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ReviewsSCTEXWhile most road networks wereeither blocked by pockets of landslides orwent underwater and rendered impassableeven by passenger buses and other heavyduty vehicles, travel along the SCTEXremained unimpeded, enabling rescueand relief workers to reach their targetdestinations with minimum delay.Vehicles transporting relief goodsand volunteer workers to the disastersites were also able to expeditiouslyshuttle back and forth along the SCTEXeven as some towns and cities in Centraland Northern Luzon regions were stillinundated due to the continuous rainsspawned by Typhoons Ondoy and Pepengthat swept the country early this month.Retired BGen. Robert Gervacio,SCTEX program manager for operationalsupport services and concurrentspokesman, said help from Subic BayMetropolitan Authority (SBMA) and theClark Freeport Zone immediately reachedthe provinces of Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija,Zambales, Tarlac, Benguet, Pampanga andBulacan and Baguio City because of theSCTEX.“The impact of the prompt arrival ofrelief and rehabilitation workers, alongwith the relief goods, at the disaster areascan never be quantified in terms of humanlives saved and other benefits to help easethe pain and sufferings of the typhoonvictims,” Gervacio stressed.Among the early contingents of reliefand rescue workers to have reached thesubmerged communities in Dagupan Cityand the towns of Mangaldan and SanFabian in Pangasinan were elements of thePhilippine National Red Cross chaired bySen. Richard Gordon.SBMA chair Armand Arreza alsomobilized teams to help in packaging fooditems and other relief goods for variousevacuation centers and villagers isolatedby the floods, landslides and mudflows.Aside from donating cash and reliefgoods, locators in Clark and Subic alsodeployed some of their personnel asvolunteers to the relief and evacuationcenters.<strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> / 3Rises to theOccasionThe recent typhoons that wreaked havoc in Luzon and many other parts of the country highlightedthe significance of all-weather roadways like the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) indelivering much-needed relief and rehabilitation services to hard-hit areas.Tarlac City InterchangeThe scenic Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway.Luisita InterchangeClark-Tarlac bound Mabalacat Interchange Subic-Clark boundTipo InterchangeSCTEX Subic-Clark stretch

4 / <strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> In The NewsBCDA holds medical missions inSCTEX host communitiesEven before tropicalstorm Ondoy sweptMetro Manila andother parts of Luzon, thestate-run <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong>and Development Authority(BCDA) has already embarkedon medical missions in severalhost communities of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway(SCTEX).More than 1,000 indigentresidents of at least five barangays inDinalupihan, Bataan, and four barangaysin Floridablanca, Pampanga, benefitedfrom the recent medical and healthmissions conducted separately in theirlocalities. The beneficiaries came frombarangays Sto. Nino, New San Jose,Old San Jose, Pagalangang and SapangBlas in Dinalupihan; and Pabanlag,Apalit, Pandaguirig and Palmayo inFloridablanca.The BCDA credited its “missionpartners”-local government officialsand the Rural Health Units of the twotowns led by Mayor Eduardo Guerreroof Floridablanca, Pampanga, and JoelPayumo of Dinalupihan, Bataan, as wellas certain units of the Northern LuzonCommand for the success of the outreachevents .Volunteer troops from the 3rdRegional Community Defense Groupof the Army Reserve Command, AirDefense Wing of Basa Air Base, 600thWing of Clark Air Base, Air Force CityHospital of Air Base Wing, the 1st AFP(Talon) General Hospital in Tarlac Cityalso participated in the medical and healthmissionsThe BCDA continually holds medicaland health missions in keeping with itscorporate social responsibility (CSR)program designed to help improve thequality of life in communities traversed bythe 93.7-kilometer SCTEX.Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) program manager for operationalsupport services Robert C. Gervacio (standing right) leads a medical mission inDinalupihan, Bataan, while a military medical practitioner from the 3rd RegionalCommunity Defense Group, Army Reserve Command (inset), examines a youngboy in Floridablanca, Pampanga. More than 1,000 residents of barangays Sto.Nino, New San Jose, Old San Jose, Pagalangang and Sapang Blas in Dinalupihanand Pabanlag, Apalit, Pandaguirig and Palmayo in Floridablanca were givenfree medical attention and medicines. The two health missions were in keepingwith the corporate social responsibility program of the <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> andDevelopment Authority (BCDA), builder and owner of SCTEX. Participating in themedical mission were Floridablanca Mayor Eduardo Guerrero, Dinalupihan MayorJoel Payumo, the different commands of the Armed Forces of the <strong>Philippines</strong>(AFP) and the General Hospital of Tarlac City, as well as the Floridablanca andDinalupihan Rural Health Units.SCTEX braces up...from p.2Of course, more temporary entry or exit lanes would be made available as the needarises, Española said.He pointed out, however, that the motorists themselves can significantly contributeto averting traffic jams at the interchanges by preparing the exact amount for the toll fees,saying the process of breaking large bills into smaller amounts lengthens the motorists’stay at the toll plazas. Hence, it is important to know the exact toll fees beforehand.But more important is to avoid traveling during the rush hours when the gridlocksnormally occur, the TMC official said.He pointed out that the queues at the toll plazas usually get unusually longer from 6a.m. to 9 a.m. at the entry lanes, and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the exit lanes..“For your own convenience, try to avoid these particular hours,” Española advisedmotorists. He added that the travelers may also find it handy to bring along a road map,or study their routes before embarking on their trip.“Getting lost along the way certainly takes the fun out of traveling,” he stressed.

