Gwyliau Teulu 2013 yn Llangrannog - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Gwyliau Teulu 2013 yn Llangrannog - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Gwyliau Teulu 2013 yn Llangrannog - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

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<strong>2013</strong>/14Nid oes gwyliau gwell i’r teulucyfan na Gwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong><strong>Llangrannog</strong>! Mae’r Gwersyllwedi c<strong>yn</strong>llunio gwyliau arbennigi deuluoedd gyda rhywbethat ddant pawb!There is no better holiday for thewhole family than <strong>Llangrannog</strong><strong>Urdd</strong> Centre! The Centre hasdesigned a course specificallyfor families, with somethingfor everyone!GweithgareddauActivitiesLlety newyddNew accommodationMae gan y Gwersyll dros 20 o weithgareddauar y safle - sgïo, gwibgartio, ceirt modur, beiciaumodur, nofio, canolfan ferlota, cwrs rhaffau uchela wal ddringo newydd, saethyddiaeth a mwy!Llety a bwydYstafelloedd ‘en suite’ o safon gyda chyfleusteraugwneud coffi a the gerllaw, pedwar pryd y dyddwedi eu coginio ar eich cyfer – a dim golchi llestri!The Centre has over 20 different activities on site –skiing, tobogganing, go-carting, quads, swimming,equine centre, a new high ropes course andclimbing wall, archery and more!Accommodation and foodWe have quality ‘en suite’ rooms available andfour meals a day will be prepared for all dietaryrequirements and no washing up!Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â ni /For more information contact:Llun / image: Alan WilliamsGwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong><strong>Llangrannog</strong><strong>Gwyliau</strong> <strong>Teulu</strong>Yr ardal leolTraethau Baner Las, llwybr arfordirol bendigedig,bywyd gwyllt, tafarndai, bwytai cyfagos, teithiaucychod Cei Newydd, dolffiniaid a llawer mwy!Mae’n c<strong>yn</strong>nig gwyliau mewn awyrgylch arbenniglle gellir mw<strong>yn</strong>hau gyda theuluoedderaill o Gymru a thu hwnt!The local areaBlue Flag beaches, the wonderful coastal path,wildlife, local taverns, restaurants, New Quayboat rides, dolphins and much more!The family holidays offer a unique atmosphereyou can enjoy with other families from all overWales and beyond!Gwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Llangrannog</strong>Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 6AEgwersyllurddllangrannog@llangrannog1932llangrannog@urdd.org01239 652140urdd.org/llangrannogDysgu Cymraeg?<strong>Gwyliau</strong> teulu arbennigi ddysgwyr – manyliontu fewn…Want to Learn Welsh?A special family holidayfor Welsh learners –details inside …“<strong>Gwyliau</strong> teulu ardderchog! Bydd pawb<strong>yn</strong> ôl blwydd<strong>yn</strong> nesaf <strong>yn</strong> bendant!”“Excellent Family Holiday, we will all beback next year for sure”<strong>Teulu</strong>’r Morgan, Gw<strong>yn</strong>eddurdd.org/llangrannog01239 652140urdd.org/llangrannog

