COPY FOR THE STUDENT Application form Course ID Academic year

COPY FOR THE STUDENT Application form Course ID Academic year

COPY FOR THE STUDENT Application form Course ID Academic year

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<strong>Application</strong> <strong>form</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>ID</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>year</strong><strong>COPY</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>STUDENT</strong>For the course:Current <strong>year</strong> <strong>Course</strong> duration SeatPersonal details Surname Name__________________________________ ________________________________________Sex__________________________________Date of birth__________________________________Nationality________________________________________Nation of birth________________________________________Place of birth PV C.F./P.IVA__________________________________ _____________ __________________________Residence Nation City__________________________________ ________________________________________Province__________________________________Postcode________________________________________Address__________________________________Tel. number with area code__________________________________Domicile Nation City__________________________________ ________________________________________Province__________________________________Postcode________________________________________Address__________________________________Tel. number with area code__________________________________Enrolment fee Euro Tuition fee Euro For a total of Euro_______________________________________Signature of the Student_________________________________________Signature of the person jointly responsible with the Student (Doc. No.____)___________________________________________________Date______________________________________________________Stamp and signature of the Institute by way of acceptance of this application________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tribunale Ordinario di MilanoVerbale di giuramento di traduzione stragiudiziale n° 012823 di traduttore iscritto all’Albo dei Traduttori e Periti del Tribunale di Milano al n° 6126 e 476.Asseverazione effettuata il 01.04.2009

<strong>Application</strong> <strong>form</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>ID</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>year</strong><strong>COPY</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEFor the course:Current <strong>year</strong> <strong>Course</strong> duration SeatPersonal details Surname Name__________________________________ ________________________________________Sex__________________________________Date of birth__________________________________Nationality________________________________________Nation of birth________________________________________Place of birth PV C.F./P.IVA__________________________________ _____________ __________________________Residence Nation City__________________________________ ________________________________________Province__________________________________Postcode________________________________________Address__________________________________Tel. number with area code__________________________________Domicile Nation City__________________________________ ________________________________________Province__________________________________Postcode________________________________________Address__________________________________Tel. number with area code__________________________________Enrolment fee Euro Tuition fee Euro For a total of Euro_______________________________________Signature of the Student_________________________________________Signature of the person jointly responsible with the Student (Doc. No.____)___________________________________________________Date______________________________________________________Stamp and signature of the Institute by way of acceptance of this application________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tribunale Ordinario di MilanoVerbale di giuramento di traduzione stragiudiziale n° 012823 di traduttore iscritto all’Albo dei Traduttori e Periti del Tribunale di Milano al n° 6126 e 476.Asseverazione effettuata il 01.04.2009

FUNDAMENTAL AND COMPLEMENTARY SUBJECTSThe individual course subjects are defined asFundamental or Complementary on the basis ofcompetence criteria in the respective professionsand progressiveness achieved during the periodof study.The division between Fundamental and Complementaryis conditional on two factors• admission or non admission to the following<strong>year</strong> in the presence of insufficient marks, accordingto Table 1;• the system for recovering insufficiency (refer tofollowing paragraph).At the end of each academic <strong>year</strong> (1 st and 2 nd <strong>year</strong>),a summary chart is prepared with the marks foreach student, for the purpose of assessing theiradmission for the following <strong>year</strong>.If all marks are sufficient, the student is automaticallyadmitted to the following <strong>year</strong>.Up to 4 subjects insufficient or NC: the studentis admitted to the following <strong>year</strong> with compulsoryremedial study.Of these 4 however, a maximum of 2 can be Fundamentaland 1 of these must be recovered inthe Autumn session (September) before the beginningof the following <strong>year</strong>.Table 1:1 F or C...................... Admitted2 F or C...................... Admitted *1 F + 2 C.................... Admitted1 F + 3 C.................... Admitted2 F + 2 C.................... Admitted *3 C............................. Admitted4 C............................. AdmittedMore than 2 F..............Not admittedMore than 4 C............. Not admitted(*) In order to be admitted to the following <strong>year</strong>students must have passed at least one of thetwo Fundamental exams in the Autumn session(September).In cases where students repeat