principal's recommendation award - Churchlands Senior High School

principal's recommendation award - Churchlands Senior High School

principal's recommendation award - Churchlands Senior High School


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PRINCIPAL’SRECOMMENDATIONAWARDCurtin ScholarshipsMake tomorrow better.scholarships.curtin.edu.au

WHAT ISTHE PRINCIPAL’SRECOMMENDATIONAWARD?PRINCIPALS ARE WELL-PLACED TO UNDERSTAND THE QUALITIES REQUIRED FOR THEIR STUDENTSTO THRIVE AT UNIVERSITY. EVERY YEAR, THE PRINCIPAL OF EACH WESTERN AUSTRALIANHIGH SCHOOL HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO NOMINATE STUDENTS FOR CURTIN’S PRINCIPAL’SRECOMMENDATION AWARD.The <strong>award</strong> is part of Curtin’s undergraduatescholarship program, and demonstratesthe University’s commitment to helpingstudents from all backgrounds reachtheir goals.Principals can nominate students for the <strong>award</strong>based on any of the following criteria: their chances of succeeding at university of succeeding at university.THE AWARDThe recipients may also receive other Curtin <strong>award</strong>sand scholarships.WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE AWARD?To be eligible for the <strong>award</strong>, the nominatedstudents must: be an Australian citizen, permanent resident,New Zealand citizen, or holder of a permanenthumanitarian visa school when nominated TISC preference

Applecross <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is very appreciativeof our relationship with Curtin University andthe support that is provided to students throughthe scholarship program. It is great to have theopportunity to nominate a worthy student to receivethis assistance towards their university studies.Maureen LorimerPrincipal, Applecross <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>HOW DOES THE NOMINATIONPROCESS WORK?of each Western Australian high school andadvise them of the procedure for nominating theircurrent year 12 students. Completed nominationforms will need to be submitted by the due date.To be eligible for the <strong>award</strong>, nominated studentsmust apply for a place at Curtin through TISC andpreference. They can apply for any of Curtin’sundergraduate bachelor degrees.To view Curtin’s courses visit courses.curtin.edu.auWHEN DO NOMINEES FIND OUT IF THEYARE SUCCESSFUL?Recommendation Award.To receive the <strong>award</strong> payment, the student mustcensus date.CAN NOMINATED STUDENTS RECEIVEOTHER SCHOLARSHIPS?Yes, receiving the Principal’s RecommendationAward does not stop the recipient from receivingother <strong>award</strong>s and scholarships.ARE NOMINEES GUARANTEED APLACE AT CURTIN?at Curtin based on the normal entry requirements.

FOR MOREINFORMATION:Scholarships OfficeOpening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pmLocation: Building 101, level 1Tel: +61 8 9266 2992Fax: +61 8 9266 3279Email: scholarships@curtin.edu.auPostal: GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845scholarships.curtin.edu.auDisclaimer InformationInformation in this publication is correct at the time of printing,but may change from time to time. For the most up-to-datedetails on Curtin’s scholarships refer to: scholarships.curtin.edu.auInternational students please note:This publication is intended for Australian citizens and permanentresidents only. As some information contained in this publicationmay not be applicable, international students should refer to:international.curtin.edu.au or phone +61 8 9266 7331 forfurther information.Part-time study, external study and online learning is onlyavailable to international students studying outside Australia.International students studying on a student visa in Australiacannot study part-time or externally. Some courses are notavailable to international students.The University reserves the right to change the terms andconditions of any of the scholarships mentioned in this brochure.The number of scholarships available is limited and not all eligiblestudents may receive an <strong>award</strong>.Curtin University will not be liable to you or any other person forany loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economicloss or damage) however caused and whether by negligence orotherwise which may result directly or indirectly from the use ofthis publication.Published by Curtin UniversityGPO Box U1987, Perth, WA, 6845Curtin University CRICOS Provider Code 00301JSydney Campus of Curtin University CRICOS Provider Code 02637BCurtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.© Copyright Curtin University 2012

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