System Catalogue - Sinar Photography

System Catalogue - Sinar Photography

System Catalogue - Sinar Photography

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<strong>System</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong>2000/2001

The extraordinary versatility of viewcameras expands the seemingly rigidboundaries of photography, providing thephotographer with entirely new degreesof creative freedom.The film and lens planes on adjustablecamera platforms from <strong>Sinar</strong> can easilybe shifted for very convenient perspectivecorrections and even for modifications.By working with the camera’s features, thephotographer can skillfully use its swings andtilts to define the planes of sharpness andunsharpness in such a way as to conveyprecisely the desired pictorial expression tothe viewer.

We are well into the era of digitalnetworking. Large photographicbusinesses recognized the advantagesof digital imaging (from original exposureto printed page). The flexibility of the<strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong> makes it easy, for instance,to attach a digital back to a <strong>Sinar</strong> p2,creating a perfect professional digitalcamera, one that matured from its infancylong ago and that is in full active use in agreat many locations.The Otto Mail Order House, largestenterprise of its kind in the world, utilizesthe many advantages of digitalphotography with the <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong>.

Embarking in the <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong> revealsthat <strong>Sinar</strong> strives to produce the world’sbest professional cameras, and <strong>Sinar</strong>stands firmly behind its clients with anoutstanding customer service.The <strong>Sinar</strong> Workshops are a goodexample of that service. These experiencesof one or more days with thewonders of large format photographyare designed to demonstrate how itsenormous capabilities can be utilizedto optimal advantage. Participants fromaround the world expand their knowhowin the <strong>Sinar</strong> Workshops. Becausehardly any photographer wants tostruggle with abstract theories, the<strong>Sinar</strong> Workshops are organized intosmall coherent groups to practice theefficient execution of sample assignments.The <strong>Sinar</strong> f line is the most costeffectiveentry into the <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong>.For professionals concerned aboutweight, volume and budget, virtuallynothing is more appropriate than the<strong>Sinar</strong> f.The <strong>Sinar</strong> p line, worldwide symbol forsuperb professional cameras, is unsurpassedin versatility, precision, ruggednessand adjustment capabilities.The “p” stands for “perfection”.<strong>Sinar</strong> offers even more opportunitiesto become proficient with large formatphotography, such as <strong>Sinar</strong>-Info, issuedseveral times a year to cover currenttopics. A major secret tip among photographersall over the world is thenew series of books entitled “CreativeLarge Format” published by <strong>Sinar</strong>Edition. Its volumes on major subjects,like Basics, Architecture and NaturalLandscapes describe how high-impactphotographs are made that stand outin today’s avalanche of pictures.The <strong>Sinar</strong> x is a cost-efficient alternativeto the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2, performing all thefunctions with equal perfection, butdeliberately dispensing with some ofthe amenities and upgrade possibilities.<strong>Sinar</strong> also offers a digital imaging systemfor demanding studio photographythat integrates seamlessly into itsproven <strong>Sinar</strong> view camera system andthat can also be attached to mediumformat cameras: the <strong>Sinar</strong>back.SINAR AGCH-8245 Feuerthalen/SwitzerlandTelephone +41/52 647 07 07Fax +41/52 647 06 06E-mail sinar@sinar.chWebsite www.sinarcameras.comPrinted in SwitzerlandModifications and availability reserved751.00/05.77.008 e – 01.0902© 2000 SINAR AG, Switzerland

CamerasTransforming Ideas into ImagesThe professional photographer’sjob is becoming ever more demanding.His client expects innovativeinterpretations of ideas.Not only must these interpretationsreflect prevailing trends,they must also conform to an establishedbudget. And they mustmeet high expectations of quality.No two assignments are alike.The need for flexibility alreadybegins with the choice of the imaging medium.Depending on the nature of the assignment,the client may require images onrollfilm, sheet film, and increasingly on digitalstorage media.<strong>Photography</strong> is writing with light and transformingideas into images. The art consistsof the skilled manipulation of light andshadows, the judicious application of sharpnessand unsharpness and the creativechoice of perspectives. Time constraintsand technical limitations are the only restrictionson creativity and they sometimesbecome obstacles in the path to perfectphotographs.The evolution of 50 years of studio work,backed by innovative research and developmenthas shaped today’s <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong>.The introduction of extremely versatilesystem components eliminated technicalbarriers in a revolutionary way and step-bystepopened new freedoms for creativity.The <strong>Sinar</strong> Quality ChainEvery chain is only as strong as its weakestlink. That motivates <strong>Sinar</strong> to pay specialattention to the optimal compatibility of individualcomponents with each other andto the uncompromised quality of each andevery system element.This guarantees the photographer thatwonderfully reassuring confidence in thereliability of his camera. Individual cameraand accessory components are designedto work smoothly with each other and withoutany impairment to handling. All camerasin the <strong>Sinar</strong> line of products are ofequally high quality and, depending on thecomposition of the outfit, they can be usedfor the greatest variety of assignments.Thus <strong>Sinar</strong> always equips the photographerwith the ideal tools for transformingideas into images quickly and perfectly.The Modular <strong>System</strong>The <strong>Sinar</strong> system was designed in such away that the various camera models andaccessories can be combined in numerousconfigurations. This enables the photographerto assemble exactly the right cameraoutfit that is optimally tailored to the assignmentat hand.Basic models of <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras:•The first choice in the range of purelymechanical cameras is the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2.Thanks to its refined design, settings andfocusing with the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 can be accomplishedfaster than with any other camera.Not only does this save precious time, italso provides significant gains in precision.This model too, can be adapted for use asa digital camera.• The <strong>Sinar</strong> x camera is available as amore affordable variation of the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2that features the same robust constructionand ease of use of the highly precise adjustmentcapabilities, but which deliberatelyomits certain other features.• The <strong>Sinar</strong> f1 and f2 cameras are excellentas entry cameras for large format photographyand as ideal cameras for outdoorphotography. They are lightweight andaffordable, and their componentsare, of course, fully system-compatible.• In conjunction with its digitalimaging backs, <strong>Sinar</strong> offers arange of Adapters (see the<strong>Sinar</strong> digital catalogue entitled“Digital Performance”). Theseadapters and adapter kits makeit possible to use the most popularprofessional digital backs and the<strong>Sinar</strong>back on <strong>Sinar</strong> Cameras and on themost important medium format cameras.• For professional digital photography inthe studio, we recommend the compact<strong>Sinar</strong>cams, which provide an efficient wayof working:The <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 for the <strong>Sinar</strong>back digitalback can be used on its own as a compactstudio camera and it can also be usedin conjunction with <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 and <strong>Sinar</strong> xview cameras.The <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1 for the LeafVolare and the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 3 for the LeafCantare digital back can also be used ontheir own as compact studio cameras, orthey can be used in combination with a<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 camera.Up-to-date AccessoriesThe convenience of the modular system isthe fact that practically every individualcomponent of the <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong> can beused with every <strong>Sinar</strong> camera model. Theline of accessories is constantly being expandedwith new items, which can, ofcourse, also be used with older <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras.For example, the versatile <strong>Sinar</strong> RollfilmHolder Zoom 2 with adjustable formatmasks, or the Expolux Shutter <strong>System</strong>.Exposure metering probes permit quick determinationof the correct exposure andthey supply data for optimal contrast in theoriginal for printing. The modern proprietary<strong>Sinar</strong> digital back, the <strong>Sinar</strong>back, in itsvarious variations and with its ample rangeof accessories, can also be adapted withease at any time.1- 1


Cameras1- 3

CamerasThe <strong>Sinar</strong> p2SINAR p2 4x5″/10x12.5cm491.76Adjustment ranges:Adjustmentvertical: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4cmhorizontal: ← 3 cm, → 5cmCoarse tilt: ± 45°Fine tilt: ± 19°Swivel: ± 50°Fine focus:5 cmBellows extension withMultipurpose bellows: 4 cm to 45 cmConsists of:411.41 Rail Clamp 2422.21 Basic Rail 12″/30 cm429.21 2 Rail Caps431.51 Front Standard p2433.26 Carrier Frame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm433.51 Bearer p2454.11 Multipurpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5 cm462.16 Metering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm531.41 Lensboard HolderWeight: 5.9 kg (13 lb).SINAR p2 4x5″/10x12.5cmSINAR p2 5x7″/13x18 cm491.77433.26454.11431.51Adjustment ranges:Vertical adjustmentRear standard: ↑ 5 cm, ↓ 2cmFront standard: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4cmHorizontal adjustmentsRear standard: ← 5 cm, → 4cmFront standard: ← 3 cm, → 5cmCoarse tiltRear standard: ± 30°Front standard: ± 50°Fine tilt: ± 19°Swivel: ± 50°Fine focus:5 cmBellows extensionwith tapered bellows: 4 cm to 45 cmWeight:6,8 kg (15 lb)SINAR p2 8x10″/20x25cm491.78Adjustment ranges:Vertical adjustmentRear standard: ↑ 5 cm, ↓ 0cmFront standard: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4cmHorizontal adjustmentsRear standard: ← 6 cm, → 2cmFront standard: ← 3 cm, → 5cmCoarse tiltRear standard: ± 20°Front standard: ± 50°Fine tilt: ± 19°Swivel: ± 50°Fine focus:5 cmBellows extensionwith tapered bellows: 5 cm to 71 cmWeight:8,2 kg (18 lb)462.16429.21433.51411.41In terms of technical capabilities, the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 camera represents the leadingedge of today's camera technology. Itgives the photographer purposeful adjustmentcapabilities that are based onwell thought out and very precise mechanisms.That precision and the sturdinessis particularlyimportantwhen a digitalH1back is beingused. With theasymmetricalVswing/tilt axes, V1sharpness compensationcanHbe accomplishedswiftly and withgreat accuracy.422.21531.41429.21<strong>Sinar</strong> p2:The easiest sharpness compensation,made possible by asymmetrical swing/tilt axesEven with double sharpness compensation,the camera always remains in thecorrect position (free of sway), there isno need for tilting anything out of the wayor for any readjustments.1. An image point is focused on the horizontal(H) or the vertical (V) swing/tiltaxis.2. Now focusing is performed on theother axis, i.e. over the entire imagearea, using the fine drive knob, andpresto: it is done! If necessary, the inclinationobtained in this manner withthe swing/tilt axis can be transferred tothe front standard in order to retain thesame perspective.1-4

Cameras1- 5

CamerasThe <strong>Sinar</strong> xSINAR x 4x5″/10x12.5cm491.66Consists of:411.21 Rail Clamp 1422.21 Basic Rail 12″/30 cm429.21 2 Rail Caps431.71 Front Standard x433.76 Rear Standard x 4x5″/10x12.5 cm454.11 Multiporpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5cm461.36 Holder/Focusing Back4x5″/10x12.5 cm531.41 Lensboard HolderWeight: 5.8 kg (13 lb).Adjustment ranges:Adjustmentvertical: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4cmhorizontal: ← 3 cm, → 5cmCoarse tilt: ± 40°Fine tilt: ± 19°Swivel: ± 50°Fine focus:5 cmBellows extension withMultipurpose bellows: 4 cm to 45 cm461.36429.21SINAR x 4x5″/10x12.5cm454.11431.71531.41433.76411.21422.21429.21The <strong>Sinar</strong> x: A cost-efficient high-end view cameraFor studio photography in the 4 x 5″ format,the <strong>Sinar</strong> x camera is a cost-efficientalternative to the outstanding <strong>Sinar</strong>p2 camera, performing all the functionswith equal perfection, but deliberatelydispensing with some of the operatingamenities.The TTL Metering Back, for instance, isnot included in the basic outfit, but it remainsan option that can be added later.As in the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 camera, all fine drivesare self-locking, so that a separate lockingdevice is unnecessary, significantlyenhancing focusing accuracy. All that isneeded is a slightly stronger turning motionthan that required for adjusting the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 camera.The feature of adapting formats largerthan 4 x 5″ was also intentionally foregoneon the <strong>Sinar</strong> x camera. Modern digitalbacks with area CCD arrays, suchas the <strong>Sinar</strong>back or the Leaf Volare, forinstance, as well as digital camera scanners,can also be used without any problemson a <strong>Sinar</strong> x camera.The asymmetrical swing/tilt capability forfast, optimal and accurate setting of theplane of sharpness is, of course, an integralfeature of the <strong>Sinar</strong> x camera. As inevery <strong>Sinar</strong> camera, finish and workmanshipare perfect to the last detail, ensuringoutstanding durability and valueretention. The <strong>Sinar</strong> x camera providesthe large format photographer with thebest features at a favorable price: it is theperfect entry camera and it can be expandedat will within the <strong>Sinar</strong> modularsystem.1-6


CamerasThe <strong>Sinar</strong> f2SINAR f2 4x5″/10x12.5cm491.96Consists of:411.21 Rail Clamp 1422.21 Basic Rail 12″/30 cm429.21 2 Rail Caps431.61 Front Standard f2433.66 Rear Standard f2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm454.11 Multipurpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5 cm461.36 Holder/Focusing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm531.41 Lensboard HolderWeight: 3.6 kg (8 lb)SINAR f2 4x5″/10x12.5cm454.11Adjustment ranges:531.41Vertical adjustment: ↑↓ 11 cmHorizontal adjustmentsRear standard: ← 4 cm, → 2cmFront standard: ← 5 cm, → 3cmCoarse tilt: ± 40°Swivel: ± 50°Fine focus:4 cmBellows extension withMultipurpose bellows: 4 cm to 45 cm461.36429.21433.66411.21422.21431.61429.21<strong>Sinar</strong> f2: Expansion is possible at any timeA special characteristic of the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 isits light weight, which makes it an ideallarge format camera for assignmentsthat require travel. Because of its attractiveprice, it also enables young photographersto embark on the <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong>.If the camera is later converted into a<strong>Sinar</strong> p2, the components of the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2can continue to be used as practicalaccessories within the <strong>Sinar</strong> Modular<strong>System</strong>.The <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 is the most basic version.Nevertheless, with its angle scale dialand its depth of field scale, it alreadypossesses the most important featuresfor simple camera adjustments.The front standard can be used as an intermediatestandard after an expansion.Its rear standard is not equipped to accommodatethe metering probe. Both,the front and the rear standard featurefine focusing knobs for precise sharpnesscontrol. In addition, the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 canbe equipped with a metering back as anaccessory that makes it possible to usea metering probe at the film plane. Thissystem of compatible components allowsa gradual expansion of the cameraoutfit, beginning with the most basic f2,progressing all the way to a p2.1-8

Digital <strong>Photography</strong>The Digital ImageThe change from chemical to digital imagingin professional photography took placequicker than originally imagined: The imageis recorded with a digital storage mediumand fed directly into a computer for furthermanipulation. Even though digitalimaging technology is unlikely to replacefilm for very high resolution photographycompletely, today it is established in practicallyall segments of photography, includingstill life photography, catalog- and fashionphotography. Even with moving subjectsthere are no limitations anymore.Basically, there are two different kinds ofdigital backs that can be used on a <strong>Sinar</strong>camera:• Digital backs with a CCD sensor array:Because of the short exposure times, basicallyall the usual light sources can beused (flash or continuous lighting). The relativelysmall CCD chip requires lenses withshort focal lengths that must also have veryhigh resolution. The <strong>Sinar</strong> product rangenow includes the special <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digitallenses that are capable of transferring thecomplete image information to the highpixel density of the CCD chip. Exposure parametersand color filtering are controlledin different ways, depending on the type ofdigital back that is being used (one- ormulti-shot). For example, the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 isused with the <strong>Sinar</strong>back (1- and 4-shot),whereas the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1 is used with theLeaf Volare (3-shot). But there are also digitalbacks with which one of the versionsof the <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux shutter is used.• Digital backs with a camera scanner:These scanners have three tightly alignedCCD arrays for the basic colors red, greenand blue, so that only one scanning passis required per exposure. Scanning takes afew minutes, therefore only continuous lightcan be used, such as halogen light, calibratedfluorescent light with daylight colorbalance or HMI light.For professional imaging, the followingcomputer requirements apply: Apple MacintoshPower PC with OS 8.5 or higher, atleast 256 MB RAM, graphic card with atleast 4 MB VRAM (true color rendition),hard disk drive with at least 1 GB availablestorage space, 17″ or larger monitor, CDdrive, output devices for filing and dataexchange, such as a CD writer, Iomega Jazor Iomega Zip interchangeable discs, DigitalVersatile Discs (DVD), etc. If electronicimage manipulation is also to be performedon the same computer, a faster processor isrecommended, along with a 20″ (or larger)monitor and greater memory capacity.For the very best results with both imagingtechniques, the highest demands are alsoplaced on the camera and on the lenses.The cameras we recommend are the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 as well as the <strong>Sinar</strong> x, which arewell suited for this purpose, because oftheir precise adjustment capabilities andtheir sturdiness.The compact studio cameras from <strong>Sinar</strong>are excellent choices for highly efficientwork in regular studio photography:• The <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 with the <strong>Sinar</strong>back DigitalBack can be used as a compact studiocamera and it can also be used in conjunctionwith the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 (<strong>Sinar</strong> x) viewcameras. These combinations producehigh-quality color photographs of staticsubjects (4-shot) and also of dynamic subjects(1-shot).• The <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1 with the Leaf Volare orthe Leaf DCB-LV digital back can also beused as a compact studio camera and itcan also be used in combination with the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 camera system. Static subjectscan be photographed in high-quality colorand dynamic subjects can be captured inblack-and-white. Upon request, also forLeaf 1-shot digital backs, the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 3 isavailable (same as the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1 but withoutthe filter wheel).For the compact versions of <strong>Sinar</strong> DigitalCameras, there is a special line of <strong>Sinar</strong>onDigital lenses designed for uncomplicated,efficient studio photography. The basic lensin that line is the 35 – 80 mm ƒ/2.8 <strong>Sinar</strong>onDigital Zoom Lens. In addition, lenses fromLeica, Nikon, Olympus, Hasselblad andMamiya can also be used, thus creating thebroadest selection of lenses for a digitalcamera system. For professional <strong>Sinar</strong> DigitalCameras, <strong>Sinar</strong> offers the line of<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Lenses in DB Auto ApertureMounts.Today, the <strong>Sinar</strong>back digital back on the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 and the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 are the ultimate professional working tools in thedigital photography studio.Digital photography not only produces detailed image informationthat can be utilized immediately, it also permits direct andexact controls of mumerous parameters right on the monitor.2-1

