IDPT(SDPS) 2008 Asia University

IDPT(SDPS) 2008 Asia University IDPT(SDPS) 2008 Asia University


what we know, to influence decision making and change, and toappreciate that problems are embedded in wider systems. GabrieleBammer is a Professor at the National Centre for Epidemiology andPopulation Health, ANU College of Medicine and Health Sciences,The Australian National University and a Research Fellow at theHauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard University. Herempirical research examines integration and implementation conceptsand methods that can be exchanged between populationhealth, policing and security, environmental management and technologicalinnovation.Professor Bammer holds degrees in Biochemistry, Psychology andGeography, and a PhD in Behavioural Pharmacology. She had hadthree major career transitions - first from working on science-basedinterdisciplinary problems to working in occupational health; secondto working on illicit drug problems; and third from undertakingresearch on specific problems to developing cross-cutting theoryand methods to support others in performing more effective problem-basedresearch. She was an inaugural Fulbright New CenturyScholar in 2001-2 and the first person to be awarded a Fellowshipunder the Visiting Scholars Program, Competence Centre Environmentand Sustainability, ETH-Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyZurich) in 2007. Her current research involves collaborativeprojects on illicit drug policy, policing and security, natural resourcemanagement, and biosecurity in Australia, as well as the impact ofglobal environmental change on food systems in the Indo-GangeticPlain.DINNER SPEAKERDr. Chun-Yen ChangMonday, June 2, 2008 7: 00 pm - 9:30 pmRoom: Splendor II, 13F, Splendor HotelDr. Chun-Yen Chang:1999 Science & EngineeringAward LaureateFounding Director of Nationalnano-Device Labs in TaiwanDr. Chun-Yen Chang was the former President of National ChiaoTung University in Taiwan. He received his BSEE degree from theNational Chenk Kung University (NCKU), and MS and Ph.D. degreesfrom the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). Due to hispioneering Ph.D. thesis in 1969, Prof. Chang became the first evergraduate student to receive the first domestic Ph.D. degree in Engineeringin Taiwan. He served as a research fellow at Bell Labs, aprofessor at NCKU, the dean of research, dean of engineering anddean of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at NCTUand President of National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. Healso was the founding Director of National Nano-Device Labs inTaiwan.In addition to his presidency at NCTU, Dr. Chang held several otherpositions and affiliations including Foreign Associate of the U.S.National Academy of Engineering, member of Academia Sinica ofthe Republic of China, National Chair Professor, National PolicyAdvisor to the Office of the President of the Republic of China, andScience and Technology Advisor to the Executive Yuan of the Republicof China. Dr. Chang has received 26 patents collectively inthe US and in Taiwan, and has published over 300 technical papers.He is the author of the book Made by Taiwan, promoting theidea of innovation and creativity for the future of Taiwan as a worldleader in technology. He has made pioneering contributions to vari-ous semiconductor devices, and is a key inventor in electronic technology.Among his major inventions, most worthy of mention are“The method of low pressure MOCVD using triethyl Gallium,” Znincorporation, boron penetration and nitridation in silicon dioxide,and modulation-doped base transistor. He has built a world-classelectronic teaching and research institute at NCTU, supervisingover 50 Ph.D.and 300 MS students who later become the leadersand backbone of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. He is consideredas a patriarch of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry.Through his visionary leadership and hard work, Dr. Chang haspropelled the NCTU to become the leading university in the educationand research in electronics in the world. The faculty and studentsin the NCTU have consistently published the most researchpapers in IEEE since 1996.He was the recipient of Engineeringmedal of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers, of an academicachievement award in engineering from the Ministry of Educationand the distinguished research award of the National ScienceCouncil, Republic of China, as well as the recipient of the 1989-1990 international traveling award granted by the China Foundationto the distinguished scholars in the Republic of