Loudspeaker Cables - MW-AUDIO

Loudspeaker Cables - MW-AUDIO

Loudspeaker Cables - MW-AUDIO


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2003 - 2004 English Edition<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///www.jenving.se

2Cable ManufacturingThe Supra <strong>Cables</strong> are manufactured inour own in-house production.Made in Sweden.Cable TerminationAll of our soldering team are holders ofsoldering certification to Military QualityStandards.The SUPRA StoryPrior to 1976 loudspeaker cables had noidentity. They were simply cables.2 x 0.5 mm 2 was the most usual size,while for high specifications the onlyalternative was 2 x 0.75 mm 2 .And then there was SUPRA.It began when we introduced SUPRA2.5 and shook up the entire market witha whole new concept. All this happenedin Sweden 1976. Since then the wholeworld has followed after us. But then theadjustable spanner, the propeller, the safetypin and Dynamite have also come fromSweden, so perhaps it is not so surprising.Since SUPRA 2.5 was introduced, otheroriginal ideas have come from SUPRA.The Nylon screen, the SWIFT connector,the stretch-proof multicore cable, the PLYconductor concept, the Assurance of CableDirectionality and the LoRad are allexamples of our forward thinkingtechnology.

Classic <strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong>3Mini 1.62x1.6 mm 2An economy versionof Classic 1.6 of fewerwires.Application examples:Low power such asrear speakers of hometheatres.Classic 1.62x1.6 mm 2Application examples:Tweeters in bi-wiring,low power systems orshorter lengths ofmedium powersystems.Classic 2.52x2.5 mm 2Application examples:Medium powersystems, or shorterlengths in high powersystems.Available in both IceBlue and AnthraciteGrey.Classic 2.5/HHalogen Free2x2.5 mm 2Similar to Classic 2.5but using fire retardantPE insulation.This makes it slightlystiffer and with alower surfacefriction, which isgood for installation.Classic 4.02x4.0 mm 2Application examples:High power systems,or longer lengths inlow/medium powersystems.Classic 6.02x6.0 mm 2Application example:High power systems,even longer lengths.1:1 1:1 1:11:1 1:1 1:1<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///The Classic SeriesThe SUPRA Classic Series comprises highly flexible cables containing tinplated multi-stranded OFC copper of purity degree 5N, which means>99.999% pure, i.e. purer than five nines. The insulation is a special ionstable PVC which minimises corrosion of the sonically benign tin surface.The tin contributes to a better sound quality by minimising the skin-effectand making less current jumps between the wire surfaces.This series covers all Hi-Fi applications from low power speakers, such asrear speakers of home theatre systems, to high power systems with longcable lengths.Tips and Tricks:For bi-wiring, Nylon Braid and Heat Shrink are availablein kit-form on page 9.Tests andReviewsClassic 2.5:Sweden Hifi & Musik May ’98Greece HXOS #353 ’02Classic 4.0:UK What Video, Mar ’00 ”Best Buy”ItemMechanical SpecificationsElec. SpecColour Cross Sec. Area Number of Number Wire Dia. Wire Insulation Ext. Size Weight Length/Bobbin R L(mm 2 =AWG) Conductors of Wires (mm) Material (mm) (g/m) (m = ft) (Ω/km) (µH/m)Cl. Mini 1.6 White 90 0.15 2.8x5.9 44 300 = 984 10.8 0.401.6 = 15Classic 1.6 204 Chloride Ion- 2.8x5.9 44 300 = 984 10.5 0.40Ice BlueClassic 2.5 Tin Stabilized PVCClassic 2.5 Anthracite 2.5 = 13 2 320 Plated 3.5x7.3 65 200 = 656 6.8 0.450.10Classic 2.5/H OFC Halogen Free PEClassic 4.0 Ice Blue 4.0 = 11 511 Chloride Ion- 4.7x9.6 108 4.3 0.55100 = 328Classic 6.0 6.0 = 9 756 Stabilized PVC 5.5x11.2 154 2.9 0.59Connect the loudspeaker cables for signal direction = direction of the legend (text) printed on the cable. Explanation on page 30.

4Ply <strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong>Supra Ply, A Logical and Scientific DesignBefore considering more special ’esoteric’ 2ndand 3rd-order effects, such as conductormetallurgy, the performance of audio cables isprincipally determined by their series loopresistance (R), their series loop inductance (L) andtheir shunt capacitance (C). Both the absoluteand the relative values of R, L & C matter. Forspeaker cables connecting high performanceamplifiers to every day electrodynamic (movingcoil or ribbon) speaker drive-units that aredesired to operate with fidelity across the audioband, the R & L (cable resistance & inductance)must both be low, while the value of C(capacitance) does not matter much [1,2]. This isso because current flow into conventionalspeaker drive-units is relatively so much largerthan in line-level connections, and alsoabsolutely large, ranging to over 100 Amperes insome instances. This is especially true of auto (12volt) installations. But simply using a fat wiregauge makes R low at the expense of increasingL. This is musically unacceptable for high sonicquality.’Squaring the circle’ techniques to make this loopinductance, L, low, simultaneous with lowresistance, include tapes, either stacked inparallel pairs, or several arranged side-by-side inribbons, where the ends are X-connected. But ofcourse, these types are (i) impractical to fit tonearly every known speaker connector (at leastwithout introducing discontinuities), (ii) arestressed and may be unsightly when right angle<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///Ply 2.0 Ply 3.41:1 1:1ItemMechanical SpecificationsElec. Spec.Colour Cross Sec. Area Number of Number Wire Dia. Wire Insulation & Ext. Size Weight Length/Bobbin R L(mm 2 =AWG) Conductors of Wires (mm) Material Jacket (mm) (g/m) (m = ft) (Ω/km) (µH/m)Ply 2.0 2.0 = 14 120 Tin Plated Chloride Ion- 5.8x6.0 74 8.1 0.30Ice Blue 2 0.15 100 = 328Ply 3.4 3.4 = 12 192 OFC Stabilized PVC 7.0x7.0 97 5.1 0.20Connect the loudspeaker cables for signal direction = direction of the legend (text) printed on the cable. Explanation on page 30surface bends are required in domestic installation,and (iii) are unsuited to for mobile use byprofessionals. Litz techniques, i.e. multiple,parallel, insulated conductors are more practicalin use and laying out, but when properlyexecuted, they are expensive. They are alsoawkward to terminate and must be soldered.Other types are grossly large, like industrialpneumatic pipes, making them unsuited tosmaller domestic dwellings.Conventionally, fat conductors’ high loopinductance (which raises impedance at +6dB/octave) is further raised due to internal eddycurrents causing ’Skin effect’. This acts like ’thesquare root of an inductor’, i.e. progressively addsa +3dB/octave component to the cable’s seriesinductance. With typical speaker cable runs of afew metres, the combined inductive effect is thatperformance in moderately heavy, plainconductors is measurably affected with steadysignals at or a little above 1kHz. Whereas formusic transients, even low bass qualities areaffected.Conventional stranded cables with copper, silveror related conductors suffer from complexoxidation. The surface becomes a semiconductor.The diodes so formed between the strands are notseen by steady-state signals, but look like theplates of a high value capacitor to transientsignals. This causes low-level energy storage andrelease after transients, that is invisible to steadystate testing yet nonetheless perfectly audiblewith many music recordings. This ’transversaldistortion’ may also be described in terms of theTEM (Transverse Electro-Magnetic) Wave, whichtakes a direct route, whereas electron flow is’trapped’ inside individual, particular strands thatare commonly twisted away from the mostdirect route, at each of the inevitable bends in astranded cable, when laid-out.Supra Ply is able to be a large-section, lowresistance cable, while also overcoming skineffect and transversal distortion, by using aproprietary, pure tin plating. This has the doublebenefit that tin and copper meld withoutforming a diodic barrier (as with many silverplatedcopper ’audiograde’ conductors) and thattin strongly resists most common causes ofmetal corrosion, and hermetically protects thecopper, making Supra Ply ideal for outdoor use.By contrast, most audiograde cables claiminghighly pure copper or silver conductors areeither wholly unprotected from contamination,initially by the out-gassing of the plasticcovering (even if PTFE/Teflon is used), andeventually from the impure atmosphere - andeven from accidental immersion in liquids!Some very expensive cables are protected onlyby a very thin, initially good lacquer, that musteventually crack, invisibly, with handling and age.Even if oxidation should form on the outside ofSupra Ply, it will be sonically benign, as inaudiograde ’metal oxide’ resistors - which arereally tin oxide.

developed by MaCurdy (1983), Altonji(1986), Blundell and Walker (1986), Arellano and Meghir(1992), Blundell, Meghir and Neves (1993) and Blundell, Duncan and Meghir (1998).The plan for the remainder of the paper is as follows. We begin the next section 2 with a descriptionof the key features of the model. Section 3 describes the data used for estimation and the tax policysetting. Section 4 discusses the estimation procedures and results. We then go on to investigate theoverall model fit, the implications for wage and employment behavior and the underlying elasticitiesin section 6. Section 7 We then turn to the use of the model for policy evaluation by an applicationto the 1999 WFTC and Income Support reforms operating in the UK; and finally section 8 presentssome concluding remarks.2 ModelWe develop a life-cycle model of education choice, consumption and labor supply with on-the-jobhuman capital accumulation. Individuals are risk-averse and face productivity shocks with a persistentstochastic structure. To account for the complex budget constraint our model embeds a detailedmicro-simulation model of the UK personal tax-benefit system. We allow for changes in familycomposition over the life-cycle, including partnering, separation and fertility. These occurrences mayhave great consequences for the cost of working, labor market attachment and value of future workand therefore, in retrospect, educational investments. However, we do not address the consequencesof in-work benefits on family formation. These are exogenously determined in our model.Below, we first summarize the key features of the model, emphasizing the timing of events, and thendetail its specification.2.1 The timing of events and decisionsWe start tracking women’s decisions from the age of 16 with the choice of education. 6 This choice isthe first step in defining a woman’s career, potentially affecting future human capital accumulationas well as changing her marriage market and the chance of being a single mother. 7Women choosebetween three alternatives: secondary (i.e. the compulsory level of education, completed by age 16),6 Some recent studies have added education decisions to the standard structural life-cycle model. Most have focusedon men, e.g. Keane and Wolpin (1997), Lee (2005) Adda et al. (2013) and Abbot et al. (2013). Studies focussing onwomen include Adda et al. (2011).7 This is consistent with literature showing that the marriage market is responsible for substantial returns to educationvan der Klaauw, 1996, Francesconi, 2002, Keane and Wolpin, 2010, Larsen et al., 2011, Chiappori, Iyigun and Weiss(2012).5

