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FREE GuideIreland’s Heritage CapitalYour CompleteHoliday Guide to<strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>at the heart of theBoyne

A Very Special PlaceWelcome to <strong>Meath</strong>At the heart of Ireland’s Boyne ValleySome say <strong>Meath</strong> is a special place and that’s why special things happenhere. The fact of the matter is that the magic which runs through sixthousand years of <strong>Meath</strong> heritage touches just about everything <strong>Meath</strong>has to offer.The effects are astounding - the sports are more invigorating, the diningis finer, the beds softer, the celebrations livelier, the gardens morecolourful. And the people...Maybe it’s the waters of the Boyne Valley or maybe some unknownblessing from an ancient God. Regardless of the source of <strong>Meath</strong>’ssplendour, it’s worth experiencing.ContentsTowns & Villages 3Heritage Trail 7Golf 9Biking & Walking 11Horse Racing 13Gardens 14Travelling to <strong>Meath</strong> & Map 15Angling 17Things to Do 18Festivals & Events 21The Gathering 26Crafts & Shopping 27Accommodation 29Food & Drink 332Image credits: Aerial view of Tara on page 7, courtesy of the Department of Environment, Heritage andLocal Government, Solheim Cup image page 9, courtesy of the Ladies European Tour and Tristan Jones.

Towns & VillagesNavanJust an hour from Dublin, Navan is a lively market town offering a wealthof attractions and activities. For evening entertainment, the numerous pubsand good food restaurants offer a warm, traditional welcome. You can alsotake in a performance or exhibition at Solstice Arts Centre.Navan boasts several famous off-spring such as Sir Francis Beaufort(1774-1857) a Royal Navy, admiral who formulated the Beaufort Scale ofwind force and personalities such as Hector O’Heoghagain, TommyTiernan, Dylan Moran and former 007 agent Pierce Brosnan.Legend has it that a boy called Fionn became a wise man by being the firstperson to eat the Salmon of Knowledge caught on the magical River Boynein Navan.The Hill of Tara, rises 300ft with panoramic views of the surroundingcountryside. Formerly the ‘Seat of the High Kings of Ireland’ it is now aNational Monument, open to the public all year. On the hill, the ‘Lia Fail’,the inauguration stone of the High Kings roared when the new King wasaccepted. In the nearby graveyard, carved on St. Adamain’s cross is a fineexample of a Sile na Gig (a pre Christian fertility symbol).Slumbering in Tara’s royal shadows are numerous historical, cultural andarchitectural attractions such as: Ardbraccan Church, the medieval seat ofthe Bishop of <strong>Meath</strong> and site of an early Christian monastery, the belltower and ruins of Ardmulchan, a medieval church overlooking the RiverBoyne and Bective Abbey, the second Cistercian monastery founded inIreland. Its turrets, gables and early English cinquefoil arches in thecloisters still remain. Nearby is the early Christian monastery Skryne, calledafter the shrine of St. Colmcille’s relics.Navan StreetscapeTime for a coffee breakDonaghmore Round Tower & Church is the site of a church founded by St.Patrick. Later a small monastic settlement built the round tower to providerefuge against the Vikings. The settlement of Athlumney Castle shows thechanges in manorial building in <strong>Meath</strong> since the Norman conquest.The Ringfort at Teltown was a prehistoric burial mound dating back to c.2000BC. Olympic Games in honour of the dead were held there in Augusteach year and were a historical and political symbol of the Kingship of Tara.The Tailteann Games as they were known predated the Greek OlympicGames. The Festival was revived again in 1924 and ran for 3 more occasionswith gatherings of International Athletes at Croke Park.3Ramparts Walk

TrimOne of Ireland’s heritage towns. Situated on the River Boyne it isdominated by the medieval Trim Castle, which was built by Hugh deLacy in 1173. The largest Anglo Norman Castle in Ireland, it is nowrestored and visitors can access the 75ft square keep and grounds byguided tour. Sections of the epic film ‘Braveheart’ were filmed here.Surrounding the Castle are fascinating ruins which provide evidence offervent religious activity. Stone relics abound in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, itschurch and porch revealing a number of medieval graveslabs. St. MarysAbbey is the remains of an Augustinian monastery founded in the 12thcentury and later a focal point for pilgrimage.The Newtown Monuments consist of a large medieval cathedral, twomonasteries and a small church which date from 1206. On the walls ofthe church one will find the late 16th century altar tomb, renowned forcure of warts, with effigies of Sir Luke Dillon and his wife. Closeby, onewill find the Echo Gate, shout to hear our ancestors echo. The YellowSteeple is aptly named due to the colour of the evening sunlight and theSheep Gate is the only surviving gateway of the Medieval town of TrimDuring the early 1700’s Jonathan Swift, author of ‘Gullivers Travels’, waspresented with the Vicarage of Laracor in Trim and spent some of hishappiest times in the area as judged by the ‘Journal To Stella’ which waspublished after his death. The Duke of Wellington, Sir Arthur Wellesleywas educated in Trim and residents erected the Wellington Column tocommemorate one of their past pupils.KellsKells or Ceanannas Mór, meaning ‘Great Fort’, was known to be a royalresidence before St. Colmcille established a religious settlement in Kells in550AD. The monks from his community on the Scottish island of Iona fledto Kells in 806AD in order to escape savage Viking raids and it was herethat they completed their illuminated manuscript of the Four Gospels, theBook of Kells. Kells is recognised as an official heritage town of Ireland.The Kells Town Hall and Tourist information Point now houses a facsimileof The Book of Kells. While the original is on display at Trinity CollegeDublin, this book represents one of a very small number of copies ever madeof this famous manuscript. The Crozier is on display in addition to a numberof panels and an audio visual information on Kells Town. You can alsocommence the Kells Historic Trail from outside the Town Hall whereby amap can be obtained (weekdays). Further facsimiles of the Book of Kells canbe can be viewed at the Headfort Arms Hotel lobby and also in the Churchof Ireland.Following the walking trail in the town visitors will see the influence of botha pre-Norman monastic enclosure and a walled Anglo-Norman settlement.The circular street pattern which the Norman town walls followed, and is stillrespected today, went back to the more peaceful surrounds of the famousmonastery. Inside the walls of St. Columba’s Church are some of the finestHigh Crosses of the High Christian era.The Round Tower dates from Vikingtimes, each of its five windows pointing to one of the town’s gates inanticipation of attack from Norse Raiders. Nearby is St. Colmcille’s Oratory,built in the 10th Century and part of the Monastic foundation.Great Gift ShopsKells CrossAthboy PubColmcille’s HouseAthboy(Town of the Yellow Ford) is a medieval town with some of the originalwall still intact. The Church of Ireland boasts an interesting medieval tabletomb.Two miles outside Athboy is the Hill of Ward (Tlachtga), an Iron Age fortthat was once the seat of the High Kings and a meeting place for theCeltic festival of ‘Samhain’ which was held on the 1st November eachyear. The festival heralded the beginning of Winter and the last recordingof the celebrations was 1168.Today local Sculptors in Kells keep the Artistic tradition alive; The wonderfulBronze Sculpture of an oak tree at Bective Square in memory of St.Colmcille’s love of the oak tree and the Angel of the Past in Kenlis Place.3km from Kells is the Spire of Lloyd, an 18th century folly in the form of alighthouse. On a clear day one can see five surrounding counties from thetop of the spire.<strong>Meath</strong> is unique as it is the only county in Leinster to have twoGaeltachts (fully Irish speaking region) the villages of Rathcairn and BaileGhib east of Kells. Rath Cairn is unusual in that the area has grown insize and numbers over the years, a fact that reflects great credit on thisthriving Gaelic speaking community where visitors interested in the Irishlanguage, music and song will find a great welcome and muchenjoyment. Rathcairn also has a fantastic Cultural Centre called AnBradán Feasa.4Trim Castle

Towns & VillagesNorth <strong>Meath</strong>Oldcastle, Nobber, MoynaltyThis area of <strong>Meath</strong>, one of the few undiscovered regions of Ireland, has anextensive collection of pre-historic monuments, many of which still awaitarchaeological investigation. The Loughcrew Hills of Oldcastle reveal passagegraves, megalithic chambers and decorated stones carved in the same style asthe famous Newgrange burial site, and are a great place for walkers. CarnbaneEast offers unparalleled panoramic views of the rich lands of the royal countyand 14 additional counties stretching off into the distance. Crowned by thegreat ‘Cairn’ with its ‘Hags Chair’, Sliabh na Callaighe, the Witches Hill, outsideOldcastle is the highest point in <strong>Meath</strong>. Nearby Carnbane West is veryimpressive. Birthplace of the martyr St. Oliver Plunkett, the Plunkett familychurch is still standing in Loughcrew. Cullcagh House, the place in which DeanJonathan Swift finished writing his book ‘Gullivers Travels’ is located nearby.The region around Nobber is fondly referred to as ‘O’Carolan Country’ inrecognition of the birth of Turlough O’Carolan in 1670. Known as the last ofthe Irish Bairds, this blind harpist composed several works, the most famousbeing O’Carolans Concerto’.Drumconrath is the centre of coarse fishing in Co. <strong>Meath</strong> Lough Bracken, theRiver Dee and a number of smaller lakes are situated in this forested drumlincountry and are long established angling centres with walking areas.The picturesque village of Moynalty is home to one of Ireland’s largestSteam Threshing festivals in the month of August.Loughcrew CairnGreat pubsSouth <strong>Meath</strong>Ashbourne, Clonard, Dunboyne, Dunshaughlin, Enfield, RatoathDunshaughlin, named after Secundinus or Seachnall, a disciple of St.Patrick who founded a church on the site in the 6th century, provides anideal starting point for ventures into the historic countryside.Ratoath’s street plan follows the curve formed by the characteristic NormanMotte, the village is characterised by a series of long narrow plots of land,perhaps representing a medieval strip pattern. Ratoath has an exciting newCommunity Centre with a modern bistro and theatre called The Venue.The town of Ashbourne was the only place of insurrection outside Dublinduring the 1916 Easter rising and a monument, similar to a ship’s bow,honours the nationalists that were killed there. Ashbourne Town Centre isnow a great place to go shopping. South of Ashbourne, FairyhouseRacecourse hosts regular race meetings and its crowning glory is the EasterFestival culminating in the Irish Grand National on Easter Monday.Clonard, the oldest home to Ireland’s saints and scholars, now has a newself guided heritage trail for visitors.Dunboyne Castle is an 18th century mansion which replaced the originalcastle there as the seat of the Butlers, Lords of Dunboyne, and now is a newhotel.5Enfield, built on the banks of the Royal Canal, gives visitors anopportunity to walk along the scenic towpath and offers excellent coarsefishing as well as being home to a variety of wildlife and fauna.

SlaneSlane, an elegant 18th century hillside estate village on the beautiful RiverBoyne, only 45 minutes from Dublin City. Situated at an importantintersection on the road from Dublin to Derry and the Northwest of Ireland,Slane has a long tradition of welcoming visitors.The Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre (Newgrange) is open throughout the yearallowing the visitor to explore the Neolithic tombs of Newgrange, Knowthand Dowth. Although less well known, the passage graves at Knowth andDowth can rival their most illustrious neighbour. Knowth is the largest in theBoyne Valley and dates from circa 3,000 BC. Archaeological excavationshave shown the site was used from the Stone Age to the Norman period. Oflater but equal significance, the Hill of Slane and Slane Abbey situated justnorth of the village offer a superb view of the Boyne Valley as well asradiating the aura of a sacred place. It was here St. Patrick lit the Paschal Fireof Christianity that according to legend was seen throughout the county. TheBattle of the Boyne Site is located close to Slane at the newly opened visitorcentre at Oldbridge Estate. Here you can learn more about this famous battlethrough a highly interactive display. Slane is also proud to have been thebirthplace of the noted Irish poet Francis Ledwidge, 1887-1917. TheLedwidge Cottage Museum commemorates this fine writer. Situated by theRiver Boyne is Slane Castle, which in latter years, has distinguished itself asone of Ireland’s premier rock venues.Hill of SlaneThe village of Duleek is reputed to be the site of the oldest stone church inIreland; St. Cianan’s, built in the 5th century. Today there stands the 12thcentury St. Mary’s Abbey and a High Cross depicting both Celtic andbiblical designs.Laytown BeachDuleek ChurchSlane WeirThe <strong>Meath</strong> Coast<strong>Meath</strong> has just seven miles of coastline, but in that short stretchbetween the River Boyne and the River Delvin, visitors are treated to amicrocosm of coastal life, both cultural and physical. Bettystown is oneof the most favoured holiday destinations for Irish people with largesandy beaches and wide range of accommodation and activities.The village of Mornington on the Boyne estuary was known asMarinestown in the 13th century. The Maiden Tower and the Lady’sFinger were built as watchtowers and navigational aids during the longwar with O’Neill when a Spanish invasion was feared. The Tara Broochof 700 AD was found at Bettystown in 1850. It is now kept in the RoyalAcademy Collection of the National Museum, Dublin.The village of Laytown, on the north bank of the Nanny water estuary, hasevidence of an Iron Age settlement in the form of a burial mound. Referenceto Laytown appears in the Annals of Ulster from 852 AD, which mentions abattle there in which Maelseachlainm and Flann slew 200 foreigners. It isperhaps better known today for its annual horse racing on the strand.6Slane Village

N 3Heritage TrailTracing <strong>Meath</strong>’s Royal PastThe spirit of the past is wonderfully alive in Co. <strong>Meath</strong> today.It is full of mystery and excitement, heartbreak and humour!There are High Kings and Scholarly Monks, Vikings andNormans, castles and crosses, wise fish and singing stones,magical sagas and fabulous fairytales.Ancient people of Brú na Bóinne (Newgrange) and Loughcrewleft us enigmatic monuments, which were built to last forever.The mystery of these monuments still draws us to them…totrace the spirals they carved, to stand in these sacred placesand to share for a moment an ancient view of the world.Your tour through <strong>Meath</strong> is an experience in living history in aspecial place where magical things happen. Enjoy.For more information or info@meathtourism.ieTaraBective AbbeyMonagha nDerr yDundalk/Belfas tCava nM 1R16 2Arde eN 1Nobbe rN 2Oldcastl e6R15 45Kell s4Athbo yMoynaltyN 3N5 2R i v e r B la c k w a terR16 3N5 17Nava nR iver Bo y n e8Slan eBattle of theBoyne Site109Donor eB r ú na B ó inn eNewgrang eDulee kDroghedaBettystow nR15 0Laytow nMullinga rDunderr yT ri m32 1Bectiv e T ar aKilmessa nN 2N 1R16 1R i v er B o yneR 1 54Summerhil lDunshaughli nAshbourn eN 3Ratoat hR15 9Athlon eR 1 5 6M 1Clonar dKinnega dLongwoo dDunboyn eEnfiel dN 4N 2N 47Travelling from Dublin city or airport, this historical driving route of<strong>Meath</strong> can be completed on one continuous journey or with plannedovernight stops to savour the delights of <strong>Meath</strong> in the towns onroute.Dubli n

