appraisal drilling of geothermal wells in olkaria domes - Orkustofnun

appraisal drilling of geothermal wells in olkaria domes - Orkustofnun appraisal drilling of geothermal wells in olkaria domes - Orkustofnun


Ogola 306 Report 13REFERENCESArusei, M.K., 2001: Hydrology of Lake Naivasha catchment basin. Moi University, ChemistryDepartment, MSc. thesis, 186 pp.Ase, L., Sernbo, K., and Syren, P., 1986: Studies of Lake Naivasha, Kenya and its drainage area.Stockholm University, Institute of Nature and Geography, 71 pp.Atkilt, G., 2001: Soil survey to predict characteristics relevant to land management (Naivasha,Kenya). ITC, Soil Science Division, MSc thesis, Enschede, 60 ppCarnelley, S., 1993: Naivasha lake: Carnelley, unpublished report, Naivasha, 50 pp.CBS, 2002: Economic survey 2003. Central Bureau of Statistics Kenya, Nairobi, report, 239 pp.Darling, W.G., Allen, D.J., and Ármannsson, H., 1990: Indirect detection of outflow from a RiftValley lake. J. Hydrol., 113, 297-305.Eythórsson, G., Jóhannesson, H, and Ólafsson, K., 2003: Socioeconomic Impacts Assessments: Theexperience of two different projects: a road tunnel in the Tröllaskagi Peninsular in northern Icelandand the Kárahnjúkar hydro project in eastern Iceland. Proceedings of the 5 th Nordic EnvironmentalAssessment conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 295-306.KPLC & Sinclair Knight Merz, 1992: Environmental assessment report. Northeast Olkaria powerdevelopment project, RSP International Ltd, 800 pp.LNRA 1999: A three phase environmental impact study of recent development around the lake. LakeNaivasha Riparian Association, report, 50 pp.Lopez, S.N., 2002: Papyrus conservation around Lake Naivasha. Development of alternativemanagement schemes in Kenya. ITC, Soil Science Division, MSc thesis, Enschede, 96 pp.Ministry of Lands and Settlement 2002: Naivasha strategic structure plan 2002-2022. Rift Valleyprovince, Nakuru office, physical planning department, report, 34 pp.Ministry of Planning and Development, 1998: Poverty in Kenya. Human Resources and SocialServices department, Central Bureau of Statistics, report, 135 pp.Naivasha Municipal Council, 2000: Local authority development plan 2000-2004. NMC, 109 pp.Ramsar, 2002: Background papers on wetland values and functions. Ramsar Conservation Bureau,report, 14 pp.Republic of Kenya, 1999: Environmental management and coordination act, 2000. Government ofKenya, Nairobi.Rural Focus, 2002: Lake Naivasha water resource management programme. Rural Focus Ltd,Nanyuki, Kenya, 47 pp.Sayeed, A., 2001: Economy versus environment: How a system with remote sensing and GIS can assistin decisions for water resource management - a case study in the Lake Naivasha, Central Rift ValleyProvince, Kenya. ITC, Soil Science Division, MSc Thesis, Enschede.World Bank, 1989: Operational directives for Environmental Impact Assessment. World Bankwebpage

Ogola 306 Report 13REFERENCESArusei, M.K., 2001: Hydrology <strong>of</strong> Lake Naivasha catchment bas<strong>in</strong>. Moi University, ChemistryDepartment, MSc. thesis, 186 pp.Ase, L., Sernbo, K., and Syren, P., 1986: Studies <strong>of</strong> Lake Naivasha, Kenya and its dra<strong>in</strong>age area.Stockholm University, Institute <strong>of</strong> Nature and Geography, 71 pp.Atkilt, G., 2001: Soil survey to predict characteristics relevant to land management (Naivasha,Kenya). ITC, Soil Science Division, MSc thesis, Enschede, 60 ppCarnelley, S., 1993: Naivasha lake: Carnelley, unpublished report, Naivasha, 50 pp.CBS, 2002: Economic survey 2003. Central Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics Kenya, Nairobi, report, 239 pp.Darl<strong>in</strong>g, W.G., Allen, D.J., and Ármannsson, H., 1990: Indirect detection <strong>of</strong> outflow from a RiftValley lake. J. Hydrol., 113, 297-305.Eythórsson, G., Jóhannesson, H, and Ólafsson, K., 2003: Socioeconomic Impacts Assessments: Theexperience <strong>of</strong> two different projects: a road tunnel <strong>in</strong> the Tröllaskagi Pen<strong>in</strong>sular <strong>in</strong> northern Icelandand the Kárahnjúkar hydro project <strong>in</strong> eastern Iceland. Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> the 5 th Nordic EnvironmentalAssessment conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 295-306.KPLC & S<strong>in</strong>clair Knight Merz, 1992: Environmental assessment report. Northeast Olkaria powerdevelopment project, RSP International Ltd, 800 pp.LNRA 1999: A three phase environmental impact study <strong>of</strong> recent development around the lake. LakeNaivasha Riparian Association, report, 50 pp.Lopez, S.N., 2002: Papyrus conservation around Lake Naivasha. Development <strong>of</strong> alternativemanagement schemes <strong>in</strong> Kenya. ITC, Soil Science Division, MSc thesis, Enschede, 96 pp.M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Lands and Settlement 2002: Naivasha strategic structure plan 2002-2022. Rift Valleyprov<strong>in</strong>ce, Nakuru <strong>of</strong>fice, physical plann<strong>in</strong>g department, report, 34 pp.M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Plann<strong>in</strong>g and Development, 1998: Poverty <strong>in</strong> Kenya. Human Resources and SocialServices department, Central Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics, report, 135 pp.Naivasha Municipal Council, 2000: Local authority development plan 2000-2004. NMC, 109 pp.Ramsar, 2002: Background papers on wetland values and functions. Ramsar Conservation Bureau,report, 14 pp.Republic <strong>of</strong> Kenya, 1999: Environmental management and coord<strong>in</strong>ation act, 2000. Government <strong>of</strong>Kenya, Nairobi.Rural Focus, 2002: Lake Naivasha water resource management programme. Rural Focus Ltd,Nanyuki, Kenya, 47 pp.Sayeed, A., 2001: Economy versus environment: How a system with remote sens<strong>in</strong>g and GIS can assist<strong>in</strong> decisions for water resource management - a case study <strong>in</strong> the Lake Naivasha, Central Rift ValleyProv<strong>in</strong>ce, Kenya. ITC, Soil Science Division, MSc Thesis, Enschede.World Bank, 1989: Operational directives for Environmental Impact Assessment. World Bankwebpage

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