Culinary Delights - Prince Henrys Grammar School

Culinary Delights - Prince Henrys Grammar School

Culinary Delights - Prince Henrys Grammar School


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In step with our primary pupilsRadio podcastBUILDING on our long-establishedtransition work in Modern ForeignLanguages, the ICT Department hasestablished a new link with Phil Robertson,an Advanced Skills Teacher at All Saints Cof E Primary <strong>School</strong>.As a result, students from our Year11 GCSE ICT group recently visited AllSaints to train Year 6 pupils in the useof Audacity software to record podcastsfor the All Saints Radio Station. With thehelp of our Year 11 students, the Year 6pupils recorded a children’s story usingmicrophones, and also added music andsound effects. The finished product can beaccessed by visiting the school’s podcastsite at http://y6fm.blogspot.comTaster lessonsCookery skills: Primary pupils baked banana muffins.YEAR 3 pupils from St Joseph’s Primary<strong>School</strong> spent the afternoon at <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s baking banana muffins as partof their healthy eating project. “I reallyenjoyed making them,” said Grainne,who is a pupil at the school. “They weredelicious”. The pupils also enjoyedcoming to ‘big school’.We hope to repeat this new transitionactivity next year.First aiders: Year 9 studentsHannah Bradford, RebeccaFoster, Jessica Beresford, ConnahTrees, Charlotte Poulter andLouise Harrison, with PC HeidiBeardsmore.Finger on the pulseWORKING with West Yorkshire Police,we have successfully been running aYoung Citizens’ Panel for more thanthree years. The aim is to encouragestudents to work with the communityto help change misconceptions thatadults may have of young people.This year’s project involved six Year9 students who, alongside PC HeidiBeardsmore and Progress LeaderNick Cook, were challenged to inspireothers, to initiate change and to usetheir imagination to develop a projectthat would have a positive impact intheir local community. This resultedin the Panel agreeing to teach Year 6pupils how to administer first aid.The Year 9 students also successfullyapplied for a £125 grant to buy prizesfor a poster competition.Students widentheir experienceSTUDENTS in Years 10, 11 and 12 whoare studying Health and Social Care arenow undertaking work experience in localprimary schools, nurseries and residentialhomes until Easter to help develop theircaring and communication skills.Gemma Sunley, in Year 11, commented,“It is a great opportunity to learn newskills,” while Sophie Jones-Tinsley said,“It’s great fun working with the children andhelping them to learn”.The Health and Social Care courserequires students to have real-life experienceto help them write up coursework as well ashelping them to make future career choices.Fun and games: Pupils at St Joseph’s RC Primary <strong>School</strong>.3

Aysha’stalent shinesthroughYEAR 10 ProductDesign student AyshaShafiq is one of only 30students from acrossLeeds to gain a placeat the National Art andDesign Saturday Clubat Leeds College of Artand Design.She recently visitedSomerset House inLondon to view designwork from last year’sclub members.College place: AyshaShafiq, Year 10.Dish ofthe dayMEMBERS of the cookeryclub have been making aseries of seasonal dishes,including toffee applecookies, Bonfire Nightcrunch bars and tomatoand mascarpone tarts.All students arewelcome to join us onThursdays after schoolin TE2, where they willget the chance to practisetheir culinary skills. SeeMrs Wright, Mrs Walsh orMrs Blakeley if you wish tojoin in.On the menu: Anna Middleton, Year 8,Thomas Thompson, Year 7, AlexandraMcRobbie, Year 7, and ThomasWilson, Year 7.TechnologyTechnology caters to a wide variety of interests, ranging from Food and ProducPickof thebunchYEAR 10 ResistantMaterials students havebeen given the task to‘Go Bananas’.This has involvedcreating an innovativeconcept for storingbananas, usingsustainable or recycledmaterials, resulting inan eye-catching andoriginal design.“The range of ideashas been amazing,” saidteacher Rob Mathewson.“I can’t wait to see whatthey come up with fortheir next project”.4Going bananas: Callum Hewitt andOliver Bumby, Year 10.