1 Hill of Tara5 Kells Heritage Town9 Brú na BóinneHeritage and Visitor CentresTara, the ancient inauguration site of the HighKings of Ireland, is an evocative place celebratedin myth and legend. From the top of the hillthere are dramatic views towards the Mourneand Cooley Mountains in the north east, acrossthe Central Plain of Ireland to the Slieve BloomMountains in the southwest and to theDublin/Wicklow Mountains in the south.Location Halfway between Dunshaughlin andNavan off the N3Open Access all year. Guided tours mid May -mid September. Admission ChargeTel +353 (0) 46 902 5903/41 988 03002 Bective AbbeyFounded in 1147, the substantial remains ofIreland’s second Cistercian monastery stillstand. Of the surviving buildings the cloister isthe most impressive. The Abbey iswonderfully situated along the River Boynewith Bective Bridge nearby.Location 15 min from Trim off the R161Open All year. Admission freeTel +353 (0) 46 943 7227Kells is an Irish heritage town. Visitors will seethe influence of both a pre-Norman monasticenclosure and a walled Anglo - Normansettlement. The High Crosses, with biblicalscenes and Celtic patterns, representdecorative artifacts of Celtic Christianity. Fivepremier examples can be found in Kellsincluding the famous Market Cross. For mostpeople Kells is associated with the Book ofKells, probably the most famous of illustratedmanuscripts. A perfect copy of the book islocated at the Kells Civic Offices along withother treasures.Tel +353 (0) 46 924 00646 Loughcrew CairnsOn top of the highest hills in Co <strong>Meath</strong> aresome of its oldest monuments, the 5000 yearold passage tombs of Loughcrew. Visitors to themonuments are rewarded not only by theancient sites but also by some of the moststunning views in Ireland.Location East of Oldcastle off the R163Open all year, free guided tours June to Aug.Tel +353 (0) 41 988 0300Tel +353 (0) 49 854 1356Brú na Bóinne - the Palace or Mansion of theBoyne- is the name given to one of the world’smost important archaeological landscapes,dominated by the spectacular prehistoricpassage tombs of Newgrange, Knowth andDowth. In recognition of the internationalimportance of these monuments and the manyother archaeological features in the area,UNESCO has designated Brú na Bóinne aWorld Heritage Site. Constructed during theNeolithic or New Stone Age, the passagetombs of Brú na Bóinne are about 5000 yearsold.Location 2km west of Donore Village on L21Open Newgrange - all year. Knowth - Easter toOctober. Admission charge. Access toNewgrange and Knowth from Brú na BóinneVisitor Centre only. Pre-booking for tourgroups (extremely busy during summermonths). It is advised to go early in the day.Tel +353 (0) 41 988 0300worldheritageireland.ieSat Nav coordinates:N 53.694567 W -6.4463Trim Visitor CentreCastle Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 7227Fax +353 (0) 46 943 8053E trimvisitorcenter@eircom.netmeathtourism.ieThe visitor centre offers the exciting ‘Power &the Glory’ Audio Visual Show which paints avivid picture of the historical background of themagnificent medieval ruins of Trim. Welcome AllCafe serving speciality teas/coffees andhomemade food all day Mon to Fri 9.30-5.30Sat,Sun & bank Holidays 12-5.30 (seasonal)Trim Castle has new opening hours fromNovember to March. Guided tour of grounds at11am, Monday to Friday. Tickets for these toursare available from Trim visitor centre. The castleitself will be open on Saturday and Sunday, withtickets available at the castle gate. The weekdaytours are organised by Trim Community HistoricalTours. The tour includes access to Trim Castlegrounds and the Audio Visual Show at TrimVisitor CentreTrim CastleIrish musicKellsLoughcrew3 Trim CastleBuilt by Hugh de Lacy in 1173 this is the largestAnglo-Norman castle in Ireland. In medievaltimes, the castle stood like an imposing stonesentinel and powerful symbol of Normanstrength. In modern times, the castle remains astrong focal point in Trim town and has beenused in the epic film Braveheart which starredMel Gibson.Location Trim TownOpen Easter-End October. Weekends inWinter. Admission charge. Access tokeep/castle building by guided tour onlyTel + 353 (0) 46 943 86194 RathcairnRathcairn village is home to a lively Gaelicspeaking community, where visitors can beimmersed in Irish language, music and song.Tel + 353 (0) 46 943 20687 Dunmoe CastleThis ruined castle stands close to the northbank of the River Boyne between Navan andSlane. It is believed that it was built in the 15thcentury. The castle was originally square withfour round turrets at each corner.Location 10 mins east of Navan, off the N51Open All year. Admission free8 Hill of SlaneNearly 1,600 years ago, St Patrick lit the firstPaschal Fire in Ireland to celebrate the Easterfeast on the Hill of Slane. The Druids on thedistant Hill of Tara had forbidden the lighting ofany fires during the Pagan feast of Feis Temro,the Feast of Tara. Patrick’s act of defiance wasthe spark that ignited the flame of Christianityin Ireland.Location North of Slane off the N2Open All year. Admission Free10 Battle of the Boyne SiteThe Battle of the Boyne was fought on 1st July1690 (old calendar) between King William IIIand his father-in-law King James II. At stakewere the English throne, French dominance ofEurope and power in Ireland. Extensive freebattle site walks link with the adjacent BoyneCanal Tow-path. Living History black powdermusket firing and cavalry demonstrations everySunday and Bank Holiday in June, July andAugustLocation On the south bank of the Boyne, 3kmnorth of Donore Village off the L21. Signpostedfrom off the N51 (Slane -Drogheda Rd, accessfor cars only-not suitable for coaches), off N1(Drogheda) and off N2 (Slane-Ashbourne).Open all year (except Christmasand NewYear), Admission charge to Visitor Centre only,tea pavilion avail.Tel +353 (0) 41 980 9950E battleoftheboyne@opw.iebattleoftheboyne.ieSt. Mary’s Abbey/Talbot CastleHigh Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1213E info@meathtourism.ie15th Century house once owned by JonathanSwift. The school was once attended by the Dukeof Wellington. Guided tours available June, Julyand SeptemberSt. Columba’s ChurchKells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 49 929 3626E info@meathtourism.ieSt Columba's Church and Grounds mark the originalsite of the Monastery of Kells. It stands on one of themost important Church sites in Co. <strong>Meath</strong>.8Dunmoe CastleNewgrangeHill of SlaneBattle of the Boyne Site

Golf<strong>Meath</strong> - home to some of thefinest golf courses in all of Ireland<strong>Meath</strong> - Proud to have hosted The 2011 Solheim Cup.From the challenging parklands at Headfort, Royal Tara and Co.<strong>Meath</strong> Golf Club to the historic old links at Laytown & Bettystown,golfers of all ages and standards will find a course to suit theirgame. Add in the well established old favourites at Black Bush,Ashbourne, Navan & Kilcock - together with more recent gemssuch as Killeen Castle, Knightsbrook, Rathcore, Julianstown andBellewstown, and there is enough variety to whet any golfer'sappetite to stay and play in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>.The hosting of The 2011 Solheim Cup at the magnificent JackNicklaus designed championship course at Killeen Castle and thePING Junior Solheim Cup at Knightsbrook only enhanced <strong>Meath</strong>'sreputation as a great place to play golf and explore some of theBoyne Valley's wonderful heritage. <strong>Meath</strong> offers quality and valueto the visiting golfer and you will be assured of a warm Irishwelcome wherever you go. You will find accommodation to matchthe great golf courses with a selection of fine hotels, guest housesand self catering, all within easy reach of every course in thecounty.Visit for further details on accommodation, golfand things to do while in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>.Knightsbrook Golf ClubHeadfort Golf Club“I can honestly say that thequality and variety of courses in<strong>Meath</strong> is on a par with anywhereI have been”Des Smyth, First Irishman to win on the US Seniors Champions Tour.Former Ryder Cup player and Ryder Cup 2006 Vice Captain9Killeen Castle – Proud to have hosted The 2011 Solheim Cup

Ashbourne Golf ClubArcherstown, Ashbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 835 2005E info@ashbournegolfclub.ieashbournegolfclub.ieAshbourne Golf Club is a challenging andinvigorating championship course locatedjust 15 mins from Dublin Airport and 30mins from Dublin City. Designed by DeclanBranigan Design in association with RyderCup star Des Smyth, the course presents afair but stern and enjoyable test and afriendly, informal atmosphere in the clubhouse.Bellewstown Golf CourseBellewstown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 988 2757E info@bellewstowngolf.combellewstowngolf.comBellewstown is a challenging, but fair golfcourse suitable for all levels of golfing ability.The course boasts USGA greens, maturetrees and many exciting water features andbreathtaking views up to the Mournemountains and over the Boyne Valley. Relaxin the warm and friendly clubhouse for lightrefreshments.Headfort Golf ClubHeadfort Old & Headfort New CoursesNavan Road, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0146E info@headfortgolfclub.ieheadfortgolfclub.ieLocated near the picturesque town of Kells,Headfort Golf Club is an outstanding 36-holeparkland facility set against the stunningbackdrop of Headfort house. Headfort Old -opened in 1928, is one of the best examplesof a traditional parkland course in Irelandwith superb trees gracing its fairways andgreens. Headfort New - is a splendid courseset among ancient woodland with native andAsiatic specimens criss-crossing the RiverBlackwater. Ranked among the top ten parklandcourses, it was designed by Ryder Cuphero Christy O'Connor Jnr.Julianstown Golf ClubJulianstown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 981 1953Mobile +353 (0) 87 417 8290Julianstown's 9 hole parkland course islocated along the R132, excellentlymaintained throughout and offers a realchallenge to even the most experiencedgolfers. We boast five par 4's and four par3's with lake and many difficult bunkers. Thecourse is of flat terrain and has shelters oncourse for our players on that rainy day. Wealso have an 18 hole pitch and putt course.Club hire, teas and coffees available.Killeen CastleDunsany, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 689 3000E info@killeencastle.comkilleencastle.comVoted Best Parkland Course in the greaterDublin area in the Golf Digest Ireland 2013Top 100 Courses. Rose to world-wide prominenceas host of The 2011 Solheim Cup.Also host venue to the Ladies Irish Open2010-2012. Set in historic grounds of a 12thcentury Norman castle, this spectacular 600acre estate is home to a Jack NicklausSignature Golf Course with world class golfand practice facilities. It also houses Europe'sonly Dave Pelz Scoring Game School.Knightsbrook Golf ResortDublin Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 2100E golf@knightsbrook.comknightsbrook.comKnightsbrook Hotel Spa & Golf Resort situatedin the heritage town of Trim, offerssuperb accommodation and an 18-holechampionship golf course designed byformer Ryder Cup Legend Christy O’ConnorJnr. Challenging and creative, the courseenjoys a stunning location with views overundulated fairways, testing greens anddemanding water features. Enjoy thecontemporary clubhouse with Gulliver’sLounge and Restaurant. Proud to havehosted the PING Junior Solheim Cup 2011.Navan Golf ClubProudstown, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 2888E info@navangolfclub.ienavangolfclub.ie18 Hole golf course (par 72) designed byRobert J Browne comprising 6800 yards withlarge sand based greens in undulating groundand water hazards which test the skills of allcategories of golfers. It is designed in twoloops with 9 holes within the racetrack whichgives the effect of heath land with moundsand low level trees. The back nine are set intypical parkland surrounded by mature trees.Situated on 180 acre grounds alongside NavanRacecourse, its fantastic greens are ratedamong the best in the country.Rathcore Golf & Country ClubRathcore, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 954 1855info@rathcoregolfandcountryclub.comrathcoregolfandcountryclub.comRathcore Golf Course may not be extr long,but it will test your game. It has numerousnatural springs enabling 12 water features.With rolling hills, mature trees, yellow furzeand strong historical background it is a coursethat can match any for class. The circular clubhousedraws its inspiration from the ring fortslocated on thecourse - cleverly sunk below thelevel of the fairway, only the upper floor is visible.Under the direction of Mel Flanagan, thiscourse has been moulded by Mick Lyons.Bellewstown Golf ClubRoyal Tara Golf ClubKilcock Golf ClubRathcore Golf ClubBlack Bush Golf CourseDunshaughlin, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>353 (0)1 825 0021E info@blackbushgolfclub.ieblackbushgolfclub.ieBlack Bush Golf Club offers three 18-holegolf courses set on 186 acres of beautifulparkland with strategically placed bunkersand a few water hazards. It will please andtest experienced players. The lush fairwayslined with mature trees lead to sand basedgreens that are playable all year providing foran enjoyable round of golf in an ideal setting.<strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong> Golf ClubNewtownmoynagh, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1463E info@countymeathgolfclubtrim.iecountymeathgolfclubtrim.ieEstablished in 1898, this lovely parklandcourse is located 3km from the historic townof Trim. The course offers a fair challenge toall golfers. Tree lined undulating fairways,strategic bunkering and subtle, well maintainedgreens ensure an interesting test ofgolf for the discerning golfer. Modern clubhousewith full bar and catering facilities.Floodlit driving range (open until 10.00pm).Kilcock Golf ClubGallow, Kilcock, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 628 7592/628 4074E info@kilcockgolfclub.iekilcockgolfclub.ieMembers’ owned Par 72 Parkland courseoriginally designed by Eddie Hackett andredesigned by Eddie Connaughton in2008/2009. USGA standard greens and tees.A subtle blend of golf holes including lakeson 3, 5, 6, 13, 14 & 15 along with remodelledfairways make this a challenging butfair test. The picturesque 3rd, 13th and 15thstand out. A mix of well protected Par 4’s,tempting Par 5’s and testing Par 3’s makethis course well worth a visit. Winner of ALCIBest Landscaped Sports Grounds 2012.Laytown and Bettystown Golf ClubBettystown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 7170E links@landb.ielandb.ieLaytown and Bettystown, a traditional linkswith undulating fairways, riveted bunkers andfast greens, is situated on the banks of theRiver Boyne in the village of Bettystown, withviews of the Cooley and Mourne mountains.First played in the 1880s, the club was notformally in existance until 1909. The coursehas produced some of Ireland’s best golfers,notably Ryder Cup golfers - Des Smyth andPhilip Walton. Top class amateurs includeDeclan Brannigan and John McGinn. Host ofthe Leinster Open Seniors Competition 2004.Royal Tara Golf ClubBellinter, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 6868E info@royaltaragolfclub.comroyaltaragolfclub.comNestling at the base of the historic Hill of Tara,Royal Tara Golf Club is amongst Ireland's mostenjoyable and conveniently located golfingretreats. It is reputably one of the finest inlandcomplexes with 27 holes set in mature parklandand slick sandbased greens. All visitorsare assured of a warm welcome to a royalgolfing gem with terrific facilities. Just 20 minutesfrom Dublin off junction 7 on the M3.Venue for the All Ireland GUI Cups andShields Finals 2013.Black Bush Golf ClubAshbourne Golf ClubLaytown & Bettystown Golf Club10

Walking & BikingThe Pathways of <strong>Meath</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>’s rich culture, heritage, myths and legends, floraand fauna are to be experienced along these 3 heritage walkingroutes. Visit, email info@meathtourism.ieor call 00353 (0) 46 909 7060 for a brochure on walking.3 Heritage Walking RoutesKells Girley Bog Eco Walk is a 3.5 mile waymarked NationalLoop covering forest and bogland located on the N52 toMullingar just 5 km from Kells on the left hand side. The looptakes approximately 1 hr 30 mins and requires walking boots.Boyne Ramparts Heritage Walk from Navan to StackallenBridge is 8km each way. Along this linear stretch there areinterpretive panels providing interesting facts to help the walkerenjoy the beauty of the Boyne Valley. Carpark located on theR153 in Navan.Trim Castle River Walk provides a glimpse of life in the MiddleAges in Trim. The walk is a linear walk commencing at TrimCastle and takes approximately 30 minutes along well markedpathways to Newtown and return.Boyne Ramparts Heritage WalkBoyne Ramparts Heritage WalkExplore at leisure thegentle winding pathways11

