Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_

Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_ Heller M, Woodin W.H. (eds.) Infinity. New research frontiers (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107003873)(O)(327s)_MAml_


eferences 289of the divine attributes in Pannenberg’s theology. Further discussions about infinityin the topics discussed, particularly the unity of God and the distinction between thedivine essence and existence, seem to be particularly promising for future theologicalresearch into the implications of the mathematics of Cantor.ReferencesCantor, G. 1980. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Mathematischen und Philosophischen Inhalts. Berlin:Springer.Craig, W. L. 1979. The Kalam Cosmological Argument. New York: Barnes & Noble.Galileo Galilei. 1954. Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences. Translated by H. Crew and A. deSalvio. New York: Dover.Hahn, H. 1956. Infinity. In The World of Mathematics, vol. 3, J. R. Newman (ed.), pp. 1593–1611.New York: Simon & Schuster.McKeon, R. (ed.). 1941. The Basic Works of Aristotle. New York: Random House.Pannenberg, W. 1991. Systematic Theology, vol.1.TranslatedbyG.W.Bromiley.GrandRapids,MI: Eerdmans.Pannenberg, W. 1994. Systematic Theology, vol. 2. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids,MI: Eerdmans.Pannenberg, W. 1998. Systematic Theology, vol. 3. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids,MI: Eerdmans.Pennings, T. J. 1993. Infinity and the Absolute: Insights in our world, our faith and ourselves. ChristianScholar’s Review 23 (2): 159–80.Rucker, R. 1983. Infinity and the Mind: The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite. New York: BantamBooks.Russell, R. J. 2008. Cosmology from Alpha to Omega: Theology and Science in Creative MutualInteraction. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.Stoeger, W. R., Ellis, G., and Kirchner, U. 2005. Multiverses and cosmology: Philosophical issues.astro-ph/0407329v2.Templeton, J. M. (ed.). 1997. How Large Is God? The Voices of Scientists and Theologians.Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press.Woodin, W. H. 2001. The continuum hypothesis, part I. Notices of the American Mathematical Society48 (6): 567–76.

eferences 289of the divine attributes in Pannenberg’s theology. Further discussions about infinityin the topics discussed, particularly the unity of God and the distinction between thedivine essence and existence, seem to be particularly promising for future theological<strong>research</strong> into the implications of the mathematics of Cantor.ReferencesCantor, G. 1980. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Mathematischen und Philosophischen Inhalts. Berlin:Springer.Craig, W. L. 1979. The Kalam Cosmological Argument. <strong>New</strong> York: Barnes & Noble.Galileo Galilei. 1954. Dialogues Concerning Two <strong>New</strong> Sciences. Translated by H. Crew and A. deSalvio. <strong>New</strong> York: Dover.Hahn, H. 1956. <strong>Infinity</strong>. In The World of Mathematics, vol. 3, J. R. <strong>New</strong>man (ed.), pp. 1593–1611.<strong>New</strong> York: Simon & Schuster.McKeon, R. (ed.). 1941. The Basic Works of Aristotle. <strong>New</strong> York: Random House.Pannenberg, W. 1991. Systematic Theology, vol.1.TranslatedbyG.W.Bromiley.GrandRapids,MI: Eerdmans.Pannenberg, W. 1994. Systematic Theology, vol. 2. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids,MI: Eerdmans.Pannenberg, W. 1998. Systematic Theology, vol. 3. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids,MI: Eerdmans.Pennings, T. J. 1993. <strong>Infinity</strong> and the Absolute: Insights in our world, our faith and ourselves. ChristianScholar’s Review 23 (2): 159–80.Rucker, R. 1983. <strong>Infinity</strong> and the Mind: The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite. <strong>New</strong> York: BantamBooks.Russell, R. J. 2008. Cosmology from Alpha to Omega: Theology and Science in Creative MutualInteraction. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.Stoeger, W. R., Ellis, G., and Kirchner, U. 2005. Multiverses and cosmology: Philosophical issues.astro-ph/0407329v2.Templeton, J. M. (ed.). 1997. How Large Is God? The Voices of Scientists and Theologians.Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press.<strong>Woodin</strong>, W. H. 2001. The continuum hypothesis, part I. Notices of the American Mathematical Society48 (6): 567–76.

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