the course <strong>year</strong>they must follow the study plan in its entirety.Justified absence at an exam means that thatsubject will have to be recovered.Attention. Students must take the exam at theend of the course or anyhow at the first availablesession; it is not possible to postpone exams tothe following sessions.SYSTEM <strong>FOR</strong> RECOVERING INSUFFICIENT MARKS1 st AND 2 nd YEARRecovery is envisaged during the following sessions:Autumn session - SeptemberWinter session - FebruaryStudents are not allowed to choose the sessionin which to take the exam: exams must be takenin the first available session.It is not possible to skip a recovery session. All recoveryexams are preceded by a remedial courseor tutorial activity.Each remedial session is to be paid for (Euro160,00).In case of unjustified absences, students have topay for the remedial session.In case of justified absence, students do not haveto pay for the exam, taken in the first available recoverysession.Not recovered subjects add to insufficiencies orNCs of the following <strong>year</strong>s.Students with insufficient marks or NCs, waiting totake recovery exams, cannot be admitted to theExchange Study Programme (ESP).SYSTEM <strong>FOR</strong> RECOVERING INSUFFICIENT MARKS3 rd YEARDuring the 3rd <strong>year</strong>, besides the autumn and wintersession, an additional spring session is envisaged(in April).1. Beginning of 3 rd <strong>year</strong>At the beginning of the third <strong>year</strong> students canhave a maximum of 1 fundamental subject withinsufficient mark (plus maximum 3 complementarysubjects or, no fundamental subjects and 4complementary subjects).2. April session – 3 rd <strong>year</strong>In cases where students have insufficiencies stillto be recovered from the first or second <strong>year</strong> aswell as insufficiencies linked to the subjects takenin the first semester of the third <strong>year</strong>, all insufficienciesmust be recovered during the Springsession. The highest number of insufficiencieswhich can be recovered in the spring session isspecified in Table 1.3. Recovery sessions after AprilAt the end of the spring session, students canhave only 2 insufficient subjects to recover (only1 fundamental). In cases where, after the Aprilsession, students still have 2 insufficient fundamentalsubjects or more than 2 insufficient complementarysubjects, they will have to repeat theentire 3 rd <strong>year</strong> (see Table 2).Case AIn cases where, after the Spring session of the3 rd <strong>year</strong>, students still have one or at most twocomplementary subjects with insufficient marks,they will be allowed to present their thesis in themonth of June, but will receive their diplomasonly after having recovered their insufficient subjectsduring the Autumn recovery session, or anyhowduring the first available recovery session.If insufficiencies are not recovered during the Septembersession, students will have to register for thefollowing academic <strong>year</strong> and pay the correspondingregistration fee, in order to attend the subsequentremedial sessions (February and April).Students are required to attend the February recoverysession and only if the insufficiency persistswill they be able to attend the April session.All recovery examinations must be paid for (Euro160,00 each).At the end of the third <strong>year</strong>, students have 3 annuities(equal to 9 remedial sessions) at their disposalto recover the insufficient subjects.In order to register in the three remedial sessionsavailable each <strong>year</strong>, students must enroll in thecorresponding academic <strong>year</strong>, paying the enrolmentfee.All recovery sessions must be paid for.Should insufficient marks persist beyond thethree mentioned annuities, the student will notreceive the diploma.Case BIn cases where, after the Spring session of the3 rd <strong>year</strong>, students have one fundamental subjectwith insufficient marks (or one fundamental andone complementary subject), they will not beallowed to present their thesis in the month ofJune, whether these are individual thesis or, onthe other hand, group work. In this last case, studentswill have to keep working with the group tillthe thesis is completed, unless the School Administrationgives different instructions.Students are required to recover their insufficientsubjects in the September remedial session.Remedial examinations must be paid for (Euro160,00).The thesis and its supplement will therefore bepresented in the extraordinary December session,subject to payment of a further 10% of theannual fee.If the insufficient marks are not recovered afterthe September session, students will have to registerfor the following academic <strong>year</strong> and pay theregistration fee, in order to attend the subsequentremedial sessions (February and April).Students are required to attend the February recoverysession and only if the insufficiency persistswill they be able to attend the April session.Once the insufficiency has been recovered, studentswill be able to attend the extraordinary thesissession in the month of July, subject to paymentof a further 10% of the annual fee.If insufficiency still persists after these dates, studentswill not receive their diplomas and will haveto repeat the entire 3 rd <strong>year</strong>.Table 2:Case A: 1 or 2 CThesis in June and recovery in SeptemberCase B: 1 FRecovery in September and Thesis in DecemberCase B: 1 F + 1 CRecovery in September and Thesis in December2 F............................. Repetition of the 3rd <strong>year</strong>3 C............................. Repetition of the 3rd <strong>year</strong>1F + 2 C..................... Repetition of the 3rd <strong>year</strong>ADMISSION TO <strong>THE</strong>SIS DISCUSSIONBesides the cases indicated in the system forrecovering insufficient marks, admission to thepresentation and discussion of the final thesisproject is subject to the student’sper<strong>form</strong>anceduring its realization.The School Administration has the right not to admitstudents to the presentation and discussionof thesis projects.In this case students may be requested to makea supplement to the project or be assigned a newdissertation project, to be submitted in a special