Canal WalkForest WalksHeritage Town WalksHistoric Town WalksRoyal Canal WayThe Royal Canal Way is a 77km, longdistance walking trail. It is divided into 7sections each representing a half dayswalking. The trail starts at Ashtown, Dublin(lock 10) and ends in Mullingar, Co.Westmeath. The Royal Canal Way passesthrough Co. <strong>Meath</strong> at Enfield and you canjoin the route here. Some interestingfeatures are Enfield Harbour and Moyvalleytree lined stretch. The route can be wet andmuddy, so take care.For more information see OSI DiscoverySeries Sheet 50, Guide to the Royal Canalof Ireland - The Waterways Service & InlandWaterways Association of Ireland. or walkingireland.ieLoughcrew CairnsThere is a walk to Loughcrew Cairns and aguiding service for visits to the Cairns isavailable during the Summer months. Call041 9880 300 for details. Alsoloughcrew.comBalrath WoodBalrath Wood, near Navan, was once part ofthe larger Somerville estate. A good time tovisit Balrath is in late Summer/early Autumnwhen there are plenty of leaves and somefruits /nuts on the trees and some wildflowersstill in bloom. Spring and Summer are alsogood times, especially to see woodlandwildflowers in their natural habitat.LocationBalrath Wood is located just off the N2 on theR153 for Navan (only approx. 35 km fromDublin). (situated 10km from Navan / 10kmfrom Slane). For more information, visitmeath.ieLittlewood Forest, SlaneLittlewood Forest is located on the N2 CollonRoad, 1 mile from Slane Village and provides afantastic amenity for walkers. The forest covers28 hectares (70 acres). Today it comprises avaried mix of conifer and broadleaved treespecies. In 2010, a series of directional postsand information panels detailing the flora,fauna and history were installed to create aninteresting 30 minute walk.Athboy Heritage TrailThe Athboy heritage trail is a looped routeand takes approximately 25 minutes,commencing at St. James RC Church.Points of interest include: 1. St. JamesChurch, 2. Old Darnley Lodge Hotel,3. Church of Ireland Grounds, 4. The MetalFootbridge, 5. Engine House of the RailwayStation, 6. The Fair Green, 7. The Mail, 8. TheBridge, 9. Macra hall, 10. School, 11. MarketHouse, 12. Remains of Athboy Castle,13. The Waxie Dargle.Duleek Heritage TrailIs a town trail with lots of heritage andstepping stones through time. Duleek beganas an early Christian monastic settlement. StPatrick established a bishopric here about 450AD, which he placed in the care of St Ciananon November 24, 489.1. Courthouse, 2. Connell’s House, 3.Parochial House, 4. Lime Tree, 5. St Cianan’sRC Church, 6. Larrix St and Kingsgate, 7. StMary’s Abbey, 8. Duleek Wayside Cross,9. Duleek House, 10. Duleek Commons,11. Berford Cross, 12. Nanny Bridges,13. Coach House or ‘The Building’.Dunshaughlin Heritage Trail1.Library (formally St. Patricks RomanCatholic Church), 2. Norman Motte, 3.St.Patrick’s Hall - Old National School, 4. SuppleHouse Piers, 5. Supple House, 6. GardaStation, 7. The Courthouse, 8. Nelson’sAcademy (Ivy House), 9.Turnpike Toll House,10. Old Sales Market (Beside Gogans),11.Fingal Arms Hotel, 12.St. Secundinus Church(St. Seachnaill’s Church),13. Gallows Hill, 14.The Croppies Grave, 15. The LagoreCrannog, 16. Trevet Church & Graveyard, 17.Union Workhouse & Famine Graveyard.Moynalty Heritage TrailThe Moynalty Heritage Trail is 20 minuteslinear route around Ireland’s Tidiest Village1. Stone Cross, 2. RC Church and Mass Stone,3. Donore Hoard, 4. Moynalty HouseGatelodge, 5. National Boys School, 6. OldForge, 7. Police Barracks, 8. Milestone, 9.National Girls School, 10. Midwife’s House, 11.Muintir na Tire Hall, 12. Church of Ireland, 13.Battle of Salford Bridge, 14. Garryard Wood,15. Protestant School, 16. Crochawella.Kells Historic TrailThis is a self guided historic trail with 15 pointsmarked by the heritage green plaques andinformation panels providing an insight intomonastic Kells and other significant points inthe history of Kells.1. Kells Town Hall, 2. Monastic Site, 3. St.Colmcille’s House, 4. St. Colmcille’s Well,5. People’s Park, 6. Ring Fort, 7. Monastic Site,Churchyard Wall, 8. Bective Square,9. Presbyterian Church, 10. Parnell Park,11. Old Courthouse, 12. Market Cross, 13. St.John’s Cemetary, 14. Headfort Bridge, 15. Kellstown Hall.Navan Points of Pride WalkThis walking tour of Navan is designed toshowcase the best of Navan’s heritage withreference to the Town’s rich historical past andmore recent developments. It is a celebrationof the people, the architecture and the cultureof Navan. Commencing at Solstice Arts Centrethe walk is 4km long and at a leisurely pace itcan be completed in approximately two hours.Booklet and audio guide available at SolsticeArts Centre.Slane Historic TrailThe Slane Historic Trail is a self guided historictrail with 18 points marked by the heritagegreen plaques and information panelsproviding an exploration of Slane’s vibranthistoric past.Points of interest include: 1. Slane Cottages;2. Catholic Church, 3. The Old School,4. 1798 Monument, 5. Hill of Slane, 6. RockHouse - Village ‘Square’, 7. Conyngham ArmsHotel, 8. Church of Ireland, 9. GeorgianHouse, 10. Dean Cogan House, 11. Millers’Row, 12. Slane Mill, 13. Gothic Gate, 14. GateLodge, 15. Georgian House, 16. Parochialhouse, 17. Site of Erasmus Smith School,18. Slane CottagesYellow Steeple, Trim Heritage TrailA Path Well WornVisitors should respect the facilities, the floraand fauna, keep dogs under strict controland co-operate in keeping the areas freefrom litter, or if walking in a wooded area,refrain from lighting fires. Wear walkingboots, bring rain gear and fluid. Leave onlyfootprints and take only memories...Kells Girley Bog Eco WalkMullaghmeen ForestSituated 8 km from Oldcastle, Mullaghmeenhas 1,000 acres of forest. Picnics can beenjoyed and there are long and short walksdepending on level of fitness. MullaghmeenForest is a state forest and provides 14 milesof roadway for the walker. It leads to thehighest point in <strong>County</strong> Westmeath (894ft.)Location:From Oldcastle, take the Castlepollard roadpast Millbrook to the first Y junction where aright turn off the main road should be taken.Follow this road until you pass KatsyBrowne's on the right and take a left turnimmediately after this shop. The forest is onthis road so keep driving until the mainentrance gate is seen on the right.Other Walks include:Sli na Slainte Walks- irishheart.ieOldbridge Estate walk near Slane -battleoftheboyne.ieTrim Historic TrailFollow the green heritage signs around Trimcommencing at the Trim Visitor Centre takingapprox. 60 mins1. Trim Visitor Centre, 2. St. Patrick’s Church,3. Wellington Monument, 4. Dublin Gate,5. Trim Castle, 6. Maudlin’s Cemetary, 7. EchoGate, 8. Priory of St. John the Baptist, 9. Tombof the Jealous Man and Woman, 10. NewtownCathedral, 11. Victorine Friary, 12. NewtownChurch, 13. Navan Gate, 14. Athboy Gate,15. St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 16. The Old Gaol,17. St. Mary’s Abbey, 18. Yellow Steeple,19. Sheepgate, 20. The Cannon,21. Courthouse, 22. Trim Visitor CentreBattle of the Boyne - Oldbridge EstateWalksStarting from Oldbridge House, over 4 kms ofwalks take you along grass and gravel throughthe Oldbridge Estate to join with the BoyneCanal Tow-path. Walks are self guiding and freeof charge. Several orientation signs on sitehighlight aspects of the battle, specimen treesand nature on the Estate. All walks are markedwith colour coded way markers. Parking isavailable at the Battle of the Boyne VisitorCentre. For walking route maps visitbattleoftheboyne.ieGormanston/ Stamullen TrailCommencing from the CityNorth Hotel’sgrounds and taking in the quaint rural villages ofGormanston and Stamullen, these walking trails(which can also be enjoyed on bicycles - hiredfrom the hotel) feature a number of fascinatinghidden heritage gems which guests can readabout on the hotel’s new comprehensiveHeritage Trail Map. The Gormanston route canalso be enjoyed with an audio guided tour withhighlights that include details of a prehistoric saltworks and Bronze Age landscape! Free heritagetrail map and MP3 audio guide from CityNorthHotel.12

Horse RacingChasing the Wind<strong>Meath</strong> is famous for the wonderful horses it produces. Thereason being, experience in horsemanship from breeding,breaking, livery and training. Lessons and trekking for allages and standards are available in the centres here.Where else to go racing than in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>. There isplenty of choice. National Hunt and Flat racing is regularlyheld at Fairyhouse (home of the Irish Grand National) andBellewstown (for over 300yrs). Navan Racecourse is one ofthe finest possible tests for National Hunt horses. Laytownis a unique event where the horses race on the beach.Laytown Strand RacesThundering hooves and poundinghearts...13

GardensFairyhouse RacecourseRatoath, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 825 6167Fax +353 (0) 1 825 6051E info@fairyhouse.iefairyhouse.ieHome of the Irish Grand National, Ireland's mostvaluable handicap steeple-chase with a prize fundof €250,000. First run in 1870, it has be- come akey date in the Irish sporting calendar. Public bar/restaurant and suites available for meetings andfunctions.Navan RacecourseProudstown Road, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 1350Fax +353 (0) 46 902 7694E info@navanracecourse.ienavanracecourse.ie17 Race meetings on a Superb NH Track, FineDining, Entertainment after Racing. GroupDiscounts, Tailored Packages, Membership Only€125.00. Admissions €10 - €15.00. Join us onFacebook or TwitterLaytown RacesLaytown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 984 2111Fax +353 (0) 41 9834 2112E klaybell@eircom.netIreland’s Unique Race Meeting, Laytown isfamous for its annual strand races, the onlyofficial strand races remaining in Europe and is awonderful day out.Bellewstown RacesBellewstown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 984 2111(982 3614 on raceday)Fax +353 (0) 41 984 2112(982 3644 on raceday)E klaybell@eircom.netbellewstownraces.ieBellewstown has two festivals. The first recordeddates of the Bellewstown Races were in 1726.Bloodstock SalesTattersalls (Ireland) Ltd.Ratoath, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 886 4300E info@tattersalls.ietattersalls.ieEurope’s largest Bloodstock Auctioneers offeringmore than 3,000 thoroughbreds at nine horsesales throughout the year. Also host to the Worldrenowned Tattersalls International Horse Trials &Country Fair See events listing pages 21 and 22.Equine HolidaysNewrath Stud & LuxurySelf-Catering MewsNewrath, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 988 4764E info@newrathstud.comnewrathstud.comLuxury self catering accomodation & EquineFarm - the ultimate experience from stunningaccommodation to watching thoroughbredhorses being trained or walking the grounds ofthe equine farm. Set on 104 acres of rollingmeadows overlooking the hills of Slane, Tara &Skryne. The self-catering Mews are set in anoval courtyard with marble floors throughoutand an abundance of light from glazed screensoverlooking the countryside.<strong>Meath</strong> Racing CalendarFairyhouse RacecourseRatoath, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 825 6167Fax +353 (0) 1 825 6051E info@fairyhouse.iefairyhouse.ieJanuaryFebruaryAprilJuneJulySeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1 Tuesday9 Wednesday20 Sunday2 Saturday23 Saturday1-2 Mon-Tue Easter Festival16 Tuesday5 Wednesday12 Wednesday3 Wednesday14 Sunday23 Monday12 Saturday6 Wednesday20 Wednesday30 Saturday1 Saturday15 SaturdayLaytown RacesLaytown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 2111E klaybell@eircom.netSeptemberEurope's only strand races3 Tuesday (evening)Navan RacecourseProudstown Road, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 1350E info@navanracecourse.ienavanracecourse.ieJanuary 13 SundayFebruary 17 SundayMarch 2 Saturday18 MondayApril 6 Saturday21 SundayMay 19 SundayJune 8 Saturday14 FridaySeptember 28 SaturdayOctober 9 Wednesday23 WednesdayNovember 10 Sunday24 SundayDecember 7 Saturday15 Sunday21 SaturdayBellewstown RacesBellewstown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 984 2111bellewstownraces.ieJulyAugust5 -6 Fri-Sat (evening)7 Sun21-22 Wed-Thur (evening)Racing 2013For information on Race Fixturesfor 2013 visitfairyhouse.ienavanracecourse.iebellewstownraces.iemeathtourism.ieSpecial GardensGarden enthusiast or not, come and revel in thebeauty of <strong>Meath</strong>'s gardens. Whether you're an avidhorticulturist, a weekend walker or an urban dwellerlooking for a little rest and relaxation, you'll find it inthe gardens of <strong>Meath</strong> and surrounding environs.See p.21 & 22 for special events at <strong>Meath</strong>’s gardens.Boyne Valley Garden Trailhcgi.ieThe newly formed Boyne Valley Garden Trail is a group of historicgarden owners whose gardens are open to the public to visit. Pleasecontact the gardens directly for details of opening hours, admissioncharges and events. For more information about the Garden Trail andupdates about events visit: www.hcgi.ieLoughcrew Historic GardensLoughcrew House, Oldcastle, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 49 854 1356E info@loughcrew.comloughcrew.comStunning 17th and 19th century gardens with ancient yew walk,borders, water features and St. Oliver Plunkett’s family Church. Children(supervised) are welcome and will be fascinated by the Alice inWonderland display. Venue for weddings. Loughcrew Garden OperaFestival 8th & 9th July 2011. Loughcrew Gardens organises forest walksand trails from 2.5 to 14 miles including many miles of isolated farmtracks,embracing many scenic and historic features. Also seeLoughcrew Adventure Course p. 20Oldbridge Victorian Walled GardenBattle of the Boyne, Oldbridge HouseDrogheda, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 980 9950E battleoftheboyne@opw.iebattleoftheboyne.ieThe Walled Gardens at Oldbridge are currently undergoing restoration.The unique 'Octagonal Sunken Garden' appears on maps from 1740'sonwards but may have been planted with yew trees in memory of theBattle of the Boyne. An exhibition about the Walled Gardens and othergardens in the Boyne Valley is due to open in 2013 in the Bothy.Ratoath Garden CentreRaystown, Ashbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 825 6678E ratoathgardencentre@hotmail.comratoathgardencentre.ieRatoath Garden Centre is a garden centre within a garden, most of ourspace is taken up with planted borders. It is the largest planted gardencentre in Ireland. The Cottage Store Antiques is located in the RatoathGarden Centre selling a selection of antique, vintage and unusualpieces. The Garden Tea Room is open daily for your refreshment. Johngives a free talk on our borders on the first Sat of every month at 12noon (during summer months).Loughcrew Historic Gardens14

Travelling to <strong>Meath</strong>R178Skeagh LUpperSk eagh LUpperR165N3R165R178R162R179KingscourtBailieboroughCarrickmacrossN2R178R171R166N52L SheelinllardL LeneR154L DerraghvaraghR394R400rellspass15R196Mount NugentR395R195CrookedwoodMullingarN52M6BallyjamesduffRahaghyRochfortbridgeR400N6R195R DeelR DeelN4M4L RamorOldcastleLoughcrewDelvinSlieve naCallaighDrumoneCastlejordanR402CanalRoyal lRyyVirginiaRoN52R156yayeBoyneRN3R161R194BallinloughoyoyaR401KilskyreClonmellonR401N51Stonyfor rd d RStonyford RR DeelR191MullaghCrosskeelBallinloughEdenderryN4R BlackwaterR163AthboyClonardCarnarossKildalkeyBallivorR BoyneMoyvalleyR164R160CarburyR403M4R164MoynaltyR402KellsFordstownRathcairnR154TrimR161R162NobberR147R159N52CarlanstownCortownM3RathmoreBohermeenTlachtgaBradán FeasaLongwoodLaracorRathmoylanEnfieldN51R BlackwaterBlackckwakwN4wateR DeeR162tR165DrumcondrathGibstownDunderryRobinstownTrim CastleKiltalerR158WilkinstownKilberryRBoyneR154R407R125R148R163NavanSolstice Arts CentreBectiveKilmessanDunsanySummerhillM4R408ArdeeRathkennyHill of TaraSlaneR406ynooyyneR B oyneR153DunshaughlinDrumreeKilcockHill ofSlaneDunmoe CastleKentstownBatterstownR156TaraR150R170N2N2R154DunboyneR157MaynoothR405StraffanSkryneThe 2011 SolheimCup venueLeixlipR405CMellifoKnowthDNewgranBB(Access to NKnowth viaDRathfeighAsRatoatRatoathR40

