Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software

Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software


51Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software9.4 Account SecurityThe Account Security Profile allows an administrator to control the account strings that a particular user mayaccess.1. From the desktop, click Start>Program Files>Global Software SSGLOBAL>Accounts Profile. TheAccounts Profile panel appears.2. In the Account Mask field on the Accounts Profile panel, specify the account string to which the user willhave access and click the Add button. Single account strings, ranges, or wildcards may be entered. Amaximum of 20 different account strings is allowed per profile.3. Repeat step 2 until all account masks for the account profile have been added.4. To remove an account mask from the list, select the value in the grid and click the Remove button. Toremove all account masks from the list, click the Clear All button.5. To lock the account profile for security purposes (i.e. prevent others from making changes to the accountprofile), click the Lock button. The This profile is currently unlocked dialog box appears.

Miscellaneous Features 526. On the This profile is currently unlocked dialog box, specify a password and click the Lock button. Thispassword is required to change the account profile. It is not mandatory to lock an account profile with apassword.7. When the account profile is complete, click the Close button.Global Software, Inc.

51<strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Server</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>use</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Software</strong>9.4 Account SecurityThe Account Security Profile allows an administrator to control the account strings that a particular <strong>use</strong>r mayaccess.1. From the desktop, click Start>Program Files><strong>Global</strong> <strong>Software</strong> SSGLOBAL>Accounts Profile. TheAccounts Profile panel appears.2. In the Account Mask field on the Accounts Profile panel, specify the account string to which the <strong>use</strong>r willhave access and click the Add button. Single account strings, ranges, or wildcards may be entered. Amaximum of 20 different account strings is allowed per profile.3. Repeat step 2 until all account masks <strong>for</strong> the account profile have been added.4. To remove an account mask from the list, select the value in the grid and click the Remove button. Toremove all account masks from the list, click the Clear All button.5. To lock the account profile <strong>for</strong> security purposes (i.e. prevent others from making changes to the accountprofile), click the Lock button. The This profile is currently unlocked dialog box appears.

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