 80.1110100Rms value of the presumed broken current (kA)72

Appendices Solefuse fuses 0Fuse and limitation curvesFuse curve 7.2 - 12 - 17.5 - <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Time (s)DE5597910008646.3 A10 A16 A20 25 A31.5 A43 A63 A80 A100 A125 A2100864210 8642186420.1 86420.01102 4 6 81002 4 6 810002 4 6 810000Limitation curve 7.2 - 12 - 17.5 - <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Maximum value of the limited broken current (kA peak)Current (A)The diagram shows the maximum limited broken current valueas a function of the rms current value which could have occuredin the absence of a fuse.DE55980100864210864Ia = 1.8 Ik 2Is = Ik 2125 A100 A80 A63 A43 A31.5 A25 A20 A16 A10 A6.3 A218642Appendices0.10.12 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 81 10 100Rms value of the presumed broken current (kA)73

Modular switchboardOrder form<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>Connection to the networkOnly one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic cubicleRated voltage UrQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)Short-circuit current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Type of cubicleSM 375 IM 375 IMB 375 IMB 375 without E/SSM 500 IM 500 IMC 500Position number in the switchboard (from left to right)Direction of lower busbars for IMBleft (impossible as first cubicle of switchboard) rightOptionsReplacement of CIT by CI1 CI2Electrical driving motorization <strong>24</strong> Vdc 110 Vdc 120/127 Vac (50 Hz)32 Vdc 120-125 Vdc 220/230 Vac (50 Hz)48 Vdc 137 Vdc 120/127 Vac (60 Hz)60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220/230 Vac (60 Hz)Remote control signalling2 lights 2 lights and 2 PB 2 lights and 2 PB + 1 switchVoltage of the lights (must be the same than electrical driving mechanism)<strong>24</strong> V 48 V 110/125 V 220 VSignalling contact1 C on SW and 1O & 1C on ES (not applicable on SM cubicle)2 O & 2 C on SW 2 O & 3 C on SW and 1O & 1C on ESRoof configuration (A, B or C only one choice possible)A - Top in<strong>com</strong>er (cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 with voltage indicator)3/7.2 <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single core10/<strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single coreB - Low voltage control cabinet (h = 450 mm) with unpunched doorC - Wiring ductCable connection by the bottom (not applicable on IMB, cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 )three core single core 2 x single coreHeating elementInterlocking (with key) Ronis ProfaluxFor all cubicle (except SM) A4 A3 <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong> P1 <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong>Localisation of 2nd lock for A3 on switch on earthing switchLocalisation of 2nd lock for A4cubicle no.SM cubicle only P2 <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong> P3 <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong>Surge arrestors for IM 5007.2 <strong>kV</strong> 10 <strong>kV</strong> 12 <strong>kV</strong> 17.5 <strong>kV</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Operating counterCTs for IMC (quantity) 1 2 3Replacement of 630 A busbar by 1250 A (not possible for IMB)Internal arc version 16 kA 1s (not possible with “top in<strong>com</strong>er” option)Telecontrol (48 Vdc electrical motorization <strong>com</strong>pulsory)Cubicle with relay without relayCommunication Modbus IEC DNPprotocolModem type RS232 RS485Not for DNP PSTN GSM FSK3 core balance current transformers74