R171to BelfastDundalk© Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved.Licence number 2012/31/CCMA <strong>Meath</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>M1N1Golf CourseHorse RacingInformation CentreAncient Heritage SiteBelfastEquestrian CentreChristian Heritage SiteWalkingHistorical Heritage SiteAnglingCultural /Arts / Visitor Centre<strong>Meath</strong>Activity CentreGardenGalwayDublinR166ShannonDunleerRosslareR170R169R132ClogherheadCorkollonM1R168R155M33ntBattle ofThe Boynewthgerú naóinnewgrange andVisitor Centre)uleekBalrathR152R155hbournehC.C.DonoreLucanR125N1R152CloneeR NannyN4R130M2R121N3M50R122R130R167R150N2R166DroghedaBellewstownArdcathJulianstownClonalvyStamullenR108MorningtonNaulR108R108R122BallyboghilR125R129SwordsDublinAirportN1DublinBettystownLaytownGormanstonR132M1M1N1BalbrigganR127R127R128MalahideDublin BaySkerriesRushPortraineHowthTravelling to <strong>Meath</strong>Located just 30 minutes north ofDublin in the North East of Irelandand at the heart of Ireland’s BoyneValley, <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong> can boast aunique and enviable location at thehub of four major motorways - theM1, M2, M3 and M4. We arerightfully proud of the fact that weare Ireland’s most accessible county.<strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong> is located only 30minutes from Dublin InternationalAirport while the ferry ports inDublin, Dun Laoghaire and Belfastare also convenient. Regular trainservices from Dublin stop atLaytown, Drogheda and Dunboynewhile there are frequent bus servicesthroughout <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong> fromDublin.Distance from ferry ports andairports to Navan by car:Dublin AirportDun Laoghaire PortRosslare Ferry PortBelfast Port & AirportGalwayCorkDundalkShannon Airport41km/26miles57km/35miles142km/88miles150km/93miles199km/124miles290km/180miles57km/35miles254km/158milesUseful Websites for Travel Schedules:Ferriesirishferries.comstenaline.iepoirishsea.comRailirishrail.ieBusbuseireann.ieAiraerlingus.comryanair.comCar & Coach HireJohn Evans Coach HireKentstown, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/ Fax +353 (0) 41 982 5351Mobile +353 (0) 87 252 8954Coach operator, 14, 22, 30 & 50 seater buses,offering a first class service at low prices, callfor a quotation.Holtons Coaches LtdCloneycavan, Ballivor, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/ Fax +353 (0) 46 954 6471Mobile +353 (0) 87 253 8848E holtonscoaches@eircom.netTours and airport transfers, coach and mini bushire, outings, day trip, tours. Small/ largegroups, keen rates, call for a quote. CoversEnfield area.Neil O’Sullivan LuxuryMini-Coach HireGarlow Cross, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 86 8039075E neil@luxurycoach.ieluxurycoach.ieTravel in Style, Arrive in Comfort! 15-seatcoach for hireRoyal Breffni Tours CoachesThe Crystal Maze, Kilmainhamwood,Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 42 966 7276E info@royalbreffnitours.comroyalbreffnitours.comRoyal Breffni Tours operate a fleet of moderncoaches. Coaches range in size from 14 to 53seats. All coaches are fully equipped withseatbelts and comply with all DOE standards.Our drivers are courteous and professional. Westrongly recommend them as they are familiarwith all sites we visit and we can keep inconstant contact with them. If using your owncoach please contact us to discuss your itinerary.Boyne Valley ToursTel +353 (0) 87 835 4805E Michael@BoyneValleyTours.comBoyneValleyTours.comPersonalised tours of Boyne Valley HeritageSites in a private car licensed for fourpassengers.16R120Dun Laoghaire

AnglingThe Magical Waters of the BoyneThere is a great diversity of angling in <strong>Meath</strong> - game, coarseand sea angling. The Boyne Valley area is particularlyrenowned for fantastic Wild Brown Trout fishing. The qualityof fishing is further enhanced by the beautiful scenery andlimestone beds of the River Boyne.Angling Associations:The majority of game angling on the Boyne is controlled by AnglingAssociations and some by private fishery owners. Anglers wishingto fish for brown trout on an Angling Association water mustobtain a permit from that association and fishing methods mustbe in accordance with the current rules and regulations of theassociation. Most associations support a policy of catch andrelease. Please visit or fisheriesireland.ieThe River BoyneGame AnglingThe River Boyne and its tributaries compriseapprox 500km of river channel andare some of the country’s premium anglingwaters offering superb wild brown troutfishing.There are a number of popular fishing locationsin the Boyne Valleu including Slane,Navan Trim and Longwood stretches of theRiver Boyne as well as the Kells Blackwaterand the Stoneyford river.The best way to ensure you make the mostof your fishing trip is to book an experiencedangling guide.Best time of year for Brown Trout Fishing:May, June and SeptemberFor information on where to buy permits,tackle shops, fishing maps and fishingguides, please visit orfisheriesireland.ieCoarse AnglingThe Boyne Valley Fishery offers excellentopportunities for the coarse angler especiallyin Collinstown and Delvin to the Westand Enfield to the southwest.Drumconrath village in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong> issurrounded by a number of small to mediumsized lakes. Lakes in this area includeCorstown Lake, Ballyho Lakes 1 and 2,Mentrim Lakes, Bracken Lake and BalrathLake. More information available time of year: All year roundSea AnglingSouth of the River Boyne there areextensive beaches at Mornington,Bettystown and Laytown. The south beachat Laytown is a popular angling venue andevening tides can produce the best results.Best time of year: May to September17Publications available: The Boyne ValleyFishery available by emailing info@erfb.ieInformation courtesy of the EasternRegional Fisheries Board, 15a Main St,Blackrock, Co. Dublin,Tel + 353 (0) 278 7022 E

Things to DoSo Much to DoWhere wonderful living heritage and invigorating leisureactivities sit effortlessly side by side...whether on your holidayhere in <strong>Meath</strong> or just taking a day tour, we have it all!An Bradán FeasaRathcairn, Atha Bui, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/ Fax +353 (0) 46 943 2381E rathcairn@eircom.netrathcairn.comPromotion of Cultural tourism, Irish languageand Summer Shows. See events on page 21.Battle of the Boyne SiteOldbridge, Drogheda, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 980 9950E battleoftheboyne@opw.iebattleoftheboyne.ieThe Visitor Centre houses a laser model of thebattle site, original and replica weaponry and a15 minute audio visual film. Extensive freebattle site walks link with the adjacent BoyneCanal Tow-path. Free access to the VictorianWalled Garden and Garden Exhibition in theBothy. Year round events, including LivingHistory, black powder musket firing andcavalry demonstrations every Sunday andBank Holiday in June, July and August.Oldbridge Tea Pavilion is located in the WalledGarden.Beyond the BlarneyBoolies, Oldcastle, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 87 151 1511E info@beyondtheblarney.iebeyondtheblarney.ieBeyond the Blarney takes you beyond theIreland of shamrocks and shillelaghs to a moreauthentic experience of Irish history, cultureand heritage. <strong>Meath</strong> is a place of myth, magic,lore and legend where the spirit of the past stilllingers, woven in the life,traditions, places andpeople of this heartland. Our specially createdtours unravel Ireland through the ages - fromthe pre-history of the megalithic era, throughthe coming of the Christians, the devastation ofthe Reformation and ravages of the GreatFamine through to modern day.Book of Kells ExperienceElm Lodge, Rantavan, Mullagh, Kells,Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 87 706 4421E info@bookofkellsexperience.iebookofkellsexperience.ieKells is a delightful small town with one of thebest collections of early Christian sculptures andbuildings. Tour package includes accommodation,all meals, guided tours and entry fees.Guided tours include visits to St. Colmcille’sMonastic Site, Spire of Loyd, Loughcrew Cairns.Clonabreany Cemetery and the Hill of Tara andare made up to suit your individual requirements.Visit the areas where the Tailteann pre-OlympicGames, the Olympics and Halloween began! Inthe evenings enjoy storytelling and musicalentertainment. Come and see where the magicstill lies!Boyne Valley ActivitiesTrim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 86 734 2585+353 (0) 86 734 2586E info@boynevalleyactivities.ieboynevalleyactivities.ieBoyne Valley Activities have a wide range ofexciting activities for everyone to avail of, withbases in Trim, Athboy and Slane. Try kayakingwith your family down through the Medievaltown of Trim. There is also premier bike hire fromour base in Trim. We deliver and collect the bikesto most hotels and B&B's in the county. Test yournerve on the Tree Canopy Challenge Course sethigh in a forest at our base in Athboy. Please checkour website for more information on our whitewater rafting and exclusive heritage tour.Boyne Valley ToursTel +353 (0) 87 835 4805E Michael@BoyneValleyTours.comBoyneValleyTours.comPersonalised tours of Boyne Valley Heritage Sitesin a private car licensed for four passengers. Abespoke tour can be designed around yourspecific interests for example Megalithic sites,Celtic sites, Holy Wells, Walking Trails, Gardensetc.Causey Farm - Be Irish for a DayGirley, Fordstown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 4135E info@causey.iecausey.ieTry your hand at brown bread making, celidancing, the Irish drum, sugan rope making,hurling, milking a cow, turf cutting and workinga sheepdog. Traditional meals and live musicevening. Hen / Stag packages withaccommodation at the Headfort Arms Hotelavailable also and group packages available.Events page 21 /22. All visits must bepre-booked.Cultural Tourism IrelandTel +353 (0) 1 296 8190Tel +353 (0) 87 950 4954E info@culturaltourismireland.ieculturaltourismireland.iedigitkids.ieExperience a sense of excitement and discovery.Take part in a real research excavation. Team upwith expert archaeologists to excavate the 13thcentury Dominican Blackfriary in Trim. Uncoverarchaeological finds buried for hundreds of years.Unearth lost buildings, recover artefacts andlearn to plot and record features. Learn aboutearly Irish monastic life. Immerse yourself in thearchaeology of the Boyne valley, <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>.No experience necessary. Excavations from Mayto September. Group discounts available. Tailoredfamily archaeological experiences.18Laytown BeachLoughcrew Gardens

Things to features a <strong>Meath</strong> <strong>County</strong> activityguide. We promote all <strong>Meath</strong> county eventsacross DayOut media channels FREE ofcharge. We offer FREE eCommerce softwareto <strong>Meath</strong> venues who wish to sell theirBookings & Vouchers online. We promote<strong>Meath</strong> jobs FREE of charge. We sellaccommodation for <strong>Meath</strong> hotels. We sellbookings for <strong>Meath</strong> heritage sites. We offer50% discounts exclusively to <strong>Meath</strong> hotels &venues who wish to take yearly advertisingpackages on WaterparkDonore Road, DroghedaTel +353 (0) 41 989 8000E partyoffice@funtasia.iefuntasia.ieFuntasia Waterpark is Ireland’s premier indoorentertainment centre. The pirates cove waterpark, all 35,000 sq ft of it, is wow indeed withover 200 different activities including thespectacular superbowl. There is ourextraordinary aerial assault course, the ultimatesky climb. More sedate tastes can enjoybowling in the Egyptian fantasy bowling alley,try a game of crazy golf or whiz around theroller disco while the younger ones discover thefun in the multi-storey play area. Enjoy a mealat the Pharaoh’s restaurant plus all the latestvideo games and movie simulators and a visit toFuntasia won’t break the bank. Great familyvalue to be had by booking packages online atfuntasia.ieSolstice Arts CentreThe ZoneFairyhouse Cookery SchoolFairyhouse Road, Ratoath, <strong>Meath</strong>Billie O’SheaTel +353 (0) 1 689 6476Mobile +353 (0) 86 883 1124E info@fairyhousecookeryschool.comfairyhousecookeryschool.comDo you want to learn simple ways to preparedelicious food for your family and friends?Want to source and cook the freshest and bestquality ingredients? Can you use a hot wokwith a cool head? Would you like to impressyour friends with a fantastic and easy toprepare meals for entertaining? If so, thenwelcome to our kitchen. Fairyhouse CookerySchool provides courses for adults, teens andchildren.We offer a wide choice of themes andschedules, which are suitable for you,whatever your cooking skills. Why not give apresent of a cookery course to a foodie friend– vouchers available.Francis Ledwidge Museum & WarMemorial CentreJanesville, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 4544E info@francisledwidge.comfrancisledwidge.comFrancis Ledwidge Museum & War MemorialCentre is the birthplace of WWI poet FrancisE Ledwidge and is a perfect example of a 19thcentury farm labourer’s cottage. Situated inthe heart of the Boyne Valley close to thehistoric village of Slane, the cottage museumhouses the poet’s works and artefacts fromWorld War I, alongside memorabilia of theperiod. Its millennium exhibition portrays thepoet’s life in picture and text from his birth inthe cottage to his death at the third battle ofYpres, Belgium, in July 1917. Opening Hours:10am - 1pm, 1.30pm - 5pm daily. Winteropening: 10am - 3.30pm. Check website fordetails. Special rates for tours.19Newgrange FarmFuntasia BettystownBettystown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 8301E info@funtasia.iefuntasia.ieVisit Ireland’s only fairground on the roof atFuntasia Bettystown. Just across the road fromBettystown Beach Funtasia Bettystown ispacked full of fun. Enjoy all the latest thrill ridesand mini roller coasters, try bowling while thekids visit the jungle zone multi level play area.From fairground rides and trips to outer spacein the simulator movie theatres, to dining inour delightful restaurants, there is no end offun to be had at Funtasia Bettystown. Plus pickup a great value online deal at