8<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong>NEW!Sword 3m (10 ft) pairSupra’s flagship. Sword is a patented cable. The secret is the bifilarwound litz conductors, each comprising 24 individually insulatedwires.The bifilar winding is built with 12 of these wires helically wound inone direction and 12 in the opposite direction. This divides themagnetic field into opposing directions resulting in self-cancellation.Because Sword’s conductors comprise a number of insulated wires,dynamic skin effect is cancelled.Therefore Sword behaves as a non-inductive and phase stable cable.Patent holder: Johnny Svärd.Sword is available only as a terminated setOwing to the special construction with two opposite wound wire groupswhich cancel each other’s fields, the termination quality is very critical.The termination is done with strong, gas tight crimping, so the joinedmetals are fused into one unit. This is more pure and secure than anysoldering.Sword is available in standard length of 3m pair, delivered in a Mahoganywood case.Termination: Spade/Banana/BFA combination connector.Customized lengths available on order.What does it sound like?Supra Sword passes the most complex music transients without anydeformations. Signal delay is suddely the same at all musicalfrequencies. Therefore it vanishes, giving a clear 3-dimensionalpresence, a sure sign of the highest fidelity.Patent holder: Johnny Svärd<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///The Sword Combi ConnectorSword comes with crimp-fastened screw adaptors, anda set of connectors that can be screwed onto these. Theleft and the middle pictures show Spades and the righthand picture shows banana/BFA connectors, as well asthe Spade replaced with Banana/BFA directly screwedonto the adaptor.Tests and ReviewsDenmark Danska High Fidelity No. 3 ’03Internet www.tnt-audio.com/accessories/sword-rondo_e.htmlJapan Audio Accessory No. 108 ’03Germany Stereo No. 3 ’03Germany Stereo No. 7 ’03Spain Alta Fidelidad No. 137 ’02Sweden Svenska High Fidelity No. 3 ’03Other editorials:Russia AV Saloon No. 05 ’03ItemMechanical SpecificationsElec. SpecColour Cr. Sec. Area Number of Number Wire Dia. Wire Insulation Jacket Ext. Cable ttached Connector Typ Cable Solder Tin R L(mm 2 =AWG) Conductors of Wires (mm) Material Size (mm) Banana Spade BFA Conn. (Only for Disenamelling) (Ω/km) (µH/m)Sword 2x3m 2x2 Enamelled Chloride x x x Almit KR-19SHrmaCrimpSword 1x3m Ice Blue 3 = 12 12 + 12 0.4 OFC PE Ion-Stabilized 9.5x18.5 x x x Sn 96.6%, Ag 2.9% 5,2 0.251x2Additional Length Wire PVC . Cu 0.5%, Rosin Free

Marine/Car <strong>Cables</strong> Cable Accessories9Octopower 8Tin plated, 8 mm 2 .Octopower 16Tin plated, 16 mm 2 .Octopower 25Tin plated, 25 mm 2 .Accessories for Bi-WiringBi-wiring is a separation of the music signal current betweenpower amplifer and loudspeaker drive-units into two cables;one for the bass and one for the midrange/tweeter.Bi-wire speakers are therefore equipped with separate inputs tothe crossover networks.Bi-wiring makes an audible enhancement. The bestcombination is a pair of Ply 3.4 or 3.4/S.1:11:11:1Nylon BraidA ’hose’ for sleeving over the cables to gather them into amore convenient single bi-wire cable pair.Nylon Braid KitsThe Nylon Braids are available in Kits with suitable Heat Shrinksleeving.A B CDEFGH I J KYOctopowerSUPRA’s power supply cables for car audio andmarine are tin plated to withstand outdoor use incars and boats and to prevent poor connectionsand power loss caused by corrosion.Octopower is immune to a salty coastal or marineclimate.Cable Choice ChartYou do it like this:The braid sleeve widens when it is pushed togetherlongitudinally, which makes it very easy to push the cable pairinto it. A Heat Shrink sleeve at each end fixes the stretchedbraid sleeve, and completes the work.Please be aware: A very tense stretching creates a neat result,but also a less flexible cable.ItemMechanical SpecificationsPict. Q'ty/ Application Colour Fit Diam. Inner Size Ext. Size Temp. Rangeref. Pack Examples (mm) (mm) (mm) (°C)Bending Protection 7 K 100 pcs Bend. Prot. Scart/AV-2 Ø5-Ø7.0 Ø7.2 Ø8.5Rubber Sleeve 5 J Bending Protection Ø5.0-Ø8.0 Ø5.0 Ø6.8-30 to +130Rubber Sleeve 7.5 I 100 pcs AV Series or Ø7.5-Ø13 Ø7.5 Ø9.2x30BlackRubber Sleeve 10 H Fixing Nylon Braid Ø10-Ø16 Ø10 Ø12x35Termination Trousers 100 pcs Y-Joint ProtectionGØ7.5-Ø9.0 Ø8.5 Ø9.5 -30 to +70Termination Trousers Set 2 pcs for BilineHeat Shrink Hose 10 F 75 m Fixing White Ø5-Ø10 Ø10 (Ø5) Ø13.5Heat Shrink Hose 12 E of Ø6.4-Ø12.5 Ø12.7 (Ø6.4) Ø14 -55 to +135BlackHeat Shrink Hose 19 D Nylon Braid Ø9.5-Ø19.0 Ø19.1 (Ø9.5) Ø20.5100 mNylon Braid 8 C Fit Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> White Ø5-Ø8 Ø8 Ø9Nylon Braid 10 B Bunching of Bi-Wired Ø7-Ø15 Ø10 Ø11BlackNylon Braid 15 A 50 m <strong>Loudspeaker</strong> Cable Ø10-Ø21 Ø15 Ø16-70 to +125Nylon Braid 8 Kit C+F 5 m Fit Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> White Ø5-Ø8 Ø8 Ø9Nylon Braid 10 Kit B+E Bunching of Bi-Wired Ø7-Ø15 Ø10 Ø1110 mBlackNylon Braid 15 Kit A+D <strong>Loudspeaker</strong> Cable Ø10-Ø21 Ø15 Ø16ItemMechanical SpecificationsEl. SpecColour Cross Sec. Area Number Wire Dia. Wire Insulation Temp.- Ext. Size Weight Length/Bobbin Resistance(mm 2 =AWG) of Wires (mm) Material Range (°C) Dia. (mm) (g/m) (m / ft) (Ω/km)Octopower 8B Black8.0 = 8 252Ø7.0 92 100 = 328 2.4Octopower 8R Red Tin OilOctopower 16B Black Plated Resistive -35 to +7516 = 5 476 0.19Ø8.5 1721.3Octopower 16R Red OFC PVC50 = 164Octopower 25B Black25 = 3 735Ø10 2440.8Octopower 25R Red

10LoRad Mains FlexLoRad Screened Mains Flex, Patented2.5 mm 2 , highly flexible, specification 05VA7V-H 3G2.5.LoRad stands for Low Radiation of electric and magnetic alternatingfields.Protects your equipment from radiated mains noise as well as from RFpick-up.The screen protects from the electric field and a short pitch twistingprotects from and cancels the magnetic fields.This will typically result in a cleaner sound and more accuratetransients, which in turn give you a tighter bass, better 3-D presenceand stereo definition. Closer to the truth.SUPRA’s screening concept is patented worldwide by Tommy Jenving.NEW!Supra LoRad is the sole audio grade mains cable in theworld with full European safety approval.Safety approved in compliance with HD 21.5 S3Tips and Tricks:A simple way to check the cable radiation is to use anAC field sensor.Hold the AC sensoragainst a cable and if itlights up it means thecable is radiating noisefields. Of course, the cablemust be connected to thewall socket that isswitched on.Check LoRad in the sameway and you will find thatit does not indicate anynoise radiation.AC sensors are available at Supra dealers or electrical stores.Supra LoRad Screened Mains FlexThe one and only approved for flex applications.A Swedish world patent.Applications:• Hi-Fi and studio systems• Medical equipment• Measurement and laboratory equipment• For people sensitive to electric/magnetic radiation• In any application where electric/magnetic interferenceis criticalTests and ReviewsJapan Audio Accessories No. 108 ’03Spain Alta Fidelidad No. 139 ’02Spain Pro Audio No. 203Spain On Off No. 124Sweden Hifi & MusikUK Hi-Fi World No. 9 ´03Other editorials:Russia AV Saloon No. 05 ’03ItemMechanical SpecificationsElectrical SpecificationsColour Cross Sec. Area No. of Number Wire Dia. Wire Insulation Shield Jacket Ext. Size Weight Length/Bob. R Voltage Current(mm 2 =AWG) Cond. of Wires (mm) Material Coverage (mm) (g/m) (m = ft) (Ω/km) Nom. (V) Nom. (A)LoRad 3x2,5 Ice Blue 2.5 = 13 3 320 0.10 Tinned OFC PE Al/PET Foil, 100% Chlor. Ion-Stab. PVC Ø11 172 50 = 164 6.8 250 16