winter dissertation session.Students presenting thesis in this session mustpay an entrance fee equal to 10% of the annualschool fees of that scholastic <strong>year</strong>.ABSENCES AND CERTIFICATESThe student who should not show up at the examinationfor serious reasons must supply thedocumentation or the medical certificates attestingreason for absence to the Teaching and OrganisationalSecretary’s office within seven solar daysfrom examination date.All the documentation produced must be presentedin Italian or in English within one week fromexamination date. Documents in other languageswill not be accepted.Should the foreign students fall ill during their stayin Italy, the documentation must be produced by anItalian physician/hospitalising structure.Certificates drawn up by physicians/hospitalisingstructures of the student’s place of origin will notbe accepted, unless the student falls ill during astay in his or her country.Besides health reasons, the student may justifyhis or her absence also in the following cases:• blood donation• court or polling station convening• driving license examination• Swiss army periodical call• religious holiday (for non-catholic students)• family mourning• permit of stay renewalAbsences, although justified ones, also fall withinthe calculation of subjects to be caught up.In case of justified absence the student will nothave to pay any additional fee.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESStudents’ participation in optional extra-curricularactivities (competitive exams, workshops,seminars, special projects, exhibitions, etc.) isrecorded by the Teaching and OrganisationalSecretary’s Office and has an effect on the finalmarks for the Diploma, through an additionalpoints system.Points are not assigned automatically, the activityis to be completed and differentiation can beapplied according to attendance, participationand the quality of the paper concerned.Activities open to all students lead to the assignmentof additional points.Activities where it is the School Headship/<strong>Course</strong> Coordination which directly involves thestudents do not envisage the assignment of additionalpoints.A maximum number of 4 points can be awardedfor extra-curricular activities.DIPLOMAS/CERTIFICATESThe Istituto Europeo di Design Diploma will beissued at the end of the three <strong>year</strong> courses.The mark, expressed in hundredths, is calculatedusing the average mark obtained in eachsubject, to which is added the thesis mark (expressedin thirtieths) and any additional marksdetermined by the extra curricular activities.TRANSFERSA) Transfers of IED Milan students to other IEDSeatsIn cases where a student, registered for a three<strong>year</strong> course with the Milan Schools, requests tobe transferred to the same course in anotherIED Institute, the student is required not only tohave satisfied all administrative requirementsbut also to have taken and successfully passedall the exams envisaged in his/her course up tothe transfer date.In cases where one or more exams need to berecovered, the student must take all the examsin the September sessions envisaged prior todeparture and to the beginning of the course inthe selected Seat.B) Transfers of IED students to the Milan SeatsIn cases where a student, registered for a three<strong>year</strong> course with another IED Institute, requeststo be transferred to the same course in the MilanSeats, he/she is required not only to havesatisfied all administrative requirements of theprevious Institute but also to have taken andsuccessfully passed all the exams envisaged inthe course up to the transfer date.In cases where students have insufficient marksor NCs, IED Milan will schedule an exam session,in order to give students the possibility torecover.Portfolio and language knowledgeIncoming students are required to present aportfolio of the projects completed during theirstudy course.Portfolio assessment has no effect for the purposesof admittance on the part of the School,but does allow the coordinators to analyse students’knowledge and competence, for the purposeof discovering any gaps in their preparationand thus organise ad hoc action to cope withtheir period of study at the Milan Institute.Acceptance and transfer are always conditional onthe number of places available at the School andon the knowledge of the language of the course.The language knowledge will be verified by a telephonetest with the staff of the selected Seat.The test will take place within the month of Junebefore the beginning of the academic <strong>year</strong>.Any transfers to other types of IED course (three<strong>year</strong>,specialisation, Master, Master in Researchand Advanced training, etc.) are conditional onacceptance by the Seat Administration.EXCHANGES STUDY PROGRAMThe Exchange Study Program offers a limitednumber of students the possibility of studying fora certain period in one of IED’s foreign partnerschools. The exchange has a maximum durationof one semester. For the requirements and methodof application, refer to the Exchange Study ProgramRegulations.PERSONALIZED STUDY PATHWAYSThe Istituto offers the possibility of followingpersonalised study pathways, upon payment andagreement with the administration.At the end of the study pathway, a certificate ofattendance will be issued.INTERRUPTION DURING <strong>THE</strong> ACADEMIC YEAR“Freezing” consists in suspending the administrativeand teaching position of a student for anacademic <strong>year</strong> and is valid only for the followingacademic <strong>year</strong>.Pupils who are forced to interrupt their