The Hill of Tara - self-guided tourIngenious Ireland ready-to-go guidedtoursTel +353 (0) 1 254 2631E hello@ingeniousireland.ieingeniousireland.ieThis expert guide brings Tara to life with music,stories and history. The self-guided audio tourhas all you need to explore the hill, including amap/leaflet, and means you can discover Taraat your own pace. It covers all the sacred andritual monuments, the legends and stories. TheMP3 audio plays on all MP3 players and devices(note: iPhone users should download it directfrom iTunes) and those who don’t have an MP3player can buy the tour on a handy souvenirplayer at Tara gift shop.Newgrange Farm & Coffee ShopNewgrange, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 41 982 4119E farmerbill@newgrangefarm.comnewgrangefarm.comLocated beside the tourist site of NewgrangeThey are Ireland's leading open visitors farmwhere everyone can see-hold-feed animalsand poultry, play areas provided. Superbfacilities: indoor & outdoor picnic areas, giftshop, coffee shop and disabled facilities.Wonderful day out for the family. See websitefor special events. Events also on page 21 /22Rathbeggan Lakes & Family Fun ParkDunshaughlin, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 824 0197Fax +353 (0) 1 824 0196E info@rathbegganlakes.comrathbegganlakes.comRathbeggan Lakes Family Park has a range ofactivities to suit all ages. Open every day allyear. Go fishing in our 4 acre lake, stocked withRainbow Trout. Tackle available for hire pluslessons. On weekends join in our AirsoftWargames and play soldiers - hire all you’llneed. (Over 12s only). Bounce away in FunValley, our inflatable park area with giant slide,castles and trampolines. ( under 12s). Dry daysand School Holidays only. Take a tour throughour new Heritage Park to learn about IrishHistory from the Stone age to the Normans andearly Christian times. This park reproducesnearly all the heritage sites throughout thecounty as they would have looked in their time.Basic admission is €2 per person and includesPet Farm and Picnic Park area.Solstice Arts CentreRailway Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 909 2300Fax +353 (0) 46 909 2305E info@solsticeartscentre.iesolsticeartscentre.ieA magnificent 320 seat theatre and arts centrein the heart of Navan. Solstice Arts Centreprovides state-of-the-art visual art galleries,exhibition spaces and plays host to numerousconcerts, exhibitions and events. The highstandard of facilities provided makes thisbuilding a significant and exciting centre forthe arts. Tourist information and café are alsoavailable at the Centre.Swimming Pools & Leisure CentresKells Swimming PoolNavan Road, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0551Navan Aura Leisure CentreNavan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 9950Trim Aura Swimming PoolNewhaggard Rd, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 8730Pillo Hotel AshbourneAshbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 835 0800Dunboyne Castle HotelDunboyne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 801 3500Fairyhouse Cookery SchoolRathbeggan LakesTayto ParkKnightsbrook HotelDublin Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 2100Loughrew Adventure Centre &School of GildingOldcastle, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 49 854 1356E info@loughcrew.comloughcrew.comEmilly Naper teaches the disappearing art ofGilding (Gold Leaf) in 3 day courses atLoughcrew House. No Experience necessary.Loughcrew Adventure Course - a great dayteam building, children’s party or a day outwith friends. Zipping Through The Trees,Abseiling, Wall Climbing, Ropes Course,Archery, Raft Building...and much more. Thisadventure course will test and challenge you,in the rolling Drumlin hills of northwest<strong>Meath</strong>.<strong>Meath</strong> Eco ToursTel +353 (0) 87971 2072E kate@meathecotours.commeathecotours.comDiscover the beautiful and historic landscapesof <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong> on guided nature walk with<strong>Meath</strong> Eco Tours. We offer an engaging andeducational experience combined with arelaxing ramble in the great outdoors.Discover the fascinating habitat of an IrishRaised Bog, identify Irish wild flowers andforage for wild berries and plants. Learn aboutIreland's native species and the folklore thatsurrounds them. Discover Ireland's wildlifeand biodiversity, including birds, butterflies,flora, fauna and fungi. Group discountsavailable. Walks suitable for all ages.Newgrange FalconryBrian and Barbara Mc CannDrogheda, Co. LouthTel +353 (0) 86 886 6 738E info@newgrangefalconry.comnewgrangefalconry.comSituated in the Boyne Valley in the north eastof Ireland, Newgrange Falconry offer astimulating, unique and memorableexperience by a very experienced team in theancient art of falconry. Their products andpackages cater for a wide diversity ofcustomers and can also be tailored to suit.They include:Falconry displays, Static displays,Bird of Prey Appearances, Golden EagleAppearances, 'Just Owls' Appearances,Falconry lessons in beautiful countryside,Visits to your venue with birds of prey,Hunting trips, Educational visits, Pest controlof nuisance birds, Corporate Event packages,TV, Film, Advertising, Promotions,Photography workshops, Art workshops -professional artist if required.Royal Breffni ToursThe Crystal Maze, Kilmainhamwood,Kells. Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0)42 966 7276E info@royalbreffnitours.comroyalbreffnitours.comRoyal Breffni Tours operate fully organised andsupervised, day and overnight activity tours atThe Crystal Maze, Ireland’s biggest hedgemaze. Perfect for school/youth groups or adultday out. (minimum group 20). The maze is aseries of over 100 physical, mental and skillchallenges. The team with the most crystals wina beautiful crystal trophy.We also organiseMountain Hiking, Orienteering, Water Sports,Horse-Riding, and operate a fleet of moderncoaches and have a team of enthusiastic staff toprovide the complete package for your group.The Royal Breffni Hostel can cater for 25people. Groups can stay and eat onsite whileparticipating in activities.Sli na Mi – Colum Mac EoinTel +353 (0) 86 858 3791E columaceoin@gmail.comslinami.comPersonalised tour guide - taking tourists to<strong>Meath</strong> heritage, history & cultural sites, all ofwhich are on my website. Tours conducted inEnglish, Irish, French and Spanish.Tayto ParkKilbrew, Ashbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 835 1999E info@taytopark.ieTaytoPark.ieTayto Park located in Ashbourne Co. <strong>Meath</strong> istruly the first of its kind in Ireland. With over100 attractions, it’s designed to be a day outnever to forget with something for the wholefamily to enjoy. Visitors get to explore TheTayto Sky Walk, The Superhero Training Walland The Tayto Air Jumpers in The Eagle SkyAdventure Zone. After that they can discoverThe Pow Wow Playground, The Tayto FactoryTour, The Teahouse in The Tree House, ThePotatohontus Native American Village, TheLodge Restaurant, some of the 250 farmedbuffalo herd and hundreds of rare animals.The ZoneUnit 1&2, Mullaghboy Ind EstateNavan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 9071623E marketing@thezone.iethezone.ieThe Zone, with two floors of action, housesIndoor Karting, Ireland’s largest indoorpaintball arena at 28,000 sq feet, Laser TagPaintball, Archery, Air Hockey, Simulators andComputer Games. Whether you want to racewith some friends or are planning a fun familyday out then look no further than The Zonefor an action packed day. Special offer at theZone - Bring along this page from the <strong>Meath</strong>Tourism brochure and we will give you 100rounds of ammo as part of a booked paintballgame. FREE!.Open Tue- Sun 10am -10pm(last booking 9pm).20

Festivals & Events2013Continuous EventsBoyne Valley Gathering EventsGathering Events throughout 2013T +353 (0) 46909 7060thegatheringireland.comEvery MonthSolstice Arts CentreRailway St, NavanT +353 (0) 46 909 2300E info@solsticeartscentre.iesolsticeartscentre.ieNew events every month & freeLunchtime Concerts each FridaySonairte Ecology CentreLaytownT +353 (0) 41 982 7572E Venue TheatreRatoathT +353 (0) 1689 5600ratoathcc.ieMoynalty MuseumMoynaltyT +353 (0) 46 924 4390E crocawella@eircom.netmoynaltysteamthreshing.ieEvents 1st & 3rd Sunday each month2-6pmEvery Two MonthsBattle of the Boyne SiteOldbridge, Drogheda, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>’T +353 (0) 46 980 9950E battleoftheboyne@opw.iebattleoftheboyne.ieLocal Artists work on display in theTea RoomEvery Friday (throughout the year)Country & WesternDunboyne Castle Hotel, DunboyneT +353 (0) 1 801 3500dunboynecastlehotel.comJanuarySolstice Arts Centre, Navan:3 - 9 Thursday - WednesdayPantomime: Cinderella12 Jan - 2 FebExhibition: Missing <strong>Meath</strong> by <strong>Meath</strong>Arts Group18 - 19 Friday - SaturdayLocal Theatre: Annie23 WednesdayOpera: Viennese Strauss Gala26 SaturdayClassical Music: RTE Vanbrugh Quartet30 WednesdayFilm: Private Peaceful26 SaturdaySiamsoir na MiAn Bradán Feasa, Rathcairn, AthboyT +353 (0) 46 943 2381rathcairn.com26 SaturdayRobert Byrne CelebrationsHeadfort House, KellsT +353 (0) 46 924 0683kellsfestivals.comFebruarySolstice Arts Centre, Navan:1 FridayMusic: My Brother Joe2 SaturdayClassical Music: The Three Tenors6 WednesdayLocal Theatre: Alice in Wonderland Jr9 - Apr 6Exhibition: Out of the Marvellous13 WednesdayFilm: The Roman Holiday20 WednesdayTheatre for deaf & hearing: Follow23 WednesdayOpera: Cosi Fan Tutte26 TuesdayTheatre: The Great Hunger27 WednesdayMusic: Phil CoulterT +353 (0) 41 982 7572solsticeartscentre.ie3 SundayWedding Open Day (1 - 6pm)Station House Hotel, KilmessanT +353 (0) 46 902 5239stationhousehotel.com5 - 6 Tuesday - WednesdayNational Hunt SalesTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie14 - 17 Thursday - SundayRas na hEireannBattle of the Boynebattleoftheboyne.ie24 SundayDunboyne Wedding FairDunboyne Castle Hotel, DunboyeT +353 (0) 86 199 0341dunboynecastlehotel.comSt Patrick’s Festivals 20139 - 17 Saturday - SundayTrim Celtic Festival13 - 17 Wednesday - SundayNavan Shamrock Festival17 SundayKells St. Patrick’s FestivalAthboy St. Patrick’s Day ParadeSlane St. Patrick’s Day ParadeAshbourne St. Patrick’s Day ParadeOldcastle St. Patrick’s Day ParadeRatoath St. Patrick’s Day ParadeFor further details on events pleasevisit meathtourism.ie21

MarchAprilMayJuneSolstice Arts Centre, Navan:4 - 9 Monday - SaturdayMusical: Me and My Girl13 WednesdayThe Tailor of Inverness14 ThursdayMusic: The Chronicles of <strong>Meath</strong>15 FridayComedy: Neil Delamere: DelamereMortal22 FridayTheatre: Joyced!24 SundayFilm: To Rome with Love25 - 28 Monday - ThursdayChildren’s Event : Wonderland’s TheatreWorkshops28 ThursdayTheatre: At Large: Dave Allen - AJourney through the Life & DeathT +353 (0) 41 982 7572solsticeartscentre.ie3 SundayThe Knightsbrook Wedding ExperienceKnightsbrook Hotel, TrimT +353 (0) 46 948210014 - 18 Thursday - MondayCeltic FestivalTrimT +353 (0) 46 948 6717meathtourism..ie16 - 29Open for Lambing and Calving liveNewgrange Farm, SlaneT +353 (0) 41 982 4119newgrangefarm.com17 SundayHunter TrialsTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie20 - 22 Wednesday - Friday 6.15amLoughcrew Equinox DawnLoughcrewT +353 (0) 41 9880 30031 SundayFlame of SlaneSlaneT +353 (0) 41 982 4000E slaneforummail@gmail.com30 Mar - 1 Apr Saturday - MondayEaster Egg Fun WeekendNewgrange Farm, SlaneT +353 (0) 41 982 4119www.newgrangefarm.comSolstice Arts Centre, Navan:4 - 6 Tuesday - SaturdayLocal Theatre: Rathkenny Revels8 MondayMusic: Trio Medieval13 SaturdayBallet: Cinderella18 - 20 Thursday - SaturdayLocal Theatre: Dunshaughlin Players18 Apr - 15 JunExhibition: No Matter Where you go,there you are by Mark Durkan24 WednesdayFilm: The Snows of Kilimanjaro25 ThursdayTheatre: Chinese State Circus- Yin Yang27 SaturdayTheatre: The Sand ParkT +353 (0) 41 982 7572solsticeartscentre.ie5 - 7 Friday - SundayGathering - Indigo Artists AnnualExhibitionJulianstown COI, Parish RoomsT +353 (0) 86 807 9307barbsoc@eircom.net21 Sunday<strong>Meath</strong> & Tara Point to Point& Horses in Training SaleTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie25 & 28 Thursday & SundayTradAsh Irish Music FestivalAshbourneT +353 (0) 1 886 4300E Ian.jenkinson@hotmail.ieAll MonthBealtaine Festival<strong>Meath</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Arts OfficeT +353 (0) 46 909 - 6 Friday - MondayJim Connell Memorial CrossakielT +353 (0) 87 980 6688E TuesdayAmateur Photography CompetitionThe People & Places of the BoyneValleyClosing date for entries 7th May.Exhibition at Brú na Bóinne VisitorCentreT +353 (0) 46 909 7060meathtourism.ie7 TuesdayOldbridge Country FairBattle of the BoyneT +353 (0) 41 980 9950battleoftheboyne.ie9 - 12 Thursday - SundayNavan Choral FestivalNavan - various venuesT +353 (0) 87 244 3739navanchoralfestival.com17 - 19 Friday - SundayFleadh Cheoil na MidheEnfieldT +353 (0) 86 385 1524E Enfield.cce@gmail.com18 SaturdayThe Tri An Mhi CXIII National MiddleDistance ChampionshipT +353 (0) 86 323 3361trianmhi.com12 SundayDunderry Fair DayDunderry, Navan19 SundayNobber Fair Day30 May - 2 JunTattersalls International Horse TrialsTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie31 FridayScurlogstown Olympiad, Trim(Traditional Haymaking Festival)High Nellie Tour - 1 JunT +353 (0) 86 857 5618scurlogstown.com31 May - 3 JunBlue Jean Country Queen FestivalAthboyT +353 (0) 087 215 4729PRO@bluejeanfest.combluejeanfest.comTBCLoughcrew Family Fun daysOutdoor Market, Music, Dance,Theatre, OperaLoughcrew House, OldcastleT +353 (0) 49 854 1356loughcrew.comEvery Sunday & Bank HolidayLiving History on the Front LawnBattle of the Boyne SiteT +353 (0) 41 980 9950battleoftheboyne.ie31 May - 3 JunBlue Jean Country Queen FestivalAthboyT +353 (0) 087 215 4729PRO@bluejeanfest.combluejeanfest.com7 - 9 Friday - SundayThe Johnstons Folk Music FestivalSlaneT +353 (0) 87 673 4768brescu@gmail.com8 - 9 Saturday - SundayBallivor Horse ShowT +353 (0) 046 954 605413 - 16 Saturday - Sunday<strong>Meath</strong> RootsTrimT +353 (0) 46 943 6633noeltrim@gmail.com14 - 16 Friday - SundayScurlogstown Olympiad, Trim(Traditional Haymaking Festival)Braveheart 5k Trail Run - 15 JunT +353 (0) 86 857 5618scurlogstown.com16 SundayJames Joyce Celebrations - Kells ArtsClubKellsT +353 (0) 46 924 0683kellsfestivals.comSolstice Arts Centre, Navan:21 - 23 Friday - SundayFestival: Solstice Festival21 Jun - 17 AugExhibition: SurveyorT +353 (0) 41 982 7572solsticeartscentre.ie27 - 28 Thursday - FridayDerby SaleTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie22 SaturdayMichael Manning MemorialDunshaughlin 10km Road RaceDunshaughlinT +353 (0) 87 259 7731dunshaughlinac.com20 - 21 Friday - SaturdayAdelaide International - Kells RoadRacesKellsT +353 (0) 87 228 9958kellsroadraces.com28 - 30 Friday - SundayHay Festival KellsKellsT +353 (0) 87 417 4000Geraldine.gaughran@gmail.com29 Jun - 7 JulJulianstown Roots and ShootsJulianstownclarepburke@eircom.net22

Festivals & EventsJulyEvery Sunday & Bank HolidayLiving History on the Front LawnBattle of the Boyne SiteT +353 (0) 41 980 9950battleoftheboyne.ieEach Wed in JulyTara Lectures SeriesBru na Boinne Visitor CentreT +353 (0) 046 909 7060meathtourism.ieEvery Mon Wed Frifor month of JulyCausey Farm ExperienceJulyWeek in the Wild Summer CampsCausey Farm, Fordstown, KellsT +353 (0) 46 943 4135causey.ie4 - 7 Thursday - SundaySwift Satire Festival TrimTrimT +353 (0) 87 926 8066E info@swiftsatirefestival.comswiftsatirefestival.com6 - 7 Saturday - SundayALMC Motor RallyDunboyneT +353 (0) 87 623 1992E secretary@almc.iealmc.ie8 - 15 Monday - MondayEuropean Mounted GamesChampionships27 - 28 Saturday - SundayTattersalls Ireland/Ward Union ShowTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie20 - 21 Saturday - SundayAdelaide International – Kells RoadRacesKellsT +353 (0) 87 228 9958E kellsroadraces@hotmail.comkellsroadraces.com21 SundayTrim Vintage Car RallyT +353 (0) 87 763 7030trimcarrally.ie21 Friday TBCLoughcrew Garden OperaLoughcrew House, OldcastleT +353 (0) 49 854 1356loughcrew.com27 -28 Saturday - Sunday<strong>Meath</strong> Heritage CycleTrim & EnvironsT +353 (0) 41 980 9950meathsports.ieAugustEvery Sunday & Bank HolidayLiving History on the Front LawnBattle of the Boyne SiteT +353 (0) 41 980 9950battleoftheboyne.ieEvery Mon Wed Frifor month of AugCausey Farm ExperienceAugWeek in the Wild Summer CampsCausey Farm, Fordstown, KellsT +353 (0) 46 943 4135E info@causey.iecausey.ie1 - 5 Thursday - MondayLe Cheile Oldcastle FestivalT +353 (0) 46 909 7060lecheile.com4 SaturdayAthboy Fairgreen High Nellie CycleT +353 (0) 46 909 7060TBCNavan SummerfestT +353 (0) 87 967117313 - 14 Tuesday - WednesdayAugust N.H Sale21 - 22 TBCIPC All Ireland Horse TrialChampionships31 SundayTattersalls Ireland One Day EventTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie11 SundayMoynalty Steam Threshing FestivalT +353 (0) 46 924 4390E crocawella@eircom.net17 - 18 Saturday - SundayDuleek Fair Day & 10K RunDuleekT +353 (0) 86 043 2760E duleekfairday@gmail.com18 SundayScarecrow Competition DayNewgrange Farm, Newgrange, SlaneT +353 (0) 41 982 4119newgrangefarm.com19 - 25 Saturday - SundayHeritage WeekEvents all around Co. <strong>Meath</strong>meath.ie18 SundayTrim Walled Town Heritage Fun DayT +353 (0) 46 909 7060meathtourism.ie25 SundayClonard Vintage & Heritage Field DayClonardmeathtourism.ie25 SundayGirley Harvest FestivalT +353 (0) 46 909 7060meathtourism.ie23

SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1 SundayRoyal <strong>Meath</strong> Agricultural ShowKilmessanT +353 (0) 46 902 5599trim-show.comTBCKells Pink Ribbon WalkT +353 (0) 87 984 4724pinkribbonwalk.ie7 SaturdayTri An Mhi XXVI Sprint Dist. TriathlonSlaneT +353 (0) 87 909 1640trianmhi.com15 SundayLady Well Fete at Slane CastleT +353 (0) 86 819 9726meathtourism.ie15 SundayRace Around Ireland (start)Trimwww.racearoundireland.com20 - 22 Friday - Sunday 7.15amLoughcrew Equinox DawnLoughcrew, OldcastleT +353 (0) 41 988 030021 SaturdayTara Festival of High KingsHill of Tarawww.thegatheringireland.com21 SaturdayCulture NightBattle of the Boyne SiteT +353 (0) 41 980 9950battleoftheboyne@opw.ie4 - 6 Friday - SundayO'Carolan Harp Cultural & Heritage Fest.Nobber & EnvironsT +353 (0) 46 905 21154 FridayMusic: Con Tempo Trio16 WednesdayMusic: Catherine Leonard & HughTinney DuoT +353 (0) 41 982 7572solsticeartscentre.ie11 - 13 Friday - SundayEigse Dharach Ui Chathain, Sean NosSinging FestivalAn Bradán Feasa, Rathcairn, AthboyT +353 (0) 46 943 2381rathcairn.com20 SundayFordstown Street FairT +353 (0) 86 805 134519 - 31Spirits of <strong>Meath</strong> Halloween Festival40 + events all around Co <strong>Meath</strong>E info@meathtourism.iemeathtourism.iespiritsofmeath.ie25 - 31Farmaphobia at Causey FarmSpooks & Spells at Causey FarmCausey Farm, NavanT +353 (0) 46 943 4135causey.ie10 - 15 Sunday - FridayNovember N.H Sale16 - 17 Saturday - SundayNovember Yearling SaleTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie17 SundayChristmas Craft FairMoynalty Steam ThreshingT +353 (0) 46 924 4390moynaltysteamthreshing.ie15 - 17 Friday - SundayFeile na Mi, (Song & Dance Compet.)An Bradán Feasa, RathcairnT +353 (0) 46 943 2381rathcairn.com30 SaturdaySanta Coming to TrimTrimT +353 (0) 46 943 66335 ThursdayMusic: RTE National SymphonyOrchestra Wide Open Music withJulianstown Youth Orchestra16 WednesdayMusic: Catherine Leonard & HughTinney DuoT +353 (0) 41 982 7572solsticeartscentre.ie1 - 23Causey Christmas ExperienceCausey Farm, Fordstown, KellsT +353 (0) 46 943 4135causey.ie8 & 15 & 22City North Hotel Santa GrottoCity North HotelT +353 (0) 1 690 6666E info@citynorthhotel.comcitynorthhotel.com21 SaturdayWinter Solstice at NewgrangeBru na Boinne/ NewgrangeT +353 (0) 41 988 030031 TuesdayNew Years Eve Shamanic CelebrationDunderryT +353 (0) 87 783 5372Nastasha@spiritoffolk.comTBCDunboyne Castle Hotel Christmas FairDunboyneT +353 (0) 1 801 3500dunboynecastlehotel.com21 - 23 Saturday - MondaySpirit of FolkDunderry Parkspiritoffolk.com24 - 25 Tuesday - WednesdayYearling & Event Horse SalesTattersalls, RatoathT +353 (0) 1 886 4300tattersalls.ie26 - 29 Thursday - SundayDunshaughlin Harvest FestivalDunshaughlinT +353 (0) 87 917 8912T +353 (0) 87 287 3769DunFest.comTBCBru na Boinne Solstice DrawDonoreT +353 (0) 41 988 030024

Festivals & EventsThe Spirits of <strong>Meath</strong> Halloween Festival- Where Halloween Began!<strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>, uniquely where it all began, is bringing youIreland's biggest and most electrifying Halloween Festival – TheSpirits of <strong>Meath</strong> Halloween Festival All around <strong>County</strong> <strong>Meath</strong>from 19th October - 5th November 2013.From Haunted Hills to Eerie Graveyards; Tour of Shadows toFriendly Witches & Spooks and Spells; Thriller Nights toTerrifying Terror Houses – The Spirits of <strong>Meath</strong> HalloweenFestival 2013 will delight & fright equally!Visit and for moreinformation. Find us on Facebook.Hill of Ward (Tlachtga)Spirits of <strong>Meath</strong> FestivalHill of Ward (Tlachtga), -The Birthplace of HalloweenSamhain, the ancient Celtic Festival that we now callHalloween, originated here in Co. <strong>Meath</strong> more than 2,000years ago. Samhain marks the end of the old Celtic Year andthe beginning of the New Year. The Celts believed that thiswas a time of transition, when the veil between our world andthe next came down, and the spirits of all who had died sincethe last Oíche Shamhna (Night of Samhain) moved on to thenext life.One of the main spiritual centres of the ancient Celts waslocated on top of the hill of Tlachtga, now called the Hill ofWard, near Athboy, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>. The druids felt that this worldand the otherworld were closest at Tlachtga and it was herethat the festival of Samhain, or Halloween, was started. Theold year’s fires were extinguished and, after sunset, theceremonial New Year Samhain fire was lit here. Torches were litfrom this sacred fire and carried to seven other hills around thecounty including Tara and Loughcrew, and then on to light upthe whole countryside.25Today, the old Celtic ceremony at Tlachtga has been revivedand we mix the ancient past and the twenty-first century witha re-enactment of the Celtic celebration starting with a torchlitprocession from the Fair Green in Athboy, Co. <strong>Meath</strong> to thetop of the Hill of Tlachtga, at 7pm on October 31st each year.

The GatheringThe GatheringThe Gathering is a unique chance for us all to join acountrywide, citizen-led initiative to reach out toIreland’s global diaspora and bring them home for anunprecedented year-long celebration of all that isgreat about Ireland and her people.The gathering is a chance for you to organise andparticipate in special community, family, club, or parishevents that will be the foundation of a year of celebrations.Ireland’s global gathering starts with our local DiscoverBoyne Valley Gathering. Join in and the world will follow.Visit the Boyne Valley during TheGathering 2013Throughout 2013, The Boyne Valley will open its arms tohundreds of thousands of friends and family from all overthe world, inviting them home to gatherings in villages andtowns in <strong>Meath</strong> and Louth.Check out the official facebook page of Discover BoyneValley Gathering 2013. This page is devoted to providingfans and followers of Discover Boyne Valley Gathering witha place to learn all about it, share ideas and experiences,upload images and videos and prepare for the biggest partyIreland and the Boyne Valley has ever seen. Whether you’reorganising an event or your own or coming to Ireland orthe Boyne Valley to take part in one, we want to hear fromyou!Visit for a list of Boyne ValleyGatherings or email for aBoyne Valley Calendar of Events26

CraftsBoyne Valley WoolsThe Leck, Donore, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 988 0530E boynevalleywools@gmail.comboynevalleywools.comAlison Fullam Gogan offers a uniqueexperience in wool craft where you can seethe Jacob sheep grazing the fields and seetheir wool being spun into yarn and thenwoven or knit the whole process is done byhand with demonstrations daily.Seamus CassidyWoodturner & CabinetmakerThe Carthouse, Gilltown,Beauparc, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 41 982 5032Mobile +353 (0) 86 871 0710E seamuscassidy01@ eircom.netseamuscassidy.iemeathcrafts.ieAvailable Tue-Sat 10am-6pmUnique furniture commissions in acontemporary style, artistic and functionalwoodturned and sculptural forms availablefrom own studio-gallery 5 minutes drivefrom Brú na Bóinne (Newgrange).Thomas Diem PotteryMilltown, Dublin Road, Ashbourne,Co <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 1 835 9083E info@diempottery.comdiempottery.comFB: Mon-Fri 10am-5pmSat-times may vary so call aheadSee decorative and functional pottery createdby hand in our studio in Ashbourne. We caterfor pottery parties, paint a pot, adult classesand our gift shop also displays work fromother leading Irish craftworkers. Drop in andhave a look!Colette GoughSlane Craft Collective, 3 NewgrangeMall, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 4429Mobile +353 (0) 87 615 2514E colettegough@hotmail.comFreehand ink drawings on canvas using arich gamut of colour. Traditional andcontemporary celtic designs inspired by‘The Book of Kells’. Also figurativeillustrations based on Irish myth and legend.Commissions taken.Colette GoughJan MuyllaertA finely crafted work of beautyThe Tara brooch and the Book of Kells are only two of thebest known examples of the long tradition of crafts excellencein <strong>Meath</strong>. Today <strong>Meath</strong>’s craftspeople work with a variety ofmaterials including precious metals, stone, wood and fabricsand within a more earthly price bracket. The philosophy is stillthe same - to create something of unique and lasting beauty, tobe treasured and passed on from generation to generation.27Thomas Diem Pottery

ShoppingIrelandUpClose Fine Art LandscapePhotography32 Castle Hill, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 86 605 8190E info@IrelandUpClose.comIrelandUpClose.comRobert and Cathy Ardill offer a wide rangeof images of Ireland, shipped worldwide.These are available as digital downloads,prints or framed prints. Please call Robert ifyou are interested in one-on-one or groupworkshops on all aspects of LandscapePhotography, from shooting in the field,composition, development and printing tothe choice of equipment and the evaluationof your kit using professional testequipment.Jan Muyllaert, Instrument MakerArdbraccan, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 9722Mobile +353 (0) 86 8857558E irishharpsnet@eircom.netirishharps.netAvailable by appointmentJan Muyllaert has been making stringedinstruments for over 30 years. His Irish harpsare known world wide for their quality andsound. Native Irish wood is used. Carving andinlay work also carried out on items otherthan instruments.Geoghegans23/24 Trimgate Street, Navan, <strong>Meath</strong>Larry GeogheganTel +353 (0) 46 902 1722Fax +353 (0) 46 902 3110E info@geoghegans.iegeoghegans.ieDepartment Store with an extensive rangeof quality clothes for men and women,household textiles including Irish linen &tableware.Harvest Home Bakery18 Market St, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 6660E merlynmahon@gmail.comharvesthomebakery.ieFamily run bakery producing a selection offresh breads, scones, pastries and cakes onsite every day to a wide spread community.Also a wide selection of celebration cakes forevery occasion made fresh to order.Sandwich bar and café available. Like us onFacebook!Jexa DesignDunmoe, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 6660E jexadesign@gmail.comjexadesign.comThey carry a wide range of high quality giftsand cards to cater for all occasions and agesincluding new baby/christenings, birthdays,anniversaries, weddings and many more.They can make your gift/card unique byprinting your very own message and/orphotograph on thegift and/or card.Town Jewellers Ltd.Trimgate Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/ Fax +353 (0) 46 902 3777Extensive range of gold and silver Celticjewellery. Stocking a wide range of Irishgiftware including Newbridge Silver, IrishDresden, Galway Crystal, Genesis Fine Artand much more.Kells Chamber of CommerceMaudlin Road, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0055E info@kellschamber.iekellschamber.ieTo develop the tourism potential of thehistorical and cultural aspects of Kellsand the surrounding area.Oldcastle Chamber of CommerceCogan Street, Oldcastle, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/ Fax +353 (0) 49 854 1138E oldcastlechamber@gmail.comOldcastle Chamber of Commerce is a voluntaryorganisation set up in 2007 to developthe economic needs of Oldcastle and surroundingarea, to make our community abetter place in which to live, work & conductbusiness.Office Hours: Monday- Friday9:00am- 6:00pmTrim Chamber of CommerceMarket Square, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 86 805 3293E info@trimchamber.ietrimchamber.ieTrim Chamber of Commerce works todevelop Trim for tourism through its involvementin organising events and other tourisminitiatives. Terrific Trim - Town of Festivals.Ireland Up Close Fine Art28Seamus Cassidy WoodturnerGeoghegansFreshly baked breads

AccommodationA bed fit for a King in the Royal<strong>County</strong>Accommodation in <strong>Meath</strong> offers a variety of choice for visitors.With luxurious hotels and guesthouses, first class bed andbreakfast homes, old heritage style houses, self catering cottagesand hostels, there is something to appeal to all tastes andneeds. Quality leisure centres and state of the art conferencefacilities are a feature of many hotels and many sporting andleisure amenities are available close to all accommodation types.Wherever you choose to stay in <strong>Meath</strong> you may be assured ofexceptional standards of quality and service and a genuineinterest in your enjoyment of your chosen destination.Ardboyne HotelJohnstown House, Spa & ResidencesHotelsArdboyne HotelDublin Road, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 3119LoCall IRL 1890 43 42 41E info@ardboynehotel.comcusackhotels.comardboynehotel.comLocated on the outskirts of Navan Town, TheArdboyne Hotel is situated only 30 minutesdrive from Dublin. The hotel boasts 29 ensuite bedrooms, with mature gardens to therear of the hotel. Additional facilities includeconference & banqueting facilities, Wirelessinternet, complimentary car parking. Diningavailable in La Mezzanine Restaurant & theKells Bar daily, with Live Music everySaturday.Castle Arch HotelSummerhill Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1516E info@castlearchhotel.comcastlearchhotel.comNestled in the picturesque heart of the heritagetown of Trim, just 35 minutes from Dublin, theCastle Arch Hotel is a home from home. Thehotel offers 21 excellently appointed ensuitebedrooms. Additional facilities includeConference & Banqueting Suites, private carparking and dining in the Arch Lounge daily.****CityNorth Hotel M1Gormanston Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 690 6666E info@citynorthhotel.comcitynorthhotel.comLocated midway between the famous BoyneValley Region and Dublin City Centre,CityNorth Hotel lies just 20 minutes north ofDublin Airport(exit at Jcn 7 on the M1) This is acontemporary 4 star hotel that combines highstandards of hospitality and service, stylishbedrooms and excellent value with anaccessible location. Guests will enjoy a range ofamenities including a children's games room,outdoor playground, tots play area, 'LavenderSuite' - for beauty & massage treatments,acupuncture clinic, fitness suite, on site heritagetrails and 24 hr shuttle bus service. Guests canavail of a public coach service which callsdirectly to the Hotel (14 times daily - 7 days)and transfers to the historic town of Drogheda,Dublin city centre and some of the local coastalvillages.29Knightsbrook Hotel

