Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_

Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_ Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_


index 307Nietzsche, Friedrich, 273nodel transfinite type theory, 10noncommutative geometry, 168–69nonzero, 90, 94, 200, 203nostalgia of the stars, 193–214“Notes on the Concept of the Infinite in theHistory of Western Metaphysics” (Hart),255–74nous (thinking in unity and totality), 25–26, 30,259–61null curvature, 202null geodesics/surface, 220–21null infinities, 221Ockham’s choice, 64–65Olber’s paradox, 177n2Omega(On)() transfinite ordinal class, 10Omega() Conjecture (Woodin), 3, 103, 105,108–12, 117Omega ()-logic, 106On (end of a number line)(Conway), 248,248n9the One (being, en), 9, 12, 24–25, 27n61,259–63, 265, 267ontological cause of creation, 264ontological hierarchy of beings, 24ontological infinity, 37, 255ontological metaphysics of the infinite,274ontological transcendence, 268ontologyof the analogia entis, 270and the analogy of being, 262in Aristotle, 258Christian, 37, 211, 261, 263, 268–69of Descartes, 271of Heidegger, 291of Kant, 272and levels of infinity, 41, 41nand the Logos, 261mathematical, 243and meanings of infinity, 277metaphysics of, 262of Nicholas of Cusa, 269in Plotinus, 26of Przywara, 269of Spinoza, 271Oppy, Graham, 10, 233–52ordinals, 10–11, 89, 93, 97–98, 100–102, 106,113, 143–44, 164, 248. Seealsotransfiniteordinals; von Neumann ordinalsOrigenes (Christian theologian), 27, 27n58,266otherness, 261, 290–92, 297pagan thought, 256, 260P and NP problem, 2, 73–74Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 276, 278n9, 285–89pantheism, 227–28, 282–83n22Paris-Harrington riddle, 60n5, 61–62, 62fParmenides (Greek poet, philosopher), 21, 55,257“A (Partially) Skeptical Response to Hart andRussell” (Turner), 13, 290–98Pascal, Blaise, 19, 207Peano arithmetic, 60n5, 61f, 78, 80–81, 134,164Peano axioms, 121, 161Peano’s curve, 67–68peiron/peras (order, clarity, certainty, the finite),9, 19–21, 24Penrose, Roger, 223Penrose diagrams, 6, 8, 220, 223Penzias, Arno, 195, 200n17perfect cosmological principle, 200n17perturbations, 177, 179, 195, 198–99, 202–4Peterson, Mark, 171Philo of Alexandria, 23, 23n18, 260. SeealsoJewish religious traditionsphysical infinity, 2, 5, 7–9, 12, 194–95, 204,209, 255physical space, 14, 167, 170, 172–73, 207–8,213physical universeand the 10 24 sequence, 90and coincidentia oppositorum, 38determinism vs. nondeterminism in, 120and infinity, 6, 205–6, 210, 212, 214as mathematical universe, 120and physical theory, 96predictions regarding, 94, 96, 116structure of, 194and the universe of sets, 3, 103–4Planck length, 8Planck satellite, 196n10, 199, 199n15,203Platoon the apeiron, 21, 234and the finite absolute, 4on the finite absolute, 9on God as demiurge, 277on infinity, 55, 258, 277, 278n9, 291and Plotinus, 24–25on time, 30Platonic metaphysics, 262, 268Platonic realism, 282Platonists, 77, 81, 83, 243, 252–53, 260, 262,282–83n22, 283. SeealsoNeo-Platonistspleonastic fallacy, 260

index 307Nietzsche, Friedrich, 273nodel transfinite type theory, 10noncommutative geometry, 168–69nonzero, 90, 94, 200, 203nostalgia of the stars, 193–214“Notes on the Concept of the Infinite in theHistory of Western Metaphysics” (Hart),255–74nous (thinking in unity and totality), 25–26, 30,259–61null curvature, 202null geodesics/surface, 220–21null infinities, 221Ockham’s choice, 64–65Olber’s paradox, 177n2Omega(On)() transfinite ordinal class, 10Omega() Conjecture (<strong>Woodin</strong>), 3, 103, 105,108–12, 117Omega ()-logic, 106On (end of a number line)(Conway), 248,248n9the One (being, en), 9, 12, 24–25, 27n61,259–63, 265, 267ontological cause of creation, 264ontological hierarchy of beings, 24ontological infinity, 37, 255ontological metaphysics of the infinite,274ontological transcendence, 268ontologyof the analogia entis, 270and the analogy of being, 262in Aristotle, 258Christian, 37, 211, 261, 263, 268–69of Descartes, 271of Heidegger, 291of Kant, 272and levels of infinity, 41, 41nand the Logos, 261mathematical, 243and meanings of infinity, 277metaphysics of, 262of Nicholas of Cusa, 269in Plotinus, 26of Przywara, 269of Spinoza, 271Oppy, Graham, 10, 233–52ordinals, 10–11, 89, 93, 97–98, 100–102, 106,113, 143–44, 164, 248. Seealsotransfiniteordinals; von Neumann ordinalsOrigenes (Christian theologian), 27, 27n58,266otherness, 261, 290–92, 297pagan thought, 256, 260P and NP problem, 2, 73–74Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 276, 278n9, 285–89pantheism, 227–28, 282–83n22Paris-Harrington riddle, 60n5, 61–62, 62fParmenides (Greek poet, philosopher), 21, 55,257“A (Partially) Skeptical Response to Hart andRussell” (Turner), 13, 290–98Pascal, Blaise, 19, 207Peano arithmetic, 60n5, 61f, 78, 80–81, 134,164Peano axioms, 121, 161Peano’s curve, 67–68peiron/peras (order, clarity, certainty, the finite),9, 19–21, 24Penrose, Roger, 223Penrose diagrams, 6, 8, 220, 223Penzias, Arno, 195, 200n17perfect cosmological principle, 200n17perturbations, 177, 179, 195, 198–99, 202–4Peterson, Mark, 171Philo of Alexandria, 23, 23n18, 260. SeealsoJewish religious traditionsphysical infinity, 2, 5, 7–9, 12, 194–95, 204,209, 255physical space, 14, 167, 170, 172–73, 207–8,213physical universeand the 10 24 sequence, 90and coincidentia oppositorum, 38determinism vs. nondeterminism in, 120and infinity, 6, 205–6, 210, 212, 214as mathematical universe, 120and physical theory, 96predictions regarding, 94, 96, 116structure of, 194and the universe of sets, 3, 103–4Planck length, 8Planck satellite, 196n10, 199, 199n15,203Platoon the apeiron, 21, 234and the finite absolute, 4on the finite absolute, 9on God as demiurge, 277on infinity, 55, 258, 277, 278n9, 291and Plotinus, 24–25on time, 30Platonic metaphysics, 262, 268Platonic realism, 282Platonists, 77, 81, 83, 243, 252–53, 260, 262,282–83n22, 283. SeealsoNeo-Platonistspleonastic fallacy, 260

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