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<strong>APPENDIXES</strong><br />

Appnwnrx l.-ConsuusR Pnoouct Sarrrv CourmrssroN's Rnsponsns<br />

ro SuscoMMmrnn Quusuows<br />

Qr.lt lot:<br />

Attrur;<br />

'<br />



l,lldan Chalrraan, ln your strt€|Ient you stress that<br />

deaths are projected to drop to "only" 200 by 1992.<br />

You also irrdicdte sorre satisfaction with the sDeed lnd<br />

djrection of deathE and injuries resultiflg frorrr the<br />

use of ATVs. ilovr rrry sitrple question to you is: Do<br />

you thlnk that nunber ls "reasonable?" Frankly, I do<br />

not thlnk 200 derths per year, dostly of chi Idren, iE<br />

reasonable for a recreatioflal vehicle such as this,<br />

The proJectcd ATY-related deethf of ?00 by 199? rri iln<br />

I I Iustration of the decrease in dGrths that can be<br />

expected as a result of the Cornmlssion,s efforts. If<br />

the projection ls carried further (assuuring r constrnt<br />

Ieyel of sales) by f995 the number will drop to<br />

f,pproxidately I25 deaths, 8y then,3-wheeled ATys ln<br />

. use wtll hrve dropped to 35,000 or less frorr the perk<br />

of I,590,000 in 1985.<br />

Two hundred deaths or even IZS deaths, which ri I I<br />

Include respectively 80 and S0 deaths to chi ldren<br />

under l6 years of rge, ls of setlous concern.<br />

lfhether this ls r reasonablc nucrber should be Judged<br />

by the statutory criterion. For rulenaklnE purpoies,<br />

I risk wOuld be.unreasonible, under the Consurer<br />

Product Srfety Act if the anticipated benefits of the<br />

particu lar reguldtion under study bore a reasonahle<br />

relationshlp to the costs of th? regulation. Thus,<br />

the Corr,rission rrust analyze an ideniified riEk and thc<br />

benefits of a proposed reguldtory requirehrent in<br />

relationship to its costs to<br />

xunreasonable."<br />

deteruine if the ri$k wrs<br />

Thls strtutory deterrrination cannot<br />

'<br />

be rrade by only exaritinlng the nurrber of injuries and<br />

deaths associated wlth the use of a product. l,lhen the<br />

datd currently being analyzed b.y the Corrrrission,s<br />

. Etaff (see Questlon I I ) aie coslileted the coiltxriss.lon<br />

ulll carefully consider the {rehsonableness,,,of<br />

any<br />

rrilainlng ideflttfied rlsks associrted with lTVs.<br />

Questi0n 4 regarding the nuilber of inJurles rdises the<br />

5il|ile t55ue.<br />

Ailrrrr (!o{rlrEiorrF-Grt!!<br />

li<br />

I-1Slgg wlth you, flr. Chairilan, that even a drop to<br />

?00 ATV related deaths by 199? is stilI too mrny, I<br />

(2lJ9l<br />

'{i<br />

: ti.

qucst{on.?r<br />

Anirer:<br />

al<br />

The CoilrilriEslon has conducted various survevs and<br />

studies of hov effectively dealers are enfirclng the<br />

consent decree, As I understand it, in Decenlber l9BB,<br />

the Co,l,rission found approxintately 70I non-colrpl iance<br />

in_its Virginia survey. llore recently, in the study<br />

released in Ilece"rber 1989, the Corrurission<br />

characterized as "alarulng" the finding that rilore than<br />

half of al I ATV dealers nationr{ide are recourrendlno<br />

adult-sized ATVs for use by chlldren under l6 yeari of<br />

age. l,ly questlon is: How do you account for the<br />

c0ntinued probleu in getting dealers to adhere to the<br />

agreeilent? Are the ilanufacturers dolng a1 I they<br />

Ehould, are they using their',best efforts?,, ilhat<br />

ilore can be done?<br />

The dedlers have e strong lncentive to encourage the<br />

sale of adult-sized ATVs for the use of oersoni below<br />

the recoililrended age; flailely, to hrake a$ htany sales aS<br />

poss ible. Unti l the results of the Connisslon.s<br />

recent survey tiere brought to the attentjon of the<br />

distributors, I do not believe that the djstributors<br />

uere doing al I they corrld to obtain the cooDeration of<br />

their dealers in reconl,ilending only appropriitely s.ized<br />

ATVs. I belleve that the rrost irrrioriint thing that<br />

can be done at this tlrre by aistributors is t6<br />

lnitiate terilination proceedings against dealers Uho<br />

oo n0f t0 | tow tne age recoxtnlendations and for the<br />

distributors to nronitor their dealers on a regular<br />

basis, The coubinatlon of donltorinq and strict<br />

enforce',rent of the terlrs of the distiibrrtors,<br />

franchise agreeiltents by the initiation of ter,,tination<br />

proceedings should increase the rate of cooperation by<br />

dealers. In nry vley, the distributors rtust realize<br />

that therrbest efforts. provision of the decrees<br />

requires a continuing obl igation on their Dart to<br />

ensure that the agg recoililendations are being ful ly<br />

corrplied with by thejr dealers.

qu.itlo|| .l 3<br />

Ansver r<br />

242<br />

I rant to explore further exactly what actlons the<br />

various danufacturers have taken when presented wlth<br />

evidence of non-corrrpliance by their dealers. The<br />

Conlrission has conducted rilany surYeys ind exahrlnatlons<br />

of dealers and, in general has flot found a high rate<br />

of corrrpliance. t{ow, I t{ant to knot{ Hhat the<br />

Corrrurission doe$ Hhen it finds non-coilpl iance in terds<br />

of notlfylng the ilranuf,acturer and insisting upon<br />

enforceilent. How exactly do you go about it and vrith<br />

r{hat results? For exarrrpler how irrany instances lre<br />

there of nhere the distributor was forced to llft a<br />

franchise frorr a dealer for non-coH0J iance Hfth the<br />

c0nsent decree in selllng large sized vehlcles for use<br />

by children,<br />

The fol lovling lnforrnatlon ls provlded as to the ilaJor<br />

provisions of the decrees;<br />

Stop sale and repurchase of three-fheeled ATVs,<br />

In those fevl lnstances .ln flhich ths Co[ruission learned<br />

that three-uheeled ATVrs rehreined in a dealer's<br />

lnventory, the dealer and distributor in question were<br />

contacted afld asked to take it'ilIediate acti0n t0 assure<br />

that the ATVs were not sold, The Corrrrission's staff<br />

is avare of only tvJo instances ln Hhlch a dealer<br />

continued to refuse to cooperate in the repurchase<br />

prograd, The distributor has taken action to<br />

t€rxrinate the franchise of those dealers.<br />

A9e recorfldendations for operdting ATVs.<br />

After the Conurlsslon's Vlrg{nia survey, and in<br />

response to the Cordrlsslofl staff rs requestE, the<br />

dlstrlbut0r$ sent nrailgrfltiE to aIl ATV dealers<br />

rehrlndlng thenr of the need to strictly foI lo|{ th6 age<br />

recoxrilrendations and warning thdt terntination of the<br />

dealer's franchise could result if the age<br />

recoilrtrlendations were not fol lOHed, The diStrlbutOrs<br />

also agreed to enhanced contacts wlth dealers<br />

concernlng the age recorrrlrendation requlreileflt,<br />

includlflg regional and district sales nanager nreetlngs<br />

with dealers to errphaslze the absolute nccessity to<br />

adhere to the age recoxlnrendationE,<br />

Also 1n response to the Corrrrrlsslon staff's reque$ts,<br />

and pursuant to the coflsent decree, the distributors<br />

t00k steps to,ilodify dealer agreeilents to asgure that<br />

such agreeilents iuposed a contractual obl igation on<br />

the dealers to coi,rply vrith directlves of the

243<br />

dlstributors under the consent decree, lncluding<br />

dlrectjves to adhere to the age recoil{,eildationE in the<br />

sale of ATVs.<br />

Based on the xrost recent Comuission Eurvey of ATV<br />

dealersr I bel ieve that the trtost ihtDortant actions the<br />

distributors can take to ensure that dealers fol loH<br />

the age reco',r'rendations in the decree is for<br />

distr'ibutors to utonitor dealers by undercover<br />

lnvestigations on a regular basis and to initinte<br />

terurination proceedings against dealers who rrake<br />

representdti0ns contrary t0 the age recoiltilendatjons.<br />

CPSC and 0epartrlent of,lustice attorneys have been<br />

negotjdting with the distributors to obtain an<br />

adequate progratrr of trronitoring corrbined with<br />

ter,rinatjons, where approprlate, I hope that these<br />

negotiatiofls will be successfully concluded in the<br />

near future. The Corlilission,s staff kno*s of at least<br />

I2 cases vhere the distributors have aoreed ro<br />

initiate ter,ilinati0n proceedings and eipects xrore in<br />

the future<br />

Labels.<br />

Since the Comrrlsslon's staff hes not found labellng<br />

violations t0 date, there has been no need to seekcorrect<br />

i Ye act i on.<br />

Hang ttgs tnd posters.<br />

Following the results of the Conrmissionrs<br />

lnvestigation in June and JulJ 1989, a nuilbef of<br />

dealers were identified who did not dlsp lay the<br />

lgquired safety poster and/or hang tags, The<br />

dlstrlbutors have been inforned of the jdentity of the<br />

nonco,dplying dealers and have been requested to take<br />

steps t0 ensure that the required safity iraterial is<br />

p0sted,<br />

Publlc atareness sedla clrpeign.<br />

A Cortlrlsslon review of reports requlred under tne<br />

decree revealed no lflstances of nonco,tpllance with<br />

either this requirenent or the requiretrtent for the<br />

establ ishilent of an outreach progran.<br />

Prorotionrl rds.<br />

Al I pro,rotional dds are required under the decrees to<br />

De sub'ilitted<br />

for revieu to the CorluiSsion,

244<br />

The dlstributors.hfryc subxritted varlous pri.nt and<br />

television oiorrrotlonal ads to the.Cor,rulssion, Such<br />

ads have been reviewed by the Corurrission's'staff to<br />

deterurine ilhether the required safety inforrdation ig<br />

set forth in the manner descrlbed in the consent<br />

decree, The few potential violations were discussed<br />

with the distributors to ensure that they did not<br />

continue to occur.<br />

Tra I n lhg.<br />

During FY 1990, the Coirrnisslon plans to exaulne sll<br />

aspects of the trdining prograhr, including the<br />

effectiveness of the distrjbutors' uarketing efforts<br />

lfl attetrrpting to get people t0 take the course, the<br />

accessibi I ity of training sites thrughout the<br />

country, and the codpetence of instructors in teaching<br />

the course ln accordance uith the approved curriculuur.

Qurrtlcr.!:<br />

An$rer:<br />

u6<br />

lly lHprtsslon i s that tht con5ent dccrer hes hrd r<br />

lii,rited i,ilpact in reducing dedths and inJuries. It<br />

appears that injuries hdYebeen<br />

reduced to sore extent<br />

and have now levelgd off , but the question rexlains of<br />

whether even this loweredlevel<br />

r'rav still be an<br />

u r i c s . ---r<br />

e c eilt -p unreasonable nur{beE .of .in<br />

Fo-Je c t i o n<br />

iNated injuries<br />

involving four-wheeled ATVs have leveled off...the<br />

graph shows ... forr vheeled ATY related injurles<br />

staying at about 29,000," I{ow, vhen you cotrrbine thesG<br />

facts Hlth the knoHn statistics about deaths flot<br />

declining significantly, wouldn't you have to coilre to<br />

the conclusion that the consent decree has gone about<br />

as far as it can go, and noH the Cot,rurission trrust once<br />

dgain grapple Hith the question of whether the injury<br />

and death rate froil the use of these vehicles is<br />

unreasonable within the ueaning of the statute. How<br />

do y0u respond to this analysls?<br />

Answered under I

Queitlon . I I<br />

AnsYer l<br />

246<br />

I reNllze that the i{anufacturers have spent literally<br />

rrilllons of dollars in lnforrting people of the rlsk of<br />

riding these vehicles' but lsn't any benefit frorr<br />

publ icity iust terrporary? In fact' the Corruiss'ion<br />

staff has stated, "The effect of the publ icity and<br />

dedia releases appedred to be tertporary..," Ifrour Rae<br />

l{ennran docuilent "ATV related Iniuries: Trends and<br />

ProJections" supplied to subcoilrilrittee by CPSCI In<br />

percentage terrns, what is the effect in reductlon of<br />

accidents of various forNs of notice, and hovJ long<br />

does this last?<br />

The observdtion ilrdde in the Ilewrian docuurent referred<br />

to in the question was with respect to the adverse<br />

publ icity about the use of three-wheeled ATVs that<br />

accoillpanjed the final approvdl of the consent decrees.<br />

The decrees, howevet, requlre rrany forIs of notjce<br />

about the risks involved in riding ATVs. The safety<br />

rtessages are fepeated in lrany forrrs, including<br />

proilrotiondl advertJsing, postersr hand outs, ownerS<br />

rnanuals, an ln store video, hang tags and perilanent<br />

labels. Thus, with repetition and with the constant<br />

renrind€r of notjces on Iabels and in owners ltanuals,<br />

retention of the basic rressages should be hlgher than<br />

with seeing or readlflg a news release once or twice,<br />

Each 0f the safety ilressages requlred for ATVs was<br />

conrposed by dpplylflg est.abl jshed p|i nciples for<br />

changing behavi0r. By using sinrple text, enrphasizing<br />

key words, requiring Etdndardized 5ignal co'lors, and<br />

opti,rizing placeurent, the Corrrrission's staff<br />

iilrplerrlented the best xlethod for corrtrrunicating the<br />

hazards to the user population. Unfortunately, lt ls<br />

n0t p0ssible to quantify accident reductions based on<br />

various fornts of notice, either with respect to ATVs<br />

or ln gefleral. There has been no research that has<br />

been able to isolate the effects of rresEages ( labels,<br />

hang tags, etc.) frorr other influences such as reduced<br />

sales, training, experience, or product design<br />


qucEtlq!.q;<br />

Anrrrr;<br />

247<br />

Slmilarly, ry lupresslon l3 that lh enoruoui lflount of<br />

energy, tiile and doney hts gone into project$ such as<br />

training, |{lth very oinirral i'dpact. For exatple, the<br />

Corrrrission's onn Study of trends and proiections in<br />

ATV inJurles flnds that "If tralning was taken by<br />

db0ut l0 percent of the purchasers Iof new four<br />

rheeler AiYsl, the reduclion in risk would affect<br />

dbout ofle percent of the ATVs in use; this would have<br />

a ninimurn effect on inJury reduction," Nol rry<br />

question is tvofold: l-Just what percentage of ne*<br />

purchasers actual ly took the training; and 2-Hhat, in<br />

your viev, Has the irrpact of this requireilent on the<br />

consent decree? According to figures required to be<br />

EUpplled to the CP5C,2{0,'l96 vehicles have been sold<br />

since the consent decree and ?7,234 peop'le hdve been<br />

tralfled. This is only slightly over ll percent.<br />

The Japdnese dlstributors of ATYs, in their Iatest<br />

quarterly update, have reported to the Coxrillssion<br />

thdt, for the period 0ctober I,1989, to Deceurber 3I,<br />

1989,30.9I of new first tiue ATV purchd$ers without<br />

previous ridiflg experience and uerrrbers of their<br />

lxruediate faurilies Here trained. The overall figure<br />

since the progrrfl begafl is 13.81. These percentages<br />

are calculated by dividlng the nuNber of first tine<br />

purchasers and fauily nenbers tralned by the nurrber of<br />

ATVs sold to purchasers rithout previous experlence,<br />

Besed on these quarterly updates there appears to have<br />

been a trend upward of the percentages of first tirte<br />

purchasers trained since the prograilt started. The<br />

overal I figures are lower becruse of the startlng up<br />

period Hhen instructors Here beinq tralned and<br />

training sites selected,<br />

Durifig FY I990 the Counirsion plans to exanine aI I<br />

Nfpects of the tralnlng progrtil,

qqlttlqn q:<br />

Anircr:<br />

249<br />

0ne of the ergudents contlntral ly rrade by nanufacturers<br />

of ATVs ls that it is unfair to stress the death and<br />

injury figures froil these vehjcles wlthout rraking<br />

co,,rparisons eith slililar statistics resulting frorr the<br />

use of other xrotorized vehicles, such as snownrobilesr<br />

Irini-bikes, trail bikes, etc. l.lhat is the<br />

Courrission's response to this argutrrent? l.Jhat are the<br />

relative dangers frou ATVs as opposed to these other<br />

vehicles? Does the Courrrission or anyone else have<br />

rel iable exposure data on these other vehicles ( i,e,<br />

how often are they used) so exact corilparisons can bG<br />

uade?<br />

tle bel{eve the Cotrrxrission's stdteilents about the<br />

deaths and injurjes frorr ATVs are falr and consistent<br />

uith the risks shonn by available data. Through<br />

the National tlectronil Injury Surveillance Syiterr<br />

(NEI55) and death certificateE, the staff has<br />

docurrented the relatlve frequencles of injuries &<br />

deaths related to the urotorized vehlcles under our<br />

jurisdiction (Tables I & 2).<br />


(Calendar Years I 985 Throush I 989 )<br />

Three-whee I ed ATYs<br />

Mlnlbikes<br />

Four-wheeled ATVs<br />

Mopeds<br />

Snowrrobi Ies<br />

Go-cdrts<br />

Go lf Carts<br />

Dune Buggjes<br />

74,300 67,500 49,5oo 29,800 29,600 250,700<br />

35, 'I 700 z6,6oo 26,300 25,300 22,800 r36,700<br />

l,600 r8,9oo 27,900 33,00028,600<br />

t?0,000<br />

2 1 ,900 ??,60020,400<br />

r e,600 r 2,800 90,300<br />

l?,700 lr,80o l 0,3oo 9, 1 00 1 0,000 53,900<br />

7,600 7,400 5,800 5, t 00 7,000 33,900<br />

3 ,900 4, 500 3,500 5,600 3,500 2 1 ,000<br />

I,8oo 900 I ,400 I ,600 1 ,000 6,700<br />

ilational Electronic I njury I ance Systerr

zffi<br />

lrlotorized yehicle deaths reported ln the CPSC Death<br />

Certificate Data Base are shoHn ln Table Z. The<br />

totals presented lnclude only offlclal death<br />

certificate$ and, therefore, are less than other CPSC<br />

stdff studles based on estiilated total deaths (which<br />

lnclude certlf{cates, newspaper articles, and other<br />

sources). Nonetheless, they are Frovided because thiE<br />

ls the uost reliable data base courparing the yarious<br />

typeE of vehicles, Alsd, it should be noted that l9B8<br />

l5 the last year for vrhich corrplete data on deaths are<br />

Nvallable, because of reportlng tlrre lags frou the<br />

States.<br />


Crlendrr Years (1985 Through 1988)<br />

ThrcG-rh6cIed ATYi<br />

Four-rh6Eled ATYE<br />

$nor.obl ler<br />

Dune. Buggles<br />

lllnlbikes<br />

Go-crrti<br />

Golf Crrts<br />

||opedg<br />

1985 t985 1987 f988 Tota I<br />

f05 97 85 53<br />

13 48 55 55<br />

s2 $5 62 75<br />

14 72 t0 t3<br />

l 5 1 3 5 t 3<br />

1 0 t 3 8 5<br />

5 1 7 5<br />

0 6 ? . 2<br />

341<br />

t82<br />

244<br />

f9<br />

17<br />

36<br />

l8<br />

l0<br />

Clearly houever, these figures do not by therrselves<br />

glve the st0ry 0n relative risk. An asiessrrent of<br />

rlsk requlres inforilation on the nurrber of vehicles,<br />

and the h0urs of use for those vehlcles. For exahrplg,<br />

ATYs can be uSed all year round, whereas in rrrost oi<br />

the U.S- sn0Uilobiles cdn only be used for a few ilronths<br />

each year. Because of lirrited resources, CpSC has not<br />

been Nble t0 col lect rel iable exposure data on other<br />

rnotorlzed vehicles such as snourlob{les, mini-bikes,<br />

trail blkes, etc, Unfortunately, such data have not<br />

been readily available fronr othbr sources,

Question 9;<br />

lnrrer:<br />

u51<br />

As y0u knoH,.several yenr5 ago the Cotrthtission began<br />

its regulation of ATYs bJ pro'.lulgating d ilotice;f<br />

Proposed Ruleuaking, and that notice is sti I I<br />

operative. Also, the Colrmission has htade ATVs a<br />

pr]gritV iterl for several years, speading over one<br />

rrillion dollars on this ilatter in iiscal-'88 and,Bg<br />

and altrrost a rrilIion dollars in fiscal 90, Now, rry<br />

question is: l{hat are your plans<br />

'investigation<br />

for the ATv<br />

for the future? Hhat will you do about<br />

the open N0tice of Proposed Ruleuaking? Hith the ATV<br />

priority project?<br />

The Corrnis$ion riII, of course; continue r,ronltorlng<br />

and enforceurent of the consent decreeE, The<br />

Corrrrission's staff continues to analvze the accident<br />

data on four-wheeled ATVs to see lf inv reouirenrents<br />

in addition to the distributors,agreeurenti on lateral<br />

stabi I ity are needed to further reiuce the nurrber of<br />

accidents associated with these vehicles. If there is<br />

a satjsfactory.resolution of the latera'l stability<br />

issue later this year, the Corrnrission would be in a<br />

p0siti0n to cons ider withdrawing the Advance llotice of<br />

Proposed Rule'ilaking. Any necesiary ATV activities in<br />

the future yi I I contlnue under the<br />

ElectricaI/MechdnicaI/Chi ldren,s Hazard prograil,

.gs:.!ls3;Iq=<br />

AngreF:<br />

252<br />

I Hant to inquiro into the lilpact on future acti6ns by<br />

the Corrrrission of the acceptance of the perfortrrance<br />

standard by the Comrrlssion and the industry in<br />

0ctober,1988? As I read it, a Section I action to<br />

ban a product requires that there be "no feaslble<br />

standard." Now if the Conutission has agreed to a<br />

perforrlance standardr wouldn't this preclude any<br />

action under Section 8? Cortltlssloner Grahdil xtay want<br />

to address herself to this questlon also' since I<br />

understand she voted againt the acceptance of this<br />

standard.<br />

The prevlous f{ndlng by the Connrrlssion that ths<br />

voluntary stdnddrdr t0gether ulth agreenreflts<br />

concernlng lateral stability, vrere "satisfact0ryrr ln<br />

the context of the consent decress would not ln afld of<br />

Itself preveflt the Corrrrission fror,r taking action on<br />

ATVs uflder Section I of the CPSA, The ful I language<br />

in Section I about feasible standards rrakes lt clear<br />

that a stdndardr ln order to preclude a ban under<br />

Section 8, rrust be one that adequately reduceE the<br />

risk, i,e,, that reduces the riEk to the point that<br />

it is no Ionger unreasoflable. Thus' the relevant<br />

consideration with respect to Section 8 ls not uhether<br />

the Coilurission had prevlously indicated a standard was<br />

satisfactory (in this case, satisfactory ln<br />

relationshio to vrhat it was thouqht a standard could<br />

achieve), but rhether the Corrrrrisiion could deilronstrate<br />

that an unreasonable risk continued to exist desDite<br />

any reduction of deaths and injuries that could be<br />

attrjbuted to the standard. At the prEsent tiner it<br />

is not clear that the Corrrrission would be able to uake<br />

this finding,<br />

AilrYer (Corrlr loner Grahar):<br />

Please see attached ily stateiilent ofl Hhy I voted<br />

against the yo:lufitary standard. This text exptesscs<br />

dy grave reservations with the voluntary stdnddrd,<br />

I sti I I bel leve that there exists enouoh of a chence<br />

thet a court would find that the Conniision Hould be<br />

precluded frorl a Sectlon I actlon bJ havlng accepted<br />

the voluntary standard as adequate. I Hlll continue<br />

to follow the progress of the voluntary stafidard<br />

closely. llhile I hop€ that the voluntary standard<br />

wiIl be effectlve I ylll be eager to s6e vrhat th€<br />

eyrluation wil I be HheI lt ls coillpleted.

253<br />


\NASHINGTON. O.C 2O2O7<br />

' Decision On ATr' Startiard<br />

October 28, 1988<br />

llodlay I vlcted agailst t-he AII/ volEttry etddErd tecause thG lrlbli.c<br />

has not been giverr arl oForhJnity to cttrEnt an tle AIv standat1l aIrt tlE<br />

lnterifi agre€fiEnt cn l"ateral. stabllttlt Fdq'osed tty thE A$/ wflrfactrrrere<br />

prior to to a Cfirtrission drcisLfi on flhetlEr t}e standarl atli t}e<br />

intertrn agreffirt<br />

"saaisfacorily' *.H'.EB t-tc hauards F:eEerted by<br />

ATVs. lhe safety hazards assei'atfd rrith Atlls' aa EIL aE the rraficira<br />

aprroaches that ccrrld be splctyEd to r:esolve tln86 hauards has been m<br />

oithe rcst hI$rly debated arrd ccrtruvereial isstru lrr t-tr-is camissLfirra<br />

histcrrlr. Befrc t}e Csnnisslcrr gives itg to eit$er this<br />

stardard or the lntErilll aqtreeli:fit' r beliete it is essential tnat th€EG<br />

be an cprportr.uritlt for neanirryful prblic catut.<br />

ltE need for pblic cqnrent Is }FjghterEd hy tlte fac+ that h<br />

decfdj$g uhether tfre standardard the aqtredlent a.re "satiefactoryr,<br />

tJre<br />

Canntssicrr llill be follorjlg a Eft.octdurt that ccrr]d easily lead it<br />

drtside the stafirtorY frarencrk of secticn 9 of the GSA. Itris<br />

procedure hae ne\rer be'err utiliaed Liy tlre Cctttisslffi i]l decidfuEl whetlleE<br />

I rolr:ntaqr BtardErd is adeguate. It arises becf,Ee of a provlsicr<br />

crontaired irr the AIV Fi$at cotsElt Desee'<br />

section L(2) of the fiEl dectee requir:ed t}le defetdents tD<br />

att€npt, in gocd faithr to reaclr agteert crn riolrrrtary standafid.E<br />

nsat-iifactor]r" to tle Csrmisslcn rr-itnirr fcrur mrths of tie cctrt's<br />

al4rrdval. of tln detree. FED S[,(2). rtre prtpoeea dEreJ.cDGd<br />

a.rring this fflrr lffirtlr perind curtairrs certa.in reqlqfiry<br />

AMcrfiguraflion (e.q., footg|lra$t5' L8akes, clirtch afil gear stlifE<br />

ffirtrolB) ; Ycrrth vetricles {e.9., sped ].imitalicf,ut cn lll'tra tecfiEstdcd<br />

for rree hty ctliLdren si;t to tl#lve years of age) ; ard Ferfwore<br />

nequfrerrErtts (e.gr., sewice arg partcirry br:eke perfotflErrce ard-rusr*rd<br />

pitdl stEbilityl . Itre starderd itself does mt ccntai-n a provisi.ct<br />

Siefitj-ttE tjre laterat 8tab11iw (resi-stafltr€ to rcIlo\rerl of lf,lrB or a<br />

provisicr protribililq the wrthued sa-Ie of mll sieed AII/s for use by<br />

drildrsr urder 12.<br />


zil<br />

In deciillrrE !&etjcf tiis rtsndariA ia ieetirfactuy',<br />

the Conrdssicrr<br />

afperently rdill be arployirrq criteria different ftcm those fcltrd ijr<br />

Section 9 of the eSA. Tlpically, wtffi Ure Cottnission decides whether<br />

it should rely crl a vblrrlt8-rf/ Etardard d€rrElcFd ir.r resglcrrse to an<br />

Ad flcrd Notice of PraFosed n:kllelcijrg (ANPR) it applies the teat fourd<br />

ijl s€cticn 9 (b) (A) of the es;A. Becdrse flrls seceion df tle srafirte<br />

al.lom a r;oluntjrlr stErdard to fi.q4rlant nardatdry nrlefirakfuqr, it<br />

L-eqLli.res the Cdrmission to affi-unatiriely fird that cfiE)liarlce with a<br />

vo}.Ertaty<br />

reduciitrr<br />

BtEbilityl,<br />

stardErril is IiJ

255<br />

t}re p:blJ.c idll rbt lsr\r rfiich Al't/s herrE t.tc higher stablltty l$nlt<br />

Bi$ce nelther tJre Cqrmiseion ff t}le [EJilrfacEuJiers are prblicly<br />

dlscloeilg tlle KBt \,'alues of tlE AIvs ttlat hat e beer teeted.<br />

tilrat is Fartjcularly ttrrblirq abort tJte latelal stability issue Ls<br />

that thc Csrmissitrr fs befury a.Ek*l to treat tht f$le separate aryestEftts<br />

with irdivjdrsl flrrns rt thf,ryh Urery rer:e coJLectively a rrclrrrtsty<br />

standard aa set forth in s€ctLon 9 (b) (21 , s1++llantirlg tlr€ reqtrLdtEry<br />

IrriEoESE6r of the CfiBigsLdl. I bcu.eve it ls slear that th. lntcnt of<br />

Eeciicn 9(b) (2) ls to allcr,t an edstirry, effectlrre voll.Elta4t stedafit to<br />

nitigatr tlre rE€d for fede:al ru].aal

256<br />

rsr abrogate ttrat rcspcnsi:bility Ly rl:shjjrg| to JudErEIIt or a stErdErd<br />

that raisee aa rfldrry qlltstLtrls Es lt anat'Err8. uhdoub'tedly, parLB of t]ris<br />

rtardard repacetett rcal purcgtess for wtr-ich t}e ifie:stqf elnuld be<br />

cffi€ttdBd. Cttlcr parts, hcrever, ar:e ptdlematic. ftr an isEue a.a<br />

sarLcilE ae thie, Irlbtic accoutaUfffty Is bert e€Er€d by allovlng the<br />

atltdFrdr'aa reu as t}f lntarln egB'eenErtsf to underyo the pblic<br />

cdtEnt lEaeras before the CcEricsicn g{ves it+ sesl'of aEErdlrel h4t<br />

fIrdfu€| that tle hdzard8 a.eaoclatEd w'ith Aws have been "Eatisfacttrily"<br />

ddreaeed.<br />


257<br />

Ansrer (Commlssloncr<br />

Duson - Statelent Attachedl<br />


\4/A5HtNGTOr.r. O. C. eo207<br />


cot{r.'trssroNER cA-RoL G, Dlllsolf<br />


NoverEber 14, 1988<br />

ft is critical, both for the sake of our 3lfety goals rrrd fot the sake<br />

of sound public policy, that the Comissionts fecord on the issue of A1vs<br />

be reasona.bLe and consistent-<br />

The Comission's<br />

ptoposed ATV voluntary<br />

action of Octobcr 2tt, 1988, ln whlch<br />

standard on ATvs<br />

it dccrned tht<br />

"satisfactdry'Pursuant to<br />

provisions of the Final cdnsent Decrees 6n Atrys, should hot be taken out of<br />

conter{t.<br />

propdsed<br />

since f supported<br />

voluntary standard<br />

the najority Position<br />

as<br />

(i-e-' to consider the<br />

"satisfactory" in terns of the Fina-l cohsetrt<br />

Decrees) r concur substantially with nany of the points made ih the<br />

Chaiman's statement of November 9' 1988. Houever, r ptefer to eddress E<br />

few of. the<br />

emphasis.<br />

more controver,-sial issue-s myself as a natier.of P"t=ot.-f<br />

.- .<br />

First, comissioner Grahm's allegation in her statmeflt of October<br />

28/ 1988 that the corunission nay have acted outside its statutory cxiteria<br />

under.section.g(b)(?) of the cPsA doEs not teke into.account the faci that...<br />

the Comission has alreadv proceeded under its sectioh 12 "iminent<br />

hazatd"<br />

criteria' Pursuant to tnat action' which r suPPorted' the goverffient<br />

has reached an agreenent/ alrFrdeed b1r a federal judge. which Provides for a<br />

comple:r, multi-faceted renedy to aCdress the risks of injury 4ssociated<br />

with ATvs. . what the Comission has done in considering the vdluntary<br />

standard submitted<br />

CPSC staff--is to<br />

by inCustry--developed<br />

"hake<br />

a finding" that<br />

in close cohsultation with<br />

the standard is<br />

"satisfactory."<br />

the<br />

Staff has never clained. either now o: prior td the filing of the Section<br />

12 action, that a single aPProach--whethef it be f,andatory rulenaking,<br />

voluniary Siandards, or any other option--would adequately address the<br />

deaths af,d injuries associated with these Products.<br />

Our knowledger.bk arrd iledlcated star-f has lssured us thrt thle i5 thc<br />

best standard possible, and that it essentially enblaces the najor efements<br />

of the proposed standard which they origina.Ily dfafted- They also affirm<br />

that the industry complied with the ngood faith" pruiiision Ln the consent<br />

decree during its develoPnent.<br />

The cotclission did not concede industry's position uith rrgardl to<br />

leteral stnbility. Both goverment and indusiry have pledged to continue<br />

to eor-k tdHard a resolution of that problen' with the gdvernment<br />

EFecificaltv retaiiling the d-dtion of proceedinE to mahdatdrv ruIemaking if<br />

lncustry Coes not achieve a solution. f u Elso reassuted by'L\e kncrvledqe

?58<br />

that this new stanilard FilI be subJccted t6 the ANSf .or=.r=o= process. ft<br />

is my presumption, af,d one shated by staff, that any eventuaJ. stanCard<br />

achieved j.n the Lateral stE_bility area kould also be su-bsequehtly suhm.itted<br />

to ANSf. ft certain-ly wdu1d be if, the best ihterests of the industry to do<br />

so-<br />

With regard to the highly technical isEues of conrarative stabillty<br />

rating reptesented by various levels of Kst, staff addressed that quite<br />

thoroughly in its briefings, t{hile evefyone wduld prefer to achieve<br />

overnight the ideal of 1.0 as a mininum Kst, stafi cannot assure us that<br />

such a new standard would provide neasura_ble safety results- As far as<br />

handating fa-bels on ATVs to indicate their reLative sta_bility through the<br />

use of the Kst rating, there are many sound reasons why this is not yet<br />

possible. civen the cullent state of technical knouledge, Kst ls only one<br />

elemeht of stability, Other factors, such as steering, engine size, rirpe<br />

of susl]ensionf type of terrain, aid so on, cohbine to produce the relative<br />

sta-bility or insta-bility of the vehicl.e. Thus, it sinDLy would not be<br />

meaningful to mandate labeling in such a fashion at this tifre_ At some<br />

future pdint, f could certainly sup1lort a re_Iia.ble method of identlfying<br />

fo! consumers the relative stability of the various frdciers being nar.keted,<br />

uhen sufficient data becone availa-bLe.<br />

f reject the argment that the proposed stalndard ls insufficient<br />

because it does not ehconFass chitdren's nodefs- No nanufacturer cu:fentlv<br />

markets such models nor do they intend,to do.so,<br />

Fihally, we shou-ld rnake it abundantly crea.r to the pubric that finding<br />

the standatd<br />

"satisfactoF/"<br />

pursuant to the unioue teflrs of the<br />

court-approved consent decrees does not cqual an<br />

,'ehdorsenent."<br />

The<br />

comission does hot issue "elcorsenents"<br />

of voruntary siahdaEdE even whefl<br />

it defers to them under the terns of Section 9.<br />

since the FroFosed stardard ulll be sulnitted to the ANSf consensus<br />

process, and since the comission has decided ro encduragre cohsumer input<br />

into the ANsr Frocess by its published reflest that such coments a].so be<br />

made available td CPSC, I could hot see any need to delay our decision.<br />

rndeed' to have done so m.ight have jeoparrti-zed the orderly development of<br />

the overall Afl/ sefety effort is provided for by the Fi.nal consent Decrees.<br />

civen the enomous mduntg of noney and tine devotcd to find.ing<br />

solutions to the ATV problen, we Eust act in a res-nonEible manher as the<br />

details df the goverment-industry agreeEant are irplemehted. ft is ny<br />

personar vietr that the stardard at issue here uust be viewed as part of thd<br />

Fhole. None of-the other reuedies, i-e., training, j.hfomation and<br />

education, labeling, etc,, Hould stand on their own as safety measures.<br />

Taken as a whole, thay should make a hajor contri_bution toward reducing thr<br />

risk of injury.<br />

Glven the unaimouE support by the C-DSC siafi for this proposed<br />

standard, alld givefl the fact that no viEble altetnative is in_sight, f<br />

believe that to have rejected this proposal Hould not have been in the<br />

public interest-<br />

t'<br />


g:.rtttcr.ll'<br />

Anstef:<br />

259<br />

I understand th6 CoHulsslon has e |l|aJor exPo$ure and<br />

I njury survey under*ay of the exPosure patterns<br />

involiing ATVs, simi lar to the study undertaken by thE<br />

Coilillssion in 1985, and the data frort this study<br />

should be avai lable by the end of I990. l,llhat wi I I the<br />

Conillssion do then Jf the inJury and death data shoH<br />

no slgnificant decl Jne?<br />

It ls ny understanding that the analysis rlay n0t shor<br />

anything s ignificantly different frorl the decline in<br />

injuriei and deaths than ile haYe already shown for FY<br />

'|989<br />

and hdve projected for later years. The survey<br />

resu lts hoHever, are pri'ilari ly lntended to detertrline<br />

r{hether rrore stringent lateral stability requireNents<br />

are necessary. Addltionally, the Cortrtission's staff<br />

will be able to exanrine any shifts in injury or use<br />

oatterns. This will allotr a deterrtination of nhat<br />

factors ( i.e. driyer or vehicle characteristics) are<br />

assoclated with inJuries, and identjfy the<br />

contrlbuting frctors (i.e, Isteral stabillty' etc) ln<br />

inJury scenarios,<br />

Uhen the data currently belng aflalyzed by thE<br />

Corrurission's staff are conroleted the Courrlssion ulll<br />

carefully consider the "reasonablenessr" of any<br />

reilaining identifed risks associated |{lth ATVs.

qucrtfor. le:<br />

AnsYei i<br />

260<br />

As you.knou, Judge.GeselI, ln h{s ordcr approving the<br />

c0flsent decree, uade one very slgnificant'bhangel He<br />

reiterated the duty of the Corrurii$ion to take inother<br />

Iook at the ATV safety issue if, and I quote,',should<br />

the consent decree prove lneffective after a<br />

reasonable period." The Court also elirilinated the<br />

requirerilent that there be "new and substantlal<br />

evidence" before the CoNrri$sion could take another<br />

?ook at its duties trnder the law t{ith reseect to ATy<br />

safety, The Court said,',if the decree is noE<br />

effective in reducing dedths and serious iniuries<br />

after a reasonable period of tirre has passei for the<br />

decree to be te5ted in practlce, CpSC rrtust be free to<br />

proceed wlthin the frarrework of the statute ano<br />

consider yrhat_further pr0tectjon for the public nray bs<br />

necessary. "<br />

I quote th i s passage because it referi<br />

spec if ica I ly to ',reduc<br />

inc deathi .and . serlous<br />

i n j u r i q s , 'r<br />

I waITTE-k-n''6ffi!'ETTftfl6"fll"FFfi' t h e<br />

Lorr[rr5s]on p tans t0 take another look dt the consent<br />

decree to deterrrrine whether lt has been ,,ineffdctive<br />

... in reducing deaths and $erious inJuries after a<br />

reaS0nab le tiilte has p65596 ...<br />

',<br />

Under the final consent decree at paragraph q, the<br />

coilrdission_,ilay',proceed adrrinistratlveiy irnadi Sectlon<br />

rb or f,ne f,onsu,ier product Safety Act, Sectjon lS Of<br />

the Federal Hazardous Substances-Act,'or both ,,, if<br />

it deterilrines, after Decerrber 3'l, '|990, thai a further<br />

and ilr0re extensive rededy, including recdll or<br />

repurchase ls warranted,i' The Coururission does noc<br />

have a speciflc target date for deciding Hhether thO<br />

iacts warrant a further and rtore extensjve retrreoyr as<br />

perrritted, although we are continually exarrinrng data<br />

ln our efforts to enforce the consent- decrees, ievelop<br />

the voluntary standard and support any othet.<br />

appropriate rrteasuFes to addreis the h;zards assoclated<br />

t{ith ATVs, While tt ts true that tegally the<br />

Corrur'ission could authdrize the issuaice -of J courplalnl<br />

lll-1.:.*",1.<br />

as tfl any^other section lS uatter any tiure<br />

after Iecerrber 31, 1990, jt should be stressed tirat<br />

tne L0,,r',r. sion ,(ust have data showinq that it could<br />

supp0rt dr action under Section lS.-

!Fq!!tq!.<br />

Angrer:<br />

t! t<br />

26r<br />

I want to explore hol the Cod'nlsslon deals tlth one of<br />

the arguutents vhlch ATY ptoponents haye used<br />

consistently agdlnst regulation of ATVs. That ls that<br />

nost accidents can be attrlbuted to operator error'<br />

factors such as alcohol use, rlding on publ ic roads,<br />

rlding double, and aI Iowing young chi ldren to ride th€<br />

. largest ATVs, l{ow, aside froN the fact that the ilaior<br />

problen seeils to be chi ldren, and they are rarely<br />

lnvolved in alcohol abuse how does the Co"urrission deal<br />

Hlth these drgudents?<br />

The Condlssion rcJcct.d the lndustry argudents thrt<br />

operator error Has solely responslble for the lnjurlos<br />

and deat'hs. The frct0r$ you cite were identified<br />

during t,he inyestlg6tion of ATYs and have been<br />

addreEsed, t0 thc €xtent possible, through<br />

requlreilents ln the consent decrees and other ileesufes<br />

lncluding recoill[lendiltion for state leglslatlorl. These<br />

lnclude effectively bdnning three yheel ATVs t lth an<br />

inJury rste twice that of 4-wheeled ATVs. Alcohol<br />

use, riding on public roads, riding double, and young<br />

chlldren on large ATYs rre addressed by the consent<br />

decree requlre|[ents f0t label ing, operator rranual<br />

lnstructions, trdining, dnd a varlety of warnings<br />

through posters, hang tags, safetJ Idvertising, etc.