Cover Story<strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> / 5The stretch of Sacobia-Bamban bridge,SCTEX’s longest bridge at 1.16 kilometer.BCDA invites bid forSCTEX privatizationThe <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority (BCDA) has issued an invitation toprospective bidders for the management, operations and maintenance of the country’slongest tollway, the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX).BCDA vice president for finance and chairperson of theasset disposition program committee, Victor Zablan, saidinterested private firms to partner with BCDA in running theSCTEX will have until November 6, 20<strong>09</strong> to secure the requiredterms of reference (TOR) after payment of a non-refundable feeof P250,000/set.According to the TOR, the winning bidder will bear theoperational funding requirements for the management, operationsand maintenance of the SCTEX including periodic maintenanceworks, special/major/emergency works and all other additionalworks, and insurance.Also, the private sector partner will provide managementservices, toll collection, traffic safety and security management,tollroad maintenance including greenery and landscaping, andother related services.Mr. Zablan said, BCDA will receive a semi-annual lease/concession fee from the winning bidder, amounting to either: thepeso equivalent of yen-dominated JBIC/JICA loan as well as allfinancing charges payable to BCDA 10 days prior to its due datessecured by a rolling five-year letter of credit; or twenty percentof audited gross revenues whichever is higher.After the November 6 deadline to secure a TOR, bidders areexpected to attend a pre-bid conference on November 10, 20<strong>09</strong>,at the BCDA Corporate Center, Bonifacio Global City, TaguigCity. Details of the TOR will be discussed with the interestedparties during the pre-bid conference to guide them in thesubmission of their bid documents.Zablan stressed that, while BCDA welcomes the privatesector initiatives to join the bidding process, the Agency reservesthe right to accept or reject any proposal, and to reject anyproposal at any time prior to the awarding of the contract --without incurring any liability to the participating firms.

6 / <strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> Feature StoryThe state-owned <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority(BCDA) awarded to Megaworld Corporation the contract to developthe 8.38-hectare North Bonifacio lots in the Bonifacio Global City(BGC) under the Competitive Challenge of the NEDA JV Guidelines last 16<strong>Sept</strong>ember 20<strong>09</strong>.BCDA Vice President for Business Development AileenAn. R. Zosa said Megaworld was declared the winning privateproponent for the joint venture development of the NorthBonifacio Lots after it passed the post-qualification stage.Zosa announced that the signing of the joint ventureagreement for the project is scheduled on <strong>Oct</strong>. 8, 20<strong>09</strong>, followingapproval by the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel ofthe draft JV Contract.Megaworld outbidded Robinsons Land Corp. (RLC) byincreasing its upfront cash offer from P700 million to P1.062billion, resulting in a price of at least P37,603.69/sq.m., up fromRLC’s offer of P37,597.86/sq.m. Thus, the effective offer ofMegaworld for the entire property went up to P3.1511 billionfrom P2.7891 billion as against RLC’s P3.1507 billion.BCDA President/CEO General Narciso L. Abaya (Ret.)noted that these competitive offers from two real estate giants atthis time “demonstrate the sustained confidence of investors inBonifacio Global City and in the overall economic condition ofthe country, in general.”The BCDA also cited Megaworld’s annual secured revenuesof P306.616 million per year for 12 years, compared to RLC’sproposed annual secured revenues of P299.5 million. Megaworldcommitted from P15.6 billion to P20 billion for the developmentof the property into a mix use complex with predominantlyresidential uses.Zosa said this project would be a significant contribution tothe government’s economic stimulus program, considering the jobcreation and multiplier effects arising from the development.The Matching Offer for North Bonifacio LotsFollowing RLC challenge offer to the unsolicited proposal ofMegaworld for the 8.38 hectare-North Bonifacio Lots owned byBCDA, Megaworld submitted last August 25, 20<strong>09</strong> a matchingoffer.“These competitive offers from two realestate giants at this time “demonstratethe sustained confi dence of investors inBonifacio Global City and in the overalleconomic condition of the country, ingeneral.”- P/CEO Narciso AbayaStar Cruise ManilaMap of the North Bonicafio 8.3 has to bedeveloped by Megaworld Corporation.BCDA awards8.38-hect