LoRad Cord Sets & ConnectorsNEW!11LoRad 2.5 CS-EUThe EU version cord set, with Schuko plug, the mostcommon throughout Mainland Europe.Exceptions are Denmark, Italy, Belgium, France, UK andIreland.The cord set is available in 1.5m and 2m.LoRad 2.5 CS-BSThe BS version suits theBritish standard. (BS1363)It does not fit the EUsockets.LoRad 2.5 CS-FRThe FR version is of French andBelgian standard.It also fits the EU sockets.IEC-320 Female ConnectorThe most common for equipmentup to 10A consumption.Cable OD up to 11mm.MC Mains Connector MaleGold plated pins. Takes cable dia upto 11mm.MC stands for Mains Connector.Avalable for different standards:MC-BS for British standard.MC-EU for Schuko, for mostMainland European outlets.MC-FR for French/Belgian outlets.Supra AC Sensor EUSupra AC Sensor USSupra AC Sensor PenThe pen lights up in proximity to an electric alternating field.Available for 230v (EU) and 110v (US).ItemMechanical SpecificationsElec. Spec. Standard LengthsApplication Standard Conn. Type < Direction > Conn. Type Shield Conductor Cable Colour Voltage Current (1m = 3.28Ft)Wall Socket Equipment Connection Connection Clamping Nom. (V) Nom (A) (1 .5m) (2 m)LoRad 2.5 CS-EU Shielded European MC-EU ⇒♉ IEC-320 Automatic Screen Strain Relief x xLoRad 2.5 CS- BS Mains Flex British MC-BS ⇒♉ IEC-320 Connection. The Earth Screw with Bending Ice Blue 250 10 x xLoRad 2.5 CS-FR 110-250 V French MC-FR ⇒♉IEC-320 insulation is Semi-Cond. Protection x xItemMechanical SpecificationsElectrical Spec.Q'ty/ Male/ Connector Type Standard Pin Connector Cable Max Cable Cable Colour Voltage Currentpack Female Material Connection Clamping Dia. (mm) Inlet Nom. (V) Nom. (A)IEC 320 Female Earthed Mains Conn. International 24K Strain Ice Blue 10MC-BS British Gold Relief Ice Blue1 pc Screw Ø11 Straight250MC-EU Male Earthed Main Plug European Plated with Bending Blue 16MC-FR French Cu Protection Blue

12Analogue Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong>SubLinkA two-core screened interconnect for semibalancedconnection. Low capacitance andefficient noise rejection maintain signalintegrity in the long run interconnects,which are often required for subwooferlinks. It can be connected balanced orsemi-balanced.BiLineA concentric twin-coax interconnect cable.Each pair is screened and jacketed to makecomplete cables. Application examples:Y-Links from AV amps with 1 output to subwooferwith 2 inputs or corresponding withmini plug Supra MP-8 from computer to amp.For balanced or semi-balanced connection.DualA dual-in-line interconnect cable for semibalancedconnection and with screens ofaluminum foil. Low capacitance. Applicationexample: Analogue audio.For balanced or semi-balanced connection.1:1 1:11:1<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///SUPRA Cable/Connector Combination ChartBNC-3BNC-8DB25M/FMP-8PPSL RCAPPX RCARCA-3RCA-6RCA-6SCAV-2 x x x xScartSVHS-7Swift XLR 3M/3FVGA-M8AV-3 x x x xAV-6 x x x x xBiline x x x x x xDAC x x x x xDual x x x x xEFF-I x x xMB-01 x x x x xMBS x x x x xSubLink x x x x xTrico x x xVGA-M11ItemMechanical SpecificationsElectrcal Spec.Colour Application Number of Cross Sec. Area Number Wire Dia. Wire Insulation Shield Jacket Ext. Size Weight Length/Bobbin R C Velo.Examples Channels (mm 2 =AWG) of Wires (mm) Material (mm) (g/m) (m = ft) (Ω/km) (pF/m) FactorSubLink Analog Mono 1 0.24 = 23 19 0,127 Tin PE Alu/PET Foil Chloride Ø6.0 48 72 52 0.66cBiline Ice Blue Analog Audio 0,20 = 24 1 0,4 Plated PE Foam Braid 120x0.10 Ion-stab. Ø7.0 53 100 = 328 87.5 45 0.78c2Dual Stereo 0.24 = 23 19 0,127 OFC PE Alu/PET Foil PVC 2 x Ø5.5 70 72 52 0.66c

Digital/Analogue/Video Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong>13DACDigital/Analogue InterconnectApplication examples: Digital audio withXLR-interface 110 Ohm AES/EBU, or as acommon analogue interconnect with RCAor XLR plugs.Available in both Ice Blue and AnthraciteGrey.EFF-IAnalogue Interconnect CableThe multi test winner. Our best interconnectfor analogue audio, for example: CD to amp.As well as being one of the world´s best foranalogue applications, it can also be usedfor digital audio as a 75 Ohm RCA interfaceor video interconnect.TricoDigital/Video Composite CableOur best video/digital cable.Application examples: Composite videosuch as, DVD to TV/projector and digitalsurround sound from DVD to AV amp orall other digital applications where True75 Ohm impedance is critical. For signalmeasurements, see page 29.1:1 1:1 1:1<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///DAC Digital/Analogue InterconnectCable, AES/EBU HarmonisedA ’fast’ interconnect of extremely low capacitance.In accordance with our design concepts, theinductance is to be low for a loudspaker cablewhereas for an interconnect the capacitance is tobe low. Supra DAC is insulated with PE foam skinwhich exhibits only 45 pF/m. It is screened withour very efficient and strong semi-conductivenylon ribbon. Supra DAC is also designed fordigital audio and is harmonised with the AES/EBUstandard. (Square wave of 60 MHz, impedance 110Ohms, balanced.)The very high frequency properties of Supra DACare outstandingly good, owing to its high velocityfactor.The velocity factor of Supra DAC is as high as 78%of the speed of light, owing to the lowdielectricity of the gas blown foam skin insulation.With PTFE/Teflon it would have been only 71%.The velocity factor can be calculated with thesimplified formula:ν = √1/Kwhere K is the dielectricity factor of the insulationmaterial. (See page 27.)More clean transients and thus improved spacedimension comes with the high velocity.EFF-I Interconnect CableAnalogue/Digital 75 OhmThe dynamic influence of the skin effect is ofgreat sonic influence as music and also videosignals are nothing but variations. By means ofthe Equalized Frequency Flow technique (EFF)Supra takes skin effect into account. The EFF-Icable consists of two tube-shaped conductorswith a wall thickness of 0.20 mm which is wellbelow the smallest skin depth within the audiorange. This makes a wide range of the music (orvideo) frequencies pass through under the sameconditions.EFF-I Interconnect Cable ConstructionSilver plated OFC copper 0.5 mm 2 /conductor.Tube-shaped flexible conductors with a centercore of PE. Two conductors, individually screened,for balanced or semi-balanced connection.Effective penetration depth (skin effect)δ = 1/ √ π µ rµ 0σ f14.7 mmSkin depthat 20 Hz0.91 mmSkin depthat 5 kHzLess currenthereMostcurrenthere0.46 mmSkin depthat 20 kHzTrico Digital/Video Composite Cable75 Ohm, Co-axialSupra Trico is an interconnect cable of very lowcapacitance, insulated with PE foam whichproduces only 58 pF/m and makes the cable’spropagation velocity as high as 78% of thespeed of light.Trico is double-shielded with a braided innerscreen of silver plated oxygen-free copper and anouter of bare OFC-braid. The screens provideefficient noise protection. The centre conductorsare made of silver plated OFC copper. The silverplating of the conductor and screen enhances thecohesive properties of the cable, at highfrequencies.The high technology design of Trico produces anextremely low attenuation: -0.6dB/100m at 1MHzand -7.1dB/100m at 100MHz.True 75 Ohm: The characteristic impedance is verystable: +/- 1.5 Ohms from 1MHz up to 100MHz.JacketPVCOuterScreen123412341234InsulationPE12341234InsulationPE foamInner ScreenSilver PlatedOFCCentre coreSilver PlatedOFCItemMechanical SpecificationsElectrical Spec.Colour Application Cross Sec. Area Number of Wire Dia. Wire Wire Inner Shield In. Shield Outer Shield Jacket Ext. Size Weight Length/Bob. C Imp. Z Velo.Examples (mm 2 =AWG) Wires (mm) Material Insulation Coverage Insulation Coverage (mm) (g/m) (m = ft) (pF/m) (Ω) FactorDAC Ice Blue Analog audio/ PE Semi-Conductive Chloride0.54 =20 19 0.19 OFCØ6.1 4345 110 0.78cDAC Anthracite digit. AES/EBU Foam Nylon, 100% - - Ion-50 = 164EFF-I Analog audio 0.46 = 21 12 0.22 Silver PE Al/PET. Foil, 100% Stabilized Ø7.2 68 75 75 0.66cIce BlueTrico Video/digital 0.71 = 19 7 0.36 Plated OFC PE skum Braid OFC Ag, >95% PE Braid OFC, >90% PVC Ø8.2 105 58 75 0.78c

