Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software

Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software Spreadsheet Server for use with Global Software


35Spreadsheet Server for use with Global SoftwareSpecify the desired location of the selected column by dragging the position marker, which changes position as themouse pointer crosses the right edge of a column. In the example below, the Amount column is to be movedbetween the Trans Date and JV Number columns.Complete the operation by releasing the mouse button. The selected column is immediately moved to the left of theposition marker.Save a grid layout:If a user wishes to have a customized grid as the new default for subsequent drill down operations, the layout mustbe saved as a new default. Right-mouse click on any line in the grid. A pop-up menu appears. Select the menuitem: Save Grid Layout as New Default. When the next drill down is performed for a specific grid, the new defaultlayout will be displayed.Restore a grid layout:There may be occasions when the original grid layout needs to be restored. For example, the customization process

Drill Down Functionality 36may need to be redone starting with the installed default layout. In addition, the Spreadsheet Server product may beenhanced with new or changed grids, in which case the customized grid layouts would need to be recreated toinclude or excluded any new columns.To restore the layout for the grid, right-mouse click on any line in the grid and select Restore Installation Grid Layoutfrom the pop-up menu. When the next drill down is performed for the specific grid, the original layout will be used,exposing all columns, sizes and displays.Copy / Paste operations:Copy / Paste operations performed on most drill down grids will only process those columns that are visible. Hiddencolumns will be ignored. In addition, any repositioning of columns due to customization will be honored. In otherwords, WYSIWYG is in effect.Global Software, Inc.

Drill Down Functionality 36may need to be redone starting <strong>with</strong> the installed default layout. In addition, the <strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Server</strong> product may beenhanced <strong>with</strong> new or changed grids, in which case the customized grid layouts would need to be recreated toinclude or excluded any new columns.To restore the layout <strong>for</strong> the grid, right-mo<strong>use</strong> click on any line in the grid and select Restore Installation Grid Layoutfrom the pop-up menu. When the next drill down is per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>for</strong> the specific grid, the original layout will be <strong>use</strong>d,exposing all columns, sizes and displays.Copy / Paste operations:Copy / Paste operations per<strong>for</strong>med on most drill down grids will only process those columns that are visible. Hiddencolumns will be ignored. In addition, any repositioning of columns due to customization will be honored. In otherwords, WYSIWYG is in effect.<strong>Global</strong> <strong>Software</strong>, Inc.

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