Mr. Lau Hieng Ung, Director, Sewerage Services Department Sarawak

Mr. Lau Hieng Ung, Director, Sewerage Services Department Sarawak

Mr. Lau Hieng Ung, Director, Sewerage Services Department Sarawak

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Exclusive InterviewWM Exclusive Interview with<strong>Mr</strong>. Mohamad Sabari bin Shakeran,General Manager, Kuching Water BoardIr. Mohamad Sabari graduated in1986 with a Bachelor of Science(CivilEngineering) Degree from the MemphisState University Tennessee,USA. Heobtained his Post Graduate (EnvironmentalImpacts Assessment) Degree at MurdochUniversity,Western Australia in 2002, andhis Master of Science (Environment) Degreeat Murdoch University, Western Australia in2004WM: Could you tell us something aboutyour background? For example, howlong have you been involved in the waterindustry?<strong>Mr</strong>. Sabari: I reported for duty with JabatanKerja Raya <strong>Sarawak</strong> (JKR) as the AssistantExecutive Engineer on 26th May 1987.My first posting was to the WaterworksSection, JKR Kuching Divisional Office asthe section head-in-charge of the WaterSupply Authorities in Kuching Division;during this period, Samarahan Division wasstill part of Kuching Division.Over 25 years of working experience inJKR <strong>Sarawak</strong>, some 17 years of my careerare related to the water supply industryinvolving with the planning, design,project management, water resourcesmanagement, and setting up of hydrometricstations, as well as monitoring of waterresources stationed in Water Supply Branchin JKR Headquarters and divisional office.The balance of work experiencesincludes managements, supervisionsof projects related to civil works (roads,buildings, bridges) and operation &maintenance works of government assetsin the JKR divisional offices. I was promotedto the post of General Manager of KuchingWater Board (KWB) on the 5th August2011.WM: What is the situation like of the watersupply in Kuching under the Kuching WaterBoard (KWB)?<strong>Mr</strong>. Sabari: KWB is currently producingan average of 430 MLD of drinking waterto a supply area of 730sq km and serving apopulation of about 680,000. The meteredconsumption is at 290 MLD and thus, theresultant NRW is about 32.6%. The numberof services in 2011 totals 147,147 thatexpand across the industry, commercial anddomestic consumers.KWB is managed by a total of 574 staffwith 21 of them in the Professional andManagerial Group while the rest of 553 areunder Support Group.WM: What challenges do you have toface in the distributions of water supply inKuching? How was the water situation likewhen you first joined the service and whathave you achieved so far. Are you happywith the results?<strong>Mr</strong>. Sabari: The high NRW of 32.6% is myimmediate concern and I am confidentthat with the available technologies andestablished industrial practices, KWB canreduce the NRW to a manageable level.About 6 months into my tenure as theGM of KWB, I established two additionalNRW teams in January this year with theaim to facilitate the leak reduction. Withthree NRW teams actively involved now, Iam confident in reducing the NRW by 3-4percent by year-end.WM: What are the projects that you haveundertaken during your tenure?<strong>Mr</strong>. Sabari: I managed to witness thepractical completion of our 100 MLDModule 8 in September 2011. I am nowembarking on upgrading of our Batu KitangTreatment Plant in meeting the increasingdemand from Kuching City, JKR Kuchingand Samarahan Division supplied by KWB.In meeting the distribution demand ofthe greater Kuching and JKR, a total of 7new reservoirs, some with a capacity of 180ML, will be built before 2030. Studies arebeing conducted now on the constructionof reservoirs at Demak <strong>Lau</strong>t, 9¾ mile and7th Mile in the near future.In ensuring our delivery capability, theconstruction of a 1,000 mm. diam. pipelinking Samajaya Free Industrial Zoneand Module 8 is in progress. In additionto that, new pipes will be laid to link 7thmile network to 9¾ mile and to EntingganReservoir in Kota Samarahan.Despite the availability of raw waterresource, concern on the sustainability of itssupply requires strategic attention. At times,the current safe yield of Sungai <strong>Sarawak</strong> Kiriis subjected to raw water shortage duringthe prolonged dry spell. The initiative bythe State Government to build Bengoh damsolely for the purpose of raw water storagecould eventually reduce the potential riskof raw water shortage during incoming drymonths.WM: One final Question. What are yourfuture plans in order to upgrade furtherthe water situations in Kuching?<strong>Mr</strong>. Sabari: Amongst the major activitiesthat will become the road map to the futuredevelopment of KWB’s operation is toembark in the 5 Year Strategic Plans. Themain thrust of the strategic plans encompasstransformation of organisation structure,enhance human capital, strengtheningcustomer service and promote efficientoperation & maintenance of the watersupply system.The activities and outputs derive fromthis strategic planning will be the roadmapfor KWB performance in heading to thefuture. ICT and Asset Management will alsobe another important focus to leveragethe potential high performance of KWB tosatisfy the water consumers.Master of Science(Environment)Murdoch University,Western AustraliaPost Graduate(EnvironmentalImpacts Assessment)Murdoch University,Western AustraliaBachelor of Science(Civil Engineering)Memphis StateUniversity, Tennessee,USA2004200219864 WaterMalaysia

Special FeatureTransforming the Landscape of <strong>Sewerage</strong>Industry in Malaysia– The Role of R&D and InnovationsThe sewerage industry in Malaysia hasevolved at a rapid pace over the last2 decades. The sewage treatment trendhas changed from basic system such asseptic tanks in the 60’s to mechanisedtreatment plants during the presentdays.This evolution has taken place largelydue to stakeholders’ demand for cleanerand safer environment for the publicas well as an increased awareness forsustainable future. Ever since then, thesewerage industry, has been facing customerand regulatory requirement thatare increasingly more stringent as civilsociety becomes more sophisticated anddemand for a healthier environment tolive in.Besides, the sewerage industry alsoneeds to keep abreast with the generalenvironmental issues that may arise directlyor indirectly from its day to dayactivities. This includes river pollution,waste management problems, sewageflooding, water borne diseases, soil contamination,groundwater contamination,global warming and climate change.Additionally, it’s important to notethat Malaysia needs its own set of basicdata, know-how and resources for efficientand effective sewerage managementas the weather, climate, ambientcondition, the normal microflora andmicrofauna as well as the diet and eatinghabits of its people differ from thatof other countries from where the seweragetechnologies are sourced and usedin Malaysia.Research & DevelopmentWithin this context, research and development(R&D) including new innovationsis much needed in Malaysia toimprove sewage treatment capabilitiesand thus enhance environmental healthof our water resources whilst contributingtowards sustainable development.Apart from sewage treatment, researchis also needed for the improvementof the collection systems (e.g. useof local in-pipe treatment and effectivemicroorganisms; use of fibre optics andtrench sharing technology; new generationof efficient pumping systems includingequipment and products).Hence, the primary objective of theR&D is to provide knowledge that ensuresreliable, consistent, satisfactory,affordable and efficient sewerage servicesto enhance quality of life and to contributeto economic growth and improvepublic health status of the communityand country.In line with this, the secondary objectivesare to develop appropriate methods,approaches and technologies forimproving the management of sewerageservices; provide appropriate, innovativeand practical solutions for managementof sewerage services; develop applicationsfor improved treatment of sewageand sludge and improved processes forenabling increased reuse thereof; andimprove health, economic and environmentalconditions while supporting thedevelopment of appropriate technologiesand socially focused managementpractices related to sewerage management.In order to be focused and structuredin undertaking R&D to meet therequirement for the sewerage sector,it is imperative that key areas for R&Dactivities are identified. This includesoptimisation of sewage treatment performanceand sewage sludge treatment,recovery and reuse of sewage waste byproducts; energy saving and generationof renewable energy from sewage;improvised sewage collection system;environmental management and socioeconomicdemands.Paradigm Shift“The key thrust of the R&D should triggera paradigm shift in the sewerageindustry from the Victorian technologythat utilises large resources, land areas,materials and resources with little emphasison resource recovery to the applicationof emerging technologies suchas Biotechnology, Nanotechnology andGreen Technology. Additionally principlesof social science and economicsshall be applied across in the researchactivities so that practical and cost effectivesolutions are identified throughthe research,” says Ir. Hj. Haniffa Hamid,General Manager, (Planning & Engineering),Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd(IWK).“IWK had undertaken and facilitatedmore than 100 local R&D projects focusingon operational efficiencies whichWaterMalaysia 5