14Audio/Video Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong>AV-2 Audio/Video Cable 2-Core CoaxApplication examples: S-video. Suitableconnectors are Supra SVHS-7 and/or SupraScart plugs.S-video = Y/CAV-3 Audio/Video Cable 3-Core CoaxApplication examples: Component video,Audio/Video. Suitable connectors are SupraScart, RCA-3, BNC-3 and VGA plugs.Component video = Y/Cb/CrAV-6.4 Audio/Video Cable 6-Core CoaxAV-6 comprises 6 coax, surrounded by acommon foil screen which further minimisesRF breakthrough. The centre core is a screened2-pair audio cable.Application examples: RGB/S-video/Compositevideo/Component video. Suitable connectorsare Scart, VGA, SVHS-7, BNC-3 and RCA-3.1:1 1:1 1:1<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///AV Series Audio/Video Multi Core Coax 75 OhmThe Supra AV cables are multi-core coaxes ofindividual 75 Ohm rated coax cores.Each core has a braided screen of tin plated OFC.The Supra AV series is of very low capacitance owingto the PE foam insulation.The construction is especially developed for HomeTheatre use, and suits several applications with DB25,Scart, RCA, S-VHS and BNC connectors.The timing error is less than 2.2 ns which enablesaccurate RGB transmission.Applications:• Home Theatre• Video walls• High resolution video projection• CG workstations• Studio tie linesThe AV-6.4 comprises a screened 2-pair audio cable asa centre core.Construction of the AV SeriesJacket PVC Inner Jacket PVCCommon Screen1(6)123412341234IndividualScreenInsulationPE foamCentre CoreSupra AV-6.4 is an upgraded version of the”Best Buy” awarded AV-6*.It remains the same 6-core coax cable,unchanged except for the added 2-pair centrecore for audio.*AV-3 and AV-6 are used in the terminated cables3RCA-3RCA and Scart-Scart RGB, respecively,which were assigned the ”What Hi-Fi Best BuyAward 2002”.For signal measurements, see page 29.ItemMechanical SpecificationsElectrical SpecificationsColour Application No. Cross Sec. Area Number Wire Wire Inner Shield In. Shield Outer Shield Jacket Ext. Size Weight Length/Bob. R C Imp. Z Attenuation Velo.Examples Coax (mm 2 =AWG) of Wires Material Insulation Coverage Insulation Coverage (mm) (g/m) (m = ft) (Ω/km) (pF/m) (Ω) 1/5/50MHz FactorAV-2 Svideo or AV 2 Tin Braid 120 x Chloride Chloride Ø7.0 53 1.4dB/100m- 100 = 328AV-3 Ice Blue Komponent.or AV 3 0,20 = 24 1 Plated PE Foam 0.10 OFC Sn Ion-Stab. Ion-Stab. Ø8.0 68 87,8 45 75 3.1dB/100m 0.78cAV-6.4 RGB or AV 6 (+4) OFC >95% PVC Al/PET. Foil, 100% PVC Ø11.0 147 50 = 164 9.8dB/100m

Microphone/Line <strong>Cables</strong>15MBS Microphone Cable,BalancedA non-compromise design, bothmechanically and electrically. Negligablemicrophony, high noise rejection, lowcapacitance, high flexibility, high bendingstrength. The best mic and instrument cable.Application examples: Microphone, guitar.MB-01 Installation Mic/Line Cable,BalancedSingle pair balanced line cable.Application example: Installations.MB-02 Installation Mic/Line Cable,Balanced2-pair cable, similar to MB-01, withindividual pair screening and pair jacketing.Application example: Installations.1:1 1:11:1<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///MBS is based on Supra’s unique Nylonbraid concept.The advantages of Supra nylon screenedcables over ordinary braided cables are:• High Tensile StrengthThe tensile strength is 500N/50mm.• Bending FatiqueIn accordance with a military flextest a cable must pass 30,000bending cycles without damage.After 90,000 cycles the test wasconcluded without any damage tothe MBS cable.• Environmental ImmunityAir humidity does not influnce thecable’s electrical properties.• MicrophonyThe softness of the Nylon screen incombination with other designfeatures make MBS a quiet cable,free from microphony.MB Series for Fixed InstallationsThe conductors are of the same design as of the MBS microphone cablebut the jacketing is thinner and the shielding is of polyester basedaluminium to better suit installation applications.Tips and Tricks:You can easily test the microphony of a cable:Plug the cable into the mixer with the other end of thecable open, without anything connected. Turn up thevolume and listen to how sensitive the cable is when youtouch it, tap it and move it, or slap it against a base floor,as occurs with mic/guitar cables.More about the concept on page 16!ItemMechanical SpecificationsElec. Spec.Colour Application Application No. Number of Cr. Sec. Area No. of Wire Dia. Wire Insul- Tensile Rein- Shield Jacket Temp.- Ext. Size Weight Length/ R CExamples Range Channels Conductors (mm 2 =AWG) Wires (mm) Material ation forcement Range (°C) (mm) (g/m) Bob. (m=ft) (Ω/km) (pF/m)MBS Anthra- Analog Flex/Install. 2 Tin Poly/Silk Cond. Nylon Chloride -30 Ø5.5 34 150 = 4921MB-01 cite Audio + 0.24 = 23 19 0,127 Plated PE Aluminum/ Ion-Stab. to Ø4.8 32 200 = 656 72 52Installation-MB-02 Grey Mic./Line 2 Drain Wire OFC PET PVC +75 Ø7.0 61 300 = 984

XLR Connectors & Stage Box17XLR-C3F and XLR-C3M3-pole Female and Malechassis connectors.Swift 3F XLR Light andSwift 3M XLR Light3-pole Female and Male.Patented by Tommy Jenving.Also available with gold platedpins, in set, on page 20.SB 16/4 Kit Stage BoxStage box for 16 channels and 4 returns.Countersunk panel for best protection. XLRChassis connectors are fitted. The Kitcomprises Supra Swift XLR cableconnectors and cable strain relief.Multicore cable MS20-JP to be added asper choice of length.SB 16/4M Ready MadeCable length to be advised when placingthe order.<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///Swift XLR ConnectorsThe patented Supra Swift has several advantages overother XLR connectors:• Totally shielded.• No looseable screws. Only one retained screw.Nothing to slip on to the cable before soldering.• Strain relief: The screw serves also as a clampscrew and since it is placed at a considerabledistance from the apperture there will be nobending forces on the cable at the clampingpoint.ItemMechanical SpecificationsQ'ty/ Connector Type Pin Material Insulation Housing Wire Connector Cable Max Cable Ext. Size Mounting ColourPack Connection Fixing Clamping Dia. (mm) WxHxL (mm) Hole (mm) IdentificationXLR-C3F XLR Female Chassis 27x37x31 Ø23.5Shielded- --XLR-C3M XLR Male Chassis Silver 22x37x21 Ø19.0Swift XLR 3M Light XLR Male Plated Cu Quick Ø19x70 Red/Black1 pcNorylSolderingSwift XLR 3F Light XLR Female Shielded Lock Ø19x75 ExtraScrew Ø7.7-Swift XLR 3M Light Au XLR Male Gold Front Ø19x70 Colour RingsSwift XLR 3F Light Au XLR Female Plated Cu Mounted Ø19x75 Are availableItemMechanical SpecificationsApplication Connector TypesCable Splitt Ext. Size, Box Weight Screen Solder Wire Connector Cable Clamp- CableExamples Box Cable Length WxHxL (cm) Box (kg) Connection Tin Connection Fixing ing Box ColourSB-16/4 Kit Analog 16 pcs XLR Female Chassis 16 pcs Swift XLR 3M Light Almit KR- Quick Squeeze Lock,MS20-JP 50cm 18x30x8 2,7 Balanced SolderingAnthraciteSB-16/4 Ready Made Audio 4 pcs XLR Male Chassis 4 pcs Swift XLR 3F Light 19SHrma Lock Spring

18<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> ConnectorsCombiCon Banana24K gold plated loudspeakerconnector for cables up to 6mm 2 .The banana pin fits also BFA plugsor connectors. The cable can beattached straight on axis or at a 90degree angle. A spade can beattached to the connector body.2 pairs/pack50 pairs of connector body/bulk50 pcs of Banana pin/bulkCombiCon Spade24K gold plated loudspeakerconnector for cables up to 6 mm 2 .The cable can be attached straighton axis or at a 90 degree angle.Another spade can be attached tothe connector body.2 pairs/pack50 pairs of connector body/bulk50 pcs of Banana pin/bulkCombiCon KitA set of 2 pairs of connector body,4 pcs of Spade and 4 pcs ofBanana/BFA.CombiCon AssortmentAn assortment set of 50 pairs ofconnector body, 50 pcs of Banana/BFA and 50 pcs of Spade.For dealers.<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///CombiConThis combination connector comprises two parts: a termination part tobe screwed onto a connector body. The connector part is of two types;Spade and Banana pin, which in turn also fit BFA plugs.The Connector BodyThe connector body can be attached to the cable either on axis or in a90 degree angle. See the R.H. picture above. Also a spade terminatedcable can be attached to the connector body. Printing in red and black,respectively, for polarity identification.The Termination PartsThe Banana pin also fits BFA connectors.The Spade is angled for easier mounting in tight spaces. It has a twostep, wide opening, see drawing to the right.The picture shows both Banana/BFA andSpade connectors, and also how the cablecan be connected straight or angled.Drawing of the SpadeItemMechanical SpecificationsQ'ty/ Connector Type Material Connector Cable Max Cable Area Ext. Size Body ColourPack Banana Fork BFA Fixing Connection (mm 2 =AWG) DxL (mm) IndentificationCombiCon Banana x x 24K Expansion Pin Nut2 pairsCombiCon Spade x Gold - Locking Red/6 = 9 Ø13x20.5CombiCon Kit 2+2 pairs x x x Plated Expansion with Sliding BlackCombiCon Assortment 50+50 pcs x x x Cu Pin/- Ring