academic<strong>year</strong> have the possibility of freezing the amountpaid (registration fee and attendance fee) andreusing it in the following academic <strong>year</strong>, by payingany supplementary increases.Amounts paid are not refundable.Freezing is only granted in the following cases:• Serious health problems for the student as aresult of illness or accident;• Serious family problems (e.g. serious illness ordecease of a parent) or financial problems;• Maternity;It is compulsory to provide written communicationto the Teaching and Organisational Secretariat, attachinga copy of the documents clearly demonstratingthe current fundamental problem.The Seat Administration will assess its concessionon the basis of the documents provided.Freezing can only be requested if students havepaid the entire amount due (enrolment fee andattendance fee) in full.Freezing can only be requested if, on the date ofthe request, which is to be presented in writing,course attendance has not exceeded 50% of thetotal hours.Requests for freezing received after more than 6weeks of unjustified absence will not be accepted.The School Adminsitation decides when and howthe student, whose fee was frozen, can be readmittedto classes.ATTENDANCE TO LESSONS ON O<strong>THE</strong>R COURSESFollowing a written request to the school administration,students may attend lessons on subjectsfrom other courses as auditors.The administration reserves the right to grantpermission according to academic and organisationalrequirements.REDUCTIONS <strong>FOR</strong> ENROLMENTON O<strong>THE</strong>R COURSESAll students regularly enrolled on three-<strong>year</strong> courses,have the right to a 30% reduction in enrolmentfees for another IED course (three-<strong>year</strong> courses,Master <strong>Course</strong>s, evening courses), on the conditionthat course requirements are fulfilled.DOCUMENTATION AND OWNERSHIPOF DESIGN PROJECTSThe Istituto reserves the right to retain possessionof all material produced by students duringattendance of the courses, and to use it for promotionaland in<strong>form</strong>ative purposes as seen fit.During the planning of each course, the possibil-

ity of organising professional simulation projectsis allowed for, conceivably with manufacturers orother external bodies.The seat administration reserves the right todecide, in each case, and according to its owninalienable criteria, the method of collaborationwith such bodies.In the students’ interests, in the case of collaborationwith manufacturers/public bodies, the developedprojects will remain the property of theIstituto Europeo di Design, for a period of three<strong>year</strong>s (where not otherwise specified).The student who wishes to proceed on his/herown with the development of such projects beforethe end of the three <strong>year</strong>s, must submit a writtenrequest to the seat administration.<strong>STUDENT</strong> CARDStudent status is proven by possession of a IEDstudent identity card.NoteThe seat administration reserves the inalienableright to make any modifications necessary to thepresent Regulations, if they are deemed an improvementto the service provided to students,with regard to both academic goals and the optimumorganisation of related activities.The rules set out in the General Regulations, applyfor all that which is otherwise not specifiedand are agreed to on enrolment.Istituto Europeo di DesignMilano seatdate.................................................................Name andSurname...........................................................Signatureof acceptance................................................

System for recovering insufficient marks1 st YEAR 2 nd YEAR 3 rd YEAROctober February July September October February July September October February April June SeptemberDecember1 st semester2 nd semester3 rd semester4 th semester5 th semester<strong>THE</strong>SISAnnuityTutoringThesis projectremedial coursesremedial coursesremedial coursesremedial coursesremedial courses<strong>THE</strong>SIS presentationremedial coursesremedial sessionThesis recoveryTABLE 1 TABLE 2Table 1:1 F or C...................... Admitted2 F or C...................... Admitted *1 F + 2 C.................... Admitted1 F + 3 C.................... Admitted2 F + 2 C.................... Admitted *3 C............................. Admitted4 C............................. AdmittedMore than 2 F............. Not admittedMore thani 4 C............ Not admittedTable 2:1 F............ Recovery September/Thesis december2 or 2 C..... Thesis June/Recovery September1 F + 1 C... Recovery September/thesis December2 F............ 3 rd <strong>year</strong> repetition3 C............ 3 rd <strong>year</strong> repetition1 F + 2 C... 3 rd <strong>year</strong> repetitionF - fundamental subjectC - complementary subject* - in order to be admitted for the following <strong>year</strong>.at least one of the 2 F must be recovered inSeptember

RegulationsThree-<strong>year</strong> coursesOPENING AND ENTRANCE HOURSThe Istituto is open from Monday to Friday, from8.30 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.Any change in opening hours will be communicatedby the seat administration.When compatible with the course timetable, theseat may also remain open on Saturday, from8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.Entrance to the Istituto is limited to regularly enrolledstudents, the Faculty and co-workers.