Dunboyne Castle Hotel & SpaDunboyne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 801 3500E info@dunboynecastlehotel.comdunboynecastlehotel.comSet in the historical village of Dunboyne.This restored former home to the Lord ofDunboyne now offers sophisticated modernluxury for your enjoyment. With a locationconvenient to both the airport and Dublincity centre, yet nestled in the heart of <strong>Meath</strong>,this hotel boasts magnificent gardens, largeconference and banqueting facilities and theexquisite Seoid Spa.145 spacious bedroomsboast the latest in modern amenities andthere is complimentary WIFI throughout thehotel. Dunboyne Castle is the perfect venuefor any occasion.Johnstown House, Spa & ResidencesEnfield, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 954 0000E the sense of luxury that awaits atJohnstown House Hotel & Spa. Our 126ensuite bedrooms with walk in showers andseparate bathtubs feature the world renowned“Revive” bedding, to ensure that your stayleaves you refreshed and revived. In additionwe have 40 wonderfully appointed two bedroomself catering residence. Johnstown HouseHotel & Spa is also one of Ireland’s premierresort spas, with 21 treatment areas, relaxationroom, Spa lounge, hydrotherapy pool roomand thermal suite. The Leisure Center offers astate-of-the-art gym, 25 metre swimmingpool, Jacuzzi and Canadian hot tub.The Newgrange HotelNavan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 4100Fax +353 (0) 46 907 3977E info@newgrangehotel.ienewgrangehotel.ieLocated in the centre of Navan Town.Private car parking. Just 30 minutes fromDublin. The hotel boasts 62 luxuriousbedrooms. Additional facilities includeConference & Banqueting suites, private carparking, the Bridge Restaurant, Ruxton’sCafé, The Club Lounge & Rowley’s bar withlive entertainment Thursday - Sunday.The Station House HotelKilmessan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel 353 (0) 46 902 5239E info@stationhousehotel.iestationhousehotel.ieSet on 11 acres of landscaped gardens andwoodlands, this award winning, cosy countryhouse hotel has been run by the Slattery familysince 1983. This converted railway stationwhich dates back over 150 years has much oldmemorabilia still on display providing anauthentic character and quaint appeal. Theoriginal "Railway Signal Box" has been beautifullytransformed into a bridal suite. Located inKilmessan village, the hotel is just 4km from theHill of Tara and makes for a perfect rest pointwhen touring the Boyne Valley or nearby golfcourses such as Kileen Castle.Dunboyne Castle HotelStation House HotelTrim Castle HotelNewgrange HotelHeadfort Arms HotelKells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0063Fax +353 (0) 46 924 0587E info@headfortarms.ieheadfortarms.ieNational Gold Medal Award Winner for2010 and National finalist for 2011 thisfamily owned & managed hotel offers a trueIrish Experience in the heritage town ofKells, the perfect base to discover the BoyneValley. This listed building has 45 bespokebedrooms with all modern facilities. Alsoincluded is the Award Winning VanillaPod Restaurant, all day Café, Headfort Spa,traditional Kelltic Pub & Headfort Loungewith open fire. The hotel hosts a facsimileedition of the Book of Kells, also renownedfor it’s packages with Headfort Golf Club &local visitor attractions. Tour guide alsoavailable on the premises for walking tours.Knightsbrook Hotel, Spa & Golf ResortDublin Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 2100Fax +353 (0) 46 948 2055E info@knightsbrook.comknightsbrook.comKnightsbrook Hotel & Golf Resort promises acombination of luxury and modern sophistication.Set in 186 acres of rolling parkland,Knightsbrook Hotel and Golf Resort offers acontemporary new 4 star hotel with 131 bedroomsincluding 12 suites, health club, 17suite Spa, championship golf course designedby Christy O’Connor Jnr conference facilitiesfor up to 1100 delegates and 28 luxuriousholiday homes. Located only 35 minutes fromDublin in the heritage town of Trim.Knightbrook Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort isproud to have hosted the PING JuniorSolheim Cup 2011.The Pillo Hotel and Spa AshbourneThe Rath, Ashbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 835 0800E info@pillohotelashbourne.compillohotelashbourne.comThe Pillo Hotel and Spa Ashbourne boasts 148luxurious bedrooms, Bar & Lounge,restaurant, leisure centre and spa on site. TheHotel is ideally located just 30 minutes fromDublin Airport and Dublin City centre andonly a five minute drive from Tayto Park. WithConference facilities for up to 500 andcomplimentary WIFI throughout the hotel ThePillo Hotel Ashbourne is the ideal location foreither Business or Pleasure.Trim Castle HotelTrim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 3000E info@trimcastlehotel.comtrimcastlehotel.comTrim Castle Hotel sits with quiet authorityoverlooking the mystical Trim Castle and theadjoining rolling lawns of St. Patricks Church.This stunning but contemporary 4 star hoteloffers superb accommodation in the beautifulheritage town of Trim. A perfect touristdestination and ideal venue for a conferenceor special wedding day. Stunning rooftopgarden, 68 bedrooms, conference facilities,cafe, bar, restaurant, ample parking, KilkennyGift Shop.30CityNorth HotelPillo Hotel & Spa AshbourneHeadfort Arms HotelCastle Arch HotelCityNorth Hotel

Accommodation31NavanBed & BreakfastHill of Tara HouseHil of Tara, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 5296E info@hilloftarahouse.comLocated on the Hill of Tara with beautifulviews. 10km from Navan town off the N3.Convenient to Dublin/Navan Bus Route.Free wifi for guests. Home baking aspeciality.Teach TailteannTelltown, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 3239Mobile +353 (0) 87 6659 022E stay@teltown.netteltownhouse.netA 17th Century Country house situated on ahistorical site overlooking River Blackwater.Situated close to where the historicalTailteann Games were held. Convenient toall heritage sites and tourist attractions,easily accessible from Kells and Navan.The Yellow House B&B1 Springfield Glen, Dublin Road,Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel /Fax +353 (0) 46 907 3338E info@theyellowhouse.ietheyellowhouse.ieSpacious detached house located beside thefamous River Boyne on the R147 Two minuteswalk from Ardboyne Hotel with full barand restaurant facilities. Free wifi for guests.Within walking distance of Navan bus stopto Dublin. Home cooking a speciality.Parking available.Self CateringDecoy Country CottagesAward winning 4 star Luxury SelfCatering Accommodation & Day SpaGarlow Cross, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 6960Fax +353 (0) 46 902 6961E info@decoycountrycottages.iedecoycountrycottages.ieBeautifully restored stable mews in a peacefuland tranquil setting. Accommodation rangesfrom 1,2,3 or 4 bedrooms. Located close toTara & Newgrange, yet Dublin only 30 mins.Facilities indoor/outdoor play area, gamesroom, relaxation room, gym, day spa,underfloor heating, satellite TV, Car e-chargingpoint. Some cottages with Jacuzzi bath, BBQ,boules, enclosed courtyard garden. Babyequipment, extra fold up bed, and babysittingavail. Weekly rates from €450 fully inc. Shortbreak rates on request.CampersRetro CampervanRoadmain, Cushinstown, Garristown,Co.<strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0)1 835 5679E enquiry@retrocamper.ieretrocamper.ieThe only Vintage VW Camper Hire Companyin <strong>Meath</strong> & Dublin. 20 minutes from DublinAirport. All our refurbished 1970’s VWCampervans are completely unique and cansleep from 2 - 4 adults and children. RetroCamper is the ideal way to explore whatIreland has to offer especially through ourpanoramic bay window campervans. We alsooffer bike hire to compliment your holiday.We can even meet you with your chosencampervan at Dublin airport.Trim & AthboyBed & BreakfastCrannmor GuesthouseDunderry Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Anne O’ReganTel +353 (0) 46 943 1635Mobile +353 (0) 87 288 7390E cranmor@eircom.netcrannmor.comGeorgian Country House with gardens on theoutskirts of Trim "Heritage Town”, Convenientto Golf, fishing and Boyne Valley. Marc O’Reganis a qualified Fishing Guide. Approx 45 minutesto Dublin Airport.Tigh Cathain B&BLongwood Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 46 943 1996E tighcathain.bnb@gmail.comwww.tighcathain-bnb.comA Tudor style country house 1 km from TrimCastle on the R160. 40 minutes to DublinAirport. Large luxury ensuite rooms. Secureprivate parking.White LodgeLackanash, New Road, Trim, <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 6549/ 86 819 2704E whitelodgetrim@eircom.netwhitelodge.comTown house - 5 mins walk to the Castle - 6ensuite bedrooms, TV, Coffee/Tea, free internet.Free private parking. Walking distance ofall locations in Trim. Airport only 40 mins.GuesthousesBrogan’s Licensed GuesthouseHigh Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1237Fax +353 (0) 46 943 7648E info@brogans.iebrogans.ieBuilt nearly 2 centuries ago using much ofthe stone from Trim Castle, it boasts 17 of themost tastefully decorated modern en-suite guestrooms, state of the art restaurant and cosy barand lounge.Highfield HouseMaudlins Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Geraldine DuignanTel +353 (0) 46 943 6386Fax +353 (0) 46 943 8182E highfieldhouseaccom@eircom.nethighfieldguesthouse.comHighfield House Guesthouse is a beautiful periodresidence/historical building overlooking TrimCastle and the River Boyne and right in the heartof the Boyne Valley . 30 Mins to Newgrange, 40mins from Dublin Airport. Facilities include: laundryservices, a baby-sitting service, free Internetaccess. (Wi fi) tea/coffee making facilities & flatscreen TVs. A relaxing and memorable experiencewith a very warm welcome awaiting all.

Self CateringBeechwood Lodge Self CateringReadstown, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 46 943 6926beechwoodlodge.ieSwift & Delacy - Wellington- Rustic locationon 30 acres, private parking. 2 storey homes,4 star approved with tennis, sauna, anglingfacilities. Sleeps 4.Pine - Sycamore -Chestnut - Bungalow styleluxury homes, large decked veranda overlookingtennis court and country views in alldirections. Underfloor heating for extracomfort. Private parking, close to Dublinairport and city. Sleeps 7. Internet on site.Kiltale Holiday HomesKiltale, Dunsany, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 46 943 6679E House, Cottage, The Loft/Stable/ DairyAward winning self catering accommodationwith all modern conveniences. Ideal forfamilies where you can meet a range ofanimals, milk the goats, feed the lambs, evenride the donkeys and ponies. Well equippedplayground and playhouse. Angling facilitieson site. On bus route to Dublin city. Privateparking, farm tour on request, close to Dublinairport, Sleeps 3, 4, 6 or 7.KellsBed & BreakfastTeach CuailgneCarlanstown, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Peggy O’ReillyTel +353 (0) 46 924 6621Mobile +353 (0) 87 648 10780E info@teachcuailgne.comteachcuailgne.comA 3* B&B in the heart of the Boyne Valley.A base for visiting Loughcrew and all localHeritage.Walking distance to pubs and facilities.All sporting activity needs ie: dryingfreezing etc.catered for. Packed lunches andtour guide arranged on request. Breakfastchoice,home cooking and special diets ourspeciality.Self CateringClonleason Gate LodgeFordstown, Athboy, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 4111E clonleason@eircom.netclonleason.comAn extremely cosy one bedroom riversidecottage overlooking parkland. Located in theheart of the Boyne Valley between Athboyand Kells the cottage is a perfect place tounwind. Roses scent the air in summer andlogs are provided for winter warmth. Onlyone hour from Dublin/Dublin Airport.SlaneGuesthousesDalys of DonoreDonore, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 3252E info@dalysofdonore.comdalysofdonore.comIdeally located just five minutes from the historicNewgrange burial chamber monumentand adjacent heritage centre. The on-siteNewgrange Steakhouse and Fish Restaurant,offers a delicious choice of traditional orEuropean dishes, or for a more casual lunch,guests can choose from a bar menu. Special2012 rate €23.50pp (room only) all year.Self CateringBalrath CourtyardBalrath, Kentstown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 5749E frances.balrathhouse@gmail.combalrathcourtyard.comThere are four cottages to choose from eachoffering something unique, decorated tomodern living while still maintaining featuresof its past. The Coachhouse sleeps six, thestables sleeps four and the Forge and Dairysleep 2. The estate is an ideal location forwalking and offers splendid views.Newrath Stud Racing Stables andThoroughbred Breeders LuxurySwish B& B in Self Catering MewsNewrath, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 988 4764E info@newrathstud.comnewrathstud.comThe ultimate experience from stunningaccommodation to watching thoroughbredhorses being trained or walking the groundsof the equine farm. On 104 acres of rollingmeadows overlooking the hills of Slane, Tara& Skryne, the self-catering mews are set in anoval courtyard with marble floors throughoutand lots of light from glazed screens overlookingthe countryside.Slane Farm CottagesHarlinstown, Slane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 9824 390/988 4985Fax +353 (0) 41 988 4985E info@slanefarmhostel.ieslanefarmcottages.comAward winning 4 star cottages convertedfrom old farm buildings into luxuryaccommodation.HostelsSlane Farm Hostel & CampsiteHarlinstown House, Slane, <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 988 4985/982 4390Fax +353 (0) 41 988 4985E info@slanefarmhostel.ieslanefarmhostel.ieOld farm stables converted into a luxuryhostel with private rooms and dorms.Newgrange LodgeDonore, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 988 2478E info@newgrangelodge.comnewgrangelodge.comCosy 27 bedroom lodge uniquely locatedwithin a minute's walk to Newgrange WorldUNESCO Heritage site. Enjoy excellent facilitiesincluding ensuite rooms, self catering kitchen,conference and group facilities, recreationrooms, BBQ & picnic areas. Complimentarywifi, 24hr security, bike hire, coach and carparking.Specialist AccommodationTankardstown HouseSlane, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 98 24621E trish@tankardstown.ietankardstown.ieTankardstown is a stunning privately owned18th century Georgian house set in 80 acres ofmagnificent parkland. The house, outbuildingsand courtyards have been superbly restoredand offer Irish hospitality in a beautiful venue,retaining the true feel of a country house. Stayin one of the six main house ‘Heritage’ bedroomsor in the courtyard with 7 beautiful 1and 2 bedroom cottages. Dine in either of ourRestaurants in the Garden Village at Tankardstownclose to the house and courtyard. Amember of ‘Ireland’s Blue Book’.Drumconrath / NobberSelf CateringRathgillan FarmNobber, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 905 2476Tel +353 (0) 87 207 6661E pcorbally@eircom.netrathgillanfarm.ieA large renovated stone barn situated on 125acre working cattle farm. Rathgillan Lodge isa renovated stone cottage. Both propertiesdate from 1850 and are renovated to thehighest standards with wood burning stoves,solar panels and oil central heating. Beautifulviews of the surrounding countryside withwalkways throughout the farm. Located 1 kmfrom the pretty village of Nobber and 1 hourdrive from Dublin. Pets welcome.The Quoin Stone & The Arch CourtDrumconrath, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 685 4162Tel +353 (0) 87 3251651E quoinstone@gmail.comAn old stone coach house converted into two4 star self-catering properties. The QuoinStone has 3 bedrooms and The Arch Courthas 2 bedrooms, in a village setting withinwalking distance from shops and pubs. Verysuitable for walking, cycling or angling. 20minutes to Slane and Newgrange. 45 minutesfrom Dublin Airport and 10 mins from the M1.Ashbourne /Dunshaughlin / EnfieldGuesthousesAisling GuesthouseDublin Road, Baltrasna, AshbourneTel +353 (0) 1 835 0359Fax +353 (0) 1 835 3480E info@aislingguesthouse.ieaislingguesthouse.ieOnly 2 mins from Ashbourne’s main street, 5mins from M50, 5 mins from FairyhouseRacecourse & Tattersalls. Croke Park & DublinAirport just 10 mins away. The bus stops outsideour gate with a 20 mins journey to theDublin City. Aisling B&B is one of the largestGuests Houses in the <strong>Meath</strong>/Dublin. 20 roomsand self-catering apartments, we pride ourselveson our top class accommodation & service.Broadmeadow Country HouseBullstown, Ashbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 835 2823Fax +353 (0) 1 835 2819E star country estate on 100 acres. 15 minutesfrom Dublin airport. 20 minutes from Dublincity. Excellent venue for conferences and seminarscatering for groups of 4-30 people. BroadmeadowHealth and Beauty Salon now open.Kilmore HouseEnfield, Co. KildareTel +353 (0) 46 954 9172E info@kilmorehouse.iekilmorehouse.ieA beautiful Georgian country house situatedclose to the N4 and M4, less than 1 hour fromDublin City and 2 hours from Galway. Set in47 acres of parkland with mature trees, thehouse is almost 300 years old, laid out on theorientation of the sun. A small working farmwith rare breed animals such as Dexter cattle,guinea fowl, Aylesbury ducks, Gloucester oldspot pigs, Texel sheep, and our llama, Kuzco.Self CateringBallinakill MewsEnfield, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 954 1835E ballyk2@iolfree.ieballinakillmews.comMary O’MalleySelf Catering 4 star quality, 2 bed apartmentwith garden in grounds of period house.Duffy’s of BallybinAshbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 87 698 2495E theresefoster@gmail.comduffysofballybin.comOffering the best of both worlds. The apartmentsare located in a quiet secluded yard,surrounded by countryside, but within easyreach of local towns, for shopping and leisure.Downtown Dublin is less than 45 mins awayand it is only a 20 min drive to the airport.Gaulstown House Courtyard AptsDunshaughlin, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 1 825 9147E delany@gaulstown.teo.iedunshaughlinselfcatering.comThis exclusive and unique 4 star apartments ina converted stone faced barn on a workingfarm beside the N3. Only 24 km from Dublin.Open all year. Weekly or shorter lets.The CoastGuesthousesRannoch GuesthouseBettystown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 7469M +353 (0) 86 255 5600E leon@ebc.ieholidayinmeath.comLocated on the seafront overlooking the beautifulbeaches of Laytown and Bettystown in Co.<strong>Meath</strong>. Our family owned and run guesthouseoffers a spectacular seaview. Guests can accessthe beach directly from the garden.Complimentary WIFI and parking provided.Self CateringThe CottagesSeabank, Bettystown, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Liz & Roger PickettTel +353 (0) 41 982 8104Fax: +353 (0) 41 982 7955E“Coolest Cottages in Britain and Ireland” aslisted by Sunday Times Travel Magazine2011. Private, gated, hamlet-like setting onthe beach. Five star self catering accommodation.The perfect location from which toexplore Dublin and the mystical Boyne Valley.32