Fashion on paradeIN December, GCSE and A-levelTextiles students visited the NECin Birmingham to see The ClothesShow Live.Classed as the biggest fashionshow in the UK, the event gavestudents the opportunity to look atthe work of top designers and tomeet students and lecturers froma wide range of university fashionand textiles courses.The students also entered TheClothes Show’s Young Artist of theYear Award, to create a poster onthe theme of ‘Rule Britannia’, tobe used in their 2012 educationalcommunications campaign. Inaddition, they entered the YoungHandbag Designer of the Yearcompetition. Teacher Gina Williamssaid: “I have my fingers and toescrossed!”Festive fare, with a twistYEAR 10 Food Technology students have been working hard to give aninnovative twist to a traditional festive meal. Competition has been fierceas students have risen to the challenge set by the Rotary Club to produce arestaurant-quality, two-course meal for under £10.The competitors will be judged on the day by Trevor Backhouse ofPatisserie Viennoise, and the most successful chef will win £50.“This is an excellent opportunity to inspire students and set them on theirway to becoming first-class chefs,” said Alyson Blakeley, Head of Technology.takes off!t Design to Textiles and Resistant Materials. We take a look at what’s on offerInnovative memento:Naomi McKeown andJessica Carruthers, Year 10.Designers excelFOR the fifth consecutive year, students fromthe Year 10 Product Design group have visitedHarewood House to experience what it is liketo work as a professional designer for a client.Teacher Dawn Smith said: “I feel that thisyear will prove to be the most successful yetas the Harewood Marketing and Design teamchallenged the students to design a postereven before they began work on designing asouvenir to be sold in the estate shop.”5

Successin ScienceTWENTY Physics students in Years12 and 13 have been taking part in aresearch project in conjunction withLeeds University. They have beeninvestigating whether the addition ofhydrogen to a petrol generator canalter the efficiency of the engine. Thestudents will visit Leeds University inFebruary to present their findings.THIS year’s winner of the Year 7safety poster competition wasYusuf Khan.A TEAM of Year 11 studentstriumphed in the inter-school senior‘Golden Bunsen’ competition. Thisyear’s challenge was to build a deviceto lift an Oxo cube as high as possibleusing the energy from vinegar andbaking soda.IN July, <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s hosted the firstRHIO Science competition for studentsin Years 7 and 8 from Harrogate<strong>Grammar</strong>, Rossett, Ilkley <strong>Grammar</strong> and<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s. The whole-day eventwas very successful, with a team fromIlkley winning the shield.Put to the test: Andrew Pullan and Bryony Barlow, Year 12.French studentslead the wayAS part of the Foreign Language Leaders Award,Year 11 French students who are following thefast-track course planned, designed and organisedactivities for younger students at this term’s wholeschoolOpen Evening.The group is now preparing to lead foreignlanguage learning activities for pupils at All SaintsCE Primary <strong>School</strong>.Tour of the Middle EastINTERNATIONAL Day is an important datein the Language College calendar as itgives students the opportunity to challengestereotypes and to learn about the culture of adifferent area of the world.This year, the theme was the Middle East.Activities included cooking and tasting thelocal cuisine, learning about the language,playing an ancient Egyptian board game calledSenet and performing an Egyptian dance.‘Hola’, ‘Guten Tag’, ‘Bonjour’WE asked our three new Foreign Language Assistants to introduce themselves:Spanish Assistant: Daniela (Chile)“Mi nombre es Daniela Karina Parra Godoy y soy de Santiago, la capital deChile. Tengo 23 años y lo que mas me gusta hacer es bailar salsa, conocerdiferentes lugares alrededor del mundo y conocer a nuevas personas.”German Assistant: Sina (Germany)“Mein Name ist Sina Mewes und ich komme aus Hamburg, Deutschland. Ichbin 24 Jahre alt und meine Hobbys sind Joggen, Sprachen lernen, Reisen,Lesen, Freunde treffen und neue Leute und Kulturen kennen lernen.”French Assistant: Julie (France)“Je m’appelle Julie Bourdiaux. J’ai 22 ans et je viens de Reims en France. Jesuis passionnée par les arts et les langues. J’aime voyager, écrire, lire, peindre,jouer du piano et rencontrer des gens de différentes cultures.”We speak your language: Daniela Parra Godoy, Sina Mewes and Julie Bourdiaux.Chinese connection6TEACHERS Annie Cunniffe and Richard Oldroydaccompanied 11 enthusiastic Year 10 students onthe school’s 11th Chinese exchange trip to XuejunHigh <strong>School</strong> in Hangzhou.Ms Cunniffe said: “We were overwhelmed by thewarmth and generosity of our Chinese hosts, andwere inspired by China’s rich and changing culture.Our trip also cemented our developing relationshipwith Wenlan Middle <strong>School</strong>.”