China, andrecipient of advancement for outstanding chair professorship, since1995.KEYNOTE PANEL-IIGlobal Network forTransdisciplinary Collaboration9:00 am - 12:30 pm Tuesday June 3, 2008Room: A101Organizers : Dr. A. Ertas, Dr. D. GibsonDr. J. Tsai, Dr. Yamaguchi, Dr. R. T. YehCo-Chairs: Dr. R. T. Yeh and Dr. M. TanikParticipating Schools and Organizations forCollaboaration:Center for Transdisciplinary Studies, Asia University, Taichung,Taiwan; ICC Institute, The University of Texas , Austin, TX; Academyof Transdisciplinary Studies, Texas Tech University, Lubbock,TX; College of Engineering, The Andhra University, India;Ambiencia Information Systems, Ltd, Campinas, Brazil; Universityof Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), AL; The Academy ofTransdisciplinary Learning & Advanced Studies (TheATLAS).“Technology continues to shrink the world. There is nochoice other than to participate in the global community.Science and technology is too precious a resource to berestricted from drawing the world together. That is what the21 st Century is all about.”George KozmetskyFormer Chairman of the BoardSociety for Design & Process ScienceThe objective of this year’s Keynote Panel is to deliberate thestrategy and tactics of establishing a global network oftransdisciplinary centers for collaborative research and education.In this context, we will discuss the development of collaborationframework in which all stakeholders such universities, researchcenters, and corporations will benefit. This Kenote Panel will allowpartners to adopt transdisciplinary approach to various topics,and to start the transdisciplinary national and international network.

PANEL-II KEYNOTE SPEAKERTuesday, June 3, 9:00-9:30 amRoom: A101Dr. Juan M. SanchezVice President for ResearchThe University of Texas at Austin, TXDr. Juan M. Sanchez is the Vice President for Research at TheUniversity of Texas at Austin and holder of the Temple FoundationEndowed Professorship #4 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.He obtained his B.S. in Physics at the University of Cordoba,Argentina, 1971; M.S. in Materials Science, 1974; and Ph.D. in MaterialsScience, 1977 at the University of California, Los Angeles.Dr. Sanchez is the author and co-author of over 140 technical publicationson a wide range of topics in materials science and engineering.His current research interests are in the electronic, thermodynamicand structural properties of materials including intermetalliccompounds, magnetic and non-magnetic alloys, thin filmsand magnetic multilayers. His primary interest is the developmentand application of first principles computational methods for theconstruction of phase diagrams of multicomponent material systems.Other research interests include the development of lasercontrolledselective chemical vapor deposition processes for metals,alloys and ceramics.Dr. Sanchez serves on the Council of Federal Relations of the Associationof American Universities; on the Board of Directors asCouncil Vice Chair for the Oak Ridge Associated Universities, andthe Texas Nanotechnology Initiative. He also serves as a Representativeto the Government-University-Industry ResearchRoundtable of the National Academies, as Trustee for the SoutheasternUniversities Research Association, Inc., as a Member ofthe Institutional Oversight Board Member for the National Partnershipfor Advanced Computing Infrastructure (NPACI, InstitutionalOversight Board Member for the National Partnership for AdvancedComputing Infrastructure (NPACI), the Board of Visitors of the USArmy War College, Member of the International Consulting Board,Advisory Board for the Texas Coalition for Capital, and the NationalScientific and Policy Advisory Council for the Hogg Foundation forMental Health.PANEL-IIDISTINGUISHED PANELISTSTuesday, June 3, 9:30 am-12:30 pmRoom: A101to work for the University of Wisconsin Madison as an IrrigationSpecialist on an agricultural project in Brazil. During the periodfrom 1975 to 1985, he taught at the University of Wyoming where hewas President of the Faculty Senate and Director of the Water ResourcesManagement master’s program in addition to his regularteaching and research duties. From 1985 to present he has taughtat Texas Tech University where he has held a variety of administrativepositions including Department Chair of Agricultural Engineering,Interim Chair of Civil Engineering, Associate Dean of Engineeringfor Academic Affairs, Interim Dean of Architecture, SeniorAssociate Dean of Engineering, and Dean of the Graduate School.Dr. Borrelli has done extensive research in irrigation and waterresources. He currently has