Special FeatureMassive untapped potentials exist in thesewerage sector that can be harvestedand recovered with R&D and innovationsfor the benefits of the nation,says Ir. Haniffa, General Manager, Planning &Engineering, IWKwere initiated as a structured R&D programmein collaboration with local universitiesand public research institutions.The R&D programme encompasses aspectrum of research initiatives rangingfrom sewage treatment design, processoptimisation, reuse of treated wastewater,bioconversion of sewage sludge andbiosolids applications,” adds Ir. Haniffa.Waste By-Products“We had some significant research findingswhich today had led IWK to exploreon reuse of its waste by-products fromsewage treatment. One of the studiesshowed that the final effluent that is dischargedto water courses could be furtherpurified and reused as treated water forindustrial and landscaping applications.Whereas, the sewage sludge or betterknown as biosolids could be directlyused as soil conditioner or compostedinto fertiliser for plant applications. Forexample, IWK’s research showed that theapplication of biosolids can acceleratethe growth of rubber trees and hence thefaster availability of timber tree productswithout affecting the quality and quantityof latex.Another research finding showed thesewage sludge can be treated and convertedby virtue of biotechnological approachusing microbes such as fungi toproduce a stable end product that couldbe beneficially used as a raw material forcomposting.Biotechnology methods known asvermicomposting were tested in their researchusing worms to convert biosolidsto fertiliser. Another study showed thatthe biogas generated from the anaerobicdigestion of sewage sludge containsmore than 60% methane concentrationwhich means generation of electricityfrom sewage is possible,” explains Ir.Haniffa.Realisation of Research FindingsThe challenge ahead is to ensure thatthe R&D initiatives for the sewerage sectorleads to realisation of research findingsto field applications for efficiencyimprovement, cost savings and/or potentialrevenue stream; environmentallysustainable services and increase stockof knowledge and information that couldreduce the gaps of uncertainties in seweragemanagement in Malaysia.“To execute this, industry players likeIWK and similar organisations could concentrateon applied research activitiesthat will provide practical solutions forimmediate operational uptake and commercialisation.The Universities should be encouragedto undertake the fundamentalresearch activities on sewerage in astructured manner. For this, constantcommunications and dialogue need to bemaintained between the sewerage playersand the universities.This allows the universities to betterunderstand and appreciate the practicalissues and explores the resolutions fromthe fundamental research perspective. Inthis respect, we encourage Universities,public research institutions and the beneficiarieswith innovative financing mechanismssuch as Private Finance Initiative(PFI) to implement the R&D projects, tocommunicate with IWK to jointly developlocal expertise in the areas of sewagetreatment technology, energy efficiency,collection systems, sludge management,resource recovery, and materials engineering,”emphasised Ir. Haniffa.Collaboration & FundingThe receptiveness towards uptake of theR&D findings needs to be improved withan established network of industry, governmentaland academic organisationsthat amongst others to address matterspertaining to collaborations and fundingto support pilot and demonstration scaleof the completed bench and experimentalfield studies, rights to intellectual property,patenting and commercialisation ofresearch outputs as well as developmentof local talents and experts in this sector.“A well-planned and coordinated aswell as holistically managed R&D programmefor the sewerage sector willrepresent a major paradigm shift in theoutlook, the efficiency and effectivenessof sewerage management in Malaysia.It is envisaged that the future sewagetreatment and collection systemswould be community and neighborhoodfriendlier; the plant is compact and hencesmaller in foot print; utilises lesser energy,produces lesser sludge and dischargeno waste to the environment (wherebythe waste by-products are recovered forbeneficial purposes), hence smaller incarbon footprint; uses well tested andproven local technologies, equipmentand products so as standard model sewagetreatment plants can be built inexpensivelyand speedily; it operates onintelligent system modes that can beremotely operated without causing nuisanceto the public and not affecting theenvironmental quality,” Ir. Haniffa envisions.High Income NationThe R&D in sewerage industry in Malaysiawill open up to vast opportunities forall Malaysians to capitalise and benefitin many ways to achieve sustainable development.Whilst achieving the ultimategoal, it is also hoped that the stakeholderswould take full advantage of this tofurther explore on the resources in theindustry to value-add it into potentialdownstream businesses whilst leadingMalaysia into a high income nation by2020.6 WaterMalaysia

Educational & TrainingHow Far Has Malaysian Water Academy(MyWA) Progressed?The Malaysian Water Academy(MyWA), Malaysia’s first wateracademy was established during theOpening Ceremony of Asia WaterExhibition 2010 held at the KualaLumpur Convention Centre on April7, 2010.After more than a year inexistence, we ask Tuan Haji AhmadZahdi Jamil, the present President ofMalaysian Water Association (MWA),on the progress of the academy sofar? But before that let us find outhow the whole idea got started.Q: In the first place who mooted theidea to form this academy and who wereinvolved?AZJ: It was mooted during one of the(MWA) Council Meetings in 2005, andall the Council Members were involved.They included:The President: Dato’ Syed MuhammadShahabuddin.Immediate Past President: Tan Sri Ir HajiOmar bin IbrahimDP: Dato’ Ir Hj Wan Ngah bin Wan AliVPs: Ir Mohd Ridhuan bin Ismail and ProfDr. Zaini bin UjangHSG: Ir Lee Koon YewHTG: Dato’ Ir Teo Chok Boo, andCouncil Members: Dato’ Ir MohdYusof, Dato’ Ir Low Kee Yang, Ir MohamedHaniffa Abdul Hamid, Ir Sanusi Paijan, IrMohmad Asari Daud, Ir Zainal Bachik, IrAbas bin Mohamad Noordin, Ir Jayawants/o Vithal, Ir Teo Chee Kong, Ir ChiangHeng, Ir Koh Kah Hock, Prof Dr. Azni binIdris and Madam Rohana Kamaruddin.Q: How long after did the project take off?AZJ: MWA wrote a proposal paper to theMinistry of Energy, Green Technologyand Water (KeTTHA) on two occasions.The 2009/2011 Council Members thentook it as a task in MWA portfolio and asKPI to be delivered. It was then chartedout as one of the establishments forthe Malaysian water Road Map in theKementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijaudan Air (KeTTHA).The Academy, now known as MyWA,was registered with the MalaysianRegistrar of Companies (R.O.C) by MWAin February 2010. And finally in Apr 2010it was officially launched by the Ministerof Energy, Green Technology and Water,Dato’ Sri Peter Chin Fah Kui on 7 April2010, during Asia Water Conference 2010at KLCC.During the launching, MWA hassigned four MoUs with four majorpartners of MyWA (PBA, IWK, SAJ, andUTM) in promoting the capacity buildingfor the water and wastewater industry.More MoUs will be signed with otherorganisations for the same purpose.Q: Can you elaborate further about theproject?AZJ: Our vision is to promote MyWA tobe a renowned and recognised institutionin water and wastewater and our missionis to create a centre of knowledge andexcellence for the development of humancapital asset and technology enhancementin the water and wastewater industry.We aim to establish capacity buildinghub for all stake holders of the water andwastewater industry:• To provide institutional support forgovernment initiatives towards thedevelopment of quality workforce forincreasing the global competitivenessand liberalisation of the water industry;• To provide integrated and accreditededucation and training for all stakeholdersacross the public and private divide ofthe water and wastewater sector;• To provide strategic platform forcollaborative research and innovationsbetween academia and industry, localand foreign experts.The core functions and scope of MyWAare as follows:1. Identify & Establish Industry TrainingNeeds:a. Integrated approach, training needsto be identified across industry valuechain i.e. collection/abstraction,treatment, disposal/supply &distribution as well as across segmentsof services i.e. Management, Planning& Design; Construction, Operations& Maintenance; Instrumentations &Equipment Manufacturers;2.Develop Structured Training Programme:Training programme will fall under twobroad scopes – Water & Wastewater,whereby courses will fall under twocategories: a) certification courses forcompetency; and b) non-certificationcourses for knowledge development;3. Accreditation & CertificationProgramme:-– Establish framework for Accreditationof Training Providers and Certificationof Workforce as competent & qualifiedpersons for respective job tasks.– Technical Committee to be set up andWaterMalaysia 7

Educational & TrainingWASTEWATER PROGRAMMEcomprise of leaders and technical expertsfrom industry academia and regulators.– Training Programme to be based onNational Occupational Skill Standards(NOSS) advocated by <strong>Department</strong> of SkillsDevelopment (DSD), Malaysian Ministryof Human Resources (PSMB). Currentlythe Penang Water <strong>Services</strong> Academy hasdeveloped NOSS that was approved byDSD and can be incorporated into WaterAcademy training programme.– Other key agencies for endorsement ofthe structured training programme are: Malaysian Water <strong>Services</strong> Commission(SPAN); Environmental Institute ofMalaysia, <strong>Department</strong> of Environment(EiMAS); and Construction IndustryDevelopment Board (CIDB).4. Implement Training Programmes -MyWA will manage and organise allaspects of training implementationsuch as training courses programmeschedules, trainers, venues, registration& certification5. Continuous Review and upgradingof Training Programmes & Syllabus-MyWA’s Technical Committeecomprising of industry and academiaexperts shall carry out periodical review.6. R&D Platform:• Establish smart partnerships withleading research institutions for waterand wastewater.• Develop structured R&D themes andfocus areas for water and wastewatersector.• Review and establish R&D priority topics.• Identify & set up criteria for screening andawarding R&D projects.• Plan and review R&D and Innovationbudget for water and wastewater sector.7. Young Water Professional Network:• MyWA will be a place for mentoring andbuilding up young professional (aged18-35) as leaders for the future of theindustry.• Activities for networking will range fromconferences to setting up of MalaysianWater Engineering Relief Squad fordisaster zones.• Currently the Pro-Temp Engineering8 WaterMalaysia

Educational & TrainingWATER PROGRAMME• Establishmentof MyWA• Register withROC• MOU withMajor TrainingProviders• VWPEstablishment• Developmentof MyWA inhouseTrainingProgrammes• Developmentof Certification& AccreditedProgramme• MOU with OtherTraining Providers• Retired ProfessionalClub• Engineers ReliefSquad• Integration of theSatellite TrainingCentres• Registerwith JabatanPembangunanKemahiran• Establishment ofResource Centre• Smart Partnershipwith Leading R& DCentre• MyWA Expands toOther States• Capacity BuildingRegional Hubfor DevelopingCountries2010 2011 2012 2013 2014Road MapRelief Squad is already in place.8. Senior Professional Club (SPC) -• MyWA will set up a club for SPC to gettogether and continue to contribute ideasand experience to the industry9. Knowledge Development Hub:• MyWA will establish a repository ofthe water & wastewater industry bestpractices and know-how from across theregion.• Serves as a platform for developingknowledge based workforce.• Activities for cultivating innovativemindset and culture in the workforce.• Regional Network center/base forindustry experts to exchange innovateideas.Q: After more than a year, what is theprogress like, so far?AZJ: Last year we signed four MoUs withfour major training providers: SAJ, PBA,IWK and UTM. We also renovated newtraining rooms at the ground floor ofMWA office with four satellite trainingfacilities. We shared information on MyWAinternationally at: TWAS Workshop,Beijing; Manila WOPs and DEWATS,Indonesia.This year SPAN endorsed MyWAtraining programme and KeTTHA isrepresented in MyWA BoD. Also this yearwe organised three workshops on WaterTreatment Plant Works among technicalcommittee. We are also proud to say thatDOE has agreed to certify our WastewaterTreatmant Course. Finally, we negotiatedwith seven new training providers topartner with MyWA.Q: About the academy itself, what is thestrength of the staff?AZJ: Staff of MyWA: Executive <strong>Director</strong> & 3staff and trainers all over the country fromcollaboration with training academy.Q: How and who are eligible to participate?AZJ: The Academy is for all stakeholdersof water & wastewater industry.Stakeholders are from the General Public& NGOs, Regulators, Academia & ResearchInstitutions and Industry.WaterMalaysia 9