<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> Connectors19Boxcon24K gold plated speaker cabinetconnector.For cables up to 10 mm 2 orBanana/Fork. For cabinet wallthickness up to 29 mm.Fork24K gold plated spade.The width of the fork grip is 5.5mm. The cable can be connectedeither on axis or on a 90° angle.Fits up to 10 mm 2 cables. Adapterscrew for 4 mm Banana plug isincluded.Fork is the most copied Supraconnector worldwide.Fork XLA larger variation of the Fork.The size of the fork width is 6.5mm. The adapter screws forBanana plugs are not includedin this product.Banana24K gold plated.4 mm Banana plug for up to 10mm 2 cables. Can be connectedeither on axis or at a 90° angle.Red and Black housings.1 pair/packAlso available in bulk of 50 pairs2 pairs/packAlso available in bulk of 200 pcs2 pairs/packAlso available in bulk of 200 pcs2 pairs/packAlso available in bulk of 50 pairs<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///ItemMechanical SpecificationsQ'ty/ Connector Type Mounting Male/ Material Connector Cable Max Cable Area Mount.- Ext. Size ColourPack Female Fixing Connection (mm 2 =AWG) Hole WxHxL (mm) IdentificationBoxcon 1 pair Banana/Fork/Cable Direct Chassis Female 24K Screw/Clamp Screw/Sold. M8 Ø19x35-64 Red/BlackFork Fork, 5.5mm Gold 8x20x214 pcs -10 = 7-Fork XL Fork, 6.5mm Cord Male Plated Screw - 10x12.5x26Banana 2 pairs Banana Plug Cu Expansion Pin 10x18x42 Red/Black

20Line ConnectorsBNCBNC-plug for soldering.24K gold platingwith Teflon insulation.For cable diameters of7-8.5 mm.2 pcs/packBulk pack: 50 pcsMP-8 Mini Jack PlugStereoFor large diametercables up to 8 mm.24K gold plated miniplug 3.5 mmThe plug is countersunkin order to fitcountersunk chassisconnectors.2 pcs/packBulk pack: 50 pcsRCA-6SC24K gold plated RCA plugwith squeeze clamping,only for cable diametersof 5-6 mm.RCA-6Similar to the above butwith standard clamping,not squeeze clamping.1 pair/packBulk pack: 50 pairsPPSLRCA plug in 24K goldplating with squeezeclamping of both frontpart and cable aperture.Shielding housing, frontmounted. Teflon insulation.Lathe turned in one piece.Max cable dia 7.7 mm.PPXSimilar design as theabove, without squeezeclampings.Max cable dia 8.5 mm.1 pair/packBulk pack: 50 pairsSwift XLR Au SetPatentedXLR connector with24K gold plated pins.Fully shielded for noiserejection.Easy assembly.No loosable screws.Nothing to slip on thecable before soldering.Set of male/female perpackBulk pack: 10 pcs maleor female (no set)<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///Gold plated XLR pins(Supra Swift)ItemMechanical SpecificationsQ'ty/ Connector Type Material Insulation Housing Connector Cable Max Cable External Size ColourPack Fixing Clamping Dia. (mm) ØxL (mm) IdentificationBNC-8 BNC Male Shielded Bayonet Crimp Ø8.0 Ø13x52 BluePPSL 24K Shielded, Squeeze Lock Squeeze Lock Ø7.7 Ø13x53 Red/WhitePPX 1 pairGold PTFE Front Mounted Screw Ø8.5 Ø13x43 Red/WhiteRCA MaleRCA-6 SC Plated (Teflon) Expansion Squeeze Lock Ø6.5 Red/Ø11x35RCA-6 Cu Shielded Ø6.5 WhiteCrimpMP-8 2 pcs Jack Plug Stereo 3.5mm - Ø8.5 Ø13x52 WhiteSwift XLR Au Set 1 set F/M XLR Female/Male Noryl Shield.,Fr. Mounted Quick Lock Screw Ø7.4 Ø19x83 / Ø19x77 Red/Black

Video Connectors21SCART24K gold-plated Scartconnector with shieldinghousing of metal. The platearound the pins is formedto make a strong grip bymeans of friction locking.Squeeze clamping of thecable. Fits cable diameters8-11 mm.For thinner cables use thebending protection: seepage 9.RCA-324K gold-plated RCA(Phono) plug with Tefloninsulation and metalhousing. Fits 3 mm cablediameter, e.g. the SupraAV-6 core. Provided withdifferent Colour rings.BNC-324K gold plated BNCplug for crimping.Crimping tool: see below.Fits 3mm cable dia, e.g.the AV-series.SVHS-724K gold-plated S-Videoconnectors with shieldingmetal housing and Tefloninsulation.Fits cable diameters up to7 mm.DB25-F and DB25-M24K-gold plated DB25plugs with metalisedshielding housing. Maleand female. Fits cablediameter 5-11 mm.VGA-8DB-15 connector with24K gold-plated pins.For cable dia up to 8 mm.Fits AV-3.VGA-11Similar to the above butwith large aperture forcable dia up to 11 mm.Fits AV-6.1 pc/packBulk pack: 50 pcs1 pair/packBulk pack: 50 pairs2 pcs/packBulk pack: 50 pcs1 pc/packBulk pack: 50 pcs maleor female1 pc/packBulk pack: 50 pcs<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///Crimping bosses for 4mm sizeSpecially made for BNC-3Fit Abiko Crimper DCC 0908Abiko Crimper DCC 0908ItemMechanical SpecificationsQ'ty/ Connector Male/ Pin Insulation Housing Connector Cable Max Cable Ext. Size Colourpack Type Female Material Fixing Clamping Dia. (mm) WxHxL (mm) IdentificationScart 1 pc Scart Noryl Friction Grip Squeeze Lock Ø11.0 48x20x60 WhiteRCA-3 1 pair Red/WhiteRCAExpansionØ3.2 Ø12x50RCA-3 RGB 3 pcs 24K PTFE Shielded Red/Green/BlueCrimpBNC-3 BNC Gold (Teflon) Bayonet Ø3.2 Ø15x25 -2 pcsSVHS-7 S-video Male Plated - Ø7.0 Ø13x42 YellowDB25-F DB25/ CuNoryl Ø11.0 55x17x51 WhiteDB25-M D-sub 25 Shielded Screw/1 pcScrewDB15-M8 VGA/ PTFE Front Mounted Clamp Ø8.0 32x41x14-DB15-M11 DB15 (HD) (Teflon) Ø11.0 31x44x15

22Analogue InterconnectsAll SUPRA connectors have shielding housings and the cables areprovided with Supra´s efficient screens which ensures noise rejectiveinterlinking.The cables are developed with the focus on low capacitance, highvelocity factor and correct and stable characteristic impedance.The results are improved definition and dynamics.Tommy Jenving recommends:B. Supra EFF-ISL, our best analogue interconnect. Multi test winnerand our most sold interconnect.C. For balanced with XLR, we recommend the same cable but withthe Swift connectors: EFF-IXLR.D. Supra DAC-X, our fastest cable, for precise transients. A high-endcable at a mid-end price.G. Supra Dual-RCA, if you want a high value for money.BCGAFDDEEF<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///For product information, see the table below.Tests and ArticlesEFF-ITNT-Audio, non-commercial internet magazinewww.tnt-audio.com/clinica/eff1e.htmlEngland Hi-Fi Choice Mar ’99 ”Best Buy”Czech Rep. AMP, www.gmx.czGermany Stereo #7 ’03Hong Kong Hi-Fi Review #148 Sep ’98Hong Kong Hi-Fi Review #155 Apr ’99Norway Lyd & Bilde #8 ’97Spain Alta Fidelidad Dec ’98Spain Stereofonia #203 ’00Sweden Hifi & Musik #5 ’01Sweden Hifi & Musik #1 ’99Sweden Hifi & Musik #5 ’99USA Stereo Times, www.stereotimes.comArticles About Applying EFF-IBen Duncan, Pure Transfer,Hi-Fi News & Record Review (UK), Nov ’97Ben Duncan, Black Box (technical column),Hi-Fi News & Record Review (UK), Dec ’96 and Nov ’97See page 30, ref [1]DACSingapore Sound & Sight J. Mar/Apr ’99Spain Stereofonia #203 ’00Sweden High Fidelity #1 ’97Sweden Hifi & Musik #5 ’99Dual-RCAEngland Monthly DVD May ´03ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsPict. Q'ty/ Application Connector Type > Connector Type Cable Screen Solder Connector Cable Cable (1m = 3.28Ft)Ref. pack Examples From To Connection Tin Fixing Clamping Colour (1 m) (2 m)DAC-SL E PPSL RCA ⇐⇒ PPSL RCA Semi- Almit KR- Squeeze lock Squeeze Lock Ice Blue x x⇐⇒DAC-X D PPX RCA ⇐⇒⇐⇒PPX RCA DAC Balanced 19SHrma Expansion / x xScrewDAC-XLR F Analog SWIFT XLR 3F LIGHT AU ⇒ SWIFT XLR 3M LIGHT AU Balanced Sn 96.6% Quick-lock Anthracite x xDual-RCA G 1 Pair Audio RCA-6 ⇐⇒ RCA-6 Dual Semi- Ag 2.9% Expansion Crimp x xEFF-ISL B PPSL RCA ⇐⇒ PPSL RCA Balanced Cu 0.5% Squeeze lock Squeeze Lock x xIce BlueEFF-IX A PPX RCA ⇐⇒ PPX RCA EFF-I Rosin Expansion x xScrewEFF-IXLR C SWIFT XLR 3F LIGHT AU ⇒ SWIFT XLR 3M LIGHT AU Balanced Free Quick-lock x x

