Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software

Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software


55Spreadsheet Server for use with Global SoftwareIndex- A -account 20balance 21balance drill down 38Budget Manager balances 24description 20generate audit trail 45journal drill down 40journal entry line drill down 41multiple columns drill down 39security 51segment lists 27subsystem detail drill down 42account master 43copy accounts 44list 43add-in 8audit trail 45- B -benefits and features 4Budget Manager balances 24- C -calculation options 31disable 54enable 54GXA for account values 21GXA for Budget Manager 24GXA using segment lists 28GXD 20refresh PC cache 32components 5copy accounts 44copy grid records 33, 37- D -database 14local PC 14disable formula calculations 54drill down 38detailed account balances 38general grid features 33journal entry lines 41journals 40multiple column account balances 39subsystem detail 42- E -enable formula calculations 54Excel add-in 8- F -features and benefits 4formula 54disable calculations 54enable calculations 54GXA for account values 21GXA for Budget Manager 24GXD 20SSLDESC 29GXA using segment lists 28- G -generate account detail 45grid features 33copy records 33, 37print records 33re-sort columns 33restore grid layout 33, 34save grid layout 33, 34grid layouts 34GXA 21for account values 21for Budget Manager 24list accounts 25using segment lists 28GXD 20© 2008 ... Global Software, Inc.

Index 56- H -hide zero balance rows 53- I -installation 6introduction 3- J -journal drill down 40journal entry line drill down 41- L -list accounts 25in GXA formula 25account master 43copy accounts 44load local PC database 14local PC database 14- P -PC cache 32print grid records 33- R -refresh PC cache 32required components 5re-sort grid columns 33restore hidden rows 53rows 53hide 53restore 53- S -security account profile 51segment lists 26create 26enter values for segment lists 27retrieve description 29using in GXA 28view values 30settings 9SSLDESC 29start Spreadsheet Server 8subsystem detail drill down 42- U -uninstall 7user settings (see settings) 9- V -view accounts (see list accounts) 25, 43view segment list values 30- W -worksheet wizard 18- Z -zero balance rows 53hide 53restore 53© 2008 ... Global Software, Inc.

Index 56- H -hide zero balance rows 53- I -installation 6introduction 3- J -journal drill down 40journal entry line drill down 41- L -list accounts 25in GXA <strong>for</strong>mula 25account master 43copy accounts 44load local PC database 14local PC database 14- P -PC cache 32print grid records 33- R -refresh PC cache 32required components 5re-sort grid columns 33restore hidden rows 53rows 53hide 53restore 53- S -security account profile 51segment lists 26create 26enter values <strong>for</strong> segment lists 27retrieve description 29using in GXA 28view values 30settings 9SSLDESC 29start <strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Server</strong> 8subsystem detail drill down 42- U -uninstall 7<strong>use</strong>r settings (see settings) 9- V -view accounts (see list accounts) 25, 43view segment list values 30- W -worksheet wizard 18- Z -zero balance rows 53hide 53restore 53© 2008 ... <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Software</strong>, Inc.

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