Digital <strong>Photography</strong>Everything from the same source<strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2Digital Camera<strong>Sinar</strong>backIndividualCamera AdapterCapturing Software<strong>Sinar</strong> CaptureShop<strong>Sinar</strong>onDigital Lenses in DBProfessional<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 CameraMedium FormatCamerasAdjustableStandardsOnline-HelpBellows Lens HoodCarrier FrameDigital imaging techniques are becomingever more important in photography. In certaincategories, professional photographsmade digitally have already surpassedthose made with chemical film. The knowhowand the skill of the photographer continueto be as indispensable as they werebefore. Optical and physical imaging requirementsremain unchanged. As before,it is important for the photographer to selectthe camera that is most appropriate forthe respective task. Today <strong>Sinar</strong> offers adigital imaging system for demanding studiophotography that integrates seamlesslyinto its proven <strong>Sinar</strong> view camera systemand that can also be attached to mediumformat cameras: the <strong>Sinar</strong>back.Upgrading and the continued use of existing,well-proven accessories for the <strong>Sinar</strong>system are also safeguarded in digital photography.This open system constitutes anideal foundation for the future as well. Forchemical or for digital imaging media, <strong>Sinar</strong>offers precisely the right adaptations for itsview cameras. In addition, the <strong>Sinar</strong>backcan easily and quickly be attached to amedium format camera. Thanks to the livevideofocusing image, it is also readily possibleto adapt the <strong>Sinar</strong>back to a <strong>Sinar</strong> x ora <strong>Sinar</strong> f camera. This provides the photographerwith the greatest possible freedomin the choice of the right camera forthe respective photographic task.With the <strong>Sinar</strong>cams and the Expolux shuttersystem, <strong>Sinar</strong> offers a solution for practicallyall applications in the field of viewcameras. Even with scanner camera applications,for example, the Expolux shutter isComputer requirementsfor professionaldigital imaging:Apple Macintosh Power PC with OS 8.5or higher, at least 256 MB RAM, graphiccard with at least 4 MB VRAM (true colorrendition), hard disc with at least 1 GBof available storage space, 17″ or largervideo monitor, CD drive, output devicesfor filing and data exchange, such as aCD writer, Iomega Jaz or Iomega Zip interchangeablediscs, Digital VersatileDiscs (DVD), etc. If electronic imagemanipulation is also to be performed onthe same computer, a faster processoris recommended, along with a 20″ (orlarger) video monitor and greater memorycapacity.the ideal tool, regardless of whether continuousillumination or flash light is beingused. The <strong>Sinar</strong>cams can be used as computer-controlledcameras on the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2view camera and they can also be used ontheir own as compact solutions. With itsfully automatic shutter- and aperture controls,the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam lets the photographerwork where he can best devote himself tothe composition and the exposure of thephotograph: behind the camera, at thescreen. Furthermore, it permits the use ofa wide range of 35 mm, medium- and viewcamera lenses. This also makes it possibleto use digital photography in extreme wideanglesituations.The relatively small CCD area sensorsused in digital photography require especiallyhigh precision in focusing the imagein order to achieve optimal sharpness.<strong>Sinar</strong> cameras are well equipped for theserequirements, at the same time offering thegreatest ease of operation. In the field ofdigital photography too, <strong>Sinar</strong> remainsfaithful to its policy of providing the highestquality and efficiency, at the same time enablingyou to obtain everything from thesame trusted source.2-2

Digital <strong>Photography</strong>2-3

Digital <strong>Photography</strong><strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 / <strong>Sinar</strong>back<strong>Sinar</strong>backThe universal, high-resolution <strong>Sinar</strong>backDigital Back developed by <strong>Sinar</strong> enables all<strong>Sinar</strong> view cameras as well as a variety ofmedium format cameras to be efficiently integratedinto a demanding digital workflow.The <strong>Sinar</strong>back requires no filter wheel, yetevery pixel contains full color information ata color depth of 14 Bit. The <strong>Sinar</strong>back canbe used as a 4-shot camera for static subjectsand as a 1-shot camera for dynamicsubjects. Thanks to fiber optics technology,even picture sequences of at least oneimage per second are possible. The activeand regulated cooling of the CCD chip minimizeselectronic threshold noise, thus providingimproved detail rendition, even inshadow areas.The <strong>Sinar</strong> CaptureShop imaging softwareespecially developed for the <strong>Sinar</strong>backis user-friendly and has clear operatingelements based on Photoshop. Thesettings of all the parameters for the exposureand for image data export as well asthe operation of the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 (aperture,shutter speed) can conveniently be madewith the mouse.The latest version of the software and ofthe operating instructions as well as tips &tricks can be found and downloaded fromour website www.captureshop.com.Easy adaptation toprofessional cameras• The <strong>Sinar</strong>back with <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 on a<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 is the perfect adjustable digitalcamera for professionals. The sturdy<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 with its many sophisticated focusingaids is recognized as a leading camerasystem in modern digital studios. It facilitateswork, both with complex focusing intabletop projects, as well as in the securechoice of croppings with packshots: withthe <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 everything is under smoothcontrol.But only with the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 does the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 achieve its full potential. Live colorvideo focusing image, vibration-free electronicshutter functions and automaticaperture control are but a few of its manyfeatures. The latter also permits the use ofproven high-resolving power, apochromaticallycorrected <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital lenses in DBauto-aperture mounts.For applications that generate very largeamounts of data (posters, reproductions ofartworks, etc.), the photographer can availhimself of the Macroscan option.• With only a few hand moves, the viewcamera version can be converted into aMedium FormatCamera:HasselbladFuji GX 680Bronica SQ/ETRMamiya RZ/645Rollei 6008Contax 645<strong>Sinar</strong>backIndividualCameraAdapter<strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2TripodAdapter 2Carrier FrameWideCarrierFrame4×5″compact digital studio camera: the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam2 Compact – a perfect camera forpackshots, catalog productions and for anyapplication that requires the highest imagequality without camera movements. Thepixel-accurate, live color video focusing imageis also preserved. Lens adapter boardsare available, so that a great variety oflenses can be used, like <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital,Leica R, Nikon, Olympus, Hasselblad andMamiya 645. The <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2 Compact is ahigh-performance camera for mass highqualityproductions.• Mounting the <strong>Sinar</strong>back directly on a<strong>Sinar</strong>onDigitalLens DBMedium FormatLensesShift Lens Boards forHasselblad andMamiya 645Lens Boards for:<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital, OlympusNikon, Leica-R<strong>Sinar</strong>Autoaperture Shutter<strong>Sinar</strong> f2Pan Tilt Head<strong>Sinar</strong>on DigitalLens EF<strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 (digital)BellowsLens Hood<strong>Sinar</strong> f2 camera creates a cost-efficientdigital view camera. There are a few conveniencesthat will not be available, suchas the live color video focusing image forinstance, and the lens will have to bestopped down slightly while focusing inbright ambient light for exposures in the4-shot mode.• By means of adapter kits, the <strong>Sinar</strong>backcan also be used on medium formatcameras with removable film magazines,for instance on Hasselblad, Mamiya RZ 67and 645, Fuji GX 680, Rolleiflex 6008, ZenzaBronica SQ and ETR as well as Contax645 AF cameras. Here too, the live colorvideo focusing image is a standard feature.2-4

Digital <strong>Photography</strong>2-5

Digital <strong>Photography</strong><strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1<strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1Shift Lens Boards for– Hasselblad– Mamiya 645Lens Boards for:- <strong>Sinar</strong>on - Nikon- Olympus - Leica-RLeaf Volare Digital Backwith Adapter for <strong>Sinar</strong>cam<strong>Sinar</strong>onDigitalLens DBBellows Lens Hood<strong>Sinar</strong>camTripod adapterAperture Control<strong>Sinar</strong>cam<strong>Sinar</strong> p2Pan Tilt Head<strong>Sinar</strong>cam: The uncompromised Digital CameraThe <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1 combines a digital adapterfor the <strong>Sinar</strong> view camera system and acomplete, compact digital studio camera ina single versatile unit. The focusing imagecan be viewed on the computer monitor asa high-resolution live-video image of anydesired size. In combination with theLeaf Volare digital back, the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1becomes a high-grade digital studio camerafor all kinds of still life images withflash, continuous-, or mixed illumination.Its universal adaptability features the possibilityof quickly and easily converting thecompact camera into a professional camera(by attaching it to a <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 Camera).The adaptation principle of the <strong>Sinar</strong>campermits the attachment of lenses from agreat variety of manufacturers. In additionto the special <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital lenses in DBmounts (with the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 view camera),the Compact version of the camera can alsobe used with lenses from Nikon, Olympus,Leica R, Hasselblad and Mamiya 645.Hasselblad and Mamiya lenses used for thispurpose are mounted on a special shiftboard that provides the compact version ofthe <strong>Sinar</strong>cam with the capability of perspectivecorrection.The Leaf Volare Digital Back producesimages with a resolution of 3,072 × 2,048pixels at a color depth of 14 Bit per color(16,384 gray tones). Thanks to the HV-Twist, the image format can be changedfrom a vertical to a horizontal format with asingle hand motion, without having to detachthe digital back. The optional ColorShop software expansion is already incorporatedin the imaging software and it canbe activated by means of a hardware key(dongle). This software makes professionalquality color separations possible with allthe corrections that are necessary for thatpurpose (color, scaling, unsharp masking).Additional information about the<strong>Sinar</strong> Digital Program is featured ina separate digital catalogue entitled“<strong>Sinar</strong> Digital Performance”.2-6

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsEach Item fits another<strong>Sinar</strong> professional cameras of the latestgeneration are fully compatible with mostof their older predecessor models. Our objectiveis to remain true to the policy of systemconformity that we have already beenpracticing for more than 50 years. The investmentmade by a photographer is toretain its value. This consistency is uniqueto <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras. The multiple applicationsof individual system components significantlyincrease their utility to the user.Another characteristic <strong>Sinar</strong> feature!Two examples: the Multipurpose Bellows isuseful not only as a camera bellows butalso as a lens hood. The Wide Angle Bellowsfits the binocular magnifier exactly toserve as a light hood, and so forth. Thesystem components can always be used innew combinations. That is what makes a<strong>Sinar</strong> camera highly adaptable to a verylarge variety of photographic tasks.Quick and easyformat changeThe Format Changing Set, which consistsof a metering back, a carrier frame and abellows, a <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 camera can be convertedto various different film formats. Fastand with equal precision all the way to the“king size” 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm or for attachinga digital back, such as the <strong>Sinar</strong>back,Leaf Volare, etc. That makes a single <strong>Sinar</strong>camera suitable for use with all film sizesfrom 4.5 x 6 cm (Rollfilm Holder Zoom 2) allthe way to 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm without anyrestrictions. Whether rollfilm or sheet film,a choice the photographer must makebased on the nature of the assignment andthe application of the photographs, maximumadvantage can be taken of a technicallarge format camera: manipulating perspective,either to correct it or to make itmore dynamic; sharpness compensation,selective focus, etc.Practical accessories forlong bellows extensionsVery often long focal lengths or close-upphotographs require long extensions. Suchextensions cannot be achieved withoutaccessories. But with a <strong>Sinar</strong> camera, thisis easy. Many parts, such as the RailClamp, can be used universally. Thus theextension is quick and easy to set up inconjunction with a Multipurpose Standard.A practical accessory is the additional baseplate.The existing Basic Rail, however, can alsobe lengthened at will: extensions are availablein lengths of 15, 30 and 45 cm (6″, 12″and 18″), which can be attached to eitherend of the Basic Rail in any combination. A<strong>Sinar</strong> camera grows with every assignment,no part becomes superfluous. Andthere is another important feature: unlikeother base rails that extend telescopically,the <strong>Sinar</strong> Basic Rails preserves the stabilityof the camera.Focusing Aids to suitthe taskDepending entirely on personal preferencesand on the nature of the assignments,a variety of focusing aids is availablefor evaluating the image on the focusingscreen. <strong>Sinar</strong> offers several practical solutions.The basic binocular magnifier andthe binocular reflex magnifier show the imagemagnified by a factor of 2. The binocularreflex magnifier produces a right-sideupimage. Either the Multipurpose Bellowsor the Wide Angle Bellows can be used asa light hood bellows with the simple binocularmagnifier. Therefore the acquisition of anew bellows is not necessarily essential.The <strong>Sinar</strong> 4x Magnifier is very suitable forjudging sharpness on the focusing screen,and it can also be used to evaluate originalartwork or reflection copy.3-1

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsRail UnitsBASIC RAIL 12″/30 cm422.21As many extensions as desired can be attachedto either side (black end) of a basicrail, but it cannot be used as a rail extensionitself. The 12″/30 cm Basic rail issupplied with every <strong>Sinar</strong> camera.RAIL EXTENSION 6″/15 cm421.21RAIL EXTENSION 12″/30 cm423.21RAIL EXTENSION 18″/45 cm424.21For lengthening the optical bench by6″/15 cm, 12″/30 cm or 18″/45 cm, respectively.As many extensions as desired canbe attached to the red end.• With the Special Rail Cap 428.31,these rail extensions can also be used asbasic rails.RAIL CAP429.21End caps for Basic Rail 30 cm (12″)422.21 and for the long Basic Rail 90 cm(36″) 425.21, as well as for the red endsof rail extensions. Prevents unblockedstandards from sliding off the rails.SPECIAL RAIL CAP428.31Prevents unblocked standards from slidingoff the rail when rail extension 423.21or 424.21 is being used as a basic rail.On all <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras and components(except for film holders), the format designation4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the9 x 12cm (3 1 /2 x4 3 /4″) film size, and the8x10″/20 x 25 cm designation includesthe 18x24cm(7x9 1 /2″) film size.3-2

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsStandardsFRONT STANDARD p2431.51SPECIAL FRONT STANDARD p2431.52MBEARER p2433.51SPECIAL BEARER p2433.52CARRIER FRAME4x5″/10x12.5 cm433.26Lens standard for the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 with shiftmechanisms and asymmetrical swing andtilt capabilities. Equipped with self-lockingfine adjustment drives and designed forergonomic operation.• Special Front Standard p2 431.52 isrecommended when the 8x10″/20x25 cmformat is used frequently.Lens standard for the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 8x10″/20x25 cm with shift mechanisms andasymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities.Equipped with self-locking fine adjustmentdrives and designed for ergonomic operation.Zero settings tailored specifically tothe 8x10″/20x25 cm format.• This lens standard also permits greatervertical shifts than Lens Standard p2431.51. Special Bearer p2 433.52 is recommendedfor use in conjunction withthis format.Lower portion of the rear standard of the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2, with shift mechanisms, asymmetricalswing and tilt capabilities and adepth of field scale. Equipped with selflockingfine adjustment drives and designedfor ergonomic operation. Dependingon the format being used, CarrierFrames 4x5″/10x12.5 cm, 5x7″/13x18 cmor 8x10″/20x25 cm (433.26/.27/.58), orcorrespondent digital adapters (see separateprint “Digital Performance”) can bemounted on this bearer.• The use of this bearer (in conjunctionwith the appropriate carrier frame) inplace of a regular <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 Rear Standard,can significantly increase the ease of operatinga <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 Camera because of theasymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities.• Special Bearer p2 433.52 is recommendedwhen the 8x10″/20x25 cm formatis used frequently.Reinforced lower portion of the rear standardof the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 with shift mechanisms,asymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities,greater shifting displacements and a depthof field scale for the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.• Can also be used with 4x5″/10x12.5 cmand 5x7″/13x18 cm formats.Upper portion of the rear standard of the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 and the <strong>Sinar</strong> e 4x5″/10x12.5 cm.Fits on Bearer p2 433.51, Special Bearerp2 433.52, Bearer e 433.11 and SpecialBearer e 433.12.• Also available for the larger formats of<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 and <strong>Sinar</strong> e Cameras:for 5x7″/13x18 cm 433.27,for 8x10″/20x25 cm 433.583-3

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsFRONT STANDARD x431.71Lens standard of the <strong>Sinar</strong> x with shiftmechanisms and asymmetrical swing andtilt capabilities.Equipped with self-locking fine adjustmentdrives and designed for ergonomicoperation.REAR STANDARD x4x5″/10x12.5 cm433.76Rear standard of the <strong>Sinar</strong> x with shiftmechanisms, asymmetrical swing and tiltcapabilities and a depth of field scale.Equipped with self-locking fine adjustmentdrives and designed for ergonomic operation.• The use of this rear standard in placeof the regular <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 Rear Standard cansignificantly increase the ease of operatinga <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 Camera because of theasymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities.The original <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 Rear Standard cancontinue to be used as an auxiliary standard.• This rear standard accepts Holder/Focusing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.MULTIPURPOSE STANDARD4x5″/10x12.5 cm437.61This is the most frequently used standardfor supporting a professional bellows lenshood. It also serves as an intermediatesupport for long bellows extensions, or asan object stage and a holder for the <strong>Sinar</strong>Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong> and for <strong>Sinar</strong>mirrors, etc.Has shift, swing and tilt capabilities.MULTIPURPOSE STANDARD5x7″/13x18 cm437.62Intermediate standard for long bellows extensionswith the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.Multipurpose standard for a professionalbellows lens hood for formats larger than4x5″/10x12.5 cm.Equipped with shift, swing and tilt mechanisms.437.62437.613-4

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsMETERING BACK 4x5″/10x12.5 cm462.16METERING BACK 5x7″/13x18 cm462.17This metering back is used with CarrierFrame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 433.26 of the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 and with the rear standards ofthe <strong>Sinar</strong> x 433.76, the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 and f1(433.66 and 433.66.001, respectively). Itconsists of Metering Holder Frame4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.96, Focusing Frame2 461.56 and Focusing Screen 536.66.• Fresnel Lens 461.76 is recommendedfor focusing, especially with smaller formatsof the Set of Formats 534.16.• The probe housing of the meteringholder frame accommodates any of themetering probes (<strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux Booster,<strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1, <strong>Sinar</strong> FCM-Booster,<strong>Sinar</strong>six-Digital, Profi-select TTL).This metering back permits accuratemetering of subject points without causingthe image to become unsharp, as it wouldwhen a light meter cassette is inserted.This metering back is used with CarrierFrame 5x7″/13x18 cm 433.27 of the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 and with Rear Standard 433.67of the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2.It is supplied with Focusing Screen536.37.Fresnel Lens 535.17 is recommended.• Equipped with a hydraulic dampingmechanism that prevents the movablerear cover from closing abruptly when afilm holder is removed, thus avoidingpotential damage to the focusing screen.Its other properties are equal to those ofMetering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16described above.METERING BACK 8x10″/20x25 cm462.58This metering back is used with CarrierFrame 8x10″/20x25 cm 433.58 of the<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 and with Rear Standard 433.68of the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2.It is supplied with Focusing Screen536.58.• Fresnel Lens 535.58 is recommended.Its other properties are equal to those ofMetering Back 5x7″/13x18 cm 462.17described earlier.HOLDER/FOCUSING BACK4x5″/10x12.5 cm461.36Holder and focusing screen without probehousing. Fits Carrier Frame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 433.26 of the <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 andRear Standard 433.76 of the <strong>Sinar</strong> x and433.66 of the <strong>Sinar</strong> f2.Consists of Holder Frame (without probehousing) 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.46 andFocusing Frame 2 461.56 with FocusingScreen 536.66.• Fresnel Lens 461.76 is recommendedfor focusing, especially with smaller formatsof Set of Masks 534.16.• The use of an exposure meteringprobe (<strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1 or <strong>Sinar</strong> ExpoluxBooster) requires Metering Back4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16.3-5

