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appraisal drilling of geothermal wells in olkaria domes - Orkustofnun appraisal drilling of geothermal wells in olkaria domes - Orkustofnun


Ogola 290 Report 133.5 Population characteristicsFigure 17 depicts the 2004population projections based onthe 1999 population census. The80+70 to 74census estimated the population60 to 64of Naivasha at 103,701 persons.50 to 54Projections done for 2004 by the2004Nakuru district statistical officeestimated the population in 2004to be at 200,640 at a growth rateof 5.68%. Several studies have40 to 4430 to 3420 to 2410 to 141999quoted 250,000 using different0 to 4projection factors. This growth0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000rate is not only based on normalPopulationgrowth within the district but30000 35000 40000migration factors. The averagepopulation growth rate in Kenya FIGURE 17: Population projection by age cohortis at 3.8%. This is a typicalpopulation structure of a developing country. The life expectancy in Kenya is 47-59 for males and 48-63 for females (Ministry of Planning and Development, 1998). A high fertility rate of 7, lowexpectancy rate, and high child mortality rate are the main factors for the trend seen in Figure 17.Age cohortsImmigrants of diversified mix live in the area. These include whites who are mainly farm/propertyowners or executives, Asian businessmen, diverse ethnic communities like Kikuyus who are mostlydoing business, Luos, Kisiis, Kambaas, Luhyas and others who form the majority of the flower farmlabourers, and finally the Maasais who are staying on private land without authorization. The area’spopulation has risen from 20,000 to 250,000 in the last two decades. The rise in population is mainlyattributed to migration of people seeking work in the flower farms due to an increase in flower andhorticultural farming. It is obvious that the small settlements mushrooming are not solely occupied byflower farm workers who constitute 90%, but also small traders, hotel workers, a very negligible exlabourforce from Olkaria II project, etc.The labour composition is mostly from Luo, Kisiis and some Kikuyus ethnic communities. Most ofthe labour force that comes from the western part of the country has a tradition of living with extendedfamilies. The rise in population has not been matched by an improved infrastructural development.The rise in population has created booming business for Naivasha town, which has a symbioticrelationship with the Hells Gate location. The population boom has impacted on the area in thefollowing manner:• Increase in theft and robbery cases;• Increase in solid waste and especially litter along the road;• Pressure on land carrying capacity in terms of persons per square kilometres and clearance ofvegetation for fuel wood;• Pressure on physical infrastructure;• Degradation of property value due to overcrowding and growth of slums;• Increase in traffic volume and matatus (van public transport) to meet population transportrequirements;• Increase in lake and borehole water abstraction;• Pollution of both lake (washing and bathing at the lake) and groundwater (due to increase in pitlatrines).

Report 13 291 Ogola3.6 EconomyAgricultural development and catering and accommodation are the key sectors along the Moi SouthLake road. It was not easy to give a specific value to all the economic activities of Hells Gate locationand more specifically in terms of VAT, employment opportunity, employees’ salaries and taxes paidfrom the salaries, etc. The data could not be obtained from the relevant ministries.Horticultural and floricultural export is the major foreign exchange earner for Kenya accounting forabout 12% of Kenya’s income. The horticultural export has grown from about 1400 tonnes in 1968valued at 2.5 million Kshs, to about 85,000 tons in 1996 valued at 8.8 billion Kshs.The region employs 30,000 workers on the farms who have at least five or more dependants. Thegrowth of Naivasha town is a result of the Lake which has attracted foreign investment in flowerfarming. The area directly and indirectly supports a population of over 500,000. Flower growing hasovertaken coffee and tourism as a source of foreign exchange for Kenya and ranks second only to tea,according to the Kenya Flower Council. Last year, Kenyan sales of cut flowers abroad were worthUSD 110 million (£77million), or 8% of export earnings.In power production, KenGen has about 400 employees, and generates revenue to the governmentfrom the sale of 277 GWh of electricity per year. The implementation of Olkaria II with 70 MWeincreased the output to 682.75 GWh in the July 2003 - June 2004 fiscal year. Orpower hasapproximately 15 employees and is currently generating 13 MWe.The revenue from tourist activities, e.g. hotel accommodation, park entry earnings have alsocontributed significantly to the region.3.7 Labour forceStatistics on the labour force could not be obtained from the Ministry due to a lack of data. However,an estimate of 20,000 farm labour force alone was given by the LNGG representative during theinterview. This figure could be indicative of the labour force of the LNGG members and does notcover the non-LNGG and new growers. According to the Naivasha council development plan, thearea supports a total of 30,000 people in farming. LNGG has 25 members out of the known 40 farms.In view of this, the labour force estimated by the Nakuru district statistical office using population agegroups between ages 15 and 59 is used as an indicator. The estimates shown in Table 4 below arebased on a comparison between the 1999 census and 2004.TABLE 4: Population of the labour force - age group 15-59Male Female2004 48,157 47,6081999 23,408 21,733Though the comparison does not give the specific category for the study area but the division as awhole, it can be used as a general indicator of the demand for a labour force in the area which hasdoubled due to an increase in agricultural activities in the South Lake area, which is the receiving area.The labour force on commercial farms is mostly composed of women who work on a casual basiswhile most of the men get permanent jobs. Most of the labour force type is unskilled. The women arepreferred because of their ability to handle the product carefully and give attention to the crops. Thegeneral income of the labour force is less than USD 50 per month for unskilled labour to over USD5000 for a foreign executive. The unskilled labour requirement fluctuates between high and lowseasons. The rest of the people in this age group based on the table above are self-employed, running