<strong>THE</strong> ACADEMIC YEAR AND LESSON TIMETABLES<strong>Academic</strong> activities run from September to July.The lesson timetable may include day–time hours,evenings and in some cases, Saturdays.The academic calendar will be given to students atthe beginning of the course. With regard to the academicobjectives and the optimum organisation ofschool activities, the Istituto reserves the inalienableright to make any changes necessary to thedays or hours of the lessons, whether they be temporaryor permanent in nature.If specific organisational requirements should arise,or in order to improve the service offered, coursesmay be held in other seats.LECTURE ROOMS AND LABORATORIESThe allocation of lecture rooms will be communicatedby means of a daily list posted at the entrance.Inorder to facilitate the normal runningof academic activities and to ensure an efficientcleaning service, students are not permitted to remainin the lecture rooms or laboratories outsideof lesson hours. Any particular requirements forthe use of lecture rooms or laboratories, which arein addition to those mentioned above, must be previouslyauthorised by the school administration.Each laboratory has specific regulations for its useand maintenance. These regulations are postedinside the laboratory rooms.Failure to observe them will result in a temporaryor permanent ban.RECEPTION AND OFFICESBoth the reception and the office areas fulfil roleswhich are not exclusively academic in nature.It is important that students do not remain inthese areas, as they would impede the activitiesof the Istituto.<strong>THE</strong> LIBRARYOpening hours and consultation and lending proceduresare posted in the library rooms.All students who are regularly enrolled at theIstituto Europeo di Design, and have duly paidtheir fees, may use the library service.TEACHING AND ORGANISATIONALSECRETARY’S OFFICEThe Teaching and Organisational Secretary’s officeprovides students with in<strong>form</strong>ation related tofundamental teaching problems and - if necessary- directs them to the competent Offices.It also takes care of organising and managing theclassrooms, the academic calendar, exams andthe issue of certificates.<strong>THE</strong> ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY’S OFFICEThe administrative secretary’s office deals withenrolment, payments and loans.The student is responsible for communication tothe administrative secretary’s office and/or theteaching and organizational secretary’s office ofany change in his/her personal data (change ofresidence or domicile, address, telephone etc.).REQUESTS <strong>FOR</strong> CERTIFICATIONRequests for certification must be made usingthe appropriate <strong>form</strong>, which can be collected andhanded in at the Teaching and Organisationalsecretary’s office.The certificates may be picked up 5 days afterapplication.The release of certificates is subject to the regularadministrative position of the student.The regulations specify that no student who hasmore than 25% absence from the total number oflessons (until the moment of the request) will beissued with the “Attendance Certificate”.GENERAL REGULATIONSIn accordance with and as a result of Italian lawn° 3 - 2003, it is expressly forbidden to smoke inthe lecture rooms, laboratories and in a ll spacesbelonging to the Istituto.Offenders will be expelled and may be subject toadministrative sanctions.As a mark of respect towards Faculty and fellowstudents, it is forbidden to use cellular phonesduring lessons.The seat is provided with public telephones, situatedin the Istituto buildings. Students are strictlyforbidden to use the phones and equipment belongingto the offices of the Istituto.Domestic animals are not permitted within the seat.It is strictly forbidden for students to park vehiclesor motorbikes in the courtyard of the Istituto.DISCIPLINARY MEASURESThe administration reserves the right to suspendfromlessons, all students who cause damage topeople or things.The administration also reserves the right toclaim compensation for any damage caused tothe structures of the Istituto.ON LINE BOARDSAll notices (lesson times, extra tutoring, competitions,conferences, etc.) related to the courses,will be posted on the on line boards http://studentimilano.ied.itStudents should therefore check all notices onthe on line board on a daily basis.IED E MAIL ACCOUNTAt the beginning of the course, each student receivesa IED e mail account, which representsthe primary mean of communication from theSchool. Students are requested to check this accounton a daily basis.ENROLMENT FEE AND YEARLY FEESYearly fees and enrolment fees are dealt withunder the General Regulations at the time ofenrolment.Students who do not satisfy all the administrativerequirements will be forbidden to attend classesand to take examinations, either in the regular orin the remedial sessions.ATTENDANCE<strong>Course</strong> attendance is compulsory.Attendance to lessons will be recorded at thestart of each lesson, by the calling of a registeror by signing in.Proof of attendance will be cancelled in instancesof students leaving the lecture room without goodreason.LATENESS AND SPECIAL PERMISSIONLateness is not permitted, except in exceptionalcases: lateness will be recorded in the register.Student is considered absent after 15 minutesof lateness.Permanent permission for late entry or to leaveearly must be requested from the Teaching andOrganisational Secretary’s office.Permission will be recorded in the class register.SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT,EXAMS AND REMEDIAL COURSESTo obtain the IED diploma it is necessary to passall the exams envisaged in the study plan.The system of assessment used allows studentsto retake exams they have failed by attending remedialcourses/tutorial activities followed by anexam, for the purpose of allowing all students toachieve sufficient preparation in all subjects.Pupils taking exams are required to have satisfiedall administrative requirements.An exam is envisaged at the end of each course,using the following methods and procedures:• Oral - Questioning by the teacher• Test - Written, with open and/or closed questions• Research - Carrying out research on a specificsubject, to be presented and explained at the exam• Ex-tempore - Practical test in the classroom/laboratory• Papers - Presentation and explanation of projectpapersThe assessments assigned to the exams are expressedin thirtieths:• Sufficient - Marks from 18/30 to 30/30 (andhonors)• Insufficient - Marks less than 18/30 (in order tocalculate the average mark, all insufficient marksare equal to 15/30) or arriving at the exam withoutthe material/papers required• NC - Not classifiable. - Late/absent at the exam(in order to calculate the average mark, NCs areequal to 0/30)Assessment is assigned on the basis of parameterswhich depend on course objectives and content.Parameters can range from a minimum of two to amaximum of six. The “Attendance and participation”parameter is a constant.Parameters are defined and given to teachingstaff together with the course programme.Drawn up byLP/AS/RRApproved byESException to2Coming into force05/2009