Food & DrinkRestaurantsThe BectiveBective St, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 7780E info@thebective.iethebective.ieA relaxed, atmospheric restaurant in theheritage town of Kells. Open Wed-Sat from5pm, Sundays from 3pm. The Bective specialisein Irish beef and fish with over 90%of food sourced within <strong>Meath</strong>. Great valueand friendly service and early bird menu.Brogans GuesthouseBrogan’s SteakhouseBrogans Bar and LoungeHigh Street Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1237E info@brogans.iebrogans.ieBrogans, built nearly 2 centuries ago, boasts17 of the most tastefully decorated modernensuite guest rooms with state of the artrestaurant, cosy bar and lounge. Traditionalmusic and live band every weekend.The Central4 Trimgate Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 7999E info@thecentral.iethecentral.ieThe Central comprises a cafe, several bars,restaurant and rooftop terrace, in the heartof Navan. Family friendly venue with abuzzy atmosphere, unique design, interestingbars, outdoor areas and open kitchenstyle restaurant. Over 90%of food issourced in <strong>Meath</strong>. Great value and service.Live music most nights.Cross Street BistroCross Street, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 1702E crossstreetbistro@eircom.netcrossstreetbistro.comThe Cross Street Bistro features a uniquemenu with Irish, French and Americaninfluences. Our concise wine list offers bothvariety and value served in a casual andcosy dining room.Daly’s of DonoreDonore, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 982 3252E info@dalysofdonore.comdalysofdonore.comA stone’s throw from Newgrange and almostas famous! The Newgrange Steakhouse &Seafood Restaurant at Daly's of Donore offersexcellent home cooking with a choice of bothtraditional and European Dishes. The ambiencein this 90-seater restaurant is relaxing,cosy and friendly.Jack's Porterhouse Railway BarAthboy Rd, KellsTel +353 (0) 879 034792E jean@chuig.comKells most famous food and drink emporiumand music venue. Speciaslists in coach toursand corporate events. Tours arranged.Irish Trad music session every Thursday.Free off road parking. Heated Beer Gardenand BBQ Area.Hotel DiningArdboyne HotelLa Mezzanine RestuarantDining – Kells BarDublin Road, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 3119E nfo@ardboynehotel.comardboynehotel.comLa Mezzanie Restaurant offers Daily CarveryLunch Specials from 12.30pm with eveningdining available Friday - Sunday. The Kells Baroffers a more informal dining option with aspecial lunch menu and an Early Bird & A laCarte Menu available daily from 3pm.Castle Arch HotelArch LoungeConservatorySummerhill Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1516E info@castlearchhotel.comcastlearchhotel.comThe Arch Lounge offers a Daily Carvery Menuand an Early Bird and A la Carte Menu from3pm Monday - Saturday & 5pm on Sunday.CityNorth HotelMornington RestaurantDelvin BarGormanston, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 690 6666E info@citynorthhotel.comcitynorthhotel.comLive entertainment available in the DelvinBar every weekend. The MorningtonRestaurant has a resident pianist everySaturday night and Sunday afternoon.Dunboyne Castle Hotel & SpaThe Ivy Restaurant, The TerraceLounge & The Sadlier BarDunboyne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 801 3500E info@dunboynecastlehotel.comdunboynecastlehotel.comDunboyne Castle Hotel & Spa is home to theIvy Brasserie, popular with both guests andlocals alike, serving up the finest cuisine usinglocally sourced ingredients. Early Bird Menufrom €19.95 Relax in the Terrace Lounge withafternoon tea or a snack, and enjoy a drink orbar food in the lively Sadlier Bar.33The Gate Restaurant32 Trimgate St, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 2508E noreenamcfadden@gmail.comA Relaxed modern bistro with a friendlyatmosphere. Seasonal menu of local produce.Weekly specials with complimentaryglass of house wine. Home baked dessertsare a speciality. Awarded ‘The Happy Heart’for healthy food options. Open: Mon-Sat8.00am - 6.30pm Fri 8.00am - 9.00pmThe Loft Restaurant26 Trimgate Street, Navan, <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 1755E jean@chuig.comLively restaurant serving an extensive rangeof dishes in a thoroughly continental ambience,open every night 5.30 til late. Nowopen for lunch, come early!Headfort Arms HotelVanilla Pod RestaurantCafé ThereseHeadfort Place, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0063E info@headfortarms.ieFeatured in the Bridgestone Guide, GeorginaCampbell Guide & Winner of the Bushmills2003 Best National Newcomer Award.Contemporary setting for European andworld dishes using Irish ingredients. Jazznights and wine evenings a speciality. Open5.30pm-10pm Monday to Thursday,Earlybird 5.30-7.30pm. Sunday lunch 12-3pm. Open 5pm for dinner and earlybird.Open Friday & Saturday-11pm.

Johnstown House, Spa & ResidencesThe Pavilion RestaurantCoach House BarEnfield, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 954 0000E info@johnstownhouse.comjohnstownhouse.comGuests can choose to dine in either of ourrestaurants. Our fine dining PavilionRestaurant set in the original GeorgianManor House offers old world charm withnew world cuisine. Alternatively enjoy arelaxing drink or meal in the surroundings ofthe Coach House Bar offering an enjoyablerelaxed ambience.Knightsbrook Hotel & Golf ResortRococo RestaurantSwifts Bar and Terrace LoungeTrim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 2100E info@knightsbrook.comknightsbrook.comThis restaurant has been described as 'afood connoisseur's delight'. Foods fromNorth Africia, Thailand and Ireland ensure aunique menu.Newgrange HotelThe Bridge RestaurantRowley’s Pub, Ruxton’s CaféBridge St, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 4100E info@newgrangehotel.ienewgrangehotel.ieBar food served all day in Rowley’s Bar. DailyCarvery lunch in Ruxton’s Café. The BridgeRestaurant serves Early Bird Menu, TableD’hote & a La Carte Menu each evening.The Pillo Hotel and Spa AshbourneRestaurantThe Rath, Ashbourne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 835 0800E info@pillohotelashbourne.compillohotelashbourne.comFeast on savoury steaks & seafood in Grill 21,all prepared with the finest local ingredientsand finish with a drink in the Red Bar.Station House HotelSignal RestaurantThe Platform Piano LoungeKilmessan, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 5239E info@stationhousehotel.iestationhousehotel.ieThe award winning Signal Restaurant wasonce a railway Station, then converted into anaward winning country house hotel set onacres of woodlands and gardens. Recentawards include Georgina Campbell 2012,Lucinda O¹Sullivan 2012, Best Chef in <strong>Meath</strong>Awards 2010 & 2011, AA Rosette, WeddingVenue of the Year 2012 and more. A warmwelcome and a taste of the Boyne Valleyawaits you at The Signal Restaurant.Trim Castle HotelJules RestaurantThe Bailey BarBarista CafeTrim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 3000E info@trimcastlehotel.comtrimcastlehotel.comSavour a creative and sumptuous menuprepared by Chef Sean McDonald, featuringa variety of dishes to suit any palette.CafésAn Troman10 Market Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 3703E Yvette@an-troman.ieSmall, friendly café in the heart of Trim,specializing in excellent coffee, fresh food,homemade scones, cakes and pastries.Lunches made to eat in or take out.‘As You Like It Caffe..’Ratoath, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1 689 6333E asyoulikeitratoath@gmail.comasyoulikeit.ieTaking our name from the Shakespeareanplay, our Name is our aim “As You Like It,”Open every day! We offer breakfast, lunchand pre–show dinner menus and specialise in‘Occasion Catering’ ... your location or ours!Barista Cafe @ Trim Castle HotelCastle Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 948 3000E info@trimcastlehotel.comtrimcastlehotel.comBarista Café offers a delectable range of coffees,teas, hearty soups, homemade treatsand gourmet dishes. Breakfasts and lightlunches are also available which include avariety of traditional and modern Irish disheswith an international twist.Traders Coffee HouseSolstice Arts Centre, Navan, <strong>Meath</strong>.Tel +353 (0) 46 909 2300E tradersnavan@aol.comThe best coffee in Ireland is roasted righthere in <strong>Meath</strong> and lovingly served at TradersCoffee House by experts. Enjoy superb coffee,wonderful sandwiches, soups, stews,cakes and other locally sourced mouthwateringgoodies. OpenMon-Sat 9:00am to5:00pm. The Irish Food Guide said; "Everythingin Traders is as good as it should be."The Welcome All CaféCastle Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 7227E trimvisitorcenter@eircom.netThe Welcome All Café located beside TrimCastle, offers delicious homemade fare,scones straight from the oven served withjam & cream. Soups made fresh every day,groups welcome. Open all day Mon to Fri9.30-5.30pm. Sat, Sun & bank Holidays 12-5.30pm (seasonal).PubsThe Central4 Trimgate Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 7999E info@thecentral.iethecentral.ieThe Central comprising a cafe, several bars, arestaurant and beautiful rooftop terrace, is inthe heart of Navan town centre. Open 7days and nights, this family friendly venuehas a buzzy atmosphere, unique design,interesting bars and outdoor areas and anopen kitchen style restaurant.Farrelly Lounge, Bar & Off LicenseChapel Street, Oldcastle, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel/Fax +353 (0) 49 854 1136E farrellysbar@eircom.netfarrellysbar.comFarrellys bar is a truly authentic family run traditionalirish Pub. At Farrellys, we are famousfor the quality of our pint of Guinness. As wellas providing a traditional atmosphere we havea very pleasant outdoor area, a modern Wi-Finetwork and live music every Thursday andSunday night.Fincourt PubOliver Plunkett Street, OldcastleTel +353 (0) 49 854 1153E info@fincourt.comfincourt.comSmall family run pub adjacent to Loughcrewpassage graves and gardens. Open fire comfortablebar and coffee shop. Ideal for walking,fishing, golfing ,equestrian. Accommodationalso available: cosy town house withopen fire, large kitchen dining area and 4 bedrooms(3 ensuite) sleeps up to 8 people.Fitzsimons Bar & LoungeTrimgate Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 1157Traditional Irish pub.Ryan’s Bar22 Trimgate Street, Navan, <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 1154Fax +353 (0) 46 907 8333Family run pub serving award winninglunches daily 12noon-2.30pm. Visit is a must!Also off- licence with an impressive selectionof wine and champagne offering monthlytastings and wine club.The Royal <strong>Meath</strong>Wategate Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 1366E theroyalmeath@gmail.comtheroyalmeath.comThe Royal <strong>Meath</strong> Pub (commonly just referredto as 'The Royal'!) is located in the heart of thebustling town of Navan, just off the mainsquare. Something of an institution in thetown, good pints and better banter have beenthe stable diet of the pub's patrons for sometwo generations. Traditional Irish music everyThursday night.Shanks MareSummerhill, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 955 7028E info@shanksmare.ieshanksmare.ieShanks Mare Pub & Restaurant is located in alovely rural setting between Moynalvey andSummerhill, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>. Shanks Mare hasquickly developed a reputation as a goodfood pub and an enjoyable venue for a drink.Traditional Irish Music every Thursday nightby Trim Comhaltas from 9.30pmSlevins PubMain Street, Dunboyne, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 1825 1068Fax +353 (0)1 825 1777E slevinspub@ymail.comslevinspub.ieBreakfast, lunch and á la carte menu Mondayto Friday 10am - 9pm, Saturday 10am - 7pmand Sunday 12.30pm - 7pm. Two functionrooms, local parties, free finger food, livemusic every Saturday night. Sunday - FamilyDay, 10% Discount off all meals on our A LaCarte Menu, complementary ice cream forthe Kids, Upstairs from 2.30- 7.00pm. Livemusic and B.B.Q. every Sunday evening in ourBeer Garden, child- friendly, June - Sept.Smyths53/54 Academy Street, NavanTel +353 (0) 46 9021899Fax +353 (0) 46 906 is run by one of Navan’s oldestPublican families, where you can enjoy ourhospitality in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere.Enjoy a tasty bite from our all day foodmenu. Our pub features a traditional Forgearea with Blacksmiths Tools and bellows ondisplay. Beer garden and bicycle shed.Smyths FlathouseRailway Street, NavanTel +353 (0) 46 9022751Traditional Family run pub situated directacross from The Solstice Arts Centre. Enjoypre and post Theatre Drinks. Toastedsanwiches served.Smyths of the Square10 Market Square, NavanTel +353 (0) 46 902 1749E artsmyth@eircom.netBar, Lounge, Off License, beer garden, BBQ,soup and sandwiches, family run.Teach na TeamhrachBalreask Cross, Trim Road, NavanTel +353 (0) 46 907 8248E info@tarahouseaccommodation.ietarahouseaccommodation.ieTeach na Teamhrach offers the visitor atraditional Irish pub atmosphere in ourconvivial bar. Discuss the issues of the daywith your fellow patrons, have a leisurelyread of the newspaper or debate with ourfriendly bar-staff. Set just beside Navantown, perfect location for both the touristand business visitor. Food served all day inthe restaurant, including breakfast, lunch, ala carte and early bird options.Pubs Serving FoodBrogans of TrimDalys of DonoreRyan’s Bar, NavanShanks Mare, Moynalvey, SummerhillSlevin’s Pub, DunboyneSmyth’s of the Bridge, NavanTeach na Teamhrach, NavanThe Central, NavanNightclubsThe Palace Nite ClubLudlow Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 905 9200+353 (0) 86 602 8019E info@thepalace.iethepalace.ieThe Piano Bar - open 7 days a week from5.30pm. The Palace Night Club - openThursday to Sunday every week.Solar NightclubNewgrange HotelBridge Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 907 4100Swan Lane Music VenueArdboyne HotelDublin Road, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 902 3119LoCall IRL 1890 43 42 41E info@ardboynehotel.comcusackhotels.comardboynehotel.comA brand new purpose built Music Venue inArdboyne Hotel, Navan.Vibe Nite ClubHeadfort Arms HotelHeadfort Place, Kells, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0063Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 11pm-2am.Xango Night ClubCastle ArchSummerhill Road, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 1516E info@castlearchhotel.comcastlearchhotel.com34

Our Tourist Information Centres can also provideinformation on activities, entertainment and reserveaccommodation at approved facilities throughout IrelandIreland’s Heritage CapitalTrimTrim Visitor Centreand The Welcome All CaféTourist information CentreCastle Street, Trim, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 943 7227Fax +353 (0) 46 943 8053E trimvisitorcenter@eircom.netmeathtourism.ieThe visitor centre offers a wide range of books, gifts andcrafts, as well as the Power and Glory Audio Visual Show.New modern Coffee Shop The Welcome All Café openserving speciality teas/coffees and food all day Mon - Sun.KellsKells Tourist Information PointKells Civic Offices,Headfort Place, Kells,Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 924 0064Fax +353 (0) 46 924 9316E kellstouristoffice@meathcoco.ieHouses copy of the book of Kells along with othertreasures. Open Monday - Friday for tourist information,brochures and accommodation.NavanSolstice Arts Centre and TouristInformation PointRailway Street, Navan, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 46 909 2300Fax +353 (0) 46 909 2305E info@solsticeartscentre.iesolsticeartscentre.ieNew theatre and arts centre occupies a pivotal site in thetown of Navan. The 320 seat theatre will play host tonumerous concerts, exhibitions and events. Hosts state ofthe art visual art gallery and exhibition space. Touristinformation provided also.Brú na BóinneBrú na Bóinne Visitor CentreDonore, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 41 980 8000SlaneSlane Hub & Tourism Centre2 Main Street, Slane, Co <strong>Meath</strong>.Tel +353 (0) 41 982 4000E slaneforummail@gmail.comOldcastleKraft Kaffee and Tourist PointNo. 1 Ardfrail Court, Millbrook Road,Oldcastle, Co. <strong>Meath</strong>Tel +353 (0) 49 854 2645Tourist Information Point / Craft Shop stocking all Irishmade gifts. Coffee Dock with speciality coffees.This brochure is published by <strong>Meath</strong> Tourism Ltd., Co. <strong>Meath</strong>. It is an application of the <strong>Meath</strong>Brand Identity, financed by <strong>Meath</strong> LEADER, the NRDP and EU Initiative for Rural Development.m e a t h t o u r i s m . i einfo@meathtourism.ieTel +353 (0) 46 909 7060

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