Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_

Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_ Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_


302 indexconformal transformation, 219–20, 222, 222n8,224continuum hypothesis (CH)(Cantor)and the axiom of choice, 281n19cardinalities in, 39Cohen on, 67, 281n19as controversial, 281defined, 2failures of, 14Gödel on, 2–3, 100and infinity in set theory, 65–66and the multiverse, 14, 102, 106, 111,117proof of, 279real numbers in, 281and ZFC, 67, 100Conway, John, 235Conway numbers, 236, 248, 248n9Cook, Stephen, 73Copernican cosmology, 195, 205cosmic expansion, 195, 197n11, 204cosmic microwave background (CMB), 179,195–202, 195nn3&7, 196nn8&10, 198f,200n17, 213cosmic uniformity, 194–96, 198, 204–5, 208,225cosmological constant (Einstein), 177n2cosmological density parameters, 198f“Cosmological Intimations of Infinity”(Aguirre), 176–91. SeealsoInfinities inCosmologycosmological models. See Big Bang; BigCrunch singularity; bubble models;Copernican cosmology; Dante Alighieri;double-well potential; general relativitytheory; Greek concepts of the infinite;homogeneous and isotropicspace/spacetimes; infinitelydistant/divergent singularities; inflationarycosmology; M-theory; perfectcosmological principle; relativisticcosmology; steady-state model; stringtheory; superstring theorycosmological principle, 176, 178, 194–96, 200,204–5cosmology. SeealsoInfinities in Cosmologyand infinity, 7–8, 76–78, 194, 194n2, 202,224inflationary, 7, 178–82, 178–90, 179f, 181f,182f, 186f, 196, 198, 225mathematics in, 193modern, 172, 194, 197, 205, 213–14and physics, 131, 172relativistic, 194n2, 218–24Craig, William Lane, 279n13created infinity, 291–92curvature of space. See space curvatureDante Alighieri, 170–72, 175, 194DE. See Diverse Exactness axiomDedekind, Richard, 227, 279Deluccia, Frank, 180De Morgan, Augustus, 57Dennett, Daniel, 241derivative (secondary) divine principle, 260Derrida, Jacques, 273Descartes, René, 226, 226n21, 271–72, 291de Sitter, Willem, 186, 186fdeterminism vs. nondeterminism, 119–28diagonal argument, 2, 77Dionysius the Areopagite, 31–34, 41tDiverse Exactness axiom (DE), 131–32,137–39, 143, 149, 163Divine Attributes doctrine (Pannenberg),285–87divine infinity, 24–25, 43n116, 226, 250,271–73, 278n9, 290–98. SeealsoGod andinfinitydivine revelation, 276, 283, 285divine simplicity doctrine, 237n3divine transcendence, 264, 291, 298doomsday paradox, 187n9Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 205–6, 208double-well potential, 179–81, 179f, 181f, 183Duns Scotus, Johannes, 11n8, 32e ∗ 0 (Turing program). See Turing program e ∗ 0e 0 (Turing program). See Turing program e 0∗Einstein, Albert. See also general relativitytheoryArchytas problem solved by, 170cosmological constant of, 177n2cosmological principle of, 176, 194–96equations of, 168, 172, 177on infinite extension of space, 170, 172modern cosmology deriving from, 172and pantheism, 227and three-sphere space, 172Eleatic school, 55Ellis, George, 283n22en (being), 21, 24–26. Seealsothe OneEnayat, Ali, 134epistemology, 31, 35–38, 41, 41t, 253n11, 258,295Erdös, Paul, 60, 74eros as philosophical self-transcendence, 24Escher, M. C., 8, 203, 207Euclid, 23, 57n2Euclidean geometry, 23, 32, 56–57, 59, 69, 76,169–70, 200, 213

302 indexconformal transformation, 219–20, 222, 222n8,224continuum hypothesis (CH)(Cantor)and the axiom of choice, 281n19cardinalities in, 39Cohen on, 67, 281n19as controversial, 281defined, 2failures of, 14Gödel on, 2–3, 100and infinity in set theory, 65–66and the multiverse, 14, 102, 106, 111,117proof of, 279real numbers in, 281and ZFC, 67, 100Conway, John, 235Conway numbers, 236, 248, 248n9Cook, Stephen, 73Copernican cosmology, 195, 205cosmic expansion, 195, 197n11, 204cosmic microwave background (CMB), 179,195–202, 195nn3&7, 196nn8&10, 198f,200n17, 213cosmic uniformity, 194–96, 198, 204–5, 208,225cosmological constant (Einstein), 177n2cosmological density parameters, 198f“Cosmological Intimations of <strong>Infinity</strong>”(Aguirre), 176–91. SeealsoInfinities inCosmologycosmological models. See Big Bang; BigCrunch singularity; bubble models;Copernican cosmology; Dante Alighieri;double-well potential; general relativitytheory; Greek concepts of the infinite;homogeneous and isotropicspace/spacetimes; infinitelydistant/divergent singularities; inflationarycosmology; M-theory; perfectcosmological principle; relativisticcosmology; steady-state model; stringtheory; superstring theorycosmological principle, 176, 178, 194–96, 200,204–5cosmology. SeealsoInfinities in Cosmologyand infinity, 7–8, 76–78, 194, 194n2, 202,224inflationary, 7, 178–82, 178–90, 179f, 181f,182f, 186f, 196, 198, 225mathematics in, 193modern, 172, 194, 197, 205, 213–14and physics, 131, 172relativistic, 194n2, 218–24Craig, William Lane, 279n13created infinity, 291–92curvature of space. See space curvatureDante Alighieri, 170–72, 175, 194DE. See Diverse Exactness axiomDedekind, Richard, 227, 279Deluccia, Frank, 180De Morgan, Augustus, 57Dennett, Daniel, 241derivative (secondary) divine principle, 260Derrida, Jacques, 273Descartes, René, 226, 226n21, 271–72, 291de Sitter, Willem, 186, 186fdeterminism vs. nondeterminism, 119–28diagonal argument, 2, 77Dionysius the Areopagite, 31–34, 41tDiverse Exactness axiom (DE), 131–32,137–39, 143, 149, 163Divine Attributes doctrine (Pannenberg),285–87divine infinity, 24–25, 43n116, 226, 250,271–73, 278n9, 290–98. SeealsoGod andinfinitydivine revelation, 276, 283, 285divine simplicity doctrine, 237n3divine transcendence, 264, 291, 298doomsday paradox, 187n9Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 205–6, 208double-well potential, 179–81, 179f, 181f, 183Duns Scotus, Johannes, 11n8, 32e ∗ 0 (Turing program). See Turing program e ∗ 0e 0 (Turing program). See Turing program e 0∗Einstein, Albert. See also general relativitytheoryArchytas problem solved by, 170cosmological constant of, 177n2cosmological principle of, 176, 194–96equations of, 168, 172, 177on infinite extension of space, 170, 172modern cosmology deriving from, 172and pantheism, 227and three-sphere space, 172Eleatic school, 55Ellis, George, 283n22en (being), 21, 24–26. Seealsothe OneEnayat, Ali, 134epistemology, 31, 35–38, 41, 41t, 253n11, 258,295Erdös, Paul, 60, 74eros as philosophical self-transcendence, 24Escher, M. C., 8, 203, 207Euclid, 23, 57n2Euclidean geometry, 23, 32, 56–57, 59, 69, 76,169–70, 200, 213

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