Ffurflen Archebu <strong>Gwyliau</strong> <strong>Teulu</strong> Calan / Booking Form New Year’s Family HolidayNosweithiau / Nights 2 4Oedolion / Adults £114 £180Plent<strong>yn</strong> / Child 8 + £93 £160Plent<strong>yn</strong> / Child 4 – 7 £65 £102Plent<strong>yn</strong> / Child 2 – 3 £40 £60Enw / Name:<strong>Gwyliau</strong> Calan / New Year’s HolidayPenwythnos Pasg / Easter WeekendDyddiadau / Dates:Penwythnos Awst / August WeekendWythnos i ddysgwyr a’u teuluoedd /Week for learners and their familiesOedolion / Adults: G / M B / F Plant / Children: (8+) (4-7) (2-3) (-2)Cyfeiriad / Address:Penwythnos Pasg /Easter Weekend29–31 Mawrth / MarchPenwythnos <strong>Teulu</strong> Perffaith!Anghofiwch draffig Gŵyl y Banc a dewch i fw<strong>yn</strong>hau<strong>yn</strong>g Ngwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Llangrannog</strong>. Cewchbenwythnos llawn gweithgareddau lle mae popeth<strong>yn</strong> g<strong>yn</strong>wysedig <strong>yn</strong> y pris! Cewch gyfle i fw<strong>yn</strong>hau’rgweithgareddau neu ymlacio wrth edrych dros faeCeredigion. Mae ddigonedd i’w wneud gyda’r nosgyda rhaglen o weithgareddau ar eich cyfer <strong>yn</strong>ghydâ bws mini i lawr ac <strong>yn</strong> ôl o Langrannog i’r rhai h<strong>yn</strong>nysydd am brofi bywyd cymdeithasol y pentref.Dyma’r gwyliau perffaith i’w rannu gyda ffrindiau.Cymrwch gip olwg ar lein i weld rhaglen bosib –urdd.org/<strong>Llangrannog</strong>Penwythnos Gŵyl y Banc /Bank Holiday August23–25 Awst / AugustThe Perfect Family Weekend!Forget Bank Holiday traffic and come and enjoyat <strong>Llangrannog</strong> on the bank holiday weekend.You’ll have an activity filled weekend where everythingis included in the price! You can enjoy the activities orrelax whilst enjoying the fabulous view of Cardigan Bay.There will also be a night time programme, eveningactivities and a mini bus service down and back to<strong>Llangrannog</strong> for those who want to experience thesocial life of the village.The perfect holiday to socialise and sharewith friends!Have a look on-line to see an example programmefor the course – urdd.org/<strong>Llangrannog</strong>Wythnos i ddysgwyr a’u teuluoedd /Week for learners and their families19–23 Awst / AugustDyma gwrs arbennig lle fydd y Gymraeg <strong>yn</strong> dod <strong>yn</strong>fyw i chi a’ch teulu! Caiff oedolion hyd at ddwy wersy dydd gyda digonedd o gyfleoedd i ymarfer mewnsesi<strong>yn</strong>au fel Tai Chi, Ti a Fi, gemau anffurfiol a mwy.Yn ystod gwersi caiff plant o bob oedran fw<strong>yn</strong>hau’rgweithgareddau neu f<strong>yn</strong>d i’r feithrinfa, danoruchwyliaeth staff cymwysedig.Mae’n wythnos wych, lle gall teuluoedd ymlacioac ymarfer siarad gyda dysgwyr eraill o bob cwro Gymru a’r byd!This is a brilliant course where the Welsh languagecomes to life for you and your family! Adultswill receive up to two lessons a day with ampleopportunity to practise during sessions such as TaiChi, parent and toddler groups, informal gamesand more.During lessons children of all ages can enjoy theactivities or attend the nursery under the supervisionof qualified staff.It’s a fantastic week, where families can relaxand practise their Welsh with other learnersfrom around Wales and the world.<strong>Gwyliau</strong> Dathlu Calan / New Year’s Holiday30 Rhagfyr / December – 1 Ionawr / JanuaryEdrych am rhywbeth ychydig <strong>yn</strong> wahanol i’wwneud dros y flwydd<strong>yn</strong> newydd – rhywbeth y gallpawb ei fw<strong>yn</strong>hau? <strong>Gwyliau</strong> Calan Gwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong><strong>Llangrannog</strong> yw’r lle i fod!Mae popeth mae teulu ei angen yma wedi’r Nadolig!Gwerth da am arian, adloniant i blant ac oedolionmewn awyrgylch hamddenol a chartrefol. Bydd bwffeNos Calan gyda disgo i blant ac amrywo weithgareddau ddydd a nos!Cymrwch gip olwg ar lein i weld rhaglen bosibar gyfer y cwrs – urdd.org/llangrannogCyrsiau eraill <strong>yn</strong> y Gwersyll / Other courses...Cyrsiau i blant...Gwersyll Haf Cwrs JOIOCwrs Rygbi’r <strong>Urdd</strong> a’r ScarletsCwrs Pêl-droed a’r ElyrchLooking for something a little different to do overthe New Year? Something that will keep everyonehappy? Come to <strong>Llangrannog</strong> <strong>Urdd</strong> Centre fora New Year’s Holiday!It’s everything a family could ask for after Christmas –good value for money, entertainment for both childrenand adults, and a relaxed unique atmosphere!A New Year’s Eve buffet is provided with a disco forthe children, and various day and evening activities.Have a look on line to see an example programmefor the course – urdd.org/llangrannogChildren’s courses...Summer Course JOIO<strong>Urdd</strong> and Scarlets Rugby Course<strong>Urdd</strong> and Swans Football CourseCôd post / Postcode:Ffôn / Phone:Ebost / Email:Sut wnaethoch chi glywed am y gwyliau?:Gair ar led/ Word of mouth Eisteddfod Radio Hysbyseb / Advert Facebook / TwitterArall / Other:Gof<strong>yn</strong>nwn am flaendal o £100 / We ask for a deposit of £100Caniateir ad-daliad o’r ernes (llai £20) os t<strong>yn</strong>nir cais <strong>yn</strong> ôl mis c<strong>yn</strong> y cwrs. Ni fydd ad-adliad o’r ernes ar ôl y dyddiad hwn / A refund of the deposit (less £20)will be given if cancellation of the booking is made one month prior to course. No refund of the deposit will be made after this date.Gall taliadau gael eu gwneud trwy siec neu dros y ffôn gyda cherd<strong>yn</strong> credit / Payments can be made by cheque or over the phone by credit card.Sieciau <strong>yn</strong> daladwy i / Cheques payable to <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>.Ychwnegwch y swm o / Please charge my card Visa / Mastercard £Rhif / NoDyddiad terf<strong>yn</strong> / Expiry date: / Rhif diogelwch / Security no:Enw llawn / Cardholder’s name:Arwyddwyd / Signed:Cyfeiriad (os <strong>yn</strong> wahanol I’r Uchod) / Address (if different from above):Côd post / Postcode:Dychwelwch i / Return to:urdd.org/llangrannogurdd.org/llangrannogCwmnïau...Cyrsiau corfforaetholStrategaethol ac Adeiladu TîmCompanies...Corporate coursesStrategic and Team BuildingGwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong><strong>Llangrannog</strong>, LlandysulCeredigion, <strong>Cymru</strong>SA44 6AE01239 652140llangrannog@urdd.orgurdd.org/llangrannog

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