written a manual on the water use ofcrops and evaporation from lakes that is being extensively usedthoughout the State of Texas. His recent research has been on thevegetation management of highway rights-of-way.Dr. Vicki RaineyDyersburg CommunityCollege,TNDr. Vicki Rainey is a native of Dyersburg, Tennessee. She receivedher B.S. in Secondary Education from the University of Tennessee– Martin (1968), an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Mississippi(1970), a Ph.D. in Higher Education (mathematics concentration)at the University of Mississippi (1979), and an M.A. inCounseling from Amberton University (2001). Dr. Rainey began hercareer as a math teacher for the Memphis City Schools from 1969through 1975. In the Fall of 1975, she joined the mathematics staffat Shelby State Community College (consolidated as a part of SouthwestTennessee Community College) where she attained the rankof Associate Professor of Mathematics. In November of 1980, Dr.Rainey left West Tennessee to work as a software engineer for E-Systems, a small defense company in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas.In 22 years at the Texas location, including acquisition by the defensegiant Raytheon, she rose to the rank of Director, SoftwareEngineering responsible for the management and technical directionof up to 850 engineers.As Director, Software Engineering, Dr. Rainey worked with severaluniversities to aid in the coordination of industrial needs and academiccurricula. She was also active in the efforts to integrateengineering concepts into other academic areas through sponsoringof transdisciplinary education. Dr. Rainey presented herideas through publications, national presentations, internationalpresentations, and development of societies and academies tofurther these ideas. Her involvement with the theory behind the wayengineering processes blend with other subjects and the way engineersapproach problem solving, led her to pursue a degree incounseling. After completing her counseling degree and “retiring”from Raytheon to return home, Dr. Rainey was hired as an instructorof developmental mathematics at Dyersburg State CommunityCollege.Dr. John BorrelliFormer DeanGraduate SchoolTexas Tech University, TXDr. John Borrelli, former Dean of the Graduate School at TexasTech University holds a B.S. and M.S. in Agricultural Engineeringfrom Colorado State University and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineeringfrom The Pennsylvania State University. From 1973 to 1975 he wentDr. Allam Appa RaoDeanCollege of EngineeringThe Andhra University, IndiaDr. Allam Appa Rao is Dean of Engineering Faculty, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam, one of the top Universities in India. He hasbeen a Professor from the year 1985. He started his career in

what we know, to influence decision making and change, and toappreciate that problems are embedded in wider systems. GabrieleBammer is a Professor at the National Centre for Epidemiology andPopulation Health, ANU College of Medicine and Health Sciences,The Australian National <strong>University</strong> and a Research Fellow at theHauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard <strong>University</strong>. Herempirical research examines integration and implementation conceptsand methods that can be exchanged between populationhealth, policing and security, environmental management and technologicalinnovation.Professor Bammer holds degrees in Biochemistry, Psychology andGeography, and a PhD in Behavioural Pharmacology. She had hadthree major career transitions - first from working on science-basedinterdisciplinary problems to working in occupational health; secondto working on illicit drug problems; and third from undertakingresearch on specific problems to developing cross-cutting theoryand methods to support others in performing more effective problem-basedresearch. She was an inaugural Fulbright New CenturyScholar in 2001-2 and the first person to be awarded a Fellowshipunder the Visiting Scholars Program, Competence Centre Environmentand Sustainability, ETH-Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyZurich) in 2007. Her current research involves collaborativeprojects on illicit drug policy, policing and security, natural resourcemanagement, and biosecurity in Australia, as well as the impact ofglobal environmental change on food systems in the Indo-GangeticPlain.DINNER SPEAKERDr. Chun-Yen ChangMonday, June 2, <strong>2008</strong> 7: 00 pm - 9:30 pmRoom: Splendor II, 13F, Splendor HotelDr. Chun-Yen Chang:1999 Science & EngineeringAward LaureateFounding Director of Nationalnano-Device Labs