ouestlon ll:<br />

Anrrrr r<br />

?i62<br />

Hhrt t$ thc itatuE of the pctltlon on Cfib Toys? Uhy<br />

hds {t taten Eo long?<br />

The Coildission received a petitjon to s.t Htnddtory<br />

requireuents for crib gyns, crib rrobiles and sirrilir<br />

products ln tiovenber, 1988,<br />

The Cor'rlssion gives each petition crrcful<br />

considetrtion. tle divert itaff tlure fror,r otner<br />

projects in_our operating plan to research and<br />

evaluate al I lssues assoiiited with the petltioners<br />

reguest_and develop sufficlent inforrration f0r the<br />

(;oiEtSSton to 0ake a deciSion.<br />

The Coqrrlsslon has taken r nunber 0f actions tn the<br />

past to re||oye unsafe crib toys froil the xlarket and<br />

irrrprove their overal I level oi safety. l{e have<br />

iflpledehted a nunber of recal ls ot u-nsafi ciib toys<br />

and hnve successful ly encouraged the industry to ;dd<br />

provlsions for crib toys to ttre Toy Safety V;lunt;ri<br />

S t andard.<br />

These past rctivltlcs aFptrr to hsve reduced the leyel<br />

of risk associated Hlth'these products. ihi staff is<br />

not-atare of any deaths involving crib toys since<br />

I 986.<br />

The staff has continued to urge the toy industry to<br />

ruake further_ iNproveilents to ihe volunIaiy itanAarO.<br />

0n February 28, 1990, a Corrrtission repiiitniative<br />

attended a ceeting of the ASTM Volrrntiry Standards<br />

tasR.Group tn Phlladelphia, tn hear dlstusSions on<br />

possrD te auend|dents f0r these crib toys.<br />

The staff {s also preparing lhforilation so that the<br />

r-oldrdlssron CAn Make a decision on the petltion whlch<br />

requests<br />

'<br />

I0 _separate regulatory actlon! tor viriori<br />

rypes of cr.ib toys. This rilatter vill be presented<br />

the<br />

to<br />

Corrulssion in Aprl I of thls year,

gclt4lgl<br />

Answer i<br />

26il<br />

Anothcr Droduct the $ubcouulttee H!de fnqulrles about<br />

during the past several years include disposable<br />

clgarette I ighters uhich sotrtetirres fai Ied to ileet eYen<br />

the voluntary standard established for thehr lfl terils<br />

of xraxitrrutrr flaue height. l{hat is the present status<br />

of the Cororrission's actlvities ln thls area?<br />

The prlnclpal probleu dssociated with cigarette<br />

lighters is child-pIay, 0f the estirrated 240 deaths<br />

in 1987 frour lighter-lgnlted fires, 180 resulted front<br />

fires started by chi ldrefl playing Hith I ighters. In<br />

Deceurber,1987, the Courrtission granted a petition<br />

requesting thdt disposable cigarette I ighters be<br />

reouired to be chi ld-resistdnt, An Advance Notice of<br />

Prnoposed Ruleuraking (AilPR) initiating proceedings for<br />

the developlrent of a regulation for all Iighters yras<br />

publ ished in the Federal Register on March 3, I988. A<br />

dlaft teEt pf0t0col, using panels of chi ldren for<br />

evaluating the child-resistance of lighters, has been<br />

devel0Ded and oilot tested, DeterLrination of the<br />

child-resistance of lighters now on the ilarket is ln<br />

progress.<br />

The next stage in thc proceeding lE the preparation of<br />

a Notice 0f Proposed Ruleuaking (1{PR) for Corrnrission<br />

consldefation, planned for latc I990. It is estidated<br />

that a drdft final rule ulll be prepared in 1991,<br />

ASTI'l's Task Group FI5.02 is worklng on a voluntary<br />

chlld-rcslstant lighter stdnddrd. A version of the<br />

Courrnissionrs test protocol is an integral part of thls<br />

standard, Any chi ld-resistant standard developed by<br />

the Tdsk Gr0up yil I be considered as a possible<br />

substitute for a |randatory reguldtion.<br />

The staff has lnltlated several pr0duct specific<br />

correctlve actlons under Section l5 of CPSA due to<br />

excessive flaue height and other defects oyer the Idst<br />

two calendar years.

uwr^ra Jr,crwaffi<br />

{HV ^ Wsk. ilrr&*tr<br />

Hffi. Affie ftabd, .c.ifrg Chaimn<br />

Cd]ffi koduct Safety fuissif,<br />

54OI W€tbard Av€flE<br />

Bethesda, ItD 20207<br />

Dsr tds. ftahe;<br />

264<br />



Gongnss nt tfie @nittb &tatef<br />

foudr of Bryndmhtib*<br />



. -<br />

OFBE<br />


-<br />


wASHt[GTOr{, DC tosl6<br />

ftobs 25, t9g9<br />

rn*r *rrr rsnqicn<br />

qucr ooucrrr.r&HMrlrR<br />

ffitrer rlldt<br />

EElced i5 a l:aw of il articre he€l m d<br />

tcdaY's<br />

fuffjatd<br />

Ns{<br />

hEs<br />

vo.t< riiL<br />

story fm<br />

:T1ehrrq<br />

a IsIt of Ji:t"rr.*<br />

mrductcd by<br />

vehicte<br />

trE u.Sdeat#<br />

Frbfic Intlr#r-R**;*ft;rF"<br />

srh:IinmittE's rn<br />

-I*Iq-stardjry<br />

fislt of tllis<br />

Hrrn for AIv sftf},-;rd<br />

166ter tll<br />

flE<br />

tlle<br />

hrrtlirg<br />

Gsc. ple+ s44rly<br />

of flris<br />

Ue ruj-*iqG<br />

llr89,<br />

,="*r*,<br />

to tIE<br />

try<br />

toutriJq;<br />

Ndqber 18,<br />

l. PltE* (ffilE m tin ftnJirqs and cqrElusidls 6f the flrv€y<br />

stdnfftl by tre U.s. tirbtic lfteL€st *;.;n-ft.p:*<br />

2. In gErHaf , htr llEs ttE turisim detemirEal uhettnr tin dealu anit<br />

Iffifactr€rs ft dtEirg to tlp qcsrt Oearee-of Jaro-.y fOe8a<br />

3. DEEihE in detaif<br />

+I<br />

follffi.4r (jJEILHrry<br />

ild arry dt-t* audit<br />

EroIIs. swsr'E<br />

tefiai,qr*/ ard ffiEr*iffi'or<br />

cdductd<br />

*,v<br />

by<br />

sJEh<br />

tlE -ur"--&"I;'-.iiactivifr)<br />

cfrrisim to ctmJ< ttr adrrue<br />

rHufactrnprs to tte Janury<br />

hf<br />

UIBS aEgrE dere_<br />

4. htrj}d in ddajl. atl<br />

F"lEf<br />

,{*fn ard stniLar<br />

of tlealer<br />

fotttr_t-F<br />

activitiE nquirie<br />

lgrffi_ to tfre Afrief*<br />

ntarufafrt#<br />

*d_rt"t*,<br />

to dEtIryiE tulr<br />

by ttE ATv<br />

drererEE t" tn"--"*&,t aao*.<br />

"I*T.<br />

,__.._?.<br />

:rFly art<br />

t{i*.:_+u,*.*a<br />

by trE cquisiffi<br />

lrlua* rmrltinq<br />

rn deattE<br />

fra the<br />

Erd<br />

re of rlt:r;frid<br />

*-<br />

""r*.r**i*-]*rJ.ylfiigl<br />

pIE+ s.Etr'ly tte mrt+1-rrs irtErFretaliq of<br />

df<br />

thEe<br />

uhethtr<br />

statjstics in<br />

IftE<br />

tle FtEfiEiEJ. rish ftrh U*'*-"t-inls<br />

trE ffilstrrt dq:ro,<br />

hE dwged siru<br />

6' bE uE mrerrq tnw any sriclsce tiat u'E of adrt<br />

g+j|."<br />

sized o"vs bv<br />

t-t W"= dsrn sire tre r:rllwrt o"o*i x=if6* i.<br />

GSC<br />

d"t"n<br />

tE dffi<br />

,,,-i-#<br />

to DXe ttris detEmistim

265<br />

7- In EsEl, har ttE l:hirr;q rrrdld r ffilEiffi fi tlE<br />

effctlre of ttre tutgrb dg::IE tn EdEiJE ttE rlElc of dHth ard jsjurT<br />

fffi Axr,rrs. If rc, pI# s_{tr)Iy ft t! tlE $Mitte.<br />

8. I{as tlE atEerE of a qlm fc tfe pest tar urtfs pu:e'renrtea tlr<br />

cffiisim fffi tEkirg ffir.I| actim in tlE A'fit ffi?<br />

I rElle6 thab ttE (rffiLstEfi bE bHl fsErted bt, ttn aheru od a<br />

qttrm in tfE past. ter FntlE ftE abatirq with sml irFor+Erlt Ettrfig.<br />

llffitr, stE-ff mrk fi tfE irytrtant ATv EttEr strulcl tffi auruea aLrjrg<br />

ttris ptridd ard, uhs tne m ctulrrmn of ttE Cmisiffi ls ffilfiffi, ttE<br />

Idg-Je at tlE conisim IweI slll he brcl€I, I hlEt ttEt FrepaEtiG ffi<br />

b€irg Mde to bEief ttE tH drit:*En m t*E i# +E FjJL t# is tjle r$1t<br />

arta, ard oth+.<br />

BElcutB<br />

DB;ttj:b<br />

2<br />


:<br />

":F<br />

266<br />

' 'i-"' - tl 'rL' r' Lr_- +i +<br />

:r..'1 .-i;. 1'<br />

.--'<br />

il'=:-la :;l'i;:-':'<br />

WASHINGTON, OcL Ut (AP) -i liams Buick Honda in Forestville, Md.<br />

Dealers are still s€Uing all-terrainiand Sun Cycles Yamaha in Wheaton,<br />

vehicles for use by chttdren despite anlMd., were said to have told the callers<br />

aBreement between the Federal Gov-f some A.T.V.'s would be safe for I ciild<br />

emment and tl|e manufacturers to cur- | of that age.<br />

tail such sales, a oonsumer'groupl Dan Donahue, general sales mart<br />

charged today. I ager for OLho Williams, said he knew of<br />

The.'U.S. Pulrlic Interest Research I no such incident and added that it was<br />

Group, a private organization affiliated I the dealership's policy not to male<br />

with the consumer advocate Ralphlsuch sale$.,"I have personally drased<br />

Nader* said 54 percent of the dealers I people away who wanted to buy one for<br />

surveyed told tlre volunteers who I somebody under age," he satd. "It ls<br />

called-them on the telephone that an I ourpolicyherenotselltoanyoneunder<br />

adult-sized vehicle rrculd be appruprt- | age."<br />

ate foru,sc bychildrenunder theage of<br />

|<br />

.. f Manutacurrrrrln'EE nact,.'j.''.<br />

16." I<br />

In additlon, 75 percent of the dealers | ^ Y,1t seavey, $ales manr8er for sutr<br />

respondin8 sitO ii woutal"Jt UJJrifiliiti I Cyctes, said: "I have -instnrcted our<br />

ro.'" 1o-y"eai-oro io l.;;-;;;l;-"',i to adhere. to these<br />

lrt-:.,rrs.onnel<br />

adult-ghfr A.T.v., rrt*-*n"i-li jli- "<br />

; ''<br />

lzuiaennes"'<br />

vocacy organlzatron said*'--"'-'<br />

l98t flve ILT.V..<br />

I ^ I_{"nuary msnufac-<br />

-;F:^-"*r]"*i"i*o' lSm;,1["Fi"d",y]ffiht"f<br />

'lToo' many A,T.V. dealers would lsales of threwheel all'tetraln vehlrathFrjnake-a<br />

buck than tetl a cus: lcles ln the United States. They also<br />

tomcr that A,T,V.'s are death traps for I agreed to restrict tfre sales of certain<br />

childrFn under 16," said Pamela Gil- lfour-wheelers for children- Thc rtr*<br />

bert; ipnsumer prloBram dlrector for I ment resulted from a suit by tlp Cot<br />

the jorfanizatlon. Ms. Gilbert said I sumer Product Ssfety CornmisslorL i-.<br />

votuBteers called 215 dealershios in | "Now wc l(r|ow that ILT.V' dealerr<br />

Caljfdfnia, Connecticrrt, Florirta, IIIF laie<br />

sttil mislerdlng the prbllc'lbout<br />

noiiitfrrryhn4 New Jersey, New Mex- | the vetricles' drngeri,'l M* Gllben<br />

tco, Ver,tnontend Warlrington- ., - I sai

Btr|<br />

UwntuSreres --6<br />

Cor',lsur,IuR PRonucr SAFETy Counrrurr.f l\ t k ' '<br />

Wnsutttclott. D.C. 2020?F'',"nrr<br />

. g SBg<br />

\\t '<br />

..,, n.1 A$D<br />

Novenber 16, 1989<br />

The Honoreble Doug Barnard, iIE.<br />

Chairman<br />

Connerce, ConEuher, and I'Ionetary<br />

Affairs subconmittee<br />

conmittee on Governnent Operations<br />

8-377 Rayburn House office euilding<br />

U,S, HouEe of Representatives<br />

Washington, D.C. 2o515<br />

Dear l,tr. chaiman:<br />

.^_ilil{l li; ;#;iiuussFF'*" "<br />

Thank you for your letter of October ?5, 1999, regarding<br />

the Commissionrs activities invotvihg AII-Terrain Vehiclee<br />

(ATVs), and the recent survey of ATv dealers conducted by the<br />

U,S, Public Interest Research croup (PIRG).<br />

At the outset, fet me say that I share your coneern for A1III<br />

aafety. We consider the consent decree to be one of our highest<br />

priorities and heve taken, and t ilI continue to take, appropriate<br />

measures to enaure that ATV distributors are complylng with att<br />

the provisions. with that in ftind, we are very concerned about<br />

the apparent failure of a farge number of ATV dealera to foflohr<br />

the distributors' directives, as reguired by the conEent decreef<br />

regarding the age of the user and the appropriate size of the ATV<br />

he or she should purchase,<br />

A number of steps have been taken to addlre66 thls problen<br />

since the Connission's December 1988 aurvey of dealerB in<br />

Virginia, Based on the rcsults of the PIRG suroey and the<br />

conrrission'E nonitoring of ATV dealers, there appears to be some<br />

inprovement from the approxinately ?0t non-conpliance rate found<br />

in the Virginia suruey. NonetheleaE, it is clear, and I would<br />

underscore this fact, that additional steps nust be taken.

The Honorable ooug Berrrard, ilr.<br />

Page 2<br />

268<br />

The Epeclfid requeEtr for lnfdmatlon raiEed ln your<br />

letter, and our rGElronses, arGi<br />

1. PIeaEe connent on the flndlnge and concluelons of the<br />

Euroey conducted by the U.S- Publlc Interest Research<br />

Group,<br />

Re5pohse! Although PfRG ha6 deflned tradult-ELzed AI\/t<br />

differently than the consent decree, their survey appears to<br />

confirn preliminary resulte of recent Commiseion monltoring<br />

effortE. We have requeEtealr and re.cently recefved, the data<br />

collected by PIRG in its suroey and are exanining it to detefinine<br />

appropriate foIIow-up neasures,<br />

2. In generalf lrow lraa the conniaaion determlned vhether<br />

the dealerE and manufacturers are adhering to the consent<br />

ilecree of January 1988?<br />

Responeei The CotmlssLon hae u6ed a num.ber of methods to<br />

detefltine the degree of compliance uith the final consent decree,<br />

As required by the consent decree, the digtributors have filed<br />

reports with the Cofftris6ion concernlng specific provisions<br />

lnctuding those relating to the repurchase of all new three*<br />

wheeled ATVs from dealers, the public awareness prograh requiting<br />

agreed-upon safety meEEager, the outreadh progran uhere safety<br />

inforrnatlon has been distributed to various organizationE lraving<br />

an lnterest in ATV safety, and the training program, The<br />

CommiEEion 6taff regulerly communicates with the distrihutors<br />

concerniflg reports that have been filed, and oh other matters<br />

under the consent decree for which there are no reporting<br />

requirements,<br />

The dealere have al6o been Eubject to extenELve on-going<br />

monitoring by the Conmiteion, through commission fietd staff and<br />

by personnel of state agencies under contract to the CommiEgion.<br />

Details of thiE activity are contained in response to your next<br />

requeEt.<br />

3, DeEcEibe in detail ell follou-up actlvltlee (including<br />

FolIs, Eurveyg and any other audit technigues, and<br />

conclusions of any Buch actlvity) conducted by the<br />

Connigaion to check on adherence by the dealerB and<br />

nanufacturera to the January 1988 congent decree.

The Honorable Doug Barnard, ilr.<br />

Page 3<br />

Re6pohser<br />

t69<br />

In additlon to thoEe actlvltieE describod ln responee to<br />

question ?, inspections have been conducted to deternine the<br />

degree of cornpl.lance by the ATV dealers with the distributors,<br />

directives Fursuant to the consent decree. The inspections have<br />

been conducted by commission inveetigatorE and by investigatots<br />

of 6tate agencies for the Cornnission, The inspections have been<br />

both undercover (where investigators posed aB consuners) and<br />

after presentation of credentialg by the investigators.<br />

In early 1988, approxinately 620 inspections were conducted<br />

to deternine whether dealerg had received instructiong frou the<br />

distributors to stop sale of new three-wheeled ATVS, and rdhether<br />

the dealers intended to return those ATvs to the distributors.<br />

In thoge fer.r instances when the Comnrission learned that threewheeled<br />

ATVS remained in a dealer,s lnventory, the dealer and<br />

distributor in question wEre asked to take immediate action to<br />

enEure that the ATVs were not 6old. we are auare of two deaferE<br />

who refused to cooperate uith the repurchase prograE. The<br />

distributor has taken action to lerminate those franchlses.<br />

.<br />

Addttionally, the ComrniEsion has conducted numerouB qlGnerdl<br />

inspectione to determine the degree of the dealere, "ornplian"e<br />

with. other provisions of the consent decree, inltuding<br />

requirements relating to labeling, hang-tags, owner,6 nanualE]<br />

safety posters, safety alerts, and training. The Coftnission<br />

staff plans to advise the distributors Bhortty of the rearrlts of<br />

a recent round of inspections of approxinatefy ZEo dealers and<br />

take measures to ensure that identified problems are corrected,<br />

The conmission conducted an undefcover Burvey of a<br />

natlonwide eample of 228 ATv d€al€ra in June qnd ltuly 19a9 to<br />

detemine the degree of compliar.ce by ATV ilealers vith the age<br />

recomr,rendations, The results of thiE Eurvey vlll provide a<br />

statistically valid national picture of dealei adherence to the<br />

age provisions of the corsent decree. The final report of the<br />

survey results is expected sithin the next two ueekF. Th€<br />


The Honorable Doug Barnard, Jr.<br />

Page 4<br />

n0<br />

CoruriEsion staff and the Departuent of Juetice will deterrnine<br />

what further actiong are necessary to enaure dealer compliance<br />

with the age recoftmendationE, and ilitl neet with the distributors<br />

shortly to discuss remedial actions,<br />

4. DeEcribe in detail alL polle, surveys end sinilar<br />

folfoet-uF inquiries of dealer activities known to the<br />

Commisslon undertaken by the ATV nanufacturerg to determine<br />

dealer adherence to the consent decree.<br />

Responsei The commieEion is not auare of any polle or surveys<br />

conducted by the disttibutors. The distrlbutors do monitor<br />

dealer compliance with distributor policieE under the consent<br />

decree through varioue neane, including periodic cornmunications<br />

wlth the dealers and vi6itE by field representativeE to<br />

dealershipe.<br />

Reaponse:<br />

5. Please eupply all statisticB gathered by the CommissLon<br />

on deaths and injuries resulting froh tlre uE€ of aIIterrain<br />

vetriclee 6ince ilanuary 1988-<br />

Threc- Four-<br />

Year totaL wheeled Wheeled<br />

1985<br />

L9A6<br />

1987<br />

198 I<br />

1989<br />

85,900<br />

86,400<br />

77,4OO<br />

62 r 800<br />

?4,300<br />

67,59O<br />

49, 500<br />

29,8O0<br />

(27 ,2Ao,<br />

11, 600<br />

18,9OO<br />

27 ,9OO<br />

33,OOO<br />

(2e,500)<br />

three- Four-<br />

Total l{heeled Wheeled<br />

44.7<br />

37.4<br />

30.7<br />

24 .6<br />

(23. ?)<br />

48.2<br />

42.4<br />

33 ,4<br />

23,1<br />

(25.6)<br />

30.4<br />

26 .4<br />

26.9<br />

26.1<br />

(21.4)<br />

I year rapo based on exPerl6nce.<br />

Sourcei National Electronic InJury surveillance syaten<br />

(NEISS)/EPHA ATV use estimates derived hy<br />

Directorate for Econornics, U, S. Consufler Product<br />

Safety Comnission

+Ft<br />

'<br />

The llonorable Douq Barnard, ,fr.<br />

Page 5<br />

nl<br />

Since the elgning of the consent decree the Cororission has<br />

prcpared quarterly updatea of death and lnJury Etatisticg for<br />

AtVs. The no6t recent update itae releaeed S6lrtenber 20, l9B9 and<br />

included recordB r€ceiveil by thB CoElllrsion through June 21,<br />

1989. Another uFdate, includlng recordE received by the<br />

comiesion through Septenber ZL, 1989 ie being prepared for<br />

relEaEB in Decenber,<br />

Three- Four-<br />

Year Total Wheeled Wheeled<br />

l9B5<br />

198 6<br />

1987<br />

1988<br />

299<br />

35L<br />

?89<br />

1ffi,<br />

243<br />

2s4<br />

160<br />

L45<br />

56<br />

97<br />

128<br />

158<br />

Three- Four-<br />

Total lvheeled Wheeled<br />

15,5<br />

15.2<br />

11.5<br />

11.9<br />

15. I<br />

16,0<br />

10, 8<br />

11, 2<br />

Estinateg for three an'll four-wheeled ATVg are<br />

distributlon of reported deathB, by t)rF'e of vehLcle.<br />

Soure€: Natidnal Electronlc Injury Surveillance Systeu<br />

(NErsS)/EPHA ATv use estimates derived by<br />

Directorate for Econonic6, U. S. Consuner product<br />

Safety cormlaaion<br />

ResponEe:<br />

14.7<br />

13,6<br />

t? ,3<br />

12.5<br />

5b. Flease gupply thB ColllaBlon'E interpretation of theEe<br />

EtatisticE in ternE of vhether the potential ri6lq fron the<br />

uEe of ATV6 has changed 6lnce the consent decree,<br />

ATV-related lnJuriee have decreaEed slnce thc conEent<br />

decree both ln frequency and as a function of the eatihated<br />

nunber of ATVE in us6, The do\,rnward trend is expected to<br />

continue due to several factora lncluding the $top EaIe of threerrheeled<br />

ATvs rdhich have a higher riek of inJury and reduced sal-_<br />

of four-Hheeled ATVs. The eEtinated nunber of aleaths haa<br />

remained approxlnately 3oo annually alnc6 lgg5. Unlike the rlslt<br />

of lnjury, thc riek of death doe6 hot aplledr to be dependent on<br />

the type of v$hlcle.<br />

r*rr * u.,'c.t*fLfE<br />


the Honorab1E Doug Barnard, Jr.<br />

Page 6<br />

272<br />

6, Does the cornmission have any evidence that ure of<br />

adult-sired ATv6 by children tras gohe down Eince the<br />

consent decree? Deacribe ln detail ilhat the CPSC has done<br />

to nake this deteruination.<br />

RGBponBe: In seFtenber 1989, the ConmiEEion conducted a Burvey<br />

to determine, in part, the agtes of ATV drLvers and the number of<br />

ATvs in use. The Eurvey results are being analyzed. Once that<br />

is accomplished, we uifl be able to detemine td Hhat exteht<br />

chilalren still use adult-Elzed ATVE, We will forward this<br />

information to you as soon aE it is available tlhich i6 expedted<br />

to be in the FaII of 199Q.<br />

7. In general, haB the corftLsslon reached a concluELon on<br />

the effectiveness of the consent decree in reducing death<br />

and injury from ATvs?<br />

ResponEe: ATV-related injurles treateil in horpital energency<br />

roorns have been declining steadily since 1986, ahd are expected<br />

to be even foltef in 1989. The stop sale of three-wheeled ATv6<br />

has undoubtedly contributed to thiE reduction, as has the decfine<br />

in sales of four-wheeled AfVs.<br />

The eEtinrated numbet of deathE attrtbuted to the use of<br />

aIl-terrain vehicles remains arouhd 3oo annually Eince 1985.<br />

Ilowever, in terms of the estimated number of ATv6 in use, the<br />

rate has decfined.<br />

Beyond that, it iE not possible to identify specific<br />

factorg contributing to deathE and injurLes at this time. The<br />

Conmission is currently conducting a study of ATV-refated<br />

injuries treated in hospital el[ergency rooms during ca]endar year<br />

1989 and a consumer use aurvey. Analysie of these data is<br />

expected to provide infornation that uiII enable the Conmigsion<br />

to evaluate the effect of the consent decree with more<br />

specificity. We will provide this infornation to you as soon as<br />

it is available,<br />

8. Haa the abBence of a quorum for the past ten rtronthE<br />

prevented the ConmisEion fron takinq necesaary action in<br />

the ATV cage?

The Hohorable Doug Barnard, ilr,<br />

Page 7<br />

NB<br />

Response: The absence of i guorun has hot affectecl the<br />

Comnissioh's actions in this uatter. Whl]e the staff has brieferl<br />

inilividual CommiEEioners as to activlties uniler the consent<br />

decree, a vote 9y tne Cornrnission has not been necessary on rny of<br />

the staff,6 actions to monitor and enforce the decree.<br />

thank you<br />

.Againf<br />

for uriting and sharing your concernB<br />

tegariling cornpliance with the ATv consent decree. Aa Eoon aB the<br />

dealer monitoring results are finalized, I rJlfI proviale the<br />

naterial to you. In the neantime, if I can be of -aEElstance,<br />

pfease do not hesltate to tet he know.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

tf.+-/ L'{\F",<br />

Anne Graha!<br />

Acting Chaiman<br />


274<br />


, Accordlng to rtata conplled by the SPeclalty Vchlcle Instltute of<br />

Amerlca tventy seven states have lawt vhlch In *hole or In Fsrt. spPly<br />

speclflcal ly to ATVs. Of the'rst|slnlng 23 stetes, plus the Dlstrlct of<br />

Colrrrbla, lS have laws or Fegulatlofls pertslnfng to off road vehlcles'<br />

of whlch ATvs bv deftnltlon are Included. Elsht states and the<br />

Dlstrlct of Colr.mbla have no lews whlch EPPIy to ATV3'<br />


32 states have laws deallng-vlth reglstratlon of ATVg and off<br />

road vehlcleg,<br />

Of these' I requfre reqlstratllqo only for ATV5 operated on<br />

Publ lc lands.<br />

l2 ststes do not requfre reglstratlon lf the vehfcle rrlll be<br />

operated only at euthorlzed events-<br />

TITLE t<br />

15 states requfre the owner to obtaln a Certfflcate of Tftle for<br />

the ATV or'off road vehlcles.<br />

In one state, thls sPPlles only with resPect to vehlcles<br />

opereted on publ lc lanc.<br />

In one stater title 13 requlred only for model yeers 1988 Ernd<br />

I ater.<br />


I states requlre the operator of s$ AW or sff rosd vehlcle to<br />

have a llcense.<br />

'<br />

In 2 states, the requfrement aPPlles ofily lf crosslng a hlghwoy'<br />

snd In €nother state, the requlrement ePPl les only lf the person<br />

crosglng the highwoy ls between 16 and l8 years old.<br />

ln I stete, as an elternetlve, the operator may have a learner's<br />

permlt or be accorpanled by alllcense holder or e parent.<br />

In ,4 stetesr the requlrement apPlles only lf the vehlcle fs<br />

operated on Publlc lends.<br />

,ln 3 states, a safety certlflcste ls Eccepted In lleu of e<br />

drlver's I lcense.<br />

In<br />

I lcense.<br />

I state, supervlslon ls sccePtEble fn lleu of a drlver's


.),|rK<br />

pau<br />

27 states h6vG rffi tifnftt qE rcqjf rfiEnt,<br />

The mlnlmum Ege! €pply to chlldren as young as 6r I' and<br />

yesrs old,<br />

All rtatci tFrt have rgp rcqrlratrentc hrve e vrrlety<br />

condltlons and llmltatlons on use by undcrage oper6tor5.<br />


14 states provlde for such ecrtlffc8tes.<br />

In l0 of these st6te3, the requlrenent spplles only rrlth respect<br />

to chlldren under a cert€ln €ge,<br />

In 2 ststes, E flEtor vehlcle llcen* cgn bc lub3tltutad for a<br />

safety certlflcete.<br />

In 7 states' €dult supcrvlilor'r lr Ecceptable In lleu of a rsfety<br />

certfflcete,<br />


29 itates hdve lavs reletlng to llghts on AW3 end off rffid<br />

vchlcles.<br />

In 2l of these states, the rule #plles only ylth respect to<br />

nlght oper8tfon.<br />

In 5 itates, the rule ls H6lved at euthorlzed events.<br />

ln 4 states, the I lghtlng requlrffint €ppl les only for use on<br />

publlc lands snd sFeclfled publlc lards,<br />

In 4 states' the llght ls regulFed only lf the operator lg<br />

crosslng I hfghwey on the ATV.<br />

BRAKES:<br />

29 stateg have laws reletlng to ttre need for ATYg end off ro€d<br />

vchlcles to be cqulpped wlth brakes.<br />

4 rtater fiave speclflc perfonmnce requlrements fof thc brakes.<br />

3 states I lmlt the requlrffient to ATYS End off rosd -- opereted<br />

on publlc lands and speclfled publlc lsalds.<br />

\<br />

r0<br />



n6<br />

l l<br />

34 rtates lEvC lqws rcqufrfng thFt ATVi bc cqufppetl vlth<br />

muffl ers,<br />

12 states e*cuse the nrufflers €t authorlzed events.<br />

l7 state h€ve declbel llmlts for the nolse thst [lEy b€<br />

from a rrufFler.<br />

In 6 states' the requfranent applles only.to vahlcleg<br />

on publlc lands,<br />


20 states requlre that ATVs be equlpped wfth sprk arresters.<br />

ln 5 states' the arresterg Ere excused at authorlzed events.<br />

In 7 states, the requlraftent applles only Hlth respect to<br />

vchlcles pperated on pribl lc lands.<br />


l8 states have tequlranents relatlng to the vearlng of hclmets<br />

by persons operatlng ATVS.<br />

I state requfres thefir only In coopetltlve eventc End lrhere the<br />

operator ls under 18 years of age.<br />


E{nltted<br />

operated<br />

5 states have requlrdnents relatlng to the wearlng of eyG<br />

protectlon by persons operating ATVs.<br />


j<br />

2 states requlre reflec+lve materlalg on eoch slde of the AW.

FLAGS and CHAIHS:<br />

m,7<br />

I state requlres that ATVs have a red flag Hfien they 6re<br />

operated on sand and I cf|8ln guard (lf they are egulpped wlth chalns).<br />

OI{-ROAD USE r<br />

33 states hsve strtutes svernfnE the use of AWs ofi regular<br />

roads and hlghHgys.<br />

In ll states, on road use lE prohlblted except for agrlcultUral<br />

PUrPOses,<br />

In 25 states, On ro€d use lS prohiblted except tO Crosj E<br />

h fghway.<br />

In I state, on road use ls prohiblted absotutely.<br />

I state al lows on roed use for Industrlal purposc3 or yfth a<br />

$pecfal permlt.

SEPTEMBER T989<br />

!!tl!!!!r.<br />

!u!!nd__..<br />

!!! !1rrylll<br />

glis .. --<br />

n8<br />

STATE<br />




strcE]lv<br />

HEE'<br />

lnstrtu!€ d<br />

(^.{s/s; sp<br />

th,! chril rr rhsrs e rynr GNrFn.il &ls'Ed Ohcl Artd I r.F|dl tuEn lrmGr ffitr Mhs{$t$N[ dda WIA ii d rtlrrid. k<br />

iiii,iioi;coidirili'ii'ls*dih9 tdEl;i Nnsr.d h,.,inrv.;!d's. rd n.y,rqur. rvrrh.rdrnlrEnr E nwq-Ei!tu b tM Eu{rn.d<br />

-u;.i - 't ri".r *$ lhi ci|i *n b. uFsrd m.lrny fi rEr qifiu,sssr s Mnnd ATv ,q'En.nF Fr.is .64 wra b ldilbnri inHdrr<br />

(6..il{'ur ^lS or i$ }od{snd c+fl ol lhrr .hr4<br />

I hilr stri.r . $il. 1s . rNri.. il ffir + Oir) P-3u7<br />

l?lt J.lbreh Orto 68. r ssx. @ r adhf, VA 11102 . @) 5?1.H.<br />


Apprunrx2,-ATvManur'acruRERs'REriPoNSl]sToSugcorvIN{IT<br />

AuEsrroNs<br />

OXE HUtrOFED FIfiST CONGRESS ! !!H!!T!T{ ilH<br />

li;#i.ii.1.'ir'irfi.ll^ Oorgrtdd of tDe 0Hnittt Starrd ltr'""""'""H";flnilHr<br />

Fourt ot Rrprrdrntrtibrs ffilli:::-<br />



OF ilT<br />



w^sHrtrGTON, DC 20616<br />

lErch Ul' 1990<br />

. ;.<br />

tE. Hffird P. WlIlaE ::<br />

wiJm, ort-Is & Piclffifug<br />

2445 l.t stret, Nhl<br />

thEtrirgtm, Dc 20037-1420<br />

,it_<br />

'<br />

Dear I'F. HIIIffi!<br />

In isrrctim sith the tErlrg lffiltfy held hly tbls suhdmiEt# ffi thd<br />

rdE+nqf ot sat'etY regu.lation ftr Au4tsrain Vehicls' plar+ sqDly ffi<br />

fc the Frinted twjrg Hrd to ttE ffIcd questi.ru. Yfl HitI rcte tlBt<br />

re qEtiffi rcqrire rEsFdl# by irdividEl narufrcbrffi ard otlffi Hy Ee<br />

ffied by )ru m betEu of all of tlE Hufacbffi. IfE qtEtiffi Ere teiJg<br />

*JIt to )ur alffi. r t-nst ttut n wilt otttain ffi fiflr al.l of the<br />

larufdct-8ffi iffiIvEd.<br />

ff yil hnE araf qretiro, ple ffitacts lhecdffi J. JEcoE of tfir<br />

sr:tmmitte staff.<br />

DB:tJJ rn<br />

Etrlffi<br />

(2791<br />


Qlrsticms<br />

280<br />

for Manufactur-s'<br />

t. AE ]rou lfiFsr, a prbclpal concern of the rtqnisiur ard tlle trrbIic<br />

IeadijxS to tlle consent decree Ha.s the fact, that ctrdJ-drEn tere lttjl]red ln<br />

aispr,oportimate ilftbers cn adilt+ized lilVs. Accffidirry to CFSC data, over 95<br />

of all aeiderrtg irnrcIvjrrf ddldJien IEdEE ]2 ]rave ocs:*ed

281<br />

2<br />

3. r urderstard that the milrfacfiriEng aF pl.esentry negotiatirrg vtth tlle<br />

cFsc ard the Justice DeFaturt ffir]rrnrs hprovins enforcsrent of dearer<br />

oryIi.arrce \,rith the ccrreent deqler.<br />

a) rn gerEra-I, hEr,r cro th6 Danfacfi.Ercas ffie to fuprrJve ccwrl.arr? Iftdt<br />

csn ard sftc*r].d be dffie to cftain $eater -{rIJATE frrm rtetpr.s?<br />

b) Have ar1/ of thB Eal[facblrB.B tEEdlEd aSr€ffiit rrith t]le cFEfc ald t]rE<br />

,Ius:Lice DeFarfunt ffirnftq teruirtatlcrr of d€leis?<br />

c) State sF€cifielLy r*ridr mnrfactrters<br />

d) Stat4 the details of aU 4Er€lHtits so r€6dred.<br />

4. Ste orrvry ugert fqr hty UE rtttf*tcn of rtetet oo,+Itarru fcurd a<br />

wlde 'risF.rity annrq deaier:s as to cupliarre fotr d.iffer€nt distri}utor bldds.<br />

ltle rarge uas 42 to 72 Fercertt of cleaLm Htlo $ere wiLliry to lfE.-lErd cr<br />

€rffiraqe the the use of adult"€Ize AIVE fdr drlLdl:rrtl urder 16.<br />

a) Iloht do ltqr acccN.Il'ft, for ttr,i.s wide di-sparity?<br />

b) I uder-stad tiat thB crmnisqiqn ha.s L€ateased tbe data cm lts sllrvey,<br />

PLease srpF]y the nanee ard perentaqe of crrFri.arlce fffrd by the hnnission.<br />

5- Ycil have hEard Ertitrr ttri.s rcrni''r of th. fact tlnt b:ainirs i-s crrty<br />

taken by a s[arl Ferrentaqe of tlree uho are efititled to it. rn fact, fiich<br />

flstrFs sr.grried to the curmi-ssior, r€ rearn u]'t of t}e 24o.L96 vehicrs sord<br />

Ejrrce the corEert dec*ee, trily 22,434 F€ere have taken the tffiinus, rrd.s i.E<br />

cnly abflrt 11 Fer*fi. Ilcrr do l,r:rr acccurt for th6 lor perertage of pecrple<br />

rrflfjrq tE ta]e ttte tr6lrus?<br />

6. Ilris dLssrssicm of t}lB r:sefr:lres of trdirdrg leads to a btoader<br />

quEstictl ard that iE thB efficary tr usefiirEss of eflr of the nortification,<br />

.1<br />


282<br />

3<br />

edrrcatidl ard tr:airlj-rg reqtdr€d try t}e ccrEent deee. lftrErre are thGe l.lho<br />

najrrtain that aII of tleee ;tr.crqlrarls v'jJl hare cnly a naryirrat irpact cn deatbs<br />

ar:d injuries, atd tfnt for the FFeEErtt r€ have nur gElE abdrt as far as rm en<br />

Eo, tbat deatbs atd injr:ries vIII not be eiErificnntly tedlced if the 3 ard 4<br />

ubeel vetriclea c([xlilllle to be used at IEEEerrt 1etre16? tfy q$eELictrt J.E:<br />

cierlera.Lllr, trrr do yot l€sFdd to tll.5 aryrefit? b I'Eu s$!ee tbat tbErrE<br />

rErajxs tittle tJre manrfacfir:clg can do to rrdrce deat}s ard tnjurles further?<br />

Do yor tnink it ls r"eascnable to mntirn:e to pradrce a vddcle rfiidr is UJtely<br />

to kiX ard tnalfi Eo rErV dllldren?<br />

?. I wderstEffl tllat tn many pritrate littEattcn cases intrclvlnE Afi/e'<br />

tnar$facbrrers a:re obtainirg ordels to Eeal t]e I€coLd.B h the cae. In ot<br />

cae, Clrerq v" Iltrda, I rrrderstard tbat llcrda fo.$tt wsuessfrtl-]y lrr tht<br />

o:Eqctr drrts for ete year to a\roid producfuq rccotd.g ln a caee lrvolvirry a<br />

95.9 nilliqr juoryert ln fa\rtr of tlle tnJured par.ly. lw, EI/ qlrEstlffi Isl tlhy<br />

l"s t}Li.s lfte trrJrToEe of keepirq cart pnjoceeefngs cpen is to protect<br />

tbe FrbLic's ridrt b ]axftr ard to avoid havi-nq to rcirrrre'nt t}le ffieel ever.1. tJm<br />

the eare i.sslre i"E litqdtEd. I can urderstard that the ccnpardes $€fit to avoid<br />

Edr/erse p.rbllcityr hrt there ie a lilbtic policy issr:e imrol\red llet'ts ard t}rat l-s<br />

that tte p:bfic has a ri$rt to lcrclr,t of hazard.s, €ql#Lai.fy in e ca.Ee HtHr$ s<br />

Juq,r fras dEt€tiFjlled ilch hI$ acEral ard prnitive dry, No[|r, I{try. do }|Etr<br />

ilsi-Et wr qoi-rq to great letqths to s€aL r.roLds in tleEe esffi?<br />

8. I trdrrt to er4ilore r.*rat acticrt amlt of ltcu nanrfachtEers take hfi€r| ItEr'l<br />

becorE alrare of ttre fact that a daater i.e violatjrq hiEl duw h+r 8e11fury larqe<br />

gized AlVrs for u.Ee hV sualf ddldrrrl. I'le ha\re been st.4{ilied witlr the<br />

t*ansaipt of a depoeition tal

284<br />


wrLMER, curLER & PrcKERrN- llAR ? I 1990<br />

248MsrREEl'N w<br />

eo,trE8cE.coflsuuE8^lo<br />

w EhriloroH, p c aootT.Fao<br />


r.L.rHoHc lrod ..r,6600<br />

. crrHrl. rlct, rrt.ooT+'<br />

. llarch 28, 1990<br />

Repreaentative Doug Earnard, Jt., Chalrilan<br />

Corurerce, conBuneE, and !.lonetary Af fairs subcomittee<br />

Com$lttee on Government Operations<br />

U.S. House of RePresentatlve5<br />

Rayburn House Office Building, Roon 8-377<br />

waahington' DC 20515<br />

Dear RcpreBentative Barnardi<br />

; rcLIFHdhE orr (*t 6lc-44rr<br />

o'r (+0 sle-i$t<br />

1 TEL'X<br />

lof the<br />

I appreciated the opPortunif,y to aPpear on {eharf of the<br />

ATV ihduEtry in tne hearlng before your subconurilt:" gl<br />

I:btYlIY<br />

28, 1990. this letter re3ponds to your letter of ltardh l?' 1990'<br />

reio.riing ceriain inroiniiion fron the four rnajor AT\i<br />

dis-triUut6rE, Questions three through seven appear tq catt for e<br />

ioint reaponae frofr the diatrlbutorB, and angwerE to uhese<br />

iueEtions-are enclosed aB Attachnent I. The dictribuqors HiII<br />

iach gubnlt lndividuat respon6e8 to the renaining querltions'<br />

I alao enclose a copy of<br />

I'The ATv Industry dafety<br />

Proqran: A ProgreBa Report'" AE I indicated during ny<br />

eeeftno^y, the iistribulor8 would like to have thi8 &dfrorandum<br />

iflctuded-in the hearing record. It describes the actlvitieE of<br />

,the four najor ATv distributors in Pronoting ATv Eafe$y purauant<br />

to the consent decree.<br />

we have also supplled vlriou8 ltens of info{Eation that<br />

the subconuflittee requeBted during the hearing wlth ou4<br />

correctiona to the hearing transcript.<br />

EncIoaur6E<br />

V6ry truly youra'<br />

--41<br />

V"...-,./,<br />

Hd[{ard P. t{illlen8<br />

/ /,{J,<br />

tJ," )

