Yearly Plan for MYP 2 Computer Technology

Yearly Plan for MYP 2 Computer Technology

Yearly Plan for MYP 2 Computer Technology

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Fractions and their operationsApproaches toLearning (ATL):-Develop the skillsneeded <strong>for</strong> them tobecomesuccessfullearners-Develop anawareness of howthey learn asindividuals-Relate andconvertfractions,decimals and thedivision model-Order numbersinvolving acombination ofwhole numbers,fractions anddecimals-Add, subtract,multiply anddivide fractionsand mixednumbersA 1B 3,5C 2D 2• Expressing numbers representing partialamounts in various ways and interchangingthose representations• Recognition of various methods that will bringthe same solution• Choose a good method to use <strong>for</strong> a problem• Represent fractions with manipulatives andillustrations• Create strategies or research in textbooks <strong>for</strong>ideas to change back and <strong>for</strong>th betweenfractions, decimals and the division model• Fractionsrepresentationsand illustrations• Explain a strategy<strong>for</strong> subtraction ofmixed numbers• Problem solving• Test-Use thedistributiveproperty tosimplify andexpression

Algebra andIntegersApproaches toLearning (ATL):-Expressing a realworld situationusing thelanguage ofalgebraHuman Ingenuity(H.I.):- Understandingthe need <strong>for</strong> thecreation ofnegative numbers.-Create numberlines andscenarios toillustrate the use ofnegative numbers-Understandhow to representreal worldnumerical valueswith integers-Learn how touse algebra ineveryday lifesituations, andwhy it is usefulA 2B 3,5C 2• Order integers• Order positive and negative rational numbers• Find the absolute value of a number• Devise and use a strategy to add and subtractintegers• Find the opposite of a number• Create real world scenarios that use integers• Multiply and divide integers• Express real world situations with an algebraicequation• Solve equations with a guess-check-revisestrategy• Solve 1-step equations by using inverseoperations• Justify a solution by stating what is being doneto both sides of an equation and what propertyis being used• Display: Negativenumbers in ourworld• Homework• Express italgebraically• Test

MeasurementApproaches toLearning (ATL):-Devise a strategy-Understand that avariety ofmethods andinstruments canbe used <strong>for</strong> thesame thing-Find arelationshipbetween units byexperimentation-Know the baseunits in the SI(InternationalSystem) <strong>for</strong>length, mass,capacity, timeand temperature-Name,understand, useand convertunits using themetric prefixesmilli through kiloA 1B 1C 1D 3● Know the base units in the SI (InternationalSystem) <strong>for</strong> length, mass, capacity, time andtemperature● Name, understand, use and convert units usingthe metric prefixes milli through kilo● Devise strategies to find the area of variouspolygons: rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, andtrapezoid; Justify the strategy● Devise strategies to find the surface area ofvarious 3-D shapes: rectangular prism, triangularprism, cylinder. Justify the strategies● Explain the derivation and use of square andcubic units• Experimentally determine a definition <strong>for</strong> pi• Find the diameter of a circle● Find the area of a circle● State the relationship between cm³ and ml● Derive the relationship between other volume andcapacity units● Devise strategies to find the volume of prisms andcylinders• Problem solving• Lab report onCircles• Quiz

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