Mr. Lau Hieng Ung, Director, Sewerage Services Department Sarawak

Mr. Lau Hieng Ung, Director, Sewerage Services Department Sarawak

Mr. Lau Hieng Ung, Director, Sewerage Services Department Sarawak

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Special FeatureTransforming the Landscape of <strong>Sewerage</strong>Industry in Malaysia– The Role of R&D and InnovationsThe sewerage industry in Malaysia hasevolved at a rapid pace over the last2 decades. The sewage treatment trendhas changed from basic system such asseptic tanks in the 60’s to mechanisedtreatment plants during the presentdays.This evolution has taken place largelydue to stakeholders’ demand for cleanerand safer environment for the publicas well as an increased awareness forsustainable future. Ever since then, thesewerage industry, has been facing customerand regulatory requirement thatare increasingly more stringent as civilsociety becomes more sophisticated anddemand for a healthier environment tolive in.Besides, the sewerage industry alsoneeds to keep abreast with the generalenvironmental issues that may arise directlyor indirectly from its day to dayactivities. This includes river pollution,waste management problems, sewageflooding, water borne diseases, soil contamination,groundwater contamination,global warming and climate change.Additionally, it’s important to notethat Malaysia needs its own set of basicdata, know-how and resources for efficientand effective sewerage managementas the weather, climate, ambientcondition, the normal microflora andmicrofauna as well as the diet and eatinghabits of its people differ from thatof other countries from where the seweragetechnologies are sourced and usedin Malaysia.Research & DevelopmentWithin this context, research and development(R&D) including new innovationsis much needed in Malaysia toimprove sewage treatment capabilitiesand thus enhance environmental healthof our water resources whilst contributingtowards sustainable development.Apart from sewage treatment, researchis also needed for the improvementof the collection systems (e.g. useof local in-pipe treatment and effectivemicroorganisms; use of fibre optics andtrench sharing technology; new generationof efficient pumping systems includingequipment and products).Hence, the primary objective of theR&D is to provide knowledge that ensuresreliable, consistent, satisfactory,affordable and efficient sewerage servicesto enhance quality of life and to contributeto economic growth and improvepublic health status of the communityand country.In line with this, the secondary objectivesare to develop appropriate methods,approaches and technologies forimproving the management of sewerageservices; provide appropriate, innovativeand practical solutions for managementof sewerage services; develop applicationsfor improved treatment of sewageand sludge and improved processes forenabling increased reuse thereof; andimprove health, economic and environmentalconditions while supporting thedevelopment of appropriate technologiesand socially focused managementpractices related to sewerage management.In order to be focused and structuredin undertaking R&D to meet therequirement for the sewerage sector,it is imperative that key areas for R&Dactivities are identified. This includesoptimisation of sewage treatment performanceand sewage sludge treatment,recovery and reuse of sewage waste byproducts; energy saving and generationof renewable energy from sewage;improvised sewage collection system;environmental management and socioeconomicdemands.Paradigm Shift“The key thrust of the R&D should triggera paradigm shift in the sewerageindustry from the Victorian technologythat utilises large resources, land areas,materials and resources with little emphasison resource recovery to the applicationof emerging technologies suchas Biotechnology, Nanotechnology andGreen Technology. Additionally principlesof social science and economicsshall be applied across in the researchactivities so that practical and cost effectivesolutions are identified throughthe research,” says Ir. Hj. Haniffa Hamid,General Manager, (Planning & Engineering),Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd(IWK).“IWK had undertaken and facilitatedmore than 100 local R&D projects focusingon operational efficiencies whichWaterMalaysia 5

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