News from Around the WorldCoca-Cola Malaysia and the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS)are calling on secondary school students to step up and make adifference this World Water Day.The students are being urged to gettheir peers to participate in the annual“Water Vision” contest, which challengesthem to identify and resolve a waterconservation issue.The competition is designed to fostera sense of water stewardship amongyouths.The winning team will receive arainwater harvesting system for theirschool as the grand prize. It will helpthem to save hundreds of ringgit, whileconserving clean water resources.Prizes which await the youngIndia’s new water policy draft calls for a shift in the role of the stateThe Indian government on January31 released a draft National WaterPolicy, 2012 which recommends a gradualshift in the role of the state from a serviceprovider to that of a regulator of servicesand facilitator for strengthening theinstitutions responsible for planning,implementation and management ofwater resources.It calls for the water related servicesto be transferred to community and/orprivate sector with appropriate PPP orPublic-Private-Partnership model.The policy calls for a broad, overarchingnational legal framework on waterand comprehensive legislation to developinter-state rivers and river valleys. Many ofthese issues are currently handled at thestate level.The draft policy has termed water asan “economic good” and supported pricingof water to maximise its value. It has alsostipulated approaches towards enhancingwater availability besides emphasising onwater use efficiency.The Government has been holdingconsultations with all stakeholders in thewater sector for drafting the NationalWater Policy, which Water ResourcesMinister Pawan Kumar Bansal hasindicated will be unveiled in March 2012.The first water policy was adoptedby National Water Resources Council in1987. This was revised and updated in April2002.The draft policy, which has beenposted on the website of Ministry ofWater Resources, has been kept open forcomments till February 29. After carryingnecessary modifications, it would beplaced before National Water Board andNational Water Resources Council forfinalisation and adoption.The draft policy recommends theenvironmentalists include cash andgadgets such as iPod Touch/iPad2.The top three teams will also be invitedto attend a special 3-day, 2-night at theMNS Environmental Interpretive Centerin Sepang where they will learn about theimportance of mangrove forest ecology,which is crucial to our ecosystem.“Water Vision” is open to secondaryschools nationwide through MNS’ KelabPencinta Alam.Students are required to work in teamsof four to submit a 15-minute multimediapresentation on how they can conservedevelopment of a system to evolvebenchmarks for water uses for differentpurposes, such as water footprints andwater auditing in order to ensure efficientuse of water. Project financing has beensuggested as a tool to incentivise efficientand economic use of water.It also provides for setting up of WaterRegulatory Authority and adequate waterpricing to incentivise recycle and re-use.The draft policy presents a holisticpicture of ecological need of the riverrather than restricting it to only minimumflow requirement. It states that theecological needs of the river should bedetermined recognising that river flowsare characterized by low or no flows, smallfloods, large floods and flow variability andshould accommodate development needs.A portion of river flows should be keptaside to meet ecological needs ensuringthat the proportional low and high flowreleases correspond in time closely to thenatural flow regime.The draft policy also recognises theneed to adapt to climate change in planningand implementation of water resourcesprojects. Coping strategies for designingand management of water resourcesstructures and review of acceptabilitycriteria have been emphasised.Mapping of the aquifers to know thequantum and quality of ground waterresources in the country has been proposedwith provision of periodic updating.The draft policy says Water UsersAssociations should be given statutorypowers to collect and retain a portion ofwater charges, manage the volumetricquantum of water allotted to them andmaintain the distribution system in theirjurisdiction.It also proposes a reversal of heavyunder-pricing of electricity, which leads towater in their school or community.This year’s theme is “The Best Practiceson Water Conservation in your School orCommunity”.Entries must address the problemsfaced by the local community or school,together with a practical solution.All entries must be submitted to MNSby July 20.For details, students and teachers canvisit www.mns.my or search for “WaterVision” on Facebook, or contact theEnvironmental Education <strong>Department</strong> at03-2287 9422.wasteful use of both electricity and water.The proposal is expected to face someopposition as several state governmentshave been providing almost free electricityto farmers, a move that has resulted inoverdrafts of groundwater across severalregions.The draft policy also recognisesencroachment and diversion of waterbodies and emphasises the need for theirrestoration with community participation.It has proposed setting aside a suitablepercentage of the costs of infrastructuredevelopment, which along with collectedwater charges, may be utilised for repair andmaintenance. Contracts for constructionof projects should have inbuilt provisionfor longer periods of proper maintenanceand handing over back the infrastructurein good condition.The policy says there is a need toremove the large disparity between watersupply in urban and rural areas to bringequality between rural and urban people.It has proposed a forum at the nationallevel to deliberate upon issues relating towater and evolve consensus, cooperationand reconciliation amongst states. Asimilar mechanism should be establishedwithin each state to amicably resolvedifferences in competing demands forwater amongst different users of water, asalso between different parts of the state.Appropriate institutional arrangementsfor each river basin should be developedto collect and collate all data on regularbasis with regard to rainfall, river flows,area irrigated by crops and by source,utilisation for various uses by both surfaceand ground water and to publish wateraccounts on daily basis every year foreach river basin with appropriate waterbudgets and water accounts based on thehydrologic balances.12 WaterMalaysia

News from Around the WorldNew President of B&V’s Water BusinessBlack & Veatch has appointed CindyWallis-Lage as President of itsglobal water business. She will lead thecompany’s efforts to address the waterinfrastructure needs around the world.Aging infrastructure, economic challengesand increasing demand are factors that aredriving growth for service providers.Ms Wallis-Lage brings 25 years ofexperience to this key position. Shemost recently served as the company’sExecutive Managing <strong>Director</strong> of TechnicalSolutions. She has provided her projectand leadership expertise to more than100 municipal and industrial facilitiesthroughout the US, UK and Asia Pacific.WRG aims to capture Indian desal marketAustralia-based Water ResourcesGroup (WRG) Limited has announcedthat it has entered into a Joint VentureAgreement with Mandala Water Limited,a wholly owned subsidiary of MandalaCapital AG Fund Limited, to market WRG’sproducts and technologies in the operatingterritories of South Asia (India, Pakistan,Sri Lanka and Bangladesh).Mandala Capital AG Fund Limitedis a private equity fund that invests inthe agricultural sector in the Indian andSouth Asia markets. Mandala’s foundersand partners include longstandingIndian agriculture entrepreneurs as wellas Altima Partners LLP, a multi-billiondollar investment fund with substantialinvestments in the agriculture sectorglobally.The Joint Venture, of which WRG owns49%, will be based in India and allowsWRG to enter the South Asia desalinationmarket for both industrial and municipalMetax to build WWTP in IndiaAMetax Engineering CorporationLimited has announced thatits wholly-owned subsidiary, MetaxEngineering (India) Private Limited havebeen awarded an approximately S$6.2million (US$4.97 million) contract for thedesign, engineering, supply, erection,testing and commission of an effluenttreatment plant with an ultrafiltrationand reverse osmosis system used forrecycling by Grasim Cellulosic Division, aunit of Grasim Industries Limited locatedat Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India for itsviscose staple fibre Vilayat project.Commenting on the contract, TanTze Wen, the Managing <strong>Director</strong> ofMetax Engineering said: “With theapplications.According to the CEO of WRG, BrianHarcourt, the desalination market in SouthAsia, particularly India, is expected to growdramatically in the next ten years. “Wehave been in discussions with MandalaCapital for over 12 months in preparationto enter into this multi-hundred milliondollarmarket for desalination,” he saysin a press release. “Following a successfulvisit to India by WRG last October, we arevery pleased to conclude our agreements,and expect to see significant businessopportunities develop for the joint venture,not only for water desalination, but alsofor applications of our exclusive ozonegenerator in seed and food preservation,”he adds.The Principal of Mandala Water, andCEO of Mandala Capital, Uday Garg saidthat the application of WRG’s technologiesin South Asia is going to greatly enhancethe value of the company.worldwide emphasis on environmentalprotection via recycling, we are seeingmore projects put out to tender fromthe private and public sectors in bothdeveloped and developing countries,who need to continually invest incritical water and wastewater treatmentinfrastructure.”Grasim, a flagship company of theAditya Birla Group, ranks among India’slargest private sector companies, withconsolidated net revenue of Rs.202billion. Grasim’s businesses compriseVSF, cement, chemicals and textiles.Its core businesses are VSF and cement,which contribute to over 90 per cent ofits revenues and operating profits.“ReadersSURVEY”Dear Valued Readers,In line with our efforts to continuallyenhance the quality ofour magazine so as to serveyou better, we would like toget feedback from you aboutthe contents of our magazine,and also any ideas, commentsor suggestions that you mayhave.If you have any comments orsuggestions, please do drop usa line atasni@malaysianwater.org.myor contact us(the MWA Secretariat) at603 6201 2250/ 9521any comments orsuggestions?WaterMalaysia 13

MWA ActivitiesWorld Water Day 2011, 11 – 12 March 2011International World Water Day is held annuallyon 22 March as a means of focusing attention onthe importance of freshwater and advocatingfor the sustainable management of freshwaterresources. Each year, WWD highlights a specificaspect of freshwater. The theme for 2011 was“Water for Cities: Responding to the UrbanChallenge” and was held from 11-12 March2011.YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia officiatedthe WWD 2011 on 11 March held at the PekanRiver Front, Pekan Pahang. The event was heldfor two days with participation from waterindustry players, academician, NGOs andindividuals. MWA participated in the exhibition.Water Malaysia 2011 Conference & Exhibition, 5 – 7 April 2011Water Malaysia Conference & Exhibitionis an MWA biennial international waterconference and exhibition. For thefirst time in 2011, Water Malaysia wascoorganised between MWA and IndahWater Konsortium Sdn Bhd. This three-dayevent was held at the PWTC, Kuala Lumpurand was supported by KeTTHA, Ministry ofNatural Resources & Environment (NRE),Water Supply <strong>Department</strong> (JBA), SPANand Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad (PAAB).The theme “Managing Water &Wastewater with Sustainable Future” hasattracted more than 300 delegation locallyand internationally. The programme included5 Keynotes, 2 Plenaries, 4 Workshops, etc.The exhibition was managed by ProtempExhibitions Sdn Bhd. The Water Malaysia2011 showed an increase of 10.2% of totalsales compared to the previous one 71companies participated including Malaysia,Singapore, India, China, Japan, USA,Germany, Italy and Korea. Total visitorshipwas approximately 5,000 people.14 WaterMalaysia