Questio! !<br />

285<br />

Attachnent I<br />

Joint ReePonse of Anerican Honda,<br />

Kawasak i, EuiqLlr-ln(L$rahg<br />

The ATV distributors HiII continue to uee theit be8t<br />

efforta to achieve compliance by thelr dealers with all<br />

dlrectives issued by the distributors purauant to the conaenE<br />

itec.... As part of this effort they HiII continue to fook for ncr9<br />

^"in"a" of iinproving dealer cooperation' Some of these methode<br />

aie the EubjelE of iegotiations with the CPsc and the Justlce<br />

Departrnentr-which are ongoing' At the conclusion of these<br />

ne-gotiatione, $e Expect lhat-information about Ehe diBtributorBl<br />

Irrograms will be available.<br />

Oueqtiq4l<br />

(a) Eone of the di8tributorE believe that the figureB<br />

repoEt€d refiect (albeit imperfectly! the Buccess of their<br />

p.igr.." for obtaining dealer coopeiation.. Nonetheless, glven thc<br />

]i*ited infornation the ATV distributors have about the<br />

circurnstances under whlch the CPSC survey htas conducted, and the<br />

questionable accuracy of the methoda of data collection and<br />

inalyeis that were uied, the distributors cannot offer any firn<br />

conci.usions with respect to the disSlarity among the figures'<br />

. (b) The cPsc's rePort of iEs survey of dealers and the<br />

acconpanying stateflenta issued by the ATv dllEtributors in re8ponae<br />

.." nL* i titr*. of public record. The infortnation requested is<br />

available in t.hat rePortr<br />

Question 5<br />

Purchaeera Eo whom the training courEe is prinarily<br />

directed -- flrBt-tine riderB of ATvs -- are being trained in<br />

eubetantial nunbera, according to the Eraining figures EupPlied to<br />

the CPSC. Roughly 30 percent of fir8E-tifte ATV purchasera rdith no<br />

prevloua -familiee) ridini experlence (or rdeftbere of their immediate<br />

were reported trained in the last quarter of 1989'<br />

Since bh; incepti6n of the traininq Program' rorrghly 20 percent of<br />

theae purchaeere 1or their faBily nernUeis) have been trained' trith<br />

the numberg trained increaeing every quarter.<br />

A recent, independent Burvey found that experienced AT\l<br />

ridlers are much IGsg likely to take the training couEse' In a<br />

28-78rO-90-ro<br />


286<br />

aurvey of ATV purchasers \.Jho declined to accept free training<br />

(even with a financial incentive), 98 percent of those surveled<br />

said they were aware that free training was available, MoEt<br />

people surveyed jndicated that they declined to Lake training<br />

Decause they rEgard themaelves as already sufficientLy<br />

experienced. Some BB percenL of the purchasers surveyed stated<br />

that they declirred training because they',already knew how to<br />

rjde" an ATV. SinilarIy, l.arge percentlges stated that they had<br />

ridden Bimilar vehicl"es in the past. or hid previously owned'<br />

anolher ATV, and 5l percent. said they had learned from experienced<br />

family members, In addition, a substantial number of purihasers<br />

stated that they did not have enough time to take the -eix- Co<br />

eightrhour course nandated by the final consent decree.<br />

Question 6<br />

The Cp$C has projected that the flumber of AIv_related<br />

injuries and fatalities will continue to decline through at Ieasr<br />

1992. The rates of injurieB and fatalitieB per thousand vehicle8<br />

in use have been declining aE well, The dislributors wiII<br />

continue to consider rrew ways to produce furth6r declines, A<br />

Itrosb proftising way to further proftote reduction of injuries and<br />

deaths may be through state legislation to regulate efv use. The<br />

distributors support such regislation consistent with the consent<br />

decree.<br />

That being satd, the distributors firmly believe that<br />

ATVs present no unreasonable risk f.o consumers, Eomparison of ATV<br />

accident data with corresponding data for other typei of popular<br />

recreat.ional activities shows that the injury and fatality iates<br />

for ATVB are no higher *- and in a number'of-instances ari Lo*".<br />

-- than for a variety of such activities,<br />

OuqBtion 7<br />

The proceedinge in Oberg v. Hondg are stil] in progress,<br />

and therefore it would Ue ina[prE[iTETE--tb comment on the details<br />

of Chat case, More generally. it must be observed that the ATV<br />

distributors, Iike all businesses, have a legit.imate inlerest in<br />

protecting confidential, coftpetitively sensitive business<br />

information from unlinited disclosure -- ndt to avoid adveree<br />

publicity, but to prolect thLrir ability to compete effectively in<br />

the_marketplace. For efiarilple, a distributor w6uId suffer injiry<br />

to its competitive position in the ATV induEtry -* and, inOeid,<br />

in the entire motorized vehicle industry -- if certain<br />

information about its market research, iinances, pricing<br />

practices, product evaluation, or other areas of busineis were<br />

disclosed to its coiflpetitorE in the industry, Obviously,

287<br />

informaEion that is disclosed to the public will alao be available<br />

to compet.itoEs.<br />

The Federal Rules of Civil ProceduEe, and state<br />

procedural ruIeB baEed upon them, recognize this interest in<br />

protecting confidential, cdmpetitively sensitive business<br />

information. Federal Rule 26(c) provides for qualified protection<br />

of such information $rhere courts find good cause for protection.<br />

Courts typically use a balancing test to determine whether good<br />

cause exists, weighing the need for discloeure againet the injury<br />

that would result, Hhen a Iitigant has requeated Froduction of<br />

materials that the ATV di8tributors believe would re6ult in<br />

competitive injrrry if discloeed in some ftanner, such as to<br />

competitors, the distributors ordinarily assert their rights under<br />

the procedural rules Lo obtain a prolective order preventi.ng the<br />

lnformation from being disclosed oulside of the Iitigation.<br />

- 3 -

288<br />




FebruarT 27rI990

289<br />



Executi.v.e<br />

-Surunary<br />

The ATV lndustry haB undertaken a congul|ler Bafety<br />

program of unprecedented scope and magnitude pursuant to<br />

a consent d€cree, agreed to by the four major ATV<br />

distributors and the Government, that took effect on<br />

ApriI 28, I988<br />

ALI aspects of the safety progEarfl called for by the<br />

decree have been implernented on schedule. The<br />

distributors have taken reeponsible and effective action<br />

to coftply wiEh the decree.<br />

In certain instances wherc the CPSC has taken iseue<br />

with the reported conduct of some independent<br />

dealers, the distributors have taken additional stepE to<br />

ensure that their dealers cooperate fulIy with the<br />

distributors' directives under the decree.<br />

Injury data indicate that both the number and the rete<br />

of ATV-related injuries are dropping eubatantially,<br />

continuing the trend since 1985. The fataliEy rate also<br />

has decLined significantly during that period. The risk<br />

of injury or fatality from ATV riding is Io$rer than that<br />

for numerous other recreational activities.<br />

Any effort to supplant or modify the progran no$ wouLd<br />

be premature, unjustified, and potentially<br />

counterproductive.<br />

The diBtributorB have tEhen nunerous actionB to<br />

implement the neH safety program!<br />

o The diBtributors have established In unpEecedented.<br />

nationwide, hande-on training prograft for aII ATV<br />

riders. Training is now available at approximately<br />

IrI40 training sites throughout the United States,<br />

and the number of people trained has been<br />

increasing steadily.<br />

o The stop-sale and repurchase of aII new Ehreewheeled<br />

ATVg has been completed, and independent<br />

surveys have confirmed that no new three-$rheeled<br />

ATVg remain in the inventory of any of the<br />

distributors' retail dealers in the United Statea.<br />

o The distributors are makinE every feasible effort<br />

to qgsure that ATV3 are narketed in fuLI compliancc

- it -<br />

290<br />

with thc rninimum aqe provisiong of the decree. llhe<br />

age reconmendations are communicabed to potential<br />

purchasers in a wide_ variety of i.rays, paiticularly<br />

at the point of purchase. In addition, retail<br />

dealers are directed to communicate the age<br />

recommendations orally to al"I customerB oi risk<br />

ternination of their privilege to sett ATVS,<br />

The distributors conducted an unprecedented public<br />

safety a$rareneaB media campaign, costing rougtrly<br />

eight million dollars, The c;mpaign exceeded its<br />

goals for reaching the targeted-audience.<br />

Past ATV purchasers have received updated safety<br />

information in a 2O-page owner,s ma-nual supplemint,<br />

Eupplemental vehicle labels, and a ',gafety-iferi;;<br />

publication.<br />

All new purchasers of AtVs now receive information<br />

about safe ATV use in a.variety of srays, including<br />

owner's manuals and vehicle waining llbers. rn<br />

addition, the inforrnation is disptiyed at ATV<br />

deaf erships on point,-of-purchase^ de-vices inc_luding<br />

a videotape, vehicle hang tags, a Large poster,<br />

and the safeEy alert publication.<br />

The ATV distributors have egtabLighed a toLI_free<br />

telephone hotline to provide information about ATV<br />

safety and training to consuners.<br />

program'.<br />

If:_]o!tl":ch<br />

has provided the ArV saf€ry<br />

vroeo and brochures on request to over Irlo0<br />

consumer organizations.<br />

In cooperation with the cpsc, the dlctEibutors<br />

developed a voluntary standard for various<br />

characteristics of four-\.rheeled ATVS. The standard<br />

was recentLy approved by the American NationaL<br />

Standards Institute. Development df a standard for<br />

lateral etabiliEy ia procceding, and an interim<br />

agreement on lateral stability has been reached.<br />

lhe ATV distributors continue to Eupport meaningful<br />

Btate Iegislation consistent with thi consent decree to<br />

regulate ATV use.

29r<br />

-ttt-<br />


I. Introduction and Backgrountl . . -<br />

II. Training Progran.<br />

IrI. Prohibition of SaIe of Ner.t Three-wheeled ATVS<br />

IV. Age RecoawendationE<br />

v. The Public AHareness Media CamPaign .<br />

VI. other Safety Messages<br />

VII.<br />

VIII.<br />

rx.<br />

A. safety Messages to Past Purchasers<br />

l. Owner's l,lanual supPlement<br />

2. SuppIemenEal<br />

LabelB<br />

3. ATVsafeLy<br />

Alert<br />

B. Safety Messagea to Ner Purchlaers . . . 3t<br />

I. New ottner's trlanuals 32<br />

2. New warning LabeIE 32<br />

3. Point-of-Purchase Coflnunications 33<br />

C. other consumer Safety Programs 34<br />

I. TheToll-FreeHotline .. ' ' 3tl<br />

?. The Outreach Program " " 34<br />

Voluntary Standard 35<br />

StaEe Leqislation<br />

Conc lus ion<br />

I<br />

7<br />

15<br />

r7<br />

23<br />

29<br />

29<br />

?9<br />

30<br />

31<br />

39<br />


292<br />

I *<br />

Introduction and Background<br />

The all-terrain vehicle ("ATV") indugtry has undertaken<br />

a consumer safely program of unprecedented Bcope and nagniEude,<br />

The program has been instiEuted pursuant bo a consen! decree<br />

signed by the four major ATV diEtributorE and the Department of<br />

*Ius t ice .<br />

A. The Con8ent Decree<br />

The Final Consent Decree (the t'consent decree" or th€<br />

"decree") was approved by Judge cerhard GeBeIl on April 28, 1988,<br />

in Unibed States v. Afterican Honda l.lotor Co. et al., Clvil No. 87*<br />

3525 (D.D.C.). The decree represents an agreement between the<br />

four najor distribuEors of ATV5 and the United StateE covernment<br />

Eo Eake certain positive BtepB to enhance ATV Bafety, In<br />

approving the decree, Judge ceBell noted that "no decree designed<br />

to protect consurnerB haa ever gone thiB far." A6 Judge ceEell<br />

alEo indicated, by signing the decree the partie$ avoided years<br />

of cosEIy Iitigation and provided detailed guidelinee for an<br />

e*tenBive safety program that could be implemenbed irunediately.<br />

B, Distributorsr EffortB to Promote ATV Safety<br />

Long before the conEent decree was signed, the AtV<br />

industry undertook voluntary efforts to reduce the nunber of AtV-<br />

iii<br />


'<br />

,{<br />

293<br />

- 2 -<br />

related injurieE. For instance' Eeny Aln advertlBementE htrrncal<br />

riders to wear helnets and eye protection. AE the distributorB<br />

became aware of inJuriea associated wlth iMProper riding<br />

practic€s, they increaaed the number of safety meBaageB in thcir<br />

regular advertisements and developed special safety advertising<br />

program8. These advertisenents communicated many Qf the Eame<br />

aafety n€ssagea that had al$ay8 been contained in ATV owner'8<br />

nanual8. In,addition, in 1985 the disEribuEors began tork on I<br />

voluntary standard for ATVB through Eheir trade asaociation' the<br />

SFecialty vehicle rnatitute of ArDerica ("SVrAi)-<br />

since the decree took effect' the Aw diBtributor$ have<br />

noved rapidly-to inPlenenb the various EafetY progEams called for<br />

by the decrec. Among other thing8r the dlstribrrtora have<br />

eEtabliEhed a nationr,ride Eraining Proqram for alI ATv riderB,<br />

executed a nulti-nitlion dollar public safety advertlsing<br />

campaign, and comnunicated Eafety neaEages fo ATV owners'<br />

potential l)urchaaer8, and other consultrers in I hoat of other HayB.<br />

rn addition, the diBtrlbutor8 have stoPPed aII EaleE of nee three-<br />

wheeted ATVB and have developed a voluntary Etandard for all new<br />

four-$heeled ATvs. TheBe ncs Eafety measures are described in<br />

detail in the following aectiona of thi$ paper.<br />

The disEributors have aIEo been iJorkinq ulth their<br />

independent retail dealers Eo aBEuEe thag th€ dealerB cooPerate In<br />

the new Ptogram. By uriEtcn directives and other Inea8urc8' ghe<br />

i<br />

{<br />


. 294<br />

- 3 -<br />

diEtrib{rEorE havc r€Ireatedly streaEed the iEportencc of folloi,rlng<br />

the policie5 that the di$EributorB adopted $rhen they signed the<br />

decree. As a result, dealers are distriburing safety literature,<br />

showing safety videoe, displaying warning $igner and conveyint<br />

required warninge orally as part of their uales presentations.<br />

Dealers 6re bound by their dealerehip contracts to comply with<br />

these directive8.<br />

C. CPSC Honitoring of Distributor Conpliance<br />

The distributorB' efforEs under the consent decree have<br />

been monitored closely by the Consumer product Safety Commiesion<br />

("CPSCrr), Btate and locaI authorl.ties, private groul)s, and the<br />

diatribut.orB' themEelves. The compliance record ha6 been<br />

excellent,<br />

To date, the CPSC has focuged on the di8tributors'<br />

compliance with only a single aspect of the decree, Two<br />

investigations conduct.ed by the CPSC led it Eo ralse questionB<br />

about the behavior of Eome of Ehe diBtributors' indeFendent<br />

dealers, Aa di8cussed in rnore detail in Section III, the CPSC<br />

Eent investigatora to conduct a survey of aone ATV dealeEa in<br />

Virginia, and later conducted a similar aurvey of a sample of ATV<br />

dealers nationwide, The ftethodology of both 6urveys is<br />

questionable, and the reBultB are inconaiatent wlth Ehe<br />

distribut.org' own information about their daalere. Nonefheleaa,<br />

,<br />

.rS<br />


295<br />

* a -<br />

the CPSC interpreted the rurvey! to indicate that sosl6 d€al€rs<br />

nere not providing appropriate information [o EheiE cuBtomerE<br />

ebout the recomrnended mininum ages for operatlng ATVB oE certain<br />

sizeg. .Neither aurvey found any evidence that ATVg were actually<br />

being sold for uge by children younger than the recomrnended<br />

ninimun ageB, nor that Ehe variouE point-of-purchage deviceE<br />

designed Eo connunicate the age recorhmendaEione Here ineffeetiv€.<br />

InsEeaal, the CPsc $urveys isolated a single adpecf, of the consent<br />

decree and focussed on it out of the context of the total safety<br />

program. . In fact, Burveyg conducted for various distributors sho$<br />

thet 95 petcent of ATv purchaaer8 $rith children under 16 are a\,Jare<br />

of the 69e recoruendationE when they purchase ATVB.<br />

. Upon learning of each CPSC surveyr the distribut.ors took<br />

steps to reaolve any problefts thdt Bight e*iat. In each instancet<br />

thGy aent atrongly eorded comunicationE to aII dealers informing<br />

them of the survey and.rcninding Ehem that they nust be surc thrt<br />

sll ptospective ATV Purchaaers aie nade aware oE the age<br />

recommendationE. As deecribed in section Iv, the distributorg<br />

aleo worked with the CPSC Eo dcvrlop additional fteasureB to help<br />

further enBure that the agG reconunendatiol1a are ptoperly<br />

conmunicated to both proaPective cuBhonerB and new purchasers.

D. Progrea8 To Date<br />

\,5<br />

296<br />

-<br />

The CPSC haB proJected that, rrlth the congent decree ln<br />

place, the number of annual AfV-related inJuries wiII decline by<br />

54.5 percent between 1985 and 1992. To date, Ehis projection hae<br />

been confirned by a dorrynward EEend: CFSC data Bhow that injuries<br />

have already decreased by aborrt 34 percent since IggS. The raEe<br />

of lnJuries, adjusted for t.he increasing nunber of vehicleE ln<br />

uae, has declined by 52 percent in the eame perlod.<br />

CPSC data al$o show nearly a ?Z percenb decrease in the<br />

Atv-related fat.aliEy rrte sincE 1985, The fatality rate ha8 noE<br />

dropped as EubaCanEially aa the injury rate, perhape becauee<br />

fatatity raEes tend to be less sensitive than injury rate3 to<br />

behavioral changes. A substantial number of ATV fataliEies result<br />

fron extreme forne of vehicle nisuse, r,rhich continue to occur<br />

de8pite effort8 to educate the riding public. More than three-<br />

fourth$ of all ATv-related faralltie6 in I9g9 involved rldlng<br />

Eractices that Ehe distributors specificatrly r,rarn against,<br />

including abuee of alcohol and drugsT riding without helmets,<br />

carrying pas3engera, riding on pavement, and riding on public<br />

roads. Forty-six percent of fatal ATV accidentB in 1989 occurred<br />

on public roadE or railroad tracks, and most of these involved<br />

collision wit.h another vehicle.

w<br />

- 6 -<br />

At pEeaenEr the fEtality rate for ATV8 :- about one pcr<br />

91000 ATVE in use -- iB lotter than that for numerous other<br />

recreational activities, including ftdtorcycling and snowmobiling,<br />

when adjusted for houre of use, and is about the Eame ae for<br />

bicycling. The ATv-related fatality rat.e is almoEt 70 percent<br />

loter than the average per-vehicle faEality rate for passenger<br />

cars.<br />

E. Federal LegislaEion IE UnjuEtified At This Point<br />

Any effort to supplant. or modify thia prdgrafl through<br />

federal Iegislat.ion would be boLh premature and unjustified. The<br />

contentions of Ehe ATv critics about alleged defectE in the<br />

product have never been substantiated. In facE, Government<br />

engineers have been unable to establish that ATVB are nechanically<br />

defectlve. Any federal legi$Iation based on unproved allegationa<br />

would raise severe conEtibutional queetione and would be eubject<br />

to challenge in the courts. The sole effect of attempted<br />

IegislaEive modificationa to the decree would be to provoke<br />

extenBive and time-coneuming Iitigation that could only delay the<br />

' provieion of fteaningful benefits to consumera. ltloreover, if the<br />

decree fails to provide aII the relief sought, Ehe CP$C Hilil soon<br />

have broad authority to seek such further relief lt deeme<br />

necessary. Under the decree, hhe restriction on the CPSC'8<br />

ability to obtain further reliefr including recalI or repurchase'

?98<br />

- 7 -<br />

under Section 15 of the Coneuner producE Safety Act expireB at the<br />

end of this year.<br />

II, The Unpreced€nted Training program Conteftplaeed By the<br />

Decree Has Been FUIIy Implenented<br />

t.o "offer<br />

Under the consent decree, the ATV distributors undertook<br />

to aII interested perBonB a nationwide hand8-on training<br />

Frogran," EetabliEhing the training program has been a conplex<br />

and expensive task. Over 1,500 instructors have now been trained<br />

and licenEed to conducE the courses, and over one Ehousand<br />

training Eite8 have been established t.hroughout the uniEed state8.<br />

The vast administrative network necessary to ftanage a progran of<br />

this magnitude has been put in place, As a result, hands-on<br />

training is now available for netrr ATV purchasers and other<br />

eligible persons in virtually every part of the United StateE.<br />

A. Scope and NaEure of Program<br />

Hands-on tralning is now aveileble at approximately<br />

I,I40 ttelning sites acrosa the United States and availabitity<br />

continues to increase. PeraonB Hho purchased new ATVE after<br />

December 30f 1986, and ineinbers of their innediate families who<br />

fteet the mininum age recoftflendation6, ftay take the cour6e free of<br />

charge. OEher intereated peraon8 nay take bhe courae, but they<br />

ftay be charged a reaBonable fee. The courae la8ta Eix to eight<br />


299<br />

- I - . ,<br />

hourE. Each trainee ttray take the courae tthile riding hiE or her<br />

own ATV, or the instructor $ill loan t.he sEudent an ATV on rrhich<br />

Eo take the training. Special rules apply to classes for<br />

children<br />

under age 16.<br />

The eurriculur$ $as devilopcd fron a pre*exieting 8\lIA<br />

courge that was modified and srrpplemented in accordance Hith the<br />

con$ent decree. The nel, curriculum underwent a proceBs of EesfinE<br />

and comnent, waB approved by Ehe CPSC, and has been in use for<br />

ftore than a year. A revised veraion of the courae handbook hag<br />

been completed and wiII be provided to all who t.ake bhe course.<br />

B. Adninistration and staffinE<br />

The ATv distributorB adninister the training progran<br />

Ehrough the ATV Safety InBtitute (xA$rn), a division of hhe SVIA'<br />

ASI is responsible for the oveEaII administration of the training<br />

Frogram, In particular, ASI is charged with evalualing the<br />

training currlculumi coordinating the training program with other<br />

private, military, and state government programs; supervising<br />

regional aclftiniBtrators; overseeing the recruiting, training, and<br />

assisting of instructore; coordinating proftotion of the programi<br />

coordinating cofiuflunications to distributor8r dealers' instructorB,<br />

and regional Etaff; and developing and distributing publications<br />

relating to the program.

- 9 -<br />

800<br />

AsI has divided the United State8 into sixr,regions,,and<br />

assigned a full-tlme "regional administrator" and Eupport.<br />

perEonnel Eo each. The regional adminiBtratora are responsible<br />

for maintaining training siEee wiLhin their regione and supportrng<br />

them wilh an appropriate nuflber of inBtructorB. The regional<br />

adminiBtrators musE also promote participation in the training<br />

pEogram by new ATV purchasers in their regions.<br />

"rider<br />

In E-urnf theee eix regions have been divided into 344<br />

training areas.'tf/ The regional adminiBtrators have<br />

recruit.ed and trained 2?4 part-time "area adftinist.ratorB'to<br />

manage the program within each training aEea. (Where approprlace,<br />

some aree adninistrators manage two adjacent areas.) The area<br />

administratorE are responsible for working rrith the dealere in<br />

t.heir areas Eo promote the training progran at the tine of sale<br />

and to collect nanes and addre6ses of new ATV purchasere and otner<br />

poEenEial students. Area administrators also Echedute<br />

inBbructors Eo teach the cJasses. To help area administratora<br />

work effectively, ASI has provided t.hem uiEh a set of guidelines<br />

and Etandard formE,<br />

The 344 rider training areaE contain approximately<br />

1,140 training sit€E distributed acroag the country. If no<br />

L4 The number of rider training areas changes slighely over<br />

tine aa AST deterftines that a new area should be created or L*o<br />

areas should be combined to iiflprove the administration of the<br />

trainj.ng program,<br />

'<br />


901<br />

- 1 0 -<br />

treining slte is located so that I neH purchaaer can redch it<br />

conveniently, the area adminietrator wiII make reasdnable effortB<br />

to arrange for an instructoE to travel to a convenient Iocation to<br />

train the purchaseE and, where poeaible, other intereated persons<br />

near that location. ASI siII establieh additional t.raining Bites<br />

aB necessary to as8ure that the prograh is accessible to as many<br />

ncw ATV purchasers as possible,<br />

ASI has recruited and trained 69 chief inEtructoEa i.rho,<br />

in Eurn, have Erained the roUghly I,500 instructor6 who ate<br />

currently Ilcen$ed by ASL<br />

FinaIIy, ASI has chosen state coordlnators foE certain<br />

SEaEes, aB called for by the conaent decree. The Etate<br />

coordinators are working with their atatesr governflents to<br />

coordinate the ASI training program eith Btate programs and<br />

Eraining requirements -<br />

C. Pronotion<br />

A syslem of monetary incentlves has been established to<br />

encourage training of aB rtrany ATV riders as posBible. NeH ATV<br />

fturchasera are oEfered their choice of $50 in caah, a $I00 U.S.<br />

eavings bondl or (for one ATV brand) a 975 merchandise<br />

certificate as an incentive to complet.e the training courBe. Both<br />

tegional administrators and area administrators receive a

- I I -<br />

comrnission for each rider trained in their area in addition to<br />

Eheir salary or contract fee, Chief inBtructors receive a<br />

contract fee for conducting instructor training couraes andl ae an<br />

incentive to train effective inst.ructors, aIEo receive a<br />

comission for every rider Eheir inBtructorE traln. Flnally, the<br />

instructors themselves receive a fee for every rider they train.<br />

The primary task of using the nonelary incentives to<br />

encourage ATV purchasere and other eligible pereone to coftplete<br />

the t.raining courEe Iies with the dealers rrorking in conjunction<br />

with t.he area administ.raEors. At the tirne a new ATV is purchased,<br />

the dealer cornpl€tes a rider training certificaEe and forwarde a<br />

copy of tt to the area administrator. The cerhificate provides<br />

the administrator lrith informat.ion about the purchaser and any<br />

fanity members ellgible for hraining. Dealer$ alao provide a<br />

colorful brochure and display a poster developed by the<br />

dislribuEors to prdmote lhe course. The training certiflcated,<br />

brochure, and a reduced copy of the po8ter are included in the<br />

Compliance Binder at Tab A.<br />

Upon receivlng a coftpleted certificate from a dealer,<br />

the area administrator contacts the pro8pective Etudent eeveral<br />

timeB to promote the training program. The adminiEtrator<br />

telephonea the purchaser to encourage hift and hls family to take<br />

the course, atteftpting to echedule a convenient Eine and<br />

emphasizing the monetary incentives offered by the diBtributors.

303<br />

- 1 2 -<br />

Once training haB been echeduled, the adminlstrator Bend8 a<br />

confirmation letter advieing the atudent of the time and location<br />

of the courBe, clothing requirementB, and olher neceaBary<br />

information. Another tclephone call iE made to the student before<br />

the scheduled Eraining session to confirm that he will attend or,<br />

where neceseary, to reschedule the session,<br />

The tEaining program 1s aIBo prornofed Ehrough nany of<br />

the disEribuEorE' corununicationa with consuners, including vehicle<br />

labeIs, hang tagE and other point-of-purchase maEeriale, owner'a<br />

manuale, public outreach materials, a safety video, and<br />

promotional advertiseftenhs. These conununicationa urge ATv riderE<br />

to take the courBe and provide an "ATV hotline" telephone nufiber<br />

that they ftay caII to obtain ilore information about the training<br />

Pr09 ram.<br />

D. ProjecttdEffGctlvGncsg<br />

The nunber of persone coftpleting the training course<br />

hae increased steadily. ASI has reported that ?7,?43 persons Here<br />

trained chrough December 3l' 1989. The training figuree for l9Bg<br />

rose each quarteri 2,L47t 5,612, 8,743, antl 9,435' respectively.<br />

In the lagt quarter of 1989 over 30 percent of firEt-tlfte<br />

purchagcrs -- the ridera the course is primarily designed to<br />

reach -* or nenbers of their fanilies were trained. Tbe number<br />


- 1 3 -<br />

304<br />

trained should continue to nount durlng the coning Bpring and<br />

Eununer ftonthB of 1990,<br />

Ultinately' of course, the level of participation in Ehe<br />

progran ni11 depend on the intereat and willingness of purchasers<br />

to aEfend the Eix- Eo elght-hour course. l{hile the distributora<br />

intend Eo rnake every reasonable effort to Pronote the Eraining<br />

program, there are certain. Iiniting factorE. RePeat. purchaBer8t<br />

sho make u;l a substantial percentage of aII purchaaerEr wiIJ<br />

llkely not t.ake the courBe. In additionr the use of ftonet.ary<br />

incentiveE can play only a linited role in inducing new riders to<br />

Bet a3id6 a fult day of what ftay be linited free time to attend<br />

any kind of training course.<br />

In the aunmer of 1989, ASI conducted a eurvey of 347 ATv<br />

purchaBerE who declined to accept the dist.ributore' offer of free<br />

training in an atteftpt to identlfy any reason6 why purchasers<br />

night be diBcouraged from t.aking the course. The survey found<br />

that 98 percent of thoBe Eurveyed were aware that training was<br />

available, and diBclosed no aignificant flavrs in the courge' The<br />

gurvey alEo found that mogt people i{ho decline to take training do<br />

go beeauae they regard themselves ae already sufflciently<br />

cxperienced. Some 88 percent. of the Purchase16 eurveyed gtated<br />

that they declined training because they "already knew how to<br />

ride" an ATv. Similarly, Iarge percentages stated that they had<br />

ridden sinilar vehicles in the past oE had previously orrned

,, 305<br />

- t { -<br />

another ATV, and 5l percent Bald thcy hed learncd fron experienced<br />

family menberE. In addition, a eubetantial number of purchaserB<br />

stated that t.hey clid not have enough tilne to take Ehe courEe.<br />

ASI has been negotiating with various StaEe governfientS<br />

to Obtain their endorsement of the ASI training program as<br />

appropriaEe for use to sat.isfy any sqate ATV training<br />

requirements, as welI aE their assistance with itB adftinistrat.ion.<br />

To dabe, such agreements have been reached with the states of<br />

Utah, Maine, California, and Oregon. NegotiationB Hith New york,<br />

Pennsylvania, trtichigan, North Dakota, Iorra, and TexaB appear<br />

promising as rrell. By securing Etate support for the ASI course,<br />

the distEibutors hope to achieve significant increaseg in rider<br />

participation.<br />

The distribut.or8 rrill continue to look for other yrayE to<br />

inprove fhe quality of the program. The distributors have created<br />

training ta8k force colnnittees conBi$ting of representatives of<br />

each diBtributor and of ASI to fteet periodicatly to reviei,,<br />

various aspect3 of the training prograft and recorflmend infrroveftentg<br />

wngre neceSsaryr

306<br />

- 1 5 *<br />

III. The Provislons of the ConEent Deeree Aclating .to Future<br />

SaIe of Three-wheeled ATVS Have Been FulIy Implemented<br />

The consent alecree calIg .for the Afv distributors to<br />

stop-Belling three-wheeled ATVB to dealers for retail sale, and to<br />

offer to repurchase or provide credit for new three-wheeled ATva<br />

Etill in inventory. The distributors irnrnediately put the sEop-<br />

sale into effect, and have now Euccessfully coftpleted it.<br />

A. EffortE to Ifiplenent the Stop-Sale<br />

Upon entry of a Preliminary congent Decree on December<br />

30, 1987, the ATV distributors irunediately haLted marketing,<br />

salgg, and diEtribution of all three-wheeled ATvs to their retail<br />

dealers. tfithin days, Ehe distribuEors notlfied their reEai]<br />

deaLerB by nailgran Eo halt all narketlng and aaleB of Ehree-<br />

wheeled ATVB that were new or had not yeb been eold to e consumer.<br />

Sirnult.aneoualy, the di8Eributor8 offered to take back aIl Buch<br />

three-eheeled ATVB in the dealera' possession or control. They<br />

Eave the dealers s choiee of Eeceivinq a comrnercially reasonable<br />

gftdunt of caEh or credlt or Eome other connercially reaaonable<br />

adjuBtment in r6Eurn.<br />

thereafterr as required by the Final conaenE Decree, the<br />

dlBtributor8 uaed thelr best effort8 to ensure thaq their retail<br />

dealere did not market or sell new or prevloltEly rrneold Ehree-<br />

rdheeled ATVB. Upon receiving reports -- from the CFSC and from<br />


307<br />

_r5_<br />

other roureca -- that aofrc derlcr8 i'crc offcring Euch vchiclee for<br />

sdle, the digtributor$ contdcted hhe dealEra erho had been :<br />

idenhified to deterftine the facta, In Bany inst.ancesl the Cealerq<br />

were offering to sell uaed vehiclea or engaging in some other<br />

conduct that did not violate Ehc conaent decree. In t.he few ca8ea<br />

in which the reportE Here accurate, thG dietribuEore dir€cted the<br />

offending dealers to Etop the iEproper sales imrnediately. In Ewo<br />

insLdnceB, proceedings have been initiated t.o terftinat.e thc<br />

contractB of dealers qrho vldlated the stop-sale.<br />

fn addition, each distributor rttemptcd to deterfiine thr<br />

number of new or unsold three-Hheeled ATVB remaining in dealers'<br />

invent.orieB and provided qhat infor$ation to the CPSC. Thr<br />

distributors made folloe-up contacts of dealerE with such vehiclca<br />

stiII in inventory Eo encourage then to accept the buy-back<br />

offer.<br />

Sanple directiveB fron distributoEs to deelerE regardlnE<br />

the stop-sale arc included in the Conpliance Binder at Tab B.<br />

A, The Stop-Sale Eaa Been SuccesEfully Conplet6d<br />

At this time, the stop-sali and repurchase of Ehree-<br />

Uheeled'ATVB has heen EucceeEEuIIy conpleted. To the knowledge of<br />

the ATV di$tributorE, no three-wheeled ATVg which ilre ne$ or have<br />

not been Eold to I congumer renain ln Ehc inventories of their<br />

retail dealers ln the United Statc8. The December 1988 survey by

308<br />

-r?-<br />

the CPSC of ATv dealers ln Virginia found no new three-$heeled<br />

vehicleB in any dealer's inventoryr indicaEing the succeBg of the<br />

progran. TheBe results were confirmed by the CPSC's recently<br />

released<br />

"undercover" aurvey of ATv dealera nationwide, which<br />

Iikewiee found that no net three-etheeled ATVS trere being offeretl<br />

for Bale by any ATv dealer surveyed.<br />

The Flnal ConBent Decree provides that the [arketing and<br />

lale of thtee-wheeled ATvs may be pernitted ln the futuEe -- but<br />

qII to the extent that 6uch vehicles neeE a CPsc-promulgeted<br />

nrndatory standard or CPsc-approved voluntary standard. No<br />

nandatory Btandard currently exiets, and the voluntary standard<br />

approved by the CPSC and the Afterican NaEional Standarda InBtitute<br />

applies Eolely to four-wheeled ATv3. Accordingly, nevr three-<br />

$heeled ATV5 cannot be marketed or EoId'<br />

rv. Thc DistributorE Have l,lede Every Fcasible Effort to<br />

A5sure that ATV3 are l{arketed in FuIl Coftpliance wifh<br />

the Age Provisiona of the Decree<br />

under the consent decree, the ATV distributors agreed to<br />

represent affirmatively that certain sized ATVE ghould only be<br />

operated by persone above cerbain mininun agea. ThiE lncluded a<br />

cotunitnent Ehat the diBtributors trould use Eheir<br />

"be5t effortB" to<br />

as3uEe that their rEtaiI dealers ftade the Bane repreBentations.<br />

The distribuEors have fully conplied trith their agreement'