Feature Story<strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> / 7The BCDA Board approved thematching offer of Megaworld Corporationon the 26th of August.Thereafter, BCDA shall conduct postqualification within the week. Megaworldhas been declared the Winning PrivateSector Participant for the joint venturedevelopment of North Bonifacio Lots afterpassing the post-qualification stage.Post-qualification consists ofverification of documents submitted andrepresentations made by Megaworldfor the selection process pursuant to theTerms of Reference for the competitivechallenge.Note that Megaworld proposed annualsecured revenues to BCDA of P306.616million per year for 12 years while RLCproposed annual secured revenues toBCDA of P299.5 million per year for12 years. RLC’s proposed upfront cashwas slightly higher at P1.11 billion.Investment commitment of Megaworld isat least P20 billion for the development ofthe property into a mix use complex withpredominantly residential uses.Megaworld is presently developingthe Newport City located at the formerVillamor Air Base where the five starMarriott Hotel, Residential Resort andStar Cruise Manila are situated.The five-star Marriott Hotel.McKinley Hill, a priority project ofMegaworld Corporation, is locatedat Fort Bonifacio.Residential ResortMegaworld the right to developare North Bonifacio lots

8 / <strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> In the NewsBonifacio Globalequal Makati sThis would be a huge change from what used to be viewedas just an alternate route to the Makati central business district(CBD).In a statement, the Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation(FBDC) said it expects Bonifacio Global City’s gross floor areato hit 2.6 million square meters (sq. m.) by 2012 or more thantwice the figure today. Citing various studies, FBDC said itexpects the supply of residential units to reach 8,442 units – atpar with Makati’s and surpassing Ortigas’ 7,000 units.Property analysts have projected Bonifacio Global City tocome out of depressed price first. Rates in Fort Bonifacio fell bya fifth to P550 per sq. m. in the second quarter.This was slower compared to the 42% drop in the price ofprime offices in the Makati district to P700 per sq.m. from Aprilto June. Property experts expect land prices at Fort Bonifacio togo up in the future as it dethrones Ortigas Center in Pasig as analternative CBD three to five years from now.“The vision is to create an ideal and balanced lifestylewith sufficient time for work and recreation. By creating anBy Kristine Jane R. Liu / Business World / <strong>09</strong>/21/20<strong>09</strong>The Bonifacio Global City expects to become as big as Makati in terms of floor area inthree years, the developer of the former military reservation in Taguig said, pointing tothe mushrooming of condominiums, corporate headquarters, and retail businesses.environment that fosters such a balance, we hope to attractlocators who will contribute further to this goal,” Noel Kintanar,FBDC head of commercial operations, said.FBDC is a joint venture between Ayala Land, Inc.and Campos-led Evergreen Holdings, Inc., as well as thegovernment’s <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority.Ayala Land and Evergreen bought the controlling stake in theproperty firm from Metro Pacific Investments Corp. in 2003.With the opening of the Bonifacio High Street commercialcenter, FBDC said the development is spreading northwardthrough the “City Center North” area, which has 14 commerciallots that are around 2,000 sq.m. each.Aside from City Center North, other developments include ascience museum – The Mind Museum – which was expected todraw 250,000 visitors annually upon completion in 2011.“This will be in addition to plans to expand and upgrade thetransport system and other systems, infrastructure, and amenitiesthat will ensure a city that works,” FBDC said.Fort Bonifacio dates back to American colonial period,

In the News<strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> / 9City expects topace by 2012when the US government acquired land in Taguig for militarypurposes. After Philippine independence, the area knownthen as Fort William McKinley, was renamed Fort Bonifacioand became the home of the Philippine Army and later, thePhilippine Marines.When Fort Bonifacio land was privatized in 1995 andplaced under the administration of the <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> andDevelopment Authority, the whole area was restored to Taguig.High-end residential condominiums include Essensa,Serendra, Pacific Plaza and Regent Parkway, ForbeswoodHeights, and Kensington. Office buildings include Net Square,Bonifacio Technology Center, the HSBC building, Hanjin<strong>Philippines</strong> and Singapore Chancery.More projects are set to rise on the area, which include thesix-star, 60-storey Sharila-La at the Fort which would have 500hotel rooms and 234 apartments. It is scheduled to open in 2012.The Philippine Stock Exchange is planning to build aunified headquarters at Fort Bonifacio, leaving its offices inMakati and Ortigas.The 14-storey St. Luke’s Medical Center, which will have600 beds and an 11 storey medical arts building with 366doctors’ offices, will open this year.Fort Bonifacio will also become the site of the country’stallest building, the 66-storey skyscraper Federal Land towercosting P20 billion.