FUNDAMENTAL AND COMPLEMENTARY SUBJECTSThe individual course subjects are defined asFundamental or Complementary on the basis ofcompetence criteria in the respective professionsand progressiveness achieved during the periodof study.The division between Fundamental and Complementaryis conditional on two factors• admission or non admission to the following<strong>year</strong> in the presence of insufficient marks, accordingto Table 1;• the system for recovering insufficiency (refer tofollowing paragraph).At the end of each academic <strong>year</strong> (1 st and 2 nd <strong>year</strong>),a summary chart is prepared with the marks foreach student, for the purpose of assessing theiradmission for the following <strong>year</strong>.If all marks are sufficient, the student is automaticallyadmitted to the following <strong>year</strong>.Up to 4 subjects insufficient or NC: the studentis admitted to the following <strong>year</strong> with compulsoryremedial study.Of these 4 however, a maximum of 2 can be Fundamentaland 1 of these must be recovered inthe Autumn session (September) before the beginningof the following <strong>year</strong>.Table 1:1 F or C...................... Admitted2 F or C...................... Admitted *1 F + 2 C.................... Admitted1 F + 3 C.................... Admitted2 F + 2 C.................... Admitted *3 C............................. Admitted4 C............................. AdmittedMore than 2 F..............Not admittedMore than 4 C............. Not admitted(*) In order to be admitted to the following <strong>year</strong>students must have passed at least one of thetwo Fundamental exams in the Autumn session(September).In cases where students repeat the course <strong>year</strong>they must follow the study plan in its entirety.Justified absence at an exam means that thatsubject will have to be recovered.Attention. Students must take the exam at theend of the course or anyhow at the first availablesession; it is not possible to postpone exams tothe following sessions.SYSTEM <strong>FOR</strong> RECOVERING INSUFFICIENT MARKS1 st AND 2 nd YEARRecovery is envisaged during the following sessions:Autumn session - SeptemberWinter session - FebruaryStudents are not allowed to choose the sessionin which to take the exam: exams must be takenin the first available session.It is not possible to skip a recovery session. All recoveryexams are preceded by a remedial courseor tutorial activity.Each remedial session is to be paid for (Euro160,00).In case of unjustified absences, students have topay for the remedial session.In case of justified absence, students do not haveto pay for the exam, taken in the first available recoverysession.Not recovered subjects add to insufficiencies orNCs of the following <strong>year</strong>s.Students with insufficient marks or NCs, waiting totake recovery exams, cannot be admitted to theExchange Study Programme (ESP).SYSTEM <strong>FOR</strong> RECOVERING INSUFFICIENT MARKS3 rd YEARDuring the 3rd <strong>year</strong>, besides the autumn and wintersession, an additional spring session is envisaged(in April).1. Beginning of 3 rd <strong>year</strong>At the beginning of the third <strong>year</strong> students canhave a maximum of 1 fundamental subject withinsufficient mark (plus maximum 3 complementarysubjects or, no fundamental subjects and 4complementary subjects).2. April session – 3 rd <strong>year</strong>In cases where students have insufficiencies stillto be recovered from the first or second <strong>year</strong> aswell as insufficiencies linked to the subjects takenin the first semester of the third <strong>year</strong>, all insufficienciesmust be recovered during the Springsession. The highest number of insufficiencieswhich can be recovered in the spring session isspecified in Table 1.3. Recovery sessions after AprilAt the end of the spring session, students canhave only 2 insufficient subjects to recover (only1 fundamental). In cases where, after the Aprilsession, students still have 2 insufficient fundamentalsubjects or more than 2 insufficient complementarysubjects, they will have to repeat theentire 3 rd <strong>year</strong> (see Table 2).Case AIn cases where, after the Spring session of the3 rd <strong>year</strong>, students still have one or at most twocomplementary subjects with insufficient marks,they will be allowed to present their thesis in themonth of June, but will receive their diplomasonly after having recovered their insufficient subjectsduring the Autumn recovery session, or anyhowduring the first available recovery session.If insufficiencies are not recovered during the Septembersession, students will have to register for thefollowing academic <strong>year</strong> and pay the correspondingregistration fee, in order to attend the subsequentremedial sessions (February and April).Students are required to attend the February recoverysession and only if the insufficiency persistswill they be able to attend the April session.All recovery examinations must be paid for (Euro160,00 each).At the end of the third <strong>year</strong>, students have 3 annuities(equal to 9 remedial sessions) at their disposalto recover the insufficient subjects.In order to register in the three