300<br />

-tt-<br />

A, The Age RecoMendationE Are Provided by Retril<br />

Dealers and In t{any Other Ways<br />

Following entry of the Prelininary ConBent Decree, each<br />

diBtributor informed its dealers in wriEing of the mirrimum age<br />

recoftnendations established in Ehet decreei 16 years old to<br />

operat.e adult-Eiee vehicleB (thoBe Hith greaEer Ehan 90 cc<br />

displacement) and I2 yeara old to operate youth-size vehiclea<br />

(those with 70 to 90 cc di8placefient). The dist.ributor8 directed<br />

their dealerE to abide by the age recomendationE in all their<br />

dealings with customers. The distributors again contacted lhe<br />

deaLers after approval of the Final ConsenE Decree *- which<br />

incorporated the same age recoBrnendationB -- and refirinded the<br />

dealers of the importance of properly conmunicating them t.o alI<br />

customerB. Since that tine, the distribut.ors have repeated thiB<br />

admonition at various fimes, Sanple directives are included in<br />

Ehe Compliance Binder at Tab B.<br />

, Atthough the dealera are independent business entitiea,<br />

'they are bound by their contracEs Hith t.he disEributors t.o follow<br />

distributors' directives, Therefore, the dealers are obligated to<br />

coftply with the dislribut.ors' inatrucEions regarding age<br />

recoruflendationa. Failure to provide the age recofimendatione in an<br />

appropriate ftanner may be a ground for Eerminabion of ghg dealer's<br />

privilege to selI ATvs, depending upon aII Lhe circumstances and<br />

n J

Br0<br />

- 1 9 -<br />

applicable staEe dealership law. sarnple contract proviBions are<br />

included in Ehe Conpliance Binder at Tab C.<br />

The consent decree conteftplateS an unfrrecented web of<br />

informat.ion programs Eo ensure that consumers learn the age<br />

recomendations and other information about safe ATV use. The<br />

cuslomer in Ehe dealer's showrooft Beea the recoftmendation6 on<br />

vehicle labels (including special age recoffinendation warning<br />

Iabels), on hang tagB, in a Bafety videor on a large Bafety<br />

poEter, in a "safety alertr publication, and in variorre other ATv<br />

prornotional rnaterials displayed in the sholrroon, Conpliance<br />

Binder at Tabs G-K. In addition, even before entering the<br />

Ehowroom the prospective purchaser inay learn of the<br />

reconmendationg fron cert.ain ATV advertrsemenEs. Thus, even if<br />

one of these methods of comunication failed in a given inetance,<br />

it would be virtually inpossible for a prosPecbive ATv purchaser<br />

to renain uninformed of the age recoftnendations.<br />

B. The CPSC Dealer Surveys<br />

Ehe Eurveys of ATV dealers in Virginia and nationwide<br />

conducted by the cPSc pEovide no rellable mea6ure of the<br />

effectiveness of the diatributorsr effort.s to dieeeninate the ag€<br />

reconunendationa, First, the surveyB do not thow thal dealers are<br />

failing to provide the age recoffnendations to potential<br />

purchaaers. Second, the aurveys provid€ absdlutely no indication

that any ATV rres actuslty Eold<br />

recomended age, or that such<br />

su<br />

- 2 0 *<br />

l. Questionable vatidity<br />

for uBe by children below the<br />

salca are Iikely ho occur.A,/<br />

fhe fireE aurvey uas conducted by CPSC ',investigatorEr<br />

who visited some ATV dealership8 in Virginia in Ehe guise of<br />

prospective purchaserE. The investigators Here aBked to check a<br />

box on a form indicatinq rrhether the dealerrB salesperaon (l) gave<br />

the proper lrarning as Eo recorhmendeal operatOt age,l/ (2) gave the<br />

Z/ Two oEher Eurvcya conducted by other parties rre evGn<br />

more plainly unreliable. One Has a telephone survly of ATV<br />

dealerg conducted in IgBg by an aseistani professor at the<br />

UniversiEy of Virginia, Another telephone survey, of dealers in<br />

nine sEate6, waa conducted by the pubiic rnterest ReBearch croup<br />

("PfnC"r. The unscientific ipproach of these surveyB nakeB their<br />

findinge highly queetionable_. The major problem witn the surveyal<br />

qpproach rras their use of telephone calls to dealer personnel to<br />

deterrnine t.he dearera' approach to communicating the-iiquir.a ag.<br />

recommendations, Since no gale was consufliflaLed over th;<br />

telephone, it iB grosBly unfair to characterize a failure t.o<br />

describe the age recommEndationB as evidence of *iffintn"=i-to<br />

seII ATVS for use by children. Any statementa about the<br />

availability of producta for children that dealerB may have made<br />

to proepective cuatonera over the telephone may have been ineended<br />

nerely to perauade the telephone prosplcts to visit the showroom.<br />

Once there, the custoners migtrt bi oflered a product Buitable for<br />

children, either an ATV sEaller than 70 cc or another product EoId<br />

by Ehe dealer,<br />

11 In frct, rhc investigrtors warc aaked to rrport<br />

whether the dealer "[elarns<br />

you tiet, according to the clr"innent,<br />

ATVB ere not recomnended for use by children under tl,', this<br />

mi8atate8 the rule under the consent decree, $hich doe8 not<br />

recomend use of ATVs of 70 cc and larger for children rrnder 12.<br />

Because of chis error, invFilEToiE-ffifrt have faited go<br />

charact.erize a dealer statenent as an appropriate Harning even if<br />

it. wae fully consistent $ith the decree.-<br />

r<br />


.rarning but<br />

failed to<br />

312<br />

-2L.<br />

{dlEcounted" it and Fencouragedl the sale, or (3}<br />

"explain'r the age recoffflendations. The survey found<br />

that e aubstantial najority of the dealers in fact coffnunicated<br />

the age recommendations. The CPSC nonetheless haa aBserted that<br />

the sutvey indicates that a rnajority of the dealers either failed<br />

to "explain'r the warningE or<br />

rrdiEcountedr' them. The srrrvey form<br />

does not provide any definition of t'rhat night conBtitute<br />

"discounting" or failing to "explain" the age recorunendations' It<br />

ia entirely posslble that tbe investigatorE characterized fully<br />

approprlate dealer conducE aa "discounting" the age<br />

reconmendations or faiting to "explain" them in enough detail to<br />

aatisfy the investigatoEs' subjective judgment.<br />

The aGcondr nationtgide CPSC Eurvey htas conductEd<br />

aomewhet nore systenatieally. but (tike the firEt CPSC Burvey) ih<br />

isolated a single elenent -- ealespereon8' olal representations --<br />

froft the conEext of Ehe overall safety prograft iftPlenented under<br />

the conaenE decree and focuEed on that elemenk<br />

di sptoFor t ionately.<br />

2- Distributors' Re8ltonse<br />

Not$ithEtanding the questionable valldity of the cPsC<br />

aurveys, the ATv diBtributorB have reaponded to concernE about. the<br />

reported findings. Iffiediately afEer learning the resultB of the<br />

Virginia Eurvey, each di6tribuEor Eent a mailgran to all of itB

sr8<br />

-22-<br />

dealers advising bheil of the Eufvclr findinga and streBcirig the<br />

importance of inforning cuBtonerB of the agc recoftnendationB. Thc<br />

distributors sent siftilar cornunications afEer receiving notice<br />

of the nat.ionwide eturvey, SaEpIe mailgranE and other<br />

communicationa aie included in rhe compliance Binder rt tdb D.<br />

In addition, the disrributora have individually<br />

developed, in consultation uith the CPSC, a vdriety of different<br />

methods to augment Ehe communication of the age recomendation8.<br />

These net.hode include Eending "follow-upn<br />

letterB and<br />

quest.ionnaires to ATV purchasers to ensure ihat ttey have been<br />

told about the recoflmendationst providing aE the time of purchase<br />

a letter or postcard that encourages purchaserB to inform the<br />

distributor if a dealer failed to give the recomnendations; using<br />

investigators posing as shoppers to check dealer performance,<br />

requiring cuatofters to sign a pre-sale checklist t.hat prominent.Iy<br />

feature$ the age recomendatione before a sale ie conpleted; and<br />

arranqing periodic rneetings betueen dealers and their distributor<br />

representacivea to discuss and reinforce the importance of<br />

coiflftunicating the age recomftendations in an appropriate fashion-<br />

. Each diBtributof has algo revlesed the procedures and<br />

sEandarde it appliee in deLernining whether Eo invoke the<br />

processes under state lar{r that night lead to termination of e<br />

dealer's privilege t.o Bell ATUB in appropriate ca$es. A number<br />

of ATV dealers are now in the process of being terminated,

v.<br />

s14<br />

-23-<br />

NevertheleBs, the dietribuEors view termination aa a IaEt reaort,<br />

appropriate when other efforts Eo correct dealer practices have<br />

failed.<br />

The PubIic Anartsnegs tredla Campalgn Exceeded ite<br />

Goals for CorTrfiunicating Safety Messages to the<br />

Target Audience<br />

Pursuant to the terfts of the conBent decree, the ATV<br />

diBtributors conducted e CFsc-approved public awarenege nedia<br />

canpaign, costing roughly eight diIIiofl dotlars, to pronote aafe<br />

ATV uee. The campaign conaisted of two "fllghte," one in the<br />

fall of 1988 and e aecond ln the epring of 1989, using network,<br />

cable, and local spoE beleviBion, as neII as print media. The<br />

caftpalgn wae designed to alert ottner8r ueere, and prospectlve<br />

purchasers and uBer8 of ATV5 Eo the potential haaardls and risks<br />

associated erlth inproper u$e of the vehiclea, The carnpaign<br />

exceeded all of its goals for reaching the targeeed audience.<br />

Copy StraEegy<br />

?he srf€ty lnforftation lncorporated into the ruadia<br />

campaign reeulted fron negotiations betrreen the ATV disEributors<br />

and the Government. The primary mesgage of the advertisementa waa<br />

that EeriouBr o! €v€n fatal, injury can occur if the vehicleg are<br />

not operated safely and reeponeibly. To Bupport this message, the<br />


' '<br />

Qrr<br />

sru<br />

- 2 4 -<br />

advcrtlGcncnta covcred a nurbcr of pointr concerning eafc uce of<br />

ATVS, includingr<br />

Children under 16 Bhould not. operate<br />

aclult-sized vehicle$.<br />

Even on children'a oodels, childr€n under<br />

l6 need cloae adult Bupervision.<br />

A heImeE Nnd other protective clothing<br />

should always be norn when operat.ing en<br />

BeginnlnE and inexperienced riders Bhould<br />

Eake a certified training course,<br />

The print adverfisements, ehich could include more information<br />

than a 3o-second television spot, also pre8ented additional poinEE<br />

about aafety, includingr<br />

o<br />

o<br />

U$ing this<br />

Hilly and diffleult tcr16in requirea extra caution.<br />

Excessive sllced and "stunt*<br />

riding<br />

increase the risk of having an accident.<br />

Riding with paaEengera increases the risk<br />

of having an accident.<br />

"copy Btrategy," Ehe diBtributora developed<br />

t$o advertising canpaigne rreing different creative approaches to<br />

communicate Ehese safety meaaages to consurherB. Ae required by<br />

the consent decree. both campaigna Here then extensively tested to<br />

asseEa bhe level of vieuer coEprehenaion of the prinary message<br />

and Ehe specific Bafety factora Bupporting the message. The<br />

canpaigns were also evaluated on Ehe baeie of other neaaurea of<br />


816<br />

25-<br />

connunication effectivenesa coftnonly u8ed to teBt codmerclal<br />

advertiBenents.<br />

Both carnpalgnB te8ted wGII above the indu8try Etandards<br />

for effective communication of the inEended m€saage$r The<br />

canpaign that was ultimately selectedl for execution,'in fact,<br />

scored over 90t in comprehension aE compared to an industry norn<br />

of approxinately ?01. Deapite these excellent teEting reeulte'<br />

the governnent required sone minor modlflcatlon of the final<br />

adv€rEising copy to satisfy Ite concern thae the advertisements<br />

fuLly conununicate the primary neBaage agreed ro in the conBent<br />

decree.<br />

The final producEs of theBe cooPeratlve efforts werc<br />

creative, well*designed advertisernenta that exceeded all iflduBtry<br />

Btandarda for effectively comunicating the required mesEages.<br />

The print advertiEement. and the EcriPt and storyboard for the<br />

television advertiEenenE ate included in.the compliance Binder at<br />

Tab E.<br />

B. Executlonstrategiea<br />

The cafilteign'E executlon pJ.an was deelgned to achieve<br />

naxlmun er.poaure Eo the eingle largeat grouP of ATv uaersi nen<br />

between the ages of I8 and {9. Two Eubgets of thie target grouP<br />

were identified for particulat.focua: a prinary Eubset (ATv<br />

* ,+<br />

It<br />

:li<br />


Bl7<br />

' -26'<br />

o$nerB and ugcrgr includlng frrtcrg) and a Secondary aubaet<br />

(pro8pective ATV purcha8ers). The various nedla being used Eo<br />

execute the canpaign were selected to reach the target 9rouF.<br />

Ittoreover, the faII and spring flighte were scheduled to correapond<br />

rdith the strongeat Eeaaonal salee periods for ATV8.<br />

The fdII 1988 flight accounted for the heaviest<br />

concentration of advertising. It uag designed to reach the target<br />

group during Septeftber through Hoveftber, uhen televiEed footbaII,<br />

thE World Serie8r and the neH prirhe tlne seaBon attract heavy<br />

television viewing by tnat grouP. the spring 1989 flight used<br />

print media to rcnes awarenesB of thc gafcty fteBaages during a<br />

aecond period r.rhen ATV ssles hiatorically have bEen strong.<br />

Placement o! thc televieion rnd prlnt advertiBenent8<br />

efr calculated to mariniEG the Percentage of the target group<br />

reached nationally. General placcnent strategieE within each<br />

medium included Ehe follorring:<br />

o NGtHork . Telefli8:LqE<br />

Filne tine and Blrortt Frograming (!lL'<br />

Hondry NiqhtlqE!Er!], the t{orld Series'<br />

guntct ) .<br />

Cable televlqlqq<br />

sl)ortB-orientcd Proqraffilng, provldlng<br />

highly targcted and efficient placeftent<br />

( e. s., l'lotowor Id, ture-]Llsgn__II9l!.g<br />

Cavalcade, auto racing)<br />

Spot TelGvision<br />


Bl8<br />

- 2 7 -<br />

Loca1 sportE and newe programing,<br />

increasing freqrrency of conrnunication in<br />

marketa where the targee Aroup is highty<br />

concentrated (e.9., profesEional<br />

!rreatling, Iate-night. news).<br />

Natiqta.L Pr int I'tedia<br />

Selected ATV enthuEiast, ftalc audience,<br />

and farm publications (e,9., ATV Sports,<br />

Dirt ryEeqts, sports tllustratEfi...TEl<br />

s t-r e a m, r a r m J o[ r nE rll-<br />

By uging thGE6 placement EErategiea, the campaign reached over 6Ot<br />

of the target audience nationally ** and 761 in strong ATV market8<br />

-- three or rnore times,<br />

c. FaIl 1988 FIight<br />

These execution atrategie8 proved highly successful in<br />

the falI 1988 flight. Post-buy analyses meaeuring the nuftber of<br />

targeb audience ftenbers actually expoeed to the advertisements<br />

have shown thaE thE media plan exceeded it,s goals. Actual total<br />

netnork rtelivery was almosE 1031 of the goal, actual spoE<br />

televieion delivery was 103.5t of the goal, and actual total<br />

cable delivery sas double Ehe goal,<br />

lDhe feII 1988 print achedule waB also fully executed<br />

accoiding to the specification8 of the con8enE decree. The ATV<br />

ent.husiast nagazines provided a highly efficienE nediurn to reach<br />

exisEing ATv u8era. The outdoor/recreational publications r,rer€<br />

used to reach proapective purcha8ers.<br />


D. Spring 1989 Flight<br />

3r9<br />

-28'<br />

- Aa noted above' the digt.ributorr cxecuted an extensive<br />

print nedia canpsign durinq the EPring of 1989. This eampaign<br />

enployed the Bane placeftent strategiea aa the faII 1988 schedule<br />

to reneH broad consumer aHarenesa of the safeEy nessages contained<br />

in the fall camPaign.<br />

E. The DistribuEors' Promotionel AdverEiaencnEt<br />

Relnforce the Canrpaignrs Safety MeBBageB<br />

The ItoFitive Eafety rorrrqts being connunicrEcd through<br />

the pubric deareness nedia camPaign have been, and wrrr continue<br />

to be, reinforced through the distributors' promotional<br />

rdvertislng. As required by t.he consent decree, ATv<br />

advertiaementa now contain Eafety messages Ehat coftplenent the<br />

copy atrategy of the public arareneaa nedia caftpaign. The<br />

advertisementB alao adhere to other detailed guidelines in the<br />

decree. This wlII enaure thaE oHnerS' u8erB, and prospectlve<br />

purchasers of AtVs continue to be alerted to the Potential haearde<br />

associated with inPEoPer ATV uae.

320<br />

29-<br />

ATV Owners and Other Hembers of ehe pubIIC Are<br />

Receiving the Safet.y lleaaages Specified in the Consent<br />

Decree Through a Wide Variety of l.techanisme<br />

The conEent decree requires thdt known currenh AfV<br />

oeners and purchasera of new ATVB be provided certain r[essageE<br />

about safe ATV use. The distributors are cofiinuDicating these<br />

Eafety me3Eage8 through a wide variety of nechanisins. In<br />

addition, programs have been establi3hed to provide ATV safety<br />

Lnfornation to other nembers of the public. Hhen cofrbined with<br />

the ftulEi-million dolIar public a1vareneg6 nedia campaign discugged<br />

in Section V above, the$e varioua coftnunications constitute a<br />

comprehensive and trnprecedented program for providing produet<br />

eafety information to congurnerB<br />

A. SAfEty MeaAages tO<br />

paBt rFurehaEerE<br />

All known pasE purchasers of ATVB have been supplied<br />

with CPsc-approved aafety fiessages in a newly*deeigned, ?0-page<br />

supplenent to their owner's manuale, on supplemental IabeIE to be<br />

attached to their vehiclea, and ln a "safety alert,, publicatlon.<br />

'<br />

l. Owner'g t{anual Supplement<br />

The oirnct'g manual iaupplement'<br />

eent to llasE ATV<br />

EurchaBeEE providee 2d specific warnings about ATV use_ I*lany of<br />

the poEenEial haearda are accompanied by appropriate

QOr<br />

- 3 0 -<br />

illustrations, and aII are followed by specific guidance about hot<br />

Eo avoid the hazard. the supplenenE'3 cover and first page stres8<br />

that the suppletftent containE iEltortanE safet.y infornaEion, urge<br />

the operat.or to read hhe eupplenent carefullyl and enphasize t.htt<br />

failure to follow the warninge can result in severe injury or<br />

death" Compliance Binder at Tab F.<br />

?., Suppleftental LabelB<br />

The distributors have alao aent past purchasers<br />

supplenental general warning and age recoruuendation labelE for<br />

their vehicles, The supplenental labela conEain warning language<br />

prescrlbed by the conaent decree and conforn to decree<br />

requiremencs for aize, tyPeface, Eornrat, and color intended to<br />

maximiae their effectiveness. The8e label5 terc tested in a joint<br />

tesEing progran by experta on warning labels aelected by the ATV<br />

diEEributors and the CPSC. The resulting Iabels ltere then<br />

reviewed again and approved by the cPSc. The distributorB Bent<br />

the general warning and age recoftfirendation }abels Eo all known<br />

paBE purchasers acconPanied by a prescribed explanatory Iefter<br />

instructing then how and Hhere to affix the labels to their<br />

vehicles,<br />

The gcneral warning label inforus the ATv oencr th.t the<br />

rrehicle nay be hazardoue to operate, and that severe injury or<br />

death nay result if the oPeratol doeE not follow Ehe Preacribed

322<br />

'31 -<br />

operating inBtructiona. Ehe age recornmendation warning label<br />

atates that operation of the ATV by chirdren under the recotrfiended<br />

ages can increase the riBk of severe Injury or deaEh. It further<br />

warna that. adult gupervision le reguired for ATV use by chlldEen<br />

under age 15. coiftpliance Binder at Tab G.<br />

3. ATv Safety Alert<br />

Under the Preliminary Consent Decree, the distributors<br />

nailed an ATV "safety alert" publication to aII knolrn FaEt<br />

purchasers, The $afety alert stresses that the ATV Is not a toy<br />

and can be hazardous to operate. The safety alert arso Eeta forEh<br />

specific warnings paralleling those contained in the rdarning<br />

Iabe1s described above, For example, the safety alerE provides<br />

age reconmendations, emphasizes Ehe importance of reading and<br />

forrowing inatructione contained in the owner'B manual and labels,<br />

and uEgeB inexperienced operaEorE to take a trainlng courae. Thc<br />

safety alert lnfornE conEuftetg that Bever€ injury or death can<br />

resurt if these instructions dre not follor.r€d. compliance Bind€r<br />

at Tab E.<br />

8. Safety liessagea to New purchaEer8<br />

Und6r the con8ent decree, the Arv distrlbutorg aIBo nust<br />

provide cert.ain Bafety meaEageg Eo aIl new purchasera of ATVs.<br />

fheae nessageg are being deliver€d thEough various meana,

323<br />

3e -<br />

lnctuding nett ownerrE filnualg, nerd labcls on thc vehicles, and<br />

point.-of -purchage communicacions.<br />

1. Nes Osnerre lhnualg<br />

The diEtributors have prepared new owner'8 manuals for<br />

1990 and futrrre model year ATVg. TheBe new manuala neet tne<br />

detailed criteria for their content 3et forLh in the consent<br />

decree and contain safety information specifiecl in the decree'<br />

Each distributoE'3 netr manuals have been fully reviewed arrd<br />

approved by the CPSC.<br />

2. New r{arning LebcIE<br />

Nee, labels, lncluding a Eeneral<br />

warnlng label' age<br />

recomnendation label, paBaenger watning label' and tire pressure<br />

end overloading labelE, are now affixed to all newly ptoduced<br />

ATva. These labeIe contain inPortant safety fteEBages and idhere<br />

to the crit.erla aeE forth in the consent decree for size,<br />

typeface, format, and color. The labels were tested in accordance<br />

with the consent decree and approved by the CPSC. The general<br />

warning and age recomendation labels installed on new vehiclea<br />

contain the same infornation aa those mailed to knot'n past<br />


3.<br />

824<br />

- 3 3 -<br />

point-of-purchase<br />

Corrmunications<br />

In addition, the diBtributors have developed a number of<br />

Eafety-related pointrof-purchase comnunications that are now in<br />

use nationwide, These inc.tude a ner, safety video, vehicLe ,,hang<br />

tags,n Ehe $afety alert publication, and a Iarge poster exceeding<br />

16 aquare feet in size.<br />

The new_safety video haa bern developed acedrding<br />

:? !!" detailed guidelines in the Fi'nat Eonsent<br />

?9!ree.. The script for the video was reJised and<br />

approved by the CPSC, The video tas been provided<br />

to deaLerB to be mads readily auuiiili"-ior viewing<br />

?I i.rull<br />

and proepecri"e p"i"nase;;-;; ;;..<br />

oearerBhtp, Softe distributors also require their<br />

dealers to provide "foaner"<br />

copies "i-i;;'vrdeo for<br />

customers to wabch at home if t.hey prefer. The<br />

video scripr is included in rhe a;*;ii;;;; Binder<br />

tl!. I: (A<br />

l!<br />

copy of rhe video is luiiiuUr" ,p"n<br />

requeBt. )<br />

The hang tags providecl by the distribrrtors musE be<br />

placed on aII cTVs offerid for saie.--CJ*priun..<br />

Binder at Tab J.<br />

?he AfV safety alert mu3t be provided to all new<br />

ptrrchaBers b€fore chey .leave ahe dealership, This<br />

rlS same<br />

i:<br />

safery arerr publicacion rhji was senr<br />

:?-u.ll known past purchasirs. compriance Binder<br />

Tab H.<br />

at<br />

The_Iarge poster (measuring approximately four Eeet<br />

by five feet) conrains saf6ry'inroi*iliqi una<br />

warnlngs, and ftust be.disptayed prominently at each<br />

dedlership. Information on the lroster is updated<br />

periodicdlly. A reduced copy of-the posier rs<br />

included in t,he Coftpliance sinder at taU i.

s25<br />

3t-<br />

c. Other Conauner Safety Prografla<br />

Thc ATI' digtributoEs hrvc aIEo eatabli8hed two othct<br />

ItroErl|[3 to provide ATV Eafety inforEaElon to consumers: a toII*<br />

free information hotline and an "outreach progran"'<br />

1. The Toll-Free Hotlin.<br />

The ATv diEtribuEors have eBtablished a toll*free<br />

telephone hotline eervice to provlde conaumera with addilional<br />

Eafety and tralning informaEion. ConsunerE may calI the hotllne<br />

to inquire about ATv Bafety or about Ehe training course and to<br />

receive free copiee of various safety mdt.eriala, including the ATV<br />

safety alert. and the oener's nanual supplenent.<br />

'<br />

2. The outreach Progra[<br />

the distrlbutora hrvc cttrblished an noutreach ptograni<br />

to dteEeminate safety ftaterials Eo consuiter grouPa and oEher<br />

rntities. Through thc outreach PrograE Ehe dietributors offered<br />

to provide up to ?5 copies of the ATv Bafety video'<br />

"on TaEgeE --<br />

off Roadr" and up to 11000 aafely brochurea free of charge to<br />

certain national con8uner orqdni4ationa. They also offered to<br />

send 50 brochures to the firat I,000 County Cooperatlve Er.tension<br />

S6Evices that requ6ated them, and to loan a coPy of the video fot<br />

uae by each service. The offer lctgera are included In the

326<br />

- 3 5 -<br />

Compliance Binder at T|.b IJ. ThE program wiII also provide<br />

brochures and copies of the video to other organizaEionB and<br />

individuals for a reagonable fee.<br />

The resFonBe to this program has been substantiat. To<br />

date, the distributors have responded to requeBts for materiala<br />

from ovet 1,100 County Cooperative Exten*ion Service branches, the<br />

National Safety Council, t.he Afterican ATV Assoclationr the<br />

National Coalition for Childrenrs Safety, 56 4-H chapters, and<br />

eeveral unlversitiee.<br />

VII. The Distributors Have Successfully Developed and<br />

Received CPSC and ANSI Approval of a Cornpreheneive<br />

Volunt.ary St.andard<br />

The consent decree required that, within four ftontha of<br />

it.e approval, the distributor$ attempt in good faith to reach<br />

agreement on a volunt.aEy Etandard for ATVg satiEfaciory to the<br />

cPSc. rn fulfirrment of this Eequirenent., the distributors have<br />

been conducting a publie proceeding to develop the etandard in<br />

clos€ cooperation with Ehe CPSC. The CPSC det.ermined that the<br />

Btandard developed Eatisfies the requiEements of the consent<br />

decree, and on February I, 1990, the American Ndtional Standaroe<br />

Institute ) fornclly accepted t.he volunt.ary Btandard aE an<br />

American National Standard, Additional provisione -- for IaEeraI<br />

stabillly of ATVE -- are Btill in the proceEs of being developedl<br />

l"]j<br />


ut interim fieasureg have been approved to coveE aII nodelB of<br />

ATVS curr€nEIy being<br />

produced.<br />

8gt<br />

- 3 5 -<br />

A. The Development Proceaa<br />

The proceaE of developing the voluntary standard hr3<br />

been fully open to the public and Ie actively moniEored by the<br />

CPSC at every Btage.<br />

Shortly after the consent decree took effecE, t<br />

voluntary Standards.CoffiiEtee (r'the CoEEittee") began to conduct<br />

thc development proceedingE. The corflnittee conslsts of<br />

representatives frofi each of the ftaJor ATV disEributors.<br />

Technical working groups Hirhin the Comiftee are regponsible for<br />

developing standards for certaln aspectB of ATV mechanicgt<br />

configuratiorl, braking, rorl and pltch stability, tranEienl<br />

handllng characteristice, and bouncc characterisEica. PIEnary<br />

meetings of the Comitfee are helal ln washington, D.C. The<br />

t.echnical working groups meeE in California and Ehen rePort their<br />

pEogre8a at the plenary eessione. Both the plenary and working<br />

group sessionE have bcen fully opcn to the public. the CPSC<br />

publishes noticc of each plenary Deeting in the Federal Register<br />

and actively encourageB pubtic participation. In addition' CFSC<br />

ataff particiPat€8 in aII plenary and working grouP meetings.

328<br />

- 3 7 -<br />

thc Coilfiittee developed a draft Etandard ahd subfiitted<br />

it. for review in accordance Hith hhe canvass procedureB of the<br />

Anerican National Srandard$ Inskitute (ANSI). The CPSC<br />

deLernined that the standard iB BatiBfactory to neet the<br />

requirenentB of the congent decree. On February 1, lgg0, ANSI'E<br />

Board of Shandards Review formally aecepted t.he volunt.ary Etandard<br />

aB an American Nalional Standard.<br />

B. ProviElonB<br />

1. The Voluntary standard<br />

the agreenenE currenEly in effect beErdeen the<br />

dist.ributore and the CPSC cover8 all areas deefted irnportant by the<br />

CPSC staff, either in the baaic etandarda docunent or in Beparate<br />

arrangements with individual disEributors, The voluntary Etandard<br />

ItseIf conprehensively covers aII subjects Ehat Ehe CPSC sought to<br />

have addressedp excepE for lat.eral sEability. FurEher work is<br />

being conducted to arrive at a Etandard for lateral Etability.<br />

Unt.iI such e standerd can be established, the Cpsc-appEoved<br />

inEerim nethod for dealing eith the lateral sEability issue<br />

reprecents a conprornise of divergent opinions.<br />

The standaEd setB ouE detailed requirements for nurneroue<br />

a5pect6 of ATVB, inclrrding:

s29<br />

- 3 8 -<br />

equipment. and configuration, including brakeE'<br />

controls, tire3, ftechanical auepeneion, and o$nerr8<br />

manuals;<br />

performance of service brakeE and parkinE brakea;<br />

pitch etability (i.e., resistance to rearward<br />

overtur n ) t<br />

Bpeed IimitationB on youEh vehicles.<br />

The provi8iona of the standard are set out in the cPsc Eedelql<br />

Begi_q!_E! notice published January 13' 1989, lncluded in thc<br />

Compliance Binder at Tab ttt.<br />

2. The Interin Agreernent on Lateral $tabllity<br />

Lateral atability (@, reaietancG to sideuayl<br />

rollover) has been addreseed in Ewo ways. Fir8t, although all Ehe<br />

di8tributorB disagreed uith the CPSC as to the appropriateneaB of<br />

uBing static criteria!,/ to define lateEal BEabiIitY' each agreed<br />

not to ftanufacture any ATV with a static stability factor<br />

IoercE than the lowesE factor in ibs oHn nodela then undcr<br />

production. The cPSc has tested currenbly-marketed ATVB and found<br />

Ehar they all pos$e8B a K8t of at least 0.89' The cPsc has found<br />

this to be an acceptable minimum leveI.<br />

4/ The distrlbutor8 beliivc that aince ATvs are *ridct-<br />

Ective," Btability can only be assessed by dynamic teBt8 thatinclude<br />

fteaEureEent of the effect of rider behavior' The CPSC<br />

^.inoAof"q' Iook' only at the configuration of particular machinee<br />

without a rider.

BBO<br />

- 3 9 -<br />

Second, the Voluntary Standards Corunittee is performing<br />

further research in En attempt to develop dynaftic tests for<br />

Iateral etability thAE vrould be acceFtable to both the CPSC and<br />

the di3tributorB.<br />

c. CompI iance<br />

ATVB currently in productlon meet all of the<br />

requiremenhs under the voluntary staDdard, rhlch appliee only to<br />

four-wheeled ATVE. No comparable standard exiEtB for three-<br />

wheeled ATV3 and developnent of such a standard iE unlikely in<br />

the fore'eeabre future. The ATV di.tributors thus are prohibited<br />

from manufacturing or market.ing three-wheeled AfVs becauge the<br />

Final ConBent Decree prohibits the manufacture of Ehr66-p6*.1.6<br />

ATYs unless and until they satisfy a st.andard acceptable to Ehe<br />

cPsc.<br />

VIII. The AEV Distributore C6ntinue to Support t{eaningful<br />

State Legislation on ATvs, Which Could flay a<br />

Positive EoIe in ltinirnieing the RiBk of AccidenEs<br />

The ATv distributors support meaningful sbate<br />

Iegislation to regulate the use of ATV3. Recognizing that such<br />

legislation can increase safe riding and reduce injuriea, the<br />

distribulora have produced a nodel A?V larr, varioue Farta of which<br />

have been enacted in many states. the diBtributora uEge federal

331<br />

-t0-<br />

support lor atate legiElation that<br />

progra|[ esEablished by the decrGG.<br />

The SVIA ldodel Lee<br />

will couplenent the safcty<br />

the ATV diBtribuEors have actively EuPPorted state ATV<br />

legielation on many aspect8 of ATv safety. In 1986' the SVIA<br />

developed a nodel sEate Iaw to regulate ATV use. The proPosed las,<br />

requires regisErabion of ATVB and callg for training and<br />

certification of ATV riders. The lau prohibiEs dangerous riding<br />

activitieE, including operating ATVS on public roadB' oPeratinE<br />

them while under bhe influence of alcohol or drugs, and carryinq<br />

paBsengers, IE also requiree aII riders Eo hake certain safety<br />

precautionB, including wearing helmetB and eye protection, and<br />

escablishes additional linitations for youth riders. Theae and<br />

ogher proviBione of the SvrA model law have been enacted in eone<br />

form in many states. The National Conference of State<br />

LeEislature8 ln DEnver, Colorador provides the SVIA model lri{ to<br />

legielat.ors upon request.<br />

.. A Eecond model ATv law was developed by the Association<br />

of Food andl Drug officialB ("AFDO"). This law was drafred by a<br />

comnittee of CPSC statE designees and i5 Patterned<br />

after the SvrA<br />

nodel raw. the AFDo model law i$ cited in the suggested 9qaqq<br />

LegiSlgljg4 publication of the Council of State Governments in

f,exington, Kentucky,<br />

York, Pennsylvania.<br />

agreed<br />

332<br />

- 4 1 "<br />

and ie available to legislatorg fron AFDO in<br />

B. ATV Industry Lobbying<br />

Through the Final ConEent. Decree, the ATV distributors<br />

noE to oppose . . pendinE or future atate legiBtation<br />

lfor the licensing and certification of ATV opiratorsl<br />

to the exlenl that it provides for age Limits for AtV<br />

operators consistent rrlith the age recomendations<br />

specified in thiB decree or for the requirement of<br />

hands-on training before a certificate or Iicense ig<br />

rSsueo.<br />

The ATV dist.ributors and the SVIA have consisrent.Iy complied with<br />

EhiB agreement. In fact, in the one instance when the CPSC<br />

Iooked into industry lobbying activit.y that had been questioned,<br />

the CPSC dropped the investigation after learning Ehe facts.<br />

The biII againBt which Ehe distributore and the SVIA<br />

had lobbied pronibited use of any ATV under any circumstances by<br />

peraon$ under 16 years of age. This language Has plainly<br />

contrary to the age recoilnendations of the consent decree.<br />

Moreover, the distribulorB and the SVIA noted a number of<br />

deficiencies contained in t.he bill that rendered it undesirible.<br />

It included a labelling requirement that was Iikely to diminieh<br />

the effectivene$s of Che Cpsc-required labels already in use. In<br />

addit.ion, ib containcd no provision designed bo increase rider

.<br />

606<br />

l'lE<br />

- { 2 -<br />

cducatlon or training. The diEtrlbuEors rrill continue to exercise<br />

their right Eo lobby againsE lcgislation that contradictE, or cvcn<br />

lnterferes with, provisions of the conBent decree,<br />

C. The Role of State Legislation<br />

StaEe legialation to regulaEe Alfg use in rn rppropriatc<br />

fradner could play a helpful role in reducing rieke fron improper :-<br />

uEe of ATVE. In bhe najority of inBtances, ATv-related accidenta<br />

involve ridtng behavior that the distributors specifically warr.<br />

againat' such as riding Hithout a helmet, abuBe of alcohol and<br />

druge, carrying paBBengerBr and riding on paved or public roadg.<br />

Although the congent decree goes a long way touard8 educaEing the<br />

riding public about proper techniques, and about the dangers of<br />

improper Eechnique8, it can do only so much. Regulation of uaeE<br />

activitieE muBt cofte froft the sEaEes, The ftodet legislation<br />

recommended by t.he ATV indu3try Hould give state8 the porrer to<br />

€nforce proper ATV rlding praclices and help reduce the injury<br />

leveL even fuEEher.<br />

It(. Conclualon<br />

The ATV distributors have made great progreee In<br />

implemenEing the varioua aspects of the unprecedented safety<br />

progran contemptated by the consent decree bet.Heen the ATV i<br />

induEtry and the government. rt$ effects on injury reduction are

sB5<br />

WILLI r r,; Fnrr R & GITLAGH n R vdhinf,hn, UC<br />

Aprll 2, 1990 -l<br />

Representative Doug Barnard, JE.<br />

chairman<br />

commerce. Consmer and ltonetary<br />

Affairs Subcolftnittee of the<br />

Committee on Government oPerations<br />

U.g. House of RepEesentatives<br />

B-377 Rayburn House office Building<br />

l{ashington, D.c. 20515 -:<br />

Dear Chairman Barnard:<br />

I appreciated the opportunity to teetify on behelf of<br />

Yamina Motor corporalion, u,S,A. at your subconunittee<br />

heari$g on February 28. 1990. This is Yamaha's respon6e<br />

to your letter of llarch 12. 1990 requesting an6iders to<br />

written questions from the four major ATv distributors'<br />

Questions 3-4-5-6 & 7 were anEuered in a joint industry<br />

response submittetl to you by ltr. Hoerard P. will€ns ort<br />

ilarch 28, 1990. The attached represents Yamaha's response<br />

to queEtion6 I-2 & E,<br />

uatthew R. tlchneider<br />

Enclosure<br />

Prir<br />

ThR ljlrFh C?nF TGkr: [f"t 2lffil<br />

llss qt{ skect. NV Vtl B9.t?6!<br />

wshindon. DC:m36-330t Fcx: 20! 887 8ffi<br />

tot 3r8 8fi[ !0! 331 EIET

QT'E6TIQilI<br />

336<br />


Yamaha cloBely monitore dealer compliaflee nith<br />

Yamaha'E a{Ie reconm€ndation policies through a varlety of<br />

mechanisms. Yamaha has lmplemented B dealer compliance policy<br />

tthich us6s (1) telephone Burveys of each dealer; combined lrith<br />

(2) regular and "Bpot" vislts of dealerships by Regional and<br />

District llanagere, In addition, Yamaha haE eetablished a<br />

Epecisl post caEd notlficatlon program to monitoE dealer<br />

compliance with Yamaha'E age E€corffnefldation policies. The post<br />

card, \thlch ls appended to the front cover of each Yemaha<br />

ouneE'B manual, Eestatea in bold letters Yamaha's age<br />

tecommendationE and inEtEucts the purchaser to mail the<br />

pEe*addEoEsed cnd postage pBid card to yamaha in the event thet<br />

he or Ehe uaE not properly advised of the age recomrnendations<br />

by the dealer, Yamaha also respondg to outside sources of<br />

lnformation pertaining to possible dealer misconduct. Any<br />

credible allegation of dealer misconduct brought to Yarraha'E<br />

attention by goeerilftentel end other sourc€s ls investigeted by<br />


gsz<br />

Yamaha iE undertaking an aggressive, uhdercover<br />

monitoring program of itg dealership network. Yamaha wiIl use<br />

this monitoring program to identify instances of dealer<br />

noncompliance and lrill take the lrecessary steps to bring<br />

dealers into compliance.<br />

QI]ESTION 2<br />

AE stated in guestion l, Yanaha lnvestigates ill<br />

alleged in$tances of dealer mi$conduct. where alleged deaIeE<br />

noncompliance is demon$tratecl, Yamaha takes appropriate<br />

disciplina,ry action. fo date, six dealer termination<br />

proceedings have been initiated by Yamaha aa a result of such<br />

undercover inveEtigatlonB,<br />

AUESTION 8<br />

The detailE of the sales tEanaEction in Haggarty v.<br />

Yamahf, vrere never diBcussed during the deposition in question.<br />

Thus, it r,uould be unfair to draH any conclusions at this time<br />

about the level of dealer compliance in that ca5e. It r,rould be<br />

inappropriate for Yar$aha to make any furtheE comments<br />

pertaining to Haggarty v! Yamaha, since the matter ie pending<br />

and the facts remain in dispute.<br />


Uarch 29, 1990<br />

338<br />


AMFJ<br />


P.O. BOX 50 - t00 w,,ALot{oRA BLVD.. GARDENA, CAL|F. 90247_@5<br />


Representative Doug Barnard, Jr,, Chaiman<br />

Connerce, Con8uner and l,Ionetary Affair6<br />

subcomittee of the Conmittee on<br />

covernnent operationa<br />

U.S, Houge of Repre6entatives<br />

Rayburn Houre Office euilding, Roor E-32?<br />

WaBhington, DC 2051s<br />

Dear Representative Barnard,<br />


f.AR<br />

5 0 F90<br />

'"fflffi*!3Hffiffi..<br />

was glad to have the opportunlty to participate in the<br />

l:"t_1_tq,?1,1Tv :.l-f"ty<br />

before youi subcoruiittee on F"b;.r+;i, r<br />

am suDnrttrng thts fetter for the hearing record on bdhalf ot<br />

American Honda to answer rnore furry certain guestions irr"i-u"""<br />

raiEed in your retter of invitation and auririg trrE rrlaiinf r,rrtrr<br />

regard to Arderj"can Honda's effort8 to aaBure ttraf intornaiion-auout<br />

aafe ATv use ig conrDunicated to every ATv purchaaer accuratelv-and<br />

completely, Thia letter al6o regponds to tlhree questlons __ ,r,lrb*.<br />

one, tuo, and eight -- that accompanied your lEtter of Iqarclr fz,<br />

1990, to Honard Witlens and that appear to caft tor companyspecific<br />

responses.<br />

. The position of each of the four najor ATV di'tributors in th.<br />

i1!9stry<br />

is unique, and each diEtribritor has taken a Eorflewhat<br />

different dlfferent<br />

-approach .to eneuring that the age reconhendations<br />

estabJ.rshecl qFlcefrrreq by py the Ene finaf rrnar consent con6ent decree are being cofiftuhlcated comrnunlcated to<br />

alr q+r proepected f,reElrEsEeq and anq actuar acEuar ATv Arv purchasers, Americair American Honda Hohda deveiloed developed<br />

the firat ATV, ancl began selfing: A?VE in 1969. rt has been a<br />

_I_eader in developing end.inpleneitlng 'enerican<br />

Eafety programs,<br />

HondarE approach to the issue 6g dealer coopeiatlon with the age<br />

reconm€ndationE he6 been fulry conEiEtent vittr ttris triEtoircar<br />

connitment to 6efety.<br />

Respon8eB to Cor0panlr-specific OueEtiona<br />

Oue6tl,on one<br />

After.ldah llonda votuhtarlly adopted a prograrn for undercover<br />

nonitoring of it6 dealerg<br />

_ long- befo-re the CpSC Eugge6tedl lt late<br />

Iast-year.<br />

_<br />

In 19S9, American llonda spent nore trrii " qrruitei ot<br />

a million dollars on nonitoring.

Repregentative Doug Barhard<br />

Page fl{o<br />

339<br />

In the firet half of I9a9, ve aent inclependent investigatore<br />

to nonitor armost 90 percent of our dearershife. The inve€tif,ators<br />

first asked the dealer representative who approached ther whit ATv<br />

$ourd be right for their ovn use. They then askeal if there lrourd<br />

be any problen if a lo-year old boy nere to operate that Eane ATv,<br />

The results were heartening. xationwide, in olver 7o Fercent. of ti.,<br />

dealerships eurveyed the. dealer repreeentative gave a*reepons+,.hat<br />

yras consiEtent with Anerican Hondars age recomendation dlrectiveu.<br />

In sone Etates we found l0O percent cornpliance.<br />

American Honda th€n folrorr€d up with the dearere ne uonitored,<br />

lfo the dealerg found in cornpriance r.rith American Honda.a itirectlveg<br />

under the conaent decree, se sent a congratu;tbory letter. To the<br />

dealerEi found out of compliance sith any con/.:ent ,i".."e directive,<br />

we sent a letter outlining the manner in which the dealer was found<br />

out of conpliance, directing the dealer irnmeiliately to cornply with<br />

aII. ttonda's requirenents, and uarning that the dealer niy Ue<br />

nonitored again in the future. I{e arso gave a copy of each te-tter<br />

to the dearersr fierd repreeentatives Jna asked-then to contact<br />

dlrectly the dealerE vho were founCl out of compliance,<br />

I{e also conducted other Donitoring tn L989, After PIRG<br />

releaEed the results of its teleFhone su-rv"y last faII, American<br />

Honda sent undercover monitorE back to the dearers in the nrne<br />

Btates that PfRG had surveyed. The results of that in*store<br />

nonitoring -- which we think proaluces nore accurate resurts than<br />

the terephone hethod prRc used -- showeil that about 87 percent of<br />

the dealerB rirere cornplying hrith the age recoilmendation<br />

requrrenentE. rn all but t*o states at rea6t 90 percent were found<br />

in cornpliance,<br />

We are nor in the- procese of doing EtiII further uonitoring.<br />

gorng back to the dearers that nade iiproper age reconnendrationE<br />

during either our own survey in 1989 or the cpscr6 nationwide<br />

survey. DeaLer6 wholn He find uaking inapprorpriate dlle<br />

reconmendations during thi6 round of monitoring -to aie neirg asked to<br />

sign a stateneht agreeing that thiE failure conrpty- witf, .g.<br />

recommendation directives conEtitutea good cause for-terrninatiof,,<br />

and that they Hirr not chalrenge such i tinaing if anerican Honda<br />

bTllg: ternination proceedings against then in the future for<br />

aoorf,ronat vroratrons. T€Hhlnation proceedings yiII be brought<br />

againEt dealera uho refuEe to sign,<br />

t{e renain connitted to rnonitoring a6 a ueeful technique -i.irer to<br />

achl€ve ahd naintain the naxinu.n flossibre rever--"f<br />

compriahce uith American Hohdars directiveE issued p,rr=rrort i" trr"<br />

conEent decree. we anticipate that tre rrill be doing further<br />

monitoring of a saDple of our dealerE over the next year-.

