Is Business Ready for Second Life

Is Business Ready for Second Life

Is Business Ready for Second Life

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c a s e d i s s e c t i o n : s e c o n d l i f eGROWING PAINSBaseline March 2007he news that drew a crowd to <strong>Second</strong><strong>Life</strong>’s Town Hall meeting on Jan. 9 wasthe announcement from Linden Lab, thecompany that runs the virtual world, thatit would release the <strong>Second</strong> <strong>Life</strong> viewer as opensourcesoftware. This means programmers outsidethe company’s employ will have a chance toimprove the graphics rendering, fix bugs, improveper<strong>for</strong>mance and develop specialized versions ofthe viewer <strong>for</strong> specific audiences, such as professorsteaching courses within the virtual world. Ifthat goes well, Linden is talking about also opensourcing the server software that simulates theexistence of the world these avatars share.Now <strong>Second</strong> <strong>Life</strong> “residents,” as users of thesystem are called, want to know exactly how theopen source plan is going to work. Many are excited.Some are upset. Prokofy Neva (the creation ofCatherine Fitzpatrick, a Russian translator and humanrights activist), who’s in the virtual real estate business,is concerned about the long-term impact ofopen sourcing, particularly the idea that it couldundermine land values and property rights.That is, if anyone can run their own <strong>Second</strong> <strong>Life</strong>simulation server, won’t that mean that the supply ofland will explode and prices will plummet? And evenbe<strong>for</strong>e that happens, the open sourcing of the clientraises the possibility of alternate viewers that won’trespect the restrictions that content creators placeon whether their objects can be copied, modified ortransferred to other users. Protecting property rightsis important because some residents have learnedhow to make money selling their digital creations.Others are worried that releasing the sourcecode will make it easier <strong>for</strong> hackers to create rogueviewers indistinguishable from the official one. Sucha tool would allow them to create robot avatars thatpose as real users, undermining the online society, orto overload servers with denial-of-service attacks.When the event begins. Cory Linden, a.k.a. chieftechnology officer Cory Ondrejka, explains thatreleasing the client software as open source wasa surrender to the inevitable, since independentdevelopers had already created a series of softwarelibraries that duplicate functions of the official <strong>Second</strong><strong>Life</strong> client. That software was created independently,without the use of Linden source code, through a processof reverse engineering (working backward fromthe known functionality of the official client to producesoftware that behaves similarly), Ondrejka says.That’s exactly why some are wary. In November,a program called CopyBot was released into <strong>Second</strong><strong>Life</strong> that demonstrated the ability to create multipleclones of avatars, including all their clothing. Amongother things, that demonstrated how the copy protectionthat normally applies to digital objects couldbe undermined.Ondrejka doesn’t deny that there will be problems,but says the challenge of preventing unauthorizedcopies of digital content is no different than thesituation that exists on the Web, where users caneasily swipe articles, source code and images. Andhe says the company is looking at the future andtaking it step by step. “We’ve only open sourced theclient, so fully [open source] discussions are premature,”he says.The server-side component of the <strong>Second</strong> <strong>Life</strong>system that would make sense to open source is thesimulator software used to host regions of the virtualworld and track the actions of avatars within it.Linden Lab senior developer Andrew Meadows saysthe main challenge here will be to create a clear<strong>Second</strong> <strong>Life</strong> residents come deckedout to Linden Lab’s virtual Town Hallmeetings—they’re the place to be seen.separation of responsibilities between simulatorsand other components of the system. For example,additional security barriers will have to be erected sothat simulators hosted by outsiders are treated witha healthy degree of distrust, preventing them fromgaining inappropriate access to the database systemsthat run the virtual economy, Meadows says.And yet, within a couple of weeks after Lindenannounced an open-source client, a primitive, independentlydeveloped server compatible with thatclient was released. So, the future may be comingquicker than Ondrejka expected.After the Town Hall meeting, Linden Lab CEOPhilip Rosedale materializes as spiky-haired avatarPhilip Linden. He tells his admirers, “The mostrewarding thing is just that at this point, the fire islit. Whether Linden continues to lead or not, we gotthings started.” —D.F.C.Courtesy of Linden lab34WWW.BASELINEMAG.COM

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