Chapter 4 Study Guide

Chapter 4 Study Guide Chapter 4 Study Guide


Name: _______________________________________________________________ Period: ______________Chapter 4 Study GuideNO! You will not be allowed to use this while taking the test!Fill in the Blank (Some words will be used more than once)Jean-JacquesRousseauJohn LockeThomas HobbesEnglish Bill of RightsFounding FathersBaron deMontesquieuVoltaireMayflower CompactMagna CartaDeclaration ofIndependenceCommon SenseThe Enlightenment1. ___________________________________ believed in a separation of powers so that no one couldbecome too powerful to threaten individual rights.2. ___________________________________A period in time when there was a boom of scientificknowledge and political thinking.3. According to the _____________________________ parliament had the right to make and/orsuspend laws.4. Thomas Jefferson and his statement “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is inspired by__________________________________________________________.5. _____________________ made the statement that “man is born free, yet everywhere he is found inchains”.6. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called________________________________ which encouragedcolonists to rebel against England.7. ___________________________________ believed that people had the right to liberty, trade, andreligion.8. ___________________________________ believed that people were too selfish to rule themselvesso they needed a strong leader.9. The _______________________________ can have its influence and shaping traced back to theEnlightenment period.10. In paragraph 39 of the ________________________________ citizens are protected from unlawfulimprisonment by both the King and Parliament.11. The Pilgrims had to create the _______________________________ in order to keep law and orderin their new home in the New England Colony.12. __________________________________ was written in response to British acts, such as theCoercive Acts, and Tea Act, and referenced “unalienable rights”.13. __________________________________ This English document was the first to limit the power ofa king.14. __________________________________This is the title give to the men who wrote the Declarationof Independence.15. ___________________________________ believed that people give up some freedoms to be ruledby a government as long as that government protects them.16. ___________________________________ believed that men are born with certain god givennatural rights.

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Period: ______________<strong>Chapter</strong> 4 <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>NO! You will not be allowed to use this while taking the test!Fill in the Blank (Some words will be used more than once)Jean-JacquesRousseauJohn LockeThomas HobbesEnglish Bill of RightsFounding FathersBaron deMontesquieuVoltaireMayflower CompactMagna CartaDeclaration ofIndependenceCommon SenseThe Enlightenment1. ___________________________________ believed in a separation of powers so that no one couldbecome too powerful to threaten individual rights.2. ___________________________________A period in time when there was a boom of scientificknowledge and political thinking.3. According to the _____________________________ parliament had the right to make and/orsuspend laws.4. Thomas Jefferson and his statement “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is inspired by__________________________________________________________.5. _____________________ made the statement that “man is born free, yet everywhere he is found inchains”.6. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called________________________________ which encouragedcolonists to rebel against England.7. ___________________________________ believed that people had the right to liberty, trade, andreligion.8. ___________________________________ believed that people were too selfish to rule themselvesso they needed a strong leader.9. The _______________________________ can have its influence and shaping traced back to theEnlightenment period.10. In paragraph 39 of the ________________________________ citizens are protected from unlawfulimprisonment by both the King and Parliament.11. The Pilgrims had to create the _______________________________ in order to keep law and orderin their new home in the New England Colony.12. __________________________________ was written in response to British acts, such as theCoercive Acts, and Tea Act, and referenced “unalienable rights”.13. __________________________________ This English document was the first to limit the power ofa king.14. __________________________________This is the title give to the men who wrote the Declarationof Independence.15. ___________________________________ believed that people give up some freedoms to be ruledby a government as long as that government protects them.16. ___________________________________ believed that men are born with certain god givennatural rights.

17. ___________________________________ believed that people should choose how to be governed.Define Regal Authority as according to the English Bill of Rights______________________________________________________________________________Give 2 Characteristics of the New England colony climate1. _____________________________________ 2. ________________________________Give 2 characteristics of the Middle colonies climate1. _____________________________________ 2. ________________________________Give 2 characteristics of the Southern colonies climate1. _____________________________________ 2. ________________________________What was the Glorious Revolution and who was involved?______________________________________________________________________________What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?______________________________________________________________________________

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