Special Analogue Interconnects23SubLink-RCASubLink-RCA is a semi-balancedinterconnect from one RCAconnector to one RCA connector.Application example: From themono output of the AVR amp toan active mono subwoofer.Y-LinkY-Link is a Y-connected semibalancedinterconnect from oneRCA connector to two RCAconnectors.Application example: From themono output of the AVR amp toan active stereo subwoofer.BiLine-MP/RCABiLine-MP is a semi-balancedinterconnect from one mini jackplug to two RCA connectors.Application example: Fromcomputer audio output to amp.AV-6.4 Interconnect for AC-3The DB25 interconnects come indifferent variations: DB25F-DB25M,DB25F-6RCA and 6RCA-DB25M.These are specially made for 5.1channel sound. Applicationexamples: DVD to AVR amp or AVRamp to 5.1 channel poweramplifier.<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///SubLink-RCAFor Supra SubLink-RCA, theSubLink cable and the RCA-6connectors are used.Y-LinkSupra Y-Link comprises the Bilinecable with one PPX connector atone end and two RCA-6 connectorsat the other.For good bending protection theTermination Trousers are applied.BiLine-MP/RCASupra BiLine-MP comprises theBiline cable with a MP-8 minijack plug at one end and a pairof RCA-6 at the other.For good bending protection theTermination Trousers are applied.AV-6.4 Interlink for AC-3AV-6.4 is a multi-coaxconstruction of highperformance with lowcapacitance 75 Ohm coax cores,especially developed for 5.1channel systems. (Dolby Digital/DTS). All connectors are fullyshielded.The cores are used for:• Right front• Left front• Centre• Sub-woofer• Right surround• Left surroundAll cores are differently colouredfor easy installation.ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsApplication Conn. Type < Direction > Conn. Type Cable Screen Solder Connector Cable Colour (1m = 3.28Ft)Examples From To Connection Tin Fixing Clamping 1m 2m 4m 8m 15SubLink-RCA Active Mono Subwoofer RCA-6 ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ RCA-6 SubLink Almit KR- Crimp x x x xExpansionY-Link Active Stereo Subwoofer PPX RCA ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ RCA-6 19SHrma Screw/Crimp x x x xBilineBiline-MP/RCA Computer/MD/CD MP-8 3.5mm ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ RCA-6 Semi- Sn 96.6% - / Expansion x x x x xIce BlueDB25F ⇒ ⇒DB25M DB-25F ⇒ DB-25M Balanced Ag 2.9% Screw x xClamp6 RCA ⇒ DB25M AC-3, 5.1 Channels RCA-3 ⇒ DB-25M AV-6.4 Cu 0.5% Screw x xDB25F ⇒ ⇒6 RCA DB-25M ⇒ RCA-3 Rosin Free Expansion x x

24Optic/Digital InterconnectsX-ZAC ToslinkAn exact mechanical fit is important in order to avoid divergencelosses. Therefore X-ZAC is provided with a high precision metalconnector. The fibre optic is principally the same as ZAC but the X-ZAC is machine polished in further 3 stages. Available in 1m (3ft).ZAC ToslinkOur most popular Toslink. ZAC Toslink is available in 1m (3ft), 2m(6ft), 4m (13ft), 8m (26ft), 15m (49 ft).ZAC MinTosThe same concept but fitted with Mini Toslink at one end and aToslink at the other. Often used between Mini discs and CD players.Available in 1m (3ft).ZAC MiniThe same concept but fitted with Mini Toslink connectors.Available in 1m (3ft).75 Ohm Interconnects:Trico-RCA, Trico-BNCThe 75 Ohm digital interconnects are designed for RCA (Phonoconnectors) interfaced transmission between CD transport and digitalto analogue converter. They have the capability to transfer the fulldigital spectrum and can be used with a number of 75 Ohmapplications.110 Ohm AES/EBU Interconnect: DAC-XLRDAC-XLR is a balanced interconnect for digital transfer, mostly inprofessional equipment.DAC stands for Digital/Analogue Cable, not to be mixed up with DACconverters.From left: X-ZAC, ZAC Toslink, ZAC MinTos and ZAC Mini<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///DAC-XLR Gold, Trico-BNC and Trico-RCAZAC Fibre Optic InterconnectZAC stands for Zero Attenuation Concept.The innovative curving of the fibre core tip to get a zero divergenceloss enables plastic fibre optic to be used, and achieve the sametransmission quality as that of a glass fibre core in combination withthe strength and flexibility of the plastic core.Properties and advantages of the fibre optic cable are:• Low weight• Wide band width• Interference immune• No radiation• Independent of voltageTests andReviewsZAC and X-ZACSpain Alta Fidelidad #100 ’99Spain Alta Fidelidad #115 ’00Spain Alta Fidelidad #123 ’01Sweden Hifi & Musik #1 ’99UK What Hi-Fi Sep ’02 ”Best Buy Award 2002”Digital InterconnectsGeneral:Always, in digital applications, the use of a cable with the correctcharacteristic impedance is very important. There are two standardimpedances:• 75 Ohm S/PDIF interface which uses RCA connectors. This is most• common in Hi-Fi applications from CD transport to DAC, as well as• home recording.• 110 Ohm AES/EBU interface which is balanced and has XLR• connectors. This is mostly used in professional applications.For example Supra DAC-XLR.TricoGermany Stereo # 7 ´03Sweden Hifi & Musik #11 ’01UK Hi-Fi Choice May ’03 ”Best Buy”ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsApplication Connector Type > Connector Type Cable Screen Solder Connector Cable Coulour(1m = 3.28Ft)Examples From To Conection Tin Fixing Clamping 1m 2m 4m 8m 15mX-ZAC TosLink Toslink, Metal ⇐⇒ TosLink, Metal ZAC Quick Lock Molded xZAC TosLink Toslink ⇐⇒ TosLink Fibre Quick Lock / x x x x xOptic Digital - -Ice BlueZAC MinTos Mini Plug 3.5mm ⇐⇒ TosLink Optic Quick Lock / - Bending xZAC Mini Mini Plug 3.5mm ⇐⇒ Mini Plug 3.5mm Cable - Protection xDAC-XLR Gold Digit. AES/EBU 110 Ω Swift XLR 3F light Au ⇒ Swift XLR 3M light Au DAC Balanced Almit KR- Quick Lock Screw Ice Blue/Anthracite x xTrico-BNC BNC ⇐⇒ BNC 19SHrma Bayonet Crimp x x x x xTrico-RCA Coaxial Digital / PPX RCA ⇐⇒ PPX RCA Semi- Sn 96.6% Expansion Screw x x x x xTricoIce BlueTrico-MP/RCA Video 75 Ohm MP-8 Mini Plug 3.5mm ⇐⇒ PPX RCA Balanced Ag 2.9% - / Expansion Crimp/ x x x x xTrico-RCA/BNC PPX RCA ⇐⇒ PPX RCA Cu 0.5% Exp./Bayonet Screw x x x x x

Home Theatre Interconnects25FS Full ScartFS stands for Fully-connected Scart cable.FS is a high performance Scart cabledesigned for home theatre.Application example: DVD to TV.Composite Video InterconnectsThe composite interlinks come in differentvariations with Scart/RCA/BNC connectors.Application examples: DVD/Satelite decoderto TV/Projector.Composite video = CVBSS-video InterconnectsThe S-video interlinks come in differentvariations with Scart/S-video/RCAconnectors.Application examples: DVD/SVHS to TV/Projector.S-video = Y/CTest and ReviewSweden, www.minhembio.com ’01Test and ReviewUK, Hi-Fi Choice May ’03 ”Best Buy”Test and ReviewGreece, NXOS Home Cinema #335 ’01 ”Best in Test”<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong> /// Interconnect <strong>Cables</strong> /// Connectors /// Interconnects ///The Advantages of the Supra FS Design:• All video cores are of 75 Ohm coax type,• individually screened.• Audio cores are separately screened to• avoid cross-talk interference.• All conductors are insulated with PE, which• makes low capacitance.• A common aluminum shield protects from• electromagnetic interference.• Fully shielded connectors.• The plate around the pins is formed to make• a strong grip.Trico Video Interlinks True 75 OhmThese interlinks are made of Supra Tricowhich is our best video cable.The properties of Trico are the secret behinda sharp and clean picture: True 75 Ohm forlow reflection losses, especially important forlonger lengths, and double shielding for theleast interference.All connectors are fully shielding.Tips and Tricks:For absolute super quality you can use3 pcs of Trico-RCA for componentvideo.AV-2 S-Video InterlinksS-video is a better transfer system, but takes2 cores providing equal velocity and phase,owing to the synchronising of the twosignals luminance and chrominance.In order to achieve this, the True 75 Ohmimpedance is a very important property ofthe cable.All connectors are fully shielding.ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsApplication Conn. Type < Direction > Conn. Type Cable Screen Solder Connector Cable Colour (1m = 3.28Ft)Examples From To Connection Tin Fixing Clamping 1m 2m 4m 8m 15mFS Full Scart Fully Connected Scart Metal Scart ⇐⇒ Metal Scart FS Separate & Outer Friction Grip Squeeze Lock x x x1 RCA ⇒ Scart PPX RCA ⇒ Metal Scart Almit KR- Exp./Friction Gr. Screw/Squeeze x x x x xScart ⇒ 1 RCA Video/ CVBS/ Metal Scart ⇒ PPX RCA Semi- 19SHrma Friction Gr./Exp. Squeeze/Screw x x x x xTricoTrico-BNC Composite Video BNC ⇐⇒ BNC Balanced Sn 96.6% Bayonet Crimp x x x x xIce BlueTrico-RCA PPX RCA ⇐⇒ PPX RCA Ag 2.9% Expansion Screw x x x x xSvideo-Svideo SVHS-7 ⇐⇒ SVHS-7 Separately Cu 0.5% - Crimp x x x x xScart ⇒ Svideo Svideo or Y/C Metal Scart ⇒ SVHS-7 AV-2 Shielded Rosin Free Friction Grip/- Squeeze/Crimp x x x x xSvideo ⇒ Scart SVHS-7 ⇒ Metal Scart Conductors -/Friction Grip Crimp/Squeeze x x x x x