Teltrc8cntative<br />

Pdg€ Thr€6<br />

Ddug Barnard<br />

340<br />

ouestlon 1\ro<br />

American Honda 16 not reluctant to take all avallable 6tepE<br />

to diEcipline d€alers who resiet our efforte to bring then into<br />

compliance with our directives tegarding Ege recornmendati.ons' we<br />

do face cettain linitations: American llondarE dealer contractE and<br />

the Etate laws govetnihg then do not pernit us to withhofd peltherlts<br />

or shipmente of product to deafers who fail to comply with our<br />

directLves. There may also be some exposure to American Honda in<br />

some Jurisdictlona to liability for vrongful termination'<br />

The moat draEtic etep available. of cour3€' Le tentination of<br />

the dealerehLp. To date, Atnerican Honda ha8 inltlated terrninatlon<br />

proceedings againet two dealers who failed the cPsc'E nronltoring<br />

progran, orle of whon failed two instances of nonitoring by American<br />

uonda and one of whoh voluntarlly chose ternination. A third<br />

dealer who failed both the cPSctB and Hondara Burveys has filed for<br />

bankruptcy and is no longer in operation. other dealerg who do not<br />

r"=pond appropriately after being confronted with clear evidence<br />

of a pattEin bf noncbnpliance wiII also be terninated. American<br />

Honda has also brought termination proceedings aqlainst three<br />

ilealere who failed to comply r,Jith our directives by Eelling neu<br />

three-r,rheel ATVE,<br />

QueEtion Eiqlrt<br />

If we recelve infotmation at Anerican Honda headquarters that<br />

a rlealer representative alIegedly nade verbal represcntatidn6 to<br />

a customer in violation of out ditedtives regarding age<br />

Eecommendatlons, it traa been our practice flrst to attenpt to learn<br />

the details of the alfeged incident. rf it appears that the deafer<br />

was, in fact, in violaton, ue typidally send the dealerrs field<br />

representative to visit hin' The field repte6entative attenpts to<br />

inprese uFon the dealer the irnportance of making proper<br />

repreeentations and Horks to brlng hirn into compliance. In aone<br />

inEtances lde have also aent our own undercover nonltors to<br />

lnveatl"gate dealers alleged .to. have violated alte recomendation<br />

directivea. If the proper representatione are made to Anerican<br />

Hondars orJn lnveatigator, we regard the dealer aE having cured the<br />

violation. If inproper statements are nade to the investigator,<br />

ue may take additional steps to bting the dealer into cornpliance,<br />

such a6 ineleting that the deaLer eign an agreement whereby<br />

evidence of one additional violation uiII automatically result in<br />

terrninatlon. In the alternative, rte may bring temination<br />

proceedings again6t the dealer if he has consistently demonttrated<br />

in unwitlingneee to comply uith our directivee'

Beprtrcntativs Douq Barnrrd<br />

Page Four<br />

tdditionil<br />

s4r<br />

l,tcaauics For itrturrlcatinq<br />

Aherlcan Hondd hdE aleo developed, In cooptratlon with the<br />

CPSC, a variety of ueaEures in additlon to those epecifically<br />

contenplated by the conaent decre€ to further aEEure that no one<br />

purcha5ea a Honda ATv without knoving the recorunended minihum age<br />

for operating lt. Theee DeaEures Eupplement the varioue<br />

comnuniatj.on devLcee thet are reguired by the final consent<br />

decree.<br />

To aeELet dealers ln Elvlng the approprlate lnforilatlon,<br />

Aherican Honda now provides aII ite dealers with pocket reference<br />

cards for their sales personnel. These cards are printed Lrith the<br />

age recornnendatlons and training infol.rration. Dealers also receive<br />

teLephone stickers bearing the iane infornatlon to assure that<br />

personnel responding to telephone inquiries qive the appropriate<br />

lnfornation about training ancl recohmehded minimun ages, Sanplea<br />

of these items are encloeed.<br />

Honda has alEo created three additional devicea for<br />

cornmunicating information about 6afe ATv use to purchasers in<br />

trriting. Before a sale iE coDpletedr a Honda ATv purchaser nust<br />

sign a form atating that he has been given a variety of safetyrolated<br />

inforilation ahd must initial a box to shor{r that he haE been<br />

told of the age reconmendations, The purchaser then receives a<br />

package of inforruation ririth hi8 AfV that contains a Lettel:, signed<br />

by the vice president of A.Eerican Hondars motorcycle division<br />

inforning the purchaser of the availability of free training and<br />

repeatihg the ag6 reconmendations, The letter provides a telephone<br />

nurnber and ask6 the purchaser to inform Arnerican Honda if the<br />

dealer did not discuss the age reconmendations trith hin prior to<br />

purchase. In addition, $e have developed a survey form to be serrt<br />

to purchasers a few weeks after purchaEe. The fom asks a variety<br />

of questions about the sales transaction, including whether the age<br />

recommendations sere given, Copies of the checklist, the letter,<br />

and the survey forn are encloB€d.<br />

fn light of the measures A.Derlcan HondlE lre8 teken to €nBure<br />

that the age reconrt|ehdationE and other safety information are<br />

conmunicated to prospective and actual ATv purchasers, we were not<br />

surprised when a aurvey of recent purchasers revealed that 95<br />

percent of personE rtho hail children under L6 and purchased a HonCla<br />

ATv were aware of the age recothendations at the tine of purchase.<br />

-f +,

IIOilIT'A<br />

343<br />


. A96 12-15: up to 90 cc.<br />

.16 ancl ovsa: 91 cc snd uo.<br />


. Aveilebl€ to rsgistEr€d own€r plur family momberE.<br />

r Incsntives: $50 cssh, S/5 merchandise ewgrd, or<br />

$100 U.S. Savings Bond.<br />



r Age 12-15: uP b g0 cc'<br />

. 16 end ol,sr:91 cc and uP'<br />

FFEE ATv THA|rllHq<br />

. AyailBbl€ b regiEt€r€d orvner plus<br />

family members<br />

r lncentivss: $50 cagh' $'/5<br />

m€rchandiso g|flard, or $100 U'S.<br />

Savings Bond.<br />

u6D s0@ {S002)<br />

MCD 5002 (S002)

Dear Honda AW Owner;<br />

344<br />



F,O, B()x 50 - l0o w- ALoNDBA BtvD., GARDENA, CALIF. 90247<br />

CAELE AODRES _ AMEHOH, GAFDENA, CALIF 1213) 327 _8240<br />

I want to thank you for your purchate of E ndu. Horda ATv- Please enjoy it, but ride $8t6ly end<br />

responsibly.<br />

Jenuery, tggO<br />

We at Amarican Honda feel AW Tralnim ptrograms, plus the Age Erco.mmanda.!!94 hang tags and<br />

vehicle stickers. ultimately 8dd to )bur enioyment.<br />

We believe in proper AW Training for eery {amily member whd rid66. That's why w6're offering tr€€<br />

training to you and imrhddiate {amily member$. yutE meet the age requirBments, You $hould have<br />

rmeived free training coupons from lour dealer- lf not, please ask for them.<br />

The training will be provided by the ATV Satety Insthute (ASl). An ASI reprasntetive will contact yoL<br />

wn. lf you preler, you may ffintact them dirffitv at their toll-free number, ![O0-447-470O. They<br />

will h6lp schedule your ATV Sale Rider trainirE.<br />

When you or a qualilied family membar mplete the raining. ydu will receive ydur choice of onB of thB<br />

following: a 95O,0O chmk, a $1OO.0O U.S. $avings Bond, or a $75.0O Merchandise Csrtificdte.<br />

An important part of Ary sslBty i$ prop€rly mEtching the rider to the ATV, That's why you'll tind an<br />

4E! 1rofllCFlio_n Eticker and a Hang Tag on all our AWs,<br />

The hang tag and sticker make thd Same recommendations:<br />

A Child unde. I 1_2 y6a-E _o_ld, shouH ftorror oFf[ilG an ATV with qn elr_gina si3e._20_ rg g!9lgqt6!,<br />

A Child und6r 16 y6rl8 qE tq{ld-novtr<br />

oFffata an ATV with an engine siilrqc4;_9!ll9q!q'<br />

Your d6al6r should have discussed the ag6 ffimhendstions and the availability of training with ]rcu. In<br />

the event he did not, please contact us iftmddiately by elling (213) 532-9811 .<br />

Mednwhile. please read your Omsr'a MEnudlttroroughly. lt contains iftlpofiant safety and<br />

maintenance information,<br />

Please heed the agB raquir6m6nB. 0ar p:opor rrainkg anC * "Com<br />

rkla with u5."<br />

Sincerely,<br />

/ )r / lt<br />

'{d (H.JPu*<br />

Hod Anderson<br />

Vice-President<br />

Motorcvcle Divi8ion<br />

MCD 4W (ffil)

845<br />


*.. Please ffimptete and return within 7 days.*<br />


Please verify the foilowing Vehicle ldenti{ication Nurnber (vlN) foryourner,v Honda ATv:<br />

Please chock (/) the appropriate ansiwer:<br />

U Y6s, thg abov6 is lfi€ dft€(l numb€r<br />

tr Nd, th€ dovd is mt tlE dDri€d numbdr of my new Honda AW.<br />

tr<br />

tr<br />

Theffr€d VIN is:<br />

I donl kmw becaus l'f, wdilhg ttr d€Iv€ry ot my n.*EEa n-tV,<br />

The above does rm apdy ro ffi b€caus t hil6 !q! pu|tfiesdd or taken<br />

tlonda<br />

defvery of a<br />

ATV.<br />

new<br />



Did the salesperson explain the age recommendations tor operating an ATV a$ stated<br />

below?<br />

- Adild sd6r 12 y@old CE.# ffidiwtr ATvEith sfigtEEhoolmetrgHtr.<br />

- A diH urd6r t6 )€a6 6H EtujE ffi d.i€ il ATv ri'| il eriglm 6a6 ol g@H tEn goe.<br />

EYe EHo<br />

Did you take a demo ri

s46<br />


Givenampyolthdsal€stEffi'sDoliwyctt.r*tbf? . E yes I m<br />

Gived a 6py ot tho ATV Safdry Abd and an explan*tion of its 6fit6ntf? . 0 V* D lO<br />

Givenanerplanat'nnolttpATlfrfedubsandffirtsk? . Eyo Eff"<br />

GivenademonstrationotthdoF€Htiffio(yrwmwHondaATv? . , . . Dyse ilno<br />

Glvenadesiplionofthelnfomdimmahedh]ourorner'rManual? . B Vo E uo<br />

Giy6n Epi6s of the appllSh wanarty potcias and an Edffiuato<br />

€xplenatbn dt ths Hretyffi]{6? Ev* Em<br />

Advis€d ol your pdrlodic ffiifltonsnce ruEponsftifiim?<br />

Intfodutrd to th6 Panr eftd S€n ire D€Filtrrffts?<br />

Ghen a opy ol lhe S6t up.ard PlE{shEy drer*Ist s8€d bty fte Sailir<br />

r)Opanm€rn, ro S{ln and |€sp lor yur pmsrd rmrds?<br />

ToH what additional affisrios iladrrailaHeltryow nil t{onda ATV?<br />

Given mpies of ATV safe ridirrg hocturae? _ .<br />

.Told lhe lmportarm o{ weertrg a helnre erd Edoty EFpaf6l?<br />

Med€ errrerd of r{lmmkrg lebdb oftlhoATW<br />

Otfor€d a dlancs to vhw m ATV rda rifng v{d€o?<br />

Given a ampleted cdFy of the ATvTcinirg Cenfl.mte?<br />

Infomed dbod ATV sel€ty clasos otttr€d by ihe deatership or elswhore?<br />

Infonnsd abod th6 inc€riliws ffrilebb for d€r|dftg il ATV ssfety dffi?<br />

Giv€n tr ad€quate drpleatim o{ ilrd frTo.taffi cd th€ predd€ lnsp€adon<br />

End how to p€rftrm it?<br />


Hav6 you b€€n contacied by ffird lm your deahrship ld eEft ebouf<br />

your slBtactKn w(h your Hofila ATVT . - O Ver<br />

Wer€ th€r€ any prcbl€ms wilh lbur nerr llonde ATV when wu fiet<br />

r6ceiv6d it (i.e. during th6 fiEt S lwrc ot we)?<br />

Hav6 thtr€ b€€n any poblems wirh lmrr trff Honda ATV qEErtho liEt s<br />

hour8 of us? E yes<br />

[ve En"<br />

EYs Eno<br />

Ev* Eno<br />

ilYes [ru"<br />

E Yer U t'to<br />

flv* ilru<br />

Ev"e flxo<br />

Ev* flno<br />

Evea EHo<br />

E ves fl uo<br />

EYes Ero<br />

EY* Eno<br />

8ru"<br />

EH"<br />

E tto

Engina<br />

I<br />

847<br />

lf thero were any problems with yorlr n€w Honda ATV, p{ease ch6ck (/) the appropriate<br />

box for the mechani(Et area(s), prottern(s) or concern(s) that spply, It any.<br />

Transmission<br />

Fqol or Exhaust Systofr<br />

Bodywork ot Frame<br />

Frcnl SusFnnsioil<br />

Rear Suslxnsion<br />

Tir€s<br />

Bral(sE<br />

Wheels<br />

l{aqd a( Fst Conlsli<br />

Charging Sydem<br />

Battery<br />

Startsr<br />

Lghts<br />

SwitctEs<br />

lgnit'En Systsm<br />

Fde Fridl<br />

. E r<br />

. Ora<br />

. l-l ar<br />

.lzt<br />

. Ise<br />

. Erz<br />

. Uar<br />

.Dlt<br />

,Ds<br />

Opfdkn<br />

E a<br />

trr<br />

Ors<br />

Uze<br />

Ors<br />

Ess<br />

Es<br />

Dg<br />

Ors<br />

Dss<br />

ftiwlilty<br />

E r<br />

tre<br />

Dte<br />

Oedraodd<br />

E r<br />

Ero<br />

Orz<br />

Ezs<br />

Oes<br />

Os<br />

Ose<br />

Eas<br />

Em<br />

flso<br />

Ndsd<br />

lJs<br />

0tr<br />

Dts<br />

fJza<br />

Uso<br />

Ess<br />

0ro<br />

0*<br />

Esr<br />

Esz<br />

Vb(di{h<br />

Ll 6<br />

U rz<br />

Drs<br />

g3ar<br />

Elr<br />

Usa<br />

Ess<br />

Ese<br />

Deo<br />

. Esr Ecc<br />

Bes<br />

Ios<br />

Em<br />

[Jru<br />

Err<br />

Ezr<br />

trre<br />

Hrs<br />

Ort<br />

ll you ha4^a prcblem with your ATV. diJ you lak6 it to il uthorizdd Honda<br />

dsabfl - ' ' ' ' ' flv* Em<br />

Was thd Ehov6 pEbl€d(s) lk6d to yflr stbl#{bn? . . . - F v q E lt"<br />

W#thsabovdpmblom(s)ftrsdp.ompdy? .., .[yes EHo<br />

lf m, onter th6 numb€6 of the pobl€ms list€d {tdnr |hat weE nol ffi6d to wur satisl#tbn:<br />

En<br />


How satisfied !yer6 you with the condition of your Honda ATV when it was detiv€r€d?<br />

Lsks<br />

D r<br />

Ors<br />

Eeo<br />

Em<br />

Usr<br />

Os6<br />

Olz<br />

Elz<br />

Dst<br />

n vofy sathliod E somdwhat $disfidJ D somewtrd Dissedisri{# E vsry pissatisfid,<br />

Please rate your satisfaction with regard to th6 foilowing aspects of your new Honda<br />

ATV:<br />

Eassolsteding -,<br />

Engins regFbnEiv6nss<br />

Fuel mnomy<br />

Rids quality<br />

Appoafaffi/dsshn<br />

Ovgrall body Hrkmnshb<br />

Ov€fall qualhy ol ATV<br />

Wdrranty ffi€rag6<br />

Evaluation ol your mw Hofidr AW by |rhads, relativ66.<br />

stc. ..tr<br />

"toH"<br />

.Ho,"l,tl*<br />

D t r t r t r 8<br />

t r t r t r t r t r<br />

D N E t r t r<br />

D E t r t r N<br />

t r t r t r f l n<br />

t r t r E t r t r<br />

D O t r t r t r<br />

f I t r D f l D<br />

tr<br />

tr<br />

tr<br />

tr<br />

E<br />

'+<br />

-:.1I<br />

-tl ;

B4E<br />

Although you hav6 owned your n6w Horda ATV only for a short time, pl6a6e itrdicate<br />

your degree of overall satislaction with your ATV.<br />

E Vory Sdlislidd E tumewhat Satisli€d D Somewhat Oisselistied l1very Dissatisfied<br />

WouH you rmrnmsnd your Hondadaat€(to a kisd sr relaiivs?<br />

Would you rmmmend Honda ATVs lo a lriend or rolativo?<br />


Please check (/) those items which describe you.<br />

Your A€d:<br />

lTorurid€r ...... lJ<br />

18-24.....-.8<br />

2s,2e .. -....F<br />

3D -34 ..... _ E<br />

35 -44 . .. ... -n<br />

,ts-59......-!<br />

6omdoer I<br />

Your S6x: Yotr Eds€tlon:<br />

Gradoshsl - -....<br />

Highshsl ..... _<br />

Yow Maiital Ststus;<br />

Singh..... .fl<br />

Matrbd.......u<br />

Widfl6d/<br />

DiwE€dls€p€€t€d ......,tr<br />

Numbar of pmpfe in your houE€hold, including youmell: _lsutrt|<br />

Someollege.,,...<br />

Coll€O€gHduats.....-<br />

Gradu#6€cfisl ...--.<br />

nunbdi<br />

hthiryurfimtATVpurdffi? ...:....EV* Ett"<br />

bthlsydurfi6tn€wHondaATvFJncfi{ro? . . _... EVs EHo<br />

Pdor tro rh&s purchffi. how mtry dl s4h o{ {E<br />

folh*ing hm 1rou wu owffid? . Uoto.crych{<br />

lf }tu prdvbGly ffieO m ATV, whlt w tE ma*€ and<br />

ATVI<br />

Sffiteta<br />

snglnd siu6 ol th€ ATV IEU mst rffintt own€d? tbndr<br />

(ch€d( mak6 ar|d dngine slz€)<br />

Yarohx<br />

ltuwaskl<br />

Suzukl<br />

Have yqs wrr r*aaded rn ATV sdfe rliing das?<br />

ll not, do you plan to andnd on€ in thd ddxt 6 mnths?<br />

lf not, pleu explain why:<br />

othtr<br />

.Evs Duo<br />

. EY.* Er'lo<br />

19--<br />

0 t { 3 {<br />

t r t r E t<br />

t r t r t r<br />

t r o t r<br />

tn&rlm lG2{9<br />

D N<br />

t r o<br />

n t r<br />

t r H<br />

trtr<br />

6dmE<br />

tr<br />

D<br />

tr<br />

25+,349 i50+<br />

trtr<br />

trtr<br />

trtr<br />

E t r<br />

t r o<br />

. EYea Euo<br />

. Eve* ENo<br />



Q r;rt*o,r np"'g*-<br />

U Oll:rold rr8sfiillon 'n FroAril<br />

E Finrncins rnplLlr,oo nFFror.d<br />

tr lnrurroci'onr*r-. foms compktd- ffiH<br />

F<br />

Unil chtrkcd iEilsL ud.r to vrntv tuffi vlN<br />

u All duil.d nccrsoil$ rngl{tr.4<br />

O h-,ntr "gsrsr,"n.,,hPlGGd Innrcdv<br />

O Dcliv.ry hlcionEint rJ d*uil,EilE nMrd ror tF'P {*rury FH<br />

dcrv b;n1Dh,ct. e.6ton hrtrhuE, tt* toEhur AP Rd.t lirq<br />

a:rilifiisr.. d.dcrth'p chilr ofcnnNil, Ail Srf.rv Ald)<br />


Tk cuflomil hil rccE,vtd (4c Iolloeinr.<br />

E A.onv dl tk ATv SJcty Alril ad m.rPEdwn ot # toUosq iI4<br />

rh..uhn.r nst:<br />

. XEvtR !lo- | rnild rndd 16'cs ob (tor cn8rE th oI 9lE d<br />

i&-rrc an'. rl,' TRX<br />

. l1!iy:llB, dlos a child urJti ll vcsr ord ([u trr$oc arrs ol 7k up ro<br />

,trre4!4i!!!Iq q!r!<br />

-_gEl<br />

llE-li\<br />

| | ( uilon.r Inilid, fdr irr Eqtrftm.nsl<br />

-ruvER<br />

sscmp' "' uilvc r TiX *ilhoil PrFffi.<br />

T&r<br />

lIIl4."**. Uginn,"j "d.d ehouB dM Eeniq tFm rddd<br />

;*r.rior t .'n..t l-8m7i7{tr Lo frnd our sbur tilni4 muE<br />

349<br />


MODEL<br />


(:(}\1 ROI, CIIECK<br />

E S+!d And Fr!_tlliErv (hr\:ln{ (utr,Flc{r' di traniluEr rn Pld<br />

F?rhicir<br />

'-<br />

; wilhad lnd elcln<br />

Jnshc illrs cssrr. illlr n F,oFr RPM<br />

L! v.hi.l. I lR ol wllcr. luEl Nnd oil t3H<br />

d rr r"u rtnish b g4nrolt.<br />

tl tsuEl t!ilr r full snh DroFr lucl or Fr! m'r ill rFFFbEr<br />

O Co.lrnr trnl ! full {ifrrtl;tnblc)<br />

.-. r HI}EE ilkhpr $ drivc I rRx uiltil Ih. ownu! ndd u E! Ed<br />

(<br />

. i,"#ffllo " t** ro ilvonc *hD hu not td.n s rdruqsum or<br />

ffi*.n urivhr r rnx lor at h$I n Y.u<br />

' HEEB NEVER dnvc r TRX rfrd rf,d il,Euilr EoEudd akoho alcohol or dtuF<br />

. HFVFRcrNrd$slcronI fttv-EE .'ry . p*nr"t on r tx^ t ftx. Lsryn caDht r snF Dt {9H<br />

iE-Eiir* of rh rRx urd mcv crM i ro lo osr cfcorEd<br />

. NIivER N[\'LR driw r'tRx r'tRX o' ot pircilcnr' pttcilcnl nc vchitlt vch't.G it ilot rrot dFrF dB[d lo H<br />

iliim-para cud#s ril tu TRX miv h ddficu[ Io corrol<br />

. NEVER NEVEB dnw ! IRX on r i Fublic Fubhc rod. clrn c!.n r din drn ur #r4r Fr*r oc. oE. kHr<br />

-t<br />

d'.Wr b rltc ro $ il0 colldhs s(h oltor v'h'cE M' dnunr on<br />

r Fubh rod wuh r I RX tnsy b rsaEt th. lrs<br />

. NEVER !trc'nnt Io do'vhtrricr,"jsmpr. or orkt r(rrs<br />

. frflffi l*. ; I Rx s{hdur ! Bod hcrmct rd Fdh I |ld &<br />

-gtlm'1.<br />

r:nt.t. a.n'r uov#*. rd ! losld+&<br />

r HEVER drivc i TRx !t crdrervi 5F.dr<br />

r iffi-tS *.rrrcm.ty.iElul *ncn dn!'nBr TRX. HFdv *h<br />

-4pffig<br />

hru, r".., md ob{nld rd wh'n dnilnB un ud|l&<br />

cli.'Bn rcidn. rrlnr- h lollD* prlEdur dtrdH in thc ovffil<br />

tuud Evcr# ilc TRX io roU olcr on tE nd{<br />

(USIOMER II"FI)kMATION CH[(:x (conrd)<br />

E en rxphmron ur rnl rnonrmcndernr rr s r D d I 4pd Mr<br />

rd qEr d.ry .ppdtl<br />

o en crotrnrunn ur rm 'nFflrE of FrorEhns rht.nqlonhhr *h.n dtnt<br />

O an o!F."nry<br />

d rn "inrr.-,"i<br />

r" '** rvdhbk td4y viilEot<br />

o r* ,nffi$c or r!! oFtrtrdo d tk rvil*ry d<br />

iiR tril^n'r rEk ,rhEb dnly)<br />

D Coo,s ol il r'$hb,. etcty hMhuE *ih r disw'on ol th. imFdllE<br />

ol,rdim ril kddhs l;,,ilisr wdh rhc,nford{uon rhv Rntrnn<br />

E A copv dril .\Fhnrilon or (hc ws,r0nlv policv lrd 'r*o rf "{u)d<br />

il!nr.n!B! *,dcF<br />

D A cv'.w or nl *uns,t lshk o' th. wh;t. sd rh.ir imFnm Io tE<br />

n Xti"''j',lt '" "*"t", i'crudinr r r*w or rvdrbk Fd d<br />

dEh !EF!r,. .ntrducuon' r' (ht gE .rd ild'E ilsd d'or<br />

rcror oi rtr ruvner crntr, lnd ffintioo of th. d.d.Rh'p! drF ud<br />

hou; n uFhuon<br />

0 an crptre""n or ru **r!chn oroffi<br />



lNFcnon !nd 4,6.rtron FrHdutts lhsl rhtilln h F/oilld EfoE'Eb M:<br />

Conkol fimilrru$on:<br />

O ftroilk oFr{ion<br />

D Ffoar rM Et brlrE<br />

E r-.'"s r,o*.<br />

3 R*** mr*-<br />

O lrrht,nE 'riltH<br />

D vuor+.<br />

Rrv*- oi Prc-nd. lroEd'on MUH<br />

O EBm oil {fouF*n'!d<br />

- cMs lcvcl, ckr for lc*<br />

E Pn,Fr lwl ud oil dxluc nrBrdutE, tccommtndd ul (rvHrqkr)<br />

E Trwdsirn oil tpr*r$kc) -chE* l.*l chel for ke<br />

E twl - thtrr lcvil. chnl ror hs<br />

O Cmh, {ir rFrlirrblt) - chet kl,<br />

O Ertd - (h*r orrrtion<br />

thftk for B<br />

E T,E -- rht:ondnn'n nd Jr pr#uE<br />

tr O""..h.. chdk condifin rd djBlml' lubdd! tFq<br />

E hr{illc - ihE\ ii'r rmdoth oFnin8 rnd clBing i^ dl rrEn': FIFB<br />

B H.nhEnL t*iiLh rnd h.dliBhL d;ndcr eSlsh - thHk for prdrr<br />

E tnprerroprurcn chErforproFrfundM<br />

E stRnilE - rhr rh rh. BhRL Nm ProFdY<br />

O Nus. bh d tEk*R -{kI lhil il ffi w<br />

OFdiq<br />

I have rcvicsd the items chccked abovc wilh the cutomcr listcd bclow'<br />

Salcspcson Signaturc<br />

Sa.lesperson Nahc<br />

Frdufl:<br />

E srd,nt PrduH - k*A Msud<br />

U Brcskrn prdG<br />

Dealcr Name Dca.lcr No. - Phof,c (<br />

Purchasc Date - Modcl - VIN<br />

I rcknowlcd8e that thc itcms chekcd *bow hew b*n wicrtd with mc and apleintd to my Edtfstion'<br />

.c<br />

Datc -<br />

(lf cstomer is udder aBE 18, parcnt or Susdian fiust 5i8n and indicaic Elationshrp)<br />

Lcto.", Nume (Plcm print)<br />

28-7 81<br />

__ Ptsan4l l_-<br />

Dstc --.........--_..'.'-<br />

sius Ad PFDcliq ChErlitl Pril 2<br />

'<br />

MCR477.6O5 {6$l)<br />

Prnk o.rl.r Fil.

$H n 4[CO<br />


qlus.<br />

Tpxa* TEcol<br />

4698 &^.AHTHUF COURf<br />

NEwFotr sucr<br />


350<br />




wAsHlNGloN, o, c. Eoa3€<br />

(202) 7AA_5153<br />

March 28, lg90<br />

Honorable Doug Barnard, Jr.<br />

Chairman<br />

Comerce. Consumer, and Monetary<br />

Aftairs gubcomiltee<br />

Rayburn House Otfice Builaling<br />

Roorn B-377<br />

washington, D.C. 20515<br />

Re: ATYS<br />

Dear Congressman Barnard:<br />

llt w &Hr CLARA er*r$<br />


APR 9 te90<br />

dodMthUL,0(hSuMqH AND<br />

rtlotlr tlnV AFAHS $UeCOMUtflEE<br />

_ -<br />

This l_etter responds td certaln que6tlon$ in your Ietter<br />

of March 12, 1990 to Howard wiIILns, insofar- as<br />

questjons<br />

i;;;;<br />

per.tain specifically to Anetican Suiufri uotor -oip.<br />

The information provided below wilt resFond to aII of tire<br />

substantive Suzuki-sFecific requesls in you-r letrer.<br />

14iLh respect to the question of how Suzuki obtains<br />

compliance with the consent decree from Suzuki authorized<br />

dealcrs, Suzuki pursues a poI-icy of ".iite, instructrdns t_o<br />

ttre deale{s, coupted with frequerrt vis-itE by Suzuki districL<br />

sales personneL suzuki also modified its dealer sales and<br />

service agreement to clarify the dealers, oltiqatrons to sbide<br />

hy aI1 Suzuki dirEctives re_garding product sifety. i"afuOi"g<br />

those involving the consent_ decree.<br />

As to the age_recomendation issue specifically, Suzuki<br />

dealer5'pertormance in the recent CPSC su#ey wns the be€t in<br />

the industry. over 7zq of SuEuki_exclusive- clearers provlded<br />

infotntation conEislient wlEn corlscnt dectee ont iqai, i ons.<br />

Suzuki credits this dealet performance to its iepeated, strong<br />

comiln;Cations td the ilealers regarcling tne ,jeCr** (and in<br />

partrcular the aqe issue), Lo its freq:uent disLrrcL minager


Honorable Doug Brrnrrd, ilr'<br />

March 28, I990<br />

PEge 2<br />

'checka'<br />

on the dealers,<br />

custonef ackrtowledgement<br />

acknowledgement. Hhich is<br />

the customer siqns, reads:<br />

I understand thaC a<br />

adult-sire(i A?v; l2<br />

operate this ATv.<br />

repr€sented to me<br />

aPPropriate for use<br />

B5l<br />

andt to itE strong ag6-verificatlon<br />

at the Point of sale. The<br />

in boldface, red capitals and which<br />

child under I I I16 for<br />

for youth sizel should not<br />

The dealer has clearlY<br />

that this ATV is not<br />

by a child under [ 1.<br />

we believe<br />

lfrportance<br />

puichaser,<br />

ialespe."o.<br />

this acknocledgement not only strEssds the<br />

of the age recoffiendstions once again to<br />

!h"<br />

but also serves to furthet remind the dea ler<br />

of the impdtt-ance of providinq apProprlate<br />

ag€-telated inf ornation.<br />

guzuki also believ€s thrt itB markcting of an<br />

approprirtely-siz€d (8occ) vouth vehicle for children l2 rnd<br />

ovir bernits-its dealers to ;ffer a vehicle suitable for youth<br />

tideri and hElps deter or discourage parents fron purchasing'<br />

or having theia chilalren opetate, adult-sized ATt/s' Suzuki is<br />

the only distributor in the market which offers such a<br />

youth-size vehicle for children I2 and over.<br />

Suzuki aI60 performs undercover monitoring as it deens<br />

Eppropriate, For examFle, Suzuki recently cdnducted such<br />

niiritirinq of the group of dealers Hhich the cPSc, based on<br />

its survey, alleged were Providing infdrftation incorrsistent<br />

riift """""""i -decrde minimufr age recdffiendations. rn addiLion'<br />

suzuki is. to our knowletlge, tne only distributor Hhich' pridr<br />

to the recent announcemCnt of the cPSc sulvey, initiated<br />

discipl inary action aqainst dealers who haal not followed<br />

Suzuki's ditectives regarding consent dectee age<br />

recomendations. Suzuki noticed termination of one such<br />

dealer and placed a second dealer on probdtion fot, in<br />

significant part, an age-related violatron.<br />

othet thrn these two instancea, Suzuki hrE not<br />

instituted disciplinary action aqainst anY othet dealers dn<br />

aqe-tecoffinendation issues. FoIIowing our meetinqs with the<br />

,lr]stice Department and CPSC, Euzuki performed an independent<br />

undetcLrver monitorinq of those dealers whom the CPSC believed<br />

had not provided age-recoffiendation information inconslstent<br />

\<br />



Honorable Doug Barnard, iIr.<br />

March 28, 1990<br />

Fage 3<br />

352<br />

with the consent dectee, All thirteen of the6e dealers passed<br />

the undercdver monitorinE.<br />

We have not yet reached agreeneilt with the Justice<br />

Departtnent and CFSC on the {Iuestidn of how further to improve<br />

dealer {lornpliance with the age recoiluilenclations. As you can<br />

l,tobably appreciate. Suzuki, with iLs tZ\ dealer compl i,rrrce<br />

rate. rflay weII Itave different views as to llhe effectiveneEs of<br />

rts Present cfforts than other diStributors have a6 to<br />

theirs. In any event, Suzuki is ful ly dormitted to the<br />

objective df inforning prospective purchasers of aIl pertinent<br />

saf ety inf or:mation, inclrrdi.ng age tecomendations,<br />

Your letter al6o inquires as Eo dhat action SuEuki would<br />

tEke in a particular situatibn in which a dealer seIIs a<br />

vehicle for use by an underdge chilrl, Suzuki exanines and<br />

acts updn aI1 instanceE of alleged dealer misconduct on a<br />

case-by-case bESis. Obviously, situaiions in which suzuki's<br />

investigation revealE that the dealer's conduct is deliberate<br />

and egreqious would warrant appropriately severe disciplj.rrary<br />

action. including terfrination.<br />

I trust the above infornation responds to the questidns<br />

raised in yout letter. Euzuki .rppreciates the oppo.6gni6y y6,<br />

provrded for t.he industry and the comp;Jny to testify at your<br />

recentj llearing and to submit this sutlplem@nqal informalion.<br />


ET EIIID<br />

LAW<br />

353<br />

qFFICEI OF<br />

Peul,llnsnucs, .fllorsxY e WALKIR<br />



wAsHrHGioH,<br />

rf L{FH0hE<br />

q. c, looso<br />

tPoll lat-rooo<br />

trozr *Er-ar4c<br />

Aprll 5, I99o<br />

rfAHroFE, codHtcr'cvr st6'<br />


APR 5 t990<br />

(FillrEFCE, COr{slrMEB ttlt<br />


Reprrsentatlvs Doug Brffrard, JE., Clrairnan<br />

Coil."r.", Consumer & Honetary Affalr8 SubcorlftlttB6 of, th6<br />

connlttee on Governm€nt oPeratlona<br />

U.s. HouEe of RePregentatlvea<br />

Rayburn HouBE offlce Bulldlng' Room 8-377<br />

waahington, Dc 20515<br />

Dear RepreBentatlve Betrrrtdi<br />

Kawasaki ttotorB corp., U'8.4. (nxMcn) EltPrgolated<br />

the opportunlty to appear, through underslgfled counBe]., ln<br />

the hiiring beiore your subcomittee on FebruarY 28, I99o'<br />

provided wlth tnie lettor LE Kl{cra lndlvlcluar reEponEo to<br />

trueEtLonE I, 2. and I Ln your lettEr of Mafch 1?, I99o<br />

fequestinq certain lnfortatlon from the four ma]or ATv<br />

ai.='irir"i6rr, A jolnt Eegponee by the four dlEtrlbutorg to<br />

questione 3 throuqh z In your letter hae been seParately<br />

e-ubnttted to th€ subcoMltt66. Hd aPpreciate thB<br />

Subcoffinittee'E lntereBt ln thls matter.<br />

trulyf<br />


Couna6l for Kawa6aki Motors corl)', U'S.A.

Oudition I<br />

354<br />

KawdEakl Bhaf6a thE gubconnltte€rB<br />

cohc€rn that<br />

ATv d€alerE,properly lnplenent tne aietiilutorsr<br />

recomendatlona.<br />

age<br />

wlth reepect t6 Kavaeaki vehictei<br />

apaclfically, howevet, I(awisaki nust reapectfutl,y<br />

wath<br />

take laEue<br />

any suggestion thdt stualleE o, *r*'"ye demohatratd<br />

non-conpltance<br />

319::tl:ld<br />

by Kahra,Eaki deardra with,<br />

nawasaKls age recomendatlone. (AlI Xawaeaki ATVE are<br />

ont):<br />

:::9*l""ldeg<br />

for perFonB rs or otAai,j rne<br />

recent ,,undercover,r<br />

cpsc,=<br />

eurvey ldentltlea onfy approxinatEly<br />

of the<br />

Azt<br />

KBwaBakl dealErE suroeyed ae havini<br />

provide,<br />

iaitea to<br />

_or.ae havlng "discounted,I<br />

tne afpropriati<br />

reconnendatlons yith<br />

aqe<br />

regard to xai,aeqii tii; i" fiitiJuf"..<br />

The r€sults 6f othEr auroeys and fof,mal<br />

effbrts<br />

nonitorlng<br />

over the last two yeara_simiiiriv-a" nor<br />

any<br />

denonscrate<br />

widesprrad deat€r non-Eompliance wiii, tt" -i"_ .q*<br />

recomendationE ln sell_lng Hairasari Ait;;<br />

exenpl6, e<br />

:lTv"y<br />

conduct€d by a.univereity of vtrginta phyeiciin, nto<br />

apFear€d befor€ the subcordnitteE, indicii"a-tn"t only Eone<br />

20+ of the dealere (of the naior'ais{riU"tl"*l Burveyed<br />

recomfrended gI]. brand of fuII:BiEea lrV--wtraiever for a young<br />

chlld, and tsIC distribut€H onlv fuff_eieea-l,Ws. ltoreovrr,<br />

a__hdtiontl,Lde tslephone sur.vEy-f aoo xiwisatf arv pu"Jt"=*i"<br />

one year ego Eho$ed that sone 95+ of actuii consum€rs wert<br />

ttad€ awar6 of th6 t6-y6ar olal aq" ."co*"ri*tron ht the<br />

dealerehlp. -ThlB--low<br />

levrl of non-complianca<br />

of<br />

regardlnE<br />

l(avaaakl<br />

EaleB<br />

ATvs auu€are_due, at fei=i-fi-pirt,<br />

Kawladkt'a t"<br />

continuiirs erroiii I" "jJl"ti^'aELere<br />

inplementatlon as of to<br />

ttri conednt Decree.--rfrlil<br />

lncruded. efforts<br />

drveroprns have<br />

""a p""rial.g-"iit<br />

a comprehen8lve "AfV ii,iiloxr<br />

Consent<br />

dearer wrth<br />

lleiea O."ier-oper.tionE<br />

Gulde,".aeerng that Kawa*dki diatrict managers<br />

Kawasaki dealrrs<br />

o,eer_<br />

to<br />

*,lth<br />

felnforce-tn.-c"io";J-f,ioecrtptions<br />

and<br />

::":TI:::lfT^ll" r.commendation*' *t.*:131 -"9 !o1,eirii"I ili"n and uE"<br />

having ttisll: iE 6i"Ki*ir"'rii *Eiti" enphasize the iur.<br />

i1np6yl6nce oi ttreee ;lfl:::?"^ll:_ilf:*11"" oi tn6Ee-"riis;iilil^it"i;;;#ii<br />

otri-*ii^*- vry*rYdLrerrb<br />

dealEfE'<br />

aL<br />

sales<br />

^awasaKa<br />

mietings.<br />

Kawa$aki haB alBo.undertaken a tangB<br />

dearer<br />

of eff,ortg to<br />

l:11!9:<br />

action,_rn.t. t"<br />

proFerly<br />

io"iii:m"tiloi*f;"or"",<br />

inptenrhtind o".<br />

tha Kawasaii is*-iJJoil."ncationg.<br />

specifically, the puichaeer of each n*r-xuir"or.r<br />

Frrovided with a poitaa<br />

ATv ls<br />

i,rtr,-ri. ;;;,;"';;;;Xi. l:::ffl";Til.if, :.;.*T:f; ili;. ;+i:"<br />

dard reiterates that cnlfqren-ieA="Efrrn=ril=i"ars<br />

ahould not oDerate th6<br />

of<br />

ATv<br />

age<br />

iiia-urr.-Iillj iirinu""_ .o

355<br />

lndicat€ to xawarakl tf br sr Ehc tta' not fiad€ aware of thie<br />

;;;-;;;;il;"datlon at the dealerehip' AB noted abovt'<br />

[i;.;;ii- i;;i y"ar alao comLeeloned a profeBsional<br />

tJi"ptt"ne "t*iy of soue 2oo Kawasaki Alry purchaaere<br />

naif-ontltae ln eirly 1989 to monitor Hhethdr they u€rE made<br />

iriii it the ileareiehlP of the age recod[endatl"on6' solte<br />

95t r6Eponded afflrDatlvely'<br />

PlnrIIy, Klrta6akl haE conducted, and contLnu€B to<br />

conrtuet, Ihltetl-iundercovarn ilonltoring of dealers -- l'€'r<br />

i"- r""*i="ty anct appropriate to corroborate lnfomation froil<br />

itrt".-"o"."'"e Inai-citinq non-conpllance by a particular<br />

,<br />

KawaBakL d€AI6r wlth the ag6 recomriendatlonB' KawasaKr lB<br />

"frJ ""ttinuing to cliscusa Hith gov€rnnent counsel<br />

iaaiti"naf ptofoeat= for 6ther f6na of dtarer nonitorlng'<br />

Lncludlng expanaea dealBr viElte'<br />

Ouestlon 2<br />

whlle KMctB dealer ruonltorlng efforta hav€<br />

lndlcated a low levt1 of non-compliance wlth RawasaklrE tE<br />

reJonnenaations Ln sales of Kawaeaki vehlcles, KMc haB<br />

nonetheless been prePared to take pronpt and effectlve<br />

actlon against dealera aB speclflc circuilBtanceg uarrant'<br />

lccordlndry, Kawasaki haa to date inltiated temlnation<br />

proceedLnqB againEt three ATv dealera baBed upon<br />

Lorrobotaiea non*conprianco slth the KawaEakl age<br />

i"""tornenJ"tf""t' loiher aealera have been given clear and<br />

€xl)Iiclt warnlngs that thetr aal6BPerEons w6re found to have<br />

neiriv"a tnpropeily durlng an.lnitlal nonltoring.vlelt') rn<br />

eaitt "t thlEe-thr6e teminatlon cases, I(MC recelved<br />

infomation that th€ owner or sales manager at the<br />

clealership had recotnended I full-sized ATV for use by a<br />

child und-er 16 yearg of ag6' subsequent uronitoring<br />

lndicated apparent non-conpllance at th€Be clealershipE' KHc<br />

tras provlcletl toroal notice terminatlng the authorlty of<br />

theei dealerE to EelI Kauasaki ATv6' absent thelr<br />

demonstratlon of eonPelling circunstancee'<br />

ouestlon I<br />

I(uc hrB not dlBtributrd r xchild-eLzed[ ATv nodel<br />

(i.e,, Ieee than 90 cc ln engtne size). Accordlngly, it haa<br />

riEt-Ti".**.ded any of ItB ATv models for use by children<br />

thr6€ or five years of age. If KI'IC were to learn that a<br />

KawasakL ATv d;arer wa8 recomending a KawaEakl ATV for use<br />

by a thfee- or five-year old chlld, the conpany would,.upon<br />

cirrobotatlon of the dealerrE failura to comPly with hle<br />

contractual obtigatldns, take actlon against the dealer' In<br />

aDDroFriate cLrcuugtances, thiE actlon t{ould include<br />

ctiilnencenent of temlnation o! the deEler'E authorlty to<br />

B€II HawaEahl ATVB.

Appnunrx iJ.-AnorrroNAL STATEMENTS<br />

AND Mntnnrar. FoR THE<br />

Rncono<br />

EE<br />


H5 rcUHY AWME . AFK RIDfrF . ILLIUTIIS . AM1 . dl2| W57DO<br />

w MAFVM AWW gW, ilEffi , Msd/rc7il/, D.d. M4. M) &-3ffi<br />

llarch 27. 1990 RECEIVED<br />

Itlr. Ted Jacobs<br />

Room I 377<br />

Rayburn House 0ffice Bujlding<br />

l{ashlngton, DC 20515<br />

Dear llr, Jacobs:<br />

APR | 1990<br />

co{xrHlcb, o0ltbulr[fi AN'<br />

mrrrnv rrtrns slEcolsttTTEr<br />

Thank you.fgl your update.on the recent hearlng concerning ATV 4-wheelers and<br />

Lne possrDr|lry 0r.T,helr De_]ng outlawed in the united states. I worrld like to<br />

add to the record if posslble, the thought that many farmers fjnd these<br />

vehicles to be.extremely useful and economical in their farming and rarchinq<br />

operations. They are used for a muttitude of activitieson th; faim;iih ifie<br />

mein.purp'se of economrc transportation for an individuar from on" poini to"another.<br />

Currehtly, the Fann Bureau does not havi a p0licy 'use Oeaii"S',,rjli i:<br />

wheel-ATV.vehjctesl but my senii oa agii;"ii;r;i-n"io'ano of tf,ese'<br />

vehJcles ls that they f,ind them very iseful.<br />

Iraditionaliy,_pickup trucks, tractors and horses have been used for this type<br />

of activlty.. All of them t'vith varyjng degrees of adaptabillty, but aiio- -"'presenting<br />

thei.r own safety concerns. I believe lf the hovenent to<br />

dlscontinue the availabllity of 4-wheelers in the united sates were pressed,<br />

farmers and ranchers would have very strong comments in favor oi the'ATV<br />

vehicles.<br />

I.understand the hearjng dld not recorflflend or deal b,lth the lssue of<br />

dlscontlnuing the sa]e of ATVs. ln this country. l,Je would be very interested<br />

ln hearlng lf thls direction changes due to airy committee actjon.<br />

Thank you again for your he1p.<br />

s;ncerely, L<br />

..: . ,o:o'.',<br />

\,L.. .., . ,r .r. ^1,<br />

llark Landmark-<br />

0lrector of sifety prograrhs<br />

ilL: tw<br />

pc: Llbby tlhitely<br />

(356) \1

February ?I, I990<br />

The Hoflorable Douq Barnard' Jr'<br />

tl.s. Hrluse of RePresentatlves<br />

iashington, D'C' 20515<br />

857<br />

nattonal 4-H councll<br />

tloocotHEcncsr AvruE, CHFW CMiE' MRYUND ZOB|5' (N|) 96t 2&o<br />

ilECEiVED<br />

f[8 ? 7 t9t0<br />

qo|||EFcf. cci{surEF AitD<br />

Itct'lETAfrv AFFA|BS $l,Sco,tr,ilflEE<br />

Dear Congress|Ian Barnardi<br />

rhe t{ational 4-H council supports a nunber of.ll?9|:lt<br />

l:-:1li:::t'f:l:":t:l:<br />

the safe operation "t uu'rni!"ivptt "i"iit'''uirtil::l'^l::]l$;tl":t::::l:.:lo<br />

i.,i"i1-u<br />

lii-i...ulii-t.r'iit"r- These local' haflds-on trdinjng Droorams are<br />

FAX l30ll 961 2Eg4<br />

:li-;ll:"ii"iillll"!l "ii'"#',Ji[jl r'iniri:"' xiigllH"il:rc.nducted<br />

rhroush the 4-t<br />

llilifl l,;lE ;-ll le!!h i ffi :s;;;i' f:::'ifn!.lltii;l.ll":l:.::tt-?:n!:fH."l<br />

i;l rii:l i -:;l"i.i; il: l"l.l:i:r 1:^, :'ll:' [3":n: i::i,":<br />

l?il::l Arv-ieratfd :i:: il:,1ffi rnrurre5 ."" ,:';+i;;;; i I;i ;;';;";"iril; ;i:rl<br />

;;;;E iiar: i l:: 3::1."":!::i"::<br />


Congregsman<br />

Bafnard<br />

page Z<br />

358<br />

deyelopment of this orooram:_<br />

,0y!..goal 1$ to help particlpants develoD<br />

#'llil5li,l|!;,;lylit:l;:.:* nrv-sareiv ii.ii"[i!.'t,oush the invojvemenr<br />

f,Iiiff il;"itil, t;r'';.ri. it,sl';il:.;;o,lll:i,lri:.irridiil"<br />

Ridef training alone is no! thg, solutlon to the ATV safety issue regardlng<br />

{3lli'o,ftT.";Jl,iJ:|."::;:::-the iisue rrirn""-.i#,nt.v perspective throush<br />

reens presentins snfety *lllflli: ffi;'ff.;:nt"ttr' "hetiel ""i; -;;;;";;;;;:"<br />

In. the 4-H tradition we will uontinue to asslst Ameri<br />

[i5;rgl.l"oil:;:ll,l:J iearn the,ur,. oi'iii"tiil;ffi {1"il9 I;'"1'lrV:':.<br />

[,le flrmly believe that teaching young people ,,hor{<br />

to reduce injuries<br />

to<br />

and fatr<br />

knowredse reads to .-0..,,jfi:i;j;"'X'ffi[J;"<br />

i;Iol",3'oi|Ii"t]i,lniuf*"ir*"<br />

Sincerely,<br />

ruAvL*_<br />

Dr, Rlchard Sauer<br />

Pres ident<br />

Nationa'l 4-H Council<br />

RFotilw<br />

Deputy Administrator<br />

4-H Youth Develooment<br />

U,5. Oepartment irf Agrlculture<br />

cc; Cofherce, Consumer and llonetaFy Affairs Subcomnrlttee


359<br />





AttEltiffi3 D. Fale Baltard<br />

SubdmittE ffi Cqffif Conffi<br />

and tbEtarY Aftairg<br />

Ildl# Cdltitte m GdEffit +eratidE<br />

B-37? nagtrn ltrou# Offie Hrildirq<br />

nastrirgtm' D.c. 20515-6144<br />

Dear I.lB. Ballaa{k<br />

legislative/Potlcy lrHlfEt<br />

16171 727-220i<br />

EE10#6<br />

' APriI 11, 1990<br />


APR | 2 t990<br />

frI|rEFC€, oo|}silE8 AND<br />

lft rEI AV AFFAFS SLECflilmE<br />

by FEFIIL EIeaEEB<br />

PIEE find EEIo€ed Eitta tartlerry by Attomy C+uaf<br />

Jres t't. slhtrM for tlE tffiJEI lqr Sutffimitte held ffi<br />

All-Terrain VchicleE on FebnFry Zg, fSgO' Attoruy GelEral<br />

shaffi is sutrflitlirts tjris statffnt, with trc attactffiB'<br />

iti-iror"uim in tlE-ffird df tIE FebnHrY 28 twirs'<br />

I{e aErElate tat agietarc ir t}ris mtter, ud re<br />

@EiatJ the hteiest of tJE sutffimdtts in tJti6 jnFdrtst<br />

is#. If lm haw sr\t qwstiffi r€gardirlg tlE<br />

mloeed, pts# dsr't hesitate to dll re'

. . lta$sachus€tts<br />

Att"Tffu<br />

360<br />

National A<br />

Task Force on af f _ferrain vefriCGs<br />

fldr!0ilteit to--the<br />

icns.<br />

Subcommittge on Commerce, ConsumEi-e-iE MonetaFAf f airs<br />

February 28, 1990<br />

Mr. Cheifman and members of the Subcommittec, I am the<br />

Attorney General of the Coitmonwealth of MassachuEetts. I also<br />

serve as chair of the National essoeiation of Attorneys<br />

General's twelve state Task Foree on AII Terrain Vehicles.<br />

I commend you for ealling this hearing, and I appreciate this<br />

opportunity to submit a statement on beharf of our ATv rask<br />

Force,<br />

My statement discusses the need for further action to<br />

ensure furl compriance with the lggg con$ent decree entered<br />

into by the federal government and the distributors Of ATVg,<br />

fn addition. it contains a bEief report on other efforts that<br />

our Task Force is taking to protect ATV consumers.

