Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software

Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software


47Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software9.2 Expand Detail Reports - Account DetailsThe Expand Detail option allows the user to select a single financial statement line using Spreadsheet Serverformulas and explode the line into the individual account details. The process is similar to the Generate AccountDetail option but uses a single line to explode into a designated workbook location.This process is primarily used to launch detailed financial statements into the same template. This option canbe used for multiple departments to ensure consistency for each report. Instead of creating each possibleaccount number as different rows in the spreadsheet, a single line can be created that contains ranges, segmentlists, or wildcards. This line will then be exploded into the applicable individual accounts and placed into aformatted worksheet.1. Create a standard Spreadsheet Server report using the GXA formula. The single report line becomes thebasis for the exploded report. When the process is executed the single line will be exploded into individualaccount lines and placed into the final formatted worksheet (see below).The example below shows a report based on an account mask.· GXA formulas are created in a single line. In the example, the account string parameters are shown incells A1:A4. The balance parameters of the GXA (dataset, format, period, currency) are entered in eachcolumn heading (A6:G9). The actual GXA formulas are contained in cells A13, B13, F13, and G13.· Standard Excel formulas are used to calculate the budget variances in cells C13 and H13.· The AcctNum designation has been inserted into cell D13. This designation will generate the accountnumber detail into that particular column.· The AcctDesc designation has been inserted into cell E13. This designation will generate the accountdescription into that particular column.2. Create/label a cell called Target Sheet Name. In the example, this is cell B16 and it has been identified asworksheet GXE Results. This cell identifies the name of the worksheet that contains the final formattedworksheet and will receive the exploded detail.3. Create/label a cell called Source Sheet Name. In the example, this is cell B17 and it has been identified asworksheet GXE Formula. This cell identifies the worksheet that contains the GXA formulas that will beexploded. In this example, the same worksheet contains both the source and the GXE parameters.4. Create/label a cell called Target Detail Starting Row. In the example, this is cell B18 and it has been

Miscellaneous Features 48identified as row 8. This cell identifies the first row within the target worksheet to begin inserting theexploded account detail.5. Create/label a cell called Source Detail Row. In the example, this is cell B19 and it has been identified asrow 16. This identifies the row number in the source worksheet that contains the GXA formulas.6. Create a GXE formula with the following parameters:· Target Sheet (B16)· Source Sheet (B17)· Target Detail Row (B18)· Source Detail Row (B19)Formula Example:=GXE(B16,B17,B18,B19)7. Format the Target Worksheet with headings in rows 1-6, blank rows in rows 7-9, and a totals row in row 10.Each total was set to a range of rows 7-9 (i.e. =SUM(A7:A9)). When the Expand Detail Reports function isinitiated, the total line is shifted down or up, based upon the number of data rows populated each time theexpansion is processed.8. To launch the explosion, from the Excel menu select SServer>Expand All Detail Reports. The system willlook for GXE formulas and expand the results into the formatted sheet (see below).Global Software, Inc.

47<strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Server</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>use</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Software</strong>9.2 Expand Detail Reports - Account DetailsThe Expand Detail option allows the <strong>use</strong>r to select a single financial statement line using <strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Server</strong><strong>for</strong>mulas and explode the line into the individual account details. The process is similar to the Generate AccountDetail option but <strong>use</strong>s a single line to explode into a designated workbook location.This process is primarily <strong>use</strong>d to launch detailed financial statements into the same template. This option canbe <strong>use</strong>d <strong>for</strong> multiple departments to ensure consistency <strong>for</strong> each report. Instead of creating each possibleaccount number as different rows in the spreadsheet, a single line can be created that contains ranges, segmentlists, or wildcards. This line will then be exploded into the applicable individual accounts and placed into a<strong>for</strong>matted worksheet.1. Create a standard <strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Server</strong> report using the GXA <strong>for</strong>mula. The single report line becomes thebasis <strong>for</strong> the exploded report. When the process is executed the single line will be exploded into individualaccount lines and placed into the final <strong>for</strong>matted worksheet (see below).The example below shows a report based on an account mask.· GXA <strong>for</strong>mulas are created in a single line. In the example, the account string parameters are shown incells A1:A4. The balance parameters of the GXA (dataset, <strong>for</strong>mat, period, currency) are entered in eachcolumn heading (A6:G9). The actual GXA <strong>for</strong>mulas are contained in cells A13, B13, F13, and G13.· Standard Excel <strong>for</strong>mulas are <strong>use</strong>d to calculate the budget variances in cells C13 and H13.· The AcctNum designation has been inserted into cell D13. This designation will generate the accountnumber detail into that particular column.· The AcctDesc designation has been inserted into cell E13. This designation will generate the accountdescription into that particular column.2. Create/label a cell called Target Sheet Name. In the example, this is cell B16 and it has been identified asworksheet GXE Results. This cell identifies the name of the worksheet that contains the final <strong>for</strong>mattedworksheet and will receive the exploded detail.3. Create/label a cell called Source Sheet Name. In the example, this is cell B17 and it has been identified asworksheet GXE Formula. This cell identifies the worksheet that contains the GXA <strong>for</strong>mulas that will beexploded. In this example, the same worksheet contains both the source and the GXE parameters.4. Create/label a cell called Target Detail Starting Row. In the example, this is cell B18 and it has been

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