Ogola 290 Report 133.5 Population characteristicsFigure 17 depicts the 2004population projections based onthe 1999 population census. The80+70 to 74census estimated the population60 to 64<strong>of</strong> Naivasha at 103,701 persons.50 to 54Projections done for 2004 by the2004Nakuru district statistical <strong>of</strong>ficeestimated the population <strong>in</strong> 2004to be at 200,640 at a growth rate<strong>of</strong> 5.68%. Several studies have40 to 4430 to 3420 to 2410 to 141999quoted 250,000 us<strong>in</strong>g different0 to 4projection factors. This growth0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000rate is not only based on normalPopulationgrowth with<strong>in</strong> the district but30000 35000 40000migration factors. The averagepopulation growth rate <strong>in</strong> Kenya FIGURE 17: Population projection by age cohortis at 3.8%. This is a typicalpopulation structure <strong>of</strong> a develop<strong>in</strong>g country. The life expectancy <strong>in</strong> Kenya is 47-59 for males and 48-63 for females (M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Plann<strong>in</strong>g and Development, 1998). A high fertility rate <strong>of</strong> 7, lowexpectancy rate, and high child mortality rate are the ma<strong>in</strong> factors for the trend seen <strong>in</strong> Figure 17.Age cohortsImmigrants <strong>of</strong> diversified mix live <strong>in</strong> the area. These <strong>in</strong>clude whites who are ma<strong>in</strong>ly farm/propertyowners or executives, Asian bus<strong>in</strong>essmen, diverse ethnic communities like Kikuyus who are mostlydo<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess, Luos, Kisiis, Kambaas, Luhyas and others who form the majority <strong>of</strong> the flower farmlabourers, and f<strong>in</strong>ally the Maasais who are stay<strong>in</strong>g on private land without authorization. The area’spopulation has risen from 20,000 to 250,000 <strong>in</strong> the last two decades. The rise <strong>in</strong> population is ma<strong>in</strong>lyattributed to migration <strong>of</strong> people seek<strong>in</strong>g work <strong>in</strong> the flower farms due to an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> flower andhorticultural farm<strong>in</strong>g. It is obvious that the small settlements mushroom<strong>in</strong>g are not solely occupied byflower farm workers who constitute 90%, but also small traders, hotel workers, a very negligible exlabourforce from Olkaria II project, etc.The labour composition is mostly from Luo, Kisiis and some Kikuyus ethnic communities. Most <strong>of</strong>the labour force that comes from the western part <strong>of</strong> the country has a tradition <strong>of</strong> liv<strong>in</strong>g with extendedfamilies. The rise <strong>in</strong> population has not been matched by an improved <strong>in</strong>frastructural development.The rise <strong>in</strong> population has created boom<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess for Naivasha town, which has a symbioticrelationship with the Hells Gate location. The population boom has impacted on the area <strong>in</strong> thefollow<strong>in</strong>g manner:• Increase <strong>in</strong> theft and robbery cases;• Increase <strong>in</strong> solid waste and especially litter along the road;• Pressure on land carry<strong>in</strong>g capacity <strong>in</strong> terms <strong>of</strong> persons per square kilometres and clearance <strong>of</strong>vegetation for fuel wood;• Pressure on physical <strong>in</strong>frastructure;• Degradation <strong>of</strong> property value due to overcrowd<strong>in</strong>g and growth <strong>of</strong> slums;• Increase <strong>in</strong> traffic volume and matatus (van public transport) to meet population transportrequirements;• Increase <strong>in</strong> lake and borehole water abstraction;• Pollution <strong>of</strong> both lake (wash<strong>in</strong>g and bath<strong>in</strong>g at the lake) and groundwater (due to <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> pitlatr<strong>in</strong>es).

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