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsFocusing AidsFRESNEL LENS4x5″/10x12.5 cm461.76Brightens the image on the focusingscreen, making it considerably easier toview that image, especially with short focallength lenses. Format masks from Setof Masks 534.16 can be inserted in thefresnel lens holder without having to removethe fresnel lens.Easy to snap into Metering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16 or into Holder/FocusingBack 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.FRESNEL LENS5x7″/13x18 cm535.17FRESNEL LENS8x10″/20x25 cm535.58Features similar to those of the of FresnelLens 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.76.The 535.17 (dimensions: 128x170 mm)fits in Metering Back 5x7″/13x18 cm462.17 and in any 5x7″/13x18 cm <strong>Sinar</strong>Holder/Focusing Back.The 535.58 (dimensions: 216x265 mm)fits in Metering Back 8x10″/20x25 cm462.58.SET OF MASKS534.16Transparent yellow masks for outlining theimage format on a focusing screen whenseveral formats are being used. Fits inFresnel Lens Frame 461.76.Includes masks for 6x6, 6x7, 6x9 and10x12.5 cm formats.MAGNIFIER 4x531.11.001Aspherical color-corrected focusing magnifierwith 4x magnification.Viewing area: 45 mm (1 3 /4″) ∅.Individual viewing sharpness can be adjustedwith a focusing ring.• Can be used for checking the imageon a focusing screen and also for viewingcolor transparencies or reflection prints.3-6

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsBINOCULAR MAGNIFIER471.21Can be attached to any <strong>Sinar</strong> bellowswith a 4x5″/10x12.5 cm frame for viewingthe image on the focusing screen. Withthe magnifier swung in, the image on thescreen is magnified 2x. In order to avoidfalse measurements, Binocular LightHood 531.51 is required for shielding thefocusing screen from extraneous lightduring TTL exposure metering.• Joint Rod 472.51 is recommended forattaching the bellows.BINOCULAR REFLEX MAGNIFIER4x5″/10x12.5 cm531.12Permits viewing of a right-side-up imageon the focusing screen with a choice ofnormal size or 2x magnification. The mirroris adjustable for best possible viewingof the image on the focusing screen. Thisis particularly important when it is beingused in conjunction with a fresnel lens.Requires the use of Binocular Light Hood531.51.For farsighted persons, a Pair of Loupeswith 4.25 Diopters 531.12.001 is available.BINOCULAR LIGHT HOOD531.51For viewing the image on a focusingscreen with Binocular Magnifier 471.21 orBinocular Reflex Magnifier 531.12 withoutthe interference of extraneous light. Has aflap to prevent stray light from affectingthe accuracy of TTL exposure measurements.PAIR OF LOUPES 4.25 Diopters531.12.001For insertion into Binocular Magnifier471.21 or Binocular Reflex Magnifier531.12 as eyesight correction for farsightedpersons.Special tools and instructions for installationare included.3-7

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsBellowsMULTIPURPOSE BELLOWS4x5″/10x12.5 cm454.11Camera bellows for the 4x5″/10x12.5 cm<strong>Sinar</strong> f1, f2, x, p2 and e. Used with multipurposestandards for increasing the bellowsextension for all formats and as alight hood for viewing the image on thefocusing screen and also as a lens hood.The snap fit on its frame permits easy attachmentto Filter Holders 1 or 2 (547.11or 547.21 respectively).Maximum extension is 45 cm (18″).TAPERED BELLOWS5x7″/13x18 cm452.17For extensions up to 50 cm (20″) with the5x7″/13x18 cm format. For longer extensions,an aditional Multipurpose Standard437.61 and a MultipurposeBellows 454.11 are needed.Also serves as a light hood for viewingthe image on a 5x7″/13x18 cm focusingscreen.TAPERED BELLOWS8x10″/20x25 cm452.58For extensions up to 65 cm (25²) with the8x10″/20x25 cm format. Fits on CarrierFrame 433.58 and on 8x10″/20x25 cmMetering Back 462.58.For a further extension from 65 to 90 cm(25 to 35″), an additional MultipurposeStandard 437.61 and a MultipurposeBellows 454.11 are needed.SPECIAL BELLOWS8x10″/20x25 cm to 5x7″/13x18 cm453.58For bellows extensions beyond 90 cm(36″) with the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.A 5x7″/13x18 cm Multipurpose Standardand a 5x7″/13x18 cm Tapered Bellows arerequired as intermediate bellows support.Additional bellows extensions are possibleby adding more multipurpose standardsand multipurpose bellows.453.58452.17454.11On all <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras and components(except for film holders), the format designation4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the9 x 12cm (3 1 /2 x4 3 /4″) film size, and the8x10″/20 x 25 cm designation includesthe 18 x 24 cm (7 x 9 1 /2″) film size.3-8

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsWIDE ANGLE BELLOWS 14x5″/10x12.5 cm455.36For short bellows extensions with the4x5″/10x12.5 cm format. For use with focallengths from 75 to 135 mm focused atinfinity. Good camera adjustment capabilityis retained in spite of the short extension.• Also serves as a hood while viewingan image on the focusing screen, forexample with Binocular Magnifier 471.21and Binocular Light Hood 531.51.WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS 24x5″/10x12.5 cm455.46This wide angle bellows is required for4x5″/10x12.5 cm format photography inconjunction with extreme wide angle lenses(65 mm or shorter), for extreme cameraadjustments and for digital photographywith CCD array chips.WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS5x7″/13x18 cm455.27For very short bellows extensions with the5x7″/13x18 cm format and focal lengthsfrom 90 to 165 mm focused at infinity. Permitsgood camera adjustments in spite ofthe short extension.• Can also be used as a focusing screenviewing hood, for instance with BinocularMagnifier 471.21 and Binocular LightHood 531.51.WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS8x10″/20x15 cm455.58For very short bellows extensions with the8x10″/20x25 cm format and focal lengthsfrom 120 to 240 mm focused at infinity.Fits on Carrier Frame 433.58 and on MeteringBack 8x10″/20x25 cm 462.58. Permitsgood camera adjustments in spite ofthe short extension.• Can also be used as a focusing screenviewing hood with the 8x10″/20x25 cmformat, for instance with Binocular Magnifier471.21 and Binocular Light Hood531.51.3-9

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsBellows Lens HoodMULTIPURPOSE BELLOWS4x5″/10x12.5 cm454.11Standard camera bellows for the <strong>Sinar</strong> f1,f2, x, p2, and e 4x5″/10x12.5 cm. Alsoserves as a bellows lens hood. The snapfit on its frame permits easy attachmentto Filter Holder 1 or 2 (547.11 or 547.21,respectively).MULTIPURPOSE STANDARD4x5″/10x12.5 cm437.61Multipurpose standard for the professionallens hood. Equipped with shift, swing andtilt movements.JOINTED ROD472.51Forms an adjustable bellows lens hoodwhen used in combination with MultipurposeBellows 454.11 (or with any <strong>Sinar</strong>bellows with 4x5″/10x12.5 cm frames) andtwo Bellows Holders 473.31. The JointedRod is equipped with two ball joints thatcan be locked in position. Extends to approximately12″/30 cm.• Can also be used for supporting awide angle or multipurpose bellows as afocusing screen viewing hood.ROD, SHORT, 4 1 /4″/11cm472.61ROD, MEDIUM, 6 1 /4″/16 cm472.71ROD, LONG, 10″/25 cm472.81In combination with Multipurpose Bellows454.11 (or with any <strong>Sinar</strong> bellows with4x5″/10x12.5 cm frames) and two BellowsHolders 473.31, these rods form a basicbellows lens hood which, however, permitsno camera adjustments.• These rods are also used for supportingSwivelling Linear Polarizing Filter546.31.• The use of Jointed Rod 472.51 isrecommended when camera adjustmentshave to be made.BELLOWS HOLDER473.31Used for attaching a bellows or BellowsHood Mask 1 or 2 (533.11 or 533.21,respectively) to the camera. Requires theuse of one of the rods 472.61, 472.71 or472.81, or Jointed Rod 472.51.3-10

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsBELLOWS HOOD MASK 1533.11Bellows Hood Mask 1 can be used as alens hood for wide angle lenses or as amask holder for special effects.Fits on all <strong>Sinar</strong> 4x5″/10x12.5 cm standardsand on Bellows Holder 473.31.Consists of two hinged and two slidingpanels.BELLOWS HOOD MASK 2533.21With four roller blinds with positioningscales controlled by separate fine adjustmentdrives, for precise vignetting control.Recommended for product shots, difficultbacklit situations and multiple exposures.Fits on all <strong>Sinar</strong> 4x5″/10x12.5 cm standards,Bellows Holder 473.31, and onFilter Holder 1 547.11 or Filter Holder 2547.21.Can be slipped on and rotated.On all <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras and components(except for film holders), the format designation4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the9 x 12cm (3 1 /2 x4 3 /4″) film size, and the8x10″/20 x 25 cm designation includesthe 18x24cm(7x9 1 /2″) film size.When a lens is used without a hood, straylight from outside the subject area cancause a noticeable reduction in contrast.A bellows lens hood, therefore, is not aluxury in professional photography, it is arequisite. But a bellows lens hood doesits job only when it is properly adaptedto the angle of view of the lens beingused, and here the <strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>System</strong> offersseveral solutions.The main part of the bellows lens hoodis the multipurpose bellows. In the mostbasic case – when no adjustments haveBellows Lens Hoodsbeen made on the camera – a multipurposebellows can be attached to the lensstandard with a simple rod and two bellowsholders.When the camera has been adjusted, thesimple rod is replaced by a jointed rod. Themost universal arrangement – especiallywhen a filter holder is being used – is theuse of one or more multipurpose standards,with which a bellows lens hood canbe set up very accurately and with excellentstability.The necessary additional room at thefront of the optical bench can be obtainedby attaching one of the three differentrail extensions. Bellows HoodMasks 1 and 2 make it possible to controlthe limitation of the light path even indifficult situations. Bellows Hood Mask 2also serves as a flexible viewfinder. Itsadjustable blades permit the simulationof various picture proportions and focallengths.3-11

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsFormat ChangingFORMAT CHANGING SET4x5″/10x12.5 cm497.26For fast and easy conversion of a <strong>Sinar</strong> p25x7″/13x18 cm or a <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 8x10″/20x25 cm to the 4x5″/13x18 cm filmformat.Consists of:433.26 Carrier Frame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm454.11 Multipurpose Bellows462.16 Metering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cmFORMAT CHANGING SET5x7″/13x18 cm497.27For fast and easy conversion of a <strong>Sinar</strong> p24x5″/10x12.5 cm or a <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 8x10″/20x25 cm to the 5x7″/13x18 cm filmformat.Consists of:433.27 Carrier Frame 5 x 7″/13x18 cm452.17 Tapered Bellows 5 x 7″/13x18 cm462.17 Metering Back 5 x 7″/13x18 cmFORMAT CHANGING SET8x10″/20x25 cm497.58For fast and easy conversion of a <strong>Sinar</strong> p24x5″/10x12.5 cm or a <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 5x7″/13x18 cm to the 8x10″/20x25 cm filmformat.Consists of:433.58 Carrier Frame 8x10″/20x25 cm452.58 Tapered Bellows 8x10″/20x25 cm462.58 Metering Back 8x10″/20x25 cmFORMAT REDUCTION ADAPTERFrom: 5x7″/13x18 cmTo: 4x5″/10x12.5 cm553.27Reduces the picture format from 5x7″/13x18 cm to 4x5″/10x12.5 cm withoutchanging the carrier frame or the rearstandard.Requires the addition of Metering Back4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16, or Holder/FocusingBack 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.• The swing and tilt axes do not lie inthe film plane, and wide angle cameraadjustments are limited.FORMAT REDUCTION ADAPTERFrom: 8x10 /20x25 cmTo: 4x5 /10x12.5 cm553.58Use this format reduction adapter whenyou wish to make an inexpensive testshot on 4x5″/10x12.5 cm film instead ofthe more costly 8x10″/20x25 cm film,without having to refocus and withouthaving to change the carrier frame or therear standard.Requires the addition of Metering Back4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16, or Holder/FocusingBack 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.• The swing and tilt axes lie in the filmplane, and wide angle camera adjustmentsare not restricted.3-12

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsCamera SupportsRAIL CLAMP 1411.21RAIL CLAMP 2411.41For the attachment of <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras tothe <strong>Sinar</strong> Pan Tilt Head 516.41 or directlyto the tripod. For greater stability withlong bellows extensions, ClampingAdapter 411.21.010 is used for mountingthese Rail Clamps on Base Plate 2418.31. Fitted with a 3 /8″ tripod socket.• Can be converted to a 1 /4″-tripod socketwith Reducing Bushing 3 /8″- 1 /4″ 519.61.For the attachment of <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras tothe <strong>Sinar</strong> Pan Tilt Head 516.41 or directlyto the tripod. For greater stability withlong bellows extensions, ClampingAdapter 411.21.010 is used for mountingthese Rail Clamps on Base Plate 2418.31. Fitted with a 3 /8″ tripod socket.• Can be converted to a 1 /4″-tripod socketwith Reducing Bushing 3 /8″– 1 /4″ 519.61.• Rail Clamp 2 has a 360° tensioningmechanism that ensures that the cameraretains its horizontal position when theclamp is tightened.CLAMPING ADAPTER411.21.010For mounting a Rail Clamp 1 or 2 on theBase Plate 2 418.31.• Can also be used for quick attachmentof Rail Clamp 1 411.21 or Rail Clamp 2411.41 to <strong>Sinar</strong> Pan Tilt Head 516.41 bymeans of Quick Release Adapter 519.51.QUICK RELEASE ADAPTER519.51For quick mounting of a rail clamp withclamping adapter or of a Base Plate 2 to<strong>Sinar</strong> Pan Tilt Head 516.41.Includes a 3 /8″ bolt.BASE PLATE 2418.31The camera is mounted on the Base Plateby means of two Rail Clamps 411.21 or411.41, each equipped with a ClampingAdapter 411.21.010.The Base Plate is attached to the <strong>Sinar</strong>Pan Tilt Head by means of a RapidClamping Adapter 591.51.REDUCING BUSHING 3 /8″ – 1 /4″519.61For the conversion of the standard 3 /8″tripod socket thread from 3 /8″ to 1 /4″.For use with: Pan Tilt Head 516.41, RailClamp 1 411.21, and Rail Clamp 2 411.41.PAN TILT HEAD516.41Compact and stable <strong>Sinar</strong> Pan Tilt Headwith a sturdy tensioning lever that can bepositioned conveniently. Fitted with twopositioning studs for fast and easy mountingof a rail clamp. Comes with a dualcamera bolt 1 /4″ and 3 /8″.• The head can be smoothly rotated360° horizontally for precise settings.3-13

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsOther AccessoriesSINAR ACCESSORY CASE475.66Designed for the safe transportation of a<strong>Sinar</strong> f2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm camera with anattached <strong>Sinar</strong>/Autoaperture behind-thelensshutter or for use as a case foraccessories.Dimensions:435 x 340 x 280 mm (17 x 13 x 11″).Weight when empty:approximately 4.5 kg (10 lb).SINAR CASE475.26Accommodates a– <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm or a<strong>Sinar</strong> x 4x5″/10x12.5 cm basic outfit or a– <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 4x5″/ 10x12.5 cm basic orexpert outfit, or a– <strong>Sinar</strong> f1.This case can also be used for safestorage of lenses, <strong>Sinar</strong> format adapters,<strong>Sinar</strong> exposure meters, etc.Dimensions:525 x 455 x 305 mm (21 x 18 x 12″).Weight (empty):approximately 8 kg (17 lb 11 oz).SINAR EXPERT CASE475.42The walls of this case are made of temperature-resistanthigh-density polyethyleneto protect the camera during roughtransportation (like air baggage handlingor off-road travel).To ensure the safety ofthe camera and its accessories duringtransportation, the case is lined with anappropriate foam material that is customtailoredto its contents.The case is equipped with a full-lengthhinge, two rugged latches, loops for apadlock, three folding handles and fourremovable rollers.It can hold the basic or the expert outfitof a:– <strong>Sinar</strong> p2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm or<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 5x7″/13x18 cm or<strong>Sinar</strong> p2 8x10″/20x25 cm or– <strong>Sinar</strong> f2 5x7″/13x18 cm or<strong>Sinar</strong> f2 8x10″/20x25 cm.Additional accessories, like <strong>Sinar</strong> shutters,exposure meters, film holders, etc. canalso be accommodated.Dimensions:640 x 500 x 380 mm (26 x 20 x 15″).Weight (empty):approximately 11.5 kg (25 lb 6 oz).DUST COVER571.52For the protection of camera set-upsindoors or outdoors.3-14

<strong>System</strong> ComponentsLong, longer, longest ...The long bellows extensions neededwhen lenses with extremely long focallengths are used or when photographsare made in the macro range place particularlysevere demands on the stabilityof the set-up. Fortunately the modular<strong>Sinar</strong> Component <strong>System</strong> provides practicalsolutions for every imaginable situation.The backbone for long bellows extensionsis the optical bench, which can belengthened at will by adding rail extensionsof various lengths (see page 3-2).When a certain length is reached, additionalsupport by means of extra railclamps is recommended. A set-up withtwo rail clamps can then be supported bytwo pan tilt heads on two tripods, resultingin excellent stability. Even greater stabilityis achieved by mounting two railclamps at a time on one common baseplate and then using pan tilt heads tomount each base plate on a tripod.On all <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras and components(except for film holders), the format designation4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the9 x 12cm (3 1 /2 x4 3 /4″) film size, and the8x10″/20 x 25 cm designation includesthe 18x24cm(7x9 1 /2″) film size.SEMI REFLECTING MIRROR5x5″/12x12 cm539.11<strong>Sinar</strong> 50% semi reflecting mirror in aprotective case.Helps to solve illumination problems inclose-up photography. Serves to project ascene on a backdropfor front projectionphotography. Also useful for implementingmany new ideas for special effects photography.Mirror size: 5x5″/12x12 cm.Fits on all <strong>Sinar</strong> 4x5″/10x12.5 cm standards.HASSELBLAD CAMERA ADAPTER556.64Adapter board for attaching Hasselbladcameras to <strong>Sinar</strong> 4x5″/10x12.5 cm rearstandards.• Suited for lenses with focal lengths of90 mm and more.Basics and ApplicationsCreative Large Format, Volume 1More about the practical use of the <strong>Sinar</strong>camera and its versatile accessories canbe found in the first volume of the bookseries “Creative Large Format”. Thiscompetent book about fundamentalsthoroughly informs you about the premisesof modern large format techniques,the various camera adjustment possibilities,sharpness distribution, perspectivecorrection and much more. Not only isthis book excellent for newcomers to theworld of large format photography, it isalso a valuable reference volume for professionals,who can find many a usefultip in it to further refine their skills.The volume on basics will be supplementedby a series of additional volumes,each one devoted to a particularsubject. Already published:Volume 2, Architectural <strong>Photography</strong>Volume 3, Natural LandscapesVolume 4, People <strong>Photography</strong>Volume 5, Advertising <strong>Photography</strong>Additional information about the <strong>Sinar</strong>Book Program can be found on page 8-2.3-15