361<br />

As this Subcommittee hnowa, the consent decree was entered<br />

on April 28, 1988. At that time, Massachusetts and twenty-nine<br />

other states were on record as objecting to the decree. l{e<br />

objected because ie believed that the Protections afforded by<br />

the decree's provisiona ltould no! achleve I Elgnificant<br />

reduction in ATv-related deaths and injuries. we believed, for<br />

example, that under the decree there was no obliqation for ATV<br />

tlistributors to monitor ATv dealerB closely enough to ensure<br />

full compliance with the decree. without Euch an obllgatlon'<br />

it was highly unlikely that the safety benefite provided for in<br />

the decree would be achieved.<br />

Unfortunately, the $el€s practic€s of many ATV dealers who<br />

have flouted the requirements of the decree underscore the need<br />

for lmposlng greater monitoring responsibilities on the ATII<br />

dlstributorE If we hope to obtain the safoty benefits provlded<br />

for in the decree. Ae this Subcorunittee is aware, recent<br />

aurveya conducted by the Consumer P_rotect Safety ConunisBion and<br />

the United States PubIic Interest Research Group (U.8.<br />

P.LR.G,) lndicate that there is widespreatl noncompliance by<br />

ATV deElers $rith the decree'3 sect ion.<br />

(Decree, tlc, p,6) The surveys reveal, for example, that, at<br />

most dealerships, ATV dealers still seII adult-sized ATVs for<br />

use by children,

362<br />

Such sales are il.Iegal and dangerous, and they must be<br />

stopped, Havlng entered into this decree with the<br />

distributors, the Consumer Froduct Safety Condrlsston now must<br />

act to ensure that the deeree is adhered to. under the crecree,<br />

the Commission has the authority to apply to the Court for<br />

adclitional Orders which are necessary or appropriate to carry<br />

out the decree. (Decree, lts, p. EZ) The Commission should use<br />

this 6ul1161ity to insist that ATV distributors monltor their<br />

dealerships closely for violations of the decree, It should<br />

insist that, if such violations occur, the distributor<br />

terminate the ttealer's Iicense to seII ATVS. Such steps are<br />

essential if we hope to see the decree's safety goals realized,<br />

Hnd I urge this Subconunittee to take a Etrong stand in support<br />

of 6uch action.<br />

'<br />

Turning now'to our hfv Task Force, we have been working on<br />

aeveral fronts since the decree was entered to secure<br />

additional proteetions for ATV consumerE. I will discuss<br />

briefly three of our efforts.<br />

First, the Task Force drafted moder state legisration which<br />

offers a comprehensive way to address the safety risks caused<br />

by ATvs' This proposar provides for the registr6tion of ATVS;<br />

prohibits children under age 16 from using ATvs; requires<br />

operators to be certified in safe ATV operation in order to use<br />

ATV$; prohibitE the sale of new or used three*wheeled ATvsi<br />

--3-*<br />


36il<br />

and prohlbits the Eale of child-sized Aws. we have Eent thIE<br />

model bilt to the Attorneys General of all states and<br />

territories, for submission to their respective Leqislature8<br />

as is appropriate.<br />

I have attached a copy of the draft<br />

tegislation, and I ask that it be includecl in the record along<br />

with my statement<br />

Our second actiorr concerns the draft voluntary standard on<br />

ATvs that was aPProved by the CPSC, the American tqational<br />

Standards Institute (ANSI), and th6 speciel vehicle Institut6<br />

of America (SVIA). On March 27t L98a, on beh8lf of our ATV<br />

Task Force, I wrote a letter to AHSL/SVIA in opposition to thls<br />

stanilard, principalty because it contained specifications for<br />

the manufacture of chilal-sized ATVg- The smalI size of such<br />

ATVs invites use by children as young as five or six years<br />

olcl, As indicatecl in our model legislation, we believe th8t<br />

child-sized ATvs should be banned in the United States' Thi$<br />

Ietter is attached to mv statement, and I ask that it also be<br />

incluclecl in the record'<br />

Finally, a number of the stateg bthich Participete in the<br />

AfV Task Force presently are conducting their own dealer<br />

somplianee surveys' A failure of dealers to comply with the<br />

consent decree may constitute violations of the consumer<br />

protection statutes of indivitlual states- eccordlingly,

indivicluat states goon nlay be tahing their<br />

actions to ensure that<br />

inappropriate size for<br />

364<br />

dealers do not sell<br />

use by children.<br />

own enforcGment<br />

ATVs of an<br />

In summary, nearly two years after the consent decree was<br />

entered, there is evidence of wide noncoftpliance of one of its<br />

most important provisions. Consuners, especialty children,<br />

remain at risk, Our Task Force wiII continue to press for<br />

additional protection for ATV consumers, Meanwhile, it is<br />

essential that the CPSC remBin vlgilant and take adclitional<br />

enforcement meaEures in order to ensure compliance $rith the<br />

consent decree.

