Skills for Study Level 2 Teacher's Book - Cambridge University Press

Skills for Study Level 2 Teacher's Book - Cambridge University Press

Skills for Study Level 2 Teacher's Book - Cambridge University Press


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So far I have successfully completed each stage of theproject up to and including the collection of data. However,I feel that the in<strong>for</strong>mation I have is slightly too basic, sosome more data would be useful. It turned out that therewas rather less in<strong>for</strong>mation in the public domain than I hadexpected, and what was there focused more on technicalprojects. Also, there is relatively little academicallyappropriate literature on the predicted impacts oftechnology. I plan to search <strong>for</strong> more data while I continuewith the analysis over the next two weeks.I have just started the data analysis, which is going wellso far, though as mentioned above I will need to find somemore data. However, I do not expect that this will causea significant change to my intended schedule. I have alsostarted writing a first draft of the main body, and changedthe literature review from the feedback that you gave mewhen I last met you.I expect to complete the data analysis and begin work inearnest on the first draft around 18th August. As I will bemeeting you on the 22nd I will hopefully be able to presentyou with an early draft then.Despite the slight problem with the quantity of dataavailable, I believe my project is proceeding on schedule,and anticipate that I will be able to submit it withoutproblems by the original deadline of 10th September.Best wishes,Jean Michelet.What iscurrently beingdoneWhat remains tobe doneSummary ofstatusClosingvalediction3c Students create a progress report email.3d Students swap their reports with a partner and identify the sections of theirpartner’s report.Unit Task: Traditional, complementary and modern medicineabStudents are instructed to write the report appropriate to their assignment title.Students use the table in the text to help them plan out the main body.Note: Ask students to turn to the checklist on p.241 and reread the tips relating toUnit 3 Parts A–D, be<strong>for</strong>e reading the tips to Unit 3 Part E. Encourage students to putthese tips into practice in their studies from now on. Tell them they will be asked toreport back on this in a future lesson.Unit 3 Part E ∙ Reporting in writing 104

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