24th October 2009 - The Scindia School

24th October 2009 - The Scindia School

24th October 2009 - The Scindia School

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Qila Quotes | Timeless | 20 VOL 5 | Oct <strong>2009</strong>TimelessSome things Never Change<strong>The</strong> Blue Extravaganza - 1986“Which is your favorite colour?” asked someone. “Blue”, I replied. “Why?” saidhe. “Because it is the colour of my uniform, my school prefect’s shirt,” said I.My friend looked at me and smiled. He understood what I wanted to say forhe knew what the blue shirt meant. <strong>The</strong> blue shirt is no ordinary shirt in ourschool. It is the highest honour conferred upon a boy of <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>. It is asymbol of recognition of authority and a green card entry entitling the ownerdirect entry into the school ‘Who’s Who List’. Little doubt prevails over thefact that the blue shirt is one of the most powerful uniforms of the world. <strong>The</strong>president of the USA Ronald Reagan may go unrecognised and may be takenas one of the tourists visiting the Fort, but a school prefect’s identity cannot bemistaken irrespective of his personal appearance. Can anyone beat that?Only the Police and Armed Force have regular uniforms which invoke someresponse but their personnel are so large in numbers. About a dozen schoolprefects at <strong>Scindia</strong>, this is not the case.<strong>The</strong> blue shirt projects strong authority and a unique sense of power. Peoplewho would have not have bothered to give you a single glance, suddenly adopta friendly and co-operative attitude. <strong>The</strong> rowdy individuals stand transformedall of a sudden. Salutations and greetings are all that remains.<strong>The</strong> amount of privileges a school prefect enjoys are quite a few. Besides theauthority and respect, the blue shirt gets a wonderful opportunity to fulfillhis victual desires. <strong>The</strong> dinners and the sparkling atmosphere that follows arethe opportunities that come to just a few people very few times in a lifetime.Considering the above, I proudly think that the blue shirt has been the mostmemorable thing in my life and I am sure that my colleagues will also agreewith me.<strong>The</strong>re can be no doubt that one’s position as a school prefect also brings itsown tensions and responsibilities. But it is a known fact that authority andresponsibility are closely interrelated. Especially to mention are the torrentialfirings from the Housemaster and the Principal in case something goeswrong in the house or school. Being the top dog, it is the school prefect whois accountable for the running of his house in particular and the school ingeneral. So, whenever I talk to my juniors I make it a point to tell each one ofthem to go all out to earn a blue shirt at school and that it is never too late tostart considering the sweet fruits of labour.Today, with a deep sense of nostalgia, I recall the day I was appointed a schoolprefect. I quote Plautus as a tribute to this spectacular uniform of mine : “Whatis thine is mine and all mine is thine”.Samir Kumar(Extract from the <strong>School</strong> Review, NO. 614, December 12, 1986 )<strong>The</strong> Blue Extravaganza - <strong>2009</strong>As I stand here today, hundreds of questions race through the back of my mind.This is the school I have seen grow, as I grew, being a part of it. Having spentthe past seven years of my life in here I feel immensely gratified in havingturned out the kind of human being it has shaped me into. I am indebtedfor the guidance I have received over the years, having which I feel I canovercome any hurdle that would come my way. But now the time has comefor me to do my bit, to prove to the school that its efforts have not been futile.What is a Prefect meant to be after all? A prefect, as we have all heard inthe oath, is that pupil who has been given a certain level of authority overthe other pupils in an institution. He is a representative of all the studentsand has to shoulder the many responsibilities that are bestowed upon him aspart of being a leader. Now, all these are definitions one has been hearing forgenerations but its true significance is understood only when one steps in tothe shoes of a prefect. I understand that I am expected to be one who knowsthe way, goes the way and shows the way. I would consider myself a successif I can help my fellow <strong>Scindia</strong>ns to dream more, learn more, do more andbecome more,I feel highly honoured to have been given the post of Senior <strong>School</strong> Prefect.<strong>The</strong>re is this surge of excitement within me, waiting to burst to show my fellowstudents the path we are all meant to follow and make them realise howfortunate we are to be studying in this great institution. With all the trust andauthority that has been granted to me, I feel even more encouraged to performmy duties to my very best. I shall not stray from my path because I do not wantto let down the institution which has reposed such faith in me. I am going tobe a role model for my juniors and I shall do everything it takes to performthat role meritoriously!As a member of the representative body it is my duty to develop a healthyrelationship between the students and the teachers and help to bridge thegap between the two. I will look into the grievances of every student andunderstand the real cause behind them instead of brushing matters aside. Itis a tough challenge, which I heartily accept because I believe the biggestmantra in life is that ‘nothing is impossible’ and if everyone is driven towardssuccess then there is no barrier which can stop us.Having been part of an institution to which my father once belonged givesme a greater sense of belonging to this place and a feeling for me to prove tomyself that I can and must do my best! It is my home away from home andI want to live here to make this family proud. As the good saying goes “withgreat power comes great responsibility”, so I shall ensure that I put my bestfoot forward towards the execution of those responsibilities and lead the schooltowards great success!Arjun SaraswatXII C

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