Curriculum Vitae LISA RANDALL - Lisa Randall - Harvard University

Curriculum Vitae LISA RANDALL - Lisa Randall - Harvard University

Curriculum Vitae LISA RANDALL - Lisa Randall - Harvard University


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• The Record Waterloo, Rose Simone, "Physicist Explores Possibility of ParallelUniverses," March 2006China• Beijing Science and Technology Newspaper, Ma Jia, "Interview on Extra Dimensions,"September 2007England• The Register, Lewis Page, "Something may come through dimensional 'doors' at LHC:Attack of the Hyperdimensional Juggernaut-Men," 6 November 2009• BBC Sky at Night, Sarah Reed, "Search for the Universe's Hidden Dimensions," April2006• Economist, "Science and Technology: A Braney Theory," October 8th-14th, 2005• Daily Express, "88 Years Old and Still Delving Life's Mysteries..." July 13, 2005• Financial Times, Stephen Pincock, "Lunch with the FT: A World of Her Own," July 8,2005• The Guardian, John Crane, "<strong>Lisa</strong> <strong>Randall</strong>: Warped View of the Universe," June 21,2005• The Sunday Times, "Interview: Sarah Baxter meets <strong>Lisa</strong> <strong>Randall</strong>," June 19, 2005• The Daily Telegraph, "Why I Believe in Higher Dimensions," June 1, 2005• BBC, "String Theory and Our Multi-Dimensional Universe," May 24, 2002• The Economist, "Science and Technology: A Matter of Gravity," December 31, 1999France• Le Temps, "La traque de la gravité dans les dimensions cachées," March 2010.• La Recherche, "<strong>Lisa</strong> <strong>Randall</strong>: la gravité se cache dans d'autres dimensions," November2009• Ciel & Espace, "<strong>Lisa</strong> <strong>Randall</strong>: la nouvelle égérie des cordes," December 2006• La Recherche, "L. <strong>Randall</strong>, l’équation ultime pour la physique," October 2005Germany• Wissen Magazin, Hubert Filser, "Die Überirdische" September 2007• Physik Journal, Ralph Blumenhagen, "Physik diesseits and jenseits desStandardmodells," May 2007• Astronomie Heute, Frank Schubert, "Wir die Flächenwesen," January/ February 2007• Berliner Zeitung, Arno Widmann, "Heute in den Feuilletons," December 2, 2006 (alt.)• Der Bund, Patrick Imhasly, "Kühne Idee einer Parallelwelt," November 24, 2006• Die Welt, Norbert Lossau, "Miss Universum," November 11, 2006 (alt.)• Die Welt, Norbert Lossau, "Materie aus höheren Dimensionen," November 11, 2006• Stern Magazine, Frank Ochmann, "<strong>Lisa</strong>s Welt," November 2006• Die Weltwoche, Mathias Plüss, "Die Welt ist mehr, als was wir sehen," November 2006• Wissenschaft Online, Rainer Kayser, "Verborgene Welten," November 2006 (alt.)• Spektrum der Wissenschaft, "Warum nur drei Dimensionen?" November 18, 2006• Der Tagesspiegel, by Thomas de Padova, "Verborgene Universen," November 11, 2006• Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, by Ulf von Rauchhaupt, "In anderen

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