Operatic workshopTHIRTY GCSE Music students were treated to an all-day workshopon Tchaikovsky’s The Queen of Spades.A team from Opera North visited <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s to introduce theopera, which was recently staged at the Grand Theatre in Leeds,through games, drama, composing activities and singing. Thiswas followed by a visit to the Grand Theatre to see the eveningperformance.Alyssa Nicholson, in Year, 11 said: “I really enjoyed the workshop,and the opera was much better than I expected.”Chess mastersCHESS Club members Sam Ohren, in Year 9, and Year 11students Hal Laverty and Dougie Jones recently organised aweek-long, lunchtime chess tournament for Year 7 studentsin the Library.After fending off stiff competition in the early rounds,Matthew Marshall and Thomas Tear staged a closely foughtfinal, with Matthew eventually picking up the winning trophy.Worthy opponents:Thomas Tear andMatthew Marshall,Year 7.Every one’s a winnerTHIS year’s Prizegiving forYear 10 was transformed intoa talent show, featuring dozensof subject prizes, eight acts,four judges and ONE winner!The four judges – ‘CherylCole’, ‘The Hoff’, ‘MichaelMcIntyre’ and ‘AmandaHolden’ – were liberal in theirpraise of the amazing talenton show.After Year 10 cast their votesby text, ‘Jo Bland’ picked upthe first prize of £50 for hisamazing rendition of TracyChapman’s Fast Car.DURING the summer holidays, 16Geography students from Years10 and 11 visited EarlingtonSecondary <strong>School</strong>, our longestablishedpartner school inDurban, South Africa.The students attended lessonsand took part in a number offield trips, including a sunsetsafari, and visits to a cheetahsanctuary and a traditional Zulu village.The trip was a great experience, allowing students to makenew friends and appreciate different traditions and cultures.Village fete: Students meet local Zulus.South AfricanadventureGet set,grow!MEMBERS of the Gardening Club areworking hard to prepare for the plantingseason, with plans to grow peas, onions,tomatoes, courgettes, broad beans,cabbages, lettuces and cucumbers.As well as feeding themselves, thestudents are hoping to provide theschool kitchen with locally grown salads,vegetables, herbs and fruit.Eggs from our new chickens will also beused to make quiches, desserts and cakes.Planting season: Green-fingered students sow the seeds.7

Squad swimsto victoryCONGRATULATIONS to our SwimSquad who came third overall in theInter-schools Swimming Gala.Seventeen schools from across theregion took part in the competitionat The <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> at Leeds,including 30 swimmers from <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s. It was a very enjoyableevening, which highlighted our teamspirit, and many parents turned outto lend their support.Team Coach Vicki Wilson said:“The team has been fantastic, andMrs Miller and I would like to thankthem all for their dedication, andespecially for turning up to train inthe cold winter months!”Gala performance: Jack Dockar, Year 8, HollyLowes, Year 9, Megan McFarlane, Year 9, andSam Graham, Year 8.Athletic achievementCONGRATULATIONS to the teamof Year 7 and Year 8 girls whotriumphed in the annual West LeedsIndoor Athletics Finals in October.The girls fought off stiffcompetition from Mount St Mary’s,Horsforth, and St Mary’s, Menston, inFirst place: The Year 7 and Year 8 girls' athletics teams.a range of events, including the twolaprace, eight-lap paarlauf, standinglong jump and the vertical jump.Both teams secured first place andnow go through to the Leeds Final,which will be held at Priesthorpe High<strong>School</strong> after Christmas.In bat for YorkshireWITH honours at both school and club level, Year 13student George Ross has played for Yorkshire CountyCricket Club since he was 11, and has represented theNorth of England under 17s. He is also a contractedmember of Yorkshire Cricket’s Academy side.George holds a Level 2 Cricket Coach qualification,the ECB’s ‘Chance to Shine’ award and the CommunitySports Leaders Award. This has allowed him to teachcricket in two primary schools as well as the girls’cricket team at Ben Rhydding.George is a naturally talented sportsman who isdedicated to a career in which he will hopefully inspireand develop new talent, providing a role model foraspiring players.Role model: GeorgeRoss, Year 13.Sports in briefl THE senior netball squad were runners-up in the Leeds <strong>School</strong>sNetball Tournament.l TARA Appleyard, in Year 8, has achieved her first dan black beltin karate.l THE U16 badminton team have reached the Leeds City Finals.l YEAR 8 students Sam Ford, Harry Bentley and George Duncanhavel been selected to play rugby for the U13 Yorkshire squad.chartered development centre<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>SPECIALIST LANGUAGE COLLEGEFarnley Lane,Otley, West YorkshireLS21 2BBHeadteacher: Janet SheriffTel: (01943) 463524Fax: (01943) 850978Email: info@princehenrys.leeds.sch.ukWebsite: www.princehenrys.co.ukINVIEWEditorial Co-ordinator:Alison Kilmartin.inview is producedby Words&Pictures.Tel: 01943 854800.

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