365<br />


SECTION 1, Eltle. thle act mry be cited as the<br />

All-Terrain vehicle Safetv Act<br />

SEC3IOU ?* LaqiElaqlys ltrE€n'E "sn4 FindingE. .Tha<br />

IeEiEl8ture declares that the purpose of this act iE to<br />

safeguard the public from the unreasonable rislr of death and<br />

Injury associated trith th€ use of aff-lerraln vehicles (ATVs),<br />

and !o create a uniform method of identifying and registeEing<br />

ATVs and provide for their safe operation.<br />

The legislature finds that there exiEtE en<br />

unreasonable rislr of injury and death associated with the usg<br />

of ATvs. Since 1982, oveE ATv-related injuries<br />

have been treat6d in hospital emergency roofils nationwide; more<br />

than half the ATv-related injury victim6 were children under I6<br />

years old. During the same period, _ dedths were reported<br />

nation\.ride as a result of A1v-related accidents;<br />

approximately _ of those deaths tr6Ee children under I6 years<br />

old, Injuries tend to be seriouE, r,'/ith head injuries the ftrajor<br />

cause of death and non-fatal injury.<br />

SECTION 3. Definitions, As used in this<br />

(I) 'AI1<br />

terrain vehicles or AfV" means a motorized<br />

vehicle, not Fuitable for operation<br />

that:<br />

en a highway

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

366<br />

(a) is not more than flfty<br />

(b) has a drY ueight of not<br />

hundred (600) pounds;<br />

(q) travels on three (3) or<br />

tires;<br />

(50) inches in tridth;<br />

moEe than six<br />

more lo|rt preBEure<br />

(d) has a seat or saddle designed to be<br />

. straddled by the opQrator;<br />

(e) is equipped with handlebars for steertng<br />

controJ; and<br />

(f) is not eliglble for registration under the<br />

motor vehicle laws except as required under<br />

thiE act,<br />

Such vehicles do not lnclude trait bikes, golf<br />

carts and construction machines.<br />

"Commissioner" means the commissioner of<br />

"Dealet" means any person engaged in the business<br />

of selling, leasing, dr Eenting all-terrain<br />

uehicles at retail, at a regular place of<br />

bus iness .<br />

(+) "Decal'' means a pressure sensitive,<br />

adhesive-backed label, no smaller than three<br />

inches (3") by five inches (5"), to indicate the<br />

registration nuFber and expiration date assigned<br />

to the aI]-terrain vehicle as prescribed by the<br />

coll|tniss ioneE .<br />

- 2 -

'<br />

367<br />

(5) "Departfient" means the delriEtm6nt of<br />

(5) "Head lamp" means a major lighting device used to<br />

t7)<br />

provide general illumination ahead of a vehicle.<br />

"lrlanufacturer'' means any person engaged in the<br />

business of manufacturing aII-ter:.-ain vehicles or<br />

factory representative of the manufactuEeE.<br />

(E) "OuneE" means any FeEson other than a person vith<br />

(9)<br />

a security intere8t, hav,irg a property interest<br />

oE title to an aIl-terrain vehicte and entitled<br />

to the use and possession of the vehicle,<br />

'Person means every natural person, firm,<br />

co-partnership, association, corporation, or<br />

agent oF employee thereof.<br />

(10) Register' neans the acr of assigning and<br />

recording a registratior, number for an<br />

all-terrain vehicle.<br />

(11) "T,:i1 lamp" means a device to designate the rear<br />

'<br />

of a vehicle by a warninq light.<br />

SECTION 4. proiribitions on Distribution<br />

(a) No person shaIl import, manufacture, seII. hold<br />

for sale. disrribute, renr or purchase in this state any<br />

three-!^rheeled ATv.<br />

(b) No person shall import. manufacture. EelI, hold<br />

foE Eale, distribute, rent or purchase in this state any ATv<br />

- 3 -<br />

i;il<br />


868<br />

which hae a displacement of less than nlnety.(90) cublc<br />

centimetsr!.<br />

SECTIOII 5. EeqistEsrier Eequlred.<br />

(a) Except as provided in Section 6. no perEon, who is<br />

not I dealer or rnanufacturer; may operate an all-terrairr<br />

vehlcle ulthln the state unless the atI-terEaln vehicle has<br />

been reglBteEed with the department of<br />

(b) Each ATV dealer muEt register each aIl-reErai[<br />

vehicle o$ned by it which is used for demonstratlon or teEting<br />

PurpoEeE r<br />

(c) Each ATV manufactuEer must register each<br />

all-terraln vehicle or.'rled by it which is operated foE reseeEeh,<br />

testing, experimentation or demonstration purposeE.<br />

for the following:<br />

SECTION 6. Exemptions. A registration is not requlred<br />

(a) AI]-terrain vehicles owtled and olreEated by the<br />

United States, another state, or a political subdivision<br />

thereof;<br />

(b) AII*terrain vehicles o!.fled and operated by this<br />

state or by any rnunicipality or political subdivision thereof;<br />

(c) AIl-terrain vehicles that have nor been within<br />

this Etate for more than thirty (30) days<br />

. SECTION 7. RegistratieJr Procedure<br />

(a) AIl-terrain vehicles Inust be registered by an<br />

lndlvidual who is eighteen (lE) yeaEs of age or older.<br />

- 4 -<br />


369<br />

(b) Frery psrgon subJect to EogigtErtlorr und€r thll<br />

ect thfll make application to the dePartment of<br />

for regietration of an all-teEEain vehicle.<br />

(c) the application shall include the name and address<br />

of th€ oHrer(s) of the atl-terrain vehicle. and such other<br />

1nformationaEdeteEmihedbythecofiltttis5Ionerof-.<br />

The application must be signed by at least one (1) owner, and<br />

fiust be accompanied by the registration fee as provided in thls<br />

act and proof of insurance as require#'uDder section 20,<br />

(d) Upon receipt of the application and the<br />

appropriate fee. the deFartment of _ shall provide to<br />

the registrant a certif.icate of title, trhich shall contain the<br />

following information: The date issued, the name and addrEss<br />

of the owner. the registration number assigned co the vehicle<br />

and such other inforftation as determined by the commissioner<br />

of<br />

of<br />

(e) with every<br />

- L - l I<br />

nunber and expiration date and owner's name and address. The<br />

decal must be disFlayed at all times and be affixed to the lefi<br />

rear fender of the aIl-terrain vehicle,<br />

cBrtificate of tltle, the depeEtment<br />

provide a decal shor"ing the registration<br />

(f) The certificate of title issued to the<br />

of an all-terrain vehicle shall expire and the decal<br />

invalid when ownership of the all-terrain vehicle is<br />

transfeEred. Upon any transfer, the tranEferor shaIl<br />

- 5 -<br />

owngr<br />

become<br />


370<br />

fiftaen (15) days from the date of sa1e, return to the<br />

depertFent of the ceEtificate of tltle previously<br />

issued to .hlm, after writing the date of sal€ a$d the name and<br />

Eddress of the neu olrner on the bsci(.<br />

(g) Information concerning each registratlon shall be<br />

Eetained by the department of _,<br />

Upon a Eatisfactory<br />

Ehol.,ing thst the certificate of title, decal or card ha6 been<br />

lost or deEtroyed. the departnent of sball isEue a<br />

replecement c6rtificate of title, deca], or card, upon palzment<br />

of the fee provided in t58l<br />

SECTION 8. Registration FeeE.<br />

(a) ttre fee for registration of each ell-terrain<br />

vehicle under this acr is elghteen dollars ($I8,00) foE thEe€<br />

yesra.<br />

(b) No registration 1s transferable<br />

(c) fhe department of _<br />

shall issue an<br />

identifying registration card in 1leu of I registration decal<br />

wlth each dealer or manufacturer certificate. The registratiorr<br />

card must be affixed to the all-terrain vehicle in a<br />

conspicuous location at all times that the vehicle is in use by<br />

the manufacturer oE dealer for purposes reguiring registration.<br />

Any one<br />

foE only<br />

collected<br />

act.<br />

(I) card issued puEsuant to this section must be ussd<br />

ons (r) vehicle at any given time.<br />

(d) ?he departft€nt of ----..---.--.-.-..-..- shell u8e all fees<br />

under this act to cover the qost of adfilniBtering the<br />

- 6 -

37r<br />

SECTION 9, @_i. Everi ouncr of En sIl-tarrrln<br />

vehicle ehtll rencv Eegistration in a manner prescribed by the<br />

confiisEioneE upon payment of the EegistEation fee in Section<br />

8(a).<br />

SECTIOII I0. Distrtbution of $a:EeqLln:Eqrmation,<br />

DeeleEs shall distribute to purchasers of aIl-teErain vehicles<br />

such EafeEy information, as may be made available by the<br />

commissioner or the vehicle manufacturers,<br />

sEcTIoN I1, Safery CerrificilLiq4,<br />

(a) Except aE otherwise provided in Section 15, no<br />

person sha11 operate an all-terrain vehicls uithout having been<br />

issued an aIl-terrain vehicle safety certificate.<br />

(b) The ccrnmissioner shalI establish a ltnowledge and<br />

riding skills test fcE use in examining personE who desiEe a<br />

safety certificate. such a test shall be available to all<br />

applicants at times and et locations prescribed by the<br />

comrnissioner<br />

(c) AII persons seeking a saf€ty certificate shall<br />

successfully pass a knowledge and riding skiIIs test<br />

administered by the corl{nissioner oF other party authorized by<br />

the comnissioner pursuant to Section lI(d),<br />

(d) No person shall opertrte an aIl-terrain vehicle<br />

uithout carrying his or her all-terrrin vehicle safety<br />

ceEt i f icate<br />

- 7 -

872<br />

SECTION 12. Traininq ireqrams<br />

(a) The coffunission€r shall' establl8h Etandard8 for a<br />

compr€hensive aIl-terEain vehicle safety education, hands-on<br />

training, and rlding skills training Program' The Program<br />

shaII provide for the hands-on training of all-terrain vehicle<br />

op€rators, and for the issuance of all-terrain vehicle safety<br />

certificateE to operators who successfully comPlete the<br />

training and paEs the knordledge and riding skllIs test<br />

eEtablished under the program.<br />

(b) The training program shall be offerBd to anyone<br />

urho may laufully operate an A{V under Section l5'<br />

(c) ThiE Program shalt rncorporate methods ancl<br />

procedures necessary to develop and instill<br />

the knovfledge'<br />

attitudeE, habits, and actual riding skills necessary for the<br />

safe operation of an all*terEain vehicle' lt a minimum' the<br />

trainrng course cuEriculum shall include a complete exPlanation<br />

of the ,potential hazards and rislcs associated "tith aIl-teErain<br />

vehicle operation and the latest all-terraiil vehicle-related<br />

death and injury statistics as maintained by the United gtates<br />

Consumer PEoduct Safety Commission.<br />

(d) The commissioner may authorlae persons' clubs'<br />

associations, municipalities. or other political subdivisionE<br />

of the state to conduct classes. examinations and issue<br />

all-terrain vehicle safety certificates in hiB name' Any<br />

peEson, club, aEsociation, munlcipality, or political<br />

- 8 -

fl3<br />

Eubdlvlslon may charge a Eeasoneble fee for the pEovision of,<br />

such serviqg, Eubject to appEoval by the conunissioner, for the<br />

training courEE oE knowledge and riding sl(ilIE test.<br />

Instructors.<br />

SECTION I3. Certification of Training Courses and<br />

(a) The commissioner shall establish a pEogEam to<br />

certify al]-terEain vehicle safety instEuctors. clubs.<br />

associations. nunicipalities or political subdivisions theEeof<br />

to conduct the training programs, admioister the knotiledge and<br />

riding sltills tests and issue safety certificates in his name.<br />

(b) No person. cIub, association, municipality or<br />

political subdivision shall conduct r training program.<br />

administer a knouledge and riding skills teEt, or issue a<br />

safety certificate !,rithout receiving certification by the<br />

corunissioner under this section.<br />

(c) AII-terrain safety instructors at a minimurrr shall<br />

meet the following reguirements to become certified:<br />

(I) possess a current all.-terrain vehicle<br />

safety lnstEuctoE certification issued by a<br />

Eecognized all-terrain vehicle organization;<br />

(2) be at least eighteen (I8) years of age;<br />

(3) hold a valid motor vehicle operator's<br />

licen5e that hea not been suspended or<br />

revolced any tine during the immediately<br />

preceding tr.ro (2) years; and<br />

- 9 -

374<br />

(4) have no convictionE for drlving und€r the<br />

influenco of alcohol or drugs during the<br />

immediately pEeceding five (5) years.<br />

SECTION I4, ification Fees. The conuirissioner<br />

Ehall collect a fee of ten dollars ($r0,00) from each aBplicant<br />

for an ATV safety certificate or ATV safety instructor<br />

certificate.<br />

SECT IoN r 5 , Equ ipmen! leqli rement s- .<br />

(a) Liqhlq.<br />

(r) Every all-terraln vehicle oPerated durinE<br />

hours of darkness shall display a lighted head lamp and tail<br />

lamp, The Iights shal] be in operation during the period of<br />

fEom One-hatf (Il2) hour after sunset to sunrise, and at any<br />

time. there is insufficient liqht or unfavorable atmospheric<br />

conditions caused by fog or otherrtise, such that other F)ersons.<br />

vehicles, and other objects are not clearly di$cernible for a<br />

distance of five hundred (500) feet ahead<br />

sufficient<br />

substantial<br />

ahead,<br />

(2) The head lamp shall display white liqrht of<br />

illuminating power to reveaL any person, vehicle or<br />

object at a distance of, one hundred (100) feet<br />

(A) If the all-terrain vehicle is equipped with<br />

a multipte bean head tamp. the uFper bean sha1l<br />

fteet the minimum requirehents set foEth in this<br />

section and the louermost beam shall be so aimed

'<br />

3?5<br />

and of sufflclent lntenslty to revsrl peEEona end<br />

v€hicles at a distsnce of at l€ast fifty (50)<br />

feet ahead,<br />

(E) If the all-terrain vehlcle is equipped with<br />

a single beam head lamp, the la$p shall be so<br />

sifted that when tha vehicle is loaded none of th€<br />

high intensity portion of the light, at a<br />

distance of seventy-five (75) feet ahead,<br />

pEojects higher than thB-level of the center of<br />

the lamp from which it comea.<br />

(3) the tail lamp shall display a red liEht<br />

plainly visible during darkness from a diEtance of five hundred<br />

(5oo) feet,<br />

(b)<br />

equipped with<br />

condit ion.<br />

Brakes. Everi all-terrain vehicle must be<br />

a brake system maintained in good operating<br />

(c) Muffler.<br />

(1) It shall be unlawful to operate an<br />

all-terrain vehicle 'rhich is not equipped at a]] times with a<br />

muffler in good vrorking order which blends the exhaust noise<br />

into che overall all-teErain vehicle noise and is in constant<br />

operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, The exhaust<br />

system shatl not emit or produce a sharp Fopping or crackling<br />

sound. The departrirent shall by regulation adopt noise<br />

- l t -<br />


376<br />

requlrgr0snts for ln-uss oF€ratlon of sII*teEEain vehiclee. fhg<br />

sound l€v€l int€nBity Froduc€d<br />

by an all-terrBin vehicle ahall<br />

not exceed 99bdA, or decibels. shen measuEed {It twenty (2)<br />

inches '<br />

(2) It is unlawful to nEdify a muffler or to<br />

opeEete an all*terEein vehicle wlth a modified muffler EQ aE to<br />

increase th€ Eound ]evel of the all-tBrrain vehicle above the<br />

level allowed by thiE Eection,<br />

(3) Every aIl-terrain rrehicle must be equipped<br />

with a United states Eorest Service qualified spark aErester,<br />

(4) All-terrain vehicles PerticiPating ifl<br />

certein competitive events may be exempted from subtections (b)<br />

and (c) of this section at the discretion of the cornmissioner.<br />

SECTION 16. AqE LiMitE.<br />

(a) No person under the a9e of slxteen<br />

(16) shall<br />

operate an all-terrain vehicle, ISome states ftay want to<br />

include an exemption for agrlcultural use. l<br />

(b) No person who Is sixteen (tg) years of age and<br />

older shall opeEate an all-terEain vehicle, unlese the person<br />

eatisfies one (1) of the follouing conditions:<br />

(I) is taking a prescribed safety tralning<br />

courEe undeE the direct suPervislon of a certified aIl-terrain<br />

vehicle safety instructor; or<br />

(x) holde an approPriate safety certlficate<br />

iEsued by this stete, another Etate, or I proviflce of canada.<br />


gl7<br />

SECTION f7. ODeration on streqt. road or higr-,,ray,<br />

(a) Exc€pt as provid€d in this Bection, an<br />

all-terEain vehlcle may not be driven oE olt€rated on any p':blic<br />

6treet, Eoad, or highway of this state.<br />

peEmitted only 1f;<br />

(b) Ehe crossing of a street, Eoad, or highway is<br />

(I) th6 cEoesing iE tnade at an angle of<br />

approximately ninety (90) degrees to the<br />

direction of the highvry-and at a place where no<br />

ob8truction prevents a guick and safe crossing;<br />

. (2) the vehicle is bEought to a complete stop<br />

before crossing the shoulder or main traveled way<br />

of the highway;<br />

(3) the operator yields the Eight of way to all<br />

oncoming traffic that constitutes arr immediate<br />

potential hazard;<br />

(4) in crossing a divided highway, the crossing<br />

is maile only at an intersection of the highsay<br />

hrith another public street, road, or highway;<br />

(5) both the headllght and tailllght are on when<br />

the crossing is rnade; and<br />

(6) the oFerator holds a velld motot vehicle<br />

dilver's Iicense.<br />

(c) The crossing of any lnterstate or llmlted access<br />

hlghway i,6 not permitted.<br />

* 1 3 _<br />

.!q<br />

I<br />


ODeEator '<br />

878<br />

8ECTION rg. OtheE prohibirsd ASIE<br />

t-t') tilo Person Eh8tl 'oPerate en ell-terrain vehicle in<br />

rny of the follotring<br />

waYE:<br />

(r) At a r'{te of speed that is uFreasonable or<br />

improper ulder existing conditione:<br />

(2) In any caE9l€EE way 8o aE to endanger the<br />

perEon or property of another;<br />

(3) while undeE the inflqence of alcohol or any<br />

contEolled<br />

Bubstance;<br />

(4) Without a securely fastened helmet meeting<br />

u.8. Department of TransPortation standards and<br />

.providing eye pEotection, dn the head of an<br />

'individual t/tho operates an alt-terrain vehicl€,<br />

(5) While carrYing a PaE6enger;<br />

(6) Wlrile pulling, towing or drawing any P€rson<br />

or object;<br />

(7) Except aa ltrovided in flection 17' on public<br />

roads, highttays or any other publlc land;<br />

(8) On PEivBte<br />

proPeEty t'eithout the PermiEslon<br />

8nd the o!',neE of the or'/neE or legBor thereof ; oE<br />

(9) Under the influence of PrescriPtlon oE<br />

non-PrescElption drugE thst inPalE vision or<br />

motoE coordination'<br />

(b) No oeller or other BeEson<br />

- 1 4 -<br />

havlng chaEgs oE control

3?e<br />

of an alI-terrfiin vehicle EhaIl Lnouingly authoElEE oE p€rmlt<br />

an all-terrain vehicle to be op€rsted contrary to this act.<br />

(e) No operatoE shaII operate an all-terrsin vehicle<br />

contrary to this act.<br />

sEctIoN re, Ag.cl4entC__end_lCpSllg.<br />

(a) The operator of any aIl-terrain vehicle lnvolved<br />

in any accident resulting in injuries ro or ileath of any peEEon<br />

oE in uhich property damage in the eEtiftf,ted amount of six<br />

hundred dollars (S800) or more is susueined, shalt inmecllately<br />

notify the nearest lar,r enforcement agency and shall, lrithin ten<br />

(10) days after such accident, repoEt the matter in uriting to<br />

the departrnent, uirh a copy thereof to the sheriff or police<br />

comissioner of the county in which said accident occurred. If<br />

such operator is physically incapable of making such report and<br />

there iE anotheE participant in the accidenc nor so<br />

incapacitated such partieipant shall make the report rrrithin the<br />

allotted time afteE such accident. If there is no otheE<br />

participaht and the operatoE is other than the oh,ner, then the<br />

owner shall ririthin the prescribed peEiod of time, after<br />

).earning of the facts of such accident, report the matteE to<br />

Che department. togetheE rrrith such information aE may have come<br />

to hi8 knowledge relating to Euch accident. Every such<br />

operator of any ATV, or participant of any such accident, or<br />

the owneE, of the ATV involved in any such accident, shall lhal(e<br />

such other and additional repoEta aa the conElissioner shall<br />

reqrrire.<br />

- 1 5 -<br />

ih<br />

i.<br />


380<br />

(b) tr|hen€vgE any Atlt te involved irr an accident :<br />

rs8ultlng 1n a loss of life, I)srsonsl injury or danage to<br />

property 8nd the operator thereof has knowledge of 6uch<br />

accident. he shall stop and give his name and address, the ngfte<br />

Bnd addresE of the owner thereof and the registration number<br />

assigned to said AfV to the injuEed person ot the peEson<br />

sustaining the damage, or to a peace or pollce officer. In<br />

addition, the operator of en ATV shall exhibit his safety<br />

certificate and, pursuant to section 10, insurance<br />

identifieation dard for tuch vehicle. and give the insuEance<br />

carrier and insurance ldentification information, including but<br />

not ]imited to the numbpr and effective dates of the insurance<br />

policy, to the injured p€rson or the person EuEtaining the<br />

damage. or to a peace or police officer. In the event the<br />

person sustaining the daftage is not preEent at the place where<br />

the damage occurr€d, the operator shall, as soon 8s physicalLy<br />

able, report the same to the nearest law enforcement ageflcy.<br />

(c) A peace, police, or judicial officer who<br />

investigates or receives lnformation of an accident involving<br />

an ATV shall malce a v/ritten rePorc of the investigation or<br />

information Eeceived, and such additional facte relating to the<br />

accident is may cofie to his knowledge, and mail the garne within<br />

forty-eight (48) hours to the department and keep a record<br />

thereof in his office<br />

$EctION 20, Iilabllrly for llegligence,<br />

(a) Negllgence in the use or operatlol: of an Afv<br />

- 1 5 -

381<br />

ghalI be attEibutable to th€ ottner'<br />

(b) EveEy oirner of 8n ATv uged or operated in thig<br />

6tat€EhBllbellableandre8FonEiblefordeathorinjuryto<br />

person or damage to property resulting from negligence in the<br />

use ar oPeration of Euch ATV by any Person<br />

using or oPeEating<br />

the Eame ltith tne permission. express or imPlied' of such<br />

ouner, provided, houever. that such oEsratoE's negligence shell<br />

not be attribut€d to the oHneE as to any claitn or cause of<br />

action accruing to the cPerator or hisJJegaI reltt6sentative for<br />

such injuries or deeth.<br />

(c) This sectioh in no nay limits the operatoE's<br />

liabiltty for negligent uss and oPeration of 8n a1l-teEraln<br />

vehicle without trle PertnisEion,<br />

O\rner ,<br />

'':<br />

sEerIoN 2L L:-Eu-!Lt!f Inqg44q€<br />

express or imPlied' of such<br />

(a) An ATV which is oPerated anl'vhere in thls state<br />

shall be covered by a policy of insurance, in sueh Language and<br />

form as shaIl be determined and established by the<br />

Isuperintendent of iflsurance,] issued by an insuEanee caEEier<br />

authoEiz€d to do business in this state' Such policy shall<br />

provide for coverages required of an "owneE's policy of<br />

liability lnsurance" as set forth in Eubsection b of this<br />

section. In Iieu of such insurance coverage as hereinabovg<br />

provided, the Icoftmissioner,] in his discretion and upon<br />

application of a qoverrunental agency having registered ln ite<br />

name one or more ATVS, may waive the requilement of, insurance<br />

28-781o-90-13<br />

- 1 7 -

382<br />

by a priv*te insurance carrier and lsEue a certificat6 of<br />

self-insuranc€, vhen he iB satisfied that such governmental<br />

agency ie poesessed of flnanciat ability to Eespond to<br />

judgments obtained against it, arising out of the o$nership.<br />

uEe ot operation of such ATV,<br />

(b) The terrn ',owner,B policy of liablllty insurance,,<br />

Ehall hean I policy affording coverage as defined in the<br />

minimrxr provisions prescribed in a regulation uhich shalI be<br />

pronulgated by the Isuperintendenr of d.osurance]. Every such<br />

owaer's policy of liability insurance Ehall provide insurance<br />

subject to said rogularion against 1oss from the liability<br />

imposed by law for damages. includlng damages for care and loes<br />

of services, because of bodily injury to oR death of any persoh<br />

and injury to or destEuction of property to or death of any<br />

person and injury to or destruction of proFerty ari8ing out of<br />

the ownership. maintenance, u$e, or operation of a specific ATV<br />

or ATVS r"rithin this state oE elsewheEe in rhe United StateE, rn<br />

North funerica, or Canada, subject to a Iimit, exclusive of<br />

interest and coEtE. tith respect to each such ATV, of ten<br />

thousand dollars (S10,000) because of bodlly injuries to and<br />

fifty thouBand dollars ($S0,000) because of death of one (l)<br />

person in any (t) one accident and, subject to said 1imlt foE<br />

one (r) person, to a limit of tuenty thousand dollars ($?0,000)<br />

because of bodily injury to and one hundred thousand dollars<br />

(SI00,000) because of death of tuo (l) or rnoEe persons in sny<br />

* 1 8 -

388<br />

on€ Eccident, and to s llmit of five thousand dollars (f5.000)<br />

becBuEe of injury to or destruction of property of other8 in<br />

any one aecident provided. houeveE, thet such policy need not<br />

be for a p€riod coterminoua sith the regiEtration period of the<br />

vehicle lnsured.<br />

(c) Proof of insurance 8s required by this sectlon<br />

Ehsll be produced and displayed by the olrner ot oPeEator of<br />

such ATV upon the requeEt of any magistrate or any persolr<br />

having authority to enforce the provieinlrs of thlE chapteE.<br />

The failure to produce such proof upon the request of any such<br />

person shall be presumptive evidence that the ATV is being<br />

operated without having euch insurance in force and effect'<br />

(d) Proof of insurance aE required by this s€ction<br />

shall b6 produced and displayed by the oh,neE oE operator of<br />

such ATv to 8ny person who has suffered or claims to have<br />

suffered either personal injury or propeEty damage as a reEult<br />

of the opeEation of such ATV by the owner or oPeratoE. if such<br />

insurance coverage was required under the circturlstances of such<br />

operation, It shall be an affirftative defense to any<br />

prosecution for a violation of this subdivision that such proof<br />

uaE Eo produced or display€d uithir twenty-four (24) hours of<br />

receiving notice of such injury or damag€, or the claim of such<br />

injury oE damage,<br />

(e) No oti,TreE of the ATv shall oE€rate or Permit th€<br />

Earne to be opeEat€d anlwhere in this state trrithout hlving in<br />

- 1 9 -

384<br />

full force and effect the Iiability insurance coveEage required<br />

by this section, and no person shall operate an AfV rrith the<br />

knouledge that Buch insurance iB not tn full foree and €ffect,<br />

SECTIoN 22. Enf orc€rnq4E,<br />

(a) The conurnissioner may prescribe the form of<br />

surunonB or cornplalnt, or both, in all cases lnvolving a<br />

violation of any provision of this act or of any ordinance,<br />

rule or regulation relating to aI1-terrain vehicles or of any<br />

class or category of such cas6s, and rtrby establish procedures<br />

for proper adrninistEation controlE over the disposition thereof.<br />

tb) the chief executive officer of each local police<br />

force, sheriffg, and the commissioner EhaII prepare or cauae to<br />

be prepared such records and reports aE may be prescribed under<br />

this act,<br />

(c) The commissioner nay promulgate such rules end<br />

regulations in accordance with the pEovisions of IUniform<br />

AdIflinistrarive Frocedures Actl. aE may be deemed necessary to<br />

accoftplish the purposes and enforce the pEovisions of this act,<br />

EECTION 23. Penalties.<br />

(a) If a person who is reguired to hold an<br />

apDtoErEiate<br />

safety certificate faits to exhibit the safety<br />

certificdt6 upon derfland to a 1alr enforcement officer having<br />

authoEity to enforce the provisions of this section, t,he<br />

officer shall ccnsider this failure to be a rebuttable<br />

presurflption that the perEon is not the holder of a safety<br />

rqrl- i Fi Frra

s85<br />

(b) Except rs pEovlded ln subrectlone (c) and (d),<br />

rlry ErOr8on vlolating any of the provisiona of this act Bhsll<br />

uPon Convistlon:<br />

(f) For e flrgt offense, be gentenced to pay a<br />

flne of not IeEE thsn tventy-five doltaE8 (lAS,00) nor<br />

more than one hundred doltars (t100,00), or gugperrsion<br />

th€ olreEator'g safety cErtiflcete for six (E)<br />

month8, oE both, 8nd pay the co8ts of proEecutioni<br />

(2) For I gecond off€{Be. be ssntenced to pay<br />

a flnB of nor less rhan ftfty doltaEs (ts0.00) uor<br />

ooEe tha[ tno hundrEd dollars (fA00.00), or BuEpen6ion<br />

of the opeEaror's safety cErtiflcate for one (1) year,<br />

or both, and pay the costs of ptosecution.<br />

(c) It shdll be a misdemeanor punishable by e flne of<br />

up to flve hundred dollars (fSOO,O0) or by a sentence of up to<br />

eleven (11) months and tHenty-nine (29) days, and suspension of<br />

the oEeretoE's sefety csrtificate for tuo (2) year;r, for a<br />

vio.Lation of Sectione 1g(a)(3), tB(a)(9), 19, or A1 of thig<br />

act, or allowing operation by an individual who iB not<br />

qualified to operate the vehicle under Section 16.<br />

(al) It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of<br />

up to t\Jo thousend dollars ($2,000) or by a sentencE of up to<br />

elev€n (lI) months and tvrenty-nine (29) dayE to violate Section<br />

a of this rct.<br />

-21 -

A-<br />

W<br />

387<br />



i.,J:<br />





II':AR<br />

2 r: pgg<br />

1 -::-<br />

r:il, t<br />

llr. J.C, Delaney. Manager<br />

Technical Programs<br />

SVIA<br />

? Jenner Street, Suite I50<br />

Irvine, CA 9?718-38U0<br />

r.tE rch z7 , 19I9<br />

Re: Drsft AmeEicnn NationElStendlrfd Af,EI/BVIA<br />

Dea r lilr . Delaney :<br />

I<br />

As chairman of the National Assoclrtlon of Attorneys<br />

General Task Force on all-terrain vehicles, I writc on behalf<br />

of the other Task Force member states, California, Connecticutr<br />

Illinois, lilinnesoLa, Missouri, New York, North lJakota.<br />

Tennessee, Texas. and wisconsin, to subttit comrnents on the<br />

ANSI/SVIA draft voluntery stantlerd for aIl-terrain vehicles.<br />

This stdndnrd was presented to and aPproved by the Consu[0Br<br />

Product Saf el:y Comission on October 28, 1988. and is now being<br />

consideretl by the American National Standards Institute<br />

( "ANsr'<br />

) .<br />

The stlttB are gravely coneerned thet the voluntary<br />

standard to be considered recognizes the continued manufacture<br />

of youth model ATVs for children under the 6,ge of L2, including<br />

a model deeigned for ^hildren as younq as six years of age.<br />

The seriousness of this issue cannot he more emphatically<br />

underscored. Thousands of )roung chitdren heve already died or<br />

been injured while operating ATvs, many while operating<br />

chiltl-siEetl ATvs, The Consumer Product Safety Commission has<br />

acknowledged that children under the age of 12 lack the<br />

cognitive and physical developmerrt to oPerdte ATvs, regardless<br />

of their size. 54 Fecleral Regulation 14I2..Ianuary I3, I989.<br />

we believe that a voluntary standard which allows for the<br />

continued manufacture of clrild-Eized AI'\rs should not be adoPted<br />

by ANsr.<br />

ThB atateE futther eEpress dlEEPPointment that the draft<br />

voluntary standard containB no provision for e minimum standard<br />

for ATv IatrEdl stEbility, The lack of lateral stability in<br />

ATvs has contributed, in one rray or another, to hhe vEst

Itlr. iI. C, Delaney, llanrgcr<br />

Technical Programs, SVIA<br />

Irtarch 27, Ig89<br />

PEge Two<br />

388<br />

majorlty of ATt/ rccidents. we regret thrt the indu8try and Che<br />

Conunission were unable to Eeach agreemont on this critical<br />

isgue.<br />

FlnelIy, the stetes trot6 that the voluntery Etdndsrd doeE<br />

not r€fer to or conEain findings aE to the effectiveness

s89<br />




moH: c. SUSAI{ ZAGGY<br />

DATE: FEBRUARY 1990<br />

Thls written testlnony ls to be subrnitted in lieu of<br />

appearing as a witness, slnce the Hitness list vras filled and<br />

Hs, Zaggy could not be added to the list in order to appear<br />

before the connittee in person to testify to these irnportant<br />

issues. Congressrnan John Hiler's office (Indiana) suggested<br />

this written testirnony be subrnitted for connittee<br />

consideration with the oraL testinony to b€ glven February<br />

28,1990.<br />

lahls o[ contentE<br />

I. Bacl(ground - Jason'a Story ..' I<br />

II. Hichigan's Lcgislative Experience ... 2<br />

Iff. The Consent Decree's ilFailuren ...4<br />

fV. State v. FederaL Legislation ... 5<br />

V. Request for Cornnittee Consideratlon ... 5

L Backqround - Jason's Elgfy<br />

390<br />

W. ilason Zaggy was born october 23t 1975. A cherub-<br />

faced. towheaded tittle boy. Jason was bright, Eelf-assured,<br />

and nultl-talented. He $tas in the 95th percentile of his<br />

fourth grade class, and worked hard to become a well-rounded<br />

athlete. Jason }oved aII kinds of sports, especially<br />

baseball, 6occer, and hockey. Jf one word couLd describe<br />

Jason (which it can't, but...) it llould be rrhustle.rr Alnost<br />

frorn the first noment a boy laces his first pair of skates,<br />

Eoneone is urging hltn to hustle, and irason discovered thls<br />

!ilas En attitude and driving desire to succeed. And succeed<br />

Jason did, becornlng an expef,t hockey player in his horne statc<br />

of Michigan, even beating canadiana at their dwn tournatflent<br />

games, There t{as tatk of .fason playinq on the United States<br />

olympic Hockey Tean, and Jason hitnseLf spoke of gettlng on<br />

the team to rrbeat the Russiansrr like the last U.s. team.<br />

It hraE obvious to everyone who knew hin that Jason was a<br />

bright, athletic and gifted chlld. He planned to become a<br />

pediatrician, because he adnired hls own doctor so much. But,<br />

due to a lach of safety standards and ill-designed urachineryn<br />

ilason nas killed, through no fault of his own, at the age of<br />

eleven (11) in an Al[V accident In which he sustained massive<br />

cranLal danage. An el€ven year old litt1e boy with everything<br />

to live for, and the promise of a successful and acconplished<br />

Ilfe ahead was abruptly ended in a few ttlinutes of<br />

rrrecreational respite.rr Now, instead of ilason playing hockey<br />

Page one

391<br />

and getting on the Olynpic team hinself, his teailnates and<br />

coacheE have begun a neftorlal tournanent ln hiE honor. A<br />

tribute to a wefL-loved little boy that €veryone would rather<br />

not have to hold; they would rather have Jason back fihustling<br />

the icerr like no one else couldl<br />

II. Michioan'e Leoislative Exrerience<br />

Since 1986, llichigan physicians have been lobbylng for<br />

additional legielation to inprove the safety of aLl off-road<br />

vehicleE, including ATVg, due to the physicianB aecing an<br />

increasing nunber of patlents injured, naimed cnd kllled in<br />

off-road vehicular accidents. fn 1988, Iegielation wae<br />

lntroduced by a physician and hember of the ltichigan Senate,<br />

Senator Schwarz (Battle Creek), that particularly addressed<br />

ATVS, and had three goals:<br />

l. Helnets would be required to be used by all users.<br />

2. The sane restrLctions regarding rrinpaired drivingtr<br />

(eubstance abuse) would be imposed on off-road<br />

. vehicular drivers,<br />

3. No one under the age of 16 woufd be allowed to drive<br />

off-road vehicles.<br />

After 18 months of lobbying and various legislative<br />

naneuverxr, the Hichigan bill passed ln a watered-down fom of<br />

Senator Schwarz's original bi}I. Basically, the bill requires<br />

helnets on aII drivers, End inpoaes inpaired driving<br />

restrictlons on off-road vehicle drLvers, but the final<br />

coftpronise involved the age of drivers, and ended up that a<br />

person must he l? years qld to drive an ATV on publlc land,<br />

and 1O years old to drlve on private land. (Apparently, the<br />

Page Trdo

392<br />

thought was that lt is sonehorr safer to drlve off-road<br />

vehlcles on private land, so younger drlvers can be allowed<br />

to operate off-road vehicles?) Currently, addltionaL<br />

legislation ie pending to add an educational, fisafety and<br />

trainingtr Btlpulatlon into the Michigan law.<br />

Instituting legielation concerning ATV safety ln<br />

Hlchigan has been net with continued resistance fron dealers<br />

and nanufacturers of such off-road vehiclea. Recent1y,<br />

efforts to nerely begln a rrpublic Eervice canpaignil on<br />

television to encourage aafety hrhen using ATVs rdere quash€dr<br />

and the ads were pulled after local televislon stations<br />

acroEa the state were threatened by lobbyists.<br />

Dr. Elllott Grysen, tt.D., J.D,, of litedico Lega1<br />

Consultants, East Lansing, Mlchigan, Ehares that the medLcal<br />

comnunity got lnvolved ln lobbying for off-road vehicular<br />

Eafety because they wanted to reduce thG nuhb€rs of injuries<br />

and deathE in Iilichigan due to off-road (AT\/) aceldents. yet,<br />

8O people have dled in llichigan ln off-road accidents, and<br />

half of thoBe people were children. In addition, 30-35 of<br />

these deaths occurred AFTER the order of the xFlnal Consent<br />

Decr€€r' ln Unlted States y* anerlcel Honda lfotor co., et.<br />

al- civtf Action No. 87-35?5 GAc (1988), which sought to<br />

Lncrease aafety precautions. fn Michigan, Dr. Grysen<br />

estinate8 that three people die per honth on Al[Vs. yst', thg<br />

television stations aren't even alLotred to show funproved<br />

Bafety neaEures, due to f,ear from the dealers and<br />

Paqe Three

393<br />

hanufacturers of off-road vehieles that they wlll sonrehos<br />

lose business that nanifesta itself in lobbying to resist<br />

publicatlon of such Bafety neariure8, that could aave 1Lve8.<br />

The battle has pitted ndollars and centsn Bgainst innocent<br />

lives. Like Jason flagqy's LLfe.<br />

IIL The Congent Decreefs lEaifure!<br />

The Final consent Decree lrreadsrr beautifully--if only it<br />

were adninistered and followed across the country. Yet, since<br />

1988, few of the stiputations have been consistently followed<br />

by any state legisf,atlve initiative' Safety efforts etiIl<br />

fail, due to powerful dealer,/nanufacturet robbiee. The decree<br />

EetB out speclfic labeling procedures, eafety meaaure8, and<br />

guidelines to follow, yet nP state has adopted these<br />

stringent heasures in any of the legislation tegarding off-<br />

road vehicle use. In addition, there are no heasures to<br />

insure enforcement or any ralnifications for failure to follow<br />

the decree's guialeLines, other than re-applying to the court<br />

for [enforcement of cornpliance.il $lhi]e it night have been the<br />

hope of many that the consent decree would be voluntarily<br />

followecl, that has not happened. I nust reiterate, that since<br />

April 28, 1988 when the final consent decree was ordered, in<br />

the state of t{ichigan alone, an estimated 30-35 people have<br />

clied in off-road (AtV)-related accidentar half of I'rhich were<br />

children. . . Ilke Jason.<br />

Page Four

Iv. state y- Eeil€r*t lesi-slBlistr<br />

394<br />

Consumer grroups, profesrional associatLons (physicians),<br />

and concerned individuals have tried to see legislation<br />

passed in their states, increasing the safety precautions<br />

regulating the use of off-road vehiclea, especially ATVS.<br />

But while states have some verslon of ATV safety leglslation,<br />

it nust be noted that ![sp ie nc uniformitv in the<br />

€nforcement gE settir{r the standards ell care Lg usins off-<br />

road vehlcl€$. In sone states. children nuEt be 14 year old<br />

to uEe such vehle1es, in other atates children can be as<br />

young aB 10, or younger. There is a veritable flhodge-podger<br />

of legislatlve policies ln different states, that ar€ all<br />

generalty rrweakeril than the meaEures outlined ln the Final<br />

Consent Decree. .The states have obviously not proven to be<br />

,powerful enough to wlthEtand and reslet pressure fron off-<br />

road vehicLe lobbying groups, While the hope was that the<br />

atate$ would nfoLLoqrtr the neasures ln th€ consent decree, and<br />

that the deaiers and rDdrrufactures would begJ"n to reelf-<br />

regulat€l Eafety issues, this has clearly not haFpened, ft ls<br />

tirne for a Etrong federal lead to protect the lives of<br />

Americane, adults and chlldren alike.,.llke Jason.<br />

V* Resueet For Comlf.!€e conglderation<br />

f had hoped to be Lnvlted to addre3s th€ Coulrlttee Ln<br />

perBon Fehruary 28t 1990, yet r an grateful for th€<br />

opportunlty to eubrnlt this wrltten testinony for comlttee<br />

consideration. I nust believe that rny eon'a dcath was for a<br />

Page FIve

895<br />

reason that we cannot y€t begin to underetand. f am<br />

motivated, though, through ny devastating loss to push for<br />

consistent, Etrong, and solid legislation protecting off-road<br />

vehicle users--especialfy children...like .Jaaon.<br />

Nothing can brlng [ly son back, but we caD collectively<br />

work together to prevent }oeing nore brightr Erticulate, and<br />

loving and Loved citizene of thls natLon. llhere ie no nay to<br />

know what Jason or the other caaualties of off-rogd<br />

recreationaL vehlcular accidents might have acconpllshed had<br />

they not been rnaimed or klIled. The inventor of B cure for<br />

cancer or AIDS might have perished ln one of these<br />

accidents...how do we know?<br />

f ask the Cornnittee to ltlak€ their decisions with these<br />

victirns In mind, and not be swayed by the arguments of<br />

personal and capitalistic fteedon put forth by A €troup more<br />

interested ln profits that the safety of the people providing<br />

their profits. trhank you for your coneideration.<br />

cSz,/JHh<br />

C. Susan Z{ggy<br />

rr constltutid Dri<br />

uiehigan clty, IN 46360<br />


398<br />

Hon, Doug Bernard. Jr. March Z. t99O<br />


Comerce, ConSUher and Monetery Affairs Subcoffiittee<br />

The safre 1s true in the case of carrying Fassengers. The additioh<br />

of a passtqggg on the vehiclq tesults in a nuclr more unstable<br />

vehicle. Likcwiee. Likcwise, he failed to fr, point y,AiFt out ^r,f that Iher riding this vehicle<br />

of, a paved gurfaee df any sort, Hhethar it-'s a public road or not,<br />

cen result in loss of contEol. which relates again to the desiqn of,<br />

the vehicle.<br />

The manufacturer has taken the positioh af warning agalnst certain<br />

things as opposed to deEigning those hazarCs out ot itre system, ohe<br />

need only take a look st an operators manual ahd count the numbsr of<br />

warned against activities thrt can result in sevr)re injury or death,<br />

ahd they will have an idea of thE magnilude of the design<br />

deticiencies associeted with this vehlcle- My contention is that if<br />

you solve the design protrlems with this vehj.c1e. then training<br />

requirafrents will be mueh ah less, 1ess, need.for need, for warninos warnings uilt will he be<br />

considcrabty less and obviougly injuries ancl faialilies will be<br />

less. J do not understand why the manufacturers resist the ldea of<br />

added safety to the vehjcle, and I do not understand why they so<br />

vehemently dppose my opinions and suggcations that the vehicie can<br />

be made much safer.<br />

It would geem to ne thet the f.ypes of accidents that are occurring<br />

such as, no helmer.s and carryir,g passengers in operation on paved<br />

roads, would be an indication to the manufacturers Lhat this is the<br />

way that the Afrerican public generally operates thE vehicle, Also,<br />

the way the vehicle is being used, should be an indication to the<br />

mBnufactuter td take those uses into account as opposed to sifrp1y<br />

defining those useg ag "misuses".<br />

ThE manufdcturers have taken itre<br />

position that if the vehiele 1s used in a certain manner that they<br />

have not defined, then they have categorized that<br />

"operator<br />

ss<br />

nisuse", Likewise, if an eccident occurs with one of their<br />

vehicles, then by their definition, it becomeg operator error.<br />

Thank you very much for your considerati.on. If you have any<br />

questiDns or if I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to<br />

give me a call.<br />

PHJ/pc<br />

cc: Ted Jicobg<br />

Dr. Leon Roberron<br />

Yours very lruly,<br />

Page 2 6f 2<br />

Corpordt i dn

March tJ, 1tg0<br />

399<br />


? Monlgotnery Parkway<br />

Branfotd, CT 0640.5<br />

c03) 4EE-6655<br />

The Honorable Doug Eemard, Jr,<br />

Chairman, Cornrnittee on Government 0perations<br />

Subcomnittee on Conrnerce, Consumer ind Monetary Affelrg<br />

U.S. House of Repreeentatives<br />

Rooil B-377, Rayburn Office Buikling<br />

l,{ashington, DC 205tj<br />

Re r February 28 Hearlng on "aIl-terraln<br />

Dear Mr. Barnardr<br />

HECE'VED<br />

tiAR<br />

22 w<br />

,*ffiflF.lfiHl,gflli+.,<br />

vehicLcg.<br />

f regret that T waa unEwer€ of the hBarings on eo-calIed "a11terraln<br />

vehiclee" (ATYs) and wae thorefori not present to offer<br />

ny observations. Frank Johnson wae kind enough lo send ne the<br />

Etat€nents matle at the hearlng and aeked that I convey my<br />

opinlona to you, particrrlarly with regard to the etatiettcs<br />

presentetl at the hearing by industry repr6a6ntatives. My research<br />

1s nalnly focused on injury etatistics, eplderniology anO policy<br />

enalye1s. A bricf biographlcal Bk6teh is attached,<br />

The thrust of_the industry's position ie that use of all-terraln<br />

vehicles (ATV) ls no more risky than several othor forrne of<br />

recreation or oth6r activltlsB antl 1s, thorefore, an acceDtablc<br />

risk, They dld not say that Bo dircctly ln the hearing, but tt tB<br />

strongly inplled by the stattstlcal comparieone they prosonted.<br />

The injuries, according to thc intlustry, ar6 nainfy the fauft of<br />

thc drivers, and they added in th6 February hearlng that recent<br />

tlocllne ln injury ls the result of induetry cfforts to warn and<br />

Gducate drivers.<br />

In ny opinion, the quoetlen of the acceptlblllty of a rlsk rhoutd<br />

be bas6d on wheth6r that rlek waa hcceaaary or coutd have becn<br />

avoidod, not how it conparee te other rlEkE, The average pcrson<br />

does not have the resources to gather data on a varlety of rieke<br />

and comparG thcm and decide whethcr or not tho risk ls<br />

*acceptable",<br />

llahufacturers mu6t bc held accountabL6 wh6n they do<br />

not 6ltrp1oy knowledgB of simple phy8ic8 and hunen factors in<br />

vehicle design. As an econonlgt, Heldcn Bhould know v6ry weLL<br />

that policy rcgardlng rlsk to soclety is not based on ralatlve<br />

rlek, Moet oconornlsts advocete that rcgulatlon shouLd b6 bea6d on<br />

thc extent to which a rufc would reduce the coat of tho inJury<br />

relative to the coat of lnposing the ruLe, Coat-benefit and cogteffcctlvonaae<br />

anatyBie ie nover baaeal on rat6s of inJury or<br />


Mr. Barnard, March 13, 1990, p. 2.<br />

400<br />

It<br />

_is_partlcuLarly<br />

pernicioua for the ATV lndustry to conpare ATV<br />

lnJuries to those frorn notorcycling afld snowmobiling given that<br />

the same rnanufacturers vislted thoee plagues on the public. ttrc<br />

pattern in the industry heB been to introducB a series of<br />

vehiclas with characterlstics inducive to high injury rateE and<br />

promote then for<br />

"fun"<br />

use, In the 1960s about 200 diaths ner<br />

y6ar occurred on rnotorcyclds, In the 1gfOs, Honda promotedmotorcyclos<br />

wlth the BLogan "you meet the nicest plople on a<br />

Hohda" and protrayed people doing all Borts of fun things on<br />

Hdnda motorcycles (?, Sakiya, I{onda Motorr The Men, Theyattagement,<br />

The,Maahines. Tokyor Kodansha Intornational, lg8e).<br />

Tn the early 19808, Honda, Kawaeakir and yanaha introducert raeing<br />

cyc1escapableofspeedsupto16Oml1esperhourandprornoted<br />

them for street use, The racing cycles haio death rata-s twice<br />

thoee of les$ powerfuf cyc1es (J,F, Kraur, et a1., Motorcyclo<br />

design and eraeh injuries in California, Bulletin of the i'Iew york<br />

Academy of Medicine, $epternber/October, l9BB, p. ZBB). Saloe and<br />

deaths soared and by the mid 1980s more than 4_500 people dJ.edl on<br />

rtotorr--ycles Xler year. Following publicity about thl hazards of<br />

raci.ng cycles on.the CBS pr.ograrn l/test 5?th and in th6 print<br />

media, notorcyclists deathn dropped to 1486 in lgBB, slitl far<br />

above the 700 per year in the 1960e.<br />

Snownobiles were also heavily pronoted by the ATV nanufacturers<br />

in the 1p60s and early,1g?0s- and an epidlmic of lnjuries occurreA<br />

to riders of thoee vehicles, Apparently the rnarket-for<br />

snownoblLee was saturated by 1pf4 when sales began tr6 decLlne<br />

rapidly, fn the late tpl0s, promotlon of ATVs for recreatlonal<br />

use began, with the resuttin[ epidemic of injury and death from<br />

thoee vehicles. Suzuki rcccnily did a similai pi^ornotion of thc<br />

Samurai, which has a fataf ro]lover rate slx tirnes that of a]I<br />

paBsenger carE, until they were taken to task by Consurner's<br />

Union.<br />

one of the charactcristlcB connon to motofcycleB, EnowrnobilcB,<br />

ATYs, SanuralB and othcr utllity vehiclcs, is thelr instablliiy.<br />

The industry ilTnoras the nost refevant statistic Ebout ATV<br />

injurias, The majority of injuries occur when the vehicte<br />

unerpectodly rolfs ovcr, This shouLd have been antlcipated by the<br />

cngineers who_designed the vehicl.es. Most of the AtVs-cxarnlnid by,<br />

the Consumer Froduct Safety Commission'E (CPSC) cngincers will<br />

tip ovor with a side force of less than one g. The-industry<br />

argues that<br />

.a standard for stability should be bascd on coinplex<br />

dynafiic perforFtancc rathcr tharr a simple static meauur.a of<br />

stability, "et<br />

rny research on utility vchiclcs (cnc.loscd)<br />

demonstrates tlat statlc stability is highly predictlvc of<br />

roLfover death rates of utility vchicfcs. Aboilt 6t perccnt of thc<br />

"?{}pt+g".arnon61 vehiclc rof fov.r rat;s is predlcted-b,y track<br />

1v1$th.dfvided by twicc thc hcight of thc clntcr of. grivity<br />

\T/?H), which ranges from I to 1,? gs alrohg the utlLity vlhiclcs.<br />

."asscnger cers have a T/ZH ranging frofi 1.1? to 1.62 ee and hava<br />

very low roflover dcath ratcs, The evldence suggests ihab much of<br />

the rolLover dsath ratc on ATVS could be reducid by sfinpty

Mr. Barflard, March 13, 1990, p, 3.<br />

401<br />

wldenlng the distance between the center of the tlroe and<br />

lncreasing the length between front and rear axl63' The fact that<br />

the inalustry continuaLIy delays dolng that' ae well as reducing<br />

the speed capebility of the vehicles, and blames the riders for<br />

not heedlng warnings is, in ny vlew' crfuninal negli8ence.<br />

tlith redpect to Helden's etatietlca on the percentage8 of<br />

lnJured rldErs who dld not heed warnlngs' the public hss isseived<br />

a very rnlxed megeage on these vehicles frorn the indu8try' The<br />

vehicie ie by its very nano suPposedly ugable on all teruaing,<br />

y6t the lnduitry warn8 against use on pavem6nt' The lnduetry<br />

L1*irns to warn that helmdts should be used and that children<br />

below a certain age should not ride ATVs' but as recentfy as Jaet<br />

Christrnas a KawaBAki advertLsenent showed a chlld-1l]te rider<br />

wlthout a hetmet. Encloeed is a photograph of an advertising<br />

biriuoara ln cro88vi11e, Tennessie th;t i took ln December, 1989'<br />

f eaw it at dusk and the photo le thus too dark' but you can see<br />

that the littLe person, presumably-$anta'e e1f' on the ATV ie<br />

unhelmeted and, furtherrnbre, etanding up on the 86at. The<br />

lncluetry warns against carrying passengdrs but putt a long eeat<br />

on the vehicfe which invites passeflgera to u8e lt'<br />

Compare the bdhavlof of the ATv lnduetry to some other companiea<br />

thai discovered unneceaeary risks associated wlth.their producte.<br />

When a few Tylenol capsules were found to have pol9on in them'<br />

"ppar"ntfV b! tamperiirg after reaching the store shelves, did th€<br />

rn-airuiact"ier'blarni the risk on human behavior, lssue a warnlng,<br />

and contlnue to distribute the product? No' they stripped the<br />

product fron store ehelves and did not sel} it again untll the<br />

-uac[aslne<br />

had been nade much nore tanper reglstant. When Perrier<br />

iound*a darcinogen in lts product that had a one in a million<br />

"i"-[ of caueing*cancer, did lt say the rlsk ls lower than smoking<br />

or other causee of cancer and contlnue to sefl the product? No'<br />

ihey recaLIed the product and did not sell it until the risk was<br />

renoved '<br />

In additlon to the faulty logic applied to the Belect€d<br />

statistlcs presentod ty etV lnanufa-cturer' I repreBentativea,<br />

Heiden'B represdntatlons of statlstice on risk per hours of use<br />

of ATVs antl other products are based on unrellable surveys of<br />

""u, U* an(l oth€rs uae tnore that 20 houra per month use in<br />

calculating totaf ATV hdurs used, based on a,survey by a flrrtt<br />

""ff"a Marfet Facte, Yet -59 percent of the riders reported use of<br />

less than 1? hours per month; ao the average faffs much above the<br />

tvoical reDorted uee of more than haLf the drivers, The<br />

riitisti"*i tern for thls is a skewed distribution, which means<br />

that a few observations, ln this case with high reported uee'<br />

frave a large lnfluence on the average. The extent of this<br />

itrf],t"tt"" 6an be l]]ustrated by the fact that 2 percent in the<br />

aampLe accounted for 1J percent of the cfaimed hours of use'<br />

To check on who made clalms of such hlgh use, I listed fron the<br />

CPSC computer fiLe the cases ln which ATV use was reported as

Mr. Barnard, llarch 13, 1990, p, 4.<br />

402<br />

.t099 gr nor6 houra per year (which wouLd flean more than two an4 a<br />

half hours p6r day, eVeiy day ln a year), f found AJ Brrchl".s"u.<br />

Theee incLudodr<br />

-- 3600 hours by a ?2 year old male (g.g hours a day every<br />

day for a year).<br />

-- 1120 hours by<br />

+<br />

4 year o1d fer,nale (J hours a day every<br />

day for a year)<br />

-- l0B0 hours bjr a 5/ year olcl mafe (alrnost I hours a day<br />

every day for a year).<br />

These numbers are sinply not pfauslble and the average frorn a-'<br />

distribution skewed by euch responsee shoul_dn,t Ue uEeA iJr<br />

anything, much Less to caLcufate riFI( of a hazardous produ;t,<br />

fn his exhibits 6 and ? for the hearin41, Hoiden presented graphs<br />

of injuries and deathB per supposed hourB uBe, Hi eites CPFC,-the<br />

Nationaf Higtrway Traffic $at'ety Adninietration anil the National<br />

Safety Counell aB $ources of, the data. ethBr than the Market<br />

Facts eurvey on ATV ude done for CPSC, merrtioned above, none of<br />

these organlzations has done BurveyB of houre use of vihicles,<br />

organized footbal1, swlmming, etc. fn defenee of A?Vs in pr+duct<br />

IiablIlty laweuits, witnessee for the manufacturere have '<br />

presented similar graphs based on surveya of recreationaL<br />

activity by MiJ.ler Lite and other organizatLons, Those surveya<br />

uBe answelr_ categories for frequency of activiEy such as "dai-ly or<br />

4Lrrost daily"'<br />

"about<br />

once or twice a week",<br />

"ibout<br />

once or tilce<br />

a month", and "lees<br />

than once a month,,. The atternpt to convert<br />

such grossly l.mprecise categories into exact houri of various<br />

activitiee is redlcufous, If Heiden cane td my injury<br />

eplderniology seminar at Yale and preBented soirething llke that,<br />

the graduate students would laugh lilrn out of the ro6m.<br />

Helden's exhibit I cornparee death fates per 10,000 vehicles of<br />

ATVg and Eports cars, He does not, howevea, mentiorr that the<br />

DatternB of the craeheB of these vehicles are very different.<br />

Con8lder the car with the highest death rate, the ChevroLet<br />

Corrette. The fatal crash rollover rate of that vehicle ls 3.8<br />

per 100,000 registered (rnodef years 1970-1g84 crashing in<br />

cafendar years 1982-1gBJ, rollover as flrBt harrdfuf event in u_<br />

crash ln which an oceupant of th6 Corvette died), That is ar6at6r<br />

than the all car rate of 1,3, but the fatal rollover death-rate<br />

of ATVg (4,8/1OO,000) in 1985 was 3.7 tines the aff car ratd and<br />

?f percent more than the Corvette rate, The ATV rollovBr deatl<br />

Iate<br />

per veh_icle was nuch higher than the car rates deepite the<br />

faet that ATVs were likety drivan much Jess rni_les per .yEar per<br />

vehlcLe, Do6s he believe that iffesponsibility of luto"<br />

nanufacturers in prornoting speed in sports care Justlfles ATV<br />

nanufacturers promoting unstable vehicles?<br />

Heiden seems to want to have lt both ways in hle data on trends<br />

il +Ty injulies. fn the February, 1pp0 hearlng, h6 Bhowed a graph<br />

claining a 55 percent decrease in ATV injuries baged dn the ilEISS<br />

survey, When the inJuries were increasing, however, he cfained<br />

the NEfSS data were biased, In a paper put out by Heiden

Mr. Barnard, March l?' 1990, p. 5.<br />

403<br />

Aasoclates ln 1986,<br />

'Preliminary<br />

Crltique of Data Base Supporting<br />

CPSC's Advanced Notlce of Propoeed Rulemaking for ALL Terrain<br />

Vehicfes", Heiden clairned that there are likely Brrors in the<br />

CPSC's estirnate8 of injuries because the ratea increaee ln a<br />

period when some hospltals ln the Burvey were changed. He dld not<br />

perform a sirnple teet of independent validity, that is, did the<br />

death rates, rneasured independently of inJury rates, change<br />

similarly? They did, as illustrated by the lnJury to death ratior<br />

Year fnluries Deaths fniuries/Deatha<br />

1986 86,400 268 J2"<br />

1985 85,9oo 246 149<br />

1984 63,900 153 41q<br />

l98t 25,9oo 8J 316<br />

1982 8,600 26 J31<br />

It ls obvlous thst the lncrease in lnjurles Parslleled the<br />

increase ln tleaths. The ratio of lnJuries to deaths is virtually<br />

the sane ln 1985-1986 aa it was in 1982-1981' Therefore, the<br />

Iarge j.ncrease in injurles and injury rates per vehicles in 1984<br />

through 1986 was not the rasult of I{eiden's allegations about<br />

problema in hospital sampfj.flg by CPSC'<br />

f do not know why the injury and death ratee are declinlng, but I<br />

an scepticaf that lnduetry warnj.ngs and training account for a<br />

Iot of it, tn the 1985 ln-depth studiee, one in four persons<br />

injured on an ATV wae riding it for the first tifle. I suspect<br />

that Buch experlences reduces usage and that many ATVg are now<br />

stored away unused, ALso, the hazarde denonstrated on television<br />

prograns such aa 2O/2Q and 60 Minutes may have reduced use.<br />

It is doubtful that tralnlng has much effect on lnjurieB that<br />

wouLd have required reactlon tlmes beyond hunan capaclty to<br />

avoid, Certalnly it ie not possible to teach Eomeone to see bumpe<br />

ln the terrain hidden by grass or soft dirt that can reeuLt it.<br />

roLIover of an unstable vehicfe.<br />

fn the ATV industry's ernphasls on behavloral factors associated<br />

with ATY lnJuries, it ignores the fundanental knowLedge of the<br />

cause of injurles and their severity. The necessary and speclflc<br />

cause of an injury is an energy exchange with the human organism<br />

beyond the tolerance of the organism' Behavlor and other factora<br />

nay increase or decrease the probability of Buch an exchange' but<br />

it is the energy exchange and the human tlesue tolerancea that<br />

are the n6c6ssary and specific causes of inJury. In the case of<br />

ATY lnjurles, the primary energy is uguaLfy mechanj.caL' ff avehicle<br />

]lke an ATV is designed not to geflerate high energy (such<br />

as by limltlng its design€d speed capability), to be stable in<br />

lts center of gravlty relative to width and length, and in it8<br />

handling characteristics, so as not to tip over at the naximum<br />

design speed on the terrain where it is to be used, and to absorb<br />

energy before that energy reaches the occupants if it colLldes<br />

wlth Bomething, injuries wllL be greatly reduced irrespective of<br />

the behavior of the uaers' A driver ln a given PsychoLogical and<br />

enotional state, who encounters a hldden bunp or attenpts a

BlograPhical<br />

405<br />

Sketch<br />

!eon S. Robertson, Ph'D.<br />

I,eon S. Robertgon, Ph.D.r la Preeldelt of Nanlee Research' a.<br />

illiiriirr"""a-"""=ufti"E-irit in Branford, CT' Dr. Robertson haE<br />

;;;;;e ;" the facultieE of Yale Univeraltv'--Harvard-Univerelty<br />

il-ai""f School and Wake Forest University' He was aLso Senior<br />

;;h;;r;";i scientlet in the rnsurance rnititute for Hig!1ay---<br />

;;;;;;:-H; i,"s;o""tlto"ei 6 tootcs and is the author of TNJURTESt<br />

c;uiEt: CoNinoL srnnrncins AND PUBLTc PoLrcY' pubrlshed bv D'c'<br />

Heath in 19g3, aB ""if-iu nore than 100 artlclEe and chapters in<br />

iire scientific tlterature. Dr' Robertson waa a melnb€r of the<br />

fl"ii"""i n""earctr co.rnciir/rnetitute of Medicine Committee-.on<br />

Trauna Rdsearch ilrat*proalced the report' INJURY IN AMERICAT A<br />

CoNTINUING PUBLIC HEAiiH PR0BLEM and was vice chair of the NRC<br />

IJiiifii*t-trtat reviewea- the iniury control Drosran of the cent€rs<br />

for DiseaBe control. H; ;i;" =8""!a on the ilational Reeearch<br />

Council PanBI on o"""pltio""} Safety and,Health StatlstlcB and<br />

;h;i;;a irt" "pu"rar iirterest group otr.rniurv control-and<br />

ii,i""iit"i'neaittr services of f,he lmerican puulic Hearth<br />

Association '