MWA Annual Dinner 2011, 5 April 2011The Annual Dinner was held at the LegendHotel Kuala Lumpur in conjunction withWater Malaysia 2011 which was heldfor three days from 5 to 7 April. It wasgraced by YB Minister of Energy, GreenTechnology and Water Malaysia. Thedinner was attended by the conferencedelegates, invited guests, members ofthe association, key players in the waterand wastewater industries to socialise andcatch up with one another. Approximately500 people attended.MWA 23rd Annual General Meeting, 23 April 2011The MWA 23rd AGM was held on 23 April2011 at the Kelab Golf PerkhidmatanAwam attended by 80 memberscomprising of Institutional, Ordinary andAssociate. The result of the election ofOffice Bearers for 2011/2013 was alsopresented by the appointed Scrutineerat the AGM. Following the meeting, aseparate arrangement for golf was heldfor interested members.Half Day Technical Talk on “Business Continuity Management”, 4 May 2011A half day presentation by DRI International touched oncruciality of having a good business continuity plan in placefor enhancing the resiliency, survivability and sustainabilityof the organisation should disaster strike. A total of 20participants attended the talk held at MWA trainingcentre.WaterMalaysia 15

MWA ActivitiesHalf Day Technical Talk on “Pump Performance Enhancement”, 20 July 2011The presentation touched on improvingthe energy efficiency and reliability ofpump systems, and to verify and maintainthe energy savings which require accurateon-site measurements before and afterany improvements. The talk, presented byFlakeShield Sdn Bhd, was attended by 35participants held at MWA training centre.IWA Governing Assembly,25 September 2011MWA was represented by the PresidentAhmad Zahdi Jamil and Vice President,Ir. Syed Mohd Adnan Alhabshi to the IWAGoverning Assembly which was held inVienna, Austria. The IWA President’s Dinnerwas arranged prior to this event.MWA Golf 20XI, 1 October 2011The MWA Golf 20XI was held in Nilai SpringsGolf & Country Club with participationfrom MWA members, ministries andGovernment officials totalling 72 golfers.The MWA President welcomed everyonepresent and there was a prize presentationfollowed by lunch after the game.MWA thanked the standing committeemembers led by En. Isa Abu Bakar (SAJ),all supporters and sponsors for makingthis tournament a success and memorableevent. It was a on the whole. MWA plans tohave golf as an annual event to encouragenetworking and better relation among theindustry players.The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2 – 6 October 2011The IWA-Asia Pacific (ASPIRE) Regional Conference and Exhibitionwas held from 2 to 6 October in Tokyo, Japan attended by regionalwater experts and professionals to discus and share knowledge oninnovations, technologies and solutions to enhance the sustainabilityand resilience of water systems in the Asia Pacific.There were more than twelve parallel technical sessions overthe three days conference on topics ranging from water treatmenttechnologies, customer service, water distribution systems, waterreuse, water quality monitoring, wastewater treatment, watershedmanagement, resource recovery and others.In conjunction with the 4th IWA-ASPIRE, the IWA Regional UtilityLeaders Forum with a theme “Strengthening Water Utilities in the Asia-Pacific” was conducted. The forum was an integral component of theIWA Utilities Programme and offers a valuable platform for seniorwater leaders and managers from water utilities to come togetherto share latest trends, emerging challenges and their own practicalapproaches, and to develop joint positions on issues of concern. It alsoprovided utility leaders the opportunity to build networks and contactswith industry peers.Representing MWA, was Datuk Ir. Abdul Kadir Mohd Din, DeputyPresident of MWA who has participated in both events stated above.16 WaterMalaysia

Visitation from UBM,31 May 2011United Business Media (M) Sdn Bhd or UBMhas taken over the water and wastewatershows in the Asia Pasific region namelyWater Philippines, Viet Water and Asia Watersince the middle of May 2011 from AMBExhibitions. To honour the long standingagreement and relationship between MWAand AMB, UBM has made a courtesy visitto MWA premise to introduce and furtherdiscuss future collaboration between thecompany and the association. UBM wasrepresented by its Sr. Vice President (UBMAsia) and Chairman (UBM Malaysia).Receiving the visit was several MWA CouncilMembers.SEAWUN – The First BoardMeeting Term III,5 July 2011World Water Monitoring Day, 13 October 2011MWA coorganised World WaterMonitoring Day (WWMD) 2011 with AirKelantan Sdn Bhd at Kg. Puteh WTP, KotaBharu. Five monitoring sites were testedfor dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, turbidityand temperature by 200 secondarystudents from five schools within KotaBaru, Kelantan. After the testing, studentswere engaged into a question and answersession and were requested to presenttheir findings. Students and schools weregiven the certificates of participationand each school was provided with theWWMD Kit as a souvenir and for futureuse. MWA thanked Air Kelantan forits coorporation and assistance. TheHon. Secretary General and CouncilMember, En. Mansor Abdul Ghani withtwo MWA Secretariat attended thisevent. The results of the activities weresubmitted to WWMD database at www.worldwatermonitoringday.org.The meeting was held at SUNTEC, Singaporein conjunction with Singapore InternationalWater Week 2011. The MWA President whois a SEAWUN Board Member attended themeeting representing MWA.MWA Industry Forum2011: Water Has NoValue, 28 October 2011The inaugural industry forum wascoorganised between MWA and UTM atUTM Jalan Semarak which was attended byapproximately 200 professionals, ministries,Government officials, private organisations,students and media. The moderator was theVice-Chancellor of UTM and MWA Council,Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ir. Zaini Ujang accompanied bysix Panelists from Akademi Sains Malaysia,CAP, PBA Pulau Pinang, Waterwatch Penangand MWA. The objectives of the forum wereto answer the following questions:What should we do in order to educate thepublic on the value of water, not only the watersupply service but the whole management ofwater? What the Government can or shoulddo to let the public value water? Will puttingthe right price for water encourages public tovalue water?MWA proposed to organise a series ofIndustry Forum as its annual event.Half Day Technical Talk on “VAG’sHolistic Approach Towards NonRevenue Water”, 15 November 2011This half day presentation covered issues on PressureManagement to reduce water losses. A total of 17 participantsfrom public and private entities attended the talk held at MWApremise.MWA Networking Golf, 21 November2011 at Glenmarie Golf and CountryResortA golf tournament was held in conjunction with 2nd IWADevelopment Congress & Exhibition which was participated by20 golfers who were a member of the association including someGovernment and ministry officials. It was conducted in a friendlyand relaxed environment to allow networking and socialising.WaterMalaysia 17

MWA Activities2nd IWA Development Congress & Exhibition, 21 – 24 November 2011The 2nd IWA Development Congress &Exhibition was coorganised by IWA andMWA at the Kuala Lumpur ConventionCentre. With the overarching theme“Pioneering Water Solutions in UrbanisingAreas”, the congress examined issuesranging from appropriate technologysolutions to broader enabling mechanismssuch as governance, finance systems,capacity development and stakeholdermobilisation. It built consensus on howpotential solutions can be tried, tested andscaled up by:Fostering in depth debates oninnovative solutions at the frontier of waterand sanitation management and urbandevelopment.Enabling new partnerships acrossgeographical boundaries and areas ofexpertise.Providing access to the latest bestpractice experiences and scientificfindings.Catalysing new insights and foresightthrough the exchange of ideas and sharinglessons learned.Awarding organisations andoutstanding projects for their emblematicwork and results.Through these efforts, IWA aimsto create a positive impact on povertyreduction, economic growth, human healthand environmental sustainability in urbanareas throughout the world.IWA created the Development Congressto highlight the most significant andimpactful advances in the delivery of safe,clean drinking water and sanitation services.In particular, the focus of this congress isto share experiences on ‘what works’ and‘works at scale’ in low and middle incomecountries. There were approximately 600delegates including the exhibitors whoparticipated in this congress.In conjunction with this, the precongressprogrammes i.e. the Young WaterProfessionals (YWP) workshop, WaterlinksDevelopment Partner meetings, technicaltours, local tour and golf were organised.The IWA Awards Reception was held togive recognition to the innovative waterengineering project for its originality,innovation and engineering excellencethat is applied in a low and middle incomecountry.There were three country pavilions,namely Malaysia, the Netherlands andSingapore as well as other exhibitors whichranged from equipment manufacturers,water operators, NGOs and technologyproviders.The congress ended with Malaysiancultural performances during the GalaDinner.SARAWAK CommitteeThe <strong>Sarawak</strong> Committee is headed byIr. Wong Tiong Kai. The committee hasrecently organised the MWA road showheld from 11 to 13 October 2011 in severalparts of <strong>Sarawak</strong> namely Miri, Sibu andKuching. The road show has included apresentation by the <strong>Director</strong> of <strong>Sewerage</strong>Service <strong>Department</strong>, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. There wasa growth of membership from this statesince the formed of <strong>Sarawak</strong> committeein the last two years.SABAH CommitteeThe Sabah Committee was formed toencourage more memberships from Sabahas well as for MWA to engage with membersthere for future events. The committee isheaded by Ms. Amy Yew. On 28 July 2011, Ms.Amy had met up with the <strong>Director</strong> of JabatanAir Sabah and Deputy <strong>Director</strong> of CawanganPembetungan JKR Sabah (representative)for this intention. Besides membership,there was immense discussion on trainingand JANS suggested that more activities onwater related to be carried out in Sabah. The<strong>Director</strong> has agreed to join as a member ofMWA and will encourage his team to join asmember as well.18 WaterMalaysia