10 / <strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> In the BaseClark Development Corporationtrains Aetas for eco-tourism activitiesCDC - Public Relations Department 10/26/20<strong>09</strong>CLARK FREEPORT – The Clark Development Corporation (CDC) spearheaded the trainingof 18 Aetas on eco-tourism as part of the state-owned firm’s development of the Next Frontierin the Sacobia Valley.CDC Tourism and Promotions OfficeManager Noemi Garcia said the Aetaswere brought to the JEST Camp inside theSubic Freeport and underwent a one-daytraining on eco-tourism.She said the participants in theeco-tourism training also took a crashcourse in survival training and capped theactivity with a trek of the JEST Camp’smountainous area.Garcia said the Aetas were the samegroup that has successfully completeda course on tour guiding. They are nowemployed at the Clark Museum as tourguides.CDC President Benigno N. Ricafortsaid part of their training was a tour tovarious national museums “to benchmarkand observe” the work of curators andguides.Ricafort added that the 18 Aetashave been selected as tour guides afteran extensive training spearheaded by theCDC, in cooperation with the Departmentof Tourism (DOT) Region III office lastJune 15 to 19, 20<strong>09</strong>.Last August this year, more than 100Aetas and residents of the Sacobia Valleyhere have applied for security force for theNext Frontier area.Ricafort said the hiring of Aetasecurity personnel is one of the CDC’smeasures to provide livelihood programsfor indigenous people in the Next Frontierarea.Dubbed “Special Citizens ArmedForces Geographical Unit ActiveAuxiliary” (SCAA), the project is arecruitment of Ayta Security Detail for theNext Frontier, Ricafort said.Ricafort said the SCAA is acollaboration program of the state-ownedfirm with the Philippine Army’s 7thInfantry Battalion, the Philippine NationalPolice and the Philippine Air Force.He said more than 100 Aetas,including non-Aeta residents, have appliedin the program, adding that a total of 88personnel will be hired for the SCAAproject.Guam airport exec cites DMIACIAC - Public Relations Department / 10/<strong>09</strong>/20<strong>09</strong>CLARK FREEPORT – A topofficials of the Guam InternationalAirport was impressed by thedevelopments at the 2,367-hectareClark Civil Aviation Complex here.Martin Gerber, GIA Board chairman,said the Diosdado Macapagal InternationalAirport (DMIA) has a big potential tobecome the country’s premier gateway.“You have an incredible developmenthere, I am very impressed of what I haveseen in your airport,” said Martin, whomade a visit on Thursday at the ClarkInternational Airport Corporation (CIAC)Corporate Office.CIAC President Victor Jose Luciano,Executive Vice President AlexanderCauguiran, Vice President for OperationsRomeo Dyoco and Vice President forAdministration, Finance Lauro Ortileand Captain Ben Solis of the AsiaFoundation welcomed Gerber at the CIACBoardroom.The officials briefed Gerber of ongoingdevelopments at the DMIA.Luciano told Gerber about theconstruction of the DMIA Terminal 2and the expansion of the Terminal 1 toaccommodate a big volume of passengersin the coming years.Luciano said DMIA now caters theRicafort reported that the applicantshave trained at Fort Magsaysay in NuevaEcija for 45 days, added that the CDC willprovide for the trainees’ allowances andother incidentals for the duration of theirstay in Fort Magsaysay.The CDC president said the initialscope of SCAA personnel is “to assistand provide security to the surveying andengineering personnel to complete theland-marking of the Next Frontier MasterDevelopment Plan.”Also, the SCAA is expected “to assistand provide security to the surveyingand engineering contractors for theconstruction of the road infrastructure thatwill be funded with the advance rentalpayments of the Next Frontier investors.”“The SCAA project is related to theCDC’s Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) program for the Next Frontier,”Ricafort said, citing the recent hiring of18 Aetas to serve as tour guides inside theFreeport and their eco-tourism training atthe Subic anddomestic flightsof foreign andlocal carriersoperating here.He alsoinformed Gerberthat Spirit ofLucianoManila Airlinesand Zest Air will soon fly out of Clarkto various destinations in the South EastAsian Region and the Middle East.DMIA is also hosts to air carrierssuch as Asiana Airlines, Tiger Airways,Air Asia, Cebu Pacific Air and South EastAsian Airlines.Gerber said that he will inform theGIA Board about the developments at theDMIA.