LensesSharp Eyes for Large Format <strong>Photography</strong>The lens is a primary link in the qualitychain that begins with the initial conceptionand ends with the printed page. <strong>Sinar</strong> supplieslenses under its own trademark<strong>Sinar</strong>on that are designed specifically forits camera system and manufactured bythe Rodenstock Precision Optics Works.These lenses are subjected to strict inspectioncontrols at <strong>Sinar</strong> and then mountedwith exacting care on lens boards, eitherwith between-the-lens shutters, or withautomatic aperture control for the DB versionof behind-the-lens shutters.In lenses for 35 mm and for medium formatphotography, aperture is often regarded asa primary criterion, but in lenses for largeformat photography it is more the imagecircle on the focusing screen and the anglesubtended by that image circle that matters.The larger that circle, the greater thefreedom for camera adjustments. This becomesa decisive factor especially for thelarger camera formats. The <strong>Sinar</strong> assortmentof lenses includes the following typesof lenses:• <strong>Sinar</strong>on-S Lenses: Standard lensesthat feature an enlarged image circle withan angle of view of 72°, which allowsgreater freedom for camera adjustmentsthan conventional normal focal lengths thathave an angle of view of only 53°.• <strong>Sinar</strong>on-SE Lenses: This design representsstate of the art technology, incorporatingsignificant improvements over earliercomparable lens types in terms of imagequality, especially in the close-up range.Stray light within the lens amounts to lessthan one percent, producing better contrastin the images. The angle of view subtendedby its image circle was increased to 75°.Color correction was improved still furtherby the use of ED glass types.• <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W Lenses: Professional lenseswith an especially large image circle orangle of view of 100°. The six-element designswith focal lengths of 90, 115, 155 and200 mm have a maximum aperture of f/6.8,and the eight-element designs with focallengths of 65, 75 and 90 mm have a maximumaperture of f/4.5. They produce a verybright focusing image with uniform illuminationall the way into the corners.• <strong>Sinar</strong>on-WE Lenses: These eight-elementlenses with extremely short focallengths have a picture angle of 110° at f/16and they are available in DB Auto ApertureMounts and also with a recessed plate anda Copal between-the-lens shutter. As is thecase with <strong>Sinar</strong>on-SE lenses, their apochromaticcorrection ensures the highestimaging quality across the entire image circle.<strong>Sinar</strong>on-WE lenses are available withfocal lengths of 45 and 55 mm, with a maximumaperture of f/4.5.• Apo-<strong>Sinar</strong>on Lenses: When objectsare to be reproduced in actual size, theApo-<strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses are recommended forthe best performance. Apo-<strong>Sinar</strong>on lensesare available with focal lengths of 240, 300,360, 480 and 600 mm, all with a maximumaperture of f/9.<strong>Sinar</strong>on-S <strong>Sinar</strong>on-SE <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W4-1

Lenses• Macro-<strong>Sinar</strong>on Lenses:The primary concernin close-up photography isnot the image circle or angleof view, but imagequality.The 180 mm Macro-<strong>Sinar</strong>on lens is optimallycorrected for reproductionratios ranging from 2:1 to1:5.• <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Lenses:Digital photographywith CCD area sensors requires speciallenses that are designed for optimal performance,in terms of focal lengths and resolution,with the small image format with adiagonal in the range of 35 to 55 mm. Inorder not to restrict camera adjustmentcapabilities, these lenses are mounted onthe back of the lens standard, inside of thecamera bellows.Lenses supplied by <strong>Sinar</strong> are availablein four different mounts. Auto ApertureMounts DB, DBM and DBS offer the greatestease of operation because of automaticaperture control, while Copal between-thelensshutters are cost-efficient entry solutionson which all settings are manual.• Auto Aperture Mount DB: Most convenientto operate, with automatic aperturecontrol up to f/128 with the <strong>Sinar</strong> ExpoluxShutter, and up to f/45 with the <strong>Sinar</strong> AutoAperture Shutter. Existing lenses can befitted with Auto Aperture Mount DB bymeans of the appropriate conversion kit.Auto Aperture Mount DB is the standardmount for all <strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses.• Auto Aperture Mount DBM: In additionto its automatic function, this mount has<strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses are available in various versions and focal lengths. Auto Aperture(DB) is the standard mount for all <strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses.manual aperture settings for f-stops smallerthan f/45. Existing lenses can be fitted withAuto Aperture Mount DBM by means of theappropriate conversion kit.• Auto Aperture Mount Special DBS:Preserves complete wide angle camera adjustmentcapabilities, especially with theExpolux Shutter. Precludes any danger ofvignetting by the shutter with 155 and 200mm <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W lenses and with 165 and210 mm Super Angulon lenses. Existinglenses can be fitted with Auto ApertureMount DBS at the <strong>Sinar</strong> factory.• Copal between-the-lens Shutter: Ofcourse, <strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses can also be fittedwith Copal between-the-lens shutters. Itshould be remembered, however, thatevery shutter functions within certain individualtolerances, which can manifestthemselves as exposure variations in criticalphotographic situations when lensesare changed. One also has to do withoutthe operating convenience provided by<strong>Sinar</strong> behind-the-lens shutters.Full concentration on the photograph:The following procedure has to be observedwhen working with lenses equippedwith Copal between-thelensshutters: The shutterand the aperturehave to be opened manuallyfor focusing. Justbefore the exposure ismade, the shutter andthe aperture have to beclosed again by hand,the shutter has to becocked and the shutterspeed has to be set.Now everything is readyfor the actual exposure to be made. Forchecking the focus between exposures, theshutter and the aperture have to be openedand closed manually.The procedure is different with lenses in(DB) auto-aperture mounts. Thanks to theautomatic aperture and film holder featuresof <strong>Sinar</strong> behind-the-lens shutters (also seeChapter 5) the intermediate shutter manipulationsare eliminated. The working apertureand the shutter speed are set at thebeginning and the camera does the rest.The photographer is free to devote his fullattention to the subject.The quality chain – from camera to lens, filters,stray light protection, film holders, allthe way to the film itself – is only as strongas its proverbial weakest link. <strong>Sinar</strong> has alwaysstrived to eradicate the weakestspots. Not only were all <strong>Sinar</strong> products rigorouslyreviewed to that effect, but stricterdemands were also placed on suppliers ofcomponents. In recent years, advances incomputerized lens design using new typesof optical glass and in multiple coatingtechniques have led to significant improvementsin the quality of lenses.<strong>Sinar</strong>on-WE APO-<strong>Sinar</strong>on Macro-<strong>Sinar</strong>on4-2

LensesSINARON LENSES INAUTO APERTURE MOUNTS (DB)ON LENS BOARDS446.85. ...Lenses fitted with Auto Aperture Mounts(DB) with automatic aperture control. Theaperture is controlled automatically bybehind-the-lens shutters <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux522.21.001, <strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture 521.31and <strong>Sinar</strong> Digital 522.11.This does away with time-consumingmanual settings.AUTO APERTURE MOUNT (DB)CONVERSION KITON LENS BOARD446.75. ...For do-it-yourself fitting of an existing lenswith Auto Aperture Mount DB. Suppliedcomplete with assembly instructions.• When ordering, please provide accurateinformation about the brand, type,focal length and mount of the lens that isto be converted.SINARON LENSES INAUTO APERTURE MOUNTSWITH MANUAL OVERRIDE (DBM)ON LENS BOARDS446.86. ...Same as 446.85. ..., but with added manualoverride (especially with aperturessmaller than f/45 with the mechanical behind-the-lensshutter <strong>Sinar</strong> Auto ApertureShutter 521.31).• Not necessary for <strong>Sinar</strong> ExpoluxShutter 522.21.001, because this shutterautomatically sets apertures all the waydown to f/128 (depending on the particularlens being used).AUTO APERTURE MOUNT WITHMANUAL OVERRIDE (DBM) CON-VERSION KIT ON LENS BOARD446.76. ...For do-it-yourself fitting of an existing lenswith an Auto Aperture Mount with ManualOverride DBM that also works for aperturessmaller than f/45 with the mechanicalbehind-the-lens shutter <strong>Sinar</strong> AutoAperture Shutter 521.31.Supplied complete with assembly instructions.• Not necessary for <strong>Sinar</strong> ExpoluxShutter 522.21.001, because this shutterautomatically sets apertures all the waydown to f/128 (depending on the particularlens being used).• When ordering, please provide accurateinformation about the brand, type,focal length and mount of the lens that isto be converted.SINARON LENSES IN SPECIALAUTO APERTURE MOUNTS (DBS)ON LENS BOARDS446.81. ...SPECIAL AUTO APERTUREMOUNT (DBS) CONVERSION KITON LENS BOARD446.71. ...Lenses fitted with Special Auto Aperture(DBS) Mounts and Conversion Kit forexisting lenses, respectively.Permits the use of <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux Shutteras a between-the-lens shutter. Preventsvignetting of large image circles with shortfocal lengths.The two parts of the DBS board are joinedby a hinge. The lens standard with theshutter is placed between the two parts.Shortest exposure time: 1 /8 sec. (exceptfor 210 mm f/8 Super Angulon: 1 /500 sec.)This Special Auto Aperture Mount (DBS)is suitable for the following lenses:200 mm f/6.8 <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W155 mm f/6.8 <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W165 mm f/8 Super Angulon210 mm f/8 Super Angulon• Conversions and calibrations to be performedat the <strong>Sinar</strong> factory in Switzerland.Technical details and order numbersfor <strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses are listed in thetables on pages 4-5 to 4-7.4-3

LensesSINARON LENSES IN COPALSHUTTERS ON LENS BOARDS441.83. ...<strong>Sinar</strong>on Lenses in Copal between-the-lensshutters. These lenses can also be usedwith a <strong>Sinar</strong> behind-the-lens shutter(see page 5-5).• Subsequent conversion to an AutoAperture Mount (DB) or (DBM) is possibleat any time.LENS BOARD READYTO MOUNT LENS441.50. ...With appropriate opening and tube formounting assorted lenses, for use withbetween-the-lens shutters.• When ordering a lens board, pleaseprovide accurate information about thetype, focal length and mount of the lensto be mounted.8 x 10 ″/20 x 25 cm18x24cm5 x 713x18cm ″4 x 5 ″/10 x 12,5 cm9x12cmAPO-SINARON 9/600 mmSINARON-W 6.8/200 mmSINARON-SE 6.8/360 mmSINARON-SE 5.6/300 mmSINARON-S 6.8/360 mmSINARON-S 5.6/300 mmMACRO-SINARON 5.6/180 mm (1:1)APO-SINARON 9/480 mmSINARON-W 6.8/155 mmSINARON-SE 5.6/240 mmSINARON-S 5.6/240 mmAPO-SINARON 9/360 mmSINARON-SE 5.6/210 mmMACRO-SINARON 5.6/180 mm (1:5)SINARON-S 5.6/210 mmSINARON-W 6.8/115 mmSINARON-SE 5.6/180 mmAPO-SINARON 9/300 mmSINARON-S 5.6/180 mmSINARON-W 4.5/90 mmSINARON-SE 5.6/150 mmSINARON-W 6.8/90 mmSINARON-S 5.6/150 mmAPO-SINARON 9/240 mmSINARON-SE 5.6/135 mmSINARON-S 5.6/135 mmSINARON-W 4.5/75 mmSINARON-W 4.5/65 mmSINARON-WE 4.5/55 mmSINARON-WE 4.5/45 mm6x9cmImage circles for <strong>Sinar</strong>onlenses set at f/22 in comparisonwith conventional film formats.Maximum shift rangescan be measured on this chart.(Scale of this chart: 1:2).4-4

<strong>Sinar</strong> Lenses for Large Format <strong>Photography</strong>Lens Type1)OrderNumber(last 3digits)FocalLengthin mmAngleof Viewat f/22Circlein mmat f/22SmallestAperture6)ShutterSize(Copal)Fittedwith:● =DB■ = DBM▲= DBSConversionKit:● =DB■ = DBM▲= DBSFilter Thread(mm)Mount ∅front/rear(mm)Shift range in mm for horizontal format(for vertical format reverse the numbers)6x9cm↔ ↕4x5″↔ ↕13x18cm↔ ↕<strong>Sinar</strong>on-S 558 135 72° 200 640 ● ● 40.5 x 0.5 42 / 40.5 52 62 28 32 – – – –1:5.6 560 150 72° 21464 1 ● ● 49 x 0.75 51 / 42 59 70 36 41 2 3 – –562 180 72° 262 641 ● ● 58 x 0.75 60 / 51 8495 62 68 30 38564 210 72° 301 641 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 104116 83 90 52 63 – –566 240 72° 350 45 3 ● ● 77 x 0.75 80 / 70 129 141 108 116 79 92 23 28568 300 72° 425 64 3 ■ ■ 86 x 1 90 / 80 167 180 147 156 118 134 67 771:6.8 570 360 64° 435 64 3 ■ ■ 105 x 1 110 / 80 172 185 152 161 123 139 72 838x10″↔ ↕Remarks<strong>Sinar</strong>on-SE 658 135 75° 208 640 ● ● 49 x 0.75 51 / 48 56 66 32 37 – – – –1:5.6 660 150 75° 231 640 ● ● 49 x 0.75 51 / 51 68 79 45 50 12 16 – –662 180 75° 276 641 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 91 103 69 76 38 47 – –664 210 75° 316 641 ● ● 72 x 0.75 75 / 65 112 12491 98 60 72 2 3666 240 75° 372 45 3 ● ● 86 x 1 90 / 80 140 153 120 128 90 104 36 43668 300 75° 448 64 3 ■ ■ 100 x 1 105 / 80 178 192 159 168 130 146 79 911:6.8 670 360 68° 468 64 3 ■ ■ 112 x 1.5 117 / 80 188 202 169 178 140 157 90 1024-5<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 514 65 105° 170 45 0 ● ● 58 x 0.75 60 / 51 36 45 10 12 – – – – 2), 3)1:4.5 516 75 105° 195 45 0 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 49 59 25 29 – – – – 2)518 90 105° 236 45 1 ● ● 82 x 0.75 85 / 70 71 81 48 54 16 20 – – 2)1:6.8 538 90 102° 221 45 0 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 63 73 40 45 7 9 – –540 115 104° 291 45 1 ● ● 82 x 0.75 85 / 70 99 111 77 85 47 57 – –544 155 102° 382 45 1 ▲ ▲ 105 x 1 110 / 90 145 158 125 133 95 110 42 50546 200 102° 495 64 3 ▲ ▲ 135 x 1 140 / 115 200 212 178 188 154 171 105 118Lenses<strong>Sinar</strong>on–WE 502 45 110° 131 32 0 ● 7) – 67 x 0.75 60 / 60 15 20 – – – – – –1:4.5 504 55 110° 163 45 0 ● 7) – 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 32 40 5 7 – – – –at ƒ/16Apo-<strong>Sinar</strong>on 618 240 48° 212 90 1 ■ ■ 49 x 0.75 51 / 37.5 58 68 35 39 1 2 – –1:9 620 300 48° 26490 1 ■ ■ 49 x 0.75 51 / 37.5 85 96 63 70 32 40 – –622 360 48° 318 90 3 ■ ■ 58 x 0.75 60 / 58 113 125 92 99 61 73 3 4626 480 46° 396 90 3 ■ ■ 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 152 165 132 141 103 118 50 59 8)628 600 46° 496 90 – 9) – 9) – 9) 95 x 1 105 / 90 202 216 183 193 155 172 106 119 4)Macro-<strong>Sinar</strong>on-SE 590 180 70° 1:5 5) 302 641 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 54104116 83 90 52 63 – –1:5.6 60° 1:1 415 161 174142 150 113 128 61 701) Complete order number for a lens in a Copal between-the-lens shutter: 441.83. + these last 3 digits. 2) Maximum aperture is ƒ/5.6 when used with <strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture behind-the-lens Shutter 521.31.Complete order number for a lens in Auto Aperture Mount (DB = ●): 446.85. + these last 3 digits. 3) In Auto Aperture Mount (DB), this lens can only be focused at ∞ when used with Wide Angle Bellows 2.Complete order number for a lens in Auto Aperture Mount (DBM = ■): 446.86. + these last 3 digits.4) With manually set aperture.Complete order number for a lens in Special Auto Aperture Mount (DBS = ▲): 446.81. + these last 3 digits. 5) Image circle for reproduction ratios 1:5 and 1:1.Complete order number for a conversion kit for Auto Aperture Mount (DB = ●): 446.75. + these last 3 digits. 6) Shutter speeds, size 0: 1 /500 – 1 sec; size 1: 1 /400 – 1 sec; size 3: 1 /125 – 1 sec.Complete order number for a conversion kit for Auto Aperture Mount (DBM = ■): 446.76. + these last 3 digits. 7) Identical to <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Lens (See page 4-5). Center Filters can not be used.Complete order number for a conversion kit for Special Auto Aperture Mount (DBS=▲): 446.71.+ the last 3digits. 8) The largest possible aperture in DB Auto Aperture Mounts is ƒ/11.9) The aperture is set manually.

