The Junior Reptonian - Repton School Dubai

The Junior Reptonian - Repton School Dubai

The Junior Reptonian - Repton School Dubai


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National Day CelebrationIn the hectic conclusion to lastterm, we missed theopportunity to reflect on thesuperb celebration of Nationalat held at <strong>Repton</strong> on 1 stDecember.<strong>The</strong> event was a tremendoussuccess and enjoyed byeveryone who attended. Iwould like to thank Dina AlBasti and the ArabicDepartment for all their hardwork in organising the day. Iam sure that we are lookingforward to next year’s eventalready!Mark AtkinsHead of <strong>Junior</strong> <strong>School</strong>Love in a BoxDuring the holiday season ourchildren were fortunate toreceive wonderful gifts fromfamily and friends, but forthousands of needy childrenthroughout the world, this wassadly not the case.THE REPTONIANThis week the boys and girls at<strong>Repton</strong> were told about ‘Love in aBox’, a charity which has, for thepast 19 years, sent holiday gifts tochildren for whom a toy, a pack ofcrayons or indeed a toothbrush areonly dreamed of luxuries.This year we have chosen to sendour ‘Love in a Box’ contributions toAgohelma, an organisation inEthiopia which cares for over 5000orphans. In due course, Mrs HelenSinnott will come to <strong>Repton</strong> to talkto the children about Agohelma, aplace, so dear to her heart, forwhich she is a tireless fund raiser.<strong>Repton</strong> children have been givenwritten instructions for thepreparation of the boxes but will,of course, need your support to fillthem.Should you have any queries, pleasecontact me atjeannine.gray@reptondubai.orgThank you. I know that <strong>Repton</strong>’sresponse will be a generous one,giving much pleasure to childrenwho will be overjoyed to receivetheir very own ‘Love in a Box’.Jeannine GraySenior Mistress<strong><strong>Repton</strong>ian</strong>s ReflectWhere do we begin? Last term wasgreat! We had a Tudor day wherewe dressed up as Tudors, didspecial Tudor activities and enjoyeda Tudor feast.National Day was fun; we had arange of exciting activities such ascamel riding, henna tattooing andsaw traditional Arabic dancing.<strong>The</strong>n we had <strong>Dubai</strong> Cares where wehad to read as many books as wecould in two weeks. <strong>Repton</strong> childrenread over 8000 books whichhelped to raise money for poorchildren.Our ‘New Shoes’ project wasawesome; we designed and madesandals for homework, andpeople who saw them displayedoutside our classroom thoughtthey were great!<strong>The</strong>re was a dress up day forcharity and even the teacherswore fancy dress!<strong>The</strong> girls had an inter-housenetball tournament. Dahl won,but only by a couple of points.Orchard won the boys’ interhousefootball. Swimminglessons started at last and wehad fun learning Spanish withSenor Nolan.At the end of term assembly,the Head Boy, Head Girl andPrefects were announced and onthe last day some children in 5Ggot pen licences.So, overall we enjoyed the firstterm of Year 5 …well, as muchas you can enjoy school!Alice Thompson 5GIsobel Howard 5GFootball<strong>Dubai</strong> Football League Finals<strong>The</strong> finals will take place atRashid <strong>School</strong> on Wednesday,14 th Jan, for Years 3 and 4 and<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> P.O. Box 299331, Nad Al Sheba, <strong>Dubai</strong>

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