Modular switchboardOrder form<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>Fuse switch protectionOnly one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic cubicleRated voltage UrQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)Short-circuit current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Type of cubicleQM 375 QMB 375 QMC 625 PM 375Position number in the switchboard (from left to right)Current transformers for QMC (to see price structure)Quantity of CTs 1 2 3Direction of lower busbars for QMBleft rightOptionsFuses (see fuse price structure)Replacement of mechanismCIT by CI1 (only for PM)service voltage ≤ 12 <strong>kV</strong>CI1 by CI2 (only for QM)Electrical driving motorization <strong>24</strong> Vdc 110 Vdc 120/127 Vac (50 Hz)32 Vdc 120-125 Vdc 220/230 Vac (50 Hz)48 Vdc 137 Vdc 120/127 Vac (60 Hz)60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220/230 Vac (60 Hz)Shunt trip opening (on CI1) closing & opening (on CI2)<strong>24</strong> Vdc 110 Vdc 120/127 Vac (50 Hz)32 Vdc 120-125 Vdc 220/230 Vac (50 Hz)48 Vdc 137 Vdc 120/127 Vac (60 Hz)60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220/230 Vac (60 Hz)380 Vac (50/60 Hz)Remote control signalling (not applicable on PM, QMC and QMB)2 lights 2 lights and 2 PB 2 lights and 2 PB + 1 switchVoltage of the lights (must be the same than electrical driving mechanism)<strong>24</strong> V 48 V 110/125 V 220 VAuxiliary contact signalling1C on SW and 1O & 1C on ES2 O & 2 C on SW 2 O & 3 C on SW and 1O & 1C on ESBlown fuse signalling contact (mechanical indication PM, electrical for the other cubicles)Roof configuration (A, B or C only one choice possible)A - Top in<strong>com</strong>er (cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 with voltage indicator)3/7.2 <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single core10/<strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single coreB - Low voltage control cabinet (h = 450 mm) with unpunched doorC - Wiring ductInterlocking Ronis ProfaluxC4 A1 C1Heating elementOperation counterReplacement of 630 A busbar by 1250 A (not possible for QMB)Internal arc version 16 kA 1s (not possible with “top in<strong>com</strong>er” option)75

Modular switchboardOrder form<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>Circuit breaker protectionOnly one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic cubicleRated voltage Ur (maxi 17.5 <strong>kV</strong> for Evolis CB)Quantity(<strong>kV</strong>)Short-circuit current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Type of cubicleFor SF1 circuit breaker DM1-S 750 DM2 left 750 DM2 right 750DM1-W 750 DM1-Z 750For SFset circuit breaker DM1-A 750 DM1-D left 750 DM1-D right 750For Evolis circuit breaker DMV-A DMV-S DMV-D rightPosition number in the switchboard (from left to right)Busbar (Ir ≥ Ir cubicle)For DM1-A, DM1-S, DM1-W 400 A 630 A 1250 AFor DM1-D, DM2 400 A 630 AFor DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-W, DM1-Z1250 AFor DMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-S 630 A 1250 AProtectionFor DM1-S, DMV-S VIP35 with CRc VIP300LL with CRaVIP300LL with CRbFor DM2, DM1-Z, DM1-W Statimax 5 A, 2 s Statimax 1 A, 2 sControl for DMV-A and DMV-DLocal (shunt trip coil <strong>com</strong>pulsory)Remote (opening coil and closing coil <strong>com</strong>pulsory)Local and remote (opening coil and closing coil <strong>com</strong>pulsory)Voltage of the auxiliaries 48/60 Vdc 110/125 or 220/250 Vdc110/130 or 220/<strong>24</strong>0 Vac (50 Hz)Voltage of signalling 48/60 Vdc 110/125 Vdc 220/250 Vdc110/130 Vac (50 Hz) 220/<strong>24</strong>0 Vac (50 Hz)Cable connection by the bottomFor DM1-A, DM1-W3 x single core cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 6 x single core cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2OptionsRoof configuration (not applicable on DMV-A, DMV-S, DMV-D)(A, B or C only one choice possible)A - Top in<strong>com</strong>er (cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 with voltage indicator)3/7.2 <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single core10/<strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single coreDM2 1 set 2 setsB - Low voltage control cabinetDM2 1 cabinet 2 cabinetsC - Wiring duct DM2 1 set 2 setsOther cubicles1 setInterlocking Ronis ProfaluxNot applicable on DM2 C4 A1 C1CTs and VTs (not applicable for DM1-S, DMV-S)See specific order formSurge arrestor (for DM1-W 630 A without VTs)Signalling contact2 O & 2 C on SW (not applicable with VTs)2 O & 3 C on SW and 1 O & 1 C on ES (not applicable with VTs)1 O & 2 C on SW (available only on cubicle with VTs)Heating elementCircuit breakerSee specific order formInternal arc version 16 kA 1s76

