A new lower bound for (3/2)k - Wadim Zudilin

A new lower bound for (3/2)k - Wadim Zudilin

A new lower bound for (3/2)k - Wadim Zudilin


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A <strong>new</strong> <strong>lower</strong> <strong>bound</strong> <strong>for</strong> ‖(3/2) k ‖ 33. Padé approximations of the shifted binomial seriesFix two positive integers a and b satisfying 2a ≤ b. Formula (2) yields(6)( 32) 3(b+1) ( ) 27 b+1 (= = 3 b+1 1 − 1 ) −(b+1)8 9∑∞ ( )( ) b + k 1 k ∑∞= 3 b+1 = 3 b−2a+1b 9k=0k=0∑∞ ( ) b + k= an integer + 3 b−2a+1 3 2(a−k)k=a∑∞ ( a + b + ν≡ 3 b−2a+1 bν=0b)3 −2ν (mod Z).( b + kb)3 2(a−k)This motivates (cf. [4]) constructing Padé approximations to the function∞∑( ) ( ) a + b + ν a + b ∑ ∞(7) F (z) = F (a, b; z) =z ν =bbν=0and applying them with the choice z = 1/9.ν=0(a + b + 1) ν(a + 1) νz νRemark 1. The connection of F (a, b; z) with Beukers’ auxiliary seriesH(ã,˜b; z) from [4] is as follows:∑a−1( ) b + kF (a, b; z) = z((1 −a − z) −b−1 −)z k = H(−a − b − 1, a; z).bk=0Although Beukers considers H(ã,˜b; z) only <strong>for</strong> ã,˜b ∈ N, his constructionremains valid <strong>for</strong> any ã,˜b ∈ C and |z| < 1. However the diagonal Padéapproximations, used in [4] <strong>for</strong> H(z) and used below <strong>for</strong> F (z), are different.Taking an arbitrary integer n satisfying n ≤ b, we follow the generalrecipe of [5], [13]. Consider the polynomial(8)( ) ( )a + b + n −n, a + nQ n (x) =2F 1 a + b a + b + 1 ∣ xn∑( )( )a + n − 1 + µ a + b + n=(−x) µ =µ n − µµ=0n∑q µ x µ ∈ Z[x]µ=0

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