Lenses<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital LensesSINARON DIGITAL LENSES INAUTO APERTURE (DB) MOUNTSON LENS BOARDS446.85.119 – 164<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Lenses with Auto ApertureMounts (446.85.119–164) were designedfor use with digital single-chip CCDbacks. Resolving power and selection offocal lengths are tailored specifically tothe small size of the CCD array. In orderto reduce stray light and to maintain thebest possible camera adjustment capabilities,these lenses are mounted inside thecamera.<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Lenses in DB 1For use with the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 2, the Aperture Control <strong>Sinar</strong>cam 1 and also with <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux shutters on <strong>Sinar</strong> view cameras.Lens TypeOrder Nr.ComparableFocalLength 3with 4 × 5″Angle ofViewImageCircleShift Range3Stopped down 2 f-Stops(at 1: ∞)ApertureRange(in <strong>Sinar</strong>Auto ApertureMount)OptimumScale of ReproductionRecommendedRangeMaximumRange<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4.5/35 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4.5/45 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4.5/55 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4/80 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 5.6/90 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4/105 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 5.6/135 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4.8/180 mm DB 2<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Macro5.6/120 mm DB<strong>Sinar</strong>on DigitalHR 4.0/60 mm DB 4446.85.119446.85.123446.85.125446.85.128446.85.129446.85.130446.85.133446.85.136446.85.131446.85.164120 mm150 mm210 mm300 mm300 mm360 mm480 mm600 mm400 mm210 mm85°82°83°58°76°54°58°50°46°60°67 mm80 mm101 mm92 mm140 mm107 mm150 mm168 mm122 mm204mm305 mm70 mm12 mm22 mm33 mm28 mm53 mm36 mm56 mm67 mm44 mm85 mm137 mm15 mm4.5 – 324.5 – 324.5 – 324 – 325.6 – 454 – 325.6 – 644.8 – 325.6 – 454 – 321:301:301:301:101:201:61:101:61:51:12:11:30from 1:5from 1:5from 1:51:2 – 1:15from 1:51:2 – 1:15from 1:51:2 – 1:101:5 – 2:1from 1:101Not suitable for use with external filter wheels (vignetting).2In order to attain reproduction ratios greater than 1:2 with the 180mm lens, the <strong>Sinar</strong> e Digital Camera has to be used with Rail Clampe 411.51.3Valid for all professional digital backs with chip sizes of 24 × 36 mm or 30 × 30 mm. Adjustment ranges with <strong>Sinar</strong>back 22 will be up to 6mm larger.4Special lens with very high resolving power.1: ∞1: ∞1: ∞1: 301: ∞1: 301: ∞1: 301:51: ∞contrast transfer in % contrast transfer in %relative radius of image circleConventional LensThe MTF (modulation transfer function) curve shows the contrasttransfer (in dependence of the image circle radius) of a 300 mmconventional view camera lens at (top to bottom) 5, 10 and 20 linepairs/mm.relative radius of image circle<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital LensThis curve shows the contrast of an 80 mm <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital lens(equivalent to 300 mm in 4x5″) at 10, 20 and 40 line pairs/mm.Note that the digital lens performs better at 40 lp/mm than theconventional leans does at 20 lp/mm.Thanks to the better contrast and resolution <strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital lensesare best suited for digital photography.4-6

LensesSINARON DIGITAL LENSESWITH FOCUSING MOUNTS (EF)ON LENS BOARDS445.83.103 – 113Fast, contrasty and apochromatically corrected<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital lenses optimizedfor digital imaging in focusing mounts forpractical application on the compact versionsof all <strong>Sinar</strong>cams.<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Lenses in EF*For use on the compact versions of all <strong>Sinar</strong>camsLens Typ Order Focusing Image Aperture Scale of Reproduction Filter ∅Number Range Circle RangeOptimum Recomm. Max.at f/11Range Range<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 4,5/45 mm EF 445.83.103 0.4m – ∞ 125 mm 4.5 – 32 1:30 from 1:5 1:∞ 67 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 5,6/90 mm EF 445.83.109 1.3 m – ∞ 140 mm 5.6 – 45 1:30 from 1:5 1:∞ 67 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital 5,6/135 mm EF 445.83.113 2.7 m – ∞ 150 mm 5.6 – 641:30 from 1:5 1:∞ 49mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on Digital Zoom 2.8/35 - 80 mm ** 445.81.060 0.6 m – ∞ 43 mm 2,8 – 22 – from 1:15 1 1: ∞ 1 62 mm– from 1:5 2 1: ∞ 2* EF = Focusing Mount. ** The respective lens board 556.63.011 has to be ordered separately. 1at 35 mm, 2at 80 mmLENS ADAPTER BOARDSFOR THE SINARCAM COMPACT556.63.010 – 556.64.061When the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam is used in its compactversion, adapter boards permit theuse of other lenses in addition to the<strong>Sinar</strong> Digital Lenses, such as Hasselblad,Mamiya, Nikon, Olympus and Leica.• Lens boards with automatic springloadedaperture control (auto) automaticallystop the lens down to the preselectedworking aperture when the live focusingimage is turned off, thus enhancingthe ease of operating the <strong>Sinar</strong>cam Compacteven further.• A special shifting board that permitsperspective correction is available forHasselblad- and Mamiya 645 lenses.digital autodigital manLens Adapter BoardsFor lenses by Description Order Number<strong>Sinar</strong> <strong>Sinar</strong>on Bayonet Board, digital man 556.63.010<strong>Sinar</strong>on Bayonet Board, digital auto 556.63.011Nikon Nikon Bayonet Board, digital auto 556.63.021Leica Leica R Bayonet Board, digital man 556.64.030Hasselblad Hasselblad Shift Board, digital man 556.64.051Mamiya Mamiya 645 Shift Board, digital man 556.64.061shift4-7

LensesGRADUATED FILTERS(Center Filter)440.99.214 – 244Concentrically graduated neutral densityfilters whose density diminishes from thecenter towards the transparent edge. Recommendedfor use when short-focallength<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W lenses are used withcritical subjects (for instance with largeuniformly colored area like a blue sky).Lens Thread Center Filter Filter thread ApplicationM 58 x 0.75 440.99.236 M 77 x 0.75 <strong>Sinar</strong>on-WE 4.5/45 mm(first serie)<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 4.5/65 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 6.8/75 mmM 67 x 0.75 440.99.214 M 86 x 1 <strong>Sinar</strong>on-WE 4.5/45 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on-WE 4.5/55 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 4.5/75 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 6.8/90 mmM 82 x 0.75 440.99.218 M 112 x 1.5 <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 4.5/90 mm<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 6.8/115 mmM 105 x 1 440.99.244 M 127 x 1 <strong>Sinar</strong>on-W 6.8/155 mmCODE SINARON DB/DBM440.91. ... / 440.92. ...LENS CODES FOR LENSESOTHER THAN SINARON LENSES440.90.999Code Plates for automatic recognition of<strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses with Aperture Mounts(DB/DBM) when used with a <strong>Sinar</strong> ExpoluxShutter.Order numbers for Code Plates for<strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses (DB/DBM):440.91./440.92. plus the last three digitsof the order number for the lens(see table on page 4-5).• When ordering Code Plates for lensesother than <strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses, please provideaccurate information about the type andthe focal length of the lens.LINHOF LENS BOARD ADAPTER441.91For using lenses mounted on Linhof lensboards on a <strong>Sinar</strong> camera (from LinhofTechnika IV and V, Master Technika andSuper Technika cameras).Cannot be combined with <strong>Sinar</strong> behindthe-lensshutters.LENS BOARD HOLDER531.41To prevent the lens board from droppingout when the latch is released accidentally.For attaching to the frame of the lensstandard.4-8

Shutters / Exposure Metering<strong>Sinar</strong> Shutter <strong>System</strong>sCorrect exposure is another essential linkin the photographic quality chain. In keepingwith its standard of highest quality,<strong>Sinar</strong> offers several metering systems, allof which are based on selective meteringat the film plane, thus assuring accurateexposure measurement.Shutters supplied by <strong>Sinar</strong> can be classifiedin two basic types; behind-the-lens andbetween-the-lens shutters.• Behind-the-lens shutters: Electronic(<strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux) or mechanical (<strong>Sinar</strong> AutoAperture) shutters that are attached behindthe lens between the lens standard and thebellows. Behind-the-lens shutters featurethe best reproducibility of exposure timesfor every photograph, independent of thelens being used. These shutters also providethe photographer with outstandingconvenience in operating the camera: he orshe can control shutter speeds and apertureaccurately and quickly without havingto move from the position behind the camera.• Between-the-lens shutters: Theseare mechanical units that are integratedinto the lens mount. Most between-the-lensshutters have to be set from the front of thecamera, and they have to be closed beforethe dark slide is removed from a filmholder. They also have to be cocked beforeeach exposure. The fact that each shutterhas certain individual tolerances can leadto differences in exposure times whenlenses are changed.Behind-the-lens-shutters are available inthe following three variations:• The <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux Shutter is a vibration-free,microprocessor-controlled rotatingblade shutter that can be operated from theposition of the photographer by means of a3Com-Palm IIIx or V pocket computer. Thecoded lens is recognized automatically. Theaperture (from f/4 to f/128) and the shutterspeed (from 1 /500 to 2 seconds and T) caneasily be set with a stylus directly on thetouch screen of the pocket computer. Anautomatic cable serves to verify whetherthere is a film holder in the camera, and theshutter will open or close automatically. Exposuremetering at the film plane can alsobe performed with the <strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1 andwith a Minolta exposure meter.• <strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture Shutter: A mechanicalbehind-the-lens shutter with automaticcocking, exposure time scale visiblefrom both sides ( 1 /60 to 8 sec and B), andaperture control (f/4 to f/45). Can be usedwith lenses in Auto Aperture Mounts (Fordetails see on page 5-4).All <strong>Sinar</strong> exposure meters are designed forselective measurement at the film plane,which results in the following practical advantages:• The photographer performs exposuremetering from behind the camera, lookingin the direction of the subject. This enableshim to concentrate completely on the photographand its composition.• It is no longer necessary to calculate exposurecompensation to accommodate filterfactors or bellows extensions.• The photographer meters important detailsof the subject and also takes into accountcontrast characteristics of the film, or– and this is particularly important – the requirementsof the printer.<strong>Sinar</strong> offers the following products for perfectexposure metering:• <strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1: Is a metering probe forcontinuous light and for flash that workswith Minolta Flashmeters III, IV, V andAutometer IVF. It can be used with all filmformats.• Bron FCM Metering Probe: Has thesame features as the <strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1, butdesigned to work with Broncolor’s flash exposuremeter.5-1

Shutters / Exposure Metering<strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux ShutterEXPOLUX SHUTTER XT522.21.008Its microprocessor-controlled rotary bladesensure an even exposure, also in fastshutter speeds. The shutter is operatedby means of a Palm IIIx or V pocket computerfrom 3Com and the <strong>Sinar</strong> Palm-Expolux Controller 522.21.038. The rangeof parameters controlled by the softwaremakes it possible to tailor the shutterspecifically to the task at hand. The rangeof shutter speeds extends from 1 /500 to2 seconds and T in 1 /3 aperture stops.The range of apertures that can be controlledautomatically ranges from f/4 tof/128, depending on the lens in the AutoAperture Mount.• The power supply and the communicationlink with the Palm Computer takeplace by means of the Expolux RS-232Power Supply Unit 522.21.046.• A behind-the-lens filter holder 100 mm(4″) 547.41 is included.PALM EXPOLUX CONTROLLER522.21.038The <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux XT shutter 522.21.008is controlled and operated by means ofthe PalmExpolux software, which is loadedon a Palm IIIx or V pocket computer from3Com.• Lenses equipped with Expolux codingtablets are recognized automatically, sothat the shutter always “knows” exactlywhich lens is being used.• Apertures (from f/4 to f/128) and shutterspeeds (from 1 /500 to 2 seconds and T)can easily be set directly on the touchscreen of the pocket computer by meansof a stylus. For better evaluation of thedepth of field, the aperture can also bestopped down to the working aperture.• An automatic cable serves to detectwhether there is a film holder in the camera.The shutter closes automaticallywhen a film holder is inserted into thecamera and it remains closed until thefilm holder is removed.• Exposure metering at the film planecan also be performed with the <strong>Sinar</strong>Booster 1 and with a Minolta exposuremeter• In order to keep the photographer‘shands free for making the settings on thecamera, the Pocket computer can beplaced in a special holder that comeswith the PalmExpolux Controller Kit andthat can be attached to the Basic Rail.5-2

Shutters / Exposure MeteringIn order to operate the <strong>Sinar</strong> ExpoluxShutter, the following items are requiredin addition to the PalmExpolux Controller,and they are to be ordered separately:522.21.008 Expolux XT Shutter522.21.046 Expolux RS-232 Power Supply522.21.021 Expolux Control Cable, long522.21.032 Expolux Release/AutomaticCable551.32.034 Expolux Release Cable, long– 3Com Palm IIIx or Palm V– 3Com Data Cable(see the operating instructionsfor the PalmExpolux)– Windows Computer for theinitial installationThe product package includes the followingitems:– PalmExpolux Software (diskette)– PalmExpolux Holder– Operating instructionsEXPOLUX BOOSTER525.21Metering probe with a silicon photo diodefor selective exposure measurement atthe film plane for electronic flash, continuousillumination or mixed light. The powersupply and the interpretation of measuredvalues take place exclusively by means ofthe Expolux Monitor 522.21.003, whichhas been discontinued in the meantime.Can be used with 4x5″/10x12.5 cm to8x10″/20x25 cm Metering Backs462.16/.17/.58 or 4x5″/10x12.5 cmLight Meter Cassette 525.16 and 5x7″/13x18 cm Light Meter Cassette 525.17.Length of cable: 1.15 m (46″).EXPOLUX POWER SUPPLY RS 232522.21.046Power supply with an RS-232 Interfacefor operating the Expolux XT Shutter522.21.008. The long Expolux ControlCable 522.21.021 is required for establishingthe connection with the Expolux shutter.Mains voltage range 100 – 240 V AC,50 – 60 Hz, self-adjusting. Mains powercable is included.5-3

Shutters / Exposure Metering<strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture ShutterSINAR AUTO APERTURESHUTTER521.31Mechanical behind-the-lens shutter withspring-loaded aperture control. The <strong>Sinar</strong>Auto Aperture Shutter enables you toconcentrate more on the photograph andless on camera operating technique.• You operate the shutter from behindthe camera, where you belong. No longerdo you have to kneel before your camerain order to check whether the aperture isstopped down, the shutter closed or evencocked.• The shutter is always fully open untiljust before the exposure is made, for maximumbrightness of the focusing screen.• When you insert the film holder into thecamera, the shutter automatically closes.That makes the time lost because of accidentallyexposed films a thing of the past.• When the shutter is released, theunique <strong>Sinar</strong> spring-loaded aperture control(DB) automatically closes the aperturedown to the preselected value and theshutter is automatically re-cocked.• Shutter speed range: 1 /60 to 8 secondsand B.• Aperture stop settings range from f/4to f/45 (smaller apertures can be set withlenses in DBM aperture mounts. Also seechapter 4 about this feature).• A filter holder that can take up to three100 mm filters is supplied with the shutter.• In order for lenses to be used with the<strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture Shutter, they have tobe mounted in DB aperture mounts. Photographerscan easily update existing lenseswith between-the-lens-shutters themselvesby using <strong>Sinar</strong> DB Conversion Kits.• The <strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture Shutter issupplied with an appropriate filter holder,release cable 521.61, automatic cable521.51, bayonet piece 521.91 and synchrocable adapter with standard plug522.11.005.<strong>Sinar</strong>on lenses with Copal between-thelensshutters equipped with a tube onthe lens plane can also be used with a<strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture behind-the-lensshutter. However, the aperture has to beset manually on the shutter (see OrderNo.441.83. ... on page 4-4).Y-SYNCHRO CABLE521.51.010Connects the exposure meter with theshutter and with the electronic flash unit.Permits flash synchronization during exposuremetering and during exposurewithout having to change connections.Length: 1 m (40″).COUPLING PIECE FOR 521.51521.81Two Automatic Cables 521.51 can bejoined with this Coupling Piece for usewith long camera bellows extensions.SYNCHRO LEAD ADAPTER522.11.005For connecting conventional flash synchronizationcables or remote releases to<strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture Shutter 521.31 or to<strong>Sinar</strong> Digital Shutter 522.11.5-4

1. Know theprocess!Have you ever wondered whyyour transparencies look greaton a lightbox, but you are disappointedwhen you see them reproducedin print?• A simple reason is the contrastrange. A transparencycan reproduce details from thebrightest highlights to thedarkest shadows, a rangeof more than six aperturestops.•As soon as the very same pictureis reproduced with printinginks on paper, this range isreduced to only four aperturestops.•Somewhere between the originalexposure and the printedimage there is a lithographerwho decides what part of thisvisual information must besacrificed. This is really so – there issomebody else who passes judgment onyour work!We would like to describe a few simplesteps that will help you to understand theproduction process so that you can anticipatewhat your pictures will look like inprint.2. Exposure MeteringTo control the reproduction process meansto measure the contrast range of your pictures.•In order to reproduce a subject as accuratelyas possible, all the important information,from shadow detailto the brightest highlight withdetail, should be containedwithin a contrast range of fourmeasured aperture stops.•For the most accurate exposuremeasurements with largeformat cameras, an exposuremeter should be used thatmeasures the light at the filmplane.The most important elements inexposure measurement are thefollowing:• The midtone (e.g. with the KodakQ-18 Neutral Gray Card).• The darkest area in which youwant to hold detail.•The brightest area in whichyou want to hold detail.Shutters / Exposure MeteringExposure Meteringa brief introduction-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3Examine the contrast range of your transparencies. Now lookat the “window”: all this visual information has to be compressed,so that it can be reproduced in a printed reproduction.If you do not have control over this process, you willnever be able to tell exactly how your work will look when itis finally reproduced in print.informationpointinformationpointRemember that the contrast range betweenthese two areas must not exceedfour aperture stops!The most precise method of exposuremeasurement is through the lens exposuremetering using a metering probe at the filmplane. That means that any point can bemeasured and that the contrast range canbe controlled.The practical advantages of exposure measurementat the film plane are the following:• The photographer performs the meteringbehind the camera, while he or she hasthe subject in view, so that he or she candevote full attention to the camera and topicture composition.+2 2 /3 brightest highlightwith detail-1- 1 /30 midtone value01:64 Transparency Tone Range1:16 Printing Tone RangeShadowShadowdetail in transparency+2 2 /3-1detail in print-1 1 /3HighlightHighlight-1 1 /3 darkest shadowwith detail+1 1 /3information point+1• Extension factors for the exposuretime that normallyarise from the use of filters,bellows extensions, etc. aretaken into account automatically.• Important parts of the imagecan be measured precisely.•The photographer determinesthe tonal values, unaffected bythe often varying sizes of theimage areas with differentbrightness values.•Staying within acceptable tolerancesof tonal values in thecontrast ranges is a basic prerequisitefor good picture reproduction;3. CommunicationWithout good communicationbetween you the photographerand the lithographer, the latterhas no reference points for theinterpretation of your pictures:• Which details must be preserved andwhich can be left out?• What areas must be considered withspecial care for color rendition?• Where is the midtone value?Simply by identifying the measured pointson a Polaroid print or on a transparency,this information can easily be passed alongto the lithographer. Some of the pertinentinformation that can be communicated inthis manner is the following:• Midtone value, darkest shadow area withdetail and brightest highlight with detail;•informationpoint+1 1 /3 match skin tone valueAreas that can be saturatedblack or totally white (i.e.which do not have to have detailrendition).•Areas that require special attentionfor color rendition(such as skin tones or importantsaturated color areas).•Determination of the effectivelight value of specific points,for reference. Single out apoint, for instance, that has1 stop above the midtone value(+1), or that is a 1 /3 stop belowthat value (– 1 /3).Communication has to be nurturedby all those who are involvedin the reproductionprocess: the photographer, theclient, the lithographer and theprinter.5-5