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory235823592360236323642365236623672368236923702371237223732374237523762377237823792380238123822383238423852386238723882389239023912392239323942395239623972398239924002401240224032404240524062407OM 1722OM 1723OM 1724OM 1727OM 1728OM 1729OM 1730OM 1731OM 1732OM 1733OM 1734OM 1735OM 1736OM 1737OM 1738OM 1739OM 1740OM 1741OM 1742OM 1743OM 1744OM 1745OM 1746OM 1747OM 1748OM 1749OM 1750OM 1751OM 1752OM 1753OM 1754OM 1755OM 1756OM 1757OM 1758OM 1760OM 1761OM 1762OM 1763OM 1764OM 1765OM 1766OM 1767OM 1768OM 1769OM 1770OM 1771OM 1772Dato’Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Mdm.Mdm.Mdm.Mdm.Ms.Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ir. Hj.<strong>Mr</strong>.Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Mdm.Ms.Mdm.Mdm.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Nasir Khan bin Illadad KhanTan Bee LianTan Hui kuanAfifi bin HussainSuriyatun binti Mad SaidNurul Dinah binti KamarudinMuhamad Noor bin Abdul RahmanKamaruzaman bin BudinJessie Lim Boon KenHoh Lee ChongWong Suet MeiTanaratanam A/P RamalooWong Shey LanNorazah binti MuhamadMohd Hafiz bin Md YunosZulkifli bin Abdul HamidNorihan binti Mohd YassinZairi bin ZainuddinMormala bin AnangNik Amirul Faisal bin Nik MohamedSyamsul Ariff bin SupaatAhmad Muzahar bin Mohd ZainalZulbahari bin Abu BakarJuhari bin AbdullahMohd Azam bin GhazaliMohd Shuzainy bin IsmailMuhammad Akmal bin Abdul RazakSakinah binti NordinVoon Kok PingZakaria bin Abdul RahmanAbdul Razak bin IbrahimShuhaiza binti Md AyopZ.Halim bin Abu BakarSri Bala KrishnanRozailan bin RosliNicholas Chew Keng MengTeoh Koon MuiGan Suk ChingNorazian binti BusuNg Siew Keng, AliceAzuan AhmadLim Lai KhengMohammad Shahree bin ShamsuddinAzlene binti Muhammad AzahamZalila binti MuhammadYahaya bin MustafaHalmar Hasina Wijaya bin Muhammad IsaFadzila binti MustaffaOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryWaterMalaysia 19

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory240824092410241124122413241424152416241724182419242024212422242324242425242624272428242924302431243224332434243524362437243824392440244124422443244524462447244824492450245124522453245424552456OM 1773OM 1774OM 1775OM 1776OM 1777OM 1778OM 1779OM 1780OM 1781OM 1782OM 1783OM 1784OM 1785OM 1786OM 1787OM 1788OM 1789OM 1790OM 1791OM 1792OM 1793OM 1794OM 1795OM 1796OM 1797OM 1798OM 1799OM 1800OM 1801OM 1802OM 1803OM 1804OM 1805OM 1806OM 1807OM 1808OM 1809OM 1810OM 1811OM 1812OM 1813OM 1814OM 1815OM 1816OM 1817OM 1818OM 1819OM 1820Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Natrah binti ZakariaMahuran Saro binti SarikiZalina binti MatMahfuzah binti Muhamad TarmidiHemi Norfariza binti A. AzizHelmi bin GhazaliRozaimah binti Ahmad RazaliNooraini binti Md. IsaMuhamad Noor bin Md DarusTan Yee LinYun Yow FunMohammad Halimi bin ZainuddinAhmad Firdaus bin MokhtarMuhamad Riduan bin ZakariahNor Faridah binti JalaludinFira Hilda binti MuradLim Boon HockRohaya binti HashimNurmi binti AhmadRuhana binti Asha’ari @ AshariHafizah binti AhmatShazliyaton binti HashimKhairil Anwar bin ArifinKhairina binti Nor AkmalAzila binti AzharAminuddin bin IsmailWan Lydiana binti Wan Abdul AzizAlia binti Mohd YusofFarah Fadzlyn binti Abdul RafickBadrul Hisham bin AbdullahSalwa binti Che NoorSiti Habsah binti Mohamed Nor LeeMohd Fauzi bin Abdul RahmanZanariah binti HussinMohd Arif bin MajidMohamed Sofian bin IsmailSafrina binti Mohd AzizIzan bin SuhaimiMasliawati binti SulaimanSawal bin YamonSyamsulmustaqim bin ShafieNoor Aida binti Mohamed IsaAyu Aziani binti Mohd YusoffFarah Azureen binti Abdul SaniLiyana Syazwani binti A. BakarMuhamed Rafaizul bin Ab. RahmanIsmail bin HasanMansor bin ShamsudinOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinary20 WaterMalaysia

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory2457245824592460246124622463246424652466246724682469247024712472247324742476247724782479248024812482248324842485248624872488248924902491249224932494249524962497249824992500250125022503250425052506OM 1821OM 1822OM 1823OM 1824OM 1825OM 1826OM 1827OM 1828OM 1829OM 1830OM 1831OM 1832OM 1833OM 1834OM 1835OM 1836OM 1837OM 1838OM 1839OM 1840OM 1841OM 1842OM 1843OM 1844OM 1845OM 1846OM 1847IM 0290IM 0291IM 0292OM 1848OM 1849OM 1850OM 1851OM 1852OM 1853OM 1854OM 1855OM 1856OM 1857OM 1858OM 1859OM 1860OM 1861OM 1862OM 1863OM 1864OM 1865OM1866Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Mdm.Mdm.Ms.Ms.Ms.Ybhg. Datuk Dr.Mdm.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ir.<strong>Mr</strong>.Assoc. Prof. Dr.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.Ms.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ir.<strong>Mr</strong>.Mdm.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.Teh Yeok SienJaffry bin RabulHafsyam bin OthmanMoo Pei YinSurayah binti SallehLim Yew HeangJasmine Pang Siok TiengKhairun Nisaa’ binti KasminFoo Chi WeiChong Yen HoongMd. Muzahet bin MasruriTan Phooi ChooSazalina binti KamarudinSiti Jamaiah binti <strong>Lau</strong>llahSyuhaidah binti KamandinNurzafirah binti MasriHamzah bin Awang KechikShaharis bin SaadAzeezul Hakiim bin Ab. KarimNor Azliza binti AkbarMuhammad Suhaib bin Mohd NoorPathmanathan A/L Kushnan Kulty Raman NairSalehuddin bin Hj. AdenanAzhar bin AnuarAbdull Rahim bin Mohd YusoffAhmad Kamaruldin Sahwal bin Mat AkirShazana binti Mohd IbrahimABM Goldworld Sdn BhdQnet (M) Sdn BhdGreenDex Sdn BhdZulkarnain bin Abdullah SaniZulhazmi bin ArifinZaaba bin ZulkifliZurani binti HamidZaharuddin bin BakarZaharul Fikri bin Mohamd NazriYuzi Yarnee binti YeeYoong Thai YinYeap Yen YenYap Cheang YamWong Lee FongWan Hasmaria binti Che Wan ZakariaWan Norhashimah binti Md Nasir@AwangWan Norhaslinda binti Wan RusliWan Amzari bin Abdul HalimWan Abd Aziz bin Wan MudaThein Kwee SimSiti Khairiah binti Shuhaimy BashaSyaiful Bakhtiar bin ShaharaniOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryInstitutionalInstitutionalInstitutionalOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryWaterMalaysia 21

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory2507250825092510251125122513251425152516251725182519252025212522252325242525252625272528252925302531253225332534253525362537253825392540254125422543254425452546254725482549255025512552255325542555OM 1867OM 1868OM 1869OM 1870OM 1871OM 1872OM 1873OM 1874OM 1875OM 1876OM 1877OM 1878OM 1879OM 1880OM 1881OM 1882OM 1883OM 1884OM 1885OM 1886OM 1887OM 1888OM 1889OM 1890OM 1891OM 1892OM 1893OM 1894OM 1895OM 1896OM 1897OM 1898OM 1899OM 1900OM 1901OM 1902OM 1903OM 1904OM 1905OM 1906OM 1907OM 1908OM 1909OM 1910OM 1911OM 1912OM 1913OM 1914OM 1915<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Solihien bin SaidiSheikh Ahmad Afiq bin Sheikh YahayaSyazwan bin RokbiShamsul bin Mohamed IsaSiti Zaleha binti AbdullahSiti Nurbaya binti RaminSitee Nazirah binti Mohd NoorSiti Samsiah binti Mohamed SharifSiti Noraida binti AdamShahrul Bariah binti Mohd RejabShankar A/L RajagopalSufiyah binti MusinSuhasini PrahakaranSiti Rahanum binti SamsunanwarSiti Nurhanani binti SuhaimiSiti Aisah binti KamarulzamanSharifah Khamisah binti Syed AbdullahSharonjit Kaur A/P Karam Singh WaliaSharioon Riza binti AR Abdul HaiSyarima Fariza binti Sa’ariSuzieyana binti KasnonSuriawati binti JaafarShahrulnizam bin Abd GhaniShahrum bin ShahadanRostam bin KhalidRosmawati binti IshakRoslan bin A’alafRoseyana binti BaharomRozihani binti AB RahmanRosli bin IdrisRima Melini binti MD TaminRahmat bin BedinRabiatul Adawiyah binti Che Mohd AdnanPunniamoorthy A/L PermalNuvianti binti ArifinNurul Nadia binti Abd RahmanNurul Fatimah binti NordinNurul Bahiah binti Muhamad NorNur Nazaha binti MohamadNur Maryam binti Mohd SobreNur Aziemah binti Mohd IdrisNorzaini bin Mohamad YatimNor Zuranah binti Ja’afarNoorfadzillah binti Muhamad BaharunNor Shalawati binti Mohd HatarNor Haslinda binti Abd HalimNorhisham bin Md AripinNor Mala binti OmarNorizan binti Mohamed HaririOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinary22 WaterMalaysia