Modular switchboardOrder form<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>MV meteringOnly one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic cubicleRated voltage UrQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)Short-circuit current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Type of cubicleIn = 630 A, In busbar = 400 A CM CM2 TM GBC-A GBC-BIn = 630 A, In busbar = 630 A CM CM2 TM GBC-A GBC-BIn = 630 A, In busbar = 1250 A CM CM2 TM GBC-A GBC-BIn = 1250 A, In busbar = 1250 A GBC-A GBC-BDirection of lower busbars for GBC-Aleft rightVTs for GBC (to see price structure) phase/phase phase/earthCTs for GBC (to see price structure) Quantity 1 2 3Ratio choice for GBCProtections 1 secondary 1 high secondary2 secondaries 1 low secondarySignalling contact1 O and 1 C on SW (CM, CM2, TM)blown fuse mechanical indication (CM, CM2, TM)Fuses for CM, CM2 and TM only (see fuse price structure)OptionsRoof configuration (A, B or C only one choice possible)A - Top in<strong>com</strong>er (cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 with voltage indicator)3/7.2 <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single core10/<strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single coreB - Low voltage control cabinet (h = 450 mm) with unpunched doorC - Wiring ductHeating element for CM, CM2, TMInternal arc version 16 kA 1s77

Modular switchboardOrder form<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>CasingOnly one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic cubicleRated voltage UrQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)Short-circuit current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Type of cubicleIn = 630 A, In busbar = 400 A GAM 500 GAM2 375 GBM 375In = 630 A, In busbar = 630 A GAM 500 GAM2 375 GBM 375In = 1250 A, In busbar = 1250 A GAM 500 GBM 375Position number in the switchboard (from left to right)Direction of lower busbars for GBMleft (impossible on the first cubicle of the switchboard) rightOptionsRoof configuration (A, B or C only one choice possible)A - Top in<strong>com</strong>er (cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 with voltage indicator)3/7.2 <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single core10/<strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong> single core 2 x single coreB - Low voltage control cabinet (h = 450 mm) with unpunched doorC - Wiring ductWiring duct for GBMES auxiliary contact (only on GAM 500)1 O and 1 CSurge arrestors for GAM 500, 630 A7.2 <strong>kV</strong> 10 <strong>kV</strong> 12 <strong>kV</strong> 17.5 <strong>kV</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Interlocking on GAM 500 Ronis ProfaluxA3 <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong>P5 <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong>Localisation of 2nd lock for P5cubicle no.Heating element (on GAM 500 630 A and on GAM2)Internal arc version 16 kA 1s78

Modular switchboardOrder form<strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>Power supply for main in<strong>com</strong>ing lineOnly one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic cubicleRated voltage UrQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)Short-circuit current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Type of cubicleIn = 630 A, In busbar = 400 A NSM busbar NSM cableIn = 630 A, In busbar = 630 A NSM busbar NSM cableIn = 630 A, In busbar = 1250 ANSM cablePosition number in the switchboard (from left to right)Way of the busbars for NSMleft rightCable connection by the bottom (cable maxi <strong>24</strong>0 mm 2 )three core on both single core on both 2 x single core on both3 x single core on one cubicle and 2 x three core on the other oneStand by sourcegeneratorUtility with paralleling without parallelingOptionsSignalling contact on earthing switch1C on SW and 1O & 1C on ESOperation counterInterlocking <strong>SM6</strong>-<strong>SM6</strong> Ronis Profalux1 x P1 right cubicle left cubicle2 x P1 right and left cubicle1 x A3 right cubicle left cubicleon switch on earthing switch2 x A3 right cubicle on switch on earthing switchleft cubicle on switch on earthing switch2 heating elements (set)Telecontrol (only with utility stand by source)Communication Modbus IEC DNPprotocolModem type RS232 RS485Not for DNP PSTN GSM FSK79

SF6 circuit breaker Order form 0SF1 lateral fixed or withdrawablefor <strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>Only one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic circuit breakerRated voltage UrImpulse voltage UpQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)(<strong>kV</strong>bil)Breaking current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Frequency 50 Hz 60 HzInstallation Fixed A1 B1WithdrawableB1Colour for push buttons and indicators IEC standard ANSI standardPush buttons open/close red/blackIndicator open/close black/white green/redOperating mechanism charged/discharged white/yellow charge/dischargeCircuit breaker options1st opening release * (see possible choices <strong>com</strong>bination table below)Shunt opening release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)Undervoltage release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)MITOP without contact with contact2nd opening release * (see possible choice <strong>com</strong>bination table below)Shunt opening release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)Undervoltage release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)MITOP without contact with contactRemote controlElectric motor - MCH <strong>24</strong>…32 Vdc 110…127 Vdc/ac48…60 Vdc/ac 220…250 Vdc/acShunt closing release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)Leaflets language French English Spanish(*) Different releases <strong>com</strong>binationsShunt opening release 1 2 1 1Undervoltage release 1 1 1MITOP 1 1 180