26Home Theatre InterconnectsSUPRA has quite a comprehensive portfolio of audio/video interlinks forhome theatre. All are equipped with fully shielded connector housings.The interlinks are suitable for:• Component Video (Y/Cb/Cr)• S-video (Y/C)• RGB• Audio/Video• Composite Video (CVBS)The table below will guide you to the correct choice of interlink.3 RCA - 3 RCA6 RCA - 6 RCA5 BNC - 5BNC4 RCA - 4 RCA3 BNC -3 BNC3 RCA - 3 BNC5 RCA - 5 RCA 4BNC - 4 BNC5 RCA - 5 BNCA choice of RCA and BNC terminated interlinksTests and ReviewsSupra 3RCA-3RCAUK What Hi-Fi Oct ’02UK What Hi-Fi Best Buy Award 2002ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsApplication Conn. Type < Direction > Conn. Type Cable Solder Connector Cable Colour (1m = 3.28Ft)Examples From To Tin Fixing Clamping 1m 2m 4m 8m 15m3 RCA - 3 RCA Component/AV RCA-3 ⇐⇒ RCA-3 AV-3 x x x x x4 RCA - 4 RCA RGB/Audio/Video RCA-3 ⇐⇒ RCA-3 Almit KR- x x x x xExpansion5 RCA - 5 RCA RGB/Audio/Video RCA-3 ⇐⇒ RCA-3 AV-6.4 19SHrma x x x x x6 RCA - 6 RCA Audio/Video RCA-3 ⇐⇒ RCA-3 Sn 96.6% x x x x x3 BNC - 3 BNC Component/AV BNC-3 ⇐⇒ BNC-3 AV-3 Ag 2.9% Crimp Ice Blue x x x x x4 BNC - 4 BNC RGB/Audio/Video BNC-3 ⇐⇒ BNC-3 Cu 0.5% Bayonetx x x x xAV-6.45 BNC - 5 BNC RGB/Audio/Video BNC-3 ⇐⇒ BNC-3 Rosin x x x x x3 RCA - 3 BNC Component/AV RCA-3 ⇐⇒ BNC-3 AV-3 Free Expansion/ x x x x x5 RCA - 5 BNC RGB/Audio/Aideo RCA-3 ⇐⇒ BNC-3 AV-6.4 Bayonet x x x x x

Home Theatre Interconnects27Test and ReviewSupra Scart-Scart RGBUK What Hi-Fi Sep ’02UK What Hi-Fi ”Best Buy Award 2002”! All of our soldering team are holders of solderingcertification to Military Quality Standards.SCART - 2 RCA * SCART - 4 RCA * SCART - SCARTSCART - 3 RCA * SCART - 4 BNC *SCART - SVIDEO/2 RCA *SCART - 3 BNC *SCART - 6 RCAA choice of the available Scart combine interlinksSCART -> VGA* The interlinks are available with differentconfigurations as well as for different directions.Check the table below for your application.ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsApplication Conn. Type < Direction > Conn. Type Cable Solder Connector Cable Colour (1m = 3.28Ft)Examples From To Tin Fixing Clamping 1m 2m 4m 8m 15m2 RCA ⇒ Scart Audio Audio RCA-3 ⇒ Scart AV-2 Expansion x x x x x3 RCA ⇒ Scart A/V Audio & Video RCA-3 ⇒ Scart AV-3 / x x x x x4 RCA ⇒ Scart RGB RGB & RCA-3 ⇒ Scart Friction Grip x x x x xAV-6.44 BNC ⇒ Scart RGB C-sync BNC-3 ⇒ Scart Bayon./Friction Gr. x x x x xScart ⇒ 2 RCA Audio Audio Scart ⇒ RCA-3 AV-2 Almit KR- Friction Grip Crimp/ x x x x xScart ⇒ 3 RCA AV Audio & video Scart ⇒ RCA-3 19SHrma / Squeeze x x x x xScart - 3 RCA Component Component or Scart ⇐⇒ RCA-3 AV-3 Sn 96.6% Expansion Lock x x x x xScart - 3 BNC Component Y/Cb/Cr Scart ⇐⇒ BNC-3 Ag 2.9% Friction Gr./Bayon. Ice Blue x x x x xScart ⇒ 4 RCA RGB RGB & Scart ⇒ RCA-3 Cu 0.5% Friction Grip/Exp. x x x x xScart ⇒ 4 BNC RGB C-sync Scart ⇒ BNC-3 Rosin Friction Grip/Bayon. x x x x xScart - 6 RCA AV Audio & Video, In & Out Scart ⇐⇒ RCA-3 Free Friction Grip/Exp. x x x x xScart - Scart RGB & AV RGB & Svideo & AV Scart ⇐⇒ Scart AV-6.4Friction Grip Squeeze x x x x xScart ⇒ Svideo/ 2 RCA Svideo & Scart ⇒ SVHS-7/RCA-3 Friction Grip/Exp. Squeeze/Crimp x x x x xSvideo/ 2 RCA Scart Audio SVHS-7/RCA-3 ⇒ Scart Exp./Friction Grip Crimp/Squeeze x x x x xScart ⇒ VGA RGB & C-sync Scart ⇒ DB-15 (HD) Friction Grip/Screw Squeeze/Clamp x x x x x

28Home Theatre Interconnects! All of our interlinks are soldered with lead free silver tin - for sonics and ecology.VGA- 3 RCAVGA - 4 BNCVGA - VGAVGA - 3 BNCVGA - 5 RCA1 RCA/SVIDEO - 1 RCA/SVIDEOVGA - 4 RCA VGA - 5 BNC 4 RCA/SVIDEO - 4 RCA/SVIDEOA choice of the available VGA combined andRCA/S-Video multifunction interlinks.Check the table below for your application.ItemMechanical SpecificationsStandard LengthsApplication Conn. Type < Direction > Conn. Type Cable Solder Connector Cable Colour (1m = 3.28Ft)Examples From To Tin Fixing Clamping 1m 2m 4m 8m 15mVGA - 3 RCA Component DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ RCA-3 AV-3 Screw Clamp x x x x xVGA - 4 RCA RGB & C-synk/VH-sync DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ RCA-3 Almit KR- / / x x x x xAV-6.4VGA - 5 RCA RGB & V-sync & H-sync DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ RCA-3 19SHrma Expansion Crimp x x x x xVGA - 3 BNC Component DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ BNC-3 AV-3 Sn 96.6% Screw Clamp x x x x xVGA - 4 BNC RGB & C-synk/VH-sync DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ BNC-3 Ag 2.9% / / Ice Blue x x x x xVGA - 5 BNC RGB & V-sync & H-sync DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ BNC-3 AV-6.4 Cu 0.5% Bayonet Crimp x x x x xVGA-VGA RGB & V-sync & H-sync DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ DB-15M Rosin Screw Clamp x x x x x1 RCA/Svideo - 1 RCA/Svideo Svideo & Video SVHS-7/RCA-3 ⇐⇒ SVHS-7/RCA-3 AV-3 Free x x x x xExpansion Crimp4 RCA/Svideo - 4 RCA/Svideo Component & Video & Svideo RCA-3/SVHS-7 ⇐⇒ RCA-3/SVHS-7 AV-6.4 x x x x xVGA-3 RCA(F) ADAPTER Component DB-15M (HD) ⇐⇒ RCA-3 Female AV-3 Screw/- Clamp/Crimp (25cm)

A/V Cable Measurements29These measurements show that the quality of the Supra <strong>Cables</strong> is onlevel with a MIL-spec cable and even outperforms it on velocity.A Time-Domain Reflection (TDR) tester* detailedly analyses the responseand impedance match of a cable and the connectors used, using a pulsethat rises in 50 pS**.In pictures 2 to 5, the 2 nd step-up shows the effect of the 75 ohm(video standard) cabling and connectors operating in a standard 50ohm test system. In 2 & 3, the tidy ’rectangularity’ of the step showsthat the impedance of the 75 ohm section is quite purely resistive, i.e.nearly ideal.HPict. 1 shows reference withspecial GR-connectioned 50ohm load, acting as a near pureresistance at all frequencies toabove 2GHz (high RF).BNC is better than RCA on digital interconnects.The physical dimensions of the RCA connector prevent it from havingexactly 75 Ohm characteristic impedance. Therefore the BNC connectedversion is always preferred when there is a choice.Pict. 5 shows Trico withphono/RCA plugs fitted. Itcould be any of the othercables. The RCA plugs’inconstant impedance matchat high RF causes reflections(seen as ’positive spiking’),this kind of behaviour beingprecisely why BNC plugswere invented in the 1940sas serious RF coaxconnectors, to replace the’failed’ first generation plugs,namely RCA and UHF types.Thus the RCA was re-cycledas an audio plug.Pict. 2 shows the response ofSupra Trico. See below forexplanation of the 2nd step.The tested Supra <strong>Cables</strong>Supra TricoPict. 3 shows the response ofSupra AV-3. See below also.Supra AV-3Pict. 4 shows response ofRG179, a top-grade, 75 ohmcoax made to US Militarystandard MIL-C-17D. Notethat the two Supra cablesperform similarly cleanly.Note also that all are fittedwith 75 ohm BNC plugs.The timing of the steps (10ns** per L-R div) shows that the electricallength of the Supra cables (in pictures 2 & 3) is shorter than thereference, by about 14%. As the cable lengths were physically matchedto within 0.2%, this shows that signal speed in the Supra cables mustbe higher - meaning closer to the speed of E-M waves in air.*Originally devised & made in 60s by HP, today known as Agilent.** pS = picosecs = millionth-millionth’s (1/1000,000,000,000 th ’s of 1second). In air and ideal, air-insulated cables, EM waves travel 1m inabout 3300pS (3.3nS). In all plastic-insulated cables, the lower speedincreases the time to travel 1m by some 140 to 150%.Tests originally performed by Ben Duncan Research in UK.