Shutters / Exposure MeteringAccessoriesSINAR BOOSTER 1525.11Equipped with a silicon photo diode, the<strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1 light metering probe isdesigned for use with Minolta FlashmeterIII, IV and V, as well as the AutometerIV F exposure metering devices.Selective exposure metering at the filmplane is universally possible with flash-,continuous- and mixed lighting.Thanks to its long metering probe, the<strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1 can be used with meteringbacks 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16, 5x7″/13x18 cm 462.17, and 8x10″/20x25 cm462.58 or with Light Meter Cassettes4x5″/10x12.5 cm 525.16 and 5x7″/13x18 cm 525.17.SINAR PROBE FCM525.12Same features as <strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1, butcompatible with the technology ofBroncolor’s exposure meter FCM.The metering backs in which theseexposure metering probes can beused are listed in Section 3,“<strong>System</strong> Components”, page 3-5.LIGHT METER CASSETTE4x5″/10x12.5 cm525.16LIGHT METER CASSETTE5x7″/13x18 cm525.17Accepts the metering probes of all exposuremeters equipped with such probes.Fits all professional cameras with internationallystandardized 4x5″/10x12.5 cmbacks.Accepts the metering probes of all exposuremeters equipped with such probes.Fits all professional cameras with internationallystandardized 5x7″/13x18 cmbacks.HOLDER PLATEFOR MINOLTA FLASHMETERS525.16.005Holder Plate for attaching Minolta FlashmetersIII, IV or V (when <strong>Sinar</strong> Booster 1is being used) on Light Meter Cassettes4x5″/10x12.5 cm 525.16 and 5x7″/13x18 cm 525.17.HOLDER PLATEFOR LIGHTMETER462.96.006Holder Plate for attaching exposuremeters such as Minolta Flashmeters III,IV, V or Autometer IVF (when <strong>Sinar</strong>Booster 1 is being used) to a carrierframe, to a metering back, or to a holderframe.5-6

Film HoldersPrecision that pays for itselfEvery <strong>Sinar</strong> camera accepts basically allfilm holders that conform to internationalstandards and that are used on so-calledinternational camera backs. Because theyaccommodate two sheet films, doublesheet film holders are the most frequentlyused holders for the 9 x 12 cm, 4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm, 5 x 7″/13 x 18 cm, 18 x 24 cmand 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm formats.The <strong>Sinar</strong> PrecisionSheet Film HolderFor the most exacting demands and forphotographs with meticulously definedplanes of sharpness, <strong>Sinar</strong> designed itsown metal film holder with a full-sizepressure plate and a patented film tensioningsystem that ensures the bestpossible film flatness. This also eliminates any movements of the film duringthe exposure. The advantages of this filmholder are particularly valuablefor photographs with multipleexposures or selective sharpness.The <strong>Sinar</strong> Sheet FilmHolder is designed for singlesheets of film, which greatlysimplifies film loading. It alsopermits the imprinting of aphotographer’s copyright onthe border of a photograph bymeans of a strip of litho filmthat can be inserted in specialslots along the edge of a filmholder’s frame. Photographs canalso be numbered from 0 to 9by means of a built-in numberingdial.Lens, FocalLength75 mm90 mm150 mm180 mm240 mm300 mm360 mm480 mm600 mmThe <strong>Sinar</strong> AdhesiveSheet Film Holder<strong>Sinar</strong> offers an improved version of theconventional sheet film holder for the5x7″/13 x 18 cm and 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm formats.The sheet film is not inserted into theholder: it is laid down against a referenceedge on a permanently self-adhesive surface.This eliminates uneven film surfaces,to which the larger sheet film formats areespecially susceptible.In addition to sheet film holders and rollfilmholders, virtually every large format cameraoutfit should also include an instant filmholder. To that end, <strong>Sinar</strong> offers PolaroidSheet Film Holder Model 545 for 4 x 5”/10 x 12.5 cm. Instant pictures are very usefulin professional photography for checkingexposures and lighting or for particularlyurgent assignments.The <strong>Sinar</strong> Zoom Rollfilm Holder:Angle of View for different Formats4.5 x 649°43°26°22°16°13°11°8°6°Resulting Angle of View in Degrees by Format:6x655°48°29°24°18°15°12°9°8°6x762°54°33°28°21°17°14°11°9°6x970°60°38°32°25°19°16°13°10°6x1280°70°46°40°30°23°20°15°12°The <strong>Sinar</strong> ZoomRollfilm Holder4x5″92°82°54°48°36°27°24°18°14°Large format cameras are not at all restrictedto the use of sheet films. <strong>Sinar</strong> hasdeveloped a rollfilm holder with an extremelyprecise film channel and a pressureplate for optimum film flatness. It distinguishesitself because it is so easy andso safe to handle. An outstanding advantageof the <strong>Sinar</strong> Zoom Rollfilm Holder isthe quick selection of image formats of4.5 x 6, 6 x 6, 6 x 7, 6 x 9 and 6 x 12 cm. Tochange the format, masks are shifted internallyand the film advance is adjustedaccordingly. Therefore, no film is wastedwhen the format is changed, and it can bechanged at any time.The use of the <strong>Sinar</strong> Zoom Rollfilm Holderhas one other interesting benefit: by changingthe picture format, which can be doneat any time, it is also possible to change theusable angle of view of the lensthat is being used. This reducesthe number of lenses that needto be taken along, and the photographeris able to adapt theformat to the most desirablecropping of his subject withouthaving to change his camera position.Films in the rollfilm holdercan be replaced very quickly, becausepre-loaded rollfilm cartrigeinserts can be taken along,making that task quite easy.<strong>Sinar</strong> guarantees the bestsharpness performance with<strong>Sinar</strong> Sheet Film Holders and<strong>Sinar</strong> Zoom Rollfilm Holders.6-1

Film HoldersSINAR SHEET FILM HOLDER4x5″/10x12.5 cm566.36Precision single sheet film holder with anew loading system for one sheet of4x5″/10x12.5 cm film.A two-stage pressure plate holds the filmfirmly in place so that it cannot shift withinthe holder.An external signal indicates whether theholder is loaded and whether the film hasalready been exposed. A safety buttonpermits the dark slide to be removed froma loaded holder only when that holderhas been inserted in the camera. Thisprevents unintentional exposures.• There is a provision for imprinting acopyright notice and a two-digit numberon the edge of the film.LOADING TRAY FOR 566.36566.36.001Loading guide for even easier insertion ofsheet film into <strong>Sinar</strong> precision Sheet FilmHolder 566.36.Quality over AllA quality chain is only as strong as itsweakest link. <strong>Sinar</strong> has set itself thetask of steadily eliminating the weakestelements of that chain. That was thereason for <strong>Sinar</strong> to develop its own precisionsheet film holder, which keepsthe film in a remarkably flatter positionthan familiar double sheet film holdersdo. Maximum deviation of the film planefrom the ideal image plane amounts toan exceedingly small ±0.03 mm ( 1 /800″).In conventional sheet film holders, thisdeviation can amount to 0.3 mm ( 1 /80″)and more, regardless of the film typebeing used.The comparison photographs on theright (magnified 20×) show a test photographwith the film surface in the optimumplane and another with the filmsurface displaced 0.3 mm ( 1 /80″) fromthe optimum image plane (both at fullaperture).Cross-section of a <strong>Sinar</strong> precision Sheet Film Holder.Test photograph with the film plane inthe optimum position.Film displaced only 0.3mm ( 1 /80″) fromthe optimum image plane (at full aperture).SINAR ADHESIVE SHEETFILM HOLDER 13x18 cm566.37SINAR ADHESIVE SHEETFILM HOLDER 8x10″/20x25 cm566.38Sheet film is kept very flat by means ofan adhesive layer, which also keeps itfrom shifting or curling out when the camerais tilted downwards. That makes unexpectedareas of unsharpness a thing ofthe past. Excellent film flatness makesthis holder an important tool, especiallyfor photographs with multiple exposures.The holder can be reloaded several hundredtimes. Replacement adhesive sheetsare available.Sheet film holder for single sheets of8x10″/20x25 cm film. Its features are thesame as those of 566.37, above.6-2

Film HoldersDOUBLE SHEET FILM HOLDER4x5″/10x12.5 cm566.56DOUBLE SHEET FILM HOLDER9x12 cm566.46DOUBLE SHEET FILM HOLDER13x18 cm566.47DOUBLE SHEET FILM HOLDER8x10″/20x25 cm566.58These sheet film holders are made oftough unbreakable molded material andthey accommodate two sheets of film.They fit on all cameras with internationallystandardized backs.• The grips on the dark slides are whiteon one side and black on the other. Byinserting the dark slide reversed after aphotograph has been exposed, this makesit easy to tell which holders still have anunexposed film available.SINAR ROLLFILM HOLDERZOOM 2567.32The <strong>Sinar</strong> Zoom 2 Rollfilm Holder is insertedinto the camera just like a standardfilm holder. It is designed for 120- or220-size rollfilm and it fits all 4x5″/10x12.5 cm cameras with an internationallystandardized back. The number ofexposures depends on the format that hasbeen selected, which can be changedfrom 4.5x6 cm to 6x12 cm at any time –without overlapping images. The design ofthe holder assures an absolutely flat filmplane. Supplied with Vario Mask 534.12and Universal Mask 534.22.• You need only this single rollfilm holderand a view camera to cover all currentrollfilm picture formats.• There may be some limitations to theuse of these rollfilm holders with certaincameras other than <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras(Graflock grooves). Our representativeswill be pleased to advise you.VARIO MASK534.12For masking the format in a <strong>Sinar</strong> ZoomRollfilm Holder. Adjustable from 4.5x6 cmto 6x12 cm.4,5 x 6 cm 6x6cm 6x7cm 6x9cm 6 x 12 cmOne for AllFor certain assignments it makes goodsense to use rollfilm. If the advantages ofa large format camera are still wanted,then a rollfilm holder is the ideal solution.As a result of the special design of the<strong>Sinar</strong> Rollfilm Holder, it is no longer necessaryto remove the back of the camerabefore an exposure is made. Film flatnessis also markedly better than it is in conventionalrollfilm holders. The picture formatcan be changed at any time, even inthe middle of the film. This permits the bestutilization of the film. Other advantagesof rollfilm are the wide variety of filmtypes available in that form and itsspace-saving configuration, which is especiallyconvenient for travelling.6-3

Film HoldersSINAR ROLLFILM HOLDER6x9 cm567.45SINAR ROLLFILM HOLDER6x7 cm567.54<strong>Sinar</strong> 6x9 cm and 6x7 cm Rollfilm Holdersare inserted into the camera just like normalsheet film holders and they fit all4x5″/10x12.5 cm cameras with internationallystandardized backs. They aredesigned for 120- and 220-size rollfilms,for 8 and 16 or 10 and 20 exposures,respectively. The design of these rollfilmholders assures excellent film flatness.Supplied with Mask 534.25 for the 6x9 cmformat, or Mask 534.29 for the 6x7 cmformat, respectively.FILM CARTRIDGE567.92For use in <strong>Sinar</strong> rollfilm holders. Individualcartridge for preloading. Permits quickfilm change in rollfilm holders.POLAROIDSHEET FILM HOLDER P 545 i765.96Film Holder for 4x5″/10x12.5 cm instantsheet films.HASSELBLADFILM MAGAZINE ADAPTER556.64.010Permits the adaptation of the film magazineof a Hasselblad camera to a <strong>Sinar</strong>camera. This adapter, which is equippedwith a coupling device for the film magazine,can be mounted on the <strong>Sinar</strong> carrierframe in place of the focusing screenframe. The corresponding format mask,which is to be mounted on the focusingscreen together with a fresnel lenscarrier, is included with the adapter.MAMIYAFILM MAGAZINE ADAPTER556.64.020Permits the adaptation of the film magazine(6x7, 6x8, also powered) of aMamiya RB camera to a <strong>Sinar</strong> camera.For additional information see HasselbladFilm Magazine Adapter.6-4

Color Control FiltersUsing Filters – the right way!Filters are an exceedingly importanttopic in creative and veryprecisely executed photography,primarily when our subjectiveperception of something is to bechanged, or when a particular effect needsto be created.Whereas our eyes always perceive colorsas “correct”, even under the most diversekinds of illumination, film often reacts quitedifferently. Film is balanced for a specificcolor temperature, and when it is used witha light source that has a different color balance,the results will show a greater orsmaller color cast. Filters provide us withthe opportunity of softening, eliminating orintensifying that color cast. Filters can alsobe used to achieve certain pictorial effectsor to influence the overall mood of animage.<strong>Sinar</strong> offers a complete selection of ColorControl Filters that were developed in accordancewith precise sensitometric principlesand produced in fine density stepswith tight tolerances. Filters too, are subjectedto rigid quality control at <strong>Sinar</strong>. It isa firm belief at <strong>Sinar</strong> that filters have to beas precise optically as the lens itself. Otherwisewhat good is a superb lens when itshigh performance is impaired by a lowqualityfilter?• Neutral Density (ND) Filters: Gray filtersthat serve to reduce light intensitywithout changing other light characteristics.They are used when slower shutterspeeds or greater apertures are wanted.Available in densities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6and 0.9. A neutral gray density of 0.3 reducesthe light intensity by one stop.• Color Compensating (CC) Filters:These filters are used for correcting a colorcast that is inherent either to the film ofto its processing, or for changing the colorrendition of a photograph. They are availablein the colors yellow (Y), magenta (M),cyan (C), blue (B), green (G) and red (R),and in color densities of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5.• Conversion Filters: For changing thecolor quality of a light source to match thequality of the light for which a color film isbalanced, or for rendering a scene inwarmer (redder) colors or colder (bluer)colors. Blue filters bear the numbers 80 and82, orange filters are numbered 81 and 85.Depending on their conversion strength,they are identified with an additional letter(A = weak through D and EF = strong).• Contrast Filters: Are used in blackand-whitephotography for altering the renditionof tonal values. Colors can be reproducedin equivalent tonal values or intonal values that differentiate better whenthere are several colors with similar tonalvalues in a scene. The basic rule is that thecolor of the filter is reproduced lighter andits complementary color is reproduceddarker.• Graduated Filters: Are used for alteringthe color or the density of a portion of thephotograph. Graduated neutral density filtersare available in three different densitygradients: 0 – 0.3, 0 – 0.6 and 0 – 0.9. Graduatedcolor filters are available with gradientdensities of 0 – 0.6 in the colors yellow,blue, chocolate, sepia, tobacco, violet,coral pink, copper/yellow (sunset), blue/pink (twilight) and pink. Graduated neutraldensity filters also serve to reduce excessivecontrast in a photograph.• Filters for Special Effects:Used primarily in advertisingand in portrait photography forachieving a particular pictorialeffect. The most commonly usedspecial effect filters are soft-focus filters ofvarious strengths whose flare characteristicsproduce a measured amount of pleasingunsharpness. Another type is the starfilter, which imparts a four-, six- or eightpointstar to every highlight in the picture.• Polarizing Screens: Used for softeningor eliminating reflections on non-metallicsurfaces under certain conditions. Anotherapplication is a darker reproduction of ablue sky in a color photograph.<strong>Sinar</strong> filters are made of high grade CR-39plastic material, the same material that isused for eyeglasses and for other opticalelements. <strong>Sinar</strong> Color Control Filters aresupplied in two sizes: 100 x 100 mm (4 x 4″),1 mm thick and 125 x 125 mm (5 x 5″), 3 mmthick. Their designations correspond tothose of Kodak Wratten filters. With the extensive<strong>Sinar</strong> Adapter <strong>System</strong>, they can beused on virtually any large or medium formatcamera.100 x 100 mm (4 x 4″) filters can be used infront of the lens and also behind the lens.It is more advantageous to place them behindthe lens, because this significantly reducesthe loss of contrast that is caused bystray light. That is why <strong>Sinar</strong> offers specialFilter Holder 547.41, which is designed tosupport up to three filters behind the lens.When a combination of several filters isused – especially behind the lens – focusingshould be performed with the filters inplace.It is strongly recommended to use probesfor film plane metering to accurately measurethe light when filters are used.7-1

Color Control FiltersFILTER HOLDER 1/125 mm (5″)547.11Filter Holder 1 supports a single 125 mm(5″) filter.Several filter holders can be stacked androtated in relation to each other. The backof the holder is designed as an attachmentframe that will fit in every <strong>Sinar</strong>4x5″/10x12.5 cm standard.Multipurpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5 cm454.11 can be attached directly to FilterHolder 1/125 mm to serve as a lens hood.Adapter rings can also be attached toFilter Holder 1/125 mm. This makes the<strong>Sinar</strong> 125 mm Filter <strong>System</strong> excellent foruse on any view camera, regardless ofbrand.FILTER HOLDER 2/125 mm (5″)547.21Filter Holder 2/125 mm (5″) supports two125 mm (5″) filters or one Linear PolarizingFilter 547.91.750.Its other features are the same as thoseof Filter Holder 1/125 mm (5″) above.FILTER HOLDER 100 mm (4″)FOR BTL SHUTTER547.41Filter Holder for use with <strong>Sinar</strong> Expolux or<strong>Sinar</strong> Auto Aperture behind-the-lens shutter.Easy to attach to the shutter withouttools. Positions filters between the filmplane and the lens, so that they are protectedfrom stray light and reflections.Supports up to three 100 mm (4″) filters.FILTER HOLDER 100 mm (4″)WITH TUBE547.51This Filter Holder 100 mm (4″) supportsup to three 100 mm (4″) filters at a time.One or more lens hood tubes can be attachedto its front. Supplied with three25 mm (1″) tubes.• By means of adapter rings, this FilterHolder can be attached to nearly alllenses on 35 mm and medium formatcameras and to many lenses on professionalcameras as well (see AdapterRings 547.81. ...).ADAPTER RINGS 100 mm (4″)and 125 mm (5″)547.81. ...These Adapter Rings permit the attachmentof <strong>Sinar</strong> Filter Holder 100 mm (4″)547.51 and <strong>Sinar</strong> Filter Holder 125 mm(5″) 547.11 or 547.21 to practically alllenses with filter threads and filter bayonets,respectively.For sizes and order numbers, please seethe table on page 7-6 entitled “AdapterRings”.CAP FOR ADAPTER RING547.81.002Protective cap that can be placed on alens with an adapter ring (for the 100 mmfilter system) in place.Diameter: 96 mm (3 3 /4″).7-2