SF6 circuit breaker Order form 0SFset lateral withdrawablefor <strong>SM6</strong> <strong>24</strong>Only one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic circuit breakerRated voltage UrImpulse voltage UpQuantity(<strong>kV</strong>)(<strong>kV</strong>bil)Breaking current Isc (kA)Rated current Ir (A)Frequency 50 Hz 60 HzMechanism position A1 B1Colour for push buttons and indicators IEC standard ANSI standardPush buttons open/close red/blackIndicator open/close black/white green/redOperating mechanism charged/discharged white/yellow charge/dischargeControl unit and sensorsUntil end of 2004VIP 13 (not available for all Is = 10 to 100 A Is = 62.5 to 630 Aelectrical characteristics)VIP 200 Is = 20 to 100 A Is = 200 to 630 AIs = 100 to 200 A Is = 630 to 1250 AAvailable in 2005VIP 300P (not available for all CSa 200/1 Is = 10 to 50 A Is = 40 to 200 Aelectrical characteristics) CSb 1250/1 Is = 63 to 312 A Is = 250 to 1250 AVIP 300LL CSa 200/1 Is = 10 to 50 A Is = 40 to 200 ACSb 1250/1 Is = 63 to 312 A Is = 250 to 1250 ACircuit breaker options2nd opening release * (see possible choices <strong>com</strong>bination table below)Shunt opening release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)Undervoltage release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)Remote controlElectric motor - MCH <strong>24</strong>…32 Vdc 110…127 Vdc/ac48…60 Vdc/ac 220…250 Vdc/acShunt closing release<strong>24</strong> Vdc 60 Vdc 220 Vdc 220 Vac (50 Hz)30 Vdc 110 Vdc 48 Vac (50 Hz) 120 Vac (60 Hz)48 Vdc 125 Vdc 110 Vac (50 Hz) <strong>24</strong>0 Vac (60 Hz)Test box (VAP 6)Leaflets language French English Spanish(*) Different releases <strong>com</strong>binationsMITOP 1 1 1Shunt opening release 1Undervoltage release 181

Vacuum circuit breaker Order form 0Evolis frontal fixed for <strong>SM6</strong>up to 17.5 <strong>kV</strong>Only one of the boxes (ticked or filled bythe needed value) have to be considered between eachhorizontal line.Orange box corresponds to none priced functions.Basic fixed circuit breakerQuantityRated voltage Ur (KV) 12 17.5Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc25 kARated normal current Ir (A) 630 1250Phase distance185 mmRated voltage Ur (KV) IEC standard ANSI standardCircuit breaker optionsOpening release * (see possible choices in <strong>com</strong>bination table below)Shunt opening release - MX<strong>24</strong> Vac <strong>24</strong>…30 Vdc 100…130 Vdc/ac48 Vac 48…60 Vdc 200…250 Vdc/acLow energy release MITOP1 AC fault signalling SDE and reset 200...250 Vac are includedRemote control (operation counter already included)Electric motor - MCH<strong>24</strong>…30 Vdc 100…125 Vdc 200…250 Vdc48…60 Vdc/ac 100…130 Vac 200…<strong>24</strong>0 VacShunt closing release - XF<strong>24</strong> Vac <strong>24</strong>…30 Vdc 100…130 Vdc/ac48 Vac 48…60 Vdc 200…250 Vdc/acOperation counter CDMAdditional auxiliary contacts OF (4 AC) 1 2Ready to close contact PF (1 AC)Locking of the circuit breaker in the open positionBy padlockor by locks and keys Profalux RonisIf locks 1 lock 2 identical locks 2 different locksDisabling of O/C circuit breaker push buttons(*) Different releases <strong>com</strong>binationsShunt opening release 1MITOP 182

Personal notes083

Personal notes084

Schneider Electric Industries SASPostal address:Electrical Distribution CommunicationF-38050 Grenoble Cedex 9Tel.: +33 (0)4 76 57 60 60http://www.schneiderelectric.<strong>com</strong>RCS Nanterre B 954 503 439As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmationof the information given in this publication.This document has beenprinted on ecological paperPublishing: Schneider ElectricProduction: GraphèmePrinting: Imprimerie du Pont de ClaixART.16044 07/2004AMTED398078EN © 2004 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved

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