4Ul<br />

ffi;Ptftlic<br />

o'Iilgalth Fpr{nr<br />

Rlsk ol Fatal Hollover In utlllty vehlcles Rolatlvo to statlc stablllty<br />

Affi: Th. risr of fshl rotbvr of utilitv vchiclcr F lfi'm<br />

F8irt rcd vchichi Elstivc to ffi dwiu lw{ mt tlt$||lv<br />

cmhtca to tnc rutic rutililv oItH Ydi;h! flilRn'c htH t.t'<br />

Htcr of rh+ iifte divH by lwicc tltF kitht of ccnlEr of Fvitv<br />

ilplsinGd 62 Fr sfit of th vdtion in frbl rolbvcr il'! wH<br />

I4rtudrclion<br />

Th. sslc! of utillty vchiclc!, siEtimH cdicd muldPe<br />

ms vchiclcr, hrvc incrc*lcd tubltanlisllv in rcqcnt ycffi. In<br />

i986 sme 725.ffi wcrc $ld in th. Unitcd Sutcs comped<br />

b 112,000 in 1982.r Qucstion$ rcgerdinS the stf,bilily of thes<br />

yEhiclcs wcrc raised in l9t0 whFn the Jeep CJ'5, thc Ford<br />

Bronco, und the Chcvrolct Blucr were found Ia havc<br />

rcllovcr BtcB pcr rcSistcrcd Ythiclc much hiShcr ths Ps'<br />

*ngcr cffi. ilreee utility vEhicle8 olso hf,d lowcr ttatic<br />

St4bility rhil a smplc of ffi, as measurcd by the diJlsncc<br />

between thc ccntcr qfthc tiEs dividcd by iwicc the hcryhl of<br />

ienter ofgmviry, usua.lly cxprcsicd Er TnH t TEH of utility<br />

vehiclcs r;nae from l to l2 whilr thst of ttE Ycsr mqiority of<br />

ws is above 1,2 md rangc us hiSh ar | 6'l<br />

The principlc of ruric shbility csn ht illustatcd casily<br />

with a rciriqn of2x4 lumbcr. Plrccd on it5 two inch 5idc, it<br />

is cilsily tipFcd ovcr by s forcc from thc sidc, but placed on<br />

itr four inch eidc, it tcndt lo slidc rFthcr the iip over Sivcn<br />

thc smc forcc- Thc hiShcr tht wciBht from thc gqund<br />

rclative to the width ofthF bottom dccrc+tcs ihc $bbility. ln<br />

a movinl vchislc, thc lateral forqc t€treratcd in a lur<br />

Frovidcs ' a potentially tippin6 forcc-<br />

Studici of utility vitiicles in rhc cslv 1900r cooftD.d<br />

thc mukcdly hiShcr rcllover ratca of ulility vchiclcr Ehiw<br />

m (s but did mt atftfrpt to corclstc th. mtcs with statid<br />

rubility,*+ A ffirt study found th+t, for th. four utility<br />

vchiclB sd I I cil3 for which $btic rtabilily hEd bccn<br />

Frblirtcd, thc fatal rollovcr Bte F.r rcdsrcrcd vchicl.r<br />

rturitE 196l-S4 in thc US ddrcscd crpoEntisllv in rclstion<br />

b rhtic rtability. The corclation wss 8lmott pcrfccU ltalic<br />

#triliry cxplaincd 96 Pcr ccnt of thF veiation amont thos<br />

vchicltr, SHic shbility ws nol coreletcd b fdrl cruh<br />

ntcs wlEE rollover did not ffiur-'<br />

In fttDon& to a Fctition fronr ConSnrc, thc Ndlffil<br />

Hi8hwsy iraffc Se{cty AdsioisHim (N[ITSA) rFthcFd<br />

rtitic rubility aeu m i nmt+r of whiclcr rod csductrd I<br />

ilttdy ot rindc-vchiclc cdrhci, ffidy mnfstd' in thE<br />

rtrtH. SEtic stsbiliil Gxplaincd E6 Fer crnt {}f tht vsbtiE<br />

in rcllovE rr dnt.'<br />

Sincc ihc rclstivc d* of fetd rc'lbvcr c@hcr in a<br />

Dumb+r of rcccnily ffttcEd utility vdhhbs hs mt bacn<br />

rtudicd, this commuoidim rlsdr e edyrb ef fitd<br />

rclloycr cBshcs in dlation b rBtic stability of t!.* YChi'<br />

clcr. F wcll as thc oldcr orcs, dunn8 lffi2-at b tht US-<br />

-6<br />

apirn44bh s. t&dffi. ru' t*H,<br />

I xlffi h*nr, [dd. tr il#J nk Fr rudffi Ec<br />

Jfld-Lry 6, l#, w EvH d *6d ror Fbrtns k A'<br />

IS,<br />

6-tmmirurmaffi tmruffiI.$<br />

ffi<br />

l*ox S. Roarnmr, Prf)<br />

ftllovH w tlF 6Et hsrnlul cvcdt. Shti*ticd muEl! ffi 20 fiqir<br />

di ldffi iidflt.d no conclstionc thsl would d.irle lhc comhdon<br />

b+twrn rffity snd rollovtl liw ibbility udtity vchiclci foll ovcr<br />

mw oftgn m th d iut8.sury thrl thc lflerd forc. of tdnE rs<br />

ftn tk riHiq iffi. (A n J PFbliE HAahh 1989; 79;l{F103 )<br />

Othcr knom risk f*toB wcrc cxmimd sr Poiriblc co[foundinB<br />

feton.<br />

M.rhod<br />

The rvrilrblc dats of, 3tatic lhbility of utillty vahlclcr<br />

that havc bttl ruswd uc prc*ntcd in Tsble l. ln some<br />

cscr, only onc vchiclc ws mca$urad. ln thc instanccs of<br />

multiplc m;a$urcs, thc major intravchiclc vcriation trcurs in<br />

thc rihi.t.s that havc thc samc nam€ for difcrcnt sizcd<br />

vffiihr, namcly Blutrr end tsroncos Il i5 Foisible thal<br />

ffi of ihc$ vchiclcs wcrc misidcnlificd at time of mca-<br />

'Nmntsin tmnsmittif,Sthc information lo NHTSA. In the<br />

uulyrir hcrc. the median Yrluc Fthcr lhan en sveraSe iB u$d<br />

to minimizc thc cffcct df atypical tHsurcs or cffif,cou8<br />

YGhiclc idcnlifi cation.<br />

Tl* dsta on fEtsl cmghcc ofth. ulility vFhiclcr in which<br />

m ffiuFont of thc vchiclc dicd wcrc cxirutcd from thc Fatd<br />

Accidcnr Rcr,f,in8 System (FARS) dlb tapcs for the calcndu<br />

ycss 198?J?.'Thc* tepcr conbin inform4tion on<br />

viilua.liy cvcry fatd cruh in the US with thc possiblc<br />

cxccDtienof ffi thrtecuficdin lBrc 198? andhadnoib€cn<br />

rcFoftcd whcn lhc bp. ftr thet ycil was rclcsicd. Vchiclcr<br />

*i* idcntiico by decodinS vchiclc idcntiliHtion numbcd<br />

tld mhin c{dcs srcifyin8 6alcs f,nd modclF. For @m'<br />

Itriffi, rll cruhcs in which m ftsuPant dicd in rollovcn<br />

ud |l('rcllovcF wGrc dlo countcd,<br />

Dib lrthcrcd from ltslc motor vchiclc administr8tiqnt<br />

by R.L, Pqlk Cohpany weE u&d to count rcEistdtions by<br />

mslc illd modct during 1982+4.e Sincc R. L. Polk data do not<br />

includc vchiclcs rEsiitcrcd in Okllhoms, Ychiclei thlt<br />

cEhd in OtlehoMturin8 thc yFst that rcSistmtions wcrc<br />

counrcd from thst sNe were eliminotcd ffirm thc s8lysis.<br />

Yru t-rt|! lfldHh ffiY ffi(tAlM l't<br />

vfflqmF<br />

1 cr{<br />

Lu7<br />

3. tuiliffi<br />

4, *#ffi'<br />

t, ffit<br />

4ffi./hy<br />

t. SFrrj<br />

l-h<br />

r. fr.f*<br />

10, D+ffi<br />

lI. ffic.r<br />

HghYstuEbYstuffi<br />

r.0l D Srw&. 0.m 14 tu Lm<br />

l.r0 tt H 1.07 fi Eq* 1.6<br />

1,10 4 8nld.r i.d7 7l ffi 1.8<br />

1.8 d ffi l.t3 e w. l.ra<br />

Li2 s h 101 S 9t 1.07<br />

1.4 s frC i.fl ? tu 1.07<br />

1.12 s f l r . i z s f f i i 1 ?<br />

107 B U * r . f l t f i 1 . 6<br />

1,13 6 7 f f i r 1 3 U f f i 1 1 3<br />

f.i2 Et W 1.6 B $Tl l.ffi<br />

Lte s mc Lig Eg ffi 1,19<br />

t.tt D mc r.10 4 ffi 1.10<br />

t.to e7 mc 1,10 & filo l.l0<br />

sr^ru#6;ffihffi4Fd - {tubc4if};9n -<br />

turffi, H:ffi - Gffi ffitudfr):w '<br />

''itu ffi" hh iH |# {fl h n tu #<br />

AJFH Mfii 1s&, Vd. il, ib. I

Thc regression coeffcient ef ycarly chan8es in vchiclc<br />

reti\trilttrrhj by vchiclc age was ured rr cJrimatc scrappa8e<br />

of vchiclcs as they aged in 1985-8? {pcr ceilt tnang. = -b.!t<br />

* vshrclc r8c. R- ll lll. Filr ncw vchiclcs. vehirle sdes<br />

dntr" were used kr counr :cFi{trd(ions. The m{}nrhly {0lcs<br />

wcre rnultiplicd hy lhq numbcr oi illonths k) rhc cnd of the<br />

$tudy Fcnod and the suill ol-thcsc months wai divided hr lz<br />

to obtain rrgi\rcrcd yc:rr$,<br />

Thc rrtr: of thtal rotlover us<br />

'lirst<br />

harmtul event,"<br />

dclrncd ns the evcnt crusinE thc initial danldgE to thc vchicle<br />

or arccuprnls.'wfls cxf,Drirted fcrr Ekh vchiclc wittr sufiicient<br />

rcF$lratlons fehtive kr rhrt of all cars. t.o8 (dds of lhc<br />

rehl;vc nik wfls uscd to estxblish canfidcncc intctaals.<br />

lfinstrllility c()nlrihilrcr mrjnly to rr)llL)vcr, lhcrc should<br />

be Iiltlc inr:rcrscd risk ot iloilrollrv{r fglal crash rates of<br />

vchiclcs with low strhiliry rrr i(ls. I hcrctbrs, the rctqlivc risk<br />

ol nonrolkrvcr fatnl clnshes of thc uriliry vchiclcs relatlve to<br />

cflrs was cxanlined xr wqll.<br />

Dircqt controls fof the potenriHl conlbundin8 elTects of<br />

drivcr's chafactcristiqs or driving cuvironnrEnt contd not be<br />

rpplicrl iiuc thr ncccssdry drlil on ilsc wcrc unavail{bld.<br />

Mn):iiltrlD p(ilqnlirl (onfounding was estinrrlcrl for i0 factors<br />

by mciisurinli the r,elution hcrwqcn cach lactor and shhility<br />

withifl thc gr{)uF oi foliil rollovcr crarhrs. Fnctors unrclated<br />

lo siability could not {.trrt(nrn(t rhc cfcct ot stahilily on risk,<br />

ExpressEd msrhcmillicfllly:<br />

C LiI! = RL/RH = b(Sl<br />

where L = low crposurc to I risk tactor<br />

H - high r'rposurc nr u rirk factor<br />

C s constant riltie ef ri$k fiom low to hish risk<br />

$ituations<br />

RI., - frrtol rollov{rs in l.,w risk-firctor situations<br />

RH - thtal rollovers in hiEh risk"tacror rituurions<br />

S = Slrbilily v{luc for a Biven vEhicl$<br />

h = lhc $looc of thr'correlurion<br />

lhir cqufltion-lnys thilt lhc rsrio of rollovers in low<br />

relativc to hi8lFrisk-frcroriilnntions is afunction ()flhc ratio<br />

of crposurcs in thosc situatiorlr tihe$ lhc rclativc risk ratio<br />

C. 5or othef rirl fircrorr ru cxFlain the cofielution of static<br />

slnhtlity to rollovcr ratcs. ther e ilrurl hc il p,rsitive r-o[elation<br />

ofont or [tr)rc oi the ftrti{r olrollovcfr by risk fcslor with<br />

stillic slnbilily, Ihcrcfbfc. rl L) har a posirivc valuc. rireil rhe<br />

ri$k titclor ir n pelenlial (onfoundin8 lactor thHr inflates the<br />

stability iliect. A near-zero correlotion indicates that the ri$k<br />

facl('r soukl n{il hilvc Fr$l[cfid il s|urious corrclation of<br />

stshility irnd rollovcr rates. A ilLfgurivc corrqlation ifirDlie$<br />

that lhe stuhiliry clTcct may bc dcllnted by cont{)undinA, l hc<br />

ratio ol numbcrs of rDlloverr rrr low rclBlivc to hieh{isk<br />

riruatirrns scre crsilincd for Z0 major- kn.rwn rirk ficrors,<br />

includi0S rn!,alcohol aild xlc{}hel Hbovc thc lc8al Jirrrit in the<br />

stutcs whcrq litl pcr ccnt or Nore of frtdly injurcd rtrivcrs<br />

werc tested.<br />

/(eJrlts<br />

Vchicles thal had fcwcr than lmlfi)o re8i8tered ycffi<br />

during thc Ftudy pcriod*the Monter(}, Tr(lurcr, and Wmn.<br />

glcr -.wcrc 'tirblc<br />

climimtid li om the anillysi\. 7 Frcscnts the<br />

annlysis of the reirtivE risk of frtgl rollovcr as tiNt haffiful<br />

event in rulati{}n k} rhc stl-qnr rEtc, l, I pcr | 00.000 rcsistcrcd<br />

vchiclcs. Thc Jccir CJ 5 was 19.7 times morc likely to<br />

cxpcnence a t'atal rollover per rcgislcrcd vchiclc thnil a car.<br />

Thc Jecp C.f-7, rhc pn:78 lbrd tsrohro. rnd thE Fjrd<br />

Broncoll wcri clustered in thr r!n8e {rf I() ro I I tinrcs thc latal<br />

rollover rate ofqHrr- Anothcr sluslcr with a fetative ri$k lhrcc<br />

AJPH Mffc*r iogg, Vot, 79. No. B<br />

408<br />


to six tims$ that ofcar$ inchrdcd thc Dodge Rirmqhar8cr. the<br />

1982.,87 F'ord Bronco, the General Mrrors largc an'd smull<br />

Blazer/Jimmys and the Suzuki Ssmurai. I'he krweri rclative<br />

nsk wn$ l.l for lhc Jccp Cherokee rnd rhc lowcr coilfidencc<br />

linlit for lhflt vchicle was thc enly onc withirr thc rungc ofall<br />

'Ihe<br />

rel{tian ofthc firsLhfmful-cycnt rollovet.rrtE kr thc<br />

stability ratio..t'/2II. dirplHycd In fi8ure l- i\ srrikir8, t.he<br />

hEhcr rhe rrilbilil! thc lower rhc futal rollovcr rare. In il Iiilcsr<br />

rrtr)del. 6: pcr cclt of lhc vflrifltion amoilB vchiclcs was<br />

flcco!ntcdlin by lhc stiibility ratio. Thc rc8rcssion coeflisi€nt<br />

of -86 (95% +ontidence inlcrvnl = - 39 to I l -i2) suEs$rs rhar<br />

incrcasitrE the shbility ratio hy rhc-lcnlh dccrcarer thc<br />

rriuill firlfll rollover raie hy rn nvcra8c oflbout 9 pqr t(xJ,Uryr)<br />

rc8istcrcd vehiqlct, within the ran8E {}f stnbility ritior oi:thc<br />

vehiclEs in thc study.<br />

Since vchicls$ sometimes roll over<br />

"lirsr<br />

$ubscquent to other<br />

hrrmfirl cventr. rhc qonclation ofstabil;ty ilios with<br />

ratc of rollovcr n$ "most htu,drful evenl" was also extmincd-<br />

Tlre Ftril{:m war ririlililr le rhflt iD liigure I hdt lhc ffltcs wcre<br />

highcr.' The rc4n:s:roil coetticicnr oi - l4j (95,i CI - _ri4<br />

-:.22,1{'<br />

ro<br />

- 0.611 JriEtcsrs thar an incrcr$c in rhc srabiliry<br />

mtio of onc{cnth would dccrcflsc lhc arnual rilost-hHmftrl-.<br />

cvcnt rollover rilts in whilrh an NcuFanl diqs by an average<br />

14 per loo,uxt vrhicle\, aH$in wirhin the rangi rit rrability<br />

Bhos of these v€hislc$,<br />

The risk ratios for utility vshiclc mcupants relativs to<br />

CFr occupanls oflatd crachcr without rulkrvEr src displayed<br />

in Tnble 3. liishr of thc lO vehiclcs hurt risk ratios tejs tirun<br />

oxe reld! vc la {flrs. twc with uppcr h\ilrnd lcs5 than onc. only<br />

the Jccf' CJi hfrd coilfidcncc intcryills il[,ove anrl orrsidc thc<br />

rsn8c ofthe 3ll-LBr rjrrc Hnd thcif rElative risk rflrios wcre less<br />

than two.<br />

- Thc rclfllion berwcEn srilhility alid driver or enriranmcnrgr<br />

chhrflcreristics is shown in Ihble 4. fionc eflbc Z0 risk<br />

fEctors was ruhitsnlifllly positively corclsrcd to l/ZH. l.he<br />

onrnad,lcfl-roild comelati{)n was ncgntivc, ilxlir!tinE thst<br />

lowcr stnbility vchiclcs more otlcil rollcrl evcr on the road<br />

rather thiln nftcr leavin* thc road, as plotti'd<br />

'l'he<br />

iil FiBurc 2,<br />

ottler cnvironnlcntal risk lircler$ wcrc unrelated<br />

systefiulicnlly to vehiclc \rrbilitl, No driver lacnrr was<br />

corcli{tcd ly$ternutiqfllly to vehicle rt*ility, inql\diDE a8e,<br />

Befider, Frcccnce ofalcohol or illcgnl alcohol, iil!ali(l liccns"<br />

c5-prior crurhc$, pnor suipensi(ln\ or qonvictions for drivina<br />

whilc intericatcd- specding, or othcr oil'enses-<br />

-<br />

;hh rvdtdt. on q*ut to tk ilrb<br />

raEU FHrfrb nh& d Ffl Hk Cnrkr<br />

J*F CJ-s<br />

GM Blueillmry<br />

GM S'Blil€d<br />

tm,m<br />

Fel Yssr FdsriE<br />

YsE tu Rqr8r€d Rirk s* cl<br />

sll Si3<br />

87+ 3il<br />

7ffi 2i6<br />

1rn &<br />

ffi7 i4t<br />

f f i 7 e<br />

82-87 sl<br />

6987 fr<br />

H 7 S<br />

H7 t5<br />

7 f f i f i<br />

ro.6<br />

14,3<br />

i3.a<br />

5.8<br />

11.0<br />

1C<br />

7,1<br />

p.6<br />

@.1<br />

5.8<br />

8.9<br />

i.0<br />

18.7<br />

12,4<br />

1i.3<br />

10.2<br />

€.1<br />

5.7<br />

3,4<br />

3,4<br />

3,1<br />

l.s<br />

r7.7+l,g<br />

10.L14.2<br />

9.1-r4.o<br />

E,6i2.t<br />

3.Fi 1,8<br />

4.T 7,3<br />

4.7- 6.1<br />

e.F 3.9<br />

t.F 5.?<br />

d.7- 2.3


Trt{<br />

EGffi r+dltuct'BF l0a'6r+|dv.ffi<br />

Dittustion<br />

rr.c'sf<br />

"""'<br />

r!^rrrt<br />

409<br />

Thcrc and prcviouely publirhcd drtr lcave liftlc doubt<br />

$sr !el'icle stabllity ir rhi primarf faitor contrihrilin8 tQ rhe<br />

highcr fillnl rolktvei crashes in utilitv vchisler thail cnrs l hc<br />

r;ulr is consistcnt with well known principler ilf phvsics'<br />

I-hc nonroll{}vEr latal cffi5h riltc of ulility vchicle! whlch l5<br />

cuusEri by lactori dhcr lhrn tt{bility is slmilar l() lhat of<br />

crrr. \rme of the powcrful predictorr of tatil crathcs<br />

iinerattv-rural roarls.' lack of liShl.rr prior drivitrS<br />

iccord.'1 slcohol-ra age and 5lcndcr''-wcrc rclated lo slcbititv<br />

ratios tn sush s wuy ilr lo bc confflrdin8 fsctore'<br />

The onlr rirk factor rclitlcd tQ stability ir thc on-rosd./<br />

ofi-rmd i'tctir Thc fEst that ttr{ leEE slsblE vehicles m$rc<br />

ofrcn roll over on the road is conristcnl wrth the hlfNlhcri{<br />

that mnny morc of lhcm roll over bccaui+ of lhc leleral forcc<br />

oflurning dloile, or lErhaps cvcn (tcB$ionallv hy vcry slrQng<br />

srdc winris. rnthcr rhen SoinE ovct cmbsnkhenlt or ramplnS<br />

*hich i! much more hkclv lo hapF€n ofth' toad rsthcr than<br />

on il.<br />

'Ihc<br />

mssibilirv that some combinslion of risk faclors<br />

contrihutis to thJ conclation of rtability urd rcllovcr is<br />

cltrcmcly rcmotc. The lhctors most strqrn8ly prcdictivc of<br />

fata.l crasitcs gencrslly, $uch as a8e and Scndcr' src known to<br />

tAbLE Ftuldlw Rhh d Fffl MI|M CltrbOE+uFtrd<br />

uil[y v.htct.r MIE b ffi il]csr Rfi<br />

TN 4-frffi hlttr d Fdodffid iffi h |+<br />

dFrffifffi!tffiHtY<br />

ffi<br />

kd,frr<br />

ftMdIH<br />

sFd h{

tip over in turt$. Nevcrthclc6s, thi static rtability is a stpng<br />

predictor that could be used kr ret $tflndf,rds for vehicles.<br />

I hc NiitioDiil Hi8hway'frilltic Srf(ly A(lministriition hag<br />

dcnicd Fetitiods kr ildrcss rhc rr' r7<br />

Frohlrm The ugency s<br />

m0rn JU5tlti{ation for its inacii(xr wr\ lh;r $tnti\r stnbilitv is a<br />

conlinuously riistrihutcqi vilniblc aild rhar k,.t',"'*. r *quircrl<br />

poinl would Lrc arhitrary. lr also said thrt it is<br />

proilihite(l hy hw l nlm bitnning a clajil rtl !ehiclcs whi,:h rrrsh<br />

f, stiindnfd !'.,(ruld do. lf slrqdards {oukl not br rst on<br />

coiltinuourly dirlrihulcd thclor\, howc!i'l, the.e woukl hc no<br />

$land{rdt t'or blood illco}x)l r:ilncqnrrntion nnd hcad i[iurv<br />

critrri:r. Sincc r {tlndard titr rulic shtriliry could hc mrii by<br />

sinlplv widcriilg lhc rlirtnncc bctwccn thc (-fnt.f of (he tirEs<br />

und/()r l{)wcrinE th{ cc0tcr ofEravity. such r srandaril would<br />

not bn0 il Ll{\} ol vrhiclcs IrLrrrhcrmorc, fllc utility !chicle<br />

wilh srilhility in lhc ran8c of thnt of pnrreflCcr cilr\ had n<br />

rollovcr rfitc sinrilnf k) pilssrilger crrr.<br />

A0othsr irruc i:; whcrhcr rhc vchiclcs 0ow in ure rhould<br />

be Jrsalied rnd rrrrdificd rr) rcducc rojjrvrr risk. Sr,rllEt<br />

diHmrtcr I rrcr would fcdilic thc height ol thc cenrer ofgrnvity<br />

on tht IliAlr-rirI: vchiclcs. It mily iilfo bc pos$ihie ro wcld<br />

sonrc wriqht rlong rhc rindcr$idcs ot the vehiLlcs ro mskc<br />

lhcnr morcslahlc Uiveiltheriril:und rhcfrct rh{lcachcohod<br />

of these rehicler will br: in usc aD nvern8e oi rnre rhsn l0<br />

ycels, il tistid! progrufn \ccms in(liqiltcd lo cvnluate the<br />

elltcr r)l \ush modillcalions on stability.<br />


_ Thk FFcr k s rflhuil ilr i pk.!:hrrrn.r r. thc Sfficty of Aurcmdrivu<br />

tn8'nec[Auterndrrr'lndrArr] M..r'nE qi.r\rn8ron. m. Msr L ISB.<br />


I tis ncw hrcx sslca by ll,c hy nDnrh. wilrd \ Antomorivi ycfftuk.<br />

410<br />


ktroil. Ml: wlnt\ Communic$tions, lnc. lstl? cdirn,nr.<br />

:. sdy/er R(i, Msftlf TL, Ldd *M, Minrhm fli onjqd crsri<br />

l:lrykNr<br />

of uril{v vrhickr. Ann ^d,r: Univcrriy dl Mich,Eil<br />

Hishwsr Silirry Rcrenri:h Insrril*. IrS<br />

J. Hlrsrh IiA, llruwcr HX: Anxt!r; or rhr RutlrihrhiF bfrwc|n V.hictc<br />

Roloter Srr'h,lr] dnil Rulhrur R'\t I !ng thc NttTS4 CAkDik ALcr-<br />

{cnt Dsrsb!\r. w,'hrngtrn. IX: NstiDnrl Hirh{J. tr!U.J Iitir} Ad.<br />

mrnrerrnt0il.198?.<br />

4 Rcinfud fiw 1., LR, h'Frin rtl. () Ncitl g. Bu,chil,ln n , Wlil! J{: A<br />

Conrfr, irilil of rhc (:rrlh ErFcricn$ ol rjr,t,ry vrhilcr, Fi(LilF TilrLtr<br />

rnd l,r$fl,!Lr (:ilr\ ( hilnil Hiil. NC: rtni!e,rir! u| n,,nn i:rnltnr<br />

Hirhsrl Srtrr, Rc.errrh a.nr.r r,r8t.<br />

5 ftcinturr lrw. JrilI{,t( , ftrmi[nn EG A t!,rlrr Look rr Utitity Vchi{tc<br />

Rol[*eh rt.,rd Hil NC liil,.r,\rr cr Noilh( i"l,n, Lal".. S*ry<br />

xL\rrrrl ( cnt.r. ttSl<br />

6. Smill :R \nrly!i, df FaHt Rnttorrr AJUrdcnr\ In tjrrtiry vchktc5.<br />

wltilhrhu.<br />

_<br />

lla_: \irinililr HilililJv rr!trlJ Sltilt AJminnfjilFn. lSi.<br />

7. RubLrrrfnl.S K.lhl 4B:Stilir{rhrtil, J,!prcdiJt,rilf,\.nrminht$l<br />

moL\ ,fhrclc Jr,\her , Trsuih lri{ r,il rrr.<br />

! NrItrurql lhdh$.r] T.rfr( sfilct! AJxilr,rqr.h,{ I rtnt ^cfthnr RcFdinE<br />

S!\rcnt Lrerr(iilnk Wnrhinfinil. Itt lHts.q. t9Hl.<br />

9. R I Fillk C!ilr'tily: N!'nrnnl !{hn: a Nnir[ilfuil rr{itu IEhl kuukr.<br />

l!lroil: R.l. Falk tlu.. 198: t985.<br />

10. Lrshr duly lnrt \rlcJ Afrrillotrvc Ncwr J!iluilry I l, tsSEi 51.<br />

ll. B!iJr :1. Shnr'rld RA 0 tsrrir B. t;urrr!phre rrir.,rirD, in sr,nslly<br />

lronl r'n.n rrhrsl! Lrr1!... N Fmt J ufd IrI-: 1t6.ttd4.It8l:<br />

Rohnn\, L5: Inj,ri.\: (n,,c.r<br />

Cnil,{i Sr,srrr,{, u,d ruil( Foticy.<br />

Lcxin*t0il. MA: Ix: ttflrh, lgE-t:57.<br />

ll Rohfn$r '.5. xlkcr sr! Pr[f vilsrion rcrd,d\ dt l{47 dr:vrR invatv.il<br />

In,sr!r ndilr vtrlich!:rr\h{r. A$idcilr Afilt tlu\ 1975:7:[1-t]H<br />

14. H0ddnn w J' hcltc\ ^tt w,,qcr J,rnonynrourtl,. lsd Atcorhilt ilnd<br />

HIFnsa\ 5illtrr Rapnn Fr\hrnttsn. R'. connilrrrrr on tstrhti( w\*\.<br />

US Huurc ill Rrprc,+itrtiv{r. t,ts{.<br />

15. tolrh,on I s: tlrri!,rn! nr tccns*rJ d,ilrr iFutvcn,rnr in hrilr moror<br />

vcnrclu rrilrhcr: iEFln:,rn1ne for poli(r chojcc,. j Hrutlh nilir Fnti(y Lnw<br />

16. NsIrilrl llishwry Trnfrr Ssfcrf Adili,inlritr,: tscdcht Msior vchict.<br />

Snliry rrilnilr'rl{i dcnlil of pcriltr,n kn ruruil,rkinsi vchij{ r\ilovcr<br />

'trhlilnrxl lirl RcE trlT:51 {l{l:Jt 4qttB.<br />

17. N.rnn,ll rlilhtrry lrshr Sllcry .cd,iltr,,il,ilri,n: Drnti otnrrd.vchictc<br />

dr,trr fcti[1n(. Fcd Rc* r988. 1-r:]4$6,1{h6-.


4ll<br />

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Aprir 6,1990<br />

Honorab.le Doug Barnard, Jr.<br />

Chai rnan of Lhe Comi ttee on<br />

Government Operalions<br />

Comerce. CdnBumer and I'tonetrty<br />

Affair6 Subcomnittee<br />

u,s. House of Representative8<br />

Roon 8-377, Rayburil office Buildlng -<br />

9lashington, D.C, ?05I5<br />

Re: Heiden Tegtinony<br />

Derr Congressnan Barnard:<br />

Shdrtly after the February 28 hearing, Dr. Ledn Rdbertson<br />

submitted a letter td ydu Hhich questioned certain aspects df<br />

Dr. Heiden's statistical presef,tation at the hearing. I wduld<br />

appreciate your including in the record the enclosed supplenental<br />

atatement of Dr. Heiden, which responds to the criticisms made in<br />

Dr. Robertaon's letter.<br />

On behalf of the industry, I thank you agaif, for the<br />

opportunity Lo testify at the hearing.<br />

EncloEure<br />

S I nce reIy,<br />

-.-'7<br />

-/r ,-'.J, l' ut'tt'^ J<br />

Ilpward P. willen6<br />

rEa<br />


4lz<br />

Supplemental Statenent of<br />

Dr, Edward Heiden<br />

fhe purpose of this supplemefltal statement is to respond<br />

to the major points raised by Dr. Leon Robertson in hig letter<br />

to Congressman Barnard of March 13, 1990 regarding the ATV<br />

risk analysi8 which I preBented at the ATv hearing chaired by<br />

Mf. Barnard on February 28, L990. Dr. Robertson,B letter<br />

eviateilces a misunderstanding of both the methodology and data<br />

used in my analysis, and erroneoualy characterizea that<br />

anelysis. f address below the four areas r"rhere, in one or<br />

more ways, Dr. Robertson queEtions my analysis:<br />

Comparative safety analysis<br />

Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis<br />

Rollover accident analysis<br />

NEISS data analysis<br />

comparative RIElt Analysis Issues<br />

Dr. Robertaon suggeats t ( I) firy corrrparetive gnaIyBiE<br />

with other products and activlties is inappropriate for<br />

assessing ATV-related risk; (2) estimates of risk should not<br />

be based on estimates of hours of use. and that in any event I<br />

used unreliabl6 sources to estimate hours of usei andl (3) that<br />

I inappropriately estimated hourE of use for ATVS by usiflg the

-<br />

:<br />

average annual number of<br />

each of the8e points,<br />

vigorourly disagree wlth<br />

113<br />

- 2 -<br />

hours driven by surveyed dlrlvera.<br />

Dr. Robertaon 1s ln €rrotr end<br />

his rtatements and conclualonB.<br />

' I. Dr. Robcrtson augge8t8 that cornpatinE AFv rlsks<br />

r{lth the risks associated with other ptoducts ancl activitie8<br />

1E not a uEeful erercise. I disagree. In lEolation and out<br />

of context, injury and risk numbers for 8 given product are<br />

not particularly meaningful, because there is no absolute<br />

Etandard for what iB<br />

On<br />

'safe* and what ig not. As ProfessorE<br />

Edmund Croueh and Richard wiIEon of Harvard University obseEve<br />

in their widely cited book, RiEk./Benefit Analvsis (Ballinger,<br />

1982, p. r65):<br />

The knowledge of riEk rnrgnitudes is of vety<br />

little use, however, unleaa they can be related<br />

to the magnitudes of everyday risks, for<br />

otherwise no sense is given of the importance<br />

of the risks and how much notice Ehould be<br />

taken of them.<br />

It 1s often especislly useful for policy makers<br />

consiCering potential regulatory action to be able to Place<br />

the risks associated r.rith a product in perspective. Are ATVE<br />

uniquely risky? The answer clearly is that they are not.<br />

Itlany activities and products that are -not helrrg Sunject- to<br />

s-imitrE+-- g;a'nEiiiy nave compa""Oi. o" greater risks, tE my<br />

anaIYEiE demonstrated.<br />

I<br />

.ff<br />

-ir 1<br />

:l:i .':<br />


4r4<br />

- 3 -<br />

2. It is entirely epproprlate to employ mea6ures of<br />

hours of, prodluct use in order to cE1cu1ate relative risk for<br />

Afvs and other produets. cPgC officials themselveE have<br />

recognized this generally and in the Bpecific conte:Et of<br />

ATlts. This approach iE conEistent with that of numerous othet<br />

professionalE in the risk assessment fiel(l (e.ct-, viscusi).<br />

titoreover, the best ancl most recent data available, based on<br />

Etanilard data collection and analysis procedures, $fere used to<br />

make such calculationa. fllustratlvely, two major sourcea<br />

were employed. The first, used to estimate ATV product us6,<br />

was a survey conducted Epecifically for CPSC by Market Facts,<br />

a nationally known opinion Burvey research and consulting<br />

firm, uslng a aample of over 600 ATv-owning households<br />

representing ovcr 1000 AT\I rider8. The Eecond, used to<br />

e8timate erpoBure to vatious spotts and recreation activities,<br />

rras a market research survey, based on standard scientifie<br />

samp16 s6lection and interview procedures, conducted by<br />

another natj.onally hnown aurvey reBearch firm, ReEeatch &<br />

Forecasts, Inc., on b6haLf of Mill6r Lite. It is the best<br />

Eource of data on this Eubject, and reporta average hour8 of<br />

activity/participation per day for E number of Burveyed<br />

activities, as brell as estimates of average number of days of<br />

p a r t i c i p s t i o n ' l ! _ - 1 H

415<br />

- { -<br />

3. It is entirely appropriate to estimate hours of use<br />

ln r risk assessment of AT\I rldling by taking the average<br />

number of hours driven by each sampled driver. In Euch a<br />

m6thod, dEiverg who drlve proportlonately ftote or' f,ewer hours<br />

than the average are accorded corr€spondingly greater or less<br />

weight ln thelr contribution to the average. This is<br />

appropriate for ssses$ing riBk, Eince it recognizes a<br />

fundamental ariom of risk aaaessment, i.e., that the greater<br />

the amount of drivinq, the greater is the €rposure to<br />

potential inJury, and likewise the lowef the amount of time<br />

driven, the IeaE the lnJury potential. Alternative methods<br />

for calculating the average amount of product use suggeBteal by<br />

Dr. Robertson are simply not consistent with this fundamental<br />

risk assessrnent principle.<br />

Further, even if (incorrectly ancl for the Eake of<br />

argument), we erclude the three cases of heavy riding that Dr,<br />

Robertson lndtcsteB gkew the estimate of av€rage ATV usage,<br />

Euch En €rcluBlon nould make no Bignlflcant difference in our<br />

findings about the comparative safety of AT\|E. If these tnree<br />

ceses were ercluded, the overall average amount of riding per<br />

year would decline only $Iightly (i-S*. ff,om I70 annual hours<br />

per driver to about 155 hours per year) and overall ATlf risk<br />

Itou1d change by less than 3 percent, This would make no<br />


416<br />

, - 5 -<br />

Elgnificant dlfferenee in comparlEon of ATvs wlth eny other<br />

ptoduct or actlvity considered in our testimeny.<br />

FinaIIy, Dr. RobertBon has mad6 a factual error ln<br />

tcsertlng thBt our Etucly u8ed an estinete of more than 20<br />

hours per month of use for ATvs. In fact, our Etudy uBed an<br />

Bverage of 14 hourB per month, the figure reported in the cPEc<br />

1985 ATII Broduct use survey conductedl by l{arket FactE.<br />

B. Cost-Benef It and CoEt-Effectiveness AnalysiE<br />

Dr. Robertson lndlcates that we heve not taken lnto<br />

account that ragulations Ehou1d be based on cost-benefit and<br />

cost-effectivenesF anaIyBeB. I do not dieagree thet<br />

tegulationB Ehou1d be baBed on cost-benefit and<br />

coBt-effectiveness analysea. Ho$rever, Buch analyses would not<br />

have been relevant to the Congressional hearing Eince there<br />

was no Epecific regulatory proposal on the table to which<br />

cost-benefit or coEt-effectiveness analysie could have been<br />

appLied. In any event, Dr. Robert$on iB in efror ln asaerting<br />

that'cost-benefit and cost-effectivenesg analyeis le never<br />

based on rates of inJury or diseaae.* Estimates of auch rates<br />

ancl the effectiveness of propoEed measures in reducing them<br />

are an integrEl part of any cost-benefit,/effectiveness<br />


c. Rollover Iss]lleE<br />

Dr. Robertson atatea that<br />

41?<br />

- 5 -<br />

'the industry ignores the most<br />

relevant statistic about AT\I injuries. The majority of<br />

injuries occur when the vehicle unexpectedly rolIE over-r<br />

CPSC data and analysis indicate that this contenti.on le simply<br />

incorrect, Based on analyBia of a Btetistical Sslnple of<br />

ATv-relatedt injurles in th6 CPSC'E 1985 injury survey,<br />

considerably fewer then half (tpecifieally, Cl perc€nt) of<br />

accidents involved rollovers aa the primaty event. The<br />

percentage is higher if an overturn at any point In the<br />

acciitent s€guence is classified aa a rollover, However,<br />

countlng any overturn that occurred during the acc;dent<br />

Eequence doea not accurately reflect the cause of the<br />

accident. For example, an ATII that collides with a car and<br />

then overturnE Ehould not be clasEified eE a rollovet because<br />

the rollover iB only a secondary event causecl by the collision<br />

wlth the car, and would usually not be 'unenpected.* The<br />

prlmary hazardl pattern thould be bas€d upon the fiE8t event in<br />

the accident sequence, end thuE far l€as than 6 majofity of<br />

ATv-related injuries (4I percent) involved roIlov€rs, baBed on<br />

CPEC'B moBt rec€nt Ey8tomatic data.<br />

,, The plcture i8 no {lifferent for fetallty rollovers. For<br />

its latee! available quarterly uPdate of ATv-related<br />

. .:

- 7 -<br />

fatalities rnd injuriee, CP8C has elasstfled 36 percent of<br />

total fatalities as rollovete (where rollovers are the Frimary<br />

hazard event), again far less than a -majority,'<br />

FinalIy, Dr. Robertaon incorrectly infers fro$ the CPSC<br />

data that AT\l rollovers are the result of aome inherent<br />

ln8tablllty which ig the product of vehicle design.<br />

(ActuaIly, h6 groups many v6hicIeE, lnclucling two-wheeled<br />

vehicleBr ln thiB "lnstabllltyi category.) The ATv-retated<br />

accldent clata indicate that vehlcle rollover on ATVB can b6<br />

the result of numerous variablea, including operator<br />

behavior. we are aware of no published quantitative study<br />

which relates AflI rollov6r ratea to Btatic stability meaEureE,<br />

nor Hhlch demonEtrates th8t ^A.Tg rolloverB are the product of<br />

defective of unstable design.<br />

D.<br />

UEe of NEISS Data<br />

Dr. RobertBon crltlclEeB my sllegeilly inconsistent<br />

treatment of CPSC NEI88 injury ilata. Specificalty, he<br />

criticizes me for pointing ln an earlier study to biases and<br />

imprecision in the NEISS date as a vray of challenging its<br />

evidence of upnard injury trends through 1986, and theil uBing<br />

!|EISS data for ]atef y6afs es a basis to shotr dotrnward lnjury<br />


419<br />

- 8 -<br />

There is nothing inconsiskent ln ny current and past use<br />

and treatment of NEISS AT1I data. The data are simPly somewhat<br />

better than they used to be, and, though problems remain with<br />

these data, they ure the only comprehensive product i-jury<br />

data that e:rist, and a different level of reliance on them is<br />

warranted now than was the case prior to 1985.<br />

ilEIEE data in general are subject to Eubstantial biasee<br />

and lack of reliability, and have been for many ye8ra. cPsc<br />

epiilemiology staff, independent consultantE, and otherB have<br />

all recognized these problems. Ifl fact, CPSC is currently<br />

spending significant resources to update end improve the<br />

general NEISS Byatern. These problema were particularly<br />

appricable to NEISS ATv ilata prior to the lrear 1985. For this<br />

pre-I985 period, when injury rate8 were reportod to be rising<br />

significantly, the data were characterized by significant<br />

imprecision (sampling error rates averaging 40 to 50 percent),<br />

numerouB cocling ancl product claesification error8, and oth6r<br />

seriouB problema. CPSC staff not only admitted the weakneasea<br />

in these 6arlier ATV dlata, but undertook significant measures<br />

to correct them at the time of rulemaking development. For<br />

er(ample, they lnstltuted new ATV dlata collection and pEddluct<br />

cocling guldelines that took eff€ct fully in late 1985. While<br />

prob1elfiE remained, thece measuEes, confined to AFll data,<br />

Eignificantly lmproved the reliability and Eccuracy of

4Zr<br />



During the rnid-8ffs, the popularity of 3-wheeled and 4-wheeled ATVs soared, showing<br />

{r_ole_than a twenry-fold increase (2000Vo) in unirs in use according to both industry and<br />

CPSC estimates:<br />

Year: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986<br />

Shipmcnts: 136,000 197,000 306,000 484,000 650,000 594,000 447,000<br />

ATVs in usc in lg88 approximated 2.5 millio4 with almost 7 million estimated users. This<br />

was a_ sizable jump cvcn from the 1.7 million units in use at the end of 1984. The figure<br />

grew by about 30% in 1985; by about l0% in 1986. 3-wheel ATVs rcprescnred almosi the<br />

entire market through 1982. In 1983, 4-wheel ATVs still comprised only about ll% of<br />

sales, rising to 28% in $&a, 6lVo in 1985, 807a in 1986, and gij/o in 1987, Baserl on reports<br />

from the four major manufacturers - Honda, Yamah4 Suzuki and Kawasaki - two of ihem<br />

did not producc any 3-wheelers for 1987; for 1988, none wcrc produced, although dcalcr<br />

inventories reponedly included some 30-40,000 3-wheelers at the end of 1987. More rhan<br />

one-half of ATVs currenrly in use a.e 3-wheeled. Retail price of an ATV ranges fronr $600<br />

to $3,500, averaging $2,500.<br />

According to the CPSC, during an ATVs average lifespan of seved years, there is a oncin-three<br />

chance that the ATV will carry its rider to seriow injury or death.<br />

INJURIES; With the steep rise in sales, injuries serious enough to be treated in hospital<br />

emergency rooms surged. Incidents in 1985 increased by one-third over 1984; by 3 times<br />

over 1983; ard by 10 times over 1982. For 1986, such injuries totaled 86,400 - abour the<br />

sarnc as the '85 level. For 1987, another estimatetl 77,400 ATV-rclated iniuries were<br />

treated in hospital emergencl rooms. Over the liist six years, more than 400i)00 serious<br />

injuries were associated with ATVs:<br />

CPSC Est. of ATV Injuries Treated in Hospital Emergency Rooms<br />

Year: 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988<br />

Injuries: 6,000 8,600 26,900 63,900 85,900 86,400 77,400 62,tt00<br />

CPSC attributffi the 1987 and 1988 drops in estimated injurics to (1) the agreemenr to srop<br />

the sale of thrce-wheelc


Year: tg8z<br />

Deaths: 29<br />

California l04Minnesota<br />

New York 9L Florida<br />

Michigan 79 Mississippi<br />

Pennsylvania 70 Missouri-<br />

Texas 68 louisiane<br />

Wisconsin 57 Alaska<br />

Tennessec 47 Alabama<br />

Arkansas 47 N. Carolina<br />

Ohio 45 Kentucky<br />

422<br />

l9fl7' lgEE' 1989"<br />

2# ?4t 92<br />

Page 2<br />

- 26Vo of the ATVs landed on the injured person;<br />

-<br />

llVg ot the injured persons were under 12 years old; 46Zo under 16 years;<br />

- 56Vo of the drivers wore no protective equipmenl; 44Vo worc some ;quiDment;<br />

_ lghltr<br />

(37%), gloves (l3Vo), heavy booG (10%), goggles (Bqo);<br />

- 547o of the drivers had at least one viar's emerience] i4y, nia tlis ttran one<br />

motrth's experietrce.<br />

DEATTIS: cPSC has doarmcltcdrepos oI $ least 1418 ATV-relatcd deaths occurring<br />

in the 7 years; more than 1300 of those fatalities occlrrred<br />

in just the past 5 vears:<br />

19&3 1984 1985 1986<br />

85 156 250 301<br />

The fatality toll is incomplete for 1981, 1988 and especially 1989. For these Deriods. dearfi<br />

certificate$ from the states will continue to come to-cpsc;s attention througfiout lggg. of<br />

all loown fatalities, 580 victims (4lvo) werc under age 16, and 262 victiils (19%) were<br />

under 12.<br />

3-wheel ATy's were involved in 68% of the l41B deattu rcponed to date; 4-wheelers, sQvo;<br />

for 2Va oE thc fatalities, the type of ATV was unl

428<br />

ATV UPDATE Page 3<br />

REGUI-ATORY STATUST On December 1| 1986, by unanimous vote. the CPSC<br />

determined that ATVs presented an "imminent hazard" under Sec-tion 12 of the Consumer<br />

Product Safety Act (CPSA), and by a vote of 2'I determined that rhe seriousness of the<br />

hazard warranted: a rcfund proglarn (recall) fcr all 3,whcel ATVs; a refund program<br />

(recall) for 4-wheel ATVs used by children under 16 years of age; extensivc notice of the<br />

risk and warnings by manufacturers to pilsl, present, and prospective ATV owrers and<br />

users; and free training furnished by the industry to past and prospective purchasers and/or<br />

users in the pruchaserrs inmediatc family. In early February 1987, pursuant to the CPSA'<br />

the Commission sought representation from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in<br />

bringrng a civil ssrnplaiat in Federal District Court to enforce its decision.<br />

$cveral months prior to the CPSC'S enforcement Oecisioq-in July 1986 the Commjttee on<br />

Covernment Operations of the U.S. House of Representatives, reporting on its ATV inquily<br />

(House Repon 99-tt78 99th Cong., 2d Sess.), concluded that 3-wheel ATVs present both "an<br />

unreasonablc and imminent risk of death and serious iujury requiring immediate<br />

enforcement action by the CP$C," including a recall of all 3-wheeled ATVs and a bafl on<br />

future production. On October 2. 1987 in a supplemental report (Ilouse Rep.rrt 100-335,<br />

l00th Cong., lst Sess.), the Cornmittee reiteraterl its concerns about the hirzards associated<br />

with 3-wheel ATVs; cited the "unconscionable<br />

delay" hy the DOJ in filing the enforcement<br />

action under Section 12 of tbe CPSA as voted by the CPSC; and urged irnrflediate acrion<br />

by DOJ in view cf the escalating number of AfV deaths and injuries during thar delay.<br />

On December 30, 1987, the DOJ and CPSC jointiy announced a negotiated settlement with<br />

the ATV industry which included a program of warnings, information about the risks,<br />

hands-on-trainin& and a halt in funher sales of 3-wheelers still in dealer inventories.<br />

Notably absent was any recall or repurchase of the 1.5 million 3-wheeled ATVs in use, or<br />

for 4-wheeled ATVs purchased for children under 16. This agreement was filed as a<br />

preliminary cons€nt order in Federal District Court in D.C., along with a stroflgly-worded<br />

Z?-page DOJ complaint identifying ATVs as an "iftminent and unreasonahle risk of death<br />

and scvere personal injury." A hearing on the adequacy of final consent demee was held<br />

on April 18, 1988 before Judge Gerhard Gesell. With some modificatiors, on April 27,<br />

f988 he approved the decree.<br />

' Incomplete: CPSC estimates 351 deaths in 1986;282 deathi in 1987;<br />

and 299 dcaths in 1988.<br />

" Very Incomplete: through 9/21/89 only.<br />

Source: Consumer Product Safety Comrnisslon<br />

12/20/89<br />

f,<br />

'iI<br />

r 4

Honorable Doug Barnard, Jr.<br />

Chaiman<br />

Coffierce, Consrmer and llonetary<br />

Attairs Subqomit-t-ee<br />

Rayburn House Office Building<br />

fiwtrl E-J t ,<br />

I{aEhingt,on, DC 20515<br />

Dear !lr, Charrun:<br />

424<br />

ffiftn<br />

nlefitageGFoundatfrng<br />

A m.Extntr publlE Fltry ffiEh iroiirF<br />

April 5,1990<br />

I recently had the opportunity td read the verbatlfr tran8criPt of the<br />

heartng you chairetl on All-Terrain vehicle Safety on Vfedneaday, F€bruarY ?8,<br />

1990 for the Subcomittoe on Comerce. CdIrEWer and llonetary Affairs. The<br />

purpose of this lettor is to expree6 mY strong ohjection to your false<br />

characterization during [he ]tearing of our rel8tionship during my tam as<br />

Chaiman of the CdnBufref tlro(l\lct- Saf ety Comission.<br />

At page 105 of the transcript You statB:<br />

Chaiman -- and Hs. Grahan renenbers this --<br />

"You<br />

knou, ile had to bring<br />

we had to bring him screillng<br />

the<br />

to a<br />

hearing to even want to adilretsB this problem,rr Since my predecessor was a<br />

woman, yNr reference waE unquestiona.bly to ne.<br />

During my tirs as chailmn df the CPSC, you hel dl hearings on the AfV<br />

gafety issrre on two occasions. once in 1985 and once again in lgaa. on both<br />

occaai.ons. T was a willing participant in those hearings. T resPonded to your<br />

lnvttation$ tc) t-est-ifv cooFeratively. Though I allpropriately expressed my<br />

concern rEqarding Fotential IeEkE df (:onfidentisI enforcempnt-rolated infolmtion<br />

as a result of your hearinca j.n 1988, which occllrred while our enforcemant<br />

Bction sas pending in Judge GeEeII'6 eourt-, I nonethelEss prcvidod all<br />

infomation you requested and participated in the heuing as fully ae you would<br />

aIlow.<br />

tdwln J, Fculnfl, Jr., FciiAr<br />

Hflbcrr B, kkuelu, ViLt tu'tut<br />

P{Er E, S. Pdvtr, ViLt PBilmt<br />

Drvld R. &own, M.D.<br />

EdwinJ. liculnct, Jr,<br />

JffiFh Rlcy6<br />

Phillip N. lirhrck, Exwriq vtoc ffeJiddr<br />

M. D. E, (hrlislc, vilT I'rerb(<br />

Tmcff. S({nlon, virr ftsidsr a'"1 lrdrs<br />

hrrd df TruilRr<br />

Hutr. SLclby Cullon, Duvis, Cldirrun<br />

Rohrt H . Krlehle, Ph.D., Vnri ahfmn<br />

J. Frtdrrlc Rcnch, lkrary<br />

I.cwir F. L+hrmsn<br />

-=. J. willish Midd.ndorf, u<br />

214 Massachuscnr Avcnue, N.E. r tWrnhingtan, D-C. ?0002 | (202) 546'4,100<br />

Eurk'n YrlE FinH, S^itr Uift Prsidad<br />

Chrrler L. Hcethcrly, Vle fhrida*<br />

krnrrd l..omis, r-i4Mb<br />

nEn* A. Re<br />

Richrrd M. *rift<br />

Hm, Frunl Shrleprc<br />

Hn. WilliFm E. Simon

425<br />

Honora,ble fbug Barnard, Jr. April 5, 1990<br />

Over the course of my Chrlrun6hlp. I worked cloeoly with you and your<br />

staff , The comente I made conirending your Su-bcomitte€ staf f in my fomal<br />

te8tlrcny of tlay 21, 1985 were genuine, and I must Foint out that although I<br />

had sffie cohcerns during the litigation process in 1988. your Comi.t-t-ee never<br />

uEed or needed Lo use a su-btrsena to obtain infomation from me. And T believe<br />

I vae always forthcoming in e)q)re66ing my vieH6 on the ATV Eafety issue to you,<br />

I m diEturbed, therefors. that you Etated on February 28. 1990 that<br />

had to brinq him screming **o<br />

a hearingr'to<br />

firddresa<br />

thtr groblem." First.<br />

rrws<br />

your characterizat-ion is untrue. I EJHayE cmperated slth the Comittee.<br />

Secondly. r djd addrsss t-he problu. The truth 18 that you and I sirnpiy<br />

disaqree on the manner in Hhich the CPSC dealt Hith A?VE. Simply statEd, ye<br />

wanted to re-ca)I AWa and I felt the evirlence (i,e,. our 12,U00 FaqE ad-<br />

ninistrative in+liry)<br />

opinion. hoHever, is<br />

dliln't Buplbrt Euch an outcome.<br />

no excuse for you to assert that<br />

Our honcst ditt'erence<br />

I didn't "addre66<br />

the<br />

of<br />

problem," And you never brought me to a hearing ngninst my will.<br />

In factr f requeated a meeting with you in 1988 prior to a hearlng to<br />

dl8cugs<br />

"the Eroblefr" and exchanqe viewe.<br />

Hy General Counnel at the time has a epeclflc rrcollsction of that<br />

I<br />

meetj.ng, and the cordial receFtion you qavB us. He and I also recall your<br />

order nuz?ling hln at Lhe Eu.bcequent 1988 hearing, I find it ironic that you<br />

auggest that I did not want t-o "it(ftlreBs<br />

the Freblefr" uhen you woulcl not evBn<br />

hear from thl'Comission statf menber who actually Horked for me on "the<br />

problem.'r It is especially ironic that durtng the Hay. 1985 and February. 1990<br />

hearings on ATVS you did atloH teBtlfrny frdm the CPSC'g General Counsels.<br />

Statistics show that serious injuries a6sociated utth ATVS are drmtical-<br />

Iy down in the aft-ennath of the Con8ent Decree, Deaths associated wj-th ATvs,<br />

while not goino down as fast aa Berlou6 injuried. have leveled-out and Fer ATv<br />

in cxistenc€ they nre definitety Lrend-ing downward, I il Froud of this<br />

outcome. and f.ully ekpect the irrjury and dcath statiEtics to faII to even loHer<br />

levels a6 the safety measures in the consent Decree take hold. You and I<br />

clisagree on various approaches to ATV safety, but the posj,tive reeulte of tho<br />

Consent Decree I supported are real and deEerve 6ome credit. Thouqh I clon't<br />

erq)ect you to enbrace my views on thiE subject. even given Lhe enpirical<br />

evidence, I clo believe it is unfair for you to trlscharacterize my willinqness<br />

to respond to your many requests for information and to appear as a witness<br />

bef ore your comittee.<br />

I thorefore request that yoqr lErsonal references to ne during Lh6 surB6<br />

of the hearino bc stricken from the record.<br />

Ts/bH<br />

sincert<br />

.p<br />

{4t'''**\.^L<br />

T{.t"."" scanlon<br />

Vice President and Treasursr<br />

r^\<br />


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