in TaiwanDr. Chun-Yen Chang was the former President of National ChiaoTung <strong>University</strong> in Taiwan. He received his BSEE degree from theNational Chenk Kung <strong>University</strong> (NCKU), and MS and Ph.D. degreesfrom the National Chiao Tung <strong>University</strong> (NCTU). Due to hispioneering Ph.D. thesis in 1969, Prof. Chang became the first evergraduate student to receive the first domestic Ph.D. degree in Engineeringin Taiwan. He served as a research fellow at Bell Labs, aprofessor at NCKU, the dean of research, dean of engineering anddean of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at NCTUand President of National Chiao Tung <strong>University</strong> in Taiwan. Healso was the founding Director of National Nano-Device Labs inTaiwan.In addition to his presidency at NCTU, Dr. Chang held several otherpositions and affiliations including Foreign Associate of the U.S.National Academy of Engineering, member of Academia Sinica ofthe Republic of China, National Chair Professor, National PolicyAdvisor to the Office of the President of the Republic of China, andScience and Technology Advisor to the Executive Yuan of the Republicof China. Dr. Chang has received 26 patents collectively inthe US and in Taiwan, and has published over 300 technical papers.He is the author of the book Made by Taiwan, promoting theidea of innovation and creativity for the future of Taiwan as a worldleader in technology. He has made pioneering contributions to vari-ous semiconductor devices, and is a key inventor in electronic technology.Among his major inventions, most worthy of mention are“The method of low pressure MOCVD using triethyl Gallium,” Znincorporation, boron penetration and nitridation in silicon dioxide,and modulation-doped base transistor. He has built a world-classelectronic teaching and research institute at NCTU, supervisingover 50 Ph.D.and 300 MS students who later become the leadersand backbone of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. He is consideredas a patriarch of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry.Through his visionary leadership and hard work, Dr. Chang haspropelled the NCTU to become the leading university in the educationand research in electronics in the world. The faculty and studentsin the NCTU have consistently published the most researchpapers in IEEE since 1996.He was the recipient of Engineeringmedal of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers, of an academicachievement award in engineering from the Ministry of Educationand the distinguished research award of the National ScienceCouncil, Republic of China, as well as the recipient of the 1989-1990 international traveling award granted by the China Foundationto the distinguished scholars in the Republic of China, andrecipient of advancement for outstanding chair professorship, since1995.KEYNOTE PANEL-IIGlobal Network forTransdisciplinary Collaboration9:00 am - 12:30 pm Tuesday June 3, <strong>2008</strong>Room: A101Organizers : Dr. A. Ertas, Dr. D. GibsonDr. J. Tsai, Dr. Yamaguchi, Dr. R. T. YehCo-Chairs: Dr. R. T. Yeh and Dr. M. TanikParticipating Schools and Organizations forCollaboaration:Center for Transdisciplinary Studies, <strong>Asia</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Taichung,Taiwan; ICC Institute, The <strong>University</strong> of Texas , Austin, TX; Academyof Transdisciplinary Studies, Texas Tech <strong>University</strong>, Lubbock,TX; College of Engineering, The Andhra <strong>University</strong>, India;Ambiencia Information Systems, Ltd, Campinas, Brazil; <strong>University</strong>of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), AL; The Academy ofTransdisciplinary Learning & Advanced Studies (TheATLAS).“Technology continues to shrink the world. There is nochoice other than to participate in the global community.Science and technology is too precious a resource to berestricted from drawing the world together. That is what the21 st Century is all about.”George KozmetskyFormer Chairman of the BoardSociety for Design & Process ScienceThe objective of this year’s Keynote Panel is to deliberate thestrategy and tactics of establishing a global network oftransdisciplinary centers for collaborative research and education.In this context, we will discuss the development of collaborationframework in which all stakeholders such universities, researchcenters, and corporations will benefit. This Kenote Panel will allowpartners to adopt transdisciplinary approach to various topics,and to start the transdisciplinary national and international network.

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