In Reviews the Base<strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>Sept</strong>ember-August 20<strong>09</strong> / 11Diosdado Macapagal International AirportCLARK FREEPORT – Developmentsat the Diosdado Macapagal InternationalAirport (DMIA) has caught anew theattention of an international magazineand recognized is as the “Most PromisingUpstart Airport” during a recentinternational event for airlines worldwide.“This recognition shows that DMIAand the developments pertaining to itsoperation is gradually gaining popularityand has impressed magazines such as that will introduce it to the UnitedKingdom where it is widely circulatedand eventually, to the world,” said ClarkInternational Airport Corporation (CIAC)President and CEO Victor Jose I. magazine is one of theleading airline network news and analysisis the United Kingdom which covers airportdevelopments, network planning used byairline and airport worldwide.The recognition was given during the15th World Routes Development Forumheld in Beijing, China on <strong>Sept</strong>ember 13 to15.“We at DMIA are honored that we havebeen recognized as one of the promisingupstart airports during the Routes Forumand we will surely continue to grow becauseof the support of foreign and local carriersflying out of DMIA,” Luciano added.gets recognitionfrom magazineCIAC - Public Relations Department / 10/14/20<strong>09</strong>CIAC was more than 300 participants including airline representativesin the 15th World Routes Development Forum where Clark airport bodyshowcased its programs and developments at the DMIA to the airlines of theworld.Luciano was represented by CIAC Corporate Planning Manager DarwinCunanan as head of the CIAC delegation. Delegation members include Atty.Milanie Reyes, Lyn Sanchez, Jesito Ponio Jr., and Atty. Pearl Sagmit.In the <strong>Sept</strong>ember 18 issue of magazine, DMIA was recognizedas Most Promising Upstart Airport being a first-time exhibitor during the 15thWorld Routes Development Forum held in Beijing, China.“The DMIA continues to attract passengers and has posted a positivegrowth despite global economic situation. The airport is going strong and CIACis committed to give the traveling public world-class service,” Luciano said.“We expect more flights and passengers this year which will fuel thecontinuing growth and development of the DMIA,” he added.

12 / <strong>Sept</strong>ember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>09</strong> In the BaseHere comes the Roadtrain...Subic to launch cost-efficienttrucking system via SCTEXSBMA - Public Relations Department 10/26/20<strong>09</strong>SUBIC BAY FREEPORT - A trucking system popularly usedin Argentina, Australia, Mexico, United States and WesternCanada to efficiently transport bulky loads will soon be seenfor the first time along the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway(SCTEX).Expected to hit the SCTEX in the fourth quarter this year, the so-called road train or “triples,”as it is known in the U.S. and Canada, will be introduced by the International Heavy TrucksCenter (IHTC), a Subic-registered enterprise.The roadtrain consists of a conventional tractor pulling not just one trailer, but two or threeusing a trailer truck dolly. A trailer dolly is a single-axled articulated fifth wheel that connects twoor three trailers pulled by a tractor head.IHTC said the use of the roadtrain at the SCTEX was arranged through continuouscoordination with Philippine National Construction Corporation.Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) administrator Armand Arreza said that the use oftrailer truck dollies via the SCTEX “will mean big savings and provide more efficient means oftransporting goods between Clark and Subic.”“We’re sure that the trailer dollies will attract not only more investors and port users in Subicand Clark Freeport zones, but also other importers and exporters from Central and NorthernLuzon,” Arreza said.He explained that the introduction of the trailer dolly would also lower freight cost becausetwo or three more trailers can now be connected behind the main trailer.Arthur delos Reyes, SBMA consultant for special projects and economic development, saidthe IHTC will initially be using two trailer dollies that are about 90-feet long each.The trailer dollies are “very safe and road worthy,” he added.“Being the first in the <strong>Philippines</strong>, this cost-saving mechanism is expected to encourageheavy port users in Central Luzon to use Subic, thus increasing shipments in the Freeport,” Reyessaid.Reyes also said that the new transport concept will be used only in the SCTEX, whichconnects the free ports of Clark and Subic, because the roads leading to the ports of Subic andClark are wider and hardly have any traffic problem.The truck dollies, however, cannot be used presently in the North Luzon Expressway orSouth Luzon Expressway, he added.

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