Color Control FiltersFILTER BOX 100x100 mm (4x4″)547.62.001FILTER BOX 100x125 mm (4x5″)547.62.002Made of wood, for the storage of 10 <strong>Sinar</strong>Color Control Filters 100 mm (4″).Filters are not included.• Graduated filters require 100x125 mm(4x5″) Filter Box 547.62.002.Made of wood, for the storage of 10 <strong>Sinar</strong>Color Control Filters and GraduatedFilters 100 mm (4″).Filters are not included.547.62.001 547.62.002FILTER CASE 125 mm (5″)547.71The following accessories can be storedin this Filter Case:– 1 Filter Holder 1/125 mm (5″) 547.11coupled to– 1 Filter Holder 2/125 mm, plus– 30 Filters 125 mm (5″), plus– 6 Adapter Rings, plus– 4 Graduated Filters, plus– 1 Cleaning Set.WALLET FOR FILTERS 100 mm(4″)547.72The following filters can be stored in thiswallet:– 4 Graduated Filters 100x125 mm (4x5″)– 18 Filters 100 mm (4″).FILTER CLEANING SET547.79<strong>Sinar</strong> Color Control Filters should only becleaned with this special solution.Other solutions may cause their surfacesto become dull.Consists of:– 1 bottle of cleaning fluid– 1 cleaning cloth.SWIVELINGLINEAR POLARIZING FILTER546.31Rotating and swiveling linear polarizing filterwith a diameter of 110 mm (4 1 /2″). Canbe mounted on one of the Rods of 11 cm(4 1 /2″), 16 cm (6 1 /4″) and 25 cm (10″)length (see page 3-14).• Does not require any further filterholders.GRADUATED FILTERS(Center Filter)440.99.214 – 244Concentrically graduated neutral densityfilters whose density diminishes from thecenter towards the transparent edge. Recommendedfor use with short-focallength<strong>Sinar</strong>on-W lenses.For more information see page 4-8.7-3

Color Control FiltersCC FILTERS 125 mm (5″)547.91.103 – 650Color Compensating Filters for <strong>Sinar</strong>Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong> 125 mm (5″).Available in the colors cyan, magenta,yellow, red, green and blue in the densities0.025, 0.05, 0.10. 0.15, 0.20. 0.40and 0.50.For order numbers see table on the right.CC FILTERS 100 mm (4″)547.92.103 – 650Color Compensating Filters for <strong>Sinar</strong>Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong> 100 mm (4″).Other features are the same as those ofCC Filters 125 mm (5″).AbbreviatedDesignationCC025CCC05CCC10CCC15CCC20CCC30CCC40CCC50CCC025MCC05MCC10MCC15MCC20MCC30MCC40MCC50MDensity / Color0.025 Cyan0.05 Cyan0.10 Cyan0.15 Cyan0.20 Cyan0.30 Cyan0.40 Cyan0.50 CyanColor Correction Filters0.025 Magenta0.05 Magenta0.10 Magenta0.15 Magenta0.20 Magenta0.30 Magenta0.40 Magenta0.50 MagentaOrder Number(100 mm/4″)547.92.103547.92.105547.92.110547.92.115547.92.120547.92.130547.92.140547.92.150547.92.203547.92.205*547.92.210*547.92.215547.92.220*547.92.230*547.92.240*547.92.250Order Number(125 mm/5″)547.91.103547.91.105547.91.110547.91.115547.91.120547.91.130547.91.140547.91.150547.91.203547.91.205547.91.210547.91.215547.91.220547.91.230547.91.240547.91.250ExposureCompensation inf-stops (approx.)0+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 2 /3+ 2 /3+10+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 2 /3+ 2 /3+ 2 /3Filter 125 Filter 100CC025YCC05YCC10YCC15VCC20YCC30YCC40YCC50Y0.025 Yellow0.05 Yellow0.10 Yellow0.15 Yellow0.20 Yellow0.30 Yellow0.40 Yellow0.50 Yellow547.92.303547.92.305547.92.310547.92.315547.92.320547.92.330547.92.340547.92.350547.91.303547.91.305547.91.310547.91.315547.91.320547.91.330547.91.340547.91.35000+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 2 /3ND FILTERS 125 mm (5″)547.91.010 – 090Neutral gray filters for the <strong>Sinar</strong> ColorControl Filter <strong>System</strong> 125 mm (5″).Available in the densities 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,0.6 and 0.9.For order numbers see table on page 7-5.ND FILTERS 100 mm (4″)547.92.010 – 090Neutral gray filters for the <strong>Sinar</strong> ColorControl Filter <strong>System</strong> 100 mm (4″).Other characteristics are the same asthose of ND Filters 125 mm (5″) above.CTC FILTERS 125 mm (5″)547.91.801 – 853Blue and orange conversion filters forthe <strong>Sinar</strong> Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong>125 mm (5″).For available types and Order Numbers,please see the table on page 7-5.CC025RCC05RCC10RCC15RCC20RCC30RCC40RCC50RCC025GCC05GCC10GCC15GCC20GCC30GCC40GCC50GCC025BCC05BCC10BCC15BCC20BCC30BCC40BCC50B0.025 Red0.05 Red0.10 Redo.15 Red0.20 Red0.30 Red0.40 Red0.50 Red* = Color Meter Filter Kit0.025 Green0.05 Green0.10 Green0.15 Green0.20 Green0.30 Green0.40 Green0.50 Green0.025 Blue0.05 Blue0.10 Blue0.15 Blue0.20 Blue0.30 Blue0.40 Blue0.50 Blue547.92.403547.92.405547.92.410547.92.415547.92.420547.92.430547.92.440547.92.450547.92.503547.92.505*547.92.510*547.92.515547.92.520*547.92.530*547.92.540*547.92.550547.92.603547.92.605547.92.610547.92.615547.92.620547.92.630547.92.640547.92.650547.91.403547.91.405547.91.410547.91.415547.91.420547.91.430547.91.440547.91.450547.91.503547.91.505547.91.510547.91.515547.91.520547.91.530547.91.540547.91.550547.91.603547.91.605547.91.610547.91.615547.91.620547.91.630547.91.640547.91.6500+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 2 /3+ 2 /3+10+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 2 /3+ 2 /3+10+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 1 /3+ 2 /3+ 2 /3+1+1 1 /3Example: CC Filters for Fluorescent IlluminationCTC FILTERS 100 mm (4″)547.92.801 – 853Blue and orange conversion filters forthe <strong>Sinar</strong> Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong>100 mm (4″).Other characteristics are the same asthose of CTC Filters 125 mm (5″).Type of Fluorescent LampDaylightWhiteWarm WhiteWarm White DeluxeCool WhiteCool White DeluxeDaylight Color Film40Y + 40M30M + 20C40M + 40C30M + 60C30M10M + 20CTungsten Color Film30Y + 40M + 85B (CTC)50Y + 60M40Y + 50M10Y + 10M50R + 10R40Y + 20M7-4

Color Control FiltersAbbreviatedDesignation1ND2ND3ND6ND9NDAbbreviatedDesignationDensity / Color0.1 neutral0.2 neutral0.3 neutral0.6 neutral0.9 neutralColor Temperature Correction FiltersColorNeutral Density FiltersOrder Number(100 mm/4″)547.92.010547.92.020547.92.030547.92.060547.92.090Order Number(100 mm/4″)Order Number(125 mm/5″)547.91.010547.91.020547.91.030547.91.060547.91.090Order Number(125 mm/5″)Exposure Compensationin f-stops (approx.)+ 1 /3+ 2 /3+1+2+3Correction in MIRED**,Exposure Compensationin f-stops (approx.)SE FILTERS 125 mm (5″)547.91.750 – 758Special effects filters for the <strong>Sinar</strong> ColorControl Filter <strong>System</strong> 125 mm (5″).See the “Special Effects Filters” table onpage 7-6 for types and order numbers.SE FILTERS 100 mm (4″)547.91.750 – 758Special effects filters for the <strong>Sinar</strong> ColorControl Filter <strong>System</strong> 100 mm (4″).See the “Special Effects Filters” table onpage 7-6 for types and order numbers.80A80B80C80D8282A82B82C8181A81B81C81D81EF8585B85C80A Blue80B Blue80C Blue80D Blue82 Blue82A Blue82B Blue82C Blue81 Orange81A Orange81B Orange81C Orange81D Orange81EF Orange85 Orange85B Orange85C Orange547.92.801547.92.802*547.92.803*547.92.804*547.92.820*547.92.821*547.92.822*547.92.823*547.92.810*547.92.811*547.92.812*547.92.813*547.92.814*547.92.815*547.92.850*547.92.852547.92.853*547.91.801547.91.802547.91.803547.91.804547.91.820547.91.821547.91.822547.91.823547.91.810547.91.811547.91.812547.91.813547.91.814547.91.815547.91.850547.91.852547.91.853* = Color Meter Filter Kit** = See page 7-7 for the table for the determination of the correct conversion filter.Color Meter Filter Kit– 131 + 2– 112 + 1 2 /3– 81 +1– 56 + 1 /3– 10 + 1 /3– 21 + 1 /3– 32 + 2 /3– 45 + 2 /3+ 9 + 1 /3+ 18 + 1 /3+ 27 + 1 /3+ 35 + 1 /3+ 42 + 2 /3+ 52 + 2 /3+ 112 + 2 /3+ 131 + 2 /3+ 81 + 1 /3Components: 100 mm, Order Number 598.92ContainerFilter Wallet 547.72 (2x)Filter Cleaning Set Filter Cleaning Set 547.7910 Color Correction Filters 2 Colors (Magenta, Green) in 5 Densities (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)15 Conversion Filters Blue (80B, 80C, 80D, 82, 82A, 82B, 82C)Orange (81, 81A, 81B, 81C, 81D, 81EF, 85, 85C)COLOR METERFILTER KIT 100 mm (4″)598.92Color Meter Filter Kit 100 mm (4″) includes10 Color Compensating Filters,15 Conversion Filters and the FilterCleaning Set.The 25 filters are stored in two protectivefilter files.Please see the “Color Meter Filter Kit”table for a full list of contents.BW FILTERS 125 mm (5″)547.91.703 – 735Black-and-white contrast filters for the<strong>Sinar</strong> Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong>125 mm (5″). For colors and order numberssee table “B/W Contrast Filters”.BW FILTERS 100 mm (4″)547.92.703 – 735Black-and-white contrast filters for the<strong>Sinar</strong> Color Control Filter <strong>System</strong>100 mm (4″). For colors and order numberssee table below.Black-and-White Contrast FiltersDesignationColorOrder No (100 mm/4″)Order No (125 mm/5″)Applications8Y25R58G47B1A2B16O38LB11YG8 Yellow25 Red58 Green47B Dark Blue1A Skylight2B Ultraviolet16 Orange38 Light Blue11 Yellow-Green547.92.703547.92.704547.92.705547.92.706547.92.710547.92.715547.92.720547.92.725547.92.730547.91.703547.91.704547.91.705547.91.706547.91.710547.91.715547.91.720547.91.725547.91.730Sky, clouds, vegetation greenReduces haze, absorbs blue in infrared photography(color separation filter)Darkens magenta and red (color separation filter)Lightens blue (color separation filter)Avoids blue shadows, absorbs ultravioletAbsorbs ultraviolet under 390 nmContrast filter, darker rendition of the skyImproved rendition of yellow and orangeBetter tonal values in artificial light (portrait,vegetation)7-5

Color Control FiltersSpecial Effect FiltersDesignationDensityOrder No (100 mm/4″)Order No (125 mm/5″)ApplicationsLP1SF03D06D1D1F44S46S48S0.4––––––––546.31.000 *547.92.751547.92.756547.92.757547.92.752547.92.753547.92.758547.92.754547.92.755547.91.750 **547.91.751547.91.756547.91.757547.91.752547.91.753547.91.758547.91.754547.91.755Rotating and swiveling linear polarization filter,eliminates reflections; + 1 1 /3Soft focus filterDiffusion filter, mild soft focusDiffusion filter, medium soft focusDiffusion filter, strong soft focusFog filter4-point star filter (4 mm / 5 /32″ thick)6-point star filter (4 mm / 5 /32″ thick)8-point star filter (6 mm / 7 /32″ thick)* = See description on page 7-3** = effective filter diameter: 110 mm (4 3 /8″)For ThreadAdapter RingsOrd. No (100 mm/4″) Ord. No (125 mm/5″)RemarksM40.5 x 0.5M49 x 0.75M52 x 0.75M55 x 0.75M58 x 0.75M62 x 0.75M67 x 0.75M72 x 0.75M77 x 0.75M82 x 0.75M85 x 0.75M86 x 1M95 x 1M100 x 1M105 x 1M110 x 1M112 x 1.5M120 x 1M127 x 1547.81.050547.81.051547.81.052547.81.060547.81.053547.81.054547.81.055547.81.061547.81.056547.81.057547.81.062547.81.058–––––––547.81.035 ◆547.81.036 ◆547.81.037 ◆547.81.044 ◆547.81.038 ◆547.81.047 ◆547.81.039 ◆547.81.045 ◆547.81.040 ◆547.81.041 ◆547.81.046 ◆547.81.042 ◆547.81.043 ◆547.81.019547.81.020547.81.021547.81.024547.81.022547.81.023On older lenses it is best tomeasure the inner diameter ofthe mount at the front elementwith a ruler and add 1 mm.Example: ∅ 66 mm → AdapterRing M67 x 0.75).◆ Can also be used with theFilter <strong>System</strong> 100 mm (4″).40.2 mm ∅60.2 mm ∅80.2 mm ∅547.81.579547.81.587547.81.595–––Slip-on adapter rings for attachingfilters to the back of a lens.∅ 42, 60 and 80 mm resp.Hasselblad 50Hasselblad 60Hasselbald 70Rollei547.81.069547.81.070547.81.072547.81.071––––For Hasselblad ∅ 50 bayonet ringFor Hasselblad ∅ 60 bayonet ringFor Hasselblad ∅ 70 bayonet ringFor Rollei 70 mm filter thread.GRADUATED FILTERS 125 mm (5″)547.91.900 – 999Graduated Filters for the <strong>Sinar</strong> ColorControl Filter <strong>System</strong> 125 mm (5″).Please see the “Graduated Filters” tablefor available colors and order numbers.GRADUATED FILTERS 100 mm (4″)547.92.900 – 999Graduated Filters for the <strong>Sinar</strong> ColorControl Filter <strong>System</strong> 100 mm (4″).Please see the “Graduated Filters” tablefor available colors and order numbers.AbbreviatedDesignationY.G.B.G.Ch.G.S.G.T.G.V.G.C.G.SunsetTwilightP.G.3NDG6NDG9NDGDensity0 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.60 – 0.30 – 0.60 – 0.9Graduated FiltersOrder Number(100 mm/4″)547.92.903547.92.906547.92.910547.92.911547.92.912547.92.913547.92.914547.92.915547.92.916547.92.917547.92.930547.92.960547.92.990Order Number(125 mm/5″)547.91.903547.91.906547.91.910547.91.911547.91.912547.91.913547.91.914547.91.915547.91.916547.91.917547.91.930547.91.960547.91.990ColorYellowBlueChocolateSepiaTabaccoVioletChoralSunsetTwilightPinkNeutral GreyNeutral GreyNeutral Grey7-6

Color Control FiltersTable for the determination ofthe correct conversion filterPlace a ruler from the left column (T1:color temperature of the light source) tothe right column (T2: color sensitizationof the film). The required conversion filtercan then be read where the ruler'sedge crosses the center column. Moreinformation on this subject can be foundin the book “Creative Large Format, Volume1:Basics and Applications”.(See page 8-2 of this catalog).7-7

Miscellaneous<strong>Sinar</strong> WorkshopsWe consider our Imaging EducationCenter in Switzerland asan international platform for thedissemination and exchange ofknowledge among photographerswith an exciting variety ofspecialties. It gives us as membersof the workshop team theopportunity to convey skills andexperience in the field of largeformat photography with thoroughcompetence.Special WorkshopsIn this category we offer workshopsconducted by renownedphotographers describing theirrespective specialties, such asfood photography, multiple exposures,masking techniques, andso forth. In order to keep the selection oftopics interesting and up-to-date, we areconstantly adding new applications of photographyto our list of workshop subjects.Even though the emphasis is on creativeaspects of photography, these workshopsare also designed to transmit specific theoreticaland practical know-how,thus creating stimulating newperspectives.Workshops 1 and 2Of course <strong>Sinar</strong> also offers workshopson camera technique itself,because we are convincedthat mastering the large formatcamera is an extremely importantprerequisite for making outstandinghigh-quality photographs.One of the courses isdedicated to the fundamentals oflarge format photography, makingit suitable also for beginnersin large format photography, includingthose who wish to havea non-committal hands-on lookat a potential future working tool.The other course is designed for professionalswith considerable experience, whoare interested in, for instance, masteringthe control of contrast, or who wish to acquirea solid command of mixed sources ofillumination, the close-up range and multipleexposures.ProfessionalDigital <strong>Photography</strong>Workshops on digital photographyare also on our regularworkshop program. In a one-daycourse, we provide the basis foran individual assessment of itsapplicability to professionalsfrom all phases of image andmedia production. Quality andeconomics of digital imaging areanalyzed in relation to chemicalphotography. Practical demonstrationsin the studio providethe basis for an evaluation of thepossibilities of electronic photography.Because proper handling oflarge format equipment cannotbe learned by theory alone, our workshopsemphasize the hands-on approach, usingmodern, well-equipped studios. By formingsmall working groups, we make sure thateveryone has ample opportunities to handlethe equipment. Everything you learn inthese workshops is of practical value, evenif you do not use a <strong>Sinar</strong> camera.We place great value onthorough course literature, becauseit helps you to reproducethe photographic demonstrationsafter the course and it alsohelps to apply the newly acquiredskills to your own work.You are most welcome to ourworkshops, regardless whetheryou are a professional or an amateur,an individual or part of agroup. Upon request, we can organizecourses at special ratesfor school groups.Please contact us. We will bepleased to send you our currentcourse listings.The Workshop Team8-1