30Technical InformationFor those who prefer to make their owncable sets and for carrying out servicing, wehave gathered the following configurationtables. Please be aware of the importance ofthe soldering quality. All Supra pre-madecables are soldered with lead-free silver-tinwith copper and non-corrosive flux, availableas Multicore TSC-96, which we recommend.The galvanic potential of silver is closer tocopper than is lead to copper and thus thegalvanic potential will be minimised.Balanced connection with XLRSignal source > Text reading this way >Semibalanced connection with RCASignal source > Text reading this way >Connection of screened loudspeaker cables:Earth screw to chassisScreen Screen+- +Supra Screened<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> CableAmplifier<strong>Loudspeaker</strong>The screen is to be connected to the amplifier chassis or any otherground point of the amplifier. No connection at the loudspeaker end.Poor solderings mostly due to either too highor too low a temperature.Flux is needed to get through the oxide andavoid a dry joint, without overheating.A dry joint might work very well for a periodof time but as the oxide grow between thetin and the object there will eventually be apoor connection. In the worst case theconductors will loosen and create a shortcircuit.DB-15 HD (VGA)Pin Function Pin Function1 Red + 92 Green + 10 Sync Ground3 Blue + 114 125 13 H-sync/C-sync6 Red Ground 14 V-sync7 Green Ground 158 Blue Ground Chassis ScreenNo screen connection to theloudspeaker-All Supra connectors are insulated withTeflon to withstand the correct solderingtemperatures (300°- 400°C).For these reasons we always recommendleaving the soldering of interlinks with aprofessional workshop.All of our soldering team are holders ofsoldering certification to Military QualityStandards.XLRPin Function Pin Function1 Ground/Screen 3 Cold2 HotDB-25 (D-sub)Pin Function Pin Function1 Left Front + 14 Left Front -2 Center + 15 Center -3 Right Front + 16 Right Front -4 Sub Woofer + 17 Sub Woofer -5 Left Surround + 18 Left Surround -6 Right Surround + 19 Right Surround -Ground chassis - Ground chassisS-video (Y/C)Pin Funktion Pin Funktion1 Luminance (Y) Ground 3 Luminance (Y)2 Chrominance (C) Ground 4 Chrominance (C)ScartPin Function Pin Function1 Audio Out Right 12 Data 12 Audio In Right 13 Red Ground3 Audio Out Left 14 Data Ground4 Audio Ground 15 Red RGB, C at Y/C5 Blue Ground 16 RGB Status6 Audio In Left 17 Video Ground (CVBS)7 Blue RGB 18 RGB Status Ground8 CVBS Status 19 Video (CVBS) Out, Y at Y/C9 Green Ground 20 Video (CVBS) In, Y at Y/C10 Data 2 21 Ground (Shield)11 Green RGBDirectionality AssuranceAll Supra cables are constructed withattention to consistent and equal ‘direction’in all the conductors. Simplistic electronicstheory says there is no ‘directionality’ inconductors, but assumes conductors areperfectly isomorphic. It also ignores theinherently directional nature of signal andenergy flow. Yet electricity could not be soldwithout ‘energy flow directionality’. [1]In reality, practical conductors are drawnmany times - not cast. This creates highlyelongated crystal structures. This in turncreates a physical (mechanical) directionalfeature or ‘axial polarity’. Annealing and also‘burning-in’ processes can reduce the‘strength’ of the ‘drawing imprint’, but onlyto a degree.All conductors in Supra cables areconsistently arranged to point ‘forwards, inthe direction (left to right) implied by thelegend (text) printed on the cable jacket.Directional consistency is ensured in twoways. First, direction of the conductors to beused in each cable is known from the spooleddirection of the conductors received from thecopper wire factory. That is a reliable methodbecause an efficient manufacturing processis consistent and omits random re-spoolingsteps.Forward Thinking TechnologySecond, the ‘directionality’ of conductors isnow able to be measured, and Supra cablesare the first in the world to benefit from aspectral technique developed by audioconsultant Ben Duncan [2] in conjunctionwith Jenving Technology AB. This employssome special test conditions which betterapproximate audio equipment’s real-worldusage than standard, pure signal sources. Testresults show typical increases in harmonic(noise) levels 0.5dB when cables areconnected so the conductors’ drawndirection opposes the signal flow direction. Inreal use the noise difference, which is somedB below the main signal, could be muchgreater. From this, a reduction in such noise(‘more clarity’) is what’s expected, and it isalso one of the things that is heard inpractice - when optimum conductororientation is discovered.Experiences of DirectionalityIn ‘high-end’ audio, ‘Directionality’ means: ‘acable used for audio signal transmissionoffering better sound quality (in variousways) when connected a particular wayround.’ To those sensitive to the sonicchanges, this is repeatable, over spans oftime, or in different systems. In other cases,if the less good direction were chosen, it toomay approach the preferred direction afterburn-in, i.e. a period of use, simple ageing, oreven cryogenic treatment. Such ‘burn-in’processes involve annealing of the metal.Some pundits say that ‘directionality’ (incables) can be heard even on the low quality‘curvy plastic’ low/mid-fi audio equipmentsold in high-street shops. On an highervector, a US high-end enthusiast/ researcher,Doug Blackburn, suggests it is possible thatwhen audiophiles say they hear sonicchanges after changing polarity (byswapping conductors at one point - not byswapping ends as with conventionaldirectionality*) that they’ve actually hearddirectionality instead. That’s because purelydigital (‘software’) polarity reversals mysteriouslydon’t have the sonic attributesassociated with analogue signal polarityreversal.*Here, directionality effect being heard is inthe connected parts (eg. long inductor wires),rather than in the preceding connectiveconductors.Information[1] For background, refer to extensiveinsights in ‘Black Box’ column, by BenDuncan, originally in Hi-Fi News & RecordReview, reprinted 73 part compendium 1994-2000 available from:www.hifiaccessoriesclub.com - orwww.proaudioaccessories.com.[2] Ben Duncan Research: www.BDR-UK.dial.pipex.com.

About...Additional Infomation and Formulas31Supra ColoursIce BlueNCS S0520 R90BAnthracite GreyNCS 7502 GUseful to know about...Tin PlatingA SUPRA concept for cleaner sound.The tin is of higher resistance than copper and also protectscopper from bad sounding corrosion. It also minimises thecurrent jumps from wire to wire over corroded copper surfaceswhile more of the signal passes through the pure copper insidethe wires. The tin layer also minimises the skin-effect, by actingas a semi-Litz.Silver PlatingOnly when the frequencies are very high, as in digital signals,does it seem wise to go the opposite way, i.e. to silver plate fora lower surface resistance. At such high frequencies it is hardto keep the signal inside the wire, so instead we design for aneasier surface current flow.Digital InterlinksImportant properties of digital cables are a high propagationvelocity factor and a correct and stable characteristicimpedance (Z).Analogue InterconnectsLow capacitance (C) is important.Microphone and Line <strong>Cables</strong>Low microphonic effect and low capacitance assist quality.<strong>Loudspeaker</strong> <strong>Cables</strong><strong>Loudspeaker</strong> cables generally need to be of low inductance (L)and preferably also of low resistance (R). Impedance is ofgreater importance than simplistic theory suggests becausemusic comprises continuous transients. Phase shift in thefrequency domain equals smearing in the time domain (Lessdistinct transients).Directionality AssuranceAll Supra <strong>Cables</strong> are constructed with attention todirectionality in the conductors. Supra is the first in the worldto prove directionality in conductors by measurements.These measurements are carried out by Ben Duncan Researchon behalf of Jenving Technology. Explanation on page 30.An interview with Tommy Jenving:http://www.tnt-audio.com/intervis/suprae.htmlConductor Dimensions in AWG to MetricAWG Dia. Area AWG Dia. Area AWG Dia. Area(No.) (mm) (mm 2 ) (No.) (mm) (mm 2 ) (No.) (mm) (mm 2 )6/0 14,73 170,3 10 2,59 5,27 25 0,455 0,1635/0 13,12 135,1 11 2,3 4,15 26 0,405 0,1284/0 11,68 107,2 12 2,05 3,31 27 0,361 0,1023/0 10,4 85 13 1,83 2,63 28 0,321 0,08042/0 9,27 67,5 14 1,63 2,08 29 0,286 0,06460 8,25 53,4 15 1,45 1,65 30 0,255 0,05031 7,35 42,4 16 1,29 1,31 31 0,227 0,042 6,54 33,6 17 1,15 1,04 32 0,202 0,0323 5,83 26,7 18 1,024 0,823 33 0,18 0,2524 5,19 21,2 19 0,912 0,653 34 0,16 0,025 4,62 16,8 20 0,812 0,519 35 0,143 0,01616 4,11 13,3 21 0,723 0,412 36 0,127 0,01237 3,67 10,6 22 0,644 0,325 37 0,113 0,018 3,26 8,35 23 0,573 0,259 38 0,101 0,007959 2,91 6,62 24 0,511 0,205 39 0,0897 0,00632Anglo/American vs. Metric1 foot = 0.3048 m 1m = 3.281 feet1 yard = 0.9144 m 1m = 1.094 yards1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1kg = 2.205 poundsF° = (C° x 9/5) + 32 C° = (F°-32) x 5/9FormulasCharacteristic Impedance (Simplified Formula)Z = √ L/CConductor ResistanceR = L x ρ / Awhere L = inductance and C = capacitanceVelocity Factor (Simplified Formula)ν = √1/K where K = dielectricity of the insulationEffective Skin Depthδ = 1/ √ π µ rµ 0σ f where σ = conductivity = 1/resistivityf = frequencyµ r= permeability of the conductorµ 0= permeability of airwhere L = length in mρ = resistivityA = cross section area in mm 2Material ConstantsMaterial Dielectricity Permability Resistivity(K) (µ r ) (Ω x mm 2 /m)PVC 4-5 - -PE Flame Ret. 2.3 - -PE 2.3 - -PTFE/Teflon 2.0 - -PE Foam 1.64 - -Tin (Sn) - 0.115Gold (Au) - µ r >1 but approx. 0.022Copper (Cu) - equal to 1 0.017Silver (Ag) - 0.016Air/Vacuum - 1.26x10 -6 (µ 0 ) -

Supra <strong>Cables</strong> byBastebacka 112-113SE-459 91 Ljungskile, SwedenTelephone: +46 (0)522-698990Telefax: +46 (0)522-698999e-mail:supra@jenving.sewww.jenving.se

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