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory2556255725582559256025612562256325642565256625672568256925702571257225732574257525762577257825792580258125822583258425852586258725882589259025912592259325942595259625972598259926002601260226032604OM 1916OM 1917OM 1918OM 1919OM 1920OM 1921OM 1922OM 1923OM 1924OM 1925OM 1926OM 1927OM 1928OM 1929OM 1930OM 1931OM 1932OM 1933OM 1934OM 1935OM 1936OM 1937OM 1938OM 1939OM 1940OM 1941OM 1942OM 1943OM 1944OM 1945OM 1946OM 1947OM 1948OM 1949OM 1950OM 1951OM 1952OM 1953OM 1954OM 1955OM 1956OM 1957OM 1958OM 1959OM 1960OM 1961OM 1962OM 1963OM 1964<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Noranida binti MukhtiNoraini binti AjitNooraini binti PuniranNazrul Fadzlie bin YusofNurul Syazana binti Md YusoffNur Sharlina binti ShaharuddinNorulliza binti Mohd SadiniNor Sherina binti NofalNoreen Juliana binti IsmailNorlizah binti SainiNorlelawati binti SamianNor Shidah binti NordinNorhaslina binti IbrahimNor Hanani binti Mat NasirNor Azlina binti JaafarNor Azlina binti Abdul GhaniNor Aina binti Mohamed NawawiNoor Afiza binti IbrahimNoor Afiza binti Mohammad SallehNor Azmila binti Mohd SidekNirwan bin Mohd TohidNik Shahron bin Nik OmarNazahiyah binti Mohd KasimMunir Muzani bin MohamedMohd Suhaimi bin Abdul RazakMuhamad Miftahuddin bin Mat HayinMuhammad Redza bin KasimMuhammad Lokhman bin Che Ab RahmanMuhammad Hazrin bin YacobMuhammad Firdaus bin SuratmanTuan Haji Muhammad Farhan bin IbrahimMuhammed Fahmi bin Abdul AzizMohd Zaid bin YobMohd Shawalludin bin KamsiMohd Nizam bin Sa’ariMohd Rusdan bin Mohd SharifMohd Razaki bin HussinMohd Nazrol bin Mohd MarudiMohd Mujahid bin MohdMohd Lazim bin KhairudinMohd Hafizie bin Mohd RosliMohd Hairul Hazan bin RosliMohd Fouzi bin Mohamad DiahMohd Fadzli bin Abdul AzizMohd Faizullah bin Hj YusofMohd Faizal bin SenanMohammad Fazilin bin MahmodMohd Badrul bin Mat YaakubMohammad Aslam bin SalahudeenOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryWaterMalaysia 23

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory2605260626072608260926102611261226132614261526162617261826192620262126222623262426252626262726282629263026312632263326342635263626372638263926402641264226432644264526462647264826492650265126522653OM 1965OM 1966OM 1967OM 1968OM 1969OM 1970OM 1971OM 1972OM 1973OM 1974OM 1975OM 1976OM 1977OM 1978OM 1979OM 1980OM 1981OM 1982OM 1983OM 1984OM 1985OM 1986OM 1987OM 1988OM 1989OM 1990OM 1991OM 1992OM 1993OM 1994OM 1995OM 1996OM 1997OM 1998OM 1999OM 2000OM 2001OM 2002OM 2003OM 2004OM 2005OM 2006OM 2007OM 2008OM 2009OM 2010OM 2011OM 2012OM 2013Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.Ms.Ms.Ms.Ms.Mazroha binti AbdullahManimala A/P KarunamoorthyMarliah binti AhmadMaizatul Hazariah binti MahayadinMunaliza binti MeseranMuhammad Za’im Zaki bin Che Mohd NasirMohd Shahfid bin AzamMohd Saiffuddin bin OsmanMohammad Rahmat bin AswirMohd Nazar bin JamaludinMohammad Najib bin DaudMohd Faizal bin HaramaiMohammad Asri bin HassanMohd Rofazree bin AB RahimMaznena binti NazlanMardhiah binti ZainalabidinLamyudi bin HarunKhalijah binti MohamadKartina binti Md NorKalaivani A/P MunusamyKhairul Nizam bin RahmatKhairul Hasman bin MohamadKhairil Annuar bin JamaluddinKeshvinder Singh A/L Ajeet SinghKartini binti HanapiKhalidah binti Ab AzizKhairino Farhadi bin Khairul Anuar BashahKrishnamoorthi A/L RamamurtiJulieana binti Mohd TusinJuliana binti AbdullahJeyaseelan A/L P. MuthukrishnanJaman bin AsriIntan Nurrani binti Mat NayanIda Rayani binti Abu BakarIzwa binti Abd HalimHaslinda binti Abdul RazakHalimahtul Saadiah binti ShariffudinHibah binti Abdul HalimHasnoor Hana binti HishamudinHasnul Hadi bin IbrahimHafizul Amin bin YahyaHazli bin Mohamad GhazaliHanafi bin NadzriGeorge Lee Swee SengFerlina binti FarlandFarah Wahida binti Dato AbuhanFaronah binti FadzilFitriyawati binti SamsolFarizah binti Mohamad IkbalOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinary24 WaterMalaysia

Listing of New MWA MembersMWA NEW MEMBERSHIP LISTINGNew Membership Approved (January 2011 to January 2012)Roll No.Membership No.TitleName/CompanyCategory265426552656265726582659266026612662266326642665266626672668266926702671267226732674267526762677267826792680268126822683268426852686268726882689269026912692269326942695269626972699270027012702OM 2014OM 2015OM 2016OM 2017OM 2018OM 2019OM 2020OM 2021OM 2022OM 2023OM 2024OM 2025OM 2026OM 2027OM 2028OM 2029OM 2030OM 2031OM 2032OM 2033OM 2034OM 2035OM 2036OM 2037OM 2038OM 2039OM 2040OM 2041OM 2042OM 2043OM 2044OM 2045OM 2046OM 2047OM 2048OM 2049OM 2050OM 2051OM 2052OM 2053OM 2054IM 0293IM 0294IM 0295IM 0296OM 2055OM 2056OM 2057Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ir.Ms.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.Ms.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>.<strong>Mr</strong>s.<strong>Mr</strong>.Fardiyana binti ZainalFaisol Khamd bin Mohd DawamFahmy Hanafy bin IdrisFadhliza binti Abdul LatipErwin binti AkhsanEmy Norhayana binti Mohd NorEzatul Erany binti Kamardin@KamarudinEzarif Hasnol bin BasriEddy bin Mohamad BajuriCheah Peen AnnChong Poh LengChye Nam SanBadrul Affandy bin BahkiaAzam bin Md YatimAmy Syafira binti Abdul RashidAmy Mazzuana binti Mohamad AdharAhmad Zakuan Zaidi bin SafihiAhmad Shamsuddin bin AzizAbdul Manaf bin AyoubChe Badrol Bakarzi bin Che BakarAzmi bin ManshorAzman bin MudasirAzizi bin AyubAzizah binti Haji Abu BakarAzhar bin YusofA. Uma Elizabeth AtputharajAzli Shah bin Zaito AhmadAinunnajhan binti MarzukiAlif Adzwin bin Mohd RamanAsmahani binti JamanAsgha Putra bin Mohd GhazaliAnwar Ahmad bin MahmudAmmar bin Mohd NoorAidora binti Abd HamidAida Yuhana binti Zainul AriffAhmad Nazri bin NohAhmad Farhan bin AzizAdli bin Mohd ShariffAdleenawaizura binti Ab WahabAhmad Amin bin IsaAden bin TaibChemsain Engineering Sdn BhdAstasoft Sdn BhdFlakeShield Sdn BhdPantech Stainless & Alloy Industries Sdn BhdShan Kok ShinNoor Suraya binti RomaliMohd Hasamizi bin MustapaOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryInstitutionalInstitutionalInstitutionalInstitutionalOrdinaryOrdinaryOrdinaryWaterMalaysia 25

ORDER FORMAdvertisement in MWA QuarterlyWater MalaysiaAdvertising Rates 2012 In MWA QuarterlyWater MalaysiaAdvertising rates in the QuarterlyWater Malaysia are as follows:PositionsFull Page OutsideBack CoverFull Page InsideFront CoverFull Page InsideBack CoverFull Page ROPHalf Page ROPVertical/ HorizontalAdvertising Rates in MWA Quarterly 2012:MWA Advertisement Details:Advertisement Size1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5 & 6 Issue(5% discount) (10% discount) (15% discount) (20% discount)RM4,296RM3,978RM3,978RM3,500RM2,387RM4,081RM3,779RM3,779RM3,325RM2,268Full Page Full Colour:299mm (H) x 210mm (W)Bleed Size: Add 3mm to all sidesText Area: Less 15mm of trim sizeHalf Page Full Colour:Vertical:265mm (H) x 88mm (W)Horizontal: 125mm (H) x 180mm (W)RM3,866RM3,580RM3,580RM3,150RM2,148RM3,652RM3,381RM3,381RM2,975RM2,029RM3,437RM3,182RM3,182RM2,800RM1,910ArticleRM 2,000Note: Costs shown above (with discounts) are for 1 ADVERTISEMENT ONLY.Acceptable Media/Digital FilesMaterials must be supplied in CD in any PDF or JPEG files (resolutionof 300 dpi in actual size) with a color proof is highly appreciated toassist in production.Important Points- Colour files must be in CMYK (No pantone colour)- Use only listed file formats and ensure all components of theadverts are supplied i.e any graphics and fonts.- Suppy a hard copy of colour proof to ensure printing quality.Dear Sir,We are pleased to advertise in the MWA QuarterlyWATER MALAYSIA and wish to book advertising spaceas follows:Positions:Full Page Outside Back CoverFull Page Inside Front CoverFull Page Inside Back CoverFull Page ROPHalf Page ROPVertical HorizontalArticleWe enclose herewith the advertising materials:PDF FilesColor ProofNote: Please include a sample of the advertisement (hardcopy)for our reference.Payment details:Issue No. 24 (1 st quarter 2012)Issue No. 25 (2 nd quarter 2012)Issue No. 26 (3 rd quarter 2012)Issue No. 27 (4 th quarter 2012)*Dates of publication are subject to change.We enclose herewith cheque no.datefor the amount ofRMin favour of THE MALAYSIAN WATER ASSOCIATIONpayment for the bookings.Please invoice us accordingly.Closing DatesEach MWA Quarterly: Water Malaysia making a total of 4 issues ayear is normally available for readers on the second week of themonth of the issue. Date of publishing of the magazines (as statedin the form attached) may change at the discretion of the publisher.All advertising and editorial materials (digital files, copy instructionsetc ) must be sent to the publisher two weeks before printing.Advertising/Editorial Dateline:Issue No.24 (1 st quarter 2012)Issue No.25 (2 nd quarter 2012)Issue No.26 (3 rd quarter 2012)Issue No.27 (4 th quarter 2012)Name of Organisation:Contact Person:Designation:Address:Tel. No.:Organisation’s Chop:Fax. No.:Cancellation & Late Materials- Cancellation will not be entertained- The publisher reserves the right to use previous material ifcopy is not received by copy date line or if in the absence ofwhich, the space booked will be filled at the publisher’s discretion.Publisher’s Right- The publisher will not be responsible for any omission toinsert an advertisement and reserves the right to reject orcancel any order, notwithstanding acceptance of payment.- The positioning of the advertisements in unspecified pageswill be at the discretion of the publisher.- The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertisementssubmitted for publications and/or to hold over anyadvertisements for later publication.- Advertisers shall not be entitled to refunds or to invalidate anyexisting contract or contracts in the event of printer’s errorsunless such errors distort the meaning of the advertisement.Authorised SignatureDateContact No. : 603-6201 2250/9521Fax this form to : 603-6201 5801Contact person: Asni AbdullahEmail: asni@malaysianwater.org.myStorageDigital files are stored for 2 years and then destroyed.36 WaterMalaysia June/July 2008