Urs TillmannsMiscellaneous<strong>Sinar</strong> BooksIntroduced by the Swiss publishing housePHOTOGRAPHIE in co-operation with<strong>Sinar</strong>, the series of books entitled “CreativeLarge Format” distinguishes itself by itshigh professional caliber.The volumes published so far have alreadybeen awarded various prizes, including theKodak Photo Book Prize. Volume 1 on Basicsand Applications constitutes the foundationfor the entire series and should beon the reference shelf of every photographicstudio.Subsequent volumes on specific subjectsrefer to numbered sections of the respectivechapters of that volume when generalcamera setting techniques are involved.All titles are available in English, Germanand French. Volume 1 is also available inSpanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.Additional language versions are in preparation.BASICS AND APPLICATIONSCreative Large Format, Volume 105.0202ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHYCreative Large Format, Volume 205.0302NATURAL LANDSCAPESCreative Large Format, Volume 305.0402PEOPLE PHOTOGRAPHYCreative Large Format, Volume 405.0502Everything you need to know about theprerequisites and the technical foundationsof modern large format technique.The use of sharpness compensation andperspective correction in practical applications.A competent reference handbookfor beginners and for professionals.112 pages with more than 200 illustrations.Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).This book conveys the essential knowhowfor necessary camera adjustments,choice of camera position and focallength, picture composition, as well asadvance planning of architectural photographs.A portfolio section backs uptheory with numerous large-format practicalexamples with detailed explanations.88 pages with more than 70 illustrations.Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).Even today, only large format photographycan reproduce the details, structures,colors and moods of natural landscapeswithout losses. The competent sectionson technique and creativity is beautifullysupplemented by numerous elegantlypresented pictorial examples by accomplishedlarge format photographers.88 pages with more than 70 illustrations.Size: 28x22cm (11x9″).People photography is trendy. With thehelp of examples and sketches all aspectsof people photography are explainedgoing from camera size, through lightingup to copyrights. First-class portfolios withpictures of internationally renowned photographersstimulate your creativity.96 pages with more than 100 illustrations.Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).COPYRIGHTADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHYCreative Large Format, Volume 505.0602In today’s tidal flood of images, the aim ofadvertising photography is to attract attentionto itself. This book demonstrateshow dramatic effects can be achieved withthe adjustable view camera. Internationallysuccessful advertising photographers explainhow they create their campaigns.88 pages with more than 100 illustrations.Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY5CREATIVE LARGE FORMAT8-2

Miscellaneous<strong>Sinar</strong> Boutique07.0400 Gilden Pen07.0300 Silvered Pen07.1500 Black Pen07.2021 <strong>Sinar</strong> Poloshirt M07.2031 <strong>Sinar</strong> Poloshirt L07.2041 <strong>Sinar</strong> Poloshirt XL07.0910 RGB Pen07.0600 Swiss Army Knife07.2500 <strong>Sinar</strong> Overall07.0601 Mini pocket knife07.0602 SwissCardpocket knife07.2100 <strong>Sinar</strong> City Bag07.0603 Cyber Tool07.2700 Pin <strong>Sinar</strong> gold 18K07.2720 Pin <strong>Sinar</strong> Label07.3200 <strong>Sinar</strong> plastic bag07.2750 Earring gold 18K07.3800 <strong>Sinar</strong> Lighter08.1202 DocumentationSleeve07.0200 <strong>Sinar</strong> Cork-screw07.3500 <strong>Sinar</strong> Umbrella07.3900 <strong>Sinar</strong> ConferenceFolder07.1300 <strong>Sinar</strong> Sticker07.1200 <strong>Sinar</strong> Mouse Pad8-3

Miscellaneouswww.sinarcameras.com<strong>Sinar</strong> can be found on the internet under www.sinarcameras.com.Our website features product information as well as informationabout cultural matters, additional training, and online shopping. Ithas the following interesting categories:News:Seminar:Calendar:Books:Distributors:Support:CaptureShop:Here you can find the very latest informationabout the <strong>Sinar</strong> company and its products.This category uses the format of a short seminarto present all the advantages of the <strong>Sinar</strong> viewcamera system.Every year <strong>Sinar</strong> produces its own calendar,which has become a collector‘s item. Photographsused in the current calendar and instructionsfor submitting pictures for the next calendarare shown in this categoryThe “Creative Large Format” series of books publishedby the PHOTOGRAPHIE publishing housein cooperation with <strong>Sinar</strong> distinguishes itself byits refined professionality. This category describesthe individual books in this series and it furnishesinformation for ordering the books directly via theinternet.Our representatives in your country, carefully selectedby <strong>Sinar</strong>, have specialists on staff who canexpertly counsel you in your own language. Thiscategory lists the local <strong>Sinar</strong> agencies in yourcountry.This category is intended for professional supportof <strong>Sinar</strong> specialists on site. A password is requiredfor accessing this category.Cameras:Digital:Workshops:Gallery:Feedback:Shop:<strong>Sinar</strong> CaptureShop is the software for the“<strong>Sinar</strong>back”, the proprietary <strong>Sinar</strong> digital back.Because it has great versatility and high-performancesoftware, <strong>Sinar</strong> offers you, the user, theopportunity of obtaining the desired informationright from the source.Here you can find relevant information aboutcurrent models of <strong>Sinar</strong> cameras and about theextensive range of accessories in the <strong>Sinar</strong> buildingblock system.If you are looking for specific information about<strong>Sinar</strong> digital products, this is the right place:Digital cameras, digital backs, digital accessoriesas well as camera configurations are describedin this category.Would you like to learn the secrets of large formatphotography? Do you have the need for acquiringexpertise in digital imaging? If so, this is preciselythe right place! Information about specializedworkshops for all needs – this chapter lists currentdates and conditions of participation.The <strong>Sinar</strong> Gallery presents a selection of outstandingimages that have graciously been madeavailable by talented <strong>Sinar</strong> photographers fromaround the world.This is a forum that offers you the opportunity ofsharing some of your experiences in using ourproducts.Our era of modern communication makes itdelightfully convenient to order products via theinternet. The <strong>Sinar</strong> Shop continuously offers wellmaintainedand fully functional camera accessoriesand occasionally even complete camerasfrom our stock of demonstration equipment. Theselection is constantly being updated. We encourageyou to check it out sometime!8-4

Miscellaneous<strong>Sinar</strong> AgenciesARGENTINAOptica Cosentino S.A.C.I.Avda. Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña 738AR-1035 Buenos AiresTel.: (+54)11 4 328 91 20Fax: (+54)11 4 328 91 23E-mail: info@cosentino.toWebsite: www.cosentino.toAUSTRALIABaltronics Pty. Ltd.3 Northcliff Street, Suite BAU-Millsons Point, NSW 2061Tel.: (+61)2-99 59 52 00Fax: (+61)2-99 22 78 77E-mail: baltronics@bigpond.comAUSTRIASlach BildtechnikVertriebsges. mbH & Co. KGKolpingstrasse 21Postfach 61AT-1232 WienTel.: (+43)1-61 04 40Fax: (+43)1-610 44 50E-mail: info@slach.atBAHRAINImage Masters CentreP.O.Box 40056BH-ManamaTel.: (+973)24 33 48Fax: (+973)25 04 05E-mail: ally@greenmail.netBELGIUMEMDAY Graphic SAAvenue Coghen 77BE-1180 BruxellesTel.: (+32)2-348 49 80Fax: (+32)2-348 49 99E-mail: marc.depauw@village.uunet.beBELGIUM / LUXEMBOURGPaul Hotz S.A.Rue de la Gare 3StationsstraatBE-1040 BruxellesTel.: (+32)2-734 34 01Fax: (+32)2-733 35 84E-mail: arul@hotz.beWebsite: www.hotz.beBRAZILImportécnica S.A.Rua Baronesa de Porto Carreiro 352BR-01133-010 São PauloTel.: (+55)11-36 62 42 91Fax: (+55)11-36 67 11 61E-mail: importec@wm.com.brBULGARIAZhivas Co. Ltd.36, Dondoukov Blvd.BG-1000 SofiaTel.: (+359)2-981 78 23Fax: (+359)2-981 78 23E-mail: zhivko@mail.techno-link.comCANADAAMPLIS Foto Inc.22 Telson RoadCA-Markham, Ontario L3R 1E5Tel.: (+1)905-477 4111Fax: (+1)905-477 2502E-mail: amplis@planeteer.comCHILEServicios Fotográficos Ltda.Perez Valenzuela 1503CL-SantiagoTel.: (+56)2-235 78 70Fax: (+56)2-235 90 41COLOMBIASofocol Ltda.Calle 45 No. 8 - 32Apartado PostalCO-Bogotá 2Tel.: (+57)1-338 49 55Fax: (+57)1-338 23 84CROATIAIlijic D.O.O.Gor. Prekrizje 23HR-41000 ZagrebTel.: (+385)1-467 34 95Fax: (+385)1-467 34 95E-mail: ilijic@ibm.netWebsite: www.lavsa.com/ilijicCZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIAProfifoto s.r.o.Veverkova 28CZ-17000 Praha 7Tel.: (+420)2-33 37 29 85Fax: (+420)2-33 37 03 04E-mail: profifoto@anet.czWebsite: www.profifoto.czDENMARKHother Import ApSPalaegade 5DK-1261 Copenhagen KTel.: (+45)33 93 13 97Fax: (+45)33 93 13 96E-mail: hother@ibm.netWebsite: www.ejulhother.dkFINLANDEiri OyTeollisuuskatu 29P.O. Box 73FI-00510 HelsinkiTel.: (+358)9-229 19 41Fax: (+358)9-22 91 93 11E-mail: osmo.kiiskinen@eiri.fiWebsite: www.eiri.fiFRANCEPhoto Service July73, rue Albert DhalenneB.P. 109FR-93403 Saint-Ouen CedexTel.: (+33)1-40 11 24 36Fax: (+33)1-40 11 82 57E-mail: info@photo-service-july.frGERMANYPSL Photosysteme GmbHKurt-Fischer-Strasse 25Postfach 1531DE-22905 AhrensburgTel.: (+49)41-02 46 40Fax: (+49)41-02 4 45 67E-mail: psl.photosysteme@t-online.deWebsite: www.pslphotosysteme.deGREAT BRITAINSilicon Imaging Ltd.45 MillharbourGB-London E14 9TRTel.: (+44)20-7538 1010Fax: (+44)20-7537 1675E-mail:mark.middlebrook@silicon-imaging.co.ukGREAT BRITAINThe Studio Workshop20/22 Brunswick CentreBernard StreetGB-London WC1N 1AETel.: (+44)20-7278 7633Fax: (+44)20-7278 7340E-mail: office@tsw-lon.demon.co.ukGREECEInterfotoP.O.Box 52 891N. ErythreaGR-146 01 AthensTel.: (+30)1-752 58 10Fax: (+30)1-752 58 10E-mail: interfot@otenet.grWebsite: www.interfoto.gr8-5

MiscellaneousHONG KONG / CHINASchmidt Photo9/F, North Somerset HouseTaikoo Place, 979 King's RoadHK-Quarry BayTel.: (+852)25 07 03 33Fax: (+852)29 68 06 82E-mail: jackiechan@shk.schmidtgroup.comWebsite: www.shk.schmidtgroup.comITALYMafer S.r.l.Via G.B. Brocchi, 22IT-20131 MilanoTel.: (+39)02-70 63 87 26Fax: (+39)02-236 79 77E-mail: mafer@maferfoto.itWebsite: www.maferfoto.itNORWAYLars Farnes A/SPottemakerveien 8Postbox 34, KalbakkenNO-0901 Oslo 9Tel.: (+47)22 16 29 30Fax: (+47)22 16 47 39E-mail: farnes.as@online.noHUNGARYArtfoto (Flair Mode Kft.)Moszkva tér 10HU-1024 BudapestTel.: (+36)1-316 02 67Fax: (+36)1-316 02 67E-mail: info@artfoto.huWebsite: www.datanet.hu/artfotoJAPANNihon Siber Hegner K.K.Siber Hegner Mita Building3-4-19 Mita, Minato-KuJP-Tokyo 108Tel.: (+81)3-54 41 45 66Fax: (+81)3-54 41 45 24E-mail: alex.russell@siberhegner.comOMANPhotocentre LLCOff Wadi bin Arabee Habib Street,Wadi Al-KabirP.O. Box 115OM-Ruwi 112Tel.: (+968)771 47 52Fax: (+968)771 12 54INDIAFoto Fantasie3 Shirish DuplexesPrabhat Rd., Lane no.11, ErandwanaIN-Pune 411 004Tel.: (+91)212-37 30 11Fax: (+91)212-37 37 38E-mail: fotofantasie@vsnl.comINDONESIAPrimacolor44 CD Hasyim AshariID-Jakarta 10140Tel.: (+62)21-634 31 27Fax: (+62)21-634 22 71E-mail: pci@jakarta.wasantara.net.idIRANAphomar Co. Ltd.127, South Sohrevardi Ave.P.O. Box 11365/1167IR-TehranTel.: (+98)21-875 21 62Fax: (+98)21-873 91 09E-mail: aphomar@tavana.netIRELANDDMLData Micrographics Ltd.Portobello HarbourIE-Dublin 8Tel.: (+353)1-478 18 88Fax: (+353)1-478 18 50E-mail: dml@indigo.ieISRAELHadar Photo SupplyAgencies Ltd.36-38 Achad Haam St.P.O.Box 1686IL-Tel-Aviv 61016Tel.: (+972)3-560 39 47Fax: (+972)3-560 39 05E-mail: hadarpht@netvision.net.ilLEBANONGulbenk CorporationJal el Dib Highway 421P.O. Box 11-3111LB-BeirutTel.: (+961)4-41 42 38Fax: (+961)4-71 78 00MALAYSIAKing's Photo158-2-6, Kompleks MaluriJalan Jejaka, Taman MaluriMY-55100 Kuala LumpurTel.: (+60)3-9200 34 19Fax: (+60)3-9200 36 71E-mail: contacts@kingsphoto.com.myWebsite: www.kingsphoto.comMEXICOComercial SuizoMexicana S.A. de C.V.Av. Revolucion 1884 - 102 C.P.Apdo. Postal 20-197MX-01000 Mexico, D.F.Tel.: (+52)5-550 28 59Fax: (+52)5-550 41 68E-mail: aleyva@starnet.net.mxNETHERLANDSPhotal fototechnischeHandelsondernemingEdisonstraat 31Postbus 61NL-6600 AB WijchenTel.: (+31)24-642 03 34Fax: (+31)24-642 14 53E-mail: info@photal.nlWebsite: www.photal.nlNEW ZEALANDAPIX4-6 Dundonald StreetNZ-Newton, AucklandTel.: (+64)9 307 31 77Fax: (+64) 9 307 31 12E-mail: alistair@apix.co.nzPHILIPPINESIsland Multi-IndustrialSales Corp.108 Gamboa St., Legaspi VillageMakati CP0 Box 3346PH-Makati, Metro ManilaTel.: (+63)2-818 17 88Fax: (+63)2-810 55 23E-mail: islandm@i-next.netPOLANDDicam s.c.Profesjonalny Sprzet Fotograficznyul. Burakowska 5/7PL-01-066 WarszawaTel.:(+48)22-838 87 33 od.(+48)22 636 12 73Fax: (+48)22-838 87 33E-mail: arygier@polbox.comPORTUGALImporfoto Lda.Rua do Açúcar, 42PT-1900 LisboaTel.: (+351)21-862 13 00Fax: (+351)21-868 73 59E-mail: infor@imporfoto.ptWebsite: www.imporfoto.ptROMANIAFocus Trading 94 srlSos. Stefan cel Mare, 15Sc. C Ap.25 Sector 2RO-72132 BucurestiTel.: (+401) 679 75 83Fax: (+401) 230 01 07E-mail: focus94@fx.roRUSSIAul. B. Potchtovaya 18/20Korps. 3, Kv. 91RU-Moscow 107 082Tel.: (+7)095-265 39 89Fax: (+7)095-265 39 89E-mail: loginov@caravan.ru8-6

MiscellaneousSAUDI ARABIAMurad Photo ImagingKhurais Road, Al NahdaP.O. Box 8482SA-Riyadh 11482Tel.: (+966)1-231 09 76Fax: (+966)1-231 10 44SINGAPOREPrima Studio Equipment Pte Ltd.50 Kallang Pudding Road #05-01BGolden Wheel Industrial BuildingSG-Singapore 349326Tel.: (+65)844 10 89Fax: (+65)841 52 67E-mail: alanyong@mbox4.singnet.com.sgSOUTH AFRICAFotoquip Bestinvest CCLower Suite, Whitecliffs, 5 Dover St.P.O.Box 3712ZA-Randburg, 2125Tel.: (+27)11-886 40 37Fax: (+27)11-787 20 30E-mail: info@fotoquip.co.zaWebsite: www.fotoquip.co.zaSOUTH KOREASaeki Panme Co., Ltd.Rm 301 Saeki Bldg,143 Waryoung-Dong,Jongro-Ku, K.P.O. Box 1822KR-SeoulTel.: (+82)2-764 19 14Fax: (+82)2-742 33 87E-mail: m.h.lee@saeki.co.krWebsite: www.saeki.co.krTAIWAN R.O.C.Lunar International Co., Ltd.Office 244, Sec. 2Keelung RoadTW-TaipeiTel.: (+886) -22-736 42 31Fax: (+886) -22-732 31 43E-mail: info@lunar.com.twWebsite: www.lunar.com.twTHAILANDKrung Siam Enterprise Co., Ltd.No. 808, Rachisima RoadThanonnakornchaisri, DusitTH-Bangkok 10300Tel.: (+66)2-669 5425-9Fax: (+66)2-669 5424E-mail: kseco@ksc15.th.comTURKEYDarfilm A.S.Yeniçarsi Cad. No. 40GalatasarayTR-80050 IstanbulTel.: (+90)212-293 75 00Fax: (+90)212-293 78 94E-mail: tech@darfilm.com.trWebsite: www.darfilm.com.trUNITED ARAB EMIRATESSalam Studio & Stores L.L.C.Wafi Shopping MallP.O. Box 4199AE-DubaiTel.: (+971)4-324 52 52Fax: (+971)4-324 61 10E-mail: dawood@salam.co.aeSPAINIngraficPl. Alqueria Nova8 bajoES-46014 ValenciaTel.: (+34)-96-350 08 66Fax: (+34)-96-350 09 32E-mail: ingrafic@ingrafic.comWebsite: www.ingrafic.comSWEDENMolander & Son ABEkholmsvägen 36Box 19SE-12721 SkärholmenTel.: (+46)8-680 15 70Fax: (+46)8-740 66 74E-mail: info@molanders.seWebsite: www.molanders.seUSA<strong>Sinar</strong> Bron Imaging17 Progress StreetUS-Edison, N.J. 08820Tel.: (+1)908-754 58 00Fax: (+1)908-754 58 07E-mail: info@sinarbron.comWebsite: www.sinarbron.comVENEZUELAElinchrom Venezolana S.A.4ta. Av. de Campo Alegre, 24Villa ArenasVE-Chacao-Caracas 1060-ATel.: (+58)2-266 19 12Fax: (+58)2-266 23 61E-mail: evsa@link7.lat.netSWITZERLAND<strong>Sinar</strong> Imaging CenterRieterstrasse 80CH-8002 ZürichSTel.: (+41)1 280 27 27Fax: (+41)1 280 35 35E-mail: info@sic-imaging.chWebsite: www.sic-imaging.ch8-7



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