remedial sessionsavailable each <strong>year</strong>, students must enroll in thecorresponding academic <strong>year</strong>, paying the enrolmentfee.All recovery sessions must be paid for.Should insufficient marks persist beyond thethree mentioned annuities, the student will notreceive the diploma.Case BIn cases where, after the Spring session of the3 rd <strong>year</strong>, students have one fundamental subjectwith insufficient marks (or one fundamental andone complementary subject), they will not beallowed to present their thesis in the month ofJune, whether these are individual thesis or, onthe other hand, group work. In this last case, studentswill have to keep working with the group tillthe thesis is completed, unless the School Administrationgives different instructions.Students are required to recover their insufficientsubjects in the September remedial session.Remedial examinations must be paid for (Euro160,00).The thesis and its supplement will therefore bepresented in the extraordinary December session,subject to payment of a further 10% of theannual fee.If the insufficient marks are not recovered afterthe September session, students will have to registerfor the following academic <strong>year</strong> and pay theregistration fee, in order to attend the subsequentremedial sessions (February and April).Students are required to attend the February recoverysession and only if the insufficiency persistswill they be able to attend the April session.Once the insufficiency has been recovered, studentswill be able to attend the extraordinary thesissession in the month of July, subject to paymentof a further 10% of the annual fee.If insufficiency still persists after these dates, studentswill not receive their diplomas and will haveto repeat the entire 3 rd <strong>year</strong>.Table 2:Case A: 1 or 2 CThesis in June and recovery in SeptemberCase B: 1 FRecovery in September and Thesis in DecemberCase B: 1 F + 1 CRecovery in September and Thesis in December2 F............................. Repetition of the 3rd <strong>year</strong>3 C............................. Repetition of the 3rd <strong>year</strong>1F + 2 C..................... Repetition of the 3rd <strong>year</strong>ADMISSION TO <strong>THE</strong>SIS DISCUSSIONBesides the cases indicated in the system forrecovering insufficient marks, admission to thepresentation and discussion of the final thesisproject is subject to the student’sper<strong>form</strong>anceduring its realization.The School Administration has the right not to admitstudents to the presentation and discussionof thesis projects.In this case students may be requested to makea supplement to the project or be assigned a newdissertation project, to be submitted in a special

winter dissertation session.Students presenting thesis in this session mustpay an entrance fee equal to 10% of the annualschool fees of that scholastic <strong>year</strong>.ABSENCES AND CERTIFICATESThe student who should not show up at the examinationfor serious reasons must supply thedocumentation or the medical certificates attestingreason for absence to the Teaching and OrganisationalSecretary’s office within seven solar daysfrom examination date.All the documentation produced must be presentedin Italian or in English within one week fromexamination date. Documents in other languageswill not be accepted.Should the foreign students fall ill during their stayin Italy, the documentation must be produced by anItalian physician/hospitalising structure.Certificates drawn up by physicians/hospitalisingstructures of the student’s place of origin will notbe accepted, unless the student falls ill during astay in his or her country.Besides health reasons, the student may justifyhis or her absence also in the following cases:• blood donation• court or polling station convening• driving license examination• Swiss army periodical call• religious holiday (for non-catholic students)• family mourning• permit of stay renewalAbsences, although justified ones, also fall withinthe calculation of subjects to be caught up.In case of justified absence the student will nothave to pay any additional fee.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESStudents’ participation in optional extra-curricularactivities (competitive exams, workshops,seminars, special projects, exhibitions, etc.) isrecorded by the Teaching and OrganisationalSecretary’s Office and has an effect on the finalmarks for the Diploma, through an additionalpoints system.Points are not assigned automatically, the activityis to be completed and differentiation can beapplied according to attendance, participationand the quality of the paper concerned.Activities open to all students lead to the assignmentof additional points.Activities where it is the School Headship/<strong>Course</strong> Coordination which directly involves thestudents do not envisage the assignment of additionalpoints.A maximum number of 4 points can be awardedfor extra-curricular activities.DIPLOMAS/CERTIFICATESThe Istituto Europeo di Design Diploma will beissued at the end of the three <strong>year</strong> courses.The mark, expressed in hundredths, is calculatedusing the average mark obtained in eachsubject, to which is added the thesis mark (expressedin thirtieths) and any additional marksdetermined by the extra curricular activities.TRANSFERSA) Transfers of IED Milan students to other IEDSeatsIn cases where a student, registered for a three<strong>year</strong> course with the Milan Schools, requests tobe transferred to the same course in anotherIED Institute, the student is required not only tohave satisfied all administrative requirementsbut also to have taken and successfully passedall the exams envisaged in his/her course up tothe transfer date.In cases where one or more exams need to berecovered, the student must take all the examsin the September sessions envisaged prior todeparture and to the beginning of the course inthe