Making WavesKoch Membrane to <strong>Lau</strong>nch NewHollow Fibre UF SystemKoch Membrane Systems (KMS) willintroduce TARGA® II HF, a new hollow-fibreultrafiltration membranesystem, in June at ACE11, the AmericanWater Works Association’s 130th AnnualConference and Exposition according toa press release.The TARGA II HF system offers a costeffective,safe, high-quality water solutionfor a variety of ultrafiltration applications,from drinking water to seawaterpretreatment, industrial water treatment,and tertiary wastewater treatment. Themembrane element features a robust PESmembrane which, combined with optimisedcartridge and rack design, resultsin one of the smallest footprint productson the market. The fibres are ideally suitedto meet drinking water requirements andprovide 4-log virus removal.The cornerstone of the TARGA HFsystem is intelligent process controls tohandle variations in water quality andflow with minimal operator intervention,reduced chemical use, and less energy.“In addition to optimised PES basedmembrane chemistry to reduce membranefouling and improved module design toimprove product robustness, TARGA HFcomes with a state-of-the-art intelligentcontrols system. The intelligent controlsystem was developed after extensiveprocess testing with TARGA HF and allowsusers to handle variations in feed waterquality and flow variations with minimaloperator inter vention while reducingoverall chemical and power consumption,”said Manny Singh, KMS Vice President ofTechnology Product Management.KMS will also display its leading MBRsolution, the PURON submerged membranemodule, at ACE11. PURON modulesoffer significantly lower life-cycle costsdue to a single-header design that providesbetter solids management in themodule, braided fibres to reduce the riskof fibre breakage, and highly effective airscouring that virtually eliminates sludging.PURON technology produces high-qualityeffluent that can meet stringent waterreuse and recycling requirements while itscompact design significantly reduces thetreatment system footprint and installationcosts.New Food-Contact and Drinking WaterCompliant ResinDSM has introduced its latest compositeresin – Atlac® 5200 FC -developed specifically for use incomposite applications that have contactwith food and water. Officially launchedat last week’s JEC show in Paris, this newvinyl ester resin is unique in that it is fullycompliant with the European regulationson food contact and made in line withcommonly accepted Good ManufacturingPractices for the Food Industry. The resinis therefore suitable for use in a variety ofcomposite applications such as tanks andpipes that are intended for contact withfood and potable water.Typical end use applications includepotable water transport networks, watertreatment installations, desalinationplants, and in-plant piping and storage vesselsin food processing industries. Atlac®5200 FC resins can be converted in standardmanufacturing processes including filamentwinding, infusion and hand lay-up.The process-ability is as robust as withconventional vinyl ester resins for makingpipes, vessels or tanks.In the coming years, health, safetyand environmental regulations as well aslegislative measures are likely to becomemore stringent, with the immediate resultthat the demand for high quality and safeto-usestorage tanks and piping is set togrow.Through its excellent anti-corrosionand heat resistance properties Atlac® 5200FC resin enables the manufacture of compositecomponents that are long-lasting,even in hostile environments. For plantoperators this means continued processoperation, reduction of maintenance, andconsequently low cost of ownership. Inaddition the use of composite materialswill allow for optimising design and forintegration of individual parts.BIO-VASE Treats Rivers, Lakes,Harbours and LagoonsBIO-VASE is an ecological product,which breaks down organicsludge, by contrast to traditionalmethods, which only dislodge it. Byeliminating the organic material presentit consequently re-establishes the balancein the ecosystem. It also allows fora significant reduction in the quantity ofsuspended matter, which improves theclarity of the water expanse treated.B I O -VA S E co nsis t s o f a p owdernon-soluble in water, with variablegranulometry, and is supplied in 25kgbags. The treatment principle involvesthe provision of microorganisms whichmultiply and break down the organicpart of the sludge. BIO-VASE allowsfor a considerable reduction in the levelof organic sludge in ponds, rivers andcanals. The many examples of use ofthe product indicate a reduction of upto 50% in sludge volume.One of the main strengths of BIO-VASE, in addition to its attractive priceas compared to other methods, is itsextremely high user-friendliness. Indeed,it does not require any mechanicalequipment and does not cause damageto areas surrounding water expanses.28 WaterMalaysia

GE’s Biological Wastewater TreatmentSystem to Help Coal-Fired Power PlantRemove SeleniumGE has announced that AmericanElectric Power (AEP) is installingGE’s ABMET® wastewater bioreactorsystem at the utility’s Mountaineercoal-fueled power plant in New Haven.GE’s proprietary biological treatmentsystem uses a special molasses-basedproduct as a nutrient for microbes thatreduce selenium, a constituent foundin many coal-fired power plant wateremissions.GE’s ABMet technology utilises specialstrains of common, non-pathogenicmicrobes that facilitate the conversionof soluble selenium into elemental selenium,which is removed from the systemduring periodic backwashing. Themicrobes, which are fed the molassesbasednutrient, are seeded in a bed ofactivated carbon that acts as a growthmedium for the microbes to create a biofilm.Selenium-laden wastewater passesthrough this bioreactor and a reductionreaction occurs. Other than the additionof the nutrient, the system will be selfsustainingonce it is established.Selenium is an element found in coalthat is not consumed in the combustionprocess and typically can be found inseveral of a plant ’s post-combustionwaste streams.AEP is installing GE’s system to allowits 1,300 MW Mountaineer generatingstation to comply with a new dischargelimit for selenium. Construction of AEP’streatment facility began in July 2010.The system is scheduled to becomeoperational by the end of 2011. It is thethird US utility to deploy GE’s pioneeringwastewater treatment process. WhileGE’s process also is capable of removingother constituents such as nitrate and avariety of metals, AEP’s focus at Mountaineeris selenium reduction.“AEP ’s deployment of our ABMettechnology underscores the importanceof partnerships between coal plant operatorsand service providers to developand commercialise the latest cleanerenergy and water technologies,” saidJeff Connelly, vice president, engineeredsystems—water and process technologiesfor GE Power & Water. “If coal is goingto continue serving as a major energysource, it is essential for the industry tosupport the deployment of new technologiesthat can help to dramaticallyreduce its environmental footprint.”The U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency first established a national waterquality standard for selenium in 1987. In2011, the agency is expected to proposea revised limit based on current seleniumlevels in fish and also is developing revisedeffluent limitation guidelines forthe steam-electric power industry thatare expected to be released in draf tform in 2012.Siemens Introduces New Ionpure Modulewith High Water Hardness ToleranceBy using thin deionisation cells,Siemens Industry AutomationDivision’s Ionpure VNX CDIT modulehas doubled feedwater hardnesscapability from a previous maximum of2 ppm as calcium carbonate to 4 ppm.Maximum silica intake has increased to2 ppm from less than 1 ppm. US PatentPending thin cell technology also allowsfor Feedwater Conductivity Equivalent(FCE), an estimation of the ionic load thatcan be handled by CEDI, more than twicethe value of the preceding high hardnessmodule, at up to 100 µS/cm.This greatly enhanced tolerance givesIonpure VNX CDIT an eight times higherhardness rating than the common EDIused as a power industry standard. Applicationsfor the new module thereforeinclude boiler feed ultrapurification forpower plants with high hardness/hightotal dissolved solids in the raw water.In addition, VNX CDIT capably replacesIonpure Legacy H and P series modules.The components of the new moduleare housed in the standard VNX vesselformat, which is already widely establishedin power applications, with standardpipe connectivity and skid mounting.However, the internal constructiondiffers from the thick cell design that iscommon to the rest of the series. Thisnew internal arrangement allows forproven thin cell technology to operateon more challenging feed-water whilemaintaining the 7 bar operating pressurewith guaranteed leak-free performance.Nominal flow is rated at 30 gpm (113lpm).The module also ensures that singlepassRO can now be successfully introducedto the typical CEDI pretreatmenttrain in all but the most severe feedwaterlocations. Elimination of the second-passRO reduces both the capital costs andthe operating costs of the treatmentsystem.WaterMalaysia 29

Making WavesGF Piping Exhibits Latest TrendsGF Piping Systems exhibited thelatest product trends in watertreatment, distribution, serviceand innovation at Aquatech, which tookplace at the RAI Congress Centre in Amsterdamthis year from November 1 - 4.Among the highlights at the spaciousexhibition stand were the flexible Signet9900 transmitter, the universal 3-way543 ball valve, the push-fit iJOINT fitting,the new generation of 561/562 checkvalves, new dimensions for the widerange coupling system MULTI/JOINT3000 Plus and the polyvalent electrofusiondevices MSA 330 and MSA 340.A current highlight is the Signet9900 transmitter with luminous displayand flexibly configurable single-channelinterface to measure diverse parameters.Further innovations of GF PipingSystems are the practical polypropylenecompression fitting iJOINT for fast andeasy house connections, the new generationof check valves type 561 and 562with a newly designed check cone, as wellas a new generation of diaphragm valveswith twice the flow thanks to optimisedflow contours. The restraint MULTI/JOINT 3000 Plus fittings for water supplypipes are now also available in thedimensions DN350 and DN400 for waterpressures up to 10 bar and gas pressuresup to 5 bar.A reliable piping system with a longHoneywell UOP Adsorbents Used toRemove Radiation from Waterservice life and low maintenance costscalls for optimal jointing technologies.At Aquatech GF Piping Systems demonstratesthe MSA 330 and MSA 340 polyvalentelectrofusion devices, equippedwith state-of-the-art technology, suchas USB interface to transfer fusion protocolsto your computer, user-friendlykeypad and for the 340 model a GPSfunction for seamless product traceabilityaccording to ISO 12176.Safe pipe jointing, efficient flow controland precise measurement of parameters,such as temperature, pH, chlorinecontent, are indispensable for nearly allapplications in water management. Alsoon exhibit at Aquatech were innovativesolutions from GF Piping Systems forsetting up and operating dependablepiping systems.UOP LLC, a Honeywell companyhas announced that its adsorbention exchange products are successfullybeing used by Toshiba Corporationand Shaw Global <strong>Services</strong> LLC forthe cleanup of radiation-contaminatedwater at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclearpower plant in Japan.The Simplified Active Water Retrieveand Recovery System (SARRY) is utilisingUOP IONSIV Ion Exchangers toremove and reduce radioactive materialsin the contaminated wastewater. Thewastewater at Fukushima Daiichi wascontaminated after the earthquake andtsunami in Japan earlier this year.“Our thoughts are with those whohave been affected by this disaster. Honeywell’sUOP is proud that our advancedion exchange products are successfullysupporting the efforts to treat the contaminatedwater and helping to preventfurther damage at the Fukushima plantand surrounding areas,” said Mike Millard,vice president and general managerof Catalysts, Adsorbents and Specialtiesfor Honeywell’s UOP.The SARRY system, developed byToshiba, Shaw and AVANTech, Incorporated,has been in operation for overthree months and continues to reduceradioactive cesium to non-detectablelevels.UOP IONSIV Ion Exchanger adsorbentsare crystalline materials that havethe ability to selectivity remove radioactiveions from liquids. These materialshave been used commercially for morethan 30 years to remove radioactive ionsfrom liquids such as radioactive wastestreams in commercial nuclear powerplants, alkaline tank waste and spent fuelstorage pool water.Honeywell’s UOP pioneered thea dsorbents indus t r y m o r e than 6 0years ago with the invention of the firstsynthetic zeolites for use as molecularsieve adsorbents. Today, in addition to awide range of molecular sieve and activatedalumina products, it offers a broadportfolio of adsorbents for the removalof contaminants such as mercury andsulphur compounds.30 WaterMalaysia

Severn Trent Wins Singapore ContractSevern Trent Ser vices’ ClorTec®on-site sodium hypochlorite generationdisinfection system hasbeen selected for use at the Singapore’snew Lower Seletar drinking water treatmentplant, which generates 60 MGD(227 MLD).The contract for four ClorTec systemsfrom Severn Trent <strong>Services</strong>, each with acapacity of 1,500 lb/day (31.25 kg/h), wasHong KongProtected byPermaNet SMSLeak DetectorNetworkawarded by the project’s main contractor,Sembawang Engineers and ConstructorsPte Ltd, a subsidiary of global conglomeratePunj Lloyd Group. Construction ofthe plant is scheduled for completion by2013.Severn Trent’s ClorTec on-site hypochloritegeneration system, an alternativeto usual disinfection treatmentmethods, uses salt, water and electricityto generate a 0.8% solution.“Interest in alternative disinfectiontechnologies is growing in the Asia Pacificregion, with recent on-site generationsystem installations in Malaysia, Korea,Vietnam and Australia,” said MarwanNesicolaci, vice-president of internationalsales for Severn Trent <strong>Services</strong>. “The useof on-site hypochlorite generation is likelyto continue to grow in the Asia Pacific.”Hong Kong was the first city inAsia to take advantage of theadvanced leak detection capabilitiesof the Permalog noise loggers,with an initial deployment back in 1999.The loggers are placed on water pipeswhere they listen for the sound made byleaks, log the data and then transmit itfor further analysis. This enables watercompanies to identify leak areas quicklyand efficiently; saving time, money andwater by enabling a rapid, accuratelytargetedresponse to repair the issue.In Hong Kong, the Water Supplies<strong>Department</strong> (WSD) is in charge of maintainingthe 7 8 0 0km of undergroundwater pipes in the city, and has a 15-yearrehabilitation program costing billionsof HK dollars to repair, upgrade andmodernise the network. Their targetis to reduce burst incidents from 2500/year in 2010 to 1000/year by 2015, andto decrease the leakage rate from 25% to15%. Out of the 1100 cross-road pipes,around half are very old, and at increasedrisk of damage and disrepair.When a pipe in the busy Wanchaidistrict burst recently, the Hong Konggovernment identified a fur ther 600sites around the city where very old pipesrun under busy streets, and deployed anew batch of Permalog+ noise loggers towatch for, identify and locate any leaksin these areas.Permalog technology is made and developedin the United Kingdom by HalmaWater Management (HWM-Water Ltd),and the company’s distributor in HongKong is Allied Power Technology Ltd. AlliedPower has supplied over 800 sets ofPermalog+ units with SMS repeaters tothe region, and also has a contract withthe local government to analyse the datagathered from the system.When deployed with SMS repeaters,the Permalog+ devices can functiontogether as a nodal network, with alldata being automatically transmittedback to a ‘home station’ – in this caseAllied Power’s offices. Every morning,the company receives the leakage datafor each of the install sites, and makesrecommendations to the WSD based onthis information.Davis Li, Managing <strong>Director</strong>, said:“We manage a huge amount of data everyday, which has to be organised andpresented clearly. Because the noise loggersare on busy roads for this project,there is quite a lot of interference fromroad noise, which can complicate our job.The main challenge of this monitoringwork is to localise a leak when a correlationis simply not possible. In thesesituations, we usually use the Permalogs’Aqualog function to differentiateinterference and help identify the leaklocation.”When in Aqualog mode, a Permalog+logger will measure and log acoustic dataat preset intervals over an extended periodof time, typically at night to minimisethe traffic noise. This data can then bepresented graphically so trends, anomaliesand incidents can be clearly identified.This effectively displays whetheror not the noise is caused by a leak, sinceany leak noise will be consistent.The combination of the automatedleakage data transmission for generalleakage alerts, and in-depth on-siteanalysis with Aqualog, means that leakscan be quickly identified and problemsrepaired before they cause major disruptionor damage to Hong Kong and itsresidents.WaterMalaysia 31

Making WavesWireless Communication with DataLoggers All Over the WorldKeller AG für Druckmesstechnik hasdeveloped a universal, energyoptimisedradio module with integrateddata logger. The GSM-2 remotedata transmission unit and the free PCsoftware allow you to conveniently observelevels, measurements and trendsand monitor limits from the comfort ofyour office. This applies to groundwaterlevels, wastewater levels and the fillinglevels of mobile tanks on vehicles. However,it also applies to completely differentmeasurements from appropriate sensorswith suitable output signals.The cylindrical design of the GSM-2with a diameter of just 48 mm has beenchosen so that the data logger, which”self-dials” in accordance with user requirements,can simply be placed in thetop of a normal 2-inch diameter soundingpipe that is used in groundwater measuringequipment. Installation takes a matterof seconds. The housing is designed towithstand condensation and being underwater for short periods. The GSM antennais covered with a lockable covering capmade from solid plastic. The data loggeris therefore protected from theft andvandalism when level measurements arebeing taken outdoors.Equipped with energy-efficient electronicsand a robust lithium battery (3.9V/32 Ah), the logger can send the resultsof 24 measurements to a PC at headquartersfor up to 10 years by e-mail,or transfer them to a mobile phone viaSMS. The maximum measuring speed isone measurement per minute. Two voltageinputs (0 - 2.5 V), 2 digital inputs, aBUS interface (RS 485) for operating upto 5 level sensors or optionally the SDI12interface for water analysis units makethe GSM-2 data logger a universal dataacquisition module for wide area measuringnetworks.An air pressure sensor and a temperaturesensor are already integratedin the GSM-2, especially for taking levelmeasurements using pressure sensorswith long-term stability such as the Keller30 series. The actual sensor no longerhas to be connected to the ambient airvia a capillary tube in the supply cable.The measuring accuracies that can beachieved from the difference betweenthe probe signal and the air pressuresignal are within the range of a few millimetres.The GSM2 DataManager, which is flexible,convenient and free software, takesover the key functions of a monitoring,acquisition, control and organisation unit.The DataManager acquires the measurements,allocates them, displays them ingraphical format, provides a signal whenlimits are exceeded and then stores themin a mySQL database for which no licencefee is required. Third parties can accessthe measurements using various exportand Internet functions and integratethem in their data acquisition systems.All parameterisation and monitoring ofthe individual GSM-2 data loggers is alsocarried out using the GSM2 DataManagersoftware.Microbiotics Awarded for NoteworthyProductEnvironmental Protection announced the winners of its 2011 NewProduct of the Year Award in various categories during WEFTEC2011 in Los Angeles. Bio-Microbics has been awarded a 2011 NewProduct of the Year Award in the Recycling Category for its BioBarrier®Membrane BioReactor (MBR) System for onsite water-reuse applications.A current highlight is the Signet 9900 transmitter with luminousdisplay and flexibly configurable single-channel interface to measurediverse parameters. Further innovations of GF Piping Systems are thepractical polypropylene compression fitting iJOINT for fast and easyhouse connections, the new generation of check valves type 561 and562 with a newly designed check cone, as well as a new generation ofdiaphragm valves with twice the flow thanks to optimised flow contours.The restraint MULTI/JOINT 3000 Plus fittings for water supply pipesare now also available in the dimensions DN350 and DN400 for waterpressures up to 10 bar and gas pressures up to 5 bar.A reliable piping system with a long service life and low maintenancecosts calls for optimal jointing technologies. At Aquatech GF PipingSystems demonstrates the MSA 330 and MSA 340 polyvalent electrofusiondevices, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, such as USB interfaceto transfer fusion protocols to your computer, user-friendly keypad andfor the 340 model a GPS function for seamless product traceabilityaccording to ISO 12176.Safe pipe jointing, efficient flow control and precise measurement ofparameters, such as temperature, pH, chlorine content, are indispensablefor nearly all applications in water management. Also on exhibit atAquatech were innovative solutions from GF Piping Systems for settingup and operating dependable piping systems.32 WaterMalaysia

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