selected Seat.B) Transfers of IED students to the Milan SeatsIn cases where a student, registered for a three<strong>year</strong> course with another IED Institute, requeststo be transferred to the same course in the MilanSeats, he/she is required not only to havesatisfied all administrative requirements of theprevious Institute but also to have taken andsuccessfully passed all the exams envisaged inthe course up to the transfer date.In cases where students have insufficient marksor NCs, IED Milan will schedule an exam session,in order to give students the possibility torecover.Portfolio and language knowledgeIncoming students are required to present aportfolio of the projects completed during theirstudy course.Portfolio assessment has no effect for the purposesof admittance on the part of the School,but does allow the coordinators to analyse students’knowledge and competence, for the purposeof discovering any gaps in their preparationand thus organise ad hoc action to cope withtheir period of study at the Milan Institute.Acceptance and transfer are always conditional onthe number of places available at the School andon the knowledge of the language of the course.The language knowledge will be verified by a telephonetest with the staff of the selected Seat.The test will take place within the month of Junebefore the beginning of the academic <strong>year</strong>.Any transfers to other types of IED course (three<strong>year</strong>,specialisation, Master, Master in Researchand Advanced training, etc.) are conditional onacceptance by the Seat Administration.EXCHANGES STUDY PROGRAMThe Exchange Study Program offers a limitednumber of students the possibility of studying fora certain period in one of IED’s foreign partnerschools. The exchange has a maximum durationof one semester. For the requirements and methodof application, refer to the Exchange Study ProgramRegulations.PERSONALIZED STUDY PATHWAYSThe Istituto offers the possibility of followingpersonalised study pathways, upon payment andagreement with the administration.At the end of the study pathway, a certificate ofattendance will be issued.INTERRUPTION DURING <strong>THE</strong> ACADEMIC YEAR“Freezing” consists in suspending the administrativeand teaching position of a student for anacademic <strong>year</strong> and is valid only for the followingacademic <strong>year</strong>.Pupils who are forced to interrupt their academic<strong>year</strong> have the possibility of freezing the amountpaid (registration fee and attendance fee) andreusing it in the following academic <strong>year</strong>, by payingany supplementary increases.Amounts paid are not refundable.Freezing is only granted in the following cases:• Serious health problems for the student as aresult of illness or accident;• Serious family problems (e.g. serious illness ordecease of a parent) or financial problems;• Maternity;It is compulsory to provide written communicationto the Teaching and Organisational Secretariat, attachinga copy of the documents clearly demonstratingthe current fundamental problem.The Seat Administration will assess its concessionon the basis of the documents provided.Freezing can only be requested if students havepaid the entire amount due (enrolment fee andattendance fee) in full.Freezing can only be requested if, on the date ofthe request, which is to be presented in writing,course attendance has not exceeded 50% of thetotal hours.Requests for freezing received after more than 6weeks of unjustified absence will not be accepted.The School Adminsitation decides when and howthe student, whose fee was frozen, can be readmittedto classes.ATTENDANCE TO LESSONS ON O<strong>THE</strong>R COURSESFollowing a written request to the school administration,students may attend lessons on subjectsfrom other courses as auditors.The administration reserves the right to grantpermission according to academic and organisationalrequirements.REDUCTIONS <strong>FOR</strong> ENROLMENTON O<strong>THE</strong>R COURSESAll students regularly enrolled on three-<strong>year</strong> courses,have the right to a 30% reduction in enrolmentfees for another IED course (three-<strong>year</strong> courses,Master <strong>Course</strong>s, evening courses), on the conditionthat course requirements are fulfilled.DOCUMENTATION AND OWNERSHIPOF DESIGN PROJECTSThe Istituto reserves the right to retain possessionof all material produced by students duringattendance of the courses, and to use it for promotionaland in<strong>form</strong>ative purposes as seen fit.During the planning of each course, the possibil-

System for recovering insufficient marks1 st YEAR 2 nd YEAR 3 rd YEAROctober February July September October February July September October February April June SeptemberDecember1 st semester2 nd semester3 rd semester4 th semester5 th semester<strong>THE</strong>SISAnnuityTutoringThesis projectremedial coursesremedial coursesremedial coursesremedial coursesremedial courses<strong>THE</strong>SIS presentationremedial coursesremedial sessionThesis recoveryTABLE 1 TABLE 2Table 1:1 F or C...................... Admitted2 F or C...................... Admitted *1 F + 2 C.................... Admitted1 F + 3 C.................... Admitted2 F + 2 C.................... Admitted *3 C............................. Admitted4 C............................. AdmittedMore than 2 F............. Not admittedMore thani 4 C............ Not admittedTable 2:1 F............ Recovery September/Thesis december2 or 2 C..... Thesis June/Recovery September1 F + 1 C... Recovery September/thesis December2 F............ 3 rd <strong>year</strong> repetition3 C............ 3 rd <strong>year</strong> repetition1 F + 2 C... 3 rd <strong>year</strong> repetitionF - fundamental subjectC - complementary subject* - in order to be admitted for the following <strong>year</